Clubhouse crazes

It’s cool to see that even in the heat of a division series, the Rays find time to keep things light in the clubhouse by using their iPad. This is a great read from Yahoo’s Jeff Passan and I think these are the types of stories that fans really like to read about because it shows the “other side” of the players.

I still remember when the Sudoku craze took over our clubhouse after Jose Cruz Jr. found one on a table in the clubhouse at Coors Field. And this year, Casey Blake was the guy always on top of crossword puzzles, often with the help of his Ivy League teammate, Brad Ausmus (among others).

As a PR person, it’s our job to find these cool stories and help share them with you guys, the fans, so we’ll keep working this year to come up with them and bring them to light.

On a side note, to answer the question that was asked about the Team Photo Calendar that was given away by the Heart Gallery folks – yes, there are amazing success stories from this program. Last year, I believe 26 kids were featured in the calendar and all but a few found homes through this project. How amazing is that? That’s part of why we agreed to do it again this year…

As for the NLCS…I’m not even sure who to root for in a Phillies/Giants series. Is it possible that neither team wins?!  Who are you all rooting for and what are your World Series predictions?


  1. koufax1963

    The Braves gave the giants that series, big errors led to big disappointment. I would of liked to see bobby cox take his team further. The phillies will not be so generous. I don’t think I could take it if the giants beat the phillies, their fans would throw that in the dodgers fans face. The SF Giants cannot win the 2010 , or 11,12,13… World Series!
    First time in my life, I say, Go Phillies!

  2. crzblue2

    I was the one that asked about the kids from Heart Gallery foundation. That is great to hear! You made my day! I will pass on the good news to friends of mine at work that have checked my calendars. that reminds me that I have to mail a couple of the extra calendars I have.
    Oh and Josh, they are no longer the Devil Rays, just the Rays.
    Thanks Josh!

  3. kpookiemon

    Let me get this straight… Logan White signs a new contract to remain with the Dodgers, providing he isn’t hired as a GM of the Mets or any other MLB team….and Tim Wallach signs a new contract to be part of Mattingly’s staff, providing he isn’t hired as manager of any other MLB team. The new and improved Dodger way to run an organization in the 21st century!!!!!!

  4. perumike

    Thanks for the post Josh! I am a huge Sudoku fan, but alas, no iPad to play with yet! In terms of the playoffs, I was hoping for the Reds, Braves, Twins and Rangers. So far 0 for 3, we’ll see about the other tonight. My main thing is wanting the Yankees, Giants and Phillies to lose (in that order). I would love to see the Rangers win as I really like Vladimir Guerrero, even though he played for the Angels. And Josh Hamilton continues to be a great story for baseball!

  5. trublu4ever

    I want the winner of the Rays/Rangers series to win it all. Cannot pull for the Phillies (except to knock off the Giants) and the Yankees (been there done that).

  6. crzblue2

    Oh yeah, I also do sudoku and crossword puzzles. Those are always mine from the newspaper. I got a few on the train hooked on sudoku and also on the jumble
    I would like the Rays to go all the way and if not them, then the Ranges.
    Did you happen to go to the free screening of Il Postino at the California Plaza in Downtown LA? It was showing last Saturday night. It was great being able to watch it outside. The cast showed up afterwards including Placido Domingo even though they had performed earlier in the day. It was in Spanish with English subtitles.

  7. thinkingblue

    Thanks for the post. I love Sudoku! Brain games are the best! As for which team to cheer for. Can we just have a big baseball protest and Null 2010 World series…. I don’t want to see the Giants, Phillies, or Yankees take it. I really don’t want to choose, don’t want to root for either one. But I prefer for the Phillies to win over the Giants and just because the Phillies have kicked our butt so many times, they are a great team. If the Giants win, we (Dodger’s fans) will never hear the end. Imagine, they will be gloating and throwing on our face how they were able to beat the Phillies. We are use to the Phillies winning so no biggie for me!

  8. enchantedbeaver

    My prediction is that the Dodgers won’t see the World Series for the next 20 years, maybe ever as long as Frank ‘n Family own the team. Who gives a crap about anyone else?

    Nice to see the premium rail seats jump up in price. Too bad Frank didn’t think of it while Torre was the manager or he’d have made a fortune off him.


    I’m not rooting for anybody, but as I posted a week or so ago, my pick is Philadelphia for the whole thing.


    I am not rooting for any particular team. If I had to pick, it would have been the Reds. As most of you I don’t want to see the Phillies or the Giants advance but if the Giants are fortunate enough to beat the Phillies, so be it. There isn’t anything any of us can do about it. Remember, the last two Dodger championship teams were not considered the best team but they found a way to win. If the Giants can do that with the castoffs and retreads they have, bully for them. Sad to say, that great Dodger tradition of winning we like to talk about in comparison to the Giants is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

    As for the blog suggesting the Dodgers aquire Adam Dunn, I have only this to say. Dodger Stadium is where home run hitters come to die. It always has been and still is a pitcher’s park. Yes, home runs are hit there and the Dodgers do need some sock. But every time the Dodgers bring in a proven power hitter, something bad happens, if not right away but soon after. The real failure is the Dodgers inability to draft and develope a power hitter or two for a long time. When they did have one, they traded him away in what could be called the dumbest move ever (see Mike Piazza and Fox ownership).

    Finally, I see some comments about the Dodgers raising some ticket prices. I am happy to say that the season tickets I use have not changed in price.

  11. enchantedbeaver

    McCourts fail to settle divorce; no new talks planned
    October 12, 2010 | 3:33 pm
    Frank and Jamie McCourt did not settle their divorce case after a second round of mediation last week with Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Peter Lichtman.
    The settlement talks extended for about four hours Saturday, according to court spokesman Allan Parachini. No further talks were scheduled, Parachini said.
    In the absence of a settlement, Judge Scott Gordon has until Dec. 28 to rule whether Frank is the sole owner of the Dodgers, based on a 2004 agreement between the McCourts. Jamie has asked Gordon to throw out the agreement.
    If he does, Frank already has notified the court that he plans to seek a second trial, this one to argue that the Dodgers are his sole property because he bought them using a company he established before the McCourts married.
    Victoria Cook, an attorney for Frank, said such a trial could be completed in one day because all the necessary evidence already is in the court record.
    Mike Kump, an attorney for Jamie, said such a trial could take up to 60 days and in any case would require the collection of a significant amount of new evidence.
    The two sides could resume settlement talks at any time. Dennis Wasser, an attorney for Jamie, said on the final day of trial that his ?best guess? was that the parties would settle after Gordon rules.
    — Bill Shaikin and Carla Hall

    That’s our Frank.


    E, I am afraid Frank will eventually get his wish this way. He will appeal to Jamie that the only way their sons can one day inherit the Dodgers is for Frank and Jamie to come to an agreement where Frank keeps the team and pays Jamie off with future revenues from the Dodgers. She gets the big payday she wants, he keeps the team in the family, and we all pay for it. Frank loves the buy now, (maybe) pay later with someone else’s money way of doing business. That is our Frank. He probably had it planned this way right from the start. Not sure why Jamie would trust Frank but maybe she is greedy and insecure enough to take some risk.

  13. nellyjune

    Perumike – I am 0-3 in my picks too, and if the Rays win, it will be 0-4.

    Out of the four teams remaining, the Phillies really do seem the strongest, and I have tried, really tried to be a friendly Dodger fan towards the gnat fans, but it just ain’t happenin’ right now (family members included). So, I say screw the Giants and their fans!!! I hope the Phillies knock their ***** out in 4 straight, and the way this AL game is going right now, I am hoping for a Rangers/Phillies matchup. As for the World Series matchup between Rangers and Phillies, it’s a toss up for me. On one hand, it would be great to see Texas win since they never have, but if you think back to the All-Star game, the NL finally won homefield advantage, and it would be great to have the NL win the World Series too. So, as long as those two teams are in the World Series, I can honestly see me hoping for both teams to win for different reasons (at this time at least).

    All I care about now is the Phillies taking care of the gnats. All these so-called gnat fans (who can’t even name the players on the roster or watch the last 10 minutes of the game claiming to be a fan all of a sudden) are annoying as hell, and they need to go home and look at their empty trophy case for the 55th straight year 🙂

  14. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Well, neither NLDS series went the way I wanted. I thought that the Reds would?ve put up more of a fight, but give credit where credit is due; the Phillies are a good team. We all know how tough it is to beat them. And I REALLY thought that the Braves would win the series. Yes, part of it was the Dodger fan in me that wanted the gnats to be obliterated, but for me, the Braves? wildcard is none other than Mr. Cox himself. I thought the Braves would?ve pulled the series win out and send Bobby out with a bang! But when Billy Wagner went down, their BP by committee didn?t really work out. For me, I have NO problem jumping onto the Phillies bandwagon for the NLCS. Dodger fans will never hear the end of it from gnat fans if they knock off the Phillies and go to the WS. Nelly, if that happens, God forbid, I?ll be praying for you and your sanity!

    And as far as the AL is concerned, I didn?t really care. I thought the Twins would?ve put up more a fight, and I like the Rays as a team and ballclub, but the only thing I was ?rooting? for is for the Yankees not to win.

    With all that said,

  15. nellyjune

    Okay, now I officially want it to be a Rangers/Phillies matchup.

    CP – I agree!!! The Phillies are a great team from top to bottom, and let’s hope it is a lesson to Frank on how a team should be run. I know………….wishful thinking once again. Like Phan said earlier in the week, it can’t be a fun/intense rivalry if the Dodgers can’t even compete so we need an owner who wants to compete so the rivalry can continue as planned.

  16. enchantedbeaver

    I tell you, we need to star the Blue Tea Party in ernest – we are not alone.
    I would say to all those planning an outing to watch a game, find an alternative – a minor league game perhaps, or a picnic, or spend the day with your family doing whatever.
    There’s a scene at the end of Field of Dreams where James Earl Jones character says something about “they’ll just hand over their money without even thinking.” (paraphrased) THAT’S what Frank counts on and ultimately goes to the bank on.
    Just say NO.

  17. nellyjune

    Great minds think (or read) alike. I don’t think many “think” like you (creatively anyway). You are one of a kind 🙂


    If I could have one wish..I wish that on opening day the stadium was completely empty.. If you have season seats please do not renew them. If you plan on going to a game, don’t we need this scumbag out of LA. Logan White will be the next to escape.

  19. dodger 32

    Who cares who wins if the Dodgers aren’t playing. They might be playing in it if they had an owner that cared about winning rather than taking money out of the team to do his beautiful hair. Hey Josh, why don’t you mention about ticket prices going up? And they should, after all Jamie needs her nails done, or another swimming pool in one of her 7 houses.


    I’m out in Utah:
    1. Do I have to quit watching them on TV?
    2. If I can still watch do I have to wear a bag?
    Well, hope springs eternal, and I’ll no doubt watch them next season all I can. We can only hope the team is sold.
    Josh, it goes without saying your efforts here are appreciated.

  21. kpookiemon

    Boy, this post-season has become a no-brainer for me. Texas, Texas, Texas. The axis of evil (Phils, Gnats, Yanks) can fall into the sea, for all I care. Hope the NLCS goes seven games, and each game is an extra-inning marathon. Chew both teams into bits and pieces. As for the Yankees…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  22. 636566cy

    Josh – I think one thing I would like to see if more on the state of the Dodgers from a business standpoint this offseason. Great tidbit about the clubhouse stuff, but I think many of us want to know how our checking accounts are going to be impacted next season. Why don’t you invite season ticket holders to a town hall meeting so we can have our chance to speak to management? I don’t really care to read about other teams on this blog because this is a Dodgers blog. I can find congrats for guys like Halladay on other sites.

  23. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Nelly ? Yeah, the Phillies are a great team. I know they blew us out two years in a row, but there?s a reason for that. We had good teams (in those years) but their team was and is better. I honestly don?t see anyone getting past them. But the yanks did last year. Like I said, I?m hoping that it?s going to be a TX/Philly series. Yeah, I read the exchange between you and Phan, and I even went over to their blog to read what you said. No, I didn?t post, but it?s funny how times have changed. I actually welcome Phan?s comments these days. Much different than when we first met.

    And to comment on something you posted a while ago, and just haven?t commented, was the video with Andre and Power 106. Andre doesn?t blame the owners for their play in 2010. As far as I?m concerned, whatever happens on the field happens on the field and yes, the players are responsible for what we see between the lines. But I?m not giving Frank a pass; not by a long shot. I don?t think the line couldn?t be any clearer that Frank?s tight grasp on his wallet has certainly hindered our inability to obtain key players that would?ve made a HUGE difference in fielding a team that had a much better chance of winning more consistently. So if that DJ asked me that question, I?d say, ?I blame the owners for not giving the team the tools necessary to win consistently.?


    Sorry folks, I just cannot give up my portion of the season ticket partnership I have been involved with for quite some time. I will renew and attend my usual 10-12 games next season. I will do this because I enjoy being at the games and it is just part of what I do. We rarely spend any money at the games on food or other stuff so the only money I pay is for the tickets and parking. Maybe the day will come when I have had enough or just cannot handle the physical part of attending games but I certainly will not tolerate being called an idiot by T.J. Simers for “supporting” teams just because they don’t win. I also have season tickets for UCLA football so I get a double whammy from Simers for being stupid enough to support two programs that fall below his standards.

    I object to Simers telling anyone he or she is an idiot for supporting teams that fail to win. Simers can be a great wirter but his whole shtick depends on failure, not success. He doesn’t pay for tickets and he can afford to be unemotional about his subjects. To be fair, he will criticize people he actually likes but his goal is to get under the skin of his subject. He is a sportswriter, not a fan. I am a fan and will continue to support my teams even when it is difficult to do so. I know all of you understand.

  25. dodger 32

    I continue to support the team also, but I won’t put a dime in that low life McCourts pockets. I’d rather watch it on TV. The only way to force him out is by not attending games.

  26. trublu4ever

    If you don’t go to games, it’s the players you are dissing…not mccourt. I am ticked off big time at the way he has driven our team into the ground, but, I still love MY Dodgers. If I lived close enough, I would go to games for Andre, Matt, James and whoever else is playing for us.


    I don’t think one has to attend games to support the team. Many fans cannot afford tickets or live far away. Just look at all the folks on ITD who seldom if ever attend games. A lot of those people buy Dodger jerseys, shirts, etc. Just remember even if you just watch on TV , you may still be “putting money” in someone’s pockets just by being accessible to advertisers because ratings help determine what advertisers pay to pitch their wares.

  28. nellyjune

    I don’t know if you realize this, but “Don’t Stop Believing” is the Giants 2010 Anthem. Interesting….

  29. dodger 32

    I totally support the players, just not the owner. I can’t see him using our money for himself rather than to put it back into the team like other big market team owners do. Remember this is a big market team that’s been well supported by it’s fans with a great turnout year after year no matter if they win or lose. As an owner of a sports team which in a way is a public trust, he owes it to those fans that do come out to the park to try and spend whatever it takes to put a winner on the field, not take out money from the team and spend it on houses and his and Jamie’s hair.

  30. trublu4ever

    Nellyjune ~ I saw that about the anthem….many have suggested that they never play it again at Dodger Stadium. So, I think we should come up with a new theme song and pass it along to Josh. You know how the front office respects what we have to say 🙂

  31. kpookiemon

    I’d go to more games if I lived closer or had access to better seats. In the old days I shared a great box…no more. I’m not quite the fanatic I used to be, but I’m close. My hope is that Frank’s so freaking embarrassed and humiliated that he’ll at least keep baseball profits in the team, as opposed to Jamie’s piggy bank or some Lear jet. The Dodgers are so much bigger than Frank McCourt. I dismiss him. And I dare Kershaw, Billingsley, Broxton, Ethier, Kemp amd Loney to have career years in 2011.

  32. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Birk ? Don?t apologize for renewing your tickets. As you can tell, many of us on ITD have very differing views on whether to attend or not. And no, I am NOT going to get back on my soapbox with regards to that subject; I?m done doing that. And hey, I?m a UCLA fan too. No, I never attended, and yes, I have plenty of family members that attended both UCLA and USC. But I?ve always like UCLA because, true to form, I liked the color of their jerseys ? the same color as my El Camino Real High School!!! 🙂

    And about a new theme song? Well, it wouldn?t be that new, but I?ve noticed that last few times I?ve attended DS that they play “Don’t Stop Believing” but they don?t always play Bon Jovi?s ?Living on a Prayer? lately. Maybe they can reprise that song!!! I LOVE Bon Jovi!!!

  33. cpompe1

    And birk, you?re right. Even if one watches the Dodgers play on TV, that act alone is lining the pockets of the advertisers who, in turn, line Frank?s pockets too. Not many people think of that angle either?

  34. nellyjune

    Submission Error Hell 😦

    What about the charities? Do you think charities will suffer because of Frank’s mishandling of funds? I used to spend money on the auctions for charity all the time. I would say I would be very leary of spending it now.

    Dodger32 – good point.

    If Frank wants to get “some” respect back, it would be in his best interest to fullfill Andre’s wishlist………………………..some “good” pitching to help Kersh and Billz and perhaps a bat, but I am not convinced we need that. I think Andre and Matt can be those guys if given the right pitching staff. We have seen this whole playoff series it’s about the pitching and timely hitting. I am confident Andre and Matt (and James) will find that timely hitting. This past year was just a combination of a whole bunch of things going bad all at once, including our owner.

    CP – Yep, I am very aware that Steve Perry (Journey) is a gnat fan. “When the Lights Go Out in the City” is about SF.

  35. cpompe1

    And Nelly, I forgot to comment, but when you ask about the charities, I would be wary of donating because of Frank?s mishandling. Being from a non-profit background, I know that his charities will suffer.

  36. nellyjune

    We obviously have enough relevance for you to take the time to be on here…………………….

    So, in that case………………………..PHILLIES……….KICK SOME GIGANTE ASSSS!!!!!

    ……….and remember when it’s all said and done, we will make sure to remind you of your EMPTY trophy case 🙂

  37. Dodger4life

    I think we all are frustrated with the ongoings of our ownership, I know I sure am!!!
    I understand both sides of the boycott thing. Not wanting to give up your seats that you’ve worked most of your life to obtain, and wanting to make Frank struggle to the point that he abandons his post as caretaker of our beloved Dodgers.
    I do think that Frank is hanging on by a mere thread though.
    I also think that with some luck, or strategic planning, he can find a way to hang on till a better day. Ticket sales at the stadium and attendance, tie in far more to sponsorship than anywhere else. The Stadium is the theatre, it is the show when talking about advertisements.
    A total boycott is unrealistic to begin with, it’s just not going to happen. Low attendance on the other hand is a real possibilty, and should create better opportunities for the paying public at some point. I read that the powers that be, believe that the low attendence in the upper deck, were due to better opportunities in other areas of the stadium. They may be right, I couldn’t say. Seems to me though, that if this were true, they wouldn’t raise the prices in the area that is struggling they would make it more appealing. I know they said that season ticket holders, will get free access to avenues of the stadium that would otherwise be unavailable, and they will make a section of the parking lot available to them at a reduced price. I suppose that is somewhat appealing, although you are paying a premium price for your everyday seats, in the upper deck and certain areas of the stadium ( front rows of sections) to begin with.
    If the tickets in the in the upper deck were $4 per game last season and are now $6 per game, how many need to be sold to retain last seasons revenue figures ( without factoring in the walk up figures? ) The perks given along with your season tickets, won’t cut into Franks profit margin one bit. They expect to have plenty available to begin with……If anything it will spur spending in those sections when you visit them. Is this smart on Franks part, sure……Many will be satisfied with the benefits they have recieved ( Will this guaratee that Frank does his best to field a winner? ) Could the benefits be increased??? Of course, just as Jamie is holding out for a better pay day, so can we…….Will it cost us in the way of whom we put on the field, could be…will it cost us in the way of who stays put, that is already on the field….. could be as well.
    The Dodger faithful have become predictable……So much so that a strategic thinker along the lines of Frank McCourt can do as he wishes and with a little bit of adjustment or manuevering be successful.
    I may be totally wrong here……but I would bet all of Franks money ( if he has any ) that he believes in us, more than we beleive in him.
    Watching the playoffs so far this season, really makes me wonder? What would of happened if Frank would of lived up to his word of (Whatever It Takes To Win A Championship!)
    I know the Boy’s say that this had no bearing on what transpired, yet we are talking about the man, that at the present time, feeds thier families. Although Frank doesn’t feed mine, nor does he feed most of yours. Seems to me, he needs us more than we need him. In saying this, I believe that making him show it, is the best option available. One that will bring the faithful, far better days, even if it isn’t tomorrow or the day after.
    I don’t think any of the players will hold a grudge against, the people who care enough to bring about change. It may make them more appreciative of what a great city and what a great bunch of fans it has. After all they are being told to adjust thier attitudes for the better, regardless of the predictament.
    Frank isn’t gonna give up without a fight but right now he is merely shadow boxing.
    Watching the Gnats and the Fear the Beard thing they have adopted/hi-jacked……..reminds me of the 70’s when pop’s would darken his stache with mom’s mascara…….Casey, thanks for not going all Cover Girl on us!!!
    lbirken as alway’s, I admire and appreciate your honesty
    Keep it Real!!!! Dodgerland!!!

  38. enchantedbeaver

    I know this isn?t going to sit well with a lot of people, but I?m going to say it anyway?

    If you enjoy the baseball strictly for the love of the sport and don?t care who?s even playing or who wins, then go to the stadium and have a blast. I don?t attend any games, but hockey?s like that for me. I can sit and watch any game, any teams and not care who wins or loses, but watch purely for the enjoyment of the sport.
    Likewise, if a person likes the $15 parking, stale food, deafening music, advertising on the outfield walls, inflated ticket prices, and Ryan Theriot, George Sherrill et al, that?s fine too (its not my Dodger Stadium experience – mine was Garvey, Lopes, Russell and Cey, security was a young usher in a straw hat, and Helen Dell was playing for the crowd.) BUT at the same time, don?t complain about the team or the management or the ownership because those dollars go to support it. Frank doesn?t take money from anyone who doesn?t willingly hand it over. And THAT is what he and his creditors rely on to ride all the way to the bank.
    Non-attendance trickles down also. If you?re an advertiser, whether at the stadium or in the programs or on TV and there aren?t people there to see it, the advertiser isn?t going to be so willing to hand over tens of thousands for no payoff.
    Also, a person can support the players and the team without attending the games – ask anyone long distance from L.A. But that too is a false argument for attending. I?d be willing to bet that every single one of the core players on the current team will bolt the first chance they get. Not only because of the turmoil, but because players nowadays are nothing more than mercenaries, some more/some less than others, but mercenaries just the same. In other words, they seldom return the loyalty.
    What we?re in is siege warfare. Frank?s willing to bet future revenues he can outlast the fans that he arrogantly takes for granted. As fans I feel we have to starve Frank of what it is he needs ? our money.
    Now I?ll grant you, its easy for me because I don?t go to the games or buy merchandise anyway, but for those that do, that?s the challenge. If you feel that no matter what you do Frank?s going to win anyway and you?re resigned to that, then in effect he?s already won. But all [I think] I know is that Frank will only own the Dodgers as long as its profitable. When it gets to a point where its more profitable to sell because the expenditures exceed the revenue, that?s what he?ll do. Remember his debt isn?t because of the franchise. The franchise is keeping him afloat. If you stick a pin in his little floatie so that it doesn?t support his weight, then he sinks.


    E and dodger4life, I agree with everything you said. For some it is easy to stay away and for others it would be too big a sacrafice. I agree and knew all along the fans and perhaps employees of the Dodger organization were in a no win situation no matter how the dust settles between the McCourts. I believe fans started to react earlier this season. I have not seen attendance figures but clearly there were a lot of empty seats at games I attended. These seats may have been sold but no one used them. So the team was deprived of the parking, food, etc. But I sadly agree that Frank can probably hang on for a long time even if attendance suffers a bit. We will just have to wait and see.

    As for the “Dodger hating Gigante” fan: Enjoy yourself while you can. No need to spend time here gloating; we understand your glee at beating the Dodgers since you have no history of beating anyone else or winning much of anything. We admire your relatively new ballpark that is on its third corporate name (by the way, as I recall the Dodgers spoiled the christening of that ballpark but I digress) while our Dodgers still play in an old but pristine ballpark that for the most part still looks like it opened yesterday. We lament the fact that it is unlikely we will ever see a pitcher blown off the mound by the wind or a game impacted by fog at Dodger Stadium. We certainly do appreciate the steroid using superstar who was pretty much all you had and for so many years and the current long haired pot smoking superstar pitcher you have now. We are a bit jealous that your castoffs outplayed our castoffs but such is the way of the world these days. So go enjoy yourself, you earned it.

  40. kpookiemon

    Great posts, gents. I’d be going to a lot of games if I lived a bit closer…but more important, if my buddy hadn’t given up his box seat a few years back, when prices were raised in conjunction with more rows being added up front. Traveling an hour to sit in the nosebleed section doesn’t thrill me anymore. I understand the Dodger experience. It is a wonderful break from reality, Frank notwithstanding. As a younger man, I did it all the time. The Dodgers are a universe compared to Frank McCourt’s sub-atomic particle and we need to remember that.

    As for the Gnat troll, very soon your team will be equally as irrelevant as the Dodgers…and believe me, the Dodgers are very irrelevant right now.

  41. northstateblues

    Frank McCourt doesn’t need Dodger fans.

    Frank McCourt needs 40,000-56,000 people willing to pay $15 for parking + $13 (or higher) per ticket + $4.75 for a Dodger Dog, $4 for a soda and $10-$275 on souvenirs.

    He doesn’t need us. All us “old” fans can go jump off the San Pedro bridge for all he cares, makes more room for the Spongebob/Star Wars/Kings/Hooters/etc. fans who won’t be able to scrunch into Bleacher Beach.

    He doesn’t need any of us.

    He needs the people who would take our place.

    If he REALLY wanted us, he’d tread lightly when changing Dodger traditions instead of having all the subtlety of a Category 5 hurricane, blaming the True Blue Fans who speak out (if he even acknowledges us) like the fat cat politicians in my town who blame the people who do vote for the policies they’ve enacted (as opposed to those 80% plus who don’t), including turning off 50% of the cities’ streetlights unless a resident ponies up $150 for the streetlight they wish to turn on (that our taxes pay for anyway).

    Frank McCourt doesn’t need Dodger fans.

    Frank McCourt needs money.

    Money is not exclusive to Dodger fans.

    Conscientious Dodger Fans who wish to boycott will have their seats filled by those who would mistake our owner as the author of “Angela’s Ashes”, and would just as well go to an Angels game.

    The saddest thing is watching the straggling pockets of ultra-optimistic Dodger fans cracking like the rest of us. And then waiting for Frank McCourt to pay attention, only to find out he’s going to defer the disbursement of a moment’s attention over the next 50 years.

    By the way, don’t you just LOVE the way our Fearless Leader is trying to pawn off blame on Mannion like it was solely his fault the team had its downfall? Genius. Evil genius, but still, genius.

  42. mccourtbgone

    Enchantedsunset, I am totally with you. I enjoy your posts BTW.

    However, a total boycott is not realistic but also not needed. A partial boycott will force the hand of the McCourts.
    Almost every dime that is made at Dodgers Stadium goes to pay off his debts. With only a ten to fifteen percent decline in attendance in 2011 in can seriously damage Frank’s hold on ownership. Remember, he has failed to secure a badly needed loans to help keep him afloat this last year. Also, his own personal bank account according to court records dipped to just over 100K.
    This is a guy that is on the brink of financial disaster.The pressure needs to be put on him to sell. He has already borrowed money from a family member to continue to pay Jamie during the divorce.
    I do feel for all the long time season ticket holders, I understand your position, but if even just those that casually spends a couple hundred or a thousand dollars a year like i do stay away, it really could effect change.
    I also feel visible public outrage such as protesters on opening day outside the gates will garner much media attention. Lets kick this guy out of town! We can break Frank!
    Lets pull together and save our beloved Dodgers!


    it’s not about winning. It’s about the fact he is by plan destroying the franchise and raping it of tradition and resources. He is raising prices and lowering payroll via his plan. It’s all out there for us to see via the court documents. He would be willing to dump the franchise yesterday if it wasn’t making him money, He can care less about winning. Just the money. Fine he is a business man I get it but the dodgers mean more to the city and baseball to be treated that way. It’s not conjecture. Seriously when we are the clippers, don’t gripe. Cause it’s coming. The GM has no clue right now on 2011. He admits it. 4th place if were lucky.

  44. nellyjune

    Some fabulous posts today ITD readers and writers!!!! I must say lbirken, your comments were well worth the two cents.

    I think Frank really has us, the real fans, in a catch 22 situation…………….damned if we do go to the games and damned if we don’t. I, like many, have an easier time with it because of my distance from Dodger Stadium. However, being the distance I am gives me the opportunity to still see the Dodgers play without giving Frank money by seeing them play at AT&T Park. I really do feel enchanted is right in the fact if Frank doesn’t change anything over the off-season in terms of really working on our wish list for “good, solid” pitching and possibly a bat, what is left of our core young guns will find other teams that can help them at least see a future in getting to the post-season once again. Billz and Kersh are great, but they can’t do it alone.

  45. trublu4ever

    I have a question: If you purchase Dodger gear from an outside source (E-bay, Baseball Fanatics, etc.) does Frank still get any of my money?

  46. enchantedbeaver

    I’m going to go out on a limb here Tru, but I’d say possibly only in a roundabout way, but that would depend how the seller obtained the merchandise they’re selling. Would Frank directly get any of your money – no. Even if the seller bought directly from Frank though, that deal’s already done, so regardless of if you buy from the seller, Frank’s already got his cut. Only thing your money might contribute towards is the seller buying another batch of items from Frank, which if that’s part of their business, they’re going to do anyway.
    In conclusion, Frank sucks.

  47. nellyjune

    So much for buying that Andre Ethier light switch cover off e-Bay- LOL!!!!!! I will blame Collie for that idea – LOL!!!! I actually don’t think that item had anything to do with Frank. I think it was just a creative person trying to have a fun time with Andre’s photos because the best cover is a picture of him right after he struck out to make the third out and does his throwing/flipping the bat thing. He is pretty handsome even when he is mad.

  48. enchantedbeaver

    I think you’d be safe buying that Tru. Just don’t let Frank know or he’ll probably sue the vendor for copyright infringement.
    Wonder how the Los Doyers? things going for Frank? Geez, no chance of knock-offs on those 🙂
    Frank Sucks? <—– backoff people, this one’s mine!!!

  49. kpookiemon

    How apropos the Dodgers’ owner is named Frank McCourt. He is, after all, most comfortable in his favorite milieu–the court room. Taking a page from McDonald’s (a name completely ingrained in our language), perhaps we could show Frank equal respect and affection. For example, we could refer to our highest judicial chamber as the Supreme McCourt, or if one wants to woo a potential mate, one might McCourt and McSpark that person.

    Not sure what any of this means, but I’m so done with the Phils, Gnats and Yanks that I can’t seem to muster any enthusiasm at all for baseball. Or maybe I’m just McBlue over this whole ownership McFiasco.

  50. crzblue2

    Hello ITD!
    I’ve been busy at work and last night I went to see The Marriage of Figaro. Second opera in a week!
    I know one of the guys from the LF pav that T.J. mentioned in his rticle a few days back. I know they are not happy with the increase so we’ll see who do we see come back next year. I think that is too much money fans have to spend to sit in the pavilions if you buy the tix on game day. . And why should you penalize the loyal fans in the first row that have had the tix for so many years?

  51. lny4loney

    I wanted to chip in late with my memory of the Gibson home run.
    I was at Humboldt State University living in a private dorm-like apartment managed by an overwhelmed older couple (HSU was — and probably still is — more Berkeley than Berkely). I was watching the game in the “TV room”. When Gibson hit the homer, I went absolutely berserk!!! The old guy came out to and asked me who was making all the racket. I said, “I think they went that way.”
    As a sidenote, my mom gave me the best ever Christmas present that December, and my dad missed the chance to give me an even better one (they’re divorced). My mom taped on VHS the entire World Series and the last game or two of the NLCS. Wow! I’ve watched Gibson’s homer countless times, and watched all of Game 1 at least 10 times (although not in a while). My dad, who was much wealthier, for some reason asked me early in October what I wanted for Christmas. At first I had no response, but when the Dodgers made the Series, I asked him to take my brother — leekfink, then 12 years old — to a World Series Game as MY present. Geography prohibited my own attendance. He looked into it and found seats for $75 each, but not being a baseball fan or having much understanding of his sons, he passed and bought me $200 of forgettble crap. Oh yeah, the tix he passed on — Game 1.

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