
OK, that’s a hokey headline, I know. But I stole it from ESPN’s E:60, which recently did a feature on Kim Ng, our assistant GM. I was fortunate enough to attend a luncheon today in which she and Ann Meyers Drysdale (another true legend) were honored by Kids in Sports, a very cool organization here in Los Angeles. Kim rarely get the recognition she deserves for being one of the best executives in baseball, so it was cool to see her honored today in that sort of setting. If you’re so inclined, you can donate to that great organization at the link above.

And she’ll actually be honored again this weekend, along with our famous longtime photographer, Jon SooHoo’s, whose photos you see on the site every day.

In the meantime, we start our longest homestand of the year today and hope you’ll all be out here, sitting in the new Mannywood section or anywhere else in the stadium (he got a kick out of the fact that this exists when I told him today and hopefully he’ll have some fun with those of you sitting out there).

Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B (by the way, we took the prototype of his bobblehead around the clubhouse today and the entire team was shocked how much it looks like him. If you haven’t made plans to come out yet on May 20, you can still get them but keep in mind, bobblehead nights usually sell out)

McDonald, P




    I have had the honor of having my picture taken by John SooHoo at Dodger Fantasy camp when I attended some years ago. He does a great job.

  2. crzblue2

    New thread. I will try to be for all the games! I am sitting in the field level for one of those days

  3. crzblue2

    ibirken, Jon SooHoo sure does a great job with the pictures. My friends and I have copied some of his way of taking pictures.
    I saw a special on Kim. just don’t remember where. ::scratches head:: Shades of senility

  4. trublu4ever

    I saw the ESPN profile of Kim and it was great. She hopes one day to be the first lady GM in baseball. I think it would be fantastic if it happens for her. She’s one tough cookie!

  5. crzblue2

    Thanks True! You got a better memory than I do.
    Everyone have a great weekend. I got to wrap everything here at work and head to the train station. We are having a birthday party on the train with pizza, cake, and drinks. I Today I left my car at the Burbank train station so I head to the stadium from there.

  6. thinkingblue

    MANNYWOOOOOOD! Ha that is a great idea to get people to go to the games. We are making plans to attend and sit in the MANNYWOOD section… And oh yeah we are for sure attending Blakes bobble head game. We got our tickets, so hope to see ITD’rs there.
    Well I do hope KIM-possible becomes the first lade GM in Baseball.
    Last nights game was not gooooood! But I will put it behind and hope todays game is a better game.

  7. enchantedbeaver

    Inspired by Scott from Arcadia… Village People YMCA:

    Hey Matt, there’s no need to feel down.
    I said, “Hey Matt!, just because Joe’s a clown.”
    I said, “Hey Matt!, it’s the dude with the frown.”
    There’s no need to play ol’ slappy.
    Hey Matt, there’s no place you can go
    I said, “Hey Matt!, Juan’s the one with the dough.”
    Juan can play there, but I’m sure you will find
    Juanpy drives us out of our minds.
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    He just ain’t got the tools that we need to employ
    not like all of our other boys.
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    You can view the misplays, you can see a caught steal,
    You can watch the offense unreel…
    Hey Matt!, are you listenin’ to me?
    I said, “Hey Matt!, center’s yours to roam free.”
    I said, “Hey Matt!, you’re the one of our dreams.”
    You’re the 5-tool guy for our team.
    But Juan P, wants it all for himself
    I said, “Hey Joe, put Juan P on the shelf.”
    Juan shunt be there, he plays Y.U.C.K.
    But I’m sure he’ll be back Sunday.
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    He just ain’t got the tools that we need to employ
    not like all of our other boys.
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    You can view the misplays, you can see a caught steal,
    You can watch the offense unreel…
    Hey Matt, glad I’m not in your shoes.
    I said, “Hey Joe, lighten up on the screws.”
    I feel no one cares to see Pierre play
    He can ruin I T D’s day.
    That’s when I’z delighted to see
    Yippee, benchtime for our pal ol’ JP
    There’s a new dance called the Y.U.C.K.
    That we’ll do til he’s gone someday.
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    It sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    He just ain’t got the tools that we need to employ
    not like all of our other boys.
    Y-U-C-K… sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    Hey Matt, hay Matt, there’s no need to feel down
    Hey Matt, hey Matt, its just that JoJo’s a clown.
    Y-U-C-K… sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    Hey Matt, hay Matt, there’s no need to feel down
    Hey Matt, hey Matt, its just that JoJo’s a clown.
    Y-U-C-K… sucks to see Juan play Y-U-C-K
    Hey Matt, hey Matt, are you listenin’ to me?
    Hey Matt, hey Matt, center’s yours to roam free…
    Old Fools
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2009

  8. oldbrooklynfan

    As a Dodger fan I’m proud of the connection between the team and China.
    11 straight games at Dodger Stadium should bring us plenty of victories and keep our hold on first place.
    Starting with Jimmy Mack tonight.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. trublu4ever

    I see on the Homepage we now have Weaver and activated Wade……sending DeWitt back down. Elbert was swnt down on Wednesday.


    DeWitt seems like the odd man out this season in a no win situation for him. Doesn’t it seem as if every game is a big game even so early in the season? I mean this in two ways; big for the team and big for certain players such as McDonald and Kershaw who are trying to make their mark while playing for a big market team for which the fans have high expectations.

  11. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ you are right. Every game is a big game and even though many think our division is weak, we can’t afford to throw games away. Especially to teams in our own division. A game lost now, even though it is early in the season can come back to bite us in the a** later.

  12. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!!!! That picture is something else!!!!!!!

    BTW – great song enchanted!!!!!!!!! I am sure many are thinking of changing that first letter because that is what many of us think when we see him in the starting lineup. 🙂

  13. nellyjune

    At least Andre wasn’t stuck to the wall – LMAO!!!!!!!! Oh, that image is going to be around for a while isn’t it?

  14. oldbrooklynfan

    It’s a good thing they were Dodger fans in the right field stands where ‘Dre had to go to get that foul ball.

  15. trublu4ever

    I was laughing all day! I came up with a few captions that were probably not acceptable here.
    Yeah, Andre…………..rbi #22

  16. jhallwally

    I sure hope the Dodger Brain Trust (I use that term loosely) signs Andre to a long term deal soon and buy out a couple of years of free agency. This guy is the real deal. If he was one step faster he would be considered a 5 tool guy.

  17. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! funny jhall 🙂

    tru – Andre’s Song that my student did got first place in the county, and it will be displayed at the mall the second week in May.

  18. nellyjune

    We have too good of a lineup to have to worry about pitching like this. It’s amazing how we had that exact opposite problem last season.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    I’ve always been a negative thinker and I couldn’t fight the thought of this happening even before the game started.
    He reminds me of Koufax, when he first came up, especially tonight.

  20. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t see much choice but to dangle DeWitt, McDonald, Elbert and possibly a couple other names for some pitching.

  21. koufax1963

    Letting the opposing pitcher drive a run in, after you get a DP during a bases loaded situation (caused mostly by walks). UNACCEPTABLE!
    After the SF debacle (should have won Monday) we need to get the power surge going now. Jeff keep us in the game!

  22. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ I don’t think we can wait until June for pitching. If we don’t get some now, it will be too late.

  23. jhallwally

    Not many or any impact players are available this soon. Perhaps in July, if we are still in need, something worthwhile will be there.

  24. enchantedbeaver

    I’m afraid our bully won’t last until July Wally when we only get 1 2/3 out of our starter(s).

  25. jhallwally

    Panic is why we are stuck with PileOPhew!!! Also, Schidt!!!!
    Also the Curacao Cow was a result of Ned’s panic and trying to fix it. Geez!!!!!! Stop the ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. vl4ecc

    Good evening all. Better late than never I guess. Looks like another tough outing for McDonald. UGH!
    Hopefully Weaver can come in for long relief & stop the bleeding. Kuroda needs to get healthy in a hurry & get back in the rotation.

  27. perumike

    Great to see you too trublu, and all our fellow ITDers. Hopefullly Weaver can keep things under control!

  28. trublu4ever

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Weaver. I don’t look forward to getting into our BP again too soon.

  29. oldbrooklynfan

    I know that nobody cares but Jody Gerut got the first hit, the first HR, scored the first run, had the first RBI and was the first batter ever to bat in Citi Field.

  30. nellyjune

    If you love baseball, you do care 🙂 That is a great piece of history and I am sure to be a trivia question for years to come. Thank you oldbrooklynfan.

  31. nellyjune

    If you love baseball, you do care 🙂 That is a great piece of history and I am sure to be a trivia question for years to come. Thank you oldbrooklynfan.

  32. nellyjune

    I am not sure what is up with James… homeruns yet 🙂

    However, that is great about Manny and Andre. They are a duo that shouldn’t be separated really.

  33. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. I missed the first few innings, but Weaver looked pretty good from what I saw. That second catch by Matt was fantastic. They really need this game.

  34. boblee4014

    James has not been getting under the ball or hitting with power. I knew we were going to let them back into this hame. Oh God, we are in trouble with Ronald coming in.

  35. bluecrewgirl

    Enchanted, if it weren’t for Bills, we’d really be in trouble right now. He’s been the only consistent starter for sure.

  36. nellyjune

    Back during spring training we were half joking (I think) about the offense having to score 10 runs or more a game in order to win games because of our pitching. Well, it looks like unless things change, with the exception of Billz, we just may have to do that. Once again, this is too good of a lineup to have to worry about pitching.

  37. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Charlie just said that Milton the Toaster will probably be called up because he is smaoking hot! And, Estes, too.

  38. nellyjune

    lbirken – that is probably an understatement. I don’t think there will be any dull moments – LOL!!!

  39. nellyjune

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp


    weavers our new number 5 question.nice job kemp.good to see wade back.its johnny time

  41. bluecrewgirl

    Great job, Matt! That extra run is great, but a few more would be nice, especially with who the Pads have coming up in the top of the 9th.

  42. perumike

    I’d like to see Bills, Kersh, Kuroda (when healthy), Wolf, and either Weaver or Stults. I think Stults may be the odd man out if they don’t want to use three lefties.


    when broxtons in the zone,hes unhittable.the man is nasty.weaver deserved the win,but a wins a win.great game

  44. enchantedbeaver

    COME ONE COME ALL TO THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!! ANOTHER GLORIOUS DODGER VICTORY!!! Tremendous effort by New Old Dodger Jeff Weaver. HUGE MASHING from BATMAN HUDSON and our very own MANNYWOOD. Furcal, Ethier, Kemp and Blake all with TWO HITS. BENCHBEAST LORETTA with another pinch hit. New set-up man CORY WADE with a great inning coming back from the DL. Another SAVE FROM JONATHAN BROXTON. NOTHING CAN STOP THIS TRAIN FROM PULLING AWAY IN THE WEST AND RETURNING AS CHAMPIONS IN 2009!!!!


    E, I am with you on the so called defensive indiference. I can see it with a big lead but not with a one or two run lead. A two run game can become a one run game so easily, and one swing of the bat and the game is tied.

  46. enchantedbeaver

    Birk – just seems to me a force out may be easier at times than throwing across the diamond. What could be a force out may wind up as an infield hit because you’ve lost that option. Never saw that crap a few years ago.


    E, the only argument that can be made about letting the runner take second is a fear of a throwing error that sends the runner to third. Kind of lame, but I guess we can put it in with quality starts, pitch counts, holds and all the other stats we never had when we were kids.

  48. shad78

    Is always a good thing to come home to a game we won. WB Weaver I really hope he can help us down the stretch and I won’t mind seeing him in our rotation but think Mcdonald need to be in the bullpen.


    A little luck and a couple of clutch catches and it worked out for my boy Weaver. I always liked how he changes his arm angle.
    So…a 13 man pitching staff will not get it. Two inning starts and a pen that takes turns trying to give the game back will not work. We need more than 4 bench players. We can win the West as we are now, but the playoffs? It will be interesting to see where this pitching help will come from.

  50. shad78

    I’d rather have 4 bench players if we can some how dfa Pierre and called up Paul. I think a 13 man pitching staff would work. No more Broxton come in the middle of the 8th innings to save our butt.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    How different last night’s game would’ve been if Pierre was playing center. That’s why you DON’T SIT A 24 YEAR OLD 5-TOOL PLAYER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR JP.

    Thank you, had to get that out of my system.

    A 13 man staff blows, especially when JoJo wastes JP pinch running (can’t believe I just said that) like he did last night. You only have 4 bench players, you don’t have the luxury of pinch runners that aren’t pitchers.

  52. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ What’s going to happen if they call up Milton and Estes? I think McDonald will be sent down, but what else?

  53. trublu4ever

    I agree with Shad. We need to call up a big bat, like XPaul. He’s killing the ball right now.


    Somewhere along the line we need to get a legitimate starting pitcher, whom you can reasonably expect to eat some innings and accumulate at least a .500 won lost record with the type of offense that we have. That will involve some trading over the next couple of months, although we probably have until mid-July to see if someone like Milton or Estes can work out, which in my mind is doubtful. I think we have a couple of tradeable pieces, which in my mind would certainly include Stults, McDonald, DeWitt and Hu; Mota and Pierre, as if anybody wants them. If the pitcher available is really a #1 or #2 quality, such as Halliday, I would at this point be willing to offer Martin as part of the deal. Frankly we have Ausmus for the rest of the season, and he’s proved to be so much more than the catching backup stiffs that we’ve had in the past, and I believe that Ellis will be able to provide us with the longer range catching that Martin promised but is no longer able to deliver.

  55. shad78

    If Weaver manage to at least go at least 5 innings but would Milton or Estes last 2 innings without given up a run?

  56. dodgereric

    A couple of quickies while I’m on a micro-break:

    I felt really bad for McDonald last night. He really took that hard. Although I’m a “get back on that horse” guy, perhaps it would be a good idea to exchange him and Weaver for a while. I think a minor league return would do more harm than good to what appears to be a psyche problem at this point.

    Right now we have essentially 1 pinch-hitter. Ridiculous. Paul needs to be called up, send Mota down.

    Ironic, isn’t it? Or is it coincidence?
    Matt Kemp = 5tool player
    Juan Pierre = Stool player

    Anyone interested in continuing The Caption Contest may do so here or at:

  57. crzblue2

    Good morning everyone!
    Rose _ birthday party was great. Good pizza, drinks and killer homemade brownies.
    Yesterday I said “have a good weekend” and I also said it when I left work only to have people remind me that it was Thursday. I guess I am used to the boys coming back on Fridays or Mondays.
    I am very sad that Tony Jackson was laid off from the paper. I had his blog linked to my blog and always went there to read. I will miss reading Tony’s articles on the paper which I will no longer buy and reading his blog. I hope he will find a new place. I will also miss seeing and talking to Tony at the stadium and on the road. He is very personable. Good luck Tony.
    If you read his blog at stop by it and wish him well. thanks

  58. trublu4ever

    It is a sad state of affairs when we only have one back-up outfielder and he is to quote Dodgereric, ” A 5stool” player!

  59. shad78

    Please pray for me my aunt just called my mother and something bad about to happen to my 97 yrs old great grandmother. Why do this have to happen? I’ve lost my uncle back in thanksgiving now this. I hate to say this but my great grandmother should be the one over my grandfather back in 2001, my aunt 2003 I think, my grandmother on my dad side in 2006 my uncle back on thanksgiving in 2008.

  60. enchantedbeaver

    You’ve got 4 back-up players: Pierre and Castro can’t get the ball out of the infield, Loretta is basically a singles hitter, and Ausmus you can only use in dire emergencies.

    Good plan Ned & JoJo.


    Sad to hear about Tony Jackson. He seemed like one of the good guys. Needless to say that printed newspapers are probably on their way out, recession or not. Just one of the big changes taking place in the communications world. The main daily in Seattle folded a couple of weeks ago, and they are strictly maintaining an online presence with very little staff and no more printing and distribution.

  62. nellyjune

    Sorry to hear about Tony Jackson. I enjoyed reading his stuff for the most part.

    Shad – I know it’s hard, but I would have to think your great grandmother has lived a long and wonderful 97 years. Think about the good stuff to get you through. As enchanted said, hang in there 🙂

    pitching, pitching, pitching………………and now no bench….just wonderful!

  63. shad78

    I notice the moment my mother answer that phone and it was my aunt calling that something bad was going to happen. The good thing about my uncle he take good care of his grandmother and my aunt (that used to be my grandfather and his mother) live across the street 1 door over. I really hope I could see her alive one more time I mad a big mistake with my grandmother on my dad side not talking to her but I was sleep and promiss to called her the end of the week but a week later my uncle said she pass away. I still blame myself oh what happen and one year later on that day I had my high school reunion in July 07 but that memory was still in my head and I couldn’t really enjoy my time.

  64. shad78

    Yeah is amazing she live this long to bad I never really knew my other 3 great grandparents and my other grandmother on my mother side passing away in 1982 when I was 4 too young so I really only knew my grandmother on my dad side. She always buy me a plane ticket to Chicago, Houston and sometime her and me always drive to other states to see more family members like Montgomery for the summer. I’ve been seeing her when I was 4 every summer until I was like 12 flying alone and than I got tired of them when I got older lol.

  65. shad78

    I really wish she was still living. I don’t have any kid yet but someday I will and she going to miss out on them.

  66. crzblue2

    I was 3 when my mom passed away so I don’t remember her but I was raised by my grandmother on my dad’s side. I was devastated when she passed away when I was 21(long time ago).

  67. thinkingblue

    SHAD – Prayers go out to you, your family and of course your grandmother. She is very lucky to be living at 97. Pray for the best and hang in there.
    EMMA – I’m glad you enjoy the food and the BROWNIES mmm mmm! I am sure that you had a great time at the game. DODGERS WERE GREAT…KEMP was awsome (those catch he made were outstanding). MANNY, BLAKE & HUDSON what can I say. I do wish MARTIN comes back with his power he does seem thinner than last year?? Well girl hope to see you during BLAKES bobblehead game, I will be there, along with 15 other of my FAM BAM.

  68. thinkingblue

    ERIC – I wish to add to the Captioned questions for JP’s picture (which is hilarious): “NO, NOT THE WALL – NOOOOO DON’T HIT THE WALL”
    By Rose

  69. shad78

    Thx Rose, her last great grandson my youngest brother is about to graduate next month I really hope she still be here to see it even though she might not even go to see it.

  70. kpookiemon

    I’m so mad! How could Joe start a slug like Kemp over a veteran like Juan Pierre last night?

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