Here in Albuquerque

Posting from a box at Isotopes Stadium, where Manny Ramirez will start his rehab assignment this evening here in Albuquerque. It’s a really nice facility…the last time I was here was in 1998 and Paul Konerko and Dennys Reyes were the top prospects playing for the Dukes. They’ve got a new stadium and are expecting a sellout crowd tonight due to Manny’s arrival. Should be an interesting few days.

Meanwhile (and more importantly), the team is in Chicago for a three-game set against the White Sox. Clayton Kershaw will host a web chat at 1 p.m. PT/3 p.m. CT today on from the clubhouse at US Cellular Field, so be sure to login and catch up with him.

Also, for those of you who have a few minutes, you’ve heard us talk about the People All-Stars Among Us program…well, it ends tomorrow night so you only have a little bit of time to vote for one of the three people who will represent the Dodgers at the All-Star Game in St. Louis.

That’s about it for now…will try to post the lineup for the game in Chicago later in the day but it could be busy around here. MLB Network will be here providing live look-ins of all of Manny’s at-bats and there’s quite a bit of media that has made the trip to Albuquerque.



  1. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful
    Kuroda and the Boy’s take on Chicago tonight
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    Enjoy your day all, and enjoy the game 🙂

  2. perumike

    Yeah sara, I read that too, great article. Our guys should have the confidence now to keep winning, I just hope they add Manny to the mix, instead of centering things on him and what he can do.


    yup perumike, i completely agree..

    btw, for those of you coming to the tour/game this weekend.. it looks like we’ll be watching King Felix vs Kersh.. that’ll be a fun pitching matchup for sure 🙂

  4. selltheteam

    Great – Mark Kriegel is another Pierre-lover: “Actually, it’s a perfectly reasonable expectation, just as long as Joe Torre continues …. finding a place in the lineup for his .338 hitter, Juan Pierre. ”
    Doesn’t he realize that Pierre has only hit .273/.309/.325 while Ethier is .300/.347/.600 and Kemp is .355/.406/.484 in June? Shouldn’t his journalistic integrity dictate that he should be saying that Ethier and Kemp have been gearing up so that Pierre’s bat will no longer be needed in the lineup?

  5. crzblue2

    Good story. Thanks for sharing.
    I was told by some ladies from the Dodger Booster Club that the Dodgers play at Yankee Stadium next year. We are hoping the Booster club plans a trip there next year. They usually organize trips.
    So looks like Josh will make it back on time for the ITD tour/game.


    It’s kind of like, how can you tell when _______ is lying:

    If it’s a lawyer – it’s when his lips are moving.
    If it’s a journalist – it’s when he’s writing.

  7. enchantedbeaver

    Actually, isn’t it NED who sould be finding a place in a line-up for .338 hitter Juan Pierre?


    yeah crash, i pretty much ignored that pierre line of the article.. well, actually, i scoffed at it first, and then ignored it.. me saying it was a good article was just referring to the loney quotes and the overall idea that this is a good team with or without manny..

    i don’t know how some people analyze pierre’s numbers to support him.. it’s just like on sunday night baseball when joe morgan was talking about how he doesn’t understand how the dodgers are going to put pierre back on the bench when manny returns.. i wanted to tell him that’s where 4th outfielders belong.. you can’t just look at pierre’s numbers alone, you have to look at them in comparison to andre’s and matty’s.. not a difficult decision at all, in my opinion..

  9. aeversw

    Juan’s not even a 4th outfielder. He has no defensive value. Jamie Hoffman and Xavier Paul are much better options. Hopefully Ned can trade slappy!…Juan’s contract just keeps looking worse and worse.

  10. trublu4ever

    I don’t want some people to think we are Dodger bashers but I totally agree with all of you on the Juan issue. If he were that great, some team out there would have made us an offer……huge contract or not (which could have been worked out) but to my knowledge no team has approached us.

  11. selltheteam

    Re: JP as trade bait. Doubtful we could get a starting pitcher beyond a 37-year old AA rag arm. But given the way Joe uses the bullpen, maybe we could get a reliever. As long as it’s not a Mota type.


    I’d take a good AAA prospect, either pitcher or outfielder in replacement for Pierre – wouldn’t it solve a lot of problems for the next two years just to be rid of his contract?


    I see where the Manny circus has begun. Excuse me for not being too excited about all the attention he is receiving. After all, it is not like he is coming back from an injury or military service; he is coming back from a self induced 50 game vacation. If nothing else, he will regain his normal productivity so we don’t have to continue rehashing the merits of Juan Pierre over and over again.


    Joe said he might use Jones as a DH in these games. Might be a bit unusual to see a DH batting ninth but I know everyone is pulling for Mitch. Here’s hoping he is up to the challenge.

  15. boblee4014

    Hey nelly, How you doing. Ready for a Dodger win tonight. Would love to see Jones hit a couple of long ones. The guy really deserves a break.

  16. shad80

    Well if the starters don’t put in the effect to goes 7 or 8 than you can’t really blame Torre and they were just talking about it and we have 3 in the top 15 in reliever inning pitch with Troncoso ranking #1 and Belisario ranking #3.

  17. oldbrooklynfan

    Hello Everybody
    Ready for tonight’s game?
    I’m ready but I’m also ready for a lot of things.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  18. crzblue2

    Ready packed Oldbrook? I had to pack last night as I am house-sitting till Sunday morning so that is where I am heading. Now I don’t know why I agreed to look after these kitties. Never stayed at my friend’s house before. Oh well, got to go now before they leave to the airport so I can get keys and they can show me how their alarm works and whatever else. Oh yeah Tv so that I can watch the games.
    Did you see The Dodgers will play the Yankees next year?


    loney has definitely been displaying more power lately.. man, if his power is to ever materialize.. watch out for sure..

  20. oldbrooklynfan

    The Dodgers played the Yankees once in inter-league play and that was in L.A., if I recall correctly.

  21. shad80

    Since we played the White Sox last year at Dodgers stadium and I think we would played the Yankees in NY.


    By the way, my son in law works near LAX and he was having a lunch meeting at one of hotels nearby. As he was walking through the lobbey he noticed someone sitting by himself on a couch with what looked like a Dodger equipment bag. My son in law looked closer and thought he recognized the man and sure enough it was Juan Pierre, who was probably there waiting for the flight to Texas. My son in law went up to Pierre and asked him if he was Juan Pierre. JP said yes and they **** chatted for a moment. My son in law says Pierre seemed surprised someone noticed him but he was quite cordial and signed an autograph for my son in law.


    I have no idea why the **** appears in my last post. I did not say anything that would cause that to happen.

  24. perumike

    It’s really nice to see Kuroda in the 7th with a LOW pitch count! Most of our pitchers haven’t been doing that!

  25. shad80

    Urgh geez Pierre could’ve even get a run in from 3rd with no out and I’d rather had Furcal squeeze that. I missed those extra run.

  26. enchantedbeaver

    Nice 0 for 5 by Pierre. Can’t bunt. Can’t score a runner from third.

    Yup, he’s invaluable to our success.

  27. perumike

    I don’t want our guys to fail, but if Pierre keeps this up there won’t be a big issue in the outfield.

  28. enchantedbeaver

    Just love defensive indifference.

    If I was manager there would NEVER be any defensive indifference.


    One of these days that defensive indifference will cost us a ballgame, and when it does, I’d personally like to take that game ball and shove it down f’ing Torre’s throat.

  30. enchantedbeaver

    Guess there’s nothing wrong with Brox’s arm. Poor Thome can’t hit what he can’t see.

  31. enchantedbeaver

    When you think about it Bear, with JP in left, we play defensive indifference all 9 innings.

  32. shad80

    I would had save Broxton and let McDonald pitch don’t tell me he couldn’t get the last out and heck even the bad Wade could get one out we really didn’t need Broxton tonight. Heck I’m surprise Torre didn’t have Leach vs Thome consider we had Beimel facing Bonds the past couple of years.

  33. kpookiemon

    A few in here are POed that Broxton had to pitch…and I agree. But it was the top of the inning that lead to Broxton. Everything in baseball seems connected. With a runner on third and no outs, Pierre and Furcal can’t even get the run home, let alone O-Dog. Perhaps if the Dodgers have an extra run to play with, Joe warms up another pitcher. As it was, Broxton hardly had to sweat…but one never knows. There are only so many pitches in an arm over the course of a season. Not be greedy, though. The Dodgers just keep rolling along. Hey, maybe when Manny leaves New Mexico he can join the ITD tour on Saturday. Manny? You game?

  34. shad80

    10 Game Log
    06/23 @CWS W 5-2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 — Sv(18) 2.27
    06/21 @LAA W 5-3 1.1 3 2 2 0 1 2 3 2 8 26 — Sv(17) 2.29
    06/20 @LAA W 6-4 1.0 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 20 — — 1.85
    06/16 OAK W 5-4 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 10 — — 1.36
    06/14 @TEX W 6-3 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 4 13 — Sv(16) 1.41
    06/13 @TEX W 3-1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 11 — Sv(15) 1.45
    06/09 SD W 6-4 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 5 23 — Sv(14) 1.50
    06/06 PHI W 3-2 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 14 — — 1.24
    06/05 PHI W 4-3 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 4 20 W(6-0) — 1.29
    06/03 ARI W 1-0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 12 — Sv(13) 1.33

  35. shad80

    Tony Abreu 3B» Add Widget
    2009 STATS
    — — — — —
    % OWN WK +/- AVG DRAFT
    0.2% 0.0% 260.0
    Full Name Etanislao Toni Abreu
    Birth Date November 13, 1984
    Birth Place Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
    Age 24
    Weight 200 lbs.
    Height 5-9
    Bats B
    Throws Right

  36. dodgereric


    Missed the game, but catching up on the posts made me curious about Kuroda’s exit. I just checked GameDay to see how the ninth progressed. I’ll tell you exactly why Torre put in Broxton. At that point, it became a save situation. Pure and simple. Yeah, I see that Kuroda hit 103 pitches. Doesn’t matter.

    “One of these days that defensive indifference will cost us a ballgame, and when it does, I’d personally like to take that game ball and shove it down f’ing Torre’s throat.

    By on June 23, 2009 7:42 PM”

    REACTION: You’re my hero, bear! LMAO!!!

    And one more reaction – to enchanted’s link up top that warns us that Pierre will steal atbats from Ethier soon. 1) We already knew that, didn’t we? and 2) Why doesn’t that defensive OF scare the crap out of Torre? I think I know. I think Torre will play a 4-man OF and rest Furcal on those days. Hudson will rove between short and second, depending on whether the hitter is a lefty or righty.
    Any other reason would be………..stupid.

  37. shad80

    Of course it was a save situation but still he shouldn’t had another day off and of course he should rest that toe.

  38. enchantedbeaver

    Doing well my friend – how’s yourself?

    Jarrod Washed-up??? What do we need with another back of the rotation guy who’s last good year was 2002? (come to think of it, he does sound like the Ned type.) What’s Washburn got that Milton and Stults don’t?

    If Ned HAS to have him, I suppose Hu could go. Repko…. How about Pierre straight-up?

  39. kpookiemon

    I just don’t see Jarrod Washburn. Under .500, averaging about 6 innings per start. I mean, what’s the point? Don’t the Dodgers have enough journeymen lefties with stats like that? Either get a pitcher who will REALLY make a difference–whether in the pen or as a starter–or sit tight and quit trading kids for crap. As far as Pierre when Manny comes back, I wouldn’t blow a gasket just yet. Ethier thrives with Manny in the line-up. What else is Joe going to say right now?

  40. dodgereric

    I agree with you shad. But try counting the times that we reach the save situation (in the ninth only) when Torre DOESN’T bring in the closer. The only time he doesn’t is if the starter is still in the game and he has a shutout going.

    Say we have a 4-run lead going into the ninth. Torre won’t bring in Brox until the other team scores a run. If we have a 5-run lead, he’ll wait until 2 score. Etcetera. Once that potential tying run hits the on-deck circle, here comes the closer.

  41. enchantedbeaver

    I have to agree Kahli – either get someone that makes a difference or stand pat. We get to the playoffs we’ve got Billz, Kuroda and Wolf/Kershaw. Not fantabulous, but better than most unless you can pick-up a Haren or Lee.

  42. dodgereric

    Regarding Ned and Jarrod, I wish I had the confidence to say that Ned’s too smart for that.

    kahli, I’m not blowing a gasket yet. But you and I know it’s going to happen. And it won’t matter one lick if Andre’s hitting .489 with Ruthian SLG %. Torre will ‘rest’ him.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    If they want to save the BP, why not try out McDonald as the secondary closer while we’ve got a big divisional lead? Let he and Brox alternate and save Brox through July and part of August so you’ve got him strong down the stretch.

    Wouldn’t hurt though if they went out and picked up a good BP guy to fill that roll either.

  44. enchantedbeaver

    You guys see they batted Manny leadoff, presumably to get 4-5 ABs, then they pulled him after his 2nd AB for a PH. What was the point of that? If he’s “rehabbing”, why not bat him third like he’ll be doing when he gets back?

  45. nellyjune

    I am guessing by comments, Joe made some statement about making sure JP gets playing time once Manny is back. Such Crap!! …………..just please don’t use the excuse that Andre needs a rest because that is NOT what this is all about.

  46. shad80

    I didn’t even realize this and isn’t Broxton son born on the same bday other than the year of course as Lincecum?

    Tim Lincecum June 15, 1984
    Johnny Broxton June 16, 1984

  47. enchantedbeaver

    He gets those funny books too mom that come in plain brown wrappers.

    Probably where he got his ACME Inflate-A-Date.

  48. shad80

    Holy crap they projected Broxton with these numbers a 14-0 record with 30 bb’s and 130 k’s with 41 saves.

  49. nellyjune

    So, Beav……………..I am guessing you are saying he has been locked up in his room this whole time?

  50. shad80

    Amazing we could go years without a lefty in the rotation and now we have 2 to 3? I remember when Ojeda broke that right handed string of starts.

  51. dodgereric

    Wondering why Donald Fehr ignored the steroid issues? Listen to his mentor, Marvin Miller:

    “I think that Don has faced some problems that I never had to. When I say that, people immediately jump on the drugs and steroids question, but that’s not it at all.”

    He goes on to say that Fehr’s biggest problem was that he “…..had not a single member who played one day of major league baseball before the union. That’s a tremendous handicap, because people have a tendency to think the conditions we find were always like that.” Oh yeah, that’s WAAAAAAY more important. More:

    Miller said that he doesn’t like the way Fehr handled the steroid issue. But not that he ignored the problem. “I would not have allowed for so-called universal testing”. Hmmm.

    What does he think of George Mitchell and his Mitchell report? “He should be ashamed of himself.”

    But then, why should he care about steroids? After all, “Congress loves to retreat into [by saying] ‘Hey, this is dangerous stuff that causes death,’ go find me a single autopsy that authenticates that. Maybe they do cause real harm and death, but no one has demonstrated it yet.”

    He may not have had a steroid issue, but “Amphetamines were the bane of some people’s existence, and obviously cocaine. I was aware that there were people using those, absolutely. The amphetamines used to be supplied by the trainers, who were employed by the owners, in open bowls for whoever wanted to take a scoop of them. Not only were there no regulations, it was being supplied by the owners’ employees. The first time I saw that in spring training I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought they were jelly beans.” Did he do anything about it? I can’t find anything.

    “Asked what should be done about baseball’s performance-enhancing drug problem, Miller said, “I want to make it clear I don’t know what the truth is and I don’t pretend to know.”

    “As for what he would do if he were still in charge, Miller said, “I don’t know. You can’t solve all these problems.”

    Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

  52. shad80

    We did get David Wells so why not Washburn? I’d rather take Buehrle and I doubt the White Sox would trade him. Do the White Sox still wanted Pierre?

  53. kpookiemon

    Speaking of the Beav–and with the passing of Ed McMahan–I remember Art Fern and Tea-Time Movie, when Johnny would list a number of rhyming actors and then the upcoming movie…you know like, Sara Lee, Bruce Lee, Spike Lee and Honk the Wonder Goose in “Beaver Takes a Shower for an Hour,” which is a title I DEFINITELY remember! Or “Beaver Goes to Bed with a Flashlight.”

  54. enchantedbeaver

    I was lucky enough to get to go see a taping of the Tonite Show before Johnny left. I loved that show. Was never the same after Carson.

  55. kpookiemon

    I saw a Tonight Show, too, in the late 70s. Ed would warm up the audience for about 15 minutes with his own stand-up until show time. I also sat though an entire day of the Gong Show waiting for my buddy to get on…but he never did??!?!?!?!

  56. nellyjune

    Eric – that is just crazy. We were having a discussion tonight about this issue with the coaches we had over and Manny of course became a topic. Very interesting things he had to say about players in general, but mostly pitchers when it comes to PED.

  57. enchantedbeaver

    The Gong Show – fine quality programming!!!

    Anyone remember the $1.98 Beauty Show? Also another fine CB creation.

  58. nellyjune

    The Gong Show – LOL!!! You can think of it as one of the pioneer shows for all these talent-type shows now.

  59. dodgereric

    LOL e and kahli! And there was Carol, the Tea Time Movie lady!

    A friend and I saw a few Tonight Shows in the early ’70s. Carson was still based in NY then and would come out for a couple of weeks occasionally. One show had Bob Hope on the sofa and Redd Foxx in the chair when the cameras went out. Carson was told it was going to be a while, so he had the lights turned on, scanned the audience and asked if there were any children present. No one spoke up. He and Foxx and Hope spent the next 45 minutes telling us dirty jokes! Talk about a lucky break!

  60. enchantedbeaver

    Question from the old Gong Show and other 70’s game shows – Who the hell was Jaye P. Morgan and what was her claim to fame to garner celebrity status? (OK so she was lower than the D list, but still.)

  61. nellyjune

    Now, THAT is very cool Eric!! That must have been great just knowing what Redd Foxx is like alone, not to mention Bob Hope and Johnny Carson.

  62. nellyjune

    Now, THAT is very cool Eric!! That must have been great just knowing what Redd Foxx is like alone, not to mention Bob Hope and Johnny Carson.

  63. enchantedbeaver

    Carol Wayne… those Tea-Time skits were great. BUT FIRST FRIENDS…

    You ever watch Fernwood Tonight?

  64. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! I actually do remember those………………….that’s great!! That was the Tonight Show at it’s best. Thanks Eric!!!

  65. kpookiemon

    I know I’m getting older when the icons of my youth are leaving–John Lennon, George Harrison, Johnny Carson, Ed McMahon, Don Drysdale, George Carlin, Jerry Garcia, even my mom and dad. I’m sure we all have our own sorry list…

  66. nellyjune

    nevermind – Looked it up and definitely know who they are…………….very funny guys, both of them.

  67. nellyjune

    nevermind – Looked it up and definitely know who they are…………….very funny guys, both of them.

  68. nellyjune

    Good Night enchanted/Beav!!!! Great discussions today and the Dodgers winning sure does help – Take Care!!!

  69. nellyjune

    Before I watch…………….I just have to say………..there was a guy here tonight that has Benny Hill’s theme song as his ringtone, and he is only 38 years old. ……….only 38, geez!!!!

  70. nellyjune

    He has the greatest expressions, especially when he can’t keep it together…………just priceless!!

  71. dodgereric

    I wish I could find a sketch he did as a magician. He brought the little old man on stage and covered him with a cloth. He grabbed the wrong knife from his lovely assistant and stabbed the old man in the head, which was obviously a melon or something. He slumps to the floor and is dragged off the stage as his assistant shows him the fake knife he was supposed to use. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

  72. nellyjune

    Good Night Dodgereric/Ward Dear……….you are up past your bedtime on a work night. Thanks for all the great clips. Take Care and God Bless 🙂

  73. shad80

    I just notice Castro hasn’t played since July 6 is he ok? He should at least have some AB’s when we played Oakland and SD at home and why in heck hasn’t Ellis been in a game yet? Did we really need to bring him up to have a 3rd catchers on this team? I thought the idea was for Martin to take a rest.

  74. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ great stuff last night……brought back fond memories of the Tonight Show. Haven’t watched any late night talk shows since Johnny left the air. Benny Hill was also fantastic.
    Let’s get game two from the White Sox today! GO DODGERS!!!! DODGER BLUE THRU & THRU!!!!!
    Really getting excited about the tour Saturday. Can’t wait to meet you all! Just hope Josh is ready for us! lol

  75. perumike

    Good morning all! Overall great win last night, let’s go for number two tonight! I’m once again glad I work from home so I can watch tomorrow’s game! 🙂

    Tru – I’m also really excited about the tour, both to meet all of you and to see places in the stadium I’ve only seen on TV.

  76. trublu4ever

    Perumike ~ it should be a lot of fun. I’m just like a kid when it comes to stuff like this…..having trouble sleeping and wondering what it will be like.

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