Fall Classic starts tomorrow…

Still imagining a Yankees-Dodgers World Series matchup?

This is the “phantom” 1962 World Series program cover, produced before Los Angeles lost a best-of-three format National League tiebreaker against San Francisco at the end of the regular season. In the final game at Dodger Stadium, the Dodgers took a 4-2 lead into the top of the ninth inning, but San Francisco rallied for four runs and won the pennant.

history blog 62 photo.jpgFor older fans, there was a Dodgers-Yankees program cover made for the 1951 World Series, which instead became a collector’s item when Bobby Thomson’s “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” three-run home run for the New York Giants in the bottom of the ninth inning beat the Dodgers, 5-4, in the third and deciding playoff game.

Another late-season heartbreak for the Dodgers led to the previous World Series matchup between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees in 1950. The Phillies held a seven-game lead on September 23, but the Dodgers eventually cut the deficit to one with one game remaining on October 1. Needing a victory against the Phillies at Ebbets Field to force a playoff, the Dodgers wasted a bases-loaded opportunity in the bottom of the ninth against Robin Roberts and lost, 4-1, in 10 innings on Dick Sisler’s three-run home run.

Sisler was the son of George Sisler, the Hall of Fame infielder who in 1950 was working for the Dodgers as a scout and sitting behind the Brooklyn dugout. Asked after the game about watching his son beat the Dodgers, George Sisler replied, “I feel awful and terrific at the same time.”

The Phillies advanced to the World Series for the first time since 1915, but lost in four straight against Casey Stengel’s Yankees.

— Mark Langill


  1. nellyjune

    Mark – thanks for another great history lesson. This was before my time, but I am sure many ITDers will have memories to share.

  2. nellyjune

    From the previous thread…………..

    I am not counting on much of this remaining private. The Dodgers are in Los Angeles where people make money off of other peoples dirty laundry. Kind of reminds me of Joe Walsh’s song………………..”Dirty Laundry.”

  3. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    What a world! And here I thought this was a baseball team. Well, hopefully Ned is minding the store.

  4. enchantedbeaver

    Hairy (mustache), Joe, and Shirley (not that there’s anything wrong with that) – our own Three Stooges.

  5. kpookiemon

    “What the team needs now is studs, pitching studs,
    It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
    What the team needs now is studs, pitching studs,
    No not just for Joe but for all us schmos.

    Frank, you don’t need another mansion,
    There are Lear jets and swimming pools enough to hoard
    There are hotels and restaurants enough to splurge,
    Enough to last ’til you go to court.

    What the team needs now is studs, pitching studs,
    It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
    What the team needs now is studs, pitching studs,
    No not just for Joe but for all us schmos.”

  6. nellyjune

    Kahli – just fabulous!!!!

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!! I have the feeling this is just going to get uglier and uglier as the off-season progresses.

  7. crzblue2

    Good morning ITDers!
    Thanks for the history lesson. Wish I had that program. I wonder what they do with hats and other memorabillia that is prepared in advanced. I was talking about Dick Sisler and 1950 in my last post in my blog. I knew that the Phillies and the Yankees had only met in 1950 when the Yankees swept them then I ran into that last game against the Brooklyn Dodgers that decided the NL penant. Did you all know that game went into the 10th inning tied when Dick Sisler hit a three run homer? Both starters Newcombe and Robin Roberts went 10 innings. Dodgers had a big chance to win that game when a runner was sent from third and cut down by 5 feet. The following day, the third base coach was fired. It happened before my time but I just love reading baseball history.

  8. jhallwally

    LOL guys!!! Good one Kahli!!! Hey Dad, I’ve always enjoyed Simers. Sounds like it could get very ugly!!! Beav, we’ve known for awhile that we have the Three Stooges running the show. We could be “Duck Soup” before this is all over!!! Have a great day and keep your fingers crossed!!!!

  9. scott_in_arcadia

    I get TJ Simers. I liked the Georgia Frontiere line, although it brings up bad memories of my beloved LA Rams.
    I want an owner from the West Coast!!! No more East Coast chowderheads!
    Josh, we’ll put in a good word for you with the new owners!

  10. crzblue2

    Oh and I meant to say Thanks for the history lesson Mark! I still need you to sign your book! HOpefully I’ll catch you next season.
    Great job with the song!
    I had original typed without signing on. i hated it when that happens and also when it tells me “too many comments submitted.” Hey I make my rounds reading several blogs I love to read.
    Did you attend those games in 1950?

  11. messagebear@msn.com

    I say “pox on both their houses”, or is Jamie the only one who owns the houses.

    At this point I see no way that we’ll strengthen the team through any acquisitions, and I only hope that we hold on to our key young guys. I agree with Simer’s assessment and see no way that these two can hold the team ownership together. I wish there was a “white knight” in sight to take over this franchise.

  12. jhallwally

    LOL Bear!! I’m with you. I don’t see either one holding on to the team. Maybe Mark Cuban will go after them since he can’t get the Cubs!! Wow, what a ride that could be!!!?

  13. scott_in_arcadia

    Mark Cuban isn’t exactly Peter O’Malley, and MLB would probably block him, but at least he’s a straight shooter, not like these real estate hoarding Boston turds we have for owners now.

  14. dodgereric

    Thanks Scott, I needed some cheering up. Every number EXCEPT 48 keeps coming up on those damned wheels. But one of these days, boy……..

  15. messagebear@msn.com

    Yeah, “Boston turds” – that’s a good one.
    They’ll be able to smell them from one coast to the other before it’s all over. They should realize that the franchise ownership is OVER for either one or both – so,
    JUST SELL THE TEAM, you Boston Turds.

  16. jhallwally

    Beeeeeeeeeav!!!! How’ya been my friend!!! You and Mark Cuban together would be perfect. I’m not sure MLB or the world is ready for it!!! ITD could handle it however!!!!

  17. messagebear@msn.com

    I think for the sake of proper identification each McCourt needs to be singularly identified:

    Frank is undoubtedly the BIG ****;
    Jamie could easily qualify as SLEEZE ****, or is TURDETTE more appropriate. Josh, please take note when referring to the owners in the future on this forum.

  18. messagebear@msn.com

    Interesting that the singular of “turds” is bleeped out, but the plural is OK. I’m going to try it with ***** and see what happens. That is SHI*S.

  19. messagebear@msn.com

    The only thing I can say after the above experiment is that MLB just wasn’t prepared for the kind of ownership that we have – they should adjust their language censoring to adapt to Frank and Jamie’s personalities.

  20. messagebear@msn.com

    No doubt Mrs. McTurd will file a claim soon that the reason she had to go with Mr. Fuller is that Mr. McTurd couldn’t rise to the occasion or numerous occasions since their ownership of the team began. Mr. Fuller therefore might be named FILLER (like filler-in) for Mr. McTurd.

  21. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!! Boy, you leave the boys in the house by themselves for a couple of hours and look what happens……………. a lot of fun :)))

  22. koufax1963

    Hi ITD,
    I came on today and thought this site had been taken over by Giants fans. Memories of 62 and 51 being discussed, don’t need any of that. I do like the picture of the stadium, all that foul territory that use to be, now McCourt alimony seating.
    Read all the LA Times articles on the Ownership debacle. I guess Frank just wasn’t prepared for the LA lifestyle to completely embrace “the fling”, but certainly didn’t mind the acquring real estate and having lavish dinners and writing off first class flights. I guess when your owner you can do that. So I ask the McCourts to go make it work, get over the petty inconveniences, get counseling, accept their differences and realize that having the Dodgers become a championship team benefits both of them, if not for financial gain, then pride, which they seem to have plenty of; as displayed by such a public divorce. Shameful. Take a clue from another SF franchise the 49ers, family strife does not win championships or create more wealth. I hesitate to say “GO Dodgers” because they might, and I dont want to root for the Dodgers in say Montreal.

  23. messagebear@msn.com

    I’m thinking that Padilla would be available for the same amount that we would have to exercise for Garland, and I personally like his stuff better. If we buy out Garland, that money I believe has to come from the Diamondbacks.

  24. scott_in_arcadia

    Wolf had a nice stretch, but too many games he gives up early HR’s that put us in a hole, then it’s the ol’ claw back routine….I don’t know.
    Blame it on the McTurds!

  25. jhallwally

    Regardless, I don’t see us increasing salary with the impending litigation. Probably reducing it. Arbitration for our young core will eat up most of the available funds. If we stand pat, we’re not too bad off. I would take the option on Garland at 10M, and try to resign Wolf. Then hope like hell’ that Billz gets his head straight and Kersh continues to develope. Both have ace stuff, its just getting the horsepower to the road.

    Starting 2010 rotation:


    not necessarily in that order. I’ll take my chances. What do you think true believers?

  26. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Beav!! LOL!! Playing hookie today!!! Unfortunately, I have the flu!! Nobody wants you around these days with a sniffle or cough!!! H1N1 scare, I guess!!!

  27. jhallwally

    Yep Scotty!! Wolf is a great 3 or 4 starter. And that is what I would pay him as. I imagine he and his agent will try and get 1 or 2 starter money. Good Luck!!! If he doesn’t get it I’d be waiting with an offer.

  28. messagebear@msn.com

    Let’s not forget Charlie Hager in the pitching mix. I know he had one start when his ball just wouldn’t break, but I think he has potential to be a starter.

  29. enchantedbeaver

    Hope you feel better soon my friend!!!

    I have to agree with Bear, I’d take Padilla over Garland, although I think over a full season at DS, Garland’s numbers would be a lot better than he showed in AZ last year.

    Unfortunately, I see our rotation as:
    Elbert or Stultz

  30. scott_in_arcadia

    Yeah, 3 or 4 is ok. Bills better get his act together. I’d still like to see real pitching coach get McDonald and Elbert ready to start at some point. I’m tired of HoneyGut. Every trip he takes to the mound is followed by a home run or triple where the guy knocks the cover off the ball.

  31. enchantedbeaver

    Of course Ned will fill out the obligatory list of PVLs for ST, the 2010 crop of Milton’s and Ohman’s.

  32. jhallwally

    Hey Nelly!!! Thanks!! Got it Saturday!! Just about to kick it!!! Feeling alot better today!!! I’ll be back in action tomorrow!!!

  33. trublu4ever

    I have a feeling our rotation will be completely different….not sure who will stay or who we may get rid of but, things should get interesting.

  34. trublu4ever

    I’ve been reading too, LMAO to boot! I think our continuing soap opera “As the Stomach Turns”, will have a long and hilarioius run!

  35. jhallwally

    We’ve got lots of above average arms with above average stuff in the pipeline. Billz, McDonald, Elbert, Stults, etc…. We need a pitching coach that can teach them the art of pitching and get the horsepower to the road!!! From what I’ve seen the last 3 years, Honeycutt just isn’t it!!!

  36. nellyjune

    Well that’s good Wally:) I am glad to hear/read that. This flu thing is never any fun. Knock on wood…………………..so far so good here.

  37. scott_in_arcadia

    Yeah, get well soon, jhall!
    If we ever get new owners, the first thing they can do is lower prices – especially parking with its new method. $5 for an imitation Dodger Dog – are they microwaved now, wth?

  38. jhallwally

    LOL Scotty!! Thanks my friend!! Feeling better already!!! Prices likely to go up to buy out Jamie!!!! Ouch!!!

  39. nellyjune

    Wally ~ In all the years I have been teaching, I have never gotten the flu shot, and I haven’t missed any days due to the flu. I have taken my share of mental health days (really playing hookie), but those are planned – LOL!!!!!

  40. nellyjune

    You know to park at AT&T Park it’s $30 if you want to park in their lot. However, ticket prices, in general, are lower, and because of Collie have learned how to park there cheap. I agree, Scott, prices need to start coming down, either through parking or ticket prices.

  41. jhallwally

    You are truely blessed Nell’!!! What do you do to maintain your obviously great immune system? Vitamins, supplements, diet, beating the G’nats!!!!

  42. jhallwally

    “I” is probably the best choice as you didn’t use it earlier in the sentence. I still remember my grammar teachers stressing, don’t use more than one “I” in a sentence. Is that what you do Nelly?

  43. nellyjune

    That is true Scott!!! The gnats don’t deserve that ballpark. If it weren’t for the gnats playing there, I would probably go more often. It’s a two hour drive and it’s not too bad getting in and out of. However, Dodger Stadium has the history. Therefore, nothing beats it IMO.

    Jhall – none of the above, trust me – LOL!!! However, I have in the last two months really focused on eating healthier, and that is paying off really well so far. As far as my immune system, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is being around kids this age since I was in my early 20’s, and I have been exposed to everything already.

  44. nellyjune

    That is true Scott!!! The gnats don’t deserve that ballpark. If it weren’t for the gnats playing there, I would probably go more often. It’s a two hour drive and it’s not too bad getting in and out of. However, Dodger Stadium has the history. Therefore, nothing beats it IMO.

    Jhall – none of the above, trust me – LOL!!! However, I have in the last two months really focused on eating healthier, and that is paying off really well so far. As far as my immune system, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is being around kids this age since I was in my early 20’s, and I have been exposed to everything already.

  45. jhallwally

    Wow Nelly, didn’t mean to give you so much grief for missing a comma. Imagine if you had missed a period!!! LOL!!!!

  46. jhallwally

    Gee Mom, I didn’t mean to give you so much grief for missing a comma. Imagine if you had missed a period!!! LOL!!!

  47. nellyjune

    You know……………………… I am talking about all this, and I will wake up sick tomorrow – LOL!!! (jk)

    jhall – definitely!

  48. nellyjune

    hahahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahaha – very funny jhall!!!!!! That would be quite the surprise if that happened, and I have enough going on in my life, I certainly don’t need that to happen. :))))

  49. kpookiemon

    Frankie and Johnnie, er Jamie, have wrecked it for me. I therefore agree?a moratorium on East Coast interlopers. No more Yankees/Red Sox fingerprints. Sorry Donny Baseball, but there’s no true blue flowing through your veins. L.A. needs a West Coast ownership group…Dick Dale, Jan and Dean???

  50. nellyjune

    Ward Dear!!! Your children have lost their minds, and by the way, Wally is home sick with the flu………………No, really, he is.

  51. kpookiemon

    Finally…the real dirt:

    “Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt on Wednesday filed papers opposing his wife?s demand to be reinstated as the team?s chief executive, citing insubordination and an affair she allegedly had with her bodyguard.

    In a filing submitted by the Dodgers that opposes her return to the team, Dodgers attorneys allege that Jamie McCourt took a trip with her bodyguard, Jeff Fuller, in early July to Israel on team business, but then headed to France for 2 1/2 weeks and billed the Dodgers for the trip.”


  52. Dodger4life

    Good afternoon everybody, I just chimed in and it has been busy…….I had just finished my lunch, when upon reading the daily news of our soon to be FORMER OWNERS it has made me…………well lets just say ( Josh ) where do I send my bill for the Double, Double and Fries…. oh yeah don’t forget the milkshake?
    I have a thought’s on Padilla, as good as he was for us in the stretch run, his MO is that he loses concentration on the mound and becomes vulnerable. I happen to believe this to be the case. I am not saying that he can’t continue his success through out year just that it remains to be seen.
    Wolf may have given up the dreaded long ball but he for the most part rebounded soon after and gave us a chance to climb back into the game. He usually didn’t get much support from the offense however. Yes I will agree he nor anyone else was from the mold of Fernando or Hershiser last season….. Bills is just a wreck at the moment, he has less confidence in his ability than the rest of us do. That is not a positive, sorry Chad, time to prove me wrong….I wish you the best in that regard. As far as Garland, I really have nothing to judge him by…other than Torre left him off the NLCS roster in favor of the before mentioned??? Kershaw has a great attitude and plenty of potential, so I am enthusiastic about his future…. The bullpen out played all of our expectations from day one….till the big meltdown against the Phillie’s, well khali and a few others seen this coming, even if I refused to believe them. I have a hard time believing this will repeat it’s success, I hope I am wrong.
    Furcal wasn’t the offensive force we needed from him, with the exception of a very limited time in the stretch run and the St Louis series, I am going to have say there was some disappointment there. Loney gets my respect from just the way he approaches an at bat, the kid has a very disciplined eye. He had decent numbers as far as RBIs and did show improvement later in the season……I like him… Andre was just as solid as they come, he has some work left to do but man what a pleasure he was to have in the line – up and he just keeps adjusting. I see no reason to believe this won’t continue. Martin well he wasn’t what we all expected on either side of the ball for an entire season. He had some lacksadaisical moments behind the plate, and struggled offensively. I am hoping he will chalk it up as a learning experience and move forward.
    Torre has my respect……I know that this will sit as well as my Double, Double did a few minutes ago with some, maybe most…However Steinbrenner seen something in him and it payed off there, besides what other realistic, and proven option have we seen??? Honeycutt, well at the risk of losing more of my lunch, I will just say NEXT
    Well the dog has finished cleaning up so I am off to the next order of the day…have a wonderful afternoon every one and let me just say……FRANK IS GOING TO HAVE TO SELL THE TEAM 🙂

  53. kpookiemon

    This might explain why T.J. Simers dubbed Jamie the “Screaming Meanie,” at least the screaming part, anyway. Bodyguard, indeed.

  54. enchantedbeaver

    Hence all the stellar Israeli ballplayers we have on the team Kahli – Schlomo Loney… oops sorry, that’s Slo-mo.


  55. crzblue2

    Ok so was the guy a protocol director or a bodyguard? I looked for his name on the Dodgers guide but I did not find his name. guess since I’ve been seeing the bodyguard name more lately that what he is but…doesn’t this guy come from a money family?
    signed me confused.

  56. crzblue2

    LOL D4,
    Wish I would have had an In-n-Out burger instead of the Bob’s Big Boy I went to for lunch. they recently opened this place but it did not taste as good as I remember the burger combos. The fries tasted like a frozen package.

  57. kpookiemon

    Dodger4life, just your listing of the potential 2010 pitching staff is going to cost me my peanut butter sandwich…and there’s no dog around to clean it up. Memo to Jamie, whatever money you “embezzled” to frolic in the French sunshine for 2 1/2 weeks with hunky-pooh, please reimburse Frank so he can lower hot dog prices next season. Oh wait, he won’t be owner anymore. either. Well, best of luck…have a great life you two.

  58. messagebear@msn.com

    Apparently he’s Jamie’s driver whenever she needs a ride?

    Good one, scott! Just in case anybody missed it.

  59. trublu4ever

    Damn, Dodger4life ~ I was going to give Hubby biscuits and gravy tonight for dinner…..kind of ruined the idea! lol

  60. Dodger4life

    If your cruising through (OUR TOWN ) and you hear…. SLOW RIDE rocking the Bentley in the next lane…….Well
    There goes Franks dreams……

  61. jhallwally

    It’s going to get worse before it gets better gang!! We’ll be lucky to hang on to our young core!!! That should be Ned’s first mission. It might be all we get when the waste product hits the provervial spinning device!!!!

  62. jhallwally

    Note to Ned!! Get a pitching coach that can develope what you already have. The arms and stuff are there, the coaching is not.

  63. nellyjune

    I think the fondness that Torre has for Honeycutt will keep him there with him. It reminds me of the 2008 season with JP……………loyalty instead of doing what is right for the team IMO.

  64. lbirken@aol.com

    Mark Langill, you are killing me with those unhappy reminders of 1951 and 1962. I was only three years old in 1951 and I still get upset at references to that playoff but I do remember 1962 all too well. What an exciting season with Maury Wills stealing all those bases and the close race with the Giants. Koufax went out with a circulation problem in which he lost feeling in his fingers on his left hand. At the time he was lost for the season I think he had already won around 13 games and I think this was well before mid season. When the Dodgers lost that playoff game to the Giants I went outside and threw a tennis ball against the garage door for hours. To be so close and have it get away was just awful. Please, no more reminders.

    Funny some of you have mentioned Mark Cuban as a “fantasy” owner of the Dodgers. I was discussing this very topic with my son last week and I came up with the same name. Cuban is many things but at least he is a big fan and he stands behind his team. And we know he has the money to do whatever he thinks is going to help the team be successful both on the field and off. He certainly cannot be any more embarrasing that what we have now. No way the other MLB owners will allow him to get near a major league team.

  65. kpookiemon

    eric, great videos of the King of Surf. What was bizarre to me was that, like Hendrix, they were both lefties and both played their guitar strings in reverse order: low E on the bottom. BUT, unlike Hendrix, who played a righty guitar upside down, Dale plays a left-handed Strat, but STILL reverses the strings. Sorry for all this, you non-guitar humans, but little things like that fascinate me!!!! Plus, it got me thinking about something else besides Ma & Pa Kettle for a few brief, shining moments.

  66. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ maybe mlb didn’t want him to own the beloved Cubbies…..we are, afterall, on the West Coast where nobody cares except for us die-hard Dodger fans.

  67. enchantedbeaver

    Well folks, its snowing in Southern New Mexico.

    OK its pathetic, and they’re barely ivory soap flakes every few seconds and it melts on impact but technically, its snow.

  68. Dodger4life

    After these two buffoons at the helm…..I think Courtney Love and Amy Whinehouse might be an improvement……They would have all those advisors as well, to assist their misguided choices.
    At least we would have honesty…………..with our dysfunctionality…..The McCourts have set the bar mighty high.

  69. messagebear@msn.com

    In a very voluminous filing with the court, Frank has made many charges against Jamie.
    I think the short version of it is that Jamie Sucks.

  70. lbirken@aol.com

    Kahli, those lefties may be a bit screwy but they sure figured out how to play an electric guitar each in his own unique way. While I admire Hendrix for what he did I can’t say I was a big fan but Dick Dale sure gets me going. Did you ever hear what I believe is his surf version of The William Tell Overture?

  71. lbirken@aol.com

    By the way, Mark, I have a bunch of “phantom” playoff and World Series tickets for games the Dodgers never played to go along with your phantom program.

  72. colliethec

    Good evening everybody!
    I hope all is well with everybody out there.
    I’m sorry that I missed most of the playoffs here with all of you, as I was out of town and didn’t bring the computer as I wanted to be “unplugged” for awhile.
    Another NLCS loss is a bummer. They didn’t get it done and as I see it it does boil down to the pitching.
    During last Spring Training the front office said that they couldn’t get any starting pitching during the off season but they would be able to see what they needed at the trading deadline and go out & get it.
    Well they didn’t.
    The Yanks went & got CC when he was out there to be had and they needed him & the Phils went & got Lee when he was out there to be had and they needed him.
    Now who is in the World Series.
    What 2 pitchers are 5-0 in the playoffs in 2009?
    Yup, the 2 starters tonight.
    What I’m saying is that we don’t need six #3 or #4 starters. We HAVE to get a #1. No doubt about it. Kersh isn’t there yet and Bills might get there but it is obvious he stepped backwards this year.
    I heard Scioscia said that the playoffs needed to change from having all the days off because all year long a team relies on having 5 starters. But in the playoffs you only need 3. I agree but until that is changed which it wont then time to get a #1.
    We were a few games away from getting to the WS. What kept us back was the pitching. It’s time to strike while the irons hot. Ned needs to get the best pitcher out there that is available.
    I know at the trading deadline to get Lee I heard the offer was Martin as well as Bills & Loney & some other minr leaguers. And that the Indians would include Martinez. That was tough then but after what Bills did in the 2nd half I would of liked to of seen that trade.
    & to steal an old line the McCourts need to check themselves before they wreck themselves. & the Blue for that matter.

  73. colliethec

    It’s taken me about 20 minutes to get the below posted & no one else has posted for awhile as well as this is only my 2nd post in a couple of weeks.
    So the excuse MLB.com gave Josh is an excuse… Get this thing fixed!!!!! I’ve not posted that much because it takes to long to get something posted or respond to a conversation & then often my post ends up being posted way up where no one sees it because of te time warp. LAME!!!!!! It’s almost 2010…
    Oh & while in LA to see the U2 concert this weekend my friend gave me our tix for the game #7 that didn’t happen. I’m keeping them.

  74. colliethec

    Hello there Tru!!! Great to see you!!! I’ve missed you!
    I don’t really want either team to win but in my heart I think I’m pulling for the Phillies to win. I really wish the Dodgers would win but that aint a happenin!!!!

  75. trublu4ever

    I’ve missed you too, Collie. I just can’t root for the Phillies because they knocked us out twice! Don’t car much for the Yankees either so, I rreally don’t care who wins. I just think the fans in Philly are obnoxious and want them to suffer!

  76. colliethec

    I agree. But the Yankee fans can be a pain as well. All the $$$ they spent. Then while in Vegas everybody had a Yankee cap or shirt on. It really annoyed me. They are all so arrogant.
    I’ve always figured that if my team gets beaten by a team I want that team to win so at least I was beaten by the best. Also I’m a NL guy.
    That however changed last year after having the putz come in here and act like a, well, putz! Then the Rays had never won so I was pulling for them.
    But when it comes to the Yanks or Phils I’ll go Phils this time around.

  77. trublu4ever

    I totally understand your feelings. I wish our “Boss” would have gone out and spent the money to make us a real winner. We could have had Lee or CC.

  78. phan52

    In the spirit of your songs, how’s this one…

    Raindrops keep fallin? on their heads
    And Yankees fans eyes will soon be turnin? red
    Cryin?s all they?ll do
    But they?ll never stop the rain by complainin’
    ’cause we got Lee
    Nothin?s worryin? me?.

  79. jhallwally

    Wow!! Cliff Lee!! Go Phillies!!! Sure wish we had an owner and GM dynamic enough to pull off a deal like that!!!

  80. nellyjune

    Wally – you better be in bed resting. BTW – I am doing fine, but my studeht teacher went to the doctor today and is out until Monday with Strep Throat – yuck, yuck and yuck for alot of reasons, but am I panicking?…………..not at all.

  81. kpookiemon

    knouff, it would have taken the following to obtain Lee:
    Four minor leaguers–Triple-A right-hander Carlos Carrasco, Class A righty Jason Knapp, catcher Lou Marson, and shortstop Jason Donald.

    Maybe, just maybe, the Dodgers’ minor league cupboard is a bit lighter than it used to be, and maybe, just maybe, Cleveland didn’t care for the Dodgers’ “can’t-miss” prospects. Isn’t that part of Ned’s job as well, scouting and player development? Because if it’s all on Logan White, then he should be the GM, not Ned. But why torture ourselves. The Dodgers’ time is not yet arrived. Of the eight position players the Phils fielded tonight, only Ethier and Kemp could start over Victorino and Werth, and even that is debatable. And let’s not even talk pitching.

    On a happier note, did Frank sell the team yet?

  82. kpookiemon

    “Jamie has asked the court to invalidate a 2004 agreement she signed that gives her sole ownership of the couple’s residential properties and gives him sole ownership of the team.” Ummmmmmmmmm………she signed it.

  83. enchantedbeaver

    Well, you knew something like this was coming didn’t you? Aerosmith, Janie’s Got A Gun:

    Dumb dumb dumb honey what have you done?
    Dumb dumb dumb it’s the ding of the ‘ov.
    Dumb dumb dumb time for Pillsbury fun!
    Dumb dumb dumb it’s the ding, it’s the ding!
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Gonna weigh her a ton.
    Crescent and hot-crossed fun.
    What did her doughboy do?
    Pie fillings? Biscuits too?
    They say when Jamie is digestin’
    The gas can give her such a pain.
    But Poppin’ keeps it comin’
    Now that Jamie’s got a bun
    She ain’t never gonna know no sha-a-a-a-ame.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Toaster Strudel’s? almost done.
    Can’t talk now she’s gotta run.
    Risin’ crust oh how it grew.
    What did her doughboy do?
    She baked a little bitty pastry,
    The girl has got to be insane… yeah, yeah, yeah
    They say the spell that she is under,
    The Poppin’ and the wonder,
    Knew that Toaster Scrambles® were to bla-a-a-ame.
    One a day, one a day for the strain
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    One a day, one a day for the strain
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    One a day, one a day, one a da-ayea-ayea-ayea-ayea yeah
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Turnovers in the ‘ov.
    Pretty soon we’ll be all done.
    What did her doughboy do?
    Grocery tab’s an I.O.U.
    She had a Poppin Fresh meltdown,
    A Grands® biscuits risin’ craze.
    She said it all goes down so easy,
    That Fresh is such a tease,
    He leaves me in a gorgy da-a-a-aze.
    One a day, one a day for the strain
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    One a day, one a day for the strain
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    One a day, one a day, one a da-ayea-ayea-ayea-ayea
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    Jamie’s got a bun.
    [to fade]

    ©NedCo Broken Records 2009. NedCo – We’ll fix it later?.

  84. nellyjune

    What took you so long? – LOL!!!!! …………..and yes, we definitely expected it, and I am sure there will be more to come. You never cease to amaze us with your imagination/talent.

  85. northstateblues

    “Leaves are falling all around, It’s time I was on my way.
    Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay.
    But now it’s time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way.
    For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it’s headed my way.
    Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I’ve got one thing I got to do…

    Ramble On” – Led Zeppelin, “Ramble On”

    The McCourts have spent the better part of 5 years fleecing their fans with HUGE markups on parking, carving up the traditionally 6-tier seating chart of Dodger Stadium into a Gerrymandered quilt. Now, they are hellbent on embarrassing the fans who have remained loyal to the Dodgers.

    Of course, they don’t give a flying _____, that much is obvious.

    If they had paid less attention to their lawyers, and more attention to the DODGERS, then we might’ve ended up with Cliff Lee and perhaps Pedro too… two pitchers, both available and affordable for the Philly Market, and DEFINITELY with their now-known $400 million of assets outside the Dodgers.

    We could be sitting in the Bronx with a 1 game lead, poised to unleash the Bronx’s single-most hated pitcher in recent memory for Game 2. WITH the added bonus of their ex-Manager, their iconic 80’s hero, AND Manny Ramirez, the Yankee Killer.

    Instead, we get to bundle up and prepare for the winterlong TMZ bull____ these carpetbaggers adore, fighting eachother for the spotlight.

    And we get to watch our team’s name dragged through the mud way worse than Werth and Victorino could manage.

    And we get to look down the 5 where, rats and “division champions” banners notwithstanding, we get to see an owner committed to his fans and his team, and a coaching staff riddled with ex-Dodgers stalwarts.

    All the goodwill this ownership earned over the half-decade of playoff prominence has been excreted in the defecation of this spectacle.

    And Frank’s unwillingless to let go of the team to others (besides his wife) as the team is beginning to gel and crumble at the same time is reminiscent of the Cryptkeeper Davis of Oakland.

    Who am I siding with? Neither, they’re both morons.

    They don’t give a ____ about the Dodgers, except as trophied bragging rights, like a car or a dog.

    ALMOST makes me wistful for Murdoch, Daly and Malone. At least they didn’t hide the fact that they were a bunch of jokers who had no clue what they were doing. An Australian media guru, an ex-Dodgers fan and a stifled, overzealous GM whose main motivation was to outdo the Braves.

    These two hoity-toity Hollywood pretenders can’t even fake a marraige to save their supposed careers. Maybe they should’ve looked up “Hudson, Rock”.

    They don’t care.

    We’re ashamed.

    I wonder if people will protest outside the Sunset gate before anyone in this organization who does have common sense flees like lemmings?


  86. Dodger4life

    Just a random thought??? I am guessing that Frank and Jamie…..
    Has been revised to…………………….
    I’m guessing they went out purchased……..not one…..but two aces to play this game…………….
    BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. northstateblues

    Time to picket?

    |…………..(NOT TO JAMIE)……………|

  88. Dodger4life

    I think I read somewhere that Manny had until a week after the World Series ended to exercise his option??? It seems a little odd that he didn’t take a little more time to announce his decision. I realize it is a good assumption that this was going to be his best possible outcome but why rush the decision??? I am sure Boras advised him to announce this at the present time, perhaps before a judge sets different parameters to deal with???

  89. Dodger4life

    Most disliked personality in 2009, poll…………rank them in order.
    A) Scott Boras
    B) Andruw Jones
    C) Bernie Madoff
    D) Frank McCourt
    E) Jamie McCourt

  90. northstateblues

    Inspired by the state government, which is looking like a pretty well-functioning organization compared to our current debacle:

    To the Owner(s) of the Los Angeles Dodgers:

    For some time now we’ve lamented our overlooked pitching problems while
    unnecessary real estate and Marathon purchases have gone through. You’ve talked of
    caring for the Dodgers and their grand tradition, but your public, disgusting bickering
    kicks the Dodgers’ reputation further and further away from its once-great prominence.

    Yet another season has come and gone without the championship Dodger fans
    overwhelmingly deserve. In light of this, and after careful consideration, we feel it is
    unnecessary to support either of you at this time.


    The Fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers

    P.S.: GROW UP!

  91. kpookiemon

    Frankie and Jamie were lovers
    Oh lordy, how they could love
    Swore to be true to each other
    Just as true as the stars above
    He was her man, but she done him wrong

    Well this story has no moral
    And this story has got no end
    Well the story just goes to show Dodger fans
    That we all took it in the rear end
    We were their fans (sorta????), but they done us wrong

  92. Dodger4life

    PLEASE TOMMY…………….YOUR INSPIRATION HAS NEVER BEEN NEEDED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. kpookiemon

    lbirken, never heard Dick Dale’s version of the William Tell Overture. Growing up my brother and I always played surf music in little garage bands, and Dick Dale was the god. The Chantays, the Ventures, Surfaris, they were great but Dick was the man. I remember playing surf songs in the 5th-grade talent show…only to be outdone by a group of 6th-graders lip-synching to some new band called the Beatles?!?!?!?!?!?

  94. lbirken@aol.com

    Kahli, I heard it on the public radio station from Cal State University, Northridge. They used to broadcast a surf music program on Friday nights. I heard it one time only and it sure sounded like him.

  95. Dodger4life

    I feel a little used as a longtime and devoted fan of this wonderful and cherished organization. It may turn out in time that Frank had little or no control over his life partners actions. It may turn out to be the total opposite, only time and court documents will tell.
    However in a year of economic turmoil for many of us that bleed Dodger Blue……..We turned our disappointments into enjoyment and spent what little finances and energy we could muster into a profitable and exhilarating season of Dodger Baseball. We stood by and cheered, and willed our beloved team on to the quest for the championship. Yes as it turned out we came up a tad bit short.
    It was said that we would be given every opportunity to reach those dreams by the caretakers of this storied organization. We put our trust in their judgement and our dollars into their visions. All while most of us had little hope and belief in anything else that was transpiring around us.
    I for one was proud of the speeches that the Dodger Greats gave at the caravan, play for the name on the front of the jersey and not the name on the back. When we closed down Vero Beach we were saddened once again, it was Tommy who boarded a bus and showed us the way to the future that was Camelback Ranch. We showed up in force and did our part to lead the way into the new frontier. We embraced the saga that was Manny Ramirez in the off season and again in the regular season. We never let anything stand in our way of our love for this ball club and what it stood for.
    We have embraced the ideals that are Dodgertown, and showed up again in force at the gate in our apparel and at the special events that were held in the name of goodwill. We treated each and every person that dons the name of the greatest organization in baseball with the up most courtesy. We helped give them the sense of fulfillment in making this a profitable year. We showed up in force for the post season, knowing all to well that we were not given the same in return.
    Not by the players on the field but once again the caretakers of this great organization. Now we are asked once again to bear with their agenda and embrace the off season and what it has in store, with the promise of the season to come.
    I believe the time has come for the caretakers of this storied franchise to return the goodwill and gesture that has been given them. We haven’t ask for much in return, a valid chance without regrets at the dream that is a Dodger Blue Banner. One that can fly proudly over our stadium not one that has been dragged through the gutters that we must now sit by and watch in disgust. Is it to much for us the greatest fans in all of baseball, to ask that the caretakers of our beloved organization treat us and our love of the Blue with the same??
    I am appalled by the set of circumstances that is about to transpire. this has no place in our valued history in my opinion.
    For the love of everything good, I ask that they put aside their ego’s and do what is right for all who believe in what the name on the front of our jersey has been known to stand for.
    The time has come for restoration of our good name. Now not in the future. There are far greater names at stake than just the ones belonging to the caretakers of this organization.
    Boston had the Tea Party…It is time for L.A. to embrace the Flee Party…..Give the good people the ones that cherish the likes of Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese and what they were able to accomplish, the ones who embraced the communities that surrounded the likes of Fernando Valenzuela and Jaimie Jarrin back their dignity. I say to the current caretakers of the greatest organization in all of baseball be gone, and good riddance.
    Good Day I say and better days I demand!!!!!

  96. colliethec

    Great posts by all especially D4 & NSB.
    & Tru I don’t always LOL at my computer but you got me goooood!
    D4’s post got me to thinking that we as fans sacrifice for the team. We sacrifice our time & $$$. Some of us more than others.
    Time is $$$ to everyone. I sacrifice to run home & watch the game instead of going to the gym. So I sacrifice my health some as well. I spend $$$ for the MLB Baseball package on COMCAST. I spend $$$ on going to games as well as merchandise.
    I’ve probably sacrificed some years on my heart with all the blood rushing through it with the excitement of the season both good & bad.
    I’ve sacrificed sleep due to the excitement of wins & hope for the next day as well as losses and hope for the next day.
    I’m not unlike any of you reading my words. We all have sacrificed for the love of the game & our love of the Dodgers.
    HEY McCourts — for the love of the game & your supposed love of the Dodgers, work it out in private and with respect of each other & the fans. If you have kids you should want to show class and respect towards one another for the good of you kids. Well the Dodgers are also your baby so stop the stupidity and work it out without being petty & childish.

  97. kpookiemon

    “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

    Or to paraphrase, the current Dodger ownership isn’t fit morally or ethically to run our beloved franchise. The McCourts have squandered our good will. Please leave the keys in the mailbox.

  98. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    You gotta love Pedro!!!!!! When he was pulled, his answer to the cacophony of Yankee boos was a big, broad smile…..pretty entertaining and well played WS so far with the exception of the bad calls in Game 2. (the Phillies “dp” in the 7th and Utley “out” call in the 8th) I’ve never been a big supporter of instant replay in baseball but I’m beginning to have second thoughts…..the only winners in the McCourt domestic trash fest will be the lawyers and the news media and we, as Dodger fans will,undoubtedly and not surprisingly, be the biggest losers.Because of the uncertain financial situation, going after Lackey, the crown jewel of this year’s free agent pitchers, is probably out. Since the rest of the pitching crop isn’t any better than we had this year, I’d try to get as many of them back as financially possible (read “reasonable cost”) and hope either Kersh, Bills, or both puts it all together. If all else fails, there’s also the perennial Colletti palliative and prayer: the July trading deadline…. BTW, “Dirty Laundry” is a Don Henley tune, not Joe Walsh.

  99. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    If the team gets sold, here’s another vote for Mark Cuban. Like George Steinbrenner, Cuban goes all out to win and has the cajones and the wallet to back it up. The odds of Cuban owning an MLB team, however, is only slightly worse than the likelihood of Frankie and Jamie kissing and making up.

  100. Dodger4life

    Jamie claims to be the face of the Dodgers…..Frank claims to be in perfect health financially. We know for certain that Jamie is not the face of the Dodgers and I am willing to bet that without Vinny’s smiling face around we would have a better understanding as to exactly where Frank stands financially. Just my uneducated guess, I do believe that Vinny has as big of an impact on the things that brings us out to the ball park as anything or anyone else in the stadium. Without his presence things just aren’t going to be the same, not for us, nor the players, nor the McCourts.
    It really burns a hole in my craw, that in what should be a celebratory season, for one of the most loved and cherished Dodgers of many generations, this is the way it has begun. This doesn’t mean that this will be Vinny’s last… as even he has said he is undecided, however the possibility is there. It just means that he is giving his heart and sole to not just us but the McCourts and the organization as whole, and in return he has to endure this utter disgrace. I noticed that Jamie on her twitter page has said she is a fan of the fans…really?? I mean really….You have me sold honey, not I am guessing that Vinny is a fan of the fans and you are no Vinny. Jamie also claims that she and not Frank will be the one we want to run the Dodgers when this is all said and done…. Really??? I mean Really??? I would be willing to bet that Vinny has more to do with the success of the Dodgers than you do honey. Once again just my uneducated guess??? I do no one thing for certain Vinny has not disgraced me, you, your chauffeur, your husband ( whom I am uneducatedly guessing is no saint in all of this either ) one little bit. In fact I would lead to believe that has been lending his extended hand to you in hopes of a solution to begin with. Which brings me to the old Kenny Rodgers song… ( You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille.)
    except with nine hungry children in the field. All of whom deserve the moniker of the face of the Dodgers more so than you. So in saying… I am quite positive it is not you that I, we…will be thankful to have had on board. That distinction has already been taken Mrs. McCourt and I am not going to sit idly by and watch you or anyone else tarnish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  101. Dodger4life

    Sorry for all the long post today…but on a brighter note I can now type with both hands…still only two fingers but just like Mr.Loney it is a late season improvement. Next year I hope I hope to translate everything to spanish. Keep on trucking I always say…keep on trucking…..
    Good Night and God Bless everyone…..

  102. cpompe1

    Good late evening ITD boys and girls!
    Okay, I can?t stay long, but I?ve been reading and had to chime in for a bit.

    I like many of ITDers are sick and tired of all this drama. Bottom line, like seesky said, ?Because of the uncertain financial situation, going after Lackey, the crown jewel of this year’s free agent pitchers, is probably out.? No FA is going to be crazy enough to want to sign a contract with a ball club with ?questionable? the ownership issues the Dodgers have. I?ve already resigned myself that not much of the current ball club will change. If there is any way that we could get a decent pitching coach, that?ll help a bit. Not sure how many of you saw this before, but why not Brad Ausmus for pitching coach? Take a look at Dave Duncan ? both of them are former catchers. But if nothing changes, and all of the current Dodger FAs leave, well then, we?ll see an influx of the kiddie core come up from the minors. Actually, that might not be such a bad thing.

    Oh, and once and for all, “Dirty Laundry” is not a Don Henley tune, nor is it a Joe Walsh tune. It?s a Glenn Frey tune! 🙂

    Okay, goodnite!

  103. Dodger4life

    In retrospect…. I apologize to Mr. Scully for bringing his name into this…It was not my intention to put words into his mouth……Nor my place, I am just a little out of character at the moment……I can only now ask for forgiveness….and try and do better.

  104. enchantedbeaver

    If the team had gone with all the kids like we wanted 2 years ago, we wouldn’t be sitting too too bad right now. The McCourtrooms would be fielding a team for under $50M-$55M that no outside pressures could influence since they’d be under control for another 3-4 years. We wouldn’t have won anything the last two years, but then we really didn’t win anything anyway did we?

    Other than arbitration, a few cheap PVLs like Loretta, and of course Manny and JP’s idiotic salaries, I’m sure we’ll be going with the kids this year and have a payroll under $65-$75M. Sad thing is, now when these new crop of kids mature enough to win, our “core” will be bolting for free agency.

    Management has screwed themselves and the club up for many years to come. Only hope of saving is a new regime. With the McCourts, Ned and Joe, its like the blind leading the stupid.

    As far as Jamie being the face of anything, Jamie’s the face of 50 ballparks and mansions in Malibu (though in retrospect she may have been right about the ballparks vs. Manny.)

    So in conclusion,
    Fire Joe
    Fire the guy that hired Joe.
    Fire the two Bostonian nitwits that hired the guy that hired Joe.

  105. trublu4ever

    I wonder who will actually be the first to go:
    A) Joe
    B) Frank
    C) Jamie
    D) Ned
    E) Mattingly
    F) THEM ALL!!!!

  106. kpookiemon

    “I signed the document (that Frank McCourt would be sole owner of the Dodgers) because I trusted my husband of 25 years,” Jamie McCourt said.

    I almost lost my cheerios and frosted mini wheats this morning when I read that one. Ms. Jamie, I’m sure your husband of 25 years trusted you, as well, while you frolicked in France last summer with hunky bear.

    Once more, with feeling…V O M I T ! ! ! ! !

    And enchanted, how about…
    Tar and feather the current Dodger owners.
    Tar and feather the guy who sold the team to the current Dodger owners.
    Tar and feather the commissioner who approved the guy who sold the team to the current Dodger owners.

  107. enchantedbeaver

    They both claim to love the Dodgers, what these two idiots should do is get together long enough to agree on a team salary budget, say what – $90-$95M so that it can operate normally regardless of what infighting goes on between them.

    That of course would take common sense and a real love of the franchise, not to mention a completely lucid moment when neither is blinded by rage.

  108. messagebear@msn.com

    It is time for the fans to threaten a BOYCOTT and put this ownership under, if they’re unwilling to sell the team while they can still command a high price.

  109. enchantedbeaver

    No threats bear, let’s just do it. Time to start talking through the one medium they understand – money.

  110. messagebear@msn.com

    Plaschke adding his sentiments to those of Simers a day or two ago. Go, media – laugh these pathetic jokers out of town (AFTER THEY SELL THE TEAM). The fans should gather around and spit them both in the face. Let’s see how their society and charity friends look at them now. I think I’d want to hide away in Fiji rather than be anywhere in sight of Dodger Stadium, not that I’m wishing them on you fine folks in Fiji.

  111. northstateblues


    |…………..(NOT TO JAMIE)……………|

  112. lny4loney

    A few comments on Frank and Jaime “Fraime” and the World Series as it relates to umpires and instant replay.
    It’s a shame whenever a 29-year marriage breaks up. And of course in this case, it’s going to hurt our ballclub. I don’t know how this is going to effect the team (or the stadium), other than in the short run it certainly can’t help. As to the long run, we could end up with either McCourt almost certainly as a weakened owner, a different worse owner, or a different better owner.
    As to Plaschke’s comments about the McCourt era, let me start by saying what we all know — Plaschke is an idiot. Although I do agree with some of his sentiments, many of his comments are inane. His suggestion that the addition of Cliff Lee was some kind of no-brainer shows that Plaschke has no brain. Yes, Lee has had a terrific post-season. But as of the trade deadline, Lee had been a merely good. Here are his 2009 splits: pitcher http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.cgi?n1=leecl02&year=2009&t=p
    Further the Indians probably wanted Clayton Kershaw in return. I wouldn’t give up Kershaw in that trade even knowing what I now know. Finally, there is no guarantee that this team would have done any better this year if we had completed a trade for Lee, although it?s entirely possible.
    Second, Plaschke seems to blame the McCourts for the society-wide decline in civilized behavior. That?s giving the McCourt?s way too much credit.
    Two plays in last night?s game show both the infallibility of umpires and simultaneously demonstrate why even flawed umpires are better than replay.
    The first involved Ryan Howard?s ?catch? of Damon?s sinking liner. Yes, the ump got it wrong. But he had to make a call RIGHT THEN and that call would usually have an effect on what the fielder then does with the ball. They can?t freeze the play for an instant replay decision and then having decided let fielders and runners know the decision and unfreeze. Life doesn?t work that way. (Caveat: In this case Howard admits he didn?t hear the umpire. Nevertheless, the principle remains the same).
    The second ?wrong? call by the umpires was on the double-play ball hit by Chase Utley. The cameras show that Utley was safe, and under instant replay umpiring the call might have been reversed. What is less obvious is that Shane Victorino went way outside the baseline to interfere with Jeter and Utley should have been called out for Victorino?s interference anyway. You can find video of the play at mlb.com. In an Instant Replay Era, this probably would have been missed ( I haven?t heard anybody but me bring it up). Here the umps ultimately got the RIGHT result for the wrong reasons. People do that; technology doesn?t.

  113. lbirken@aol.com

    Dodger4life, no need to apologize for bringing up Vinny’s name. Vinny has been named in every poll about who fan’s think is the most famous Dodger (at least L.A. Dodger) and probably is the face of the Dodgers more than anyone else. There is no doubt he “sold” baseball to the fans when the Dodgers came to Los Angeles. Sure, having the team win the World Series in 1959 helped, but I don’t think Vinny’s contributions can be discounted.

    As I have said a number of times before, it is difficult for season ticket holders to have much of a voice. Our choice is to renew or not renew, and by not renewing we give up the seats. I am not going to let the McCourts boorish behavior stop me from coming to games.

    Finally, I am in complete agreement with lny4loney about instant replay. In the case of a World Series game they have extra umpires. Just make sure the best umpires are out there. These games are long enough and instant replay would just make them longer. Yes, I want the plays to be called right and for the most part they are. I know there have been a lot of questionable calls during the playoffs but that goes back to having the best umpires on the field.

  114. messagebear@msn.com

    Not living in the LA area I’m curious to know how many Frank or Jamie Halloween masks will be out tomorrow night. Somebody should take a count to determine which one is the bigger villain. If you tell me that nobody thought to make masks of either one of them, I’ll be sorely diappointed in entrepeneurship.

  115. sparkleplenty_1

    Just came on to congratulate Andre Ethier for being named the Pepsi Clutch Player for 2009! At least there’s one good thing that came out of last year . . . All us Ethieraholics are very proud!!!!

  116. nellyjune

    Just had to chime and say…….

    I caught the very end of the coverage on ESPN. We all knew Andre was, but it was good to see him get the votes considering the other 5 incredible players in their own right.

  117. lbirken@aol.com

    Bear, my guess is there is a better chance of seeing a Manny Ramirez mask than a Frank or Jamie McCourt mask.

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