And the winner is…

The Jim and Dearie Mulvey award, for the top Dodger rookie in camp as voted upon by the coaches, goes to Josh Lindblom.

The last several winners have been Xavier Paul, Blake DeWitt, Tony Abreu, Hong-Chih Kuo, Jason Repko and James Loney, with such past winners including Raul Mondesi (1994), Mike Piazza (1993), Eric Karros (1991), Orel Hershiser (1983), Fernando Valenzuela (1981), Bob Welch (1978), Steve Yeager (1972) and Ted Sizemore (1969, the first year the honor was presented).

Josh was brought over to the big league camp pretty early last year and spent much of it with the team but this was his first full spring with the Major League players so he remains eligible.

Of course, Piazza seems to have won the award in 1992 and 1993 so clearly the rules are somewhat flexible but still, it’s a nice honor for Josh, as it’s been given out for more than 40 years.  


  1. gibbie23

    Rock on L-blom! For being such a young guy, Josh battled hard last week in his two relief innings against the A’s on the road. IN fact he looked like a pro considering the pressure and circumstances. This whole last week he has been great with the fans here at Spring Training too signing for lots of kids and even walking out off the team bus (only one to do it) to mingle and sign autographs for the fans. I wish him well in the Minors this season and really look forward to seeing him called up to the Bigs sometime soon…

  2. nellyjune

    Okay – I finally get to mix Dodgers with NASCAR legitmately. I didn’t get to see the race, but the #11 won, and the way he won was fabulous. Anyhow, I just got to watch the finish, and it was a great finish, but the broadcasters used Vinny’s famous line. As Denny crossed the finish line, they said, “In the words of a famous sportcaster”……………”I can’t believe what I just saw!” It wasn’t Gibson incredible and it certainly wasn’t Vin Scully, but it was pretty awesome!

  3. Dodger4life

    I believe it Nelly…He refused to be denied…..Good Job, Denny!!
    Congratulations to Josh Lindblom!!
    Ned not offering Meintkewicz his release is just bad taste in my opinion…..and talking about bad taste………
    I just seen the McCourts on TMZ, what a bunch of buffoons….the whole bunch of them.
    This place isn’t ever going to be the same again…..and Emma, I know you are just trying to help, or possibly working for Frank??? But you cannot replace the O’Malley’s and their love for the Dodgers and the fans….with higher prices and a coupon.
    It’s still my team…’s just not my fathers team, Thank you Frank and Thank you Jamie…..
    I’ll let you continue building the new legacy…………

  4. northstateblues

    I actually caught the Martinsville race earlier… just as they went to that caution with 10 laps left. When Denny and the other Gibbs driver pitted, nobody followed them, and the announcers blasted the move. That finish was awesome the way they squeaked through that tight spot next to Gordon. One of the best race finishes I ever seen, better than the two Andrettis getting squeezed out at that Indy 500 a few years ago (even though I like the Andretti family, that was pretty awesome of “whoever won” to come up on them and take it in the last 20 yards).

    It was Jack Buck who called the “I don’t believe what I just saw” line. Vin’s was “And it’s a long fly ball to right field… and she iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis GONE! :: silence for about a minute as the crowd goes wild and the brake lights in the distance of those cussing their dashboards for leaving early:: In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened”. Two great styles on that call, I was listening to the radio, though, so I got to hear Jack Buck’s call ALLL night camping, everytime the news came on.

  5. trublu4ever

    Nellyjune ~ they just announced that on radio too. What I think is sad, the fact that DeWitt doessn’t know if h’s going to be on the roster. He has had a fantastic Spring.

  6. enchantedbeaver

    Gonna be a long year if it takes Joe until his usual August to figure out Furcal shouldn’t be leading off.

  7. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Gang!!! Hope everyone is well and happy this evening/night. I’m with you Beav, if Ferk is stinking the joint up in mid to late May, I would pull the plug on his leadoff slot. I’m hopeful JoJo has enough wherewithall(read ‘nads) to do something before August!!! Geez!!!!!

  8. enchantedbeaver

    Yeah. 11 pitchers. Gotta make that all important spot for .192 Nick Green. If all they’re doing is keeping a spot warm for Bellisario and Green’s the sacraficial lamb, why bother? There’s a 40-man roster spot you need to bump someone now. Just let Hu be the back-up and send him down when Belli’s ready. He isn’t going to stink on ice any more than Green.

    Is it me?

  9. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi ITDers
    So Bills struggled in the first and came back with a nice second.
    It’s a wonderful thing that the Dodgers, carry James & Dearie Mulvey from the old Brooklyn days.
    Things like that really make me feel good.
    One time a guy said “You can take the Dodgers out of Brooklyn, but you can’t take Brooklyn out of the Dodgers”.
    Congrats to Josh Lindblom for winning the Jim & Dearie Mulvey Award.

  10. jhallwally

    No Beav, it’s not you. Our front office has a problem with abstract thought unless it applies to enhancing THERE lifestyle. Not the betterment of the team!!!!

  11. nellyjune

    from this article…………………… Peter Gammons talks about the six teams to watch, and we are one of them…………

    Other than their talent, the unknown factor that makes most teams take Colorado over Los Angeles is the ownership situation in Los Angeles, which likely will prevent the Dodgers from being able to acquire any players during the season unless their trade partner pays for the player’s contract. That necessitates giving up top prospects, as happened with Carlos Santana and Josh Bell.

    …..and then at the end of the article there is this……….

    10. What made us feel the best about who we are? The way stricken Red Sox Minor League outfielder Ryan Westmoreland, one of the best prospects anywhere, has attracted the caring and legitimate encouragement of players and teams out here. On Monday, Ethier is taking off to spend time with Westmoreland, as his brother Adam Ethier is Westmoreland’s physical therapist and trainer. Justin Upton visited Westmoreland. The Padres and D-backs have reached out and visited him. If you’re sick of Tiger and scandal and selfishness, think about Andre and Adam Ethier, and Upton. Some people get a day off to play golf, Andre Ethier took his day off to try to help the rehab of a 20-year-old kid who a week ago was fighting for his life.

    Andre just continues to impress on and off the field. I really hope the ownership figures out what in the hell they are doing because it’s going to be a very sad day when we lose players like Andre.

  12. jhallwally

    Great stuff Nelly, thanks!!! ESPN has been talking alot about the Dodger ownership problems and how it is dragging the franchise into mediocricy!!! We must hope that the impending divorce/litigation results in the sale of the team sooner than later!!!!!! Otherwise, we’re hosed!!!

  13. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Well, well. It looks like Joe will go with 11 pitchers; I like that move. Hope that comes to pass when the official 25 man roster is announced! Can’t wait! And REALLY can’t wait for Monday morning’s start to the REGULAR SEASON!!! GO BLUE!!!

    Emma – Yes, being at Camelback was great! We were pleasantly surprised when we found out that Camelback doesn’t charge for parking! So we got to go back and forth between workouts and games several times a day and not have to pay for parking all the time! That was great! We did enjoy ourselves. Yes, would’ve been nice if the Dodgers could have won a game we were at, but hey, it’s ST. I forgot to say something else. Not only did I get a chance to talk to Andre, but on our last day there, I said a few words to Josh Lindblom. I saw him pitch on Saturday night (I think it was Saturday night) and he did a TERRIFIC job! I think he was kinda surprised that someone actually recognized him and called out his name! I thought that was cool! And as far as our next game? Well, my mom and I will be there for the home opener! Yes, I REALLY wished we ran into Josh.

    *** Note to Josh (Rawitch) ***
    I know the home opener will be a very busy day for you, but if you can, come down to to the Inner Reserved, Aisle 1, Row M. I STILL would love it if my mom met you!!! 🙂

  14. Dodger4life

    Good evening all………
    I am well enchanted, I hope you all are too, as it’s good to see everyone tonight. Eric it is nice to see your comments again as well.
    Nelly well said…..Andre is just a nice guy, that works hard…. at life in general and not just baseball. It is a pleasure to have him on our team.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. cpompe1

    Good to hear that Jhall! I complain about how “chilly” it gets in Ventura, but hey, I’ve gotta remember that I’ve got much milder weather than most! 🙂 How’s life? Whatcha up to these days?

  16. cpompe1

    Oh, and Nelly! I echo your sentiments on Andre! He is just something else! I’m thrilled that he’s “ours!” Just as long as Ned doesn’t go making some stupid moves later on. No, I don’t want to think about that…

  17. nellyjune

    Hey CP!!! It’s great to see you back!!! I am glad you got to go to Spring Training. I be there in spirit Opening Night!!!

  18. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!
    ST was REALLY fun! It was nice to be SOOOO close to our Boys in Blue!!! I wish I had my camera ready when I got to chat a bit with Josh Lindblom, but I was just star-struck! He REALLY did look impressive. Actually, the other pitcher that impressed me is Justin Miller. He looked good when I saw him. Don’t really see him cracking the 25 man roster, but he did look good.

    So how are you? How’s the family? Academy? School?

  19. jhallwally

    It’s all good CP, thanks for asking!!! How about you my friend?? Just getting ready for outdoor activities!!!! LOL!!!

  20. cpompe1

    Jhall – I’m fine. But this “still-job-hunting” gig is getting old – VERY old. Still looking for a job; still looking for clients. I’d even settle for ONE client at this point. Just keep praying for me. But I’m thrilled that baseball FOR REAL starts soon!!! Can’t wait!!!

  21. kpookiemon

    The 11-man pitching staff has more to with three off-days in the first three weeks than anything else. They’ll need the 5th starter only twice in that span…so it’s still like having a 7-man bullpen. Belisario? What a piece of work. The DeWitt thing mystifies me. Even Belliard said he was cool with his utility role. And Carroll is, well, Carroll. So what’s up with Joe and his allergies to any player under 35? Talent or experience? Any coach will go with the former. But if Joe REALLY wants to help this franchise, he’ll talk Jeter into retiring RIGHT NOW so he can buy the Dodgers, fulfilling his wish to become an MLB owner. Then he can fire Joe, fire the guy who hired Joe, and fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe.

  22. trublu4ever

    Cp ~ you are always in my thoughts. I wish you the best and hope thing turn around for you real soon.

  23. cpompe1

    Although Kahli, if Jeter ever did buy the Dodgers, I don’t know if he’d have the heart to fire Joe. But if he convinced Joe to join him in the front office, then something can be worked out, huh???

  24. jhallwally

    Hey CP, keep the faith!!! You will prevail!! I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

  25. oldbrooklynfan

    That was the kind of outing we like from Billingsley.
    Tough first inning but it didn’t get him down.
    I’m a little surprise he didn’t go 6 innings like so many others are these days, in spring training.

  26. nellyjune

    CP – We are doing great!! The academy is doing well, and the kids are doing good too. School is just school. Baseball day for me is this Thursday. We have spring break next week. So, I can’t do it on Opening Day like I usually do. So, I am doing it on April 1st instead.

  27. oldbrooklynfan

    Nice to hear Kuroda, had a nice 91 pitch 7 inning minor league game and Russell’s feeling great.
    Hope Weaver doesn’t feel anything tomorrow.

  28. cpompe1

    Pulled pork on a cheese kaiser sounds great Enchanted! My son got us pizza! Mmmm, Costco Supreme Pizza!

    OBF – I’m watching the updates on the box score. Still refuse to pay for ST games on my computer. But I’m liking the score!!! Now why couldn’t they do this against the Indians on the game that I saw? Hmmm??? Oh well…

    Nelly – Have a great spring break!

  29. nellyjune

    Thanks!!! We are going to be down in Anaheim. Michael has a tournament Monday thru Wednesday down there. The rest of the week is up in the air for now 🙂

  30. nellyjune

    Thanks!!! We are going to be down in Anaheim. Michael has a tournament Monday thru Wednesday down there. The rest of the week is up in the air for now 🙂

  31. oldbrooklynfan

    I just lost Steiner and Monday, I’m listening to the Indian feed.
    Anybody else with the same problem?

  32. oldbrooklynfan

    I miss the spring training games my first year in 2007, but I still had to pay the same price to MLB.TV

  33. cpompe1

    What’s the tournament for Nelly? Too bad the Dodgers don’t start the season in LA so you could go to a game or two! I take it you all will be spending a lot of time with Eric and Chris, huh? And the two “love-birds” get some time together! 🙂

    Well OBF, since you’re in Brooklyn, I guess I can understand why you pay to hear/see the games. I guess I get too caught up in my own bubble here in So Cal, that I forget what I would do if I were in your shoes (I mean, a Dodger fan living on the other side of the country). GO BLUE!!!

  34. cpompe1

    Sorry to hear that you are getting so many submission errors; no fun for sure. That tournament sounds great Nelly! I bet Michael is having a grand old time!

    And yes, it sounds like the “love-birds” are still going strong! But if you want to see a game while you’re in town, the Angels start their season in Anaheim (I know, not the Dodgers, but baseball nonetheless). Minnesota comes to Anaheim Monday – Thursday with Oakland in Anaheim Friday, Saturday & Sunday…

    And OBF, Firefox is giving me a bunch of “Redirect” Problems! So I’m having troubles submitting comments. Once this comment posts, I’m gone. I’m tired of all this…

  35. nellyjune

    LOL!!! (that’s for the Matt and Mariya comment – I will get to that in a sec). Michael is playing in a Baseball tournament :)) He pitched his first Varsity league game last Wednesday. He pitched a complete game (7 innings in highschool) with only 4 hits and 12 strikeouts. They won the game 3-2. For the tournament they are playing 5 games, but I am not sure how what the format will be…………..just round robin or brackets as well.

    As for the “love birds” – Matthew is with us right now. He has the next two weeks off, and we only have next week. So, he is spending this week with us, and then we are exchanging on Easter Sunday, and Mariya will then go to Temecula with Matthew, Chris and Eric for the next week. So, yes, they are spending plenty of time together.

    I have been in submission error hell. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!

  36. oldbrooklynfan

    It’s a nice old hobby, Cpompe1
    I got Steiner and Monday back.

    My page isn’t redirecting properly as per firefox.
    so I’m having trouble submitting comments.

  37. nellyjune

    CP – Michael and his team are going to watch the Angels/Twins game Tuesday. We haven’t decided if we are going yet. Bill and I are kind of taking that week as it comes.

  38. nellyjune

    Well, since I am up, it’s after midnight (pst), and it’s officially March 30th, I would like to wish another beloved ITDer (Dodgereric) a very Happy Birthday. It has been nothing short of remarkable what this last 14 months has been like getting to know you, your amazing wife and the rest of the Monson Family. ITD has been known for some pretty crazy, unique and wonderful stuff, and I think how Matt and Mariya met really fits the ITD bill…………….crazy, unique and wonderful. Have a fabulous day off with Chris and whoever else you are planning to spend your special day with. And yes, I feel a tad guilty (okay – alot guilty) that part of your tradition is here in my house :)) HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DODGERERIC, WARD DEAR, AND MATT’S DAD!!!! BEST WISHES ALWAYS ON THIS VERY SPECIAL DAY!!!

  39. colliethec

    Yea — What Nelly said!!!!!!
    Unotherwords HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC!!!
    I hope it’s extra special for you & your family!!!!!

  40. trublu4ever


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