D-Day remembered…

Is there a better history teacher than Vin Scully? He just finished giving viewers a recap of D-Day, June 6, 1944 and those who heard his words will surely remember them. But on his behalf, we ask you all to please take a moment to think about all that happened that day and how grateful we all are and should be for the sacrifice made by so many.

Another person we remember today is Jose Lima, whose son Jose Jr. threw out the first pitch just about half an hour ago. The anthem was a video of his dad from May 13, 2004 and it was a really special moment that I’m sure the family will remember for many years to come. Several players lingered out on the dugout steps after it finished in silent prayer and the legacy of Lima Time will live on in his children and all who knew him.

On a much lighter note, the Dodgers wish to congratulate Bobby Cox on an incredible career. We’ll be saluting him in-game today, his final regular season game at Dodger Stadium but here’s hoping that he’s back here for the postseason. A lot has to happen for that to come to pass, but if the season were to end today, these two teams could face off in the playoffs (there would be a number of play-in games).

But, there are still almost four months to go, so enjoy them. This will likely be the last blog post for a few days but we’ll be back soon…keep your eye on dodgers.com for all the latest news.


  1. jhallwally

    Thank you to our D-Day veterans and especially those that paid the ultimate price. Its unfortunate but, freedom isn’t free. It costs dearly!!!!!

  2. nellyjune

    Good Afternoon ITD readers and writers!!!! Thanks for the new thread Josh, and yes, Vinny is always giving wonderful history lessons. Thank you once again to the veterans that have served and for the men and women that are serving now. Freedom definitely has a human life cost.

  3. nellyjune

    Where in the world is Reed Johnson? When was the last time we have seen him play? Why isn’t he playing for Manny today?

  4. truebluewill

    Ely had an off day and the way Hudson was pitching I thought that would be it for the Dodgers today. But they fought back to tie it and they still have a good chance to win this one. They’ve showed some character today.

  5. nedajerk

    Career vs T. Hudson 68 20 3 0 3 14 4 11 0 0 .294 .333 .471 .804

    You know you should’ve been retired soon or later when you can’t own a guy in your career.

  6. nedajerk

    Joe Torre and Bobby Cox are 69-69 against one another in their careers. The Dodgers and Braves had the same record in April, the same record in May, and each won their first two games of June. Will they leave this series with the same record?

  7. truebluewill

    At least this time Torre let Anderson bunt, but know it’s up to A. J. Ellis to bring the run home.

  8. truebluewill

    robertelee ~ I’ve watched the whole game on MLB.TV with no problem. Keep trying you’ll get it eventually.

  9. jhallwally

    WooHoo!!!! Way to go Ellis, bullpen, and team!!!! We needed this one. Nice to get a split with a red-hot Atlanta team!!!!

  10. dodge1612

    one hard series down about 8 more to go… gotta hope st louis and milwaukee got 18 innings tonight… get them good and tired for tomorrow… go dodgers!!!!

  11. dodge1612

    we have to, and I mean have to win tomorrow… tuesday and wednesday we get carpenter then wainwright… this is going to be a tough series…

  12. nellyjune

    Way to go Dodgers!!! Nice way to finish out with one of the toughest teams in the league. AJ getting a taste of the walk-off feeling is awesome!!! Now, on to another tough team in the league…………..the Cards.

    Dodgers and Denny Hamilin both winning today makes Nellyjune very happy!!!

  13. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Too bad that they couldn?t have come back to win last night, but glad that they did today! You know, I?ve seen the bullpen implode on us many times on TV in 2010. That?s NOTHING compared to seeing the bullpen implode IN PERSON like I saw last night. It was gut-wrenching last night. And to think, we knew ALL GAME LONG that we could?ve ended the evening in 1st place instead of having to win today just to stay ½ game behind the Pads. Oh well, I know the Dodgers will be in 1st place eventually; hopefully that eventually is sooner rather than later.

    So how are my ITD friends tonight?

  14. cpompe1

    Okay, it seems no one is around. I?ve been shopping online (no, didn?t buy anything? yet) and no one is around. I?ll catch up with y?all later..

  15. nellyjune

    Hey CP!!! Sorry you got to watch probably the worst game of the series. I hope all is well with you. Everything is pretty good on this end of the state.

  16. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!!!
    Okay, I still stayed on the computer. Just stopped shopping online, but still had some computer work to do. I checked ITD one last time and saw your post. Hopefully I caught you in time before you go beddy-by? 🙂

    And yeah, it certainly was the worst game of this series. I?m just glad they split the series; a lot better than I thought would happen. The way we were scoring runs (or not scoring runs for that matter) against the worst-pitching-in-NL D-Backs, I thought we?d be lucky to win one against a much better Atlanta Braves team?

  17. nellyjune

    CP – I have been stuck in submission error hell once again. I just don’t understand how we went from thousands of posts per day to barely being able to do a few without this happening all the time. Technology is supposed to be moving forward, not backwards.

    Glad we split the series, and the Cards are not going to be a walk in the park either. However, it seems at times, we play the better teams better. With the exception of yesterday’s game, we played the other three like we know they can.

  18. cpompe1

    Sorry ? I know how fun (NOT!) it is to be stuck with a bunch of submission errors. Frustrating indeed. One would think in this ?great-age-of technology? that people wouldn?t have to deal with such nonsense. I guess the old saying is true, ?The more things change, the more things stay the same??

    And about our Dodgers, yeah, it does seem they play better when the teams are better. I just wished that they?d always play well against everyone. Well, they do have to learn at some point. They know they can and have played better before.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that my mom and I went to the AT&T store in Culver City (yes, the same one where we got Andre?s autograph, remember?) We brought a couple of balls (with cases) and got John Ely?s autograph!!! Well, I?ve gotta go ? for real this time. I?m getting tired. Have a nice evening Nelly?

  19. crzblue2

    Good morning ITD! Is 1:08 Monday morning.
    Eric! I read your letter but did not notice the name! Congratulations!
    I was there too at the AT&T store to see Ely! He was A D O R A B L E ! How did I miss you CP? I saw Linda, Pat, Norma at the beginning of the line then a few people afterwards was Roberto of Vinscullyismyhomeboy and his wife. My friends and I were in line infront of the Brazilian restaurant after Tuesday Morning store.

  20. nellyjune

    I found it!!! Way to go Dodgereric/Ward Dear!!!
    Some of my favorite quotes revolve around John Wooden.

    “We’re really going to miss you around here.” Said to Bill Walton when he challenged Wooden regarding his new beard.

    “The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.” The man himself.

    God rest you, John Wooden. We should all aspire to be a little like you. And say hello to Nellie for us all.

    Eric Monson


  21. enchantedbeaver

    Need to liven this place up…

    For GA. Talking Heads: Burning Down The House

    No clout, look his career is over
    Swings strangely, ain?t no Power Ranger
    Just a washed up P-V-L
    Hit?s like Mickey Mouse
    Warm night, wait til the game?s half over
    Old sight, swings at that nasty slider
    Need a-no-ther left hand bat
    Hit?s like Mickey Mouse
    He?s the pet of Joe The Clown; Punch his ticket out of town
    Get Monkeywhiskers back here
    Things he hits don?t go too far; runs the basepaths like its tar
    Another D P grounder…
    Strikeout, hey he might need a redwood
    Sit down, ain?t like the days in An?heim
    One hun-dred for-ty six B-A
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    Comes up to the plate sometimes, baseballs look the size of dimes
    Can?t get him to first base
    Fans don?t come to watch him work; but have to cuz? our Joe?s a jerk
    Please no Garret today…
    [Instrumental Break]
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    Old grouse, play?s less than ordinary
    That?s right, play?s like a dead canary
    Sure got him one crap-py O-B-P
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    He has Joe and Ned?s support, Frank he?s gone to divorce court
    Can?t string two hits together
    Better players we expect, not another Ned reject
    Please no Garret today…

    ©NedCo Broken Records 2010. All rights reserved.

  22. cpompe1

    Very good BPB! Very good indeed! Both my husband and I have always wondered why they play GA so much when Reed Johnson is a very good substitute. Yeah, I now the left-handed bat, but still. I?d rather have Mientkiewicz at this point. But I think Mientkiewicz doesn?t want anything to do with us. Too bad?

  23. lbirken@aol.com

    So what have we learned so far during this homestand? For one thing, The Dodgers have taken advantage of being at home winning 4 games in their last at bat but the lack of offense still sticks out like a sore thumb. The pitching has been both good and not so good. Splitting with the Braves at least shows the Dodgers can compete with the East but will have to have much better at bats in future games against those teams. Hopefully John Ely learned what happens when he pitches up in the strike zone and will bounce back from yesterday’s performance. And we also learned that anything can happen and any player can make a difference. Just ask A.J. and G.A.

  24. crzblue2

    Bravo BPB1!
    Hey did you all notice now we have auto spellcheck?
    I just finished posting a whole bunch of pictures from the 70’s night last Friday. Take a look at the players in their different 70’s outfit. I dressed up in my outfit from last year and found a couple of fans that dressed up too. Sorry Andre did not come out as good in his solo pic.

  25. crzblue2

    I told my brother Vic to look if we taped it before and if not to set the DVR before he leaves home. If I don’t have it and he forgets, he might not be able to come back home. Just kidding!
    Go Dodgers!
    and for the World Cup:
    Go USA!
    Go Honduras! They are the Cinderella team.
    PeruMike: Who are you rooting for in the World Cup?


  26. trublu4ever

    I’m watching the Padres game on ESPN and noticed when they put our game at the bottom of the screen, they had to tell us that since Dre has returned from the DL, he is only hittting .179. Please, one of you stat guys, tell me what the rest of the team is hitting since Dre returned. Except for Jamey, I’ll bet Andre is high man.

  27. nedajerk

    8. Houston Astros
    The Pick: Delino DeShields Jr., 2B, Norcross (Ga.) High
    The Buzz: For an organization that needs talent across the board, taking DeShields here is a bit of a stretch. He is a very solid athlete as the No. 29 overall ranked high school player with good speed. He is very similar to his father, but will have a lot to work on to get to the bigs.

    I didn’t know his father has a son.

  28. lbirken@aol.com

    Here is another topic. How will baseball history view Bobby Cox as a manager in view of only one World Series title with all those playoff appearances? The Braves had some outstanding pitching during that playoff run and some good hitting teams as well.

  29. perumike

    Hi all! I’m super excited about tomorrow’s game, both to see my hero Hiro yet again, but also to get my Fu-Q y’all bobblehead. Top Deck, Section 8!
    Emma – I’m rooting first for USA, then for Chile (my wife’s country). She doesn’t care a bit about soccer, but I do during World Cup time! I also am rooting for Germany to lose, as I remember the USA getting knocked out by the Germans a couple of cups in the past.

  30. truebluewill

    Mike ~ The Dodgers beat Jimenez and won when they faced Lincecum, Haren, and Hudson. They seem to have a knack this year for beating other teams aces. Let’s hope they can continue that trend with Carpenter and Wainwright.

  31. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everybody,
    I’ve been busy with other commitments covering the last two games and I’m thrilled as most of you are that the Dodgers split with the red hot Braves, leaving them still only a 1/2 game out of first.
    Now comes one of the teams I hate the most, the St .Louis Cardinals, whom I still can’t believe we beat in the NLDS, but we did.
    Another shot for Monasterios with a guy named Blake Hawksworth standing in our way.

  32. perumike

    I think they are just going to find reasons to put Haegar on the DL all year. Are they handing out ski masks to the team and telling them to take care of Haegar? 🙂

  33. perumike

    Very nice start! I must admit I’m worried about tomorrow as they are throwing Carpenter at us. But, if we can get a couple, and get the good Hiro going, I like our chances!

  34. truebluewill

    Mike ~ The Dodgers beat Jimenez and won when they faced Lincecum, Haren, and Hudson. They seem to have a knack this year for beating other teams aces. Let’s hope they can continue that trend with Carpenter and Wainwright.

  35. jhallwally

    That’s the Ferk we love to see!! Nice job!!! Triple Outstanding!!! You don’t have to swing for the fence to be effective!!!!!

  36. jhallwally

    Hope they watch that inning alot on tape to remember what fundamentally sound baseball and situational hitting is all about!!!

  37. truebluewill

    There is nothing more beautiful in base ball then a perfectly executed suicide squeeze play and that was. It’s been a while since the Dodgers scored 4 runs in an inning. Good job Dodgers!!!

  38. perumike

    Gotta love the start we have against the Cards. If we can knock out Carpenter early tomorrow, we can win yet another series!

  39. kpookiemon

    I take it all back…Honeycutt is a genius. I like Monasterios with a semi beard…he doesn’t look ten-years-old anymore.

  40. mlb lurker

    Hello, Josh …

    I just heard Charley Steiner announce the news about Braden Matthew.

    Hearty congrats to you and your wife!

    Harpo (Jeff) in San Diego

  41. jhallwally

    Remember, even the best hitters only beat you 30% of the time. Odds are always in your favor if you don’t hang meatballs!!!! Hit your spots. Location, location, location!!!!

  42. nedajerk

    Logan White talked to some reporters on at Dodger Stadium I don?t have the press release yet, but here are some tweets from Jim Alexander (Press Enterprise) and Jimmy Bramlett (LAist):

    ?Zach Lee is a ?very good quarterback, but an outstanding pitcher.?
    I?m optimistic. He?s an athlete. He?s got a real good delivery. A plus curve and a plus changeup
    White said he?s optimistic McCourt will allow him to go over the normal slot for a 28th pick if necessary to sign Lee
    White: ?The talent level is so good, it?d be sad if we didn?t take the chance.?
    White said he hadn?t thought of a contract that would allow Lee to play football as well, but is focused on just getting him signed
    by Eric Stephen on Jun 7, 2010 8:07 PM PDT reply actions

  43. dodgereric

    “This will likely be the last blog post for a few days but we’ll be back soon…”

    Ah, now it makes sense! Congratulations Josh! I guess we’ll hear all about it soon enough. Perhaps you’ll give us a new thread at 3AM while you’re trying to get Braden to sleep! Nice middle name, BTW. 🙂

    Boy, seems like we haven’t had a game like this in forever! All right DeWitt!

  44. nellyjune

    Congratulations Josh!!! That is wonderful news!!!!

    In other wonderful news……………..good to see the Dodgers winning!!!

  45. truebluewill

    Alright Blake I waited a long time for that HR! # 1. oldbrooklynfan ~ I feel good enough about this game I’m going to go to sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow.

  46. nedajerk

    Now saves some runs for the Carpenter and Wainwright games and I hate runs off there 6 or 7 starters.

  47. dodgereric

    Shad, it’s just a smoke screen. They have no intention of spending any money. They KNOW he’ll play football.

    “28. Los Angeles Dodgers: Zach Lee, RHP, McKinney High School (Texas) 6″4, 195 lbs

    I would be shocked if the Dodgers are able to sign Lee, especially with their financial situation in flux. Lee is a top high school quarterback who is set to go to L.S.U. next season and unless the Dodgers pony up the cash to keep Lee, he’ll stick to football.”

    “…..unless the Dodgers pony up the cash…..”

    This will happen ………. never.

    Sell the team you worthless pile of crap.

  48. nellyjune

    Wow!!! ITD has been busy today with a song by enchanted……………….ummmm BPB1 and a soliloquy by messagebear. Job well done boys!!!

  49. nedajerk

    That was just a waste pick and if he was going to play football why was he in the draft. Well is not like basketball draft where you can w/d from the draft if you want to. Wally I think you want to give Eric credit for that one. I just take that information from TBLA and the blog manager wrote that quote from White.

  50. dodgereric

    bear, while technically not a song, poetry rates a DodgerLyrics posting as far as I’m concerned. And since I’m “the boss” of it, your “Haeger Soliloquy” is in.


  51. jhallwally

    Cool Shad, Thanks Dad!!!! Outstanding soliloquy my friend!!!! That plantar fascitis is some interesting stuff!!! Whatever it takes, I guess!! I’m not unhappy we don’t have to think about Haeger for a couple of weeks!!! I want to see some more Schlicting!!!!

  52. nellyjune

    I agree……………..Dodgerlyrics should be songs and poems, and yes, you are the boss!!! ………….and really, if you think about it there are some pretty good songs that would make fabulous poems and some beautiful poems that would make incredible songs 🙂

  53. colliethec

    I just heard the news from Vin… Congrats Josh & Erin on the birth of Braden Matthew!!! What a special moment for you guys!! Such a blessing! I was wondering why there wasn’t a new thread tonight. I guess we can let you off the hook!!
    Take care and God Bless!

  54. nedajerk

    Never trust an ex Giants mess up Carlos ERA and wonder why we didn’t get the dp. lol most like 2 ex Giants with Winn including

  55. dodgereric

    Tru, it’s true that Ethier is hitting .179 (5 for 28) since his return. So what? If anyone has been paying attention, he’s hit at least a half-dozen ropes right at someone. If only 4 of those lasers find holes, he’s hitting .321. Bad luck is all it is so far. Typical crap from losers, I say.

    But your request was “what the rest of the team is hitting since Dre returned?”

    The team is hitting .247 since Ethier returned for the game on May 31. Individuals?

    Russell Martin is .190 (4/21)
    Manny Ramirez in .227 (5/22)
    Casey Blake is .250 (3/12 in 3 games)
    James Loney is .250 (7/28)
    Rafeal Furcal is .259 (7/27)
    Matt Kemp is .300 (9/30)
    Blake DeWitt is .357 (5/14)
    Jamey Carroll is .400 (10/25)

  56. jhallwally

    Well, gonna rack it for tonight. This baby should be wiped and diapered!!! Catch you all later. Have a great evening/night!!!! Great job Dodgers!!! Gonna have our hands full the next two days!!! We’ll see what we’re really made of. I think we can take them!!!! Goodnight!!!!

  57. nellyjune

    @#$%^&* submission errors!!!!! sigh 🙂

    Good Night Jhall!!!! Have a Terrific Tuesday!!!

    Tru/Dodgereric – Even if they listen to Vin, they would know Andre is doing nothing but hitting the ball hard. He hasn’t lost anything in his swing. He is not striking out alot and he is still getting his fair share of walks. These people are just idiots who aren’t even paying attention to the games themselves…………just the stats. And I am sure, Andre would rather be winning games than being worried about his average, but since these idiots are paper only driven, here’s some news. After being on the DL for 15 days, once he hits his magic plate appearance number very soon, he will be leading the league in average still. As of today, he is only 4 RBI’s shy of the lead in that category and he is only 3HRs shy of the lead in that category as well. So, until he drops off these charts, I don’t think we need to worry about Mr. Ethier.

  58. dodgereric

    Good night, jhall! Excelsior!

    Don’t forget, anyone who gets Prime Ticket! Scully and Wooden: For the Kids @ 10:30!

  59. dodgereric

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would have liked to see what would have happened if Johnson hadn’t blown his qualifying lap.

  60. nellyjune

    Oh, you know Jimmie will be there in the end, and the end is all that matters. He is still the one to beat and until he is beaten he is still the champ. Like baseball, there is alot of time left to say anybody has got it wrapped up at this point.

  61. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – thanks again for the reminder!! This is a great program. I am new to Prime Ticket so I am still learning when certain programming is on and I probably wouldn’t have remember if you hadn’t said anything.

  62. nellyjune

    I am a little irked by the comments made about Andre’s performance since coming off the DL………

    At Game 58 last year, these were Andre’s #’s….
    HR – 9
    RBI – 35
    XBH – 23
    BB – 28
    Runs – 36

    After tonight’s game, these are Andre’s #’s…
    HR – 11
    RBI – 40
    XBH 25
    BB – 16
    Runs – 27

    He is ahead of last year’s pace in his power numbers, his average is way above his average at this time last year, and once again, this year he has been on the DL for 15 days. Vin even mentioned the other night after his 40th RBI that he didn’t reach that number last year until game 69.

  63. nedajerk

    The Astros pick Delino DeShields Jr., 2B, Norcross (Ga.) High

    I didn’t know his father has a son. I surely hope we don’t have no Pedro Martinez Jr. in our farm system lol.

  64. thinkingblue

    NELLY – I think Andre will pop back up. He will heat up pretty soon. Right now other Dodger’s are HOT and when they start cooling off, then that’s when we need Andre to heat up! LET’S GO DODGERS!

  65. nedajerk

    Kemp entered Monday?s game against the Cardinals leading the National League with 46 runs scored, then added another run to his total in a 2-for-4 night. He has scored a run in nine of the Dodgers? last 11 games and is on the fastest run-scoring rate in Los Angeles Dodgers history.

    Kemp entered Monday with one run in every 0.81 games. Since 1958, the next best run ratio was by Maury Wills when he had a run every 0.79 games in 1962. Shawn Green(0.75 in 2001), Gary Sheffield (0.74 in 2000) and Tommy Davis (0.74 in 1962) round out the list. Kemp is on pace for 133 runs this season, which would crush his career best mark of 97 runs scored last season.

  66. Dodger4life

    Good morning, everyone…………..
    Josh a big congratulations to you and your family.
    The Boy’s are battling and that is a good thing….
    Another tough game tonight
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. perumike

    Hey all, quick question! I am sitting Top Deck tonight, and wondered if there is a better gate to enter through than the Sunset gate? I know Stadium Way won’t work, but not sure about others?

  68. thinkingblue

    Today we don’t have the advantage on playing against a NON-rested team. Cardinals will be well rested today so our Dodgers will have to give it all they got. Hopefully DeWitt is still in the mood to impress his “HeartTeam”. GREAT JOB DEWITT!

  69. crzblue2

    Sunset is your best bet and if you can park to the right is better but the left os OK too. I park outside. Instead of heading straight to the main gate, I turn to the left and park on either side. Yesterday when I parked and pulled a stadium blanket and jacket from the back I must have dropped my Vero Beach hat. When I got back to my car after the game, my hat was sittin on the top of the trunk. I can’t believe I almost lost my Vero Beach hat! I got to be more carefull.
    Today I will be at the stadium at 4. I will be working with someone from the Red Cross to take pledges for the annual Dodgers Angels Booster Club Blood drive that will take place Saturday June 19.
    Info here

  70. blueteapartymember1

    Will we sign Zach Lee or not? You decide. If you believe Logan White, we will. Trouble with that is he’s probably been sold a bill of goods by McCourt/Colletti. Exhibit A for the “yes” vote:

    “People can think what they want, he was the best talent available and I want to sign him, absolutely,” said Logan White, assistant general manager of scouting. “I didn’t take Zach to not sign him. You’ll see as the summer goes along we’ll make every effort to sign him, and I want to sign him. I know it won’t be easy, but hopefully we’ll get it done.”

    Exhibit A for the “no” vote:

    “….there’s bound to be a team with deep pockets that will take a shot at luring him away from the gridiron….” MLB.com

    Exhibit B:

    “….it will clearly take a lot ($$$) to sway Lee away from his commitment to Louisiana State University…..” Fangraphs

    Exhibit C:

    “…..Lee might require as much as $3 million?and even that might not be enough to steer him away from playing two sports at Louisiana State.” Baseball America

    Jim Callis of Baseball America called the Dodgers “the last team” he expected to go after Lee.

    Count me as a skeptic, because I think he was picked so they didn’t have to sign him. After all, we didn’t offer arbitration to Hudson and Wolf because of the bonus money it takes to sign high draft picks. In other sports, this cheapskate owner would just trade the pick, but unless I’m mistaken, MLB teams cannot trade their draft picks.

    The last sentence of this article sums up my feelings.

    “But hardcore fans will be watching carefully to see if the Dodgers punted this pick, or if they will complete the Hail Mary. Certainly, there is going to be tons of skepticism.”

    There are links to info on the 2nd and 3rd round there too. There is a link to a nice “human interest” story on our 2nd pick.

    Sell the team, you clown.

  71. enchantedbeaver

    Lots of fanfare about Zach Lee on the home page too, but we all know that’s nothing but PR spin. Let’s face it, $3 mil keeps Jamie off Frank’s back for 5-6 months, so where do you think that money’s going to go? No way in hell they sign him.

  72. lbirken@aol.com

    Josh, congrats to you and your wife.

    Now, down to business. As far as I know, baseball players do not have to enter the draft or make their intentions known. I am sure word gets out about the players as in the case of Zach Lee. Teams often take a chance on a guy but why waste a pick on someone who is not signable, especially your first pick. I can see taking flyers on guys in later rounds but not the first. So here is the problem: most of you have high regard for Logan White. You believe he is credible. So why would White have to defend this pick and claim he has some leeway to throw money at a guy whose commitment to baseball is in question? If in fact this pick is the smokescreen many say it is, why would White go along with it? To save his job? If he really believes the Dodgers will not part with high draft pick money, he should resign on principle and seek employment elsewhere. If he is as talented as many believe, he should have little problem lining up another position. Or, he really believes there is a chance to sign this guy and the money necessary will be available and worth it. Which is it?

  73. blueteapartymember1

    Hi lbirken,

    Simply put, I think McCourt is “playing” White here. I think he was told that it’s going to take some serious money to sign him and then White asked if he could have the funds to sign him. Then he told White to go ahead and draft him. I think he saw a perfect opportunity to save some more money here. After all, the media and the public (not us, we’re smarter than that) have bought the story that they really tried hard to get Sabathia, Halladay, blah, blah, blah. Right? And no one else seems to be calling him on the extortion plot over Yankee tickets. Right? And everyone is letting him slide on his “my divorce will not affect the team” BS. Right? He believes he can get away with anything.

    Personally, I hope I’m wrong because it seems like the kid is a real talent and I’d like to see him in our organization. Plus, we’re going to need a few more like him in a couple of years when McCourt lets our current crop leave for Free Agency.

    More news:

    1) Sherrill in, Link out.
    2) I told you so: Kyle Russell is taking his .354/16/53 in 198 ABs to Chattanooga and AA ball ….. let’s keep our eyes on this kid. I don’t want to rush him either, but if he tears it up in Tennessee….

  74. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Well, as I write this they’re still battling it out at Citi Field.
    Tonight, I understand, the Dodgers are hitting against their owner.
    Well somebody said that Chris Carpenter owns them. lol
    Ah but you never know.
    I just hope Kuroda is sharper than he has been lately.
    GO BLUE.

  75. nedajerk

    Girl hit by line drive undergoes surgeryEmail Print Comments483 Associated Press

    LOS ANGELES — A 3-year-old girl whose skull was fractured by a line drive during batting practice at Dodger Stadium underwent surgery Tuesday.

    In a statement, officials from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles said they expect Janelle Briseno will be well enough for release by the end of the week.

    “The surgery went well and we anticipate a full recovery,” said Dr. J. Gordon McComb, the hospital’s head of neurosurgery.

    The accident occurred Monday when Dodgers catcher Russell Martin hit a line drive in the stands near third base, hitting Briseno and knocking her unconscious, said Dodgers spokesman Joe Jareck. Briseno was sitting with her father, who rushed her to the first-aid station. The fire department transported her to the hospital.

    Jareck said batting practice continued, but Martin was upset by the incident and has offered to pay for her medical expenses.

    Martin said he spoke with the Briseno’s father on Tuesday.

    “I’m just glad to hear that she had surgery earlier today and she’s doing better, and long-term she’s going to be OK,” he said before the game against St. Louis. “I’m sure she’s still a little bit shaken up. It’s definitely tough for the whole family, but at least the good news is that she’s going to be OK.”

    Martin said he’d like to visit Briseno when the time is right.

    “My prayers were with her yesterday, and she’s OK today, so that’s a good thing,” he said.

    Martin declined to comment on his offer to pay her expenses.

  76. oldbrooklynfan

    MARTIN is really throwing that ball around the infield going after baserunners and he’s been pretty accurate.

  77. jhallwally

    Well done Kuroda!!! You went toe to toe with Carpenter and we are still standing!!! Kudo’s!!! Not so happy with our offense except for Dre’!!! We’ve squandered alot of opportunities tonight!!!! Let’s take this game!!!!

  78. nedajerk

    I remember when Dewitt was prefect with the bases loaded 2 yrs ago. Come on Dewitt get your 1st career slam.

  79. nellyjune

    Herrrrrrrrre’s Johnny!!!!!

    BTW – Andre back to batting .360, and it’s .281 for the month of June 🙂

  80. nellyjune

    The pitching was phenomenal tonight, and Manny coming through with a key hit finally – great job!!!!

  81. nellyjune

    That was a hard-fought game from a pitching standpoint. It was great to come out of it on the winning end.

    Thanks Jhall!!! Yours is lookin’ pretty good too!!!

  82. enchantedbeaver

    Doggone it it was perfect when I had it in the viewer before I posted, but it just came out a bunch of boxes…

    LMAO Wally!!

  83. enchantedbeaver

    Nice that the boys have been on the winning side of these 1-0 games lately. Sucks when you lose them.

  84. jhallwally

    Great defense and we win, coincidence? I think not!!! When you don’t make errors and walk people, you win!!! It ain’t rocket science!!!!!

  85. jhallwally

    Yep Nelly, but I wouldn’t mind getting a free set of glasses or towels from listening to Frank and Ned’s BS spin!!!

  86. nellyjune

    Tru ~ Well, enchanted is writing in Taiwanese and he wants Calgon to take him away if it still exists. Jhall thinks we may be able to market our own type of Calgon, and he also is reiterating how important pitching and defense are to the game of baseball. Does that clear things up?

  87. enchantedbeaver

    LMAO Wally – so true!!!

    In the 70’s Tru, there used to be a commercial where a woman customer used to ask an Asian dry cleaner how he got the shirts so white, and he’d lean over like he was letting her in on something and would say, “ancient Chinese secret.” Then they’d cut to the dry cleaner’s wife and she’d say, “My husband, some hotshot. Here’s his ancient Chinese secret.” Then at the end the cat was let out of the bag that it was Calgon soap that does it and I can’t remember if it was the customer or the wife that said, “ancient Chinese secret huh?”

    Yes, I watched WAY too much TV as a kid.

  88. jhallwally

    LOL Beav!!! I remember that one now that you mention it!!!! I think Jamie has an ancient Chinese secret!!!!

  89. enchantedbeaver

    Remember there was one of the gas stations that used to give away a pair of Noah’s Ark animals with a fill-up? You had to buy the ark separately though 😦

  90. enchantedbeaver

    Hey, I was about ready to give Manny back his HGC so he could get the schwing back in his swing.

  91. jhallwally

    :))) We used to get BC comic glasses with a fillup at the Marathon gas station. That was after the Apollo space glasses giveaway ran its course!!!!

  92. jhallwally

    Nice win and way to go Dodgers!!! Catch you all later!!! Excelsior True Blue Believers!!! Let’s sweep this series!!! Goodnight!!!!

  93. enchantedbeaver

    Good night Wally and the rest of ITD, I’m gonna hit it too before I start in on Goofy Grape and Ollie Ollie Orange commercials.

  94. nellyjune

    Good evening all…..
    Say what you will about these guy’s…..and our fearless leader Frank is alway’s included…………
    But the Boy’s seem to be coming together as a team……
    I know that we get on Joe for resting players….and all…..but everyday he has faith, so to say, that players, resolve grows..It takes a team to win a championship……Not Whatever….Whatever is Bostonian bull____!!
    I am proud of the way these guys are playing…..
    We Deserve better Than You Frank!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  95. nellyjune

    Boy, my comments seem to sound an awful like Dodger4life. Wait a minute!!!! It is Dodger4life!!!! Back to the regularly scheduled blogging. Well for some, it is not regularly scheduled either as submission errors seem to have taken dome of us hostage at times.

  96. enchantedbeaver

    If you read the article on the home page on Zach Lee where they interviewed the LSU coach, and Logan’s comments about Frank’s support, here’s how I suspect it to go down: Frank will let White offer a $3-5 mil signing bonus DEFERRED over a 4-5 year span, which of course Lee will flatly reject. That way, Frank’s off the hook for any money, he “kept his word” to Logan, and he can tell the fans “well we did everything we could to sign him.”

    BTW, nice gesture on Martin’s part about the girl he hit in the stands, but let Frank’s liability insurance pay it. (I’m assuming he’s kept up on the premiums. )

  97. trublu4ever

    Excellent points bpb1 and Bear. To show the another side of our management, the Yankees are intersted in getting Cliff Lee. And, that means he will most likely be a Yankee. They go out and get what they want. While we sit by and hope things happen. I’m really surprised at how well our guys have performed so far this year in spite of Ned and Frank. But, if we want to win the whole thing, we need more.

  98. selltheteam

    What a load of BS. Frank told Logan White to use the first round draft pick on a high school kid that the Dodgers knew would choose to go to college. Frank is de-leveraging like the rest of us, and needs the cash to pay Jamie for the next six months. After that, he will be looking for more cash.

  99. enchantedbeaver

    Did I read we already know we won’t be signing our 6th round pick as well?

    Logan my man, quit drafting like you’re working for a large market franchise. Start setting your sights a little lower and more in tune with Frank’s budget. You know, maybe a few speedy slap hitters that can’t throw, or even a few knuckleballers.

  100. lbirken@aol.com

    Folks, I ask again: Do you think all of us are smarter than Logan White? Is he just being a “good soldier” and drafting players he knows cannot be signed at Frank’s direction for the reasons that have been suggested? If so, I don’t know how he can sleep at night.

  101. enchantedbeaver

    No Birk, I think Logan drafts these guys in good faith. Its Frank we have no faith in and that we all know won’t shell out the bucks to sign any worthy prospects. I think Logan’s obliged to take him for his word since he’s the one signing his paycheck, but Frank’s nothing but a big bullshitter. I had a cousin like that – would tell you what you wanted to hear, but you knew down inside he was full of it. The only two things drafting these guys accomplishes is that (A) It keeps other teams from drafting them this year, and (B) with Lee when he won’t sign it gives them a compensatory pick after the first round of next years draft. Or in otherwords, a chance to pick someone else they won’t shell out the money to sign.

  102. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    I’ve been watching the NCAA softball championships and who the Dodgers should have drafted was Megan Langenfeld.

  103. lbirken@aol.com

    knouff, she was awesome, wasn’t she!

    I for one am not smarter than Logan White since he has a lot more information and experience doing what he does. I choose to believe he knows what he is doing and that he is no more fooled by fuzzy thinking than anyone else. My contention is he is as much a part of what goes on as anyone else. If he is waiting for Ned to get sacked so he can get the job, then I can see him go along with whatever is shoved down his throat but that just does not cut it with me. If he truly believes the Dodgers are just trying to pacify and fool the media and the fans and he goes along with it, then the heck with him. If Frank does not give him the resources he feels he needs to sign good prospects, Logan might consider resigning and finding employment where his talents are respected and appreciated.

  104. nedajerk

    A young child was caught on camera drinking from a beer bottle at a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game Sunday, MyFoxPhilly.com reported.

    Video of the unidentified child surfaced on Monday after the Phillies lost to the Padres on Sunday.

    In two video shots taken from an official game broadcast, the blonde child is seen with a plastic beer bottle in his right hand, drinking from the bottle.

    The child appears to be between three and four years old, and is also wearing a white Phillies home jersey.

    Once the clips leaked out on the Internet, it set off another round of Phillies ? and Philadelphia ? bashing.

    ?Phillies fans are an illustrious bunch. In the past year, they have vomited, prostituted and been Tasered. Now it appears that childhood drinking can be added to the list,? said the Huffington Post blog.

    ?Drinking beers at 4-years-old, forced vomiting on people by age 21. Who would allow a toddler to drink a beer, at $9 a bottle, I?m keeping that beer to myself,? said another blogger on Ted Williams Head.com.

    The latest incident at the Phillies home ball park comes after two nationally publicized confrontations, where one fan vomited on six people, while another fan had to be Tasered by Philadelphia police on camera.

  105. sparkleplenty_1

    BPB1, just so you know . . . there’s a disclaimer on the back of the tickets in extremely small text that should an injury occur from myriad of circumstances including broken bats and being hit by line drives (either prior to or during games), the ticket holder and not the team is responsible for whatever medical care is necessary should an injury occur. So let’s hope that Russell does what he said he’d do. Frank’s off the hook for this one.

  106. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks Sparks! Now considering that the child holding the ticket wasn’t emancipated and could therefore not enter into a binding contract written or implied because of her incapacity to comprehend the disclaimer, I say SUE THE HELL OUT OF FRANK.

  107. Dodger4life

    Good evening all…………..
    Nelly, thanks for allowing me to watch the game last night…..It was a good night for the Boy’s….
    I like the song idea…….BPB1……I am sure Franky Sue and Neddy Loo Loo…will too…….
    The Boy’s have a really nice oppourtunity this evening…..Lets go out and take advantage of the situation.

  108. oldbrooklynfan

    Hello Everyone
    I was suppose to be at Citi Field with Truebluewill and his Met fan fellow employees with our rain checks from the Dodger/Met rainout of May 26th, but I guess those tickets, make it rain.lol
    Well it’s Kershaw’s job, and I hope our guys can support him this time, against Adam Wainwright. Let’s hope the Dodgers can make him Wainwrong.

  109. jhallwally

    Need to liven this place up…

    For GA. Talking Heads: Burning Down The House

    No clout, look his career is over
    Swings strangely, ain?t no Power Ranger
    Just a washed up P-V-L
    Hit?s like Mickey Mouse
    Warm night, wait til the game?s half over
    Old sight, swings at that nasty slider
    Need a-no-ther left hand bat
    Hit?s like Mickey Mouse
    He?s the pet of Joe The Clown; Punch his ticket out of town
    Get Monkeywhiskers back here
    Things he hits don?t go too far; runs the basepaths like its tar
    Another D P grounder…
    Strikeout, hey he might need a redwood
    Sit down, ain?t like the days in An?heim
    One hun-dred for-ty six B-A
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    Comes up to the plate sometimes, baseballs look the size of dimes
    Can?t get him to first base
    Fans don?t come to watch him work; but have to cuz? our Joe?s a jerk
    Please no Garret today…
    [Instrumental Break]
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    Old grouse, play?s less than ordinary
    That?s right, play?s like a dead canary
    Sure got him one crap-py O-B-P
    Hits like Mickey Mouse
    He has Joe and Ned?s support, Frank he?s gone to divorce court
    Can?t string two hits together
    Better players we expect, not another Ned reject
    Please no Garret today…

    ©NedCo Broken Records 2010. All rights reserved.

    By brownpaperbag1 on June 7, 2010

    Outstanding Beav!!! I missed it 2 days ago, but LMAO now!!! Certainly right on and worth another look my brother!!!

  110. nedajerk

    lol maybe it was a good thing we didn’t resign him lol. I think I need to see his home stats since they do play in different stadium.

  111. nedajerk

    Yeah glad the Blackhawks won don’t want to see any more Philadephia team to win. That’s my 3rd teams that I like glad Hossa finally broke the curse.

  112. bklyntrolleyblogger

    Hey L.A. ~ S’up everybody. Nice move giving Bobby Cox props. My hour and a half of sharing time with Jose Lima is one of the greatest Baseball times I ever had. It came when he was with your Dodgers in ’04 at Shea Stadium. He was such class!
    D-Day…They call them our greatest generation for a reason. They were incredible Americans.

  113. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Trolley!! Spending time with Jose Lima sounds too cool. Good for you. Nice post and yes, that generation went above and beyond!!! I’m lucky that my father and uncles were part of it and I was raised with their ethic!!!!!

  114. nedajerk

    I like how Torre is now trusting the starters to go past 5+ innings. I just wish Kershaw didn’t have that tough 4th innings.

  115. jhallwally

    I’m with you Shad!! I’m liking the Kuo/Broxton 8/9. Yes Trumom, you are one of a kind. A darn good kind in my bood!!!

  116. enchantedbeaver

    Martin is worthless with men on base.

    Ellis 31 AB 8 RBI
    Anderson 91 AB 9 RBI
    Martin 192 AB 13 RBI

  117. jhallwally

    Nice play James!!! I’m with you Beav!! Martin has been very disappointing since the All-Star break in 2008!!!

  118. nellyjune


    I bet boblee is a happy St. Louis resident right now 🙂

  119. oldbrooklynfan

    After 60 games
    2008…..28-32…2nd PL.
    2009…..40-20…1st PL.
    2010…..36-24…1st PL.

  120. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Nelly!!! LOL!!! Goodnight all!!! Catch you down the road!! Excelsior True Blue Believers!!!! Hey, I’ve got it: Bood; Believers Of Our Dodgers!!!!

  121. nellyjune

    Hello and Good Night Jhall/Wally!!!! Good Acronym!!!! Have a fantastic Thursday!!!

    That’s a real sneaky smile enchanted.

  122. enchantedbeaver

    Good night my bood buddy!!!

    You really don’t know what I’m going to come up or out with next do you Nells?? 🙂

  123. nellyjune

    I think I (and probably most of ITD) can honestly say “I really don’t know what you are going to come up or out with next” – LOL!!!! BTW – Have you been fishing yet?

  124. nellyjune

    Good Night enchanted!!! I thought of the fishing because they are reporting that the Merced River is running high in some parts and that means alot of water up in your neck of the woods. Take Care and have a great one tomorrow 🙂

  125. kpookiemon

    Last seven games with Braves and Cards: 5-2
    Manny just now awakening from his year-long pouty funk…..

  126. crzblue2

    that is a good thing to root for in the World Cup!
    Perumike! We are enemies next week then! I heard on KLOVE that USA has bought the most tickets for the World Cup games. I bought my Honduras jersey. Is a beautiful Dodger blue jersey!
    Love David Byrne. I rememeber going to see him at the Greek theater. Good job Wally!
    Speaking of Mickey Mouse, I need to go to Angel Stadium Friday or Saturday to attend a required two hour session/interview to volunteer for the Fan-Fest. I’ll go dressed in my Dodger Blue. I hope they wont’ hold it against me. Anyone else volunteering from here?
    good to read Mike from Brooklytrolleyblogger here.
    We got our tickets for Boston in the mail and the rest of the stuff from the Dodgerlife event.
    I could not believe that stuff about the psychic. I read it last night as Dylan tweet about it. You just can’t make stuff that bizarre.
    Have a great off day everyone! Time for me to catch with other things before the series with the Angles this weekend.

  127. enchantedbeaver

    Kahli – why does Rasputin come to mind?

    Hey Frank, we all Think Blue every day of the week too. Where’s our 6 figure bonus?

    Un-freakin’-believable. Let’s see how the front office spins this story. Everytime you turn around this ownership gets more and more bizarre. SELL THE TEAM.

  128. nellyjune

    Good Morning!!! I can’t take full credit for the article. Dodger4life found it, and he forward’s them to me with the thought, “I wonder what enchanted,Bear, Eric and gang will think?” So, I figured…..let’s find out! It is pretty unbelieveable considering the amount of money already being spent on stupid things that have nothing to do with the livelihood of this storied franchise. That being said, I am so proud of the players and how they are playing despite having the most embarrassing owners ever.
    Sell the Team!!
    We (and the players) deserve better!!

  129. enchantedbeaver

    Sorry Nells, my bad – I didn’t look at the post right – thought Kahli posted it on the psychic.

    Embarrassing isn’t it? What next with these two?

  130. enchantedbeaver

    The McCourts are exactly the same kind of “haves” that run our governments from county and state to Washington DC who have a total disconnect from us peons. Way too many parallels that you can draw between the two.

  131. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Is this psychics name Rasputin?
    Quit fooling around with this stuff and sign Megan.

  132. selltheteam

    No wonder Frank doesn’t spend money to upgrade the team through acquisition of quality starting pitchers or other high quality players. He thinks that he can put Pathetic Veteran Losers on the field, then add Vlad’s “extra energy” to improve the team the final 10-15% to push them over the top.
    This all makes me want to scream…

  133. selltheteam

    Let?s sign Russ Ortiz, Vlad will help him get the hitters out.
    Let?s bring up the knuckle(head)baller, Vlad will help him pitch strikes.
    Let?s sign up Sweeney Anderson as our ph, Vlad will help him hit.
    Let?s sign Schmidt, Vlad will help him pitch.
    Let?s sign Andruw, Vlad will help him lose weight.
    Let?s sign Pierre, Vlad will help him throw.
    Ad nauseam.

  134. lbirken@aol.com

    I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or just throw up when I read the story about the McCourts spending money on the so called psychic energy guy. The funniest part is each one says the other hired the guy. Oh well, many companies spend a lot of money on consultants, including sports psychologists. This just makes Frank and Jamie look even more ridiculous if that is possible.

    I also saw something in today’s paper that suggests the Dodgers drafted Zach Lee knowing he would be hard to sign in order to get a supplemental pick next year when the talent pool is expected to be better. If that is the case maybe Logan White really is the smart one.

  135. Dodger4life

    So basically, Frank was paying some guy, 6 figures to channel him some energy…..sounds about right…..
    By the looks of the e-mail…….Frank liked it!!!

  136. kpookiemon

    lbirken, as a couple UCLA honks, we might wonder if Coach Pete knew what was a comin’ on down the line…ya think? Seattle and New Orleans seem very far away from downtown LA right about now. Now if only the NCAA had the power to sanction Frank!

  137. enchantedbeaver

    That supplimental pick won’t mean anything though birk when Frank won’t put out any money for signing bonuses. They’ve done just about everything possible not to replenish the farm system, yet have no trouble raping it when they don’t want to pay another mid-season PVL.

    There’s nothing redeeming about this ownership, and everyday its becomming more and more embarrassing to call yourself a Dodger fan.

  138. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    There’s nothing redeeming about this ownership, and everyday its becomming more and more embarrassing to call yourself a Dodger fan.

    whoa u guys know i am as tough on the ownership morons as anybody and have been since 04 or whenever they failed to get Vlade Guererro but dude we are the best team in the NL and are coming off back to back NL Wests…

  139. lbirken@aol.com

    kahli, I am a bit surprised at the extent of the penalties handed down. However, I am convinced the timing of Uncle Pete’s sudden departure from SC clearly was motivated by the investigations into his program and the impending sanctions. He knew his time at the top was running out and did not want to be around to pick up the pieces of a damaged program. He can deny it all he wants with that puppy dog face but I am not buying it. I do think it is unfair that he gets to walk away while current players and coaches (allright, I really don’t care about the coaches) suffer the consequences. What price does Reggie Bush or O.J. Mayo pay for whatever part they played? By the way, my son and I both predicted that SC would regret signing O.J. Mayo although we expected something to happen a long time ago and we expected him to cause problems while a member of the basketball team. I did see a funny item in today’s paper when a writer quipped this investigation lasted longer than the Civil War.

  140. lbirken@aol.com

    Bear, as long as we are in a deferring mood, I will defer judgment on next year’s draft to next year.

  141. enchantedbeaver

    No offense to the players jungar, I mostly view them separately from the franchise anymore. But when you look at it as a whole, you gotta admit its pretty embarrassing from Frank & Jamie to Ned to Joe to the Dancing PVLs they bring in. The organization (and I use that term loosely) is about as shoddy as a major sports entity can get.

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