I've got a feeling…

You all know the Black Eyed Peas song, right? Well, I think it’s a good sign that they’ve jumped on board with the Dodgers and are having their billboard put up right now at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. and Sweetzer Ave. on the Sunset Strip!

Tonight’s gonna be a good night and hopefully you’ll all be here to experience it. There’s nothing quite like the playoffs to rally a city and that’s what our fans tend to do when it comes to the Dodgers. If you are coming, PLEASE COME EARLY!! We’re opening the ballpark at 4 p.m. to try and alleviate traffic issues, as the game is pretty much right in the middle of rush hour traffic. You can watch BP, relax in your seats and take in the postseason atmosphere.

Of course, we’d be remiss in not mentioning the passing of John Foster yesterday. Mr. Foster was working for Farmer Brothers Coffee when he apparently died of natural causes yesterday in the press box during our workout. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends right now and hopefully you’ll all keep him in mind today.

On a much lighter note, for those who haven’t noticed, we’ve been updating our our Twitter page as quickly as possible with breaking news, which included the first announcement of the Dodgers’ Game 3 and 4 starters (Padilla and Billingsley), as well as tonight’s lineup. Be sure to follow us to get news as fast as we can put it out. Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Loney, 1B

Blake, 3B

Belliard, 2B

Martin, C

Wolf, P



  1. scott_in_arcadia

    Hey Josh, I’m going to tonight’s game – are you saying the parking lot opens at 4pm or the stadium?

  2. trublu4ever

    “I’ve Got a Feeling” we will win game one, and continue on, and finally win it all, with this eleven game season! GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. crzblue2

    haha Josh!! My post in my blog on Friday was titled “I Got a Feeling that Tonight is Gonna be a Good Night.” I kept signing that at work and even played part of it at the end of our Friday Weekly meeting.
    I am taking 1/2 vaca today and the whole day tomrrow!
    Let’s go Dodgers Let’s go!!!

  4. perumike

    Good Dodger morning everyone! Unfortunately I will not be home for most, if not all, of the game tonight, and I can’t change my plans, but I will be on my cell phone checking for updates. I hope you all can hold down the fort and root our boys on to victory! Go Blue!!!

  5. scott_in_arcadia

    R – E – L – A – X Emma!! See you there!
    Cpompe, Just going tonight… 😦
    I’m good luck by the way. My last 2 playoff games attended were 1988 NLCS win vs Mets (Game 2?) and 1988 WS Game 1 vs. A’s.

  6. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Well, the time is almost here! At least it’ll be after I get home from my volunteer “job” so I can see all of it!

    Hey Scott! Are you going tomorrow night too? If you are and if you’re sitting close to where you are tonight, you’d be close to my mom and I! Tomorrow’s game, we’re not sitting in my mom’s usual season seat; the other person that has those same seats will be there on Thursday’s game. My mom and I will be sitting on the Reserved Level, Aisle 43, Row D.

    GO WOLFY!!!

  7. crzblue2

    ok, this is the 3rd time I try posting this. I’ve been getting “too many comments” I was posting on another blog.
    See you there Scott!
    My stomach is in knots right now but I’ll be fine come game time! I am going to my Pilates class from noon to 1:p.m. so hopefully that will calm me down.
    Let’s go Dodgers!!
    I love my boys in Blue! ♥ ♥

  8. cpompe1

    Mr. Pianoman!!!
    Too bad you won’t be able to see the game tonight. Of course we will all hold down the fort!!! 🙂

  9. cpompe1

    Actually Scott, I just noticed on my original post that I said “tomorrow night’s” game. Of course I know the game is at 3:07 and is NOT a night game! LOL!

  10. spanner@aol.com

    Post-season roster per True Blue La

    Catchers (2): Russell Martin, Brad Ausmus

    Infielders (7): James Loney, Ronnie Belliard, Rafael Furcal, Casey Blake, Orlando Hudson, Juan Castro, Mark Loretta

    Outfielders (4): Manny Ramirez, Matt Kemp, Andre Ethier, Juan Pierre

    Pinch Hitters (1): Jim Thome

    Starting Pitchers (4): Randy Wolf, Clayton Kershaw, Vicente Padilla, Chad Billingsley

    Relievers (7): Jonathan Broxton, George Sherrill, Hong-Chih Kuo, Ronald Belisario, Ramon Troncoso, Jon Garland, Jeff Weaver

  11. cpompe1

    I just hope that fans of “other” teams don’t trash Matty’s blog, the way a certain group of “phans” trashed Andre’s blog last year…

  12. thinkingblue

    ALL those attending the game (Cat, CPO, EMMA, & Arcadia) ….HAVE FUN & ENJOY THE GAME….CHEER LOUD FOR OUR BOYS!
    CPO don’t worry ….KEMPS KEEPERS (that’s us) will make sure Matty’s blog does not get trashed

  13. cpompe1

    Kemp’s keepers? I like that Rosie! Well, I’ve gotta go. And Nelly, sorry for asking how you are and then running. You can post and I’ll see it later!

    GO WOLFY!!!

  14. koufax1963

    Hi ITD,
    Like all of you I have been waiting all year for this day. No negativity, just the blues! I understand why belliard got the call over hudson, just hope no errors over near second base, or anywhere else when the Dodgers play D.
    Spanner: Thanks for posting the 25 man roster. Surprised that menkiewicz did not get the nod, in his recent ABs he has done well. But Thome is successful vs Carpenter.
    Go Dodgers!

  15. kpookiemon

    The known universe is picking the Cards. Time to disrupt the physics of the post season! scott, I’ll be watching at home. I’ll be the one with the sweaty armpits…(sorry for the disgusting visual). 2-0 Phils…bummer.

  16. billybill

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch did some really cool interactive graphics for the upcoming Dodgers-Cards series tracking all the team’s batters, where they hit the most and where they connect in the strike zone the most.

    Check it out:

    St. Louis:

    Fyi, Pujol’s hot zone is ridiculous.

  17. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    My condolences to the Foster family. To have someone taken from you so unexpected has got to be one of the roughest.
    Good roster. I had hoped for Menk-witz, but in the end, how do you leave off Thome? I’d rather have seen the O-dog start and have the better defense, but we’ll probably be scratching for runs, so it’s Belliard. Six of one, half dozen…. I’d still would have gone with Hudson.
    Hope O-dog has a great series so he can leave LA on a high note.
    I think the game will depend on how well Wolf does. They SUPPOSEDLY have the edge for starters, but if it’s close when Wolf turns it over to the pen, the shoe goes on the other foot.

  18. selltheteam

    The new season starts today. Notwithstanding the past two weeks, this offense is the most potent offense the Dodgers have had in years. Looking for Wolfie to keep us close (or better) through six innings.
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  19. lbirken@aol.com

    I will be out of town for the first round of the playoffs so I am counting on all of you to take care of business while I am away.

  20. trublu4ever

    Okay, Dodgers, the two underdogs (Rockies and Twins) lost……let’s break this cycle………..GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!
    The Twins haven’t lost yet, but they are going to.

  21. cpompe1

    Kahli – I’ve ALWAYS thought that no matter how poorly he played during the regular season, I have a BIG feeling that Manny will show up big-time during the playoffs. It’s his time to shine!

    Well, I said before that I was going to be able to watch the entire game tonight, but it turns out that I’m not going to be able to. Aw, nuts. Well others have asked, so I will too; hold down the fort for me too tonight! And again…

    GO WOLFY!!!

  22. shad80

    ST. LOUIS 126.0 135 @LOS ANGELES 7
    ATS St. Louis Los Angeles
    Record: 84-75-0 (.528) 97-63-0 (.606)
    As Favorite: 65-49-0 (.570) 76-41-0 (.650)
    As Underdog: 19-26-0 (.422) 21-22-0 (.488)
    At Home: 59-22-0 (.728) 67-12-0 (.848)
    On Road: 25-53-0 (.321) 30-51-0 (.370)

    Go figure espn picked the Cards and I’m surely not surprise.

  23. shad80

    Girl gets ball back after lawsuitComment Email Print Share Associated Press

    MIAMI — A Florida girl who grabbed a historic home run ball hit by Philadelphia Phillies slugger Ryan Howard has her prize back after suing the team for its return.

    The July home run against the Florida Marlins was Howard’s 200th. He achieved that milestone in the fewest games in major league history.

    After 12-year-old Jennifer Valdivia scooped up the ball, she was escorted to the Phillies clubhouse and then exchanged it for an autographed ball.

    The girl’s mother filed a lawsuit Monday seeking the home run ball’s return. Attorney Norm Kent says the Phillies agreed and now Jennifer has the ball back.

    The Phillies declined comment on Wednesday.


  24. kpookiemon

    Home teams have been holding serve….Dodgers, your turn! Yes, enchanted, let’s hope Wolf turns out to be big and bad; we need him to huff and puff and blow that house of Cards DOWN!!!! And let’s hope messagebear’s favorite Dodgers steps it up a notch tonight. It’s his October stage now.

  25. oldbrooklynfan

    My condolences go out to the family of John Foster.
    It’s quite a relief to know The Dodgers defended their NL West Crown and are in the NLDS.
    The Cardinals will be a big test, as usual, as our brave warriors, once again, take on Chris Carpenter and the Cardinals

  26. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m listen to the first inning on AUDIO, unable to pick up MLB.TV as I wait for the Yankee/Twin game to end on TBS.

  27. shad80

    I know this is Wolf first playoff game since he never had done it with the Phillies but I did expected a good few inning.

  28. jhallwally

    Whew!!! Thank you Weav!! Hello gang!! That there was a very pivotal moment to say the least. Let’s go offense, I don’t think 3 runs wins this game. We need to get Carpenter out of this game and get to their bullpen. Very exciting so far!!!

  29. messagebear@msn.com

    And that is exactly why Wolf is not a Winner. That’s not to say that we could have gotten where we are without his contribution, but you can’t count on him for the big one. I hope that as the playoffs continue we find a guy that can take the number one slot away from him.

  30. kpookiemon

    Typical Wolf.
    By you_know_nothing on October 7, 2009 6:49 PM

    Come on shad, you were smacking Wolf two minutes into the game.

  31. Dodger4life

    COME ON DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wolf will be okay, he will do better next time. We are leading this game, and that is good in my book…..
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!

  32. jhallwally

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say Wolf is not a winner. Certainly not an ace starter, but, I don’t think anyone has ever implied that he is a true ace, 1 or 2 guy!! However, on this team he has been thrust into that roll. We don’t have a true ace!!!

  33. shad80

    I know but what did you expected a walk, double and ibb on Pujols and the Cards only scoring 1 run probably shouldn’t be 1 if Hudson was there. We know Wolf always seem to have one of those crappy inning and settle down but he didn’t have it tonight. Maybe he was nervous consider this was his 1st playoff start.

  34. kpookiemon

    Junk ballers like Wolf always struggle in the post season because they HAVE to throw to contact. It’s not like a July game when nobody’s watching. Even Mr. Crafty, Greg Maddux, was a losing pitcher in post-season play: 11-14.

  35. jhallwally

    True aces are very rare. If you are fortunate enough to develope one in your system once in a generation, you are way ahead of the game. The Yankees actually made a heck of a deal getting Sabathia. A true ace at 27 coming into his prime years. Most teams don’t sign them until they are 32/33 and pay out the wazoo for what they already did. Then they are lucky to get 1 or 2 years resembling what they bought!!!

  36. 32and53fan

    Hello ITD Fans,
    I had to go from Ventura County to Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley) to take care of business. I thought I could get a friend to meet me in Woodland Hills so he could pick up a computer I fixed for him. Instead, I had to drive all the way across the Valley at rush hour to North Hollywood to deliver it myself. So instead of being back at home watching the game on TV, I had to listen on the radio to Vin (great as usual) and Charlie (meh!) while I made my way back home.
    I am now enjoying the Dodgers lead safe at home on TBS while reading ITD and other stuff on the web.
    It is a great feeling being in the post season. I hope we can go all the way this year.
    Go Dodgers!

  37. 32and53fan

    Yeah Kahli, if there were no delay like in the old days, I would rather turn down the sound and listen to Vin while watching TV. Besides the delay however, my radio reception is very bad and having the TV on causes static. I have to turn off the TV when I listen to the post game show.

  38. perumike

    Evening all! I got to listen to the top of the 1st and was a little worried. Checked my phone later and it was 3-1, then 3-2. I get home to bases loaded with Russ up, and we picked up another run. This is looking good so far, especially against Carpenter!

  39. nellyjune

    I am sure Messagebear will have some words for his favorite player. Stinking Manny won’t be strong enough this time around.

  40. trublu4ever

    Perumike ~ It appears to be the case, with Manny. lol However, before this series is over, I think he will get with our program!

  41. 32and53fan

    I don’t know if steroids helps hand-eye coordination or reflex speed. Maybe Manny is just getting old. I remember when I was young, I could catch anything hit to me in the outfield. When I was Manny’s age, I was just a fraction of a second off and balls that would have been in the pocket of the glove would hit the heel of the glove and bounce off. A few milliseconds makes the difference of blasting a ball in the gap versus popping it up to the center fielder.

  42. 32and53fan

    Great game. I would hate to go to St. Louis down two. Now, we are guaranteed to be at least tied when we get to that sea of red.

  43. 32and53fan

    Nice that Truebluewill got a win after all the trouble and expense it took to get to LA from NY.
    Great way to start the post season.

  44. trublu4ever

    DODGERS ROCK!!!!!!

  45. nellyjune

    WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! Trubluewill got a great show tonight. Let’s hope he gets the same type of show tomorrow night.

  46. nellyjune

    Perumike – Randy had a tough first inning with 30+ pitches, and then he settled down partially, but not like he usually does.

  47. boblee4014

    It PIS*** me off when they say the Cardinals pitches aren’t on tonight. how about that the Dodgers are hitting them and just maybe they are on but the Dodgers are hitting their best. A good 2 or 3 hitter by Kersh tomorrow would be great. We should have scored 10 to 12 runs tonight. Lets con tinue to kick their A**** guys.

  48. boblee4014

    Yeah, Nelly, I’ll sleep great tonight. Tomorrow, my Son and his wife are taking my Wife and I on a trip and staying in a cabin in southern Illinois. He’s a big Card fan. We need to win tomorrow before we come back to St. Louis. Ther would at least assure us of the final game in LA.

  49. jhallwally

    I think playing at home was huge tonight gang. Just my opinion. That is why I was adament about playing good down the stretch and getting the home field advantage. They don’t call it that for nothing!! Way to go Dodgers!!!!

  50. nellyjune

    Emma is always there. Truebluewill flew out there from New York and has never been to Dodger Stadium…………. A much different story I would think.

  51. jhallwally

    Totally sweet my friends!! Great way to call it a night. I will catch you all later. Goodnight and I hope you all have a pleasant tomorrow. Excelsior True Believers!!!

  52. shad80

    56,000 (100% full) – % is based on regular season capacity

    Dang last year I remember we had 56,800 guess they not overselling ticket

  53. shad80

    NOTES: The Cardinals fell to 6-2 in division series openers while returning to the playoffs for the first time since winning the 2006 World Series. … They won five of seven games against the Dodgers this season and outscored them 31-19. … Dodgers manager Joe Torre began his 14th consecutive playoff run, tying a record for managers set by Atlanta’s Bobby Cox (1991-2005). … Tommy Davis and Maury Wills, who starred on the Dodgers’ 1959 World Series championship team, tossed out ceremonial first pitches to “catchers” Juan Pierre(notes) and Orlando Hudson(notes). … Former Dodger closer Eric Gagne(notes) blew a kiss to the cheering fans when he was shown in the crowd.

  54. crzblue2

    Hello ITDers!
    That was a great win! Woohoo! Wolf did not go too many outs but the best bullpen showed up!
    Congrats Weaver on the Win!
    I got to the stadium early and hung in the field level by the Dodger bullpen with friends Rosa and Alyson then I went looking for TBW, but he was not at his seat so I watched a little more BP.
    I then went to say hi to co-worker Steve who was sitting with his son. He had two of company seats in the field level. After talking and taking a couple of pictures with his camera of he and his son, I went back looking for TBW but still no sign. I found instead my friend Sam who was coming down the escalator. I stood there talking to him and then he went to his sit in field level aisle 5 row D. Sam comes to the stadium with a dog in training. I again looked for TBW but since he was not there, I went to sit with Sam and his dog Sophie. We were talking when I noticed this guy signing autographs and I told him that he looked like Gagne. He said no and another guy sitting infront said it was not him. I want to verify who he was so I got closer and came back and told him and the other guy that in fact it was Gagne.

    So now I went another time looking for TBW and found him this time. He said he was no in his seat earlier because he was collecting autographs earlier. I pointed that Vic the Brick was there and if he wanted to I would take a pic. He said Ok and then I noticed that Maury Wills was also there, So excitedly TBW pulled his baseball and was able to get the autograph. I wished Maury a happy belated birthday. I tried to take a pic of the two of them but did not come too well and Maury Wills was running late for the pre ceremony. The usher in that section took pictures with my camera and with TBW. I told her and two other ushers around there that TBW was there for two games and he had made the trip from N.Y.
    Ok, so now I went upstairs to the Reserved and started looking for Scott (Scott from Arcadia). I located him and when I was walking in the row infront of him, he turned around and he said “Emma” Scott was there with his son. I took pictures and then people sitting there were arriving so I left.
    I got upstairs just before the National Anthem. By this time I was tired. I started greeting everyone around me and FINALLY sat after the National Anthem and started catching up with my scorecard.
    Beautiful win! The whole Top Deck gang was there including people that used to sit in the Top Deck stopped by to say hello.
    It was great to beat the Cardinals and sing “I LOVE L.A.”
    I was able to enter thru the Field Level but at first they did not want to let me in thru there. Anyway, I don’t think I can do it tomorrow so I told TBW, to come upstairs. I can go to the Reserved so Ill go see Carol but maybe she will come up again.
    no pics at the time since I am charging the batteries
    Oh while was running around, my friend LTD23 told me that she saw Josh Rawitch in the Top Deck.
    Scott, Scott’s son and TBW: It was great meeting you!

  55. nellyjune

    I am going to go on my soapbox for a moment. Shad – I read your post about the 12 year old girl filing a lawsuit for Ryan Howard’s ball. Now, I am not a Phillies Phan, but please, this is the problem with the world today. The fact that the Phillies Organization took the young girl into the locker room, gave her a signed ball by Howard himself should have been enough. But noooooo, some idiot person gave her (really her parents) the idea that she could make money off of this. Some lesson they taught this young person. Cry hard enough and you get what you want and then some. The people involved knew that the Phillies Organization wasn’t going to fight it so it makes it even more deceitful. Ryan Howard deserves to keep his “milestone ball”, and do with it what he chooses, even if it means to auction it off at some point in time for charity or whatever. The people involved in taking that away from him should be ashamed. I really hope Dodger fans don’t do things like this…………it’s just pitiful.

  56. shad80

    espnstatsinfo: From our man J-Mac in research: Matt Kemp: 1st Dodgers CF with a postseason HR since Jimmy Wynn in Game 1 of 1974 World Series.

    Wow I didn’t even know that.

  57. shad80

    Stadium Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
    Attendance 56,000 (100% full) – % is based on regular season capacity
    Game Time 3:54

    Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia, PA
    Attendance 46,452 (106.4% full) – % is based on regular season capacity
    Game Time 2:48

    Stadium Yankee Stadium, New York, NY
    Attendance 49,464 (94.7% full) – % is based on regular season capacity
    Game Time 3:38

    CBP capacity holds 43,647 such crap that they can get an attendance at 106.4%. Last year are home playoff attendance at DS were 56,800 that would put us at 101.4%. I can’t believe Yankees Stadium wasn’t at 100% at least. Their capacity was 52,325 and they had 49,654.

  58. thinkingblue

    GOOD MORNING ITD. Don’t have much to say but WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! DODGERSSSSSS! And I still GOT the same feeling as yesterday.

  59. thinkingblue

    I am a bit sad that HUDSON did not make it into the Roster…I wish him well and hope he continues to play great with the Dodgers. And I will not forget that he was one of the many reasons why Dodgers are where they are at NOW….NL WEST CHAMPS and on the ROAD TO WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS! GREAT JOB HUDSON…KEEP IT UP!

  60. scott_in_arcadia

    Carpenter who?
    Great win last night.
    Emma ~ it was a pleasure meeting you! Nice of you to trek all around finding folks.

  61. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    I saw Matty’s HR in the first, but not much else. I had to go to church for worship practice, but I had the Dodgers’ homepage up on the computer, so I could keep track of the scoring. Well, I heard the top of the 8th on the radio and then saw the bottom of 8th and top of 9th at home. I heard about BOTH teams leaving so many runners on base. I’m thrilled that they won last night, but c’mon guys, get those guys home; don’t leave them lounging on the bases.

    Well, I can’t stay long. I’ve got a few more things to do here at the house, and then go pick-up my mom and eventually to DS!!!


  62. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue…………….
    Matt Kemp and Raffy as well as the bullpen came through big time last night……………
    Way To Go Boy’s!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!
    Enjoy the game today everyone………

  63. perumike

    Good morning everyone! Great night last night, hoping for a great afternoon today!! Let’s go Kersh! Just a note – I was watching ESPN First Take and Skip Bayless actually admitted that he underestimated our Dodgers, while this Rob Parker guy still thinks we’re not so great, especially without Manny hitting. Get ready for a wakeup call Rob!

  64. scott_in_arcadia

    Who the heck is Rob Parker anyway??
    Dodgers proved last night that the past is the past and the regular season records against each other don’t mean squat. The Mets had whooped the Dodgers during the regular season in ’88 and what happened? WS Champs, baby!
    Torre: We need the O-Dog’s defense and hustle!!!

  65. trublu4ever

    Perumike ~ I saw that ESPN First Take also. We all know what our team is capable of doing and, it’s that East Coast bias again…..not giving us much credit. Instead of saying we really hit Carpenter….they had to say he didn’t have his best stuff. Maybe we are better than he is. Randy didn’t have his best stuff either, but we managed to shut them down.

  66. nellyjune

    Welcome to ITD rosehof14!!!! 131 comments is small compared to what this group normally does. We have been known to crack out hundreds in a day.

    I am not wearing my jersey to work, but I am wearing a blue skirt and a white sweater, and my classroom is well equipped with Dodger memorabilla. The game starts 3 minutes before school is out, but since it is technically during a school day, I had to wear Dodger blue somehow. Our students here can’t where professional sports jerseys at school. Another thing that has been taken away because of a few bad apples that choose to engage in illegal activities. Yes, even at our age level………..so sad.


  67. scott_in_arcadia

    This is the year the Dodgers send the Cardinals home crying for a change.
    Funny how Gagne was cheered last night. He looked a little embarrassed/surprised?
    Hey, nothing wrong with T. Davis and Maury Wills throwing out the first pitch, but maybe someone a little more recent like Orel? or Tommy? or Fernando?
    And what’s with the Robert Redford PSA’s during the game?

  68. crzblue2

    TBW and Scott!
    It was such a pleasure meeting you. I was having a hard time posting in my blog and lost my original post. boo but just finished doing a quick one so take a look at TBW and Scott and his son. Now I am late and still need to get ready and pick up a friend on my way to the stadium.

  69. selltheteam

    Hey there, ITD! Great game by the Dodgers last night!! I got to watch almost the entire deal on TNT/TBS.
    Wolf did not have a good night. Walked too many and was quite hittable. Hopefully, Kershaw comes through this afternoon with an “ace-like” performance. He said he channels his nervousness by throwing a little harder and making his curve break a little more. If so, I’m looking forward to 97 mph fastballs and an Uncle Charlie that will make the Cards’ heads spin.
    The defense was a little sloppy for both teams. I agree with Scott – Hudson should be playing instead of Belliard, especially against right-handers. The pop fly that Belliard missed in the first inning would have been almost a routine play for ODawg. When I say routine, that’s in great respect to ODawg’s abilities – I personally don’t know anyone else who has the range of ODawg. (Or maybe I’m just biased after watching Kent stand in place for too long).
    Emma – Great pics on your blob – you do an awesome job!!
    Gametime in just over three hours – GO DODGERS!!

  70. selltheteam

    from Dodgertown tweet:
    Game 2 lineup:
    Furcal SS
    Kemp CF
    Ethier RF
    Ramirez LF
    Loney 1B
    Blake 3B
    Belliard 2B
    Martin C
    Kershaw LHP
    I’d like to see more offense from Belliard to make up for the lack of ODawg on the field.

  71. scott_in_arcadia

    Let’s hope Belliard gets some meaningful hits today – and that goes for Manny too! Manny’s only hit last night was on an off speed pitch again. Still handcuffed by fastballs that he was hammering to all parts of the field last year.

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