Andre Ethier, In My Own Words

For all you Ethierholics, after tonight’s game on PRIME Ticket, stay tuned to see the premiere of “In My Own Words: Andre Ethier.”

Hosted by Steve Lyons, the half-hour show will take a look at Ethier’s breakout season in 2009, the mental approach he takes with each walk-off opportunity and what his first All-Star experience was like. The sit down interview will also feature Ethier’s passion for food and how the birth of his son Dreson has changed him.

Additional content beyond the sit-down interview includes Ethier back home in Arizona (attending his jersey retirement at Saint Mary’s High School), a mic’d up segment with the outfielder at this year’s All Star game, and two “Dining with ‘Dre” segments.

On a side note, Elias Sports Bureau sent us the following today…Ted Lilly, who allowed only two baserunners in seven innings in his Dodgers debut on Tuesday, is the only pitcher since 1900 to throw at least seven innings while allowing no more than two batters to reach safely (via hit, walk or hit by pitch) in his first game for the Dodgers.



    I hope Andre doesn’t use any of the words on his program like the ones I think he is using following his at bats lately. He really needs to slow it down and get back to basics.

    I was at the game last night and I doubt there were 38,000 people there. I know most of you would like to believe the lack of attendence is a reaction to ownership and perhaps there is some of that. But my guess is it is more because the Dodgers are just not that interesting right now. Hopefully that will change.


    NOT FAIR!! I have MLB ticket (I moved to TN)…. the broadcast cuts off as soon as the game is over! Boo 😦 I LOVE ANDRE!

  3. dodgereric

    Today’s pre-game quiz:

    “Assistant General Manager Logan White was largely evasive when asked about the Dodgers’ negotiations with first-round draft pick Zach Lee, but he acknowledged the club has not yet made the two-sport star an offer.

    “We had some dialogue when we first drafted him, but that’s it,” White said. “We’ve still got time.”

    The last day to sign draft picks is Aug. 16.”

    Asked how hopeful he was of signing Lee, White said, “I feel the same way as when we drafted him.”

    White continued to insist that the cost-conscious Dodgers didn’t draft an unsignable player as a way to avoid having to hand out a seven-figure signing bonus.

    “We knew it would be perceived that way when we took him,” he said.,0,4549420.story

    “…has not yet made …… an offer”. Really?

    Mr White is:

    A) Gullible
    B) A company man
    C) Incomprehensibly stupid
    D) Both A and B

    I’m voting for “B”.

    This could possibly be the most truthful statement: “Asked how hopeful he was of signing Lee, White said, “I feel the same way as when we drafted him.”

    I believe that he was ordered to draft him despite everyone in organized baseball was saying he was unsignable and has been toeing the company line ever since. That would make the above a true statement, because he knew he would never sign him when he drafted him.


    Eric, the thing that bothers me most about Logan White’s comments is his statement that management knew how this pick would be perceived but did it anyway. The only way to dispel this perception is make an honest good faith effort to persuade Lee to sign. If he does not sign, at least there was good intent by the Dodgers. But we are being told there has been little communication. I am disappointed White has to be the fall guy for this.

  5. cpompe1

    Hey there birk. My husband just told me this when he got home today. I did a google search and found it. This is just horrible. God knows that Frank needs $$$, but Fox??? To put it mildly, I don?t think that?s in the best interests of the players on the field.

  6. dodgereric

    CP and lbirk, I think the scariest thing about that article is that we’d have BOTH McCourt and Fox as owners. Yeeesh!

    birk, everyone was saying BEFORE THE DRAFT that the kid was not going to sign because he wants to play football. The Dodgers (or anyone) could come into a meeting with the best offer imaginable and Lee will probably turn them down.

    And that’s exactly why McCourt drafted him. And the only thing that will ever change my mind is seeing the notice that we signed him. But I’m not holding my breath and I don’t suggest anyone else does either. Except McCourt. And Ned. And Joe.

  7. cpompe1

    I hear ya Eric. I?ve been saying the same thing about their #1 pick. And I?m with you on your assessment; I think that Logan is just being a company man here. I think there are A LOT of Dodger employees that are company men or women?

  8. dodgereric

    CP, there are people in the company I work for who would lie to their mother and if their boss asked them to do it. Not that I blame them, what with the job situation these days.

    And I’m going to harp again about Torre’s idiotic handling of pitchers. Lilly was in complete command last night and had thrown only 87 pitches through 7 innings. Removing a pitcher who has mowed down the last 20 hitters just to what I’m assuming is “keeping the bullpen sharp” is begging to lose games.

    Well, maybe he …… naw.

    Paul out, Ellis in.

  9. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric & CP ~ I agree 100% with everything you said.
    I am thinking more and more each day that: JOE IS AN IDIOT!
    I also say that about Paul being sent down….too bad for him. Not that he was exactly hitting the crap out of the ball but, I’d much rather have him at the plate than G.A.!

  10. dodgereric

    Or Belliard, tru.

    I saw D4’s letter of thanks to you and Junie and the rest of your wonderful family and I have to say that it was one of the most remarkable and giving things I have yet seen. You are all to be commended.

    And D4, well done to you, sir. And congratulations on pulling yourself up!

  11. sparkleplenty_1

    I can’t help but wonder if Martin might not be looking forward to a stay at the Disabled List motel and that’s why Ellis was recalled.

  12. dodgereric

    I’m going to keep running before I get submission errored.

    I can’t remember where I read it recently, but I saw Torre quoted as saying that the Dodgers couldn’t have gotten Lilly unless DeWitt was included. And then it quoted Ned as saying that they COULD have gotten him without including DeWitt.

    Who’s lying here? Or who’s talking out of their asss?

  13. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ It was my pleasure to get to know Dodger4life. Junie feels the same, I’m sure. I have to blame it on my upbringing….my parents were very caring, understanding people and I guess it rubbed off on me and my children.

  14. nedajerk

    I don’t think I have to tell you guy who’s that player is? It just gave the Twins the lead with his double.

  15. oldbrooklynfan

    HI everybody
    I’d really like to see “In my own words” with Andre Ethier, but unfortunately I can’t.
    I know this sounds stupid, so maybe I shouldn’t write it, (HaHa)
    Oh well here goes every time I see “In my own words” I think of “Out of the mouths of Babes”.
    I told you it was stupid.
    “Giglio” “Lilly” a gift of some kind, maybe.
    Tonight it’s Padilla and LeBlanc, that means the Pads will be blanked in French.
    ANOTHER WIN tonight, I hope that the Giants lose (Harray, they did) and I’m glad to see the Reds won, Com’on Astros.

  16. jhallwally

    Hello gang!!! Kudo’s Nelly and Trumom!!! Outstanding!!! Getting to know you both here, I was not surprised, just deeply impressed!!! Let’s get a win an crawl back into this race!!! Great to see and read you Dad/Eric!!!!

  17. dodgereric

    jhall my son! How the h – e – double hockey sticks are ya?

    Boy, a lot of people came to the game tonight dressed as empty seats!

  18. enchantedbeaver

    Brutal line-up, but I see we’ve got Belliard’s .217 in there so what could possibly go wrong?

  19. nellyjune

    From the previous thread……………

    Fabulous song enchanted!!!

    Dodger4life – You are most welcome, and I would do it all over again. I am not sure what pushed me into doing what I did, but I do believe God has a purpose for all the things He does, and I am certainly not doubting His timing in this one. I know you are thanking me, but I in turn have to thank you as well for being apart of my family’s life for the time that you were here. It won’t be forgotten any time soon I can guarantee it.

    and from this thread……..

    ……….and Dodgereric, I remember a certain member of this ITD Family (and his wonderful wife) making a trip down to Merced ( a year and 6 1/2 months ago) for a classroom full of 1st graders and their teacher he knew by name only. So, you are certainly no stranger to doing things for others.

    Yeah Andre!!!!!

    Josh – thanks for letting us know about the special on Andre.

  20. nedajerk

    What’s brutal is this team can’t put up more than 2+ runs a games when they had there best players.

  21. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Dad!!! Doing well, thanks!! How about you my friend?!! Hey Beav, Nelly, and Trumom!!! Well, off to a good start so far!! Let’s pile on!!!!

  22. nellyjune

    submission error hell :((((

    Our team went 4-1 and tied for 2nd? The team that got first was 3-0-2, meaning they tied two of their games. So, because they didn’t technically lose a game, they were first. The whole team did very well. Out of the 25 man roster all the boys got playing time, which with the weather we had, really made it a challenge because in these tournaments it is all about pitching and the timing in when you pitch your better pitchers. So, with all the weather issues we had, it was a worthwhile experience for the boys. I don’t think the people who put on the tournament (Under Armour/Baseball Factory) expected a bunch of valley boys to come in do so well. Thanks for asking!!

    Yeah Dodgers!!!!

  23. nellyjune

    submission error hell :((((

    Our team went 4-1 and tied for 2nd? The team that got first was 3-0-2, meaning they tied two of their games. So, because they didn’t technically lose a game, they were first. The whole team did very well. Out of the 25 man roster all the boys got playing time, which with the weather we had, really made it a challenge because in these tournaments it is all about pitching and the timing in when you pitch your better pitchers. So, with all the weather issues we had, it was a worthwhile experience for the boys. I don’t think the people who put on the tournament (Under Armour/Baseball Factory) expected a bunch of valley boys to come in do so well. Thanks for asking!!

    Yeah Dodgers!!!!

  24. nellyjune

    No kidding BPB1!!!! They were truly from all over the valley too…………Chowchilla, Dos Palos, Los Banos, Merced, Atwater, Livingston, etc., etc. All that cow tipping paid off – LOL!!!!

    Thanks Jhall!!!

  25. thinkingblue

    Good Evening All…..
    Wow, me liking this game, so far!
    Something tells me Manny has been moved over to the side and out come Padilla…out with Mannywood in with El Palenque de Chente!

  26. thinkingblue

    This game is starting to feel like last years….I GOT A FEELING….TONIGHT IS GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT!

  27. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m surprised that Vin hasn’t mentioned it but the Dodgers haven’t received a walk in 10 straight inning. Yes
    No Dodger has walked in 10 innings.

  28. enchantedbeaver

    After very little observation and a couple shots of tequila, it is my considered opinion that Theriot stinks.

  29. truebluewill

    oldbrooklynfan ~ I’ve been half watching, half paying attention to this game and just realized Padilla is pitching a whale of a game. No hits for the Pods after 5.

  30. nellyjune

    Yep, it might even be possible for GA to hit one out at this point. But, like tru said, he has to make contact with the ball first.

  31. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey, Jhall – good to see you, too! Been a while . . . . my fault. Been taking night classes trying to reinvent myself so don’t get on here much. But sure enjoy the reading the day after 🙂

  32. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey, Jhall – good to see you, too! Been a while . . . . my fault. Been taking night classes trying to reinvent myself so don’t get on here much. But sure enjoy the reading the day after 🙂

  33. sparkleplenty_1

    Tru – good to see you – and Nelly, too!!! Not to mention OBF, TBW and Shad – HEY everybody!

  34. nellyjune

    Thanks oldbrooklynfan!!! We kept a few programs because some of these boys (on all the teams) might be playing for the Dodgers some day. There were some great players on all the teams.

  35. jhallwally

    Two straight singles, I’m shocked that JoJo didn’t lift him and put Sherrill in!!! LOL!!! Nice job Padilla!!! Let’s finish’em off!!!!

  36. sparkleplenty_1

    Good game so far – I am always amazed at how these patch work quilt lineups seem to work so well. They make Joe look so smart – or maybe like a magician 🙂 Of course, Padilla was downright brilliant tonight.

  37. jhallwally

    LOL Sparky!! It was Padilla. JoJo still has a chance to blow it!!! Not sure what Theriot was thinking trying to score on a ground ball right at a drawn in shortstop!!!

  38. nellyjune

    Padilla pitched a great game!!!! Let’s keep it for him Dodgers!!!!!

    BPB1’s new favorite word – LOL!!!

  39. enchantedbeaver

    Thrown Out On The Basepaths Like A Nincompoop. Baseball statistic invented for Ryan Theriot of the [then] Chicago Cubs.

  40. nedajerk

    You have to wait until the game finish. Is Torre really managing tonight but we’re see what happen in the 9th?

  41. truebluewill

    9 runs!!!! The flood gates have finally opened!! I think the slump could finally be over. Glad to see Padilla going for the CG.

  42. oldbrooklynfan

    ANOTHER COMPLETE GAME SHUTOUT this time with Torre sitting in the dugout.
    We could’ve had two in a row.

  43. truebluewill

    You said it sparkle! Congrats to Vincente on a magnificent outing and he did it with the bat too. Maybe the Dodgers will finally wake up now and get back into the race.

  44. nellyjune

    I am very glad Cat got a win for her birthday.

    Vicente Padilla had a fabulous game……..a two-hit complete game!!!
    The defense was great!
    The offense finally brought their bats to the game.
    Let’s do this tomorrow again boys. It certainly is a lot more fun watching it when they play like this.

  45. nedajerk

    Game InformationStadium Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
    Attendance 48,988 (87.5% full) – % is based on regular season capacity
    Game Time 2:30
    Weather 71 degrees, clear

  46. thinkingblue

    OH OH now it post!
    Good evening All! I kept posting and posting and somehow it wouldn’t show up!

  47. nellyjune

    They were giving away towels tonight so that could be the reasoning for the higher attendance.

    Goodnight Sparkleplenty!!!

  48. nedajerk

    Speaking of Andre 2 kids would that be something they both get drafted in the 2nd round by the A’s in draft year and we drafted Bradley Jr. in the 3rd round and Bradley Jr the 3rd in the 4th rounds lol. I guess the GM would be Billy Beane Jr hahaha.

  49. thinkingblue

    NELLY – Hey I finally checked out a Dodger game at AT&T park…..beautiful park….LOVED IT! Now the ending was depressing but I got over it!

  50. jhallwally

    OUTSTANDING VINCENTE!!! Andre loves you Nelly!!! Goodnight All, catch you tomorrow!!! Excelsior True Blue Believers!!!

  51. koufax1963

    what a game. Complete 2 hitter. Dre comes alive. *******!
    What really was cool for me was the 2-out RBIs. Finally
    I tell you now ITD, a Dodgers Win tomorrow and its shots around!
    I’m loving this!

  52. thinkingblue

    I’m glad EtHIER is back and our PITCHER PADILLA was excellent! GREAT JOB BOYS IN BLUE! It must of been the energy of DODGER4LIFE early…..EXTREMELY POSITIVE….keep it up!

  53. thinkingblue

    NELLY – My computer at home gives me problems, it is very very old and sometimes I post late night and it blocks me out. Fustrating! But I manage to get it tonight….GREAT NIGHT! But believe my I posted abou 20 during todays game and none showed.

  54. nellyjune

    Good Night Jhall!!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!

    Rose – it has been a problem posting for all of us. It might be partly your old computer, but it is most likely just the blog itself.

    I just got blocked out of Andre’s show!!! That totally sucks !!!!

  55. thinkingblue

    GREAT PREDICTION OLD-B so how does it look for tomorrow?
    NELLY – I’m still watching Ethier’s show. J O S H should provide Ethieraholics with a link so that they can enjoy the show via internet!

  56. nellyjune

    Rose – Like I have said, AT&T Park is a great ballpark. It is just too bad the Giants play there. I am glad you got to go, but the outcome of those games certainly weren’t good.

  57. nellyjune

    I even have Prime Ticket, in addition to Extra Innings so I should be getting it. I agree Rose!! There are plenty of Ethieraholics that don’t live in So-Cal.

  58. nedajerk

    08/04 MIL W 15-3 5 2 2 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 .276
    08/03 MIL L 3-4 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .273
    08/02 MIL L 1-18 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .274
    08/01 @COL L 7-8 4 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 .277

    Oh that would make me happy.

  59. nellyjune

    No, he doesn’t. The writer of the LA Times Magazine article asked him about it, and he said it was taking too much time away from other things once they started putting deadlines on him. I Still see him doing something in the food industry once baseball isn’t a major part of his life.

  60. nellyjune

    Shad – Rose calling you Chad reminded me of last season when Dodgereric said “Shad you suck!!!” meaning Chad (Billz) instead!! That was funny!!

  61. kpookiemon

    I’m on vacation and finally found a way to stomach this team. By the time dinner rolls around, the game is over back in L.A. If the Dodgers can actually pull out tomorrow night’s game, they are only six back and somehow still in his thing. Baseball is a bizarre creature……………………………………………..

  62. enchantedbeaver

    Couple of wins are nice. Scoring a few runs is even better, but I hold no delusions this team is going to crawl back into anything except maybe 4th place when they go back into the tank. Just too many holes and not enough talent. No, I’ll just accept the wins and losses for what they are and hope like hell Frank’s forced to sell the team to someone who’s capable of running a major league franchise.
    I see Martin’s on the 15-Day DL, maybe out longer. So we’re going to be out an under .250 hitter with very little power who can’t drive in runs, who hits into DPs, situational hits like JP, and is the owner of 10 freakin errors as a catcher. To this I say YIPPEE. Unfortunately all we have to replace him with isn’t any better. Nothing like going with a 41 year old catcher down the stretch – thanks Ned, another job well done (yet another reason I hold no delusions for this team.)
    I know, I know. I go over about as big as a turrd in the punchbowl after a couple wins, but when have you ever known me not to tell it like I see it?

  63. trublu4ever

    BPB1 ~ you certainly always say what you think and I appreciate it… can be the T.I.P. (turrd in punchbowl) and dodger4life can be the scoop! lol


    some hope. tonight is biggest game of year and a momentum game we have to win. chad can go to 10-5 with a 3.7ish era and that is SOLID!!

  65. selltheteam

    Season?s over. Wait til next year. No wait, wait til next decade, because that?s how long it will take to rebuild, since Frank and Ned have ravaged the farm system.
    Now that the starting pitching is in decent shape, or at least reasonable enough that we?re not complaining about it on an hourly basis, the offense/defense has fallen apart. Let?s review:
    Catcher ? We?re left with a 41 year old just back from the DL and a no-hit wonder back-up. Way to go, Ned ? maybe now you are re-thinking your Santana and May trades.
    First base ? Good clutch hitter, but no power. This is a power position.
    Second base ? Just went from bad to worse. Too bad Frankie couldn?t afford to re-sign ODawg.
    Shortstop ? Furcal is super when he?s healthy, but right now he?s not healthy and will he ever really be healthy for a full season again?
    Third base ? Blake has performed solidly as a journeyman over the past two years, but he?s not getting any younger and it is showing.
    Left field ? Manny has checked out. So we replace him with a JP equivalent. Wow, that?s really gonna get me to the ballpark. Again, this is a power position ? where?s the power?
    Center field ? Now, I like Kemp, but TOOTBLAN could have been invented by us for Kemp two years ago. Personally, I?m ashamed that the Cubs fans beat me to it.
    Right field ? Andre?s pinkie injury put a hole in the offense for the past two and a half months. OPS of .613 in June and .729 in July doesn?t cut it for a corner outfielder.

  66. thinkingblue

    No matter what….DODGERS are SCREWED and the only way to WIN is by a MIRACLE!
    Miracles do happen!

  67. enchantedbeaver

    Can’t say as I fault that assessment Crash. And you didn’t even get into the bullpen. No, I have a feeling over the next decade (assuming the team’s not sold to someone with money and baseball savvy) we’ll be just like Cubs fans.

    BTW, pretty sad that inside of 1 year we’ve gone from Hudson to Belliard to DeWitt/Carroll to Theriot. If that alone doesn’t speak volumes about the front office, nothing does.

  68. thinkingblue

    Pick one…tough
    UNDECIDED – whatever camp I feel like visiting, day by day, one day at a time, girl with mood swings, a bit of everything.

  69. koufax1963

    I’m going to hold on to this afterglow of the complete game 2-hitter, with Dre stroking up a fire. Yea I read all this realistic negativity, and those that spout it, will continue too, all justified. and there are the rah-rahs that after two wins on the padres, think the dodgers are WS bound.
    Steady the course, one game at a time, this team needs to execute like they have never done before, it seems this whole season has been a spring training, errors, base running gaffs, bad batting, BP BS, you all have seen it, but now can the Dodgers just excel, and deliver, get 110% from those not doing 80%, keep the consistency we have seen from the starting pitching, and can JT not pull the SP to expose of our cow pasture(BP). Lets wait on tonight, I have hope, and I am understanding it could be “Nope”

  70. enchantedbeaver

    That’s cool Koufax. We’ll mark you as a “cautiously optimistic.”

    So we have the TIP/floaters, the rah-rahs, and the COs. OK everybody, pick a camp. 🙂

  71. koufax1963

    BPB1, I could become CO, as Causticly Offensive, when the wrong trends sets in, one instance would be if McCourt doesn’t sell this team.

  72. perumike

    Good afternoon all! While I am happy to see some very good pitching the last two days, and some signs of life offensively, I am very cautiously optimistic. I’m not off the bandwagon by any means, but I’m not making playoff plans just yet either. Let’s see another win tonight, followed by at least 2 of 3 from the Nats, and then we’ll talk. Let’s go Dodgers! Restore our faith in you!

  73. crzblue2

    Good afternoon ITD!
    I just take it one game at a time. I love baseball, I was thinking of going to see the 66rs last weekend since I could not make it to SF but really last weekend was my first weekend where I could take care of some stuff at home, my car, personal stuff and just relax.
    Hey watching Padilla throwing the “soap bubble” like Vin calls it is something else. Watching it on TV does no justice. I was excited keeping score thinking I was finally going to see a no-no in person. He pitched a heck of a game.

  74. nedajerk

    Blow me Ned and I know this is the 1st start for McDonald in a Pirates uniform but I’m not happy about it.

    J McDonald 6.0 4 0 0 1 8 0 89-54 4.61

  75. nedajerk

    Leave Ellis alone and he might come out like a Repko this year and if he get the majority of the start.

  76. nedajerk

    Handsight is always 50/50 did anyone seen this coming from Martin. He look good when he took over for Navarro than all of sudden he sucking time. May defense is not that good.

  77. truebluewill

    Tb4 ~ That’s good news about the Giants and Rockies. It can be a very productive night for the Dodgers if they can win. Nice DP to get Bills out of that jam.

  78. nedajerk

    Fan collapses on field at Dodger Stadium
    print this page e-mail this page post on facebook By Evan Drellich /

    08/05/10 10:20 PM ET

    LOS ANGELES — The leader of a church group that had 4,000 members in attendance at Dodger Stadium collapsed on the field during batting practice on Thursday.

    The man, identified as Don Hawkins by a Dodgers official, was taken by a Los Angeles Fire Department ambulance to a hospital at 6:35 p.m. PT. He collapsed while the Padres were taking batting practice.

    Medical staff performed CPR on Hawkins on the field before he was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

    Two members of the church group rode in the ambulance. Both members were to throw out the first pitch Thursday night.

    The Dodgers asked over the speaker system before the game that fans keep Hawkins in their thoughts.

    Hawkins’ hometown, age and condition were unknown.

  79. enchantedbeaver

    Not much good you can say for the game tonight. Billz isn’t awful, but 3 runs will do this team in just about every time. Despite last night’s aberration, this team couldn’t hit its way out of a wet paper bag. Still trying to figure out how we ended up with Posednik when what this team lacked was punch. He’s as bad if not worse than JP. Ned really is an idiot isn’t he? (No need to answer that, its a rhetorical question.)

    I see Martin’s done for the season. Here’s a word of advice Ned – don’t tender him. Even if he loses arbitration he’ll still be making $5 mil, and there’s got to be a FA catcher that’ll sign for less and put up better numbers. Though evidently not the ones Ned signs, given that we’ve seen the likes of Bennett, Alomar, Ausmus, and Lieberthal.

  80. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Was out a little later tonight and got back a little while ago.
    I see the Dodgers are having trouble scoring tonight.
    Maybe Correia will tire and things might start. We hope.

  81. jhallwally

    Oh heavy sigh!!! We haven’t given ourselves the luxury of splitting a 4 game series at home with the Puds!!! We need this game or we are right back where we started Monday. Just 4 fewer games to try and catch up. Puds getting a split in our ballpark is a big victory for them!!!

  82. jhallwally

    Truely Pathetic!!! I think you can start making your October plans. Perhaps listening to the playoffs on a cruise!!! LOL!!!

  83. nellyjune

    GA in right field and Andre playing first base. I think Joe has either lost his mind, or he is really letting Frank have it in his own special way. Unbelieveable!!!! And there is no way that was an Inside the Park Home run. It was a major error on Podsednik for allowing the ball to roll right past him, with a touch of fan interference.

  84. nedajerk

    We can say the same thing when Pods had a triple when it surely look like the ball should be caught. I hate to say this but I was right on Corriea pitching well against us while we should’ve had score all those but I keep it to myself didn’t want to jinx it.

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