Congrats, Roy Halladay

Wow…what a performance from Halladay in his first ever postseason appearance. Quite a way to kick off the 2010 playoffs. It’s very strange watching on TV after being a part of it the last two seasons, but MLB has to be thrilled with the way the first two games have gone.

On a side note, Matt Magill is up for the “Best Class-A Starting Pitcher” award on He pitched for the Great Lakes Loons, which was the best team in minor league baseball this year so vote now and keep checking back at for the other categories, which are upcoming (Best Hitter, Best Reliever, Best Game and Best Team).


  1. enchantedbeaver

    You know, that’s probably someone’s job now – lugging around that cardboard cut-out of Frank for photo ops. Maybe we can get some conversation bubbles made up for cardboard Frank and fasten them on with velcro so he has different things to say for different occasions.

    Something like, “Hey Little Joe you think we can get Brox to play Hoss?” Or maybe, “Look Donnie, you’re standing next to Dick Dastardly. Hope we don’t run into Jamielope Pistoff.”

  2. enchantedbeaver

    Hi Wally!!

    I would like to thank Frank and Ned for getting us 20-game winners C.C. Sabathia and Roy Halladay. Oh wait. Make that the Ortizi and Haeger, without whom we wouldn’t be where we are today – sitting on ourasses and watching the playoffs.

  3. nellyjune

    A big congratulations to Roy Halladay for his No-Hitter today. I allowed my class to have sneak peaks at the two games throughout the day, and they were having fun watching. I will have to make sure I show them the end of that Phillies/Reds game.

  4. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Bear – is it me or in that pix you posted on the last thread does it look like they just put a cardboard cut-out of Frank next to Little Joe?

  5. nellyjune

    It is actually nice seeing O-Dog actually playing in a playoff game. Boy, did the Dodgers really screw that up. He just got a base hit too :))

  6. phan52

    Thanks for the kind words on the Philly blog, nellyjune. It was an awesome day in Philly.
    I hope you can get rid of the miserable owners that continue to hold your Dodgers team back. We had quite a rivalry there for a few years and it’s a shame that the ownership is screwing up a good thing in LA.

  7. nellyjune

    You are most welcome Phan!! Good baseball is good baseball. It’s great to see good players do what they do best. Also, thanks for your comment about our owner. It’s good to know it is not just Dodger fans that are disgusted with our owners.

  8. kpookiemon

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ….Yawn………can’t wait for the Phils vs. Yanks…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. In this, the ME (McCourt Era), I’m all for a salary cap (what Dodger fan wouldn’t be, right now???). Baseball is really getting ridiculous with the same old, same old. Congrats to Halladay. He’s waited a long time and he’s a class act.

  9. dodger 32

    That’s the difference between really being committed to winning and lying about it like Frank and that fool Ned do. The Phils are committed to winning, the lying low life owner and lying management here are committed to making the McCourts or should I say McCourt money to spend on themselves!

  10. thinkingblue

    Congratulations to Roy Halladay! That last inning gave the chills. It was fascinating to watch!
    The playoffs are not the same without the Dodgers! :0(

  11. nellyjune

    It is very difficult to watch the playoffs without the Dodgers involved, and it will be especially difficult tonight when the Gnats take the field 😦

    GO BRAVES!!!!!

  12. thinkingblue

    That really sucks! I heard Fresno just had a Big fair yesterday and it was all Orange & Black, full of Gnats fans. Scary!

  13. crzblue2

    A tip of my Dodger hat to Doc Halladay! Congratulations to him, the Phillies and all their phans.
    I forgot what I was googling that I found they unveiled a statue of bud Selig in Milwaukee. Good grief! I did not click on the link but whatever for?


    Emma, our esteemed owner was in Milwaukee for the unveiling of that statue. Not sure what Mr. Selig has done to deserve a statue other than the wild card system, which is a good thing and All Star Game winning league getting home field advantage for the World Series, which is a stupid thing. I am sure Frank was there to support his good buddy as payback for allowing Frank and Jamie to tip toe around MLB’s rules for ownership.

  15. enchantedbeaver

    Birk – not only did Selig help Frank tip toe around the rules for ownership, but Selig let Frank have a pass on interviewing minorities for the managers position by letting Frank use the Dodgers good name and past reputation of racial equality and firsts to get an exemption from the rule. A history I might add that Frank had absolutely no hand in building. I find that insulting to those that actually were a part of that storied history to have a carpetbagger use it just to circumvent the rules.

    I also find it amusing that Frank “pressured” Selig to try and stop Atre Moreno from using Los Angeles in part of Angel’s name. As we can see though both Frank and Bud were as effectual there are they are everywhere else.


    E, I am not so concerned about the tip toe around the minority interview rule. I believe the same rule exists for the pros and colleges and these organizations find ways around it all the time. I understand the reason for such rules but I find it a bit condenscending to require interviews of certain candidates on the basis of race when in fact that candidate has no legitimate chance for the job no matter what his or her race may be.

    However, I do find it a bit ironic that we are being asked to vote for a 31 round draft choice single A player for pitcher of the year while the Dodgers are at home watching teams with superior pitching compete in the playoffs.

    And finally, I will go on record as saying I am not an Arte Moreno fan. Yes, he has done a good job as owner although his team also disappointed this season. I have a big problem with him dissing Anaheim and his fans by trying to associate the Angels with the city of Los Angeles. Just about every Angel fan I have talked to about this (admittedly, I don’t know many) did not like the name change. Nobody says Disneyland is in Los Angeles and the Angels aren’t either.


    nelly-I think so. He should never have left.
    tru-I think so again. If the better players are just allowed to walk rather than pay them, I’ll be forced to wear a bag just to watch them on TV. Not the better players, just the ones stuck in LA until their contracts are up.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    Sorry Birk, the point I was clumsily trying to make was more that it was another example of Frank using the reputation and name of the Dodgers to get what he wants, even though he has no respect for that name or reputation, nor the people that built it. He treats it as if its just another thing he bought when he bought the franchise.

    Frank makes me want to puke.


    Nelly, just doing my part to keep the spirits up around here. Remember when I worried we would have nothing to talk about after JP was traded? You were the one who said, “I am sure we will come up with something.” Little did we know. Anyway, have a great evening, everyone and keep the faith.

  20. nellyjune

    Have a great evening yourself lbirken!!!! I always have faith in our players,mangagement………………………………not so much 🙂

  21. nedajerk

    I would’ve never had guess last night that Sabathia and Lee would win in the playoff at the same time and they were both on the Indians playoff team when they had a 3-1 Indians in the 2007 playoff series vs the Red Sox but Lee was injury.

  22. nellyjune

    Nothing like seeing all your rival teams (gnats, Yankees and Phillies) in the playoffs, but they are winning.

    SELL THE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE……………………..JUST SELL IT!!!!!!!!!

  23. nedajerk

    Actually you don’t know that Knoff considering I was shockthat even sign up away from the dback and lost a draft pick after Kent was going to retired and they should’ve had gave Dewitt the job from the start.

  24. nedajerk

    Gosh let’s me repeat that again and you don’t know that Knoff but I was shock they even sign him in the first place 2 years ago and lost a top draft pick after Kent was going to retired and they should’ve had gave Dewitt the job from the start.

  25. Dodger4life

    Here’s a thought…..Frank clearly needs an image boost, the fans need someone to believe in so, I propose that as Frank’s first big move as the guy in charge again, he……
    Fire Ned Coletti ( his scare tactics with the youngsters has grown weary.)
    The kids are mostly Logan Whites to begin with, so what better time to make your second big announcement, that you have given him the reigns, as the new GM.
    I am sure this would go along way with the fans and members of OUR Beloved Blue…..
    Or since we are dreaming big….you could just announce that you WILL sell the team…..and we can get someone else to do it!
    All the above would go along way in adjusting many attitudes.

  26. crzblue2

    Good morning ITD.
    All has been said about Frank, Ned so I won’t go there.
    The past two years the Dodger calendar has featured players with kids waiting to be adopted from It breaks my hear to see lots of siblings there. Are there any success stories of kids that have been adopted as a result of the calendars?
    I love the picture of Kemp with Ernie, Brittany, Beau, Ashton, Drew, & Brandon (ages 1-9). Love Andre jumping with Juaquin and Andre blowing gum bubbles with Denise. Also Kershaw with sisters Brenda, Tiffany & Danielle. The one of Jamey that looks like he is having a picnic with the kids is cute too.

  27. crzblue2

    Anyone got a link of a photo where Posey was out? I was telling a Giant fan and he is not believing me that he was out. Wish I would have taken a photo of the replay.

  28. nellyjune


    I honestly don’t think it can be said enough. The man needs to be gone, like yesterday. It’s ridiculous we (players, employees and fans) have to watch this happen.

  29. nellyjune


  30. dodger 32

    Hey Josh, do you ever worry that your pay check will bounce? If I’m working for that low life McCourt, I’d be plenty worried!


    I’ll try it again. Some of the stuff I post never makes it on here.
    ned- DeWitt was an asset, but I liked Hudson for his better defense. Now we get to see how it plays out for Dewitt in a Cubs uni and neither of us get what we want.
    Anyone think this deal with Mannion and assistants was a salary dump?

  32. kpookiemon

    Frank McCourt strikes me as a timid mouse (he’s been in hiding for how many months now??), so he hangs around Colletti, who’s a bully, to feel like a tough guy. Taking a cue from Dodger4life, maybe Frank should just promote Ned out of the GM spot and create two more meaningless positions (check out the fictional, payroll-sucking jobs given his two sons) for both Ned AND Joe. The three can sit around, swapping stories, while real baseball people call the shots…if there are any left in Dodgerland………..

    Happy 70th birthday, John Lennon. The Dodgers and the Beatles have always been my refuge.

  33. dodger 32

    Why would you think Colletti is a bully, he strikes me as a man who’s afraid of his job and is in over his head and also a very bad judge of talent, not a bully. I’m with you on the Beatles and also a happy birthday to John. I took up guitar because I was a big George Harrison fan.

  34. kpookiemon

    To me, he bullies the media with his gruff, condescending demeanor…and then uses the media to bully his players. Other than that, he’s a swell guy, a real peach.

  35. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!! Like tru said, it was great seeing the Giants lose last night. I didn’t watch the game. I had other plans and then I managed to get home just in time to say, “too bad your team lost”, very nicely I might add 🙂

    It wasn’t good to see the Reds implode like that last night. So, unless they make it just as difficult for the Phillies to play in their park and make it a game 5 matchup, the Phillies are moving on. I just hope they are playing the Braves. I think the Braves in their home park will be hard to beat. The Beat LA chant is pretty bad at AT&T Park (so what did the gnat fans do for the Braves?) , but I think the Tomahawk Chop is going to be a few decibels louder than normal (which is already high on the decibel chart). Hopefully that is enough to drive Sanchez, Lincecum and boys back to the bay by the end of the weekend.

  36. trublu4ever

    Good Morning my ITD friends. I slept much better last night after watching the Giants lose. And, what was even better, I didn’t have to listen to Kruk and Kuip (or, as I like to call them Krud and Krap!)
    Have a fantastic Saturday!

  37. trublu4ever

    Good Morning my ITD friends. I slept much better last night after watching the Giants lose. And, what was even better, I didn’t have to listen to Kruk and Kuip (or, as I like to call them Krud and Krap!)
    Have a fantastic Saturday!

  38. northstateblues

    From the progeny of Garv comes inspiration… must look at this animated GIF from for it to make sense (and for a good laugh in and of itself):

    Without any further ado, I give you Brian Wilson, singing “Gatorade Towels” (Apologies to the Beach Boys for butchering their classic “Good Vibrations”)


    Ohhh… I hate these horrible clothes we wear
    Even John Elway thinks we look like Minute Maids
    Ohhh… I hear the sound of inevitable deflation
    And there’s nothing left for me to do or say…

    I’m tearing up Gatorade towels
    So tight, no movement in my bowels
    I’m tearing up Gatorade towels
    So tight, no movement in my bowels
    (Mmm bop bop)I’m tearing up (Mm bop bop)Gatorade Towels
    (Mmm bop bop)So tight, no movement (Mm bop bop)in my bowels
    (Mmm bop bop)I’m tearing up (Mm bop bop)Gatorade Towels
    (Mmm bop bop)So tight, no movement (Mm bop bop)in my bowels

    Close my eyes, seems a little bit farther now
    Matt Cain weeps, the Baseball Fates just weren’t kind
    Lookin’ through my tearful eyes
    Posey skips with me into a blossom world

    I’m tearing up Gatorade towels
    So tight, no movement in my bowels
    I’m tearing up Gatorade towels
    So tight, no movement in my bowels
    (Mmm bop bop)I’m tearing up (Mm bop bop)Gatorade Towels
    (Mmm bop bop)So tight, no movement (Mm bop bop)in my bowels
    (Mmm bop bop)I’m tearing up (Mm bop bop)Gatorade Towels
    (Mmm bop bop)So tight, no movement (Mm bop bop)in my bowels

    Tearin’ up, tearin’ up, tearin’ up Gatorade towels (Mmm bop bop, mm bop bop)
    Tearin’ up, tearin’ up, tearin’ up Gatorade towels (Mmm bop bop, mm bop bop)
    Tearin’ up, tearin’ up, tearin’ up Gatorade towels (Mmm bop bop, mm bop bop)
    Tearin’ up, tearin’ up, tearin’ up Gatorade towels (Mmm bop bop, mm bop bop)

    Boo hoo hoo hoo hoooooo… boo hoo hoo…
    Boo hoo hoo hoo hoooooo… boo hoo hoo…


  39. nellyjune

    You are most welcome Kahli!!!

    Eventhough I was one of the ones who blamed the divorce for many of the team’s issues, I really appreciated Andre taking responsibility for not getting it done this season. I hope he gets his wish list filled. I think with a couple of good starting pitchers to help with Kersh and Billz, and a healthy Andre, Matt and James who can be in the middle of the lineup, it just might work. His wish of a power bat is a pretty good one, but it sounds like he and Matt don’t consider themselves ready to take the lead as power batsmen just yet. I think they can be with a good pitching core behind them.

    BTW – Tim Wallach has been hired as part of the coaching staff.

  40. nellyjune

    What a crazy day in the sports world!!!!
    Redskins beat the Packers 🙂
    Rangers lose 😦
    Denny had an okay day (considering where he started), Jimmie doesn’t win at Fontana :), but he’s still ahead in points 😦
    Cowgirls lose 🙂
    Chargers lose 😦 (to the Raiders even!)
    Braves lost 😦 (to the gnats – blah!!)

  41. nellyjune

    Since we aren’t in the playoffs, I do have some news……………..

    124 days until pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training, and 137 days until Spring Training games begin 🙂

  42. kpookiemon

    nelly, I’ve been a Dodger fan for 41 years, a Cowboys fan for 43 years, and I’m a UCLA alum. So………………………um, where do I find just a wee bit of optimism for any of these illustrious teams?

  43. nellyjune

    Kahli – I knew you were a UCLA Alum and obviously you are a Dodger fan, but I don’t think I knew you were a Cowboys fan. I knew Boblee was. Well, nobody in our division is doing that well, and your boys are far from out of anything at this point. So, I wouldn’t give up on them just yet 🙂

  44. trublu4ever

    Don’t feel bad Kahli. My hubby has been a Rams fan since they were in L.A. I’m a Saints fan and remember the paperbag days.

  45. kpookiemon

    I absolutely CAN NOT pull for the Phils. Sorry. Not that I want the Gnats. Let the Gnats choke in the World Series, but keep those SOBs from Philly from securing another NL crown. I’m rooting for the AL, no matter who it is.

    Read where the Dodgers offered Bunneynuts a contract…but he’s mulling it over. Mull away, Fredrick.

  46. nellyjune

    Hey Jhall!!!!! How about them Buckeyes holding the #1 spot for now anyway. The Ducks (Dodge16’s team) and the Broncos (Dodger4life’s team) are knocking on their door so it will make the season so very interesting to see how it all plays out.

    As for the Phillies, I am hoping they put the gnats through the same agony they put the Dodgers through. Their pitching (H2O) is amazing, and I hope they keep it up for another three games.

  47. nellyjune

    It is being rumored that Logan White is interviewing with the Mets for GM. However, he is interviewing with some pretty heavy competition………………….Alderson, Byrnes, Hahn, Baird (which are the ones made public so far).

  48. northstateblues

    Pay more money for all the crap that jerk has put the fanbase through?

    Pavillion seats jumping from $8 to $13?!

    Get used to those empty seats, you sawed-off chowderhead.

    Frank McCourt doesn’t give a damn about the Dodgers.

    AND he takes us for chumps.

    The Hooters girls might be in Bleacher Beach, but the real boobs are in the owner’s box.

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