Game 2 in Philly…

Eric Collins weighed in over at Psychollingy and as you can see, his mind works in random ways…

As for tonight’s game, here’s the lineup…I hope to post more after Joe’s talk with the media in an hour or two…

Pierre, LF

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Ethier, RF

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Wolf, P



  1. kpookiemon

    Randy Wolf. Your team needs you. I dare you to win a game. Please do better than pitch just good enough to lose or get a no decision.

  2. thinkingblue

    JOSH -thanks for the line up….looking good! I’ll be waiting for Joe’s comments.

  3. kpookiemon

    Memo to Clayton Kershaw and Randy Wolf: Guillermo Mota has more than wins than either of you two guys. Enough said.

  4. scott_in_arcadia

    Hi ITD,

    1-5 without Manny…JP is playing as well as he ever has – bad arm and all – but who is protecting the young hitters now? Better find someone who can hit before the Gnats are in first to stay.

  5. crzblue2

    Good afternoon ITD Boys & Girls!
    I’ve been busy with auditors requests via the users so I have not finished reading all your comments and probably won’t get to all of them until I get home.
    Thanks for the suggestions on the 80’s costume. I like the suggestion on the big Dodger shirt! I do have a couple of them, some are giveaways. Wouldn’t be cool for the Dodgers to show that boogie video on 80’s night?
    A reunion of the video would be so cool but I don’t think the guys would go for it.

    Stop the bleeding Wolfie! Go Dodgers!

  6. kpookiemon

    Gnats have won 14 of their past 20 games. That’s .700 baseball. If they keep that pace up I’ll tip my cap to them. Dodgers won’t see them again until August 10…so the Gnats are the least of the Dodgers’ worries right now; no scoreboard watching in May. What the Dodgers CAN watch is MartinLoneyKempEthierKershaw. Once upon time these kids performed. They will again.

  7. perumike

    Good afternoon all, hopefully we have a wonderful Dodger win today. I think after yesterday a lot of our guys will be inspired to not let that happen again. Go get ’em Wolfie!!!

  8. scott_in_arcadia

    I’m hoping Kahli, but when I watch these guys on TV lately, it doesn’t feel right. They’ve got to grow up and get their groove back. Who knows if Manny will be worth squat anyway when/if he comes back.

  9. thinkingblue

    EMMA – that video just put a big o’ smile on my face. I wish they would do one with the 2009 team. LOL. It would probably be more of a Rap song, hey Martin can bebop.

  10. selltheteam

    Joe needs to call a team meeting, if he hasn’t already, and tear open a new ***** in these kids. Last night’s game was pathetic. How do you let Werth steal home after he’s just stolen second base and third base? Russell and Belisario just weren’t paying attention. Also, Furcal has lost a step on defense, whether it’s his footwork, or in his mind – I’m betting on in the mind. The whole team is playing as if they’re still distracted by the Manny thing. I agree with Kahli – Joe needs to give the team a good hard slap and wake them the hell up.
    Strange how Pierre seems to be the only one playing with heart. ODog is still doing fine. Kemper at least is still tearing it up in center field. Ethier will come around. But Loney, Martin, and Furcal need a stern discussion – with or without Manny, you guys need to carry the team. Yeah, we expect to have losses, especially on the road, but keep your f**king head in the game.
    I still haven’t wrapped my own head around the whole Manny situation. Sometimes I just want to flush all the players born before 1980, thinking that they’re all painted with the same steroidal brush. Of course, that would go against the grain of Ned’s MO of always getting the PVL’s. Think where we would be today without the steroid burnout signings of Schmidt, Jones, Garciaparra, etc.
    The most optimistic thing that I can say is……the Gnats are losing today!

  11. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ESPN is in the House!!!!
    Enjoy the game everyone 🙂

  12. kpookiemon

    Yes, the Gnats have indeed lost. Wolf, pitch to contact. Quit running up your pitch count. I don’t want to see Belisario or Ohman or whatever in the 6th inning. Stud up.

  13. selltheteam

    Agree with Belisario and Ohman. Other pitchers that I don’t want to see today – Mota and Leach.


    Even though it hurt last night, I was glad to see Werth do well. He got a raw deal from the Dodgers, and I’m sure that is more than enough incentive for him to try to excel against them.

    Furcal is not playing well and as long as Pierre is on fire and leading off, Furcal should be dropped way down in the order until he gets back on track. I also think that Martin should be dropped down and Kemp should be batting behind Ethier.

    I was not in favor of signing Manny for so much money, and I would have never given him two years, with the last year at HIS option. To my way of thinking, that was just plain stupid and may come back to haunt the Dodgers because Manny probably won’t be able to get a better deal next year and he may well become a real drag on the team.

    Personally, I am not willing to compromise morals/ethics to win, and I have little patience with cheaters. Regardless of the impact of Manny’s bat and the fact that we all make mistakes, I don’t think cheaters should be tolerated in baseball. Losing some money is not enough compensation for the damage Manny has done to the team, the fans, and the sport.

  15. boblee4014

    Let’s see. 5 games without Manny. We are 1 and 4. At that rate, we’ll be 10 and lose 50 before Manny is back. # of those losses at home where we play so well.

    Where’s our coaching staff. Loney 125 at bats, no HR’S
    Martim 107 at bats, no HR”S What are thses guys doing wrong???
    Doesn’t look good from where I sit…

  16. kpookiemon

    1st inning pitching:
    Soft-toss Moyer–14 pitches, 10 strikes
    Our boy Wolf–18 pitches, 12 strikes

  17. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everybody
    I was waiting for Josh to start a new thread, as I watch the game on ESPN tonight.

  18. boblee4014

    That’s normally what happens when you have to get the ball in there to keep from walking the batter. Way to go Wolf.

  19. boblee4014

    I didn’t know the game was on ESPN. Guess I’ll go watch it on the big screen. Good night everyone.

  20. kpookiemon

    After 2 innings:
    Soft-toss Moyer–25 pitches, 17 strikes
    Our boy Wolf–44 pitches, 28 strikes
    This has been Wolf’s downfall all season. At this rate, he’s gone after 5 innings.

  21. oldbrooklynfan

    I think any win against this team or against the Marlins or the Mets is BIG.
    Especially today on ESPN. Big audience.


    I’m glad to see that there are some people besides myself who would like to see a couple of the youngsters taken to the woodshed and wopped upside the head with a 2X4 to get some focus back on the game. It’s nice for Torre to be that patient understanding manager, but there is a time to get some fire in the belly and to raise some hell with people who are not performing. I’m tired of some of these seemingly spoiled “major leaguers” who were fortunate to get to the major leagues early in their careers, but who don’t seem to be progressing from their early promise that got them here. Instead of figuring out which models to date, let’s pay some goddamn attention to throwing out some base stealers and hitting just a few HR’s before the season’s over. Back in Torre’s day I don’t think his managers would have been as lax with him as he seems prone to be with some of his youngsters.

  23. oldbrooklynfan

    Jayson Werth is really running all over us.
    I never thought of him as a speedster when he was with us.
    I guess he spend too much time on the DL.

  24. Dodger4life

    WOW!!!! I step away from the tv to eat some supper and it is 5 -1 Dodgers. I’m sorry I missed it but I’ll survive. Keep it up Boy’s!!! I’m glad to see Loney find a groove 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. oldbrooklynfan

    That’s it, shut them down after we score big, Randy put up that big zero.
    That’s how you do it.
    We need more runs against this team, I hope we don’t let up.

  26. leekfink

    My Loney has a first name
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    Oh I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    (Sorry I was late)


    Martin seems to be finding his stroke while poor Andre seems to have lost his. No one said it would be easy.

  28. oldbrooklynfan

    They can put the blame on Moyer but it’s good to show “the outsiders” how they look successfully swinging those bats.
    Let’s hope they don’t die here.

  29. bluecrewgirl

    Joepierre, prior to struggling a bit against them last season Andre had always hit lefties well and quite a few of his home runs this year are against lefties, so I’m not sure why he’s struggled against the last few they’ve faced, but hopefully he’ll get it figured out soon. I’m confident he will.

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    SUPERB 6 innings by WOLF
    He’s doing a good job against the Phillies.
    Keep it there guys.


    Been watching on ESPN. So far, it’s all good. We sure needed a game like this. Glad to see Loney having a good night. Let’s just finish it off. GO DODGERS!!!!

  32. oldbrooklynfan

    O.K. we have a 6 run lead in the 7th
    COM’ ON PEN.


  33. oldbrooklynfan

    I can see what makes the Phillies a good team.
    They are preventing the Dodgers from scoring.
    They’re behind by 6, but defensively they are keeping the Dodgers at bay.
    This is a tough game.

  34. bluecrewgirl

    Joyce, the game should be on tv, but it is possible if there’s a hockey and a Laker game that day that it might not be. I’ll have to check that out.

  35. shad80

    Damn I knew Ohman couldn’t leave a game without given up a run and still don’t like that runner on 3rd bases with 1 out and Hudson couldn’t get that run in.

  36. oldbrooklynfan

    Good move by TORRE to take MCDONALD out after those pitches.
    We are going for outs, have to make him hit it.

  37. shad80

    Ohman now given up 4 homeruns this year after giving up 3 last years and 3 2 years ago. Where is the Ohman from last year?

  38. oldbrooklynfan

    I know our enemys are going to say, “M—-o—y—-e—r didn’t
    h–a–v–e.. it”
    But we beat the Phillies and that’s the bottom line.,
    G O D O D G E R S


    There are three guys in the bullpen that you just can’t trust to get outs for you: Mota, Ohman, and Mac. I don’t know what to do with Ohman and Mota other than trade them or release them. I think they need to send Mac back to AAA, so he can do some serious pitching and get his head back straight. His delivery looks terrible.

  40. shad80

    Can we just give Mac a passed since he’s a rookie? I bet if he was in the bullpen from the start of the season that his numbers would had been much better.

  41. oldbrooklynfan

    I think McDonald will be alright as soon as he gains some confidence. He’s got talent but he’s just shaky.
    I think Joe will put him out there in situation like tonight as often as he can.

  42. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Well, that was a good win. Where is enchanted’s ndeschenesesk post? Nice job James!!!!!! I knew you would come around to being Big Game James again, and boy did you. A great outing by Wolf, and the rest of the pen for keeping it out of reach.

  43. bluecrewgirl

    Hi Nelly. Great victory, but tough game for Andre. I saw him heave a big sigh after his last at bat. I know he’s going to be fine, but it must really be tough to go through a slump, especially since it’s been so long since he’s gone through one.

  44. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – I was sooo hoping he would get a hit that last at-bat. I was going to even settle for a walk, but yea………… it hurts to watch him struggle like that. However, like you, I know he will swing his way out of it and be just fine.

  45. nellyjune

    I do have some non-baseball Andre news that was kind of fun. Today my minime Ethieraholic, Elaina, got her first place ribbon for her song she did for Andre at the end of last season. She got a first place in the song category in all of Merced County. The song is being displayed on our mall, and I got permission from her parents to use her picture on my blog to do a story about it.

  46. bluecrewgirl

    Wow, that’s very cool, Nelly. First place in all of the county is quite impressive. She must be quite the talented writer.

  47. nellyjune

    Well, it was just an ITD type song, but for a first grader, it was pretty good that she did an ITD-type song with any knowledge that we have DodgerLyrics that is devoted to songwriters. However, I have created an major Andre fan in her. She would be perfect for one of those kids that run out before the game to get an autographed ball from the players.

  48. nellyjune

    Thanks tru – now I have to go find it so I can take a picture of it with the ribbon attached.

  49. thesuckometer

    Dear messageboard…. who is this model you regard as so intriguing that she has the power to overcome the ability to focus on the task at hand. I myself have a need for a wonderful blessing of her stature and allegiance. How could something so beautiful. and so promising be a deterrent. I do understand your thought process that every one needs a reality check from time to time. BILLY MARTIN was a master at this. GOD REST HIS SOLE….. This brings me to fact that their are many different ways to get the job done!!! However no matter what the process is in accomplishing the ultimate goal, I doubt and I do this with the utmost conviction. Attacking ones better half is not going to gain anyone’s respect. You must first have respect for yourself, and with that you can be a TRUE LEADER,
    Billy Martin I am not…….. Billy Martin however, GOD REST HIS SOLE, was a winner. I do believe he had plenty of respect and admiration from his peers. I remember him and Lou Pinella arguing about their difference’s during a game.
    Classic baseball at its best. I have no idea where I want to go with this,other than PLEASE LEAVE THE GOOD THINGS OF ANY INDIVIDUALS LIFE….. OUT OF YOUR DESIRE TO SPARK A FIRE UNDER THEIR BEHIND!!!!!!!! I don’t mean to single you out anymore than you mean to single out the good things in any player/ fan / normal individual’s life. I apologize if I have affended anyones feelings, It was and never will be my intention’s.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    BRING ANOTHER RING TO L.A.IN 2009!!!!!!!

  50. thesuckometer

    Hey everyone, I have a few thoughts on J-Mac. Great stuff so much potential……………………….. He himself said he has trouble focusing. I have no answer for his lack of attention, other than I myself can symphitise with his concern and apparent problem. When he has the desire to throw the baseball he is one of the best in the game. I truly beleive this. He is young and the pressure he is facing would make the best of our knees shake. J-Mac all I can say is listen to the ones that came before you , trust your GOD given ability to perform at this level, and do what it takes to make your dream a reality. GO GET EM J-MAC!!!!

  51. thesuckometer

    I am pretty sure you can all figure out who nuckleheadwannabe is. It is me Dodger4life, Noone threw more tennis balls agianst their father’s garage door, wore out pitch back after pitch back than me, all while dreaming of bringing a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP to our beloved Dodgers. I got lost somewhere along the way, Heck who knows maybe I never had a chance in the first place???
    What I do know is I never accomplished my goal, I personally believe it was’nt from lack of talent, heck I got so much better as I matured, and I was one skinney a**ed kid. It was from lack of focus and lack of desire, heck I just gave up, no excuses. They say looking back and wondering what could of been is misery in itself. I can testify that if you are looking back on something you truly love, and you got lost somewhere along the way, You will always wonder what might of been??? This is what makes a true champion!!! This what seperates the great ones from the so, so’s. In retrospect sure I wish I would of given a little more, had the perserverence to overcome a few minor obstacles, I dont regret my life one bit as it turned out, heck I’m not one to complain. I have to many great things as it is. I do not have have what I set out in the begining to achieve, Few of us do…….It is’nt the money, it isnt the good times to be had along the way, heck it is’nt even the hall that we seek. It might just be the fact that noone can take your dream away from you unless you let them, and finding a group of guy’s that have the same desire and fire within as you do is rare!!! THE 2009 DODGERS HAVE THIS POTENTIAL!!!! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  52. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Thanks Emma!!!

    Dodger4life – fabulous write-ups!!!!! ……….and boy, you ethier woke up super early or you made it waaaay past me in staying up late.

    Early game for our Dodgers if you are a west coast fan – 10:05 pst.

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