Appreciating Vin…

When I first met DodgerTalk co-host Josh Suchon, we were covering the Giants as reporters in 2002. He had been covering the team for several years and was a beat writer when Barry Bonds hit his 73 homers in 2001 (I was covering the Dodgers at the time for To get myself up to speed on the Giants that winter, I read Soosh’s book, This Gracious Season, and one of the underlying themes was that his “laptop was down” whenever Barry was hitting. That is to say, he and another writer realized that they might never get to see someone hit the way Barry does and therefore, whenever he came up, they stopped writing, surfing the net, or doing whatever they were doing and they watched the at-bat intently.

Last night, ironically in a game against the Giants at AT&T Park where Bonds has stopped by the night before, I found myself thinking the same thing about Vin Scully. And I wondered, what is the equivalent of having your “laptop down?” Unlike Bonds, Vin is on for three hours a night and the gems he comes up with can come at any point in the game. Like the way he can show Bengie Molina blocking a ball and matter-of-factly say, “I can hear Campanella talking about getting the glove turned over.” Or the way he referred to Russell Martin framing Broxton’s pitch as “larceny,” in reference to the fact that quite obviously, he stole a strike from the home plate umpire.

There are a number of websites that have sprouted up that pay homage to the best that there has ever been in this business, which is pretty cool. But I know how much Vin hates the hooplah that goes along with having perfected your trade better than anyone that came before you. He’s as humble as anyone I’ve ever met and so we honor his wishes by not going over-the-top with things (though it sure was awesome to see him throw out the first pitch on Opening Day).

I just hope that everyone finds the time whenever they’re watching a game to appreciate his story-telling ability night in and night out. I consider it an honor to work with him, listen to him, and learn from him every game.


On a completely unrelated note, Andre Ethier was profiled in the Daily News today for his food passions and he promises me he’ll post a new blog soon for Dining with ‘Dre. As long as he keeps getting game-winning hits like last night, it’s hard to get on his case too badly!


Tonight’s lineup has Juan Pierre batting ninth…

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Blake, 3B

Stults, P

Pierre, CF

According to Elias’ John Labombarda, the last time a Dodgers pitcher did not bat 9th was August 15, 1965, when Don Drysdale batted 7th vs. Pittsburgh.

That day, catcher John Roseboro hit 8th (1-for-4) and shortstop John Kennedy hit 9th (0-for-2, BB, K).

The Dodgers lost 4-2, and Drysdale went 0-for-2 with 2 strikeouts before being pulled after 6.0 innings of work. 


  1. crzblue2

    Josh, We really appreciate Vin and that is the reason I carry my radio to the games. I miss that when I am on the road on a game that Vin is broadcasting. I will also miss hearing Vin t when we can no longer hear the TV audio on the radio. When he is on the local channel I get to see the game at the stadium and listen to Vin for the whole game. I know I could always go to the restroom and listen to Vin. WE LOVE YOU VIN!!!
    I just finished talking about Andre’s article in the Daily News my newest thread in my blog.

  2. cpompe1

    Hey Josh!
    Oh, I SOOOOO appreciate Vinny’s story-telling ability every time I hear him. Personally, I think, no, I know that Vinny is a big a reason why I’m such a Dodger nut right now! Don’t get me wrong, I was a teenager during the 70’s and loved our 70 teams, but I remember the stories Vinny tells, even as a little girl. And mind you, that was a long time ago.

    I read that article on our Everyday Dre! To say it is nice to see Andre hitting and producing the way he is early on, well, that is a gross understatement. But I am thrilled that he is finally getting the publicity he so richly deserves. I definitely believe that he’s going to be an All-Star outfielder this year.

  3. nellyjune

    Josh – I, unfortunately, live where I have to listen to the Giants announcers when it’s a Dodgers/Giants series if I am going to watch the game. However, I am fortunate to have so I can at least listen to Charlie and Rick instead of Kruk and Kuip, but I am so very thankful for Vin and all of his stories and just plain fun announcing the game, not to mention his wealth of knowledge not only for the Dodgers but for the visiting teams as well.

    As for Andre………………………… do I even have to say at this point………..probably not, but I will anyway. I am just so very happy for him that he is getting the recognition and accolades that he so very much has deserved for a very long time IMO. I have a strong feeling we will be seeing him in an All-Star uniform this year.

  4. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl! So how was your birthday yesterday? Hope your gnat family didn’t give you too hard of a time!

  5. nellyjune

    One more thing about Andre. My student (a future ITD songwriter) who wrote the song about Andre won first prize in our Merced County Writing Festival. She had already won first place in our school one, but this is every school in the county she was up against. Also, the poem my class did for Dodgereric got honorable mention in the county contest, where it got first place here at school.


    Concerning the bullpen – it’s kind of amazing, if not unbelievable, how Joe determines his confidence level for people in a crucial game situation. Right now he professes Wade to be the critical setup man. Not Wade’s fault with his carry-over injury, but what has Wade shown so far this season to earn that distinction. Kuo, poor guy, seems virtually useless based on his couple of appearances, at least in Joe’s mind. Kuo according to Joe cannot pitch in back to back games and cannot pitch in cold weather. If that portends his future, why not ready him for either being a starter again or being the long relief, so he only has to pitch every three or four, or five days. Right now he’s doing nothing but thinking bad thoughts about his career. If you don’t want to use him at all, Joe, then let’s trade him and get somebody that you’ll use. Joe apparently thinks that Belisario can be one of his two designated setup men. I also don’t see what Belisario has done to merit that distinction at the major league level. I like his stuff all right, but I don’t see him ready for that critical game situation.

    Oh, what the heck. what I’m really frustrated about concerning the bullpen is that I don’t see Torre capable of managing that critical game situation with the bullpen. And where’s Honeycutt in all this? Right alongside Torre on the rail and shooting off his mouth, but not knowing what to do about it either. Far as I’m concerned, Honeycutt has been useless at his task for more years than I can count, but he must be a good a**-kisser, because he’s still around no matter who else comes and goes.

  7. nellyjune

    CP – I had a great birthday!!! My family was great (cards and a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my husband), my students got me all Dodgers and Baseball things (in Dodger blue bags of course!!), our wonderful ITD writers who gave me birthdays wishes, videos (dodger4life), dodgereric’s family singing Happy Birthday to me, while having dinner with my mom and Mariya, and then to top it off Andre getting the game winning hit in last night’s game. So, yes, it started out fabulous and ended Ethieriffic!!!!

    So, how are you doing?

  8. crzblue2

    Hey Carol, I am doing good! How are you this fine day? Did you read in my blog about the speeding tickets I got in AZ? Well, now I got additional envelopes from the car rental. I have to pay them $30 for each ticket for violating the agreement I signed. No AZ trip for me for a while.

  9. cpompe1

    Sounds like you had a great time Nelly! Video from D4? I must have missed that (so what else is new?) I’ll go back and see. Nice of Andre to hit that bomb in the 9th to win the game for you!!!

    As for me, well, I think (not sure yet) but I think that my census days are coming to an end. A bunch of us address canvassers (yes, that’s me) met with our crew leader (CL) yesterday afternoon. Our CL said that work within his territory is running out. I knew that would happen eventually. I mean, it’s still a temporary job. Anyways, he asked a bunch of us if we’d be willing to drive! And I mean drive a LONG way; like from Ventura to, well, north west of you. I said no. I told him that I need to start looking for a regular job again. I’m technically “on call” right now, but I still think my census days are over. So, back at the same old grind: looking for a job.

  10. cpompe1

    No, Emma, I didn’t read in my blog about the speeding tickets. I’m online, but I’m back to looking for a job, so I said I’ll read your blog later. And $30 for each ticket? That’s steep.

  11. crzblue2

    I feel your frustration. I don’t express it here but infront of the TV, I am just going crazy talking to myself or anyone in the family that cares to hear my rants.

  12. cpompe1

    And messagebear, I also echo your frustration. The bullpen is going to be a huge bug-a-boo we’ll have to deal with this season.

  13. cpompe1

    Emma – I just read your AZ fiasco. You sure do have a way with words! I clicked on that link where cameras are; that’s a lot of cameras!

    Nelly – thx for the well wishes. Oh, and I looked at yesterday and it looks like the video from D4, I’m guessing, are on FB. Right?

    Knouffbrock – What about Weaver?

  14. nellyjune

    Here it is CP!!!

    Nelly ~ I’m so glad today is your birthday, I love a good party…..Unfortunatly I cant be there in person but if I was the margarita’s would be plentiful……
    We would also have cake…..
    And if I could swing it we would have presents too…..
    You know we all love ya and appreciate your commitment to ITD, Andre and the Dodgers……Gotta take care of the Team Mom, now!!!
    So I hope you have a wonderful day today, and it end’s with a bang!!!
    Life is good today!!!!
    Happy Birthday Nelly
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!
    By Dodger4life on April 28, 2009 10:31 AM
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  15. kpookiemon

    messagebear, on the previous thread I, too, bemoaned the possibility of Wade being set-up guy, suggesting Weaver as veteran who strikes people out, doesn’t walk batters, is durable, and was actually born prior to the emergence of Boy George. The Fragile Twins–Kuo and Wade–are going to absolutely kill this bullpen if Joe carries them, but doesn’t use them. I mean, not counting Broxton, look at the rest of this group…Mota, Troncoso, Belisario, Elbert, Ohman. NNNNNNNEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. historymike

    Thirty-five years ago, soon after hearing Vin for the first time, I decided I wanted to be a baseball broadcaster. My parents wrote to him and he invited me to the booth. When we went to my first Dodger game–August 1, 1974, against the Padres–I got to go into the booth with him, stand there as he opened the pre-game show, and just gape at him. When he looked down at me, he said, “So you’re the guy who wants my job!” I’ve been imitating that line ever since, though, at the time, I stood there in my Dodger helmet with my Dodger glove on my hand, with my mouth wide open. He probably figured at that moment I wouldn’t end up working with him!

    But the point is he was just as warm and classy as I would ever have imagined him being, and I cherish every broadcast where I get to hear him. In Las Vegas, we get 100 Prime Ticket telecasts and no radio (what’s up with that, Josh?), so we get a good dose of Vin. But there can never be enough.

  17. kpookiemon

    greenm, I wish I had written Vinny and got to come up to the booth! It was so wonderful back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s listening to Vinny EVERY night on the radio. With little TV he and the transistor radio made my summer nights, whether I’d be tooling around on my bike or holed up in my room. Different world now. Sure, the endless telecasts are great, but no Vinny on the radio after the third inning is a real sorrow…and it’s a TV simulcast, to boot, so less great stories.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    This one’s for Knouffbrock. Gary Wright – Dream Weaver.

    Joe just closed his eyes again
    picked himself out another name.
    Tryin’ to take away the worries of the e-eighth.
    And leave our sorrow behi-hind.
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can get me to the ni-inth
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can make it all alri-ight.
    Flies so high through the starry skies
    Lead us to another way-ane.
    Kuos got issues and Will’s a fantasy
    help us to forget Monday’s pain.
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can get me to the ni-inth
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can make it all alri-ight.
    Though Cory may be coming soon
    He may still need some ti-i-i-ime.
    Take me away so we don’t hear from the mo-oons
    Give him a chance to save our hi-i-i-ides
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can get me to the ni-inth
    Ooh ooh ooh Jeff Weaver
    I believe you can make it all alri-ight.
    Jeff Weaver
    Jeff Weaver

    Wishful Thinking
    Help Me Make it to the Ninth
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2009

  19. nellyjune

    Well, it’s about time you wrote another song. You know we are hanging by the edge of our seats waiting for your next release. Fantastic enchanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. nellyjune

    Well, it’s about time you wrote another song. You know we are hanging by the edge of our seats waiting for your next release. Fantastic enchanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. nellyjune

    I am not really sure why that double posted, but maybe it was because you deserved double the applause 🙂

  22. vinscullybook

    Check out this opinion piece in the LATimes — the writer takes a shot at Vin because he occasionally misses pitches (calls a slider a fastball, etc.):

    To that I say: Listening to Vin is a privilege. Hearing him miss a pitch or two is a small price to pay when enjoying the color, storytelling and history he brings to the game. Vin Scully is a legend and second to none. I hope he calls Dodger games for many more years.

    A new tribute book about Vin is filled with great stories told by Hall-of-Famers, former Dodgers, friends and and fans: “I Saw It On the Radio”

  23. kpookiemon

    Pretty darn good, enchanted. I am, after all, calling for Weaver. Be careful what I wish for, huh?

    I’m also on a war path today for Joe’s incessant batting order changes, hence:
    (Put your stats away)
    Oh, look out, another batting order
    (Put your stats away)
    Pretty soon we’re gonna explode here
    Joe may change teams
    But we can’t escape Joe
    I said that Joe may change teams
    But we can’t escape Joe

  24. thinkingblue

    ENCHANTED – that was a wonderful song….it has been awhile since I read a song here (but then again..I need to visit more often)
    KAHLI – hopefully all these Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes is confusing the hell out of the pitchers on other team. Wh-wh-wh-wh-what???
    NELLY – the #1 Ethieraholic got her b-day wish come true…It was a great game and ETHIER really came through for you last night! I will have to miss this Ethier Carne Asada event…man it sucks….my cousin had tickets. But can’t go.
    EMMA – Nice pic of you and Garciaparra…my husband was there that day….he did NOT take me…grounds for divorce…LOL….I am glad the Ethier is continuing Parra’s tradition. I will NOT go this time but hopefully I can attend the next Ethier Carne Asada event. ENJOY and just give Ethier a kiss from me…and of course share the pic 🙂

  25. thinkingblue

    JOSH – Vin is one of the best. Thanks for sharing with us. He is irreplaceable…he is truelly the voice of the Dodgers. And listening to Vin comment on Dodgers game is just wonderful, you learned a lot and of course he makes you smile and sometimes laugh. (like the time he mentioned something about an earthquake after a chubby player of the opposite team jumped to catch the wall – this was last season). And also thanks for the clip on Ethier for the Daily News. Hopefully soon he returns to his blog, but hey it is more important for him to concentrate on the game and of course the Family.
    And talking about ETHIER, I can not believe that his baby is already 7 months old…time flies when we are having fun!
    Is it just me or those it seems that just about all our top players are nominated for the ALL STARS….DODGERS FAN TIME TO VOTE!

  26. thinkingblue

    RED PENCIL: Ball instead of Wall (like the time he mentioned something about an earthquake after a chubby player of the opposite team jumped to catch the BALL- this was last season).


    I biught the Vin Scully book at– It is what I thought it would be—a tribute to Vin–He deserves it —lloyd –Anaheim

  28. colliethec

    Josh thanks for the post.
    I echo you sentiments.
    Living here in Northern California I’ve listened to Vin at nights on the radio in my car or radio outside when I was younger. I’d get him for the 1st 3 innings & that was a treat. Of course I was able to listen in the 70’s when I was little & lived in the LA area.
    I’ve had to endure the Giants announcers for years and the last 3 I’ve had the pleasure to have the Extra Innings package and get to hear Vin more than ever.
    When you hear Vin after listening to know it all homer announcers who do nothing but complain about the strike zone & calls, as well as talk about how awesome their team is (Even when in 4th place!), and all the while classlessly making fun of the other teams fans (By “eliminating” them), players (By making comments such as “Grab some pine meat” after they strike out) and organization in general (Such as when they pop off about Lasorda, etc…), it makes you realize how fortunate I’ve been to of listened to him.
    I went to the game on Monday night and the women sitting next to me was in her late 80’s and from Brooklyn (I thought of you Joe P.). She lived there back in the day when the Dodgers were there and grew up loving the Dodgers. Well she is now a Giants fan but loves Vin. She listens to him on the internet including past games and even tapes some of his comments onto her cassette recorder. She went on & on about stories from listening to Vin & how special he was. I was sitting close enough so I was able to get an okay photo of Vin announcing in the booth from my seat and will blow it up and probably frame it one day.
    I am an Ethieraholic but I can also say I’m a Vinny.
    Thanks again for running the blog and take care!!!


    How ironic that Josh would lead with a tribute to Vin Scully. As I watched last night’s game I was thinking what a great job Vinny did calling that game and the one the night before. His references to the catchers and just the way he called the game stood out for some reason. The best moment occured last night after the Dodgers took the lead and Vinny mentioned all the Giants fans who were leaving! Priceless.

    As for Joe and his lineups, I must admit I have never really been as concerned as many on this blog about who bats where. However, I think I understand some of the frustration expressed here and wonder why Joe tinkers so much. I did not read the overnight posts so forgive me if someone else already brought this up but I hope Joe has learned that Russell Martin does not belong in the clean up spot. Martin had problems last season hitting in front or behind Manny and that problem was quite evident last night. Martin is struggling no matter where he hits. I like the idea of Manny hitting third with Ethier hitting fourth. While Ethier may not hit for power he usually has good at bats.

  30. dodgereric

    Josh, if you read the posts with any frequency at all here, you know that no one loves Vin Scully more than we do. There are constant tributes and references here.

    I read the link provided above by vinscullybook to the Ted Green article. First, let me say that everyone has a right to their own opinion. Second, here’s mine about yours: I’m guessing that he spends his days with a magnifying glass looking the Mona Lisa over for a bad brush stroke. Get a life Ted. If his minor errors bother you so much, all I can say is that it must be wonderful to be so perfect. I’d hate for anyone to listen to me talking off the cuff for 4 hours, writing down my mistakes. What a loser.


    And to the critics of Vinny, I say a pox on you. We all know Vinny is not perfect and he makes mistakes. This is not to say an icon cannot be criticized; however dissing Vinny over the type pitch seems a bit trivial. Yes, I know Vinny sometimes mixes up names now and then but he still can tell a great story and no one calls two (or more) games at once better than Vinny.

  32. dodgereric

    Now that I got that off my chest, here’s a little ditty to fill your time until the first pitch:

    Butchering The Police’s “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic”

    Every Little Move He Makes Is Tragic

    Though I’ve tried before to tell him
    Of what I think of him in my heart
    Every time that I watch a game
    I just lose my mind
    ‘Cause he’s just not very smart

    Every little move he makes is tragic
    Everything he does just makes me mad
    Even though my life before warn’t magic
    Now I know his fame is just a fad

    Do I have to tell the story
    Of the thousand lousy moves since Ned signed him
    He’s a nice enough ol’fella
    But I’m thinkin’ that he’s really kind of dim

    Every little thing he does is stupid
    Everything he does just flips my lid
    Even though he loves Pierre through Cupid
    How much is a one-way to Madrid?

    It really seems I’ll question him a thousand times a day
    They say he’s got 4 Series rings (I say he’s on ebay)
    But my silent fears now grip me
    When Honeycutt reaches the phone
    “Get up Broxton for the eighth frame”
    ITD sits back and groans

    Twenty-four-year-old athletes need resting
    Slumping hitters need to bat cleanup
    “You’re an IDIOT!” I am protesting
    Even though to some I’m an insolent pup

    Every little move he makes is tragic
    Everything he does just makes me mad
    Even though my life before warn’t magic
    Now I know his fame is just a fad

    Oh yeah
    Oh yeah

    Every little thing
    Every little thing
    Every little thing
    Every little thing

    Every little
    Every little
    Every little
    Every little thing he does

    Every little thing he does
    Every little thing he does
    Every little thing he does
    Every little thing he does is tragic

    Oh, Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,

    Oh, Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,
    oh-Joe-no, oh-Joe-no,

    Every little thing
    Every little thing
    Every little thing he do is tragic, tragic, tragic,
    Tragic, tragic, tragic

    Uh-oh, Uh-oh,
    Uh-oh, Joe – no, no…………

  33. nellyjune

    So, I guess this is the night the gnome comes out to play. At least he’s batting 9th, if it has to be this way 🙂

  34. thinkingblue

    I’m sure it has been said so many times before but Vin has respect from Non-Dodger fans aswell.

  35. nellyjune

    Hey!!! A song too…………….wow!!! Very cool!!!! You mean I wasn’t supposed to be counting mistakes – LOL!! (jk) Fabulous posts to you, lbirken and dcollins.

  36. enchantedbeaver

    Runs are going to be at a premium for the Blue tonight, so naturally you want your best defensive and offensive CF out there.

  37. thinkingblue

    Maybe Kemp is getting “Time-Out” for running into Ethier the other Day…LOL! Yeah he needs a rest that triple was awsome. They should rotate top players time off and NOT have more than one out at a time.


    Joe can do anything he wants with the lineup, because he’s the manager!

    One big reason that I want the Dodgers to go all the way this year is because it has been speculated that Torre just might retire after this season, if the Dodgers can cap off his career with a WS victory. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful combination – finally a World Series and a victory, and NO MORE TORRE.

  39. selltheteam

    I’ve got to say that Ethier’s AB in the top of the ninth last night was one of the finest pieces of hitting I’ve seen in a while. In a clutch situation, he just fouled off everything he didn’t like. Then, when he got a pitch to his liking, drive the heck out of the ball. Let’s hope the offense continues that momentum.

  40. thinkingblue

    Well CRASH hitting has been wonderful this year…hopefully our Pitcher can keep others from hitting. But I agree Ethier’s AB was great…last night Ethier was just on a roll…but I think he did it because it was the b-day of the #1 Ethieraholic…

  41. trublu4ever

    Good to see you all here today. I don’t like the idea of JP playing tonight….not in that park! If he were in the game last night the Giants would have plated at least 3 or 4 more runs. With Tim pitching tonight, we need to have our best team out there.
    Loved your song Dodgereric and I’m glad you are back Echanted.
    And, Crash, this Ethieraholic couldn’t agree more with your assessment of Dre’s last at bat. I was counting off the number of pitches to my husband telling him that we are doing that more and more this year……..not just hacking away. Patience at the plate means lots of pitches for the opposing starter.
    BEAT SF……BEAT SF…..BEAT SF…..BEAT SF….. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. selltheteam

    lbirken – Nah, Joe put JP down there to give Stults protection – he’ll get some decent pitches to hit tonight.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t care where you hide him in the line-up, there’s still no hiding JP in the outfield, especially center.

    By my calculations if we had a go-to set-up man, instead of 14-7 this team could be 17-4.

  44. trublu4ever

    I agree with you Enchanted. It would be considered the perfect team if we had a go-to and set-up man. I like it best when JP bats 10th.

  45. northstateblues

    Well… that’s a rare lineup.

    I have a good feeling about tonight. Lincecum can’t “own” us forever. No swinging at the first pitch, it’d be best to make him work. We need to get into that ripe bullpen.


  46. sammieramirez99

    Tru Blue i agree with you that we need to put our best team out there but it is lincecum tonight and matty is a rigghy so i like that pierre is in the lineup…and truthfully pierre has earned it doing a great job as a ph and keeping quiet! dont get me wrong i was a pierre hater but i have to say that he has earned my respect because he hasnt made any problems. and yes he has complained but i think its been minimal. the other day i got into a fight with my mom and she told me that complainging is the worse thing to do. she said that shes learned that taking it in is the best thing to do not only for yourself but for those around you.

    anyways remember to vote for your dodgers!

  47. colliethec

    On another note for all of you Ethieraholic female types…
    My friend & Giant fan met me at the stadium on Monday to have a sandwich & hang out with me while I got autographs of the players when they entered the stadium.
    Dre pulls up and autographs for everybody and spends time talking with all of us, for about 10 minutes. While he was doing this my friend Kim says, and I quote…, “He is gooooooood looking!”!!!! I just started laughing.
    Kemp had just gone by a few minutes before and autographed for everybody.
    She also mentioned when she was talking about how good looking Dre was the she thought Kemp was really “hot” as well. I think we might get a new convert!!!!

  48. colliethec

    SR99 — I agree with your post completely. I guess we will get to see Matt as the pinch hitter as well as the late inning defensive replacement.
    I don’t think Kemp needs a night off but he does have a tough time with pitchers such as Lincecum.
    Let’s go Dodgers!! Let’s make the Giants Cecum to our offense!!!
    Go Blue!!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!!

  49. kpookiemon

    Just an ode to our favorite super sub, seeing as how it seems to be music day:
    “Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness,
    you got to speak your mind,
    if you dare.
    But don’t, no, don’t now try to understand Joe Torre
    If you do you you’re living Joe’s nightmare.
    `Cause it appears to be a Juan,
    appears to be a Juan,
    appears to be a Juan,
    Pierre, such a long long long long shot to get it done.”

  50. colliethec

    Hello there Sparkle! I guess… I myself think my wife is a hottie, but I’m comfortable enough to say we have some handsome players.

  51. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, they’re interviewing Andre after the commercial break. I’ll take notes and give you a report after it’s over ):

  52. sparkleplenty_1

    About tonight, all I can say is that we’ve beaten Peavy and Randy Johnson. We can and will beat Lincecum!

  53. oldbrooklynfan

    Well the day finally arrived, with Torre Alla LaRussa, batting Pierre 9th.
    Drysdale was moved up in the batting order, that night, because he was one of the better hitters on the team.
    Was Pierre move to accompany Stults, who’s not a bad hitter in his own right?
    It might as well be a pitcher to bat in front of Pierre, they might not pitch around him.
    This also means three speedsters batting in front of Manny.

  54. bluecrewgirl

    Michael Eaves just interviewed Andre and he first talked about how productive Andre has been this season with RBI’s so far and asked him if he envisioned himself becoming a run producing machine. Andre said that hitting cleanup behind the great hitters that are in front of him presents a lot of opportunities and you need to take advantage of them when the time comes. Michael commented on how many great patient at bats he’s had and even when he doesn’t get a hit he makes the pitcher throw a lot of pitches. Andre said that he learned the patient approach going back to when he was with Oakland and he just tries to be confident and wait for good pitches to hit. The last question was about facing Lincecum and he mentioned that Andre has had some success against him so far. Andre said he’s a great pitcher and that he just needs to be patient and not chase after pitches out of the zone. Last, but not least, he said he’s looking forward to seeing everyone when the Dodgers come home for the homestand.


    cpompe1-this may be wishful thinking on my part. We need Mac in the pen and Weaver has had success as a starter. Not that he did not goon out himself at times. He should have stayed in St Louis with Duncan, but we’ve got him now. Brox needs a little more help, and it is just my opinion it should come from Mac and Weaver takes his place in the rotation.
    Great song enchanted. another great one as well from eric. Two in one night!! Maybe the boys will be as hot as the bloggers.

  56. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    I’m not going to be able to stay long, but wanted to say hi to my friends!

    Nelly – thx for the links! They were great!

    So yougnomewho is batting 9th. Well, if he’s gotta bat anywhere, that’s the place to put him, I guess. And I’m glad that Joe moved Russ down. And if you’re reading this Russ, know that I love you dearly, but putting you in the 4th or 5th spot isn’t best for you right now.

    Oh, and this Ethieraholic thought that double in the 9th was a GREAT piece of hitting!

  57. bluecrewgirl

    I would like to see Weaver get a chance too Knouffbrock. He gave the Dodgers a lot of solid innings when he was with them before and I can’t ever remember him being injured. He’s had his ups and downs since, but I think he can help this team.

  58. shad78

    Yes Stults is a way better hitting than Pierre to bad the numbers won’t say it with his sample size lol. I was hoping Stults would get some PH’s ab’s and Sweeney would been released to keep Young on the roster.

  59. trublu4ever

    dcollins ~ I think all the Dodgers are “Hotties”!
    Sammie ~ I understand what you’re say about Juan. My problem with him is his defensive abilities. They don’t run on Matt or Andre.

  60. cpompe1

    Wow knouffbrock, you happened to post your response to my question at the same time that I posted this evening! I actually like your idea of having J-Mac in the pen and have Weaver as a starter. The BP needs a lot of help and J-Mac would be a good candidate. I think he’ll be a very fine starter some day, but having J-Mac in the pen and having Weaver as the 5th starter would work well.

  61. northstateblues

    Look at that, Lincecum finished the inning with as many pitches as it took Stultz to retire the first batter.

    That’s gotta end quick.

  62. bluecrewgirl

    Hey, CP! Hope you are doing well. trublu, maybe the Dodgers should make player pictorial calendar and sell it to make money for Think Cure.

  63. cpompe1

    Okay, I said I was going, but then I saw BCG’s last post! BCG – I’m doing fine. I’m back to the ranks of the unemployed, but I’m fine. And I love your calendar idea!!!

    Okay, NOW I’ve gotta leave – meeting to go to tonight…

  64. bluecrewgirl

    I thought he was retiring too, Shad. He was a great player, but I think he needs to call it a career once and for all. Boblee, even if he could catch it, he couldn’t throw it very far, lol.

  65. northstateblues

    I’ve got Vin on Gameday Audio, while the game is on NBC. With the Peacock in the corner, I imagine this is what it was like when Vin did the Game of the Week.

  66. sammieramirez99

    trublue i agree with you with the defesne for juan. its not just his arm but as you saw there in the 1st inning…hes what do you call it? ummmm shaky? inconsistent? but mann you know kemp would have caught that!!!

  67. sammieramirez99

    trublue i agree with you with the defesne for juan. its not just his arm but as you saw there in the 1st inning…hes what do you call it? ummmm shaky? inconsistent? but mann you know kemp would have caught that!!!

  68. trublu4ever

    Sammie ~ I also think that Manny, Andre, James, Rusell and the rest can drive in enough runs to cover for Matt.

  69. boblee4014

    nsb, thanks for the pic. I certainly don’t like the way this game is going. We stink against good pitching. Did I ever mention , I hate the gnats.

  70. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!!!

    bluecrewgirl – thanks for the play by play of Andre’s interview.

    dcollins – according to my mini Ethieraholics……..Andre is just soooo handsome.


    Hate to say it, but Stultz probably has already had the two or three decent games a year that he’s capable of in the major leagues. I don’t see him being a major leaguer, but then we don’t have much choice right now. Seems to me like it could be a good game to put in Kuo and see how he can do without a pressure situation.

  72. sammieramirez99

    ITD dont worry about this game i already predicted that we would lose against lincecum! i jnow theres 6 more innings but not asgainst lincecum!

  73. nellyjune

    Just think……………tomorrow they will be home and playing at Dodger Stadium. I am not too concerned about this game, win or lose. Like oldbrooklynfan said, Padres have already lost, and the gnats aren’t going anywhere.

  74. colliethec

    Well isn’t that just special…
    Still lot’s of game left. Lincecum or not.
    Maybe the good news is Torre will see that we got a but kicking in Denver and now in SF.
    What is the constant of these 2 games?
    Other than bad starting pitching, you tell me.

  75. sammieramirez99

    coming into the series i thought that wolf and bills should win and lose to lincecum but we got air screwed in wolfs game. we’ll still be 14-8. as long as we double our wins vs losses we should be good. we should win the series against the pads so our record should be 17-9. thats a guarantee.

  76. colliethec

    True Nelly, but I do hate to hear people pop off daily.
    Of course this is their World Series. They will finish in 3rd and be happy that they took the season series from our beloved Blue.
    Me I’d rather make the playoffs, and beyond and loose the season series to the Little Ones (AKA Giants)!

  77. sammieramirez99

    d collins im going to have to correct you on the colorado series. i know we got our butts kicked 10-4 but we still won the series 2-1…

  78. nellyjune

    I am with you dcollins……..too early to call it a game yet. Ramon can shut them down…………….we can still get to their bullpen and things can change real quick as we know with our own BP.

  79. colliethec

    SR99 – My point was in both games that we got our but kicked, Pierre started. Not that we lost the series.

  80. bluecrewgirl

    They’ve made the Giants look too good in this series. They are a crappy team. It will be good for them to go home, but I haven’t give up on this game yet.

  81. nellyjune

    With Sandoval going out, if something happens to Benjie, the Giants don’t have a catcher. Sandavol is Benjie’s backup.

  82. colliethec

    That’s what I was thinking Tru. Baseball is such a mental game. I wonder if not having your best players playing when going against a great pitcher can affect your confidence.

  83. trublu4ever

    Dcollins ~ I saw the game last night and when the final out was recorded, Manny, Matt and Andre all did a chest bump! So cool! It’s like they really like each other and get along great.

  84. nellyjune

    That’s true Shad, but the last time Benjie had the day off, Sandavol was catching.

    JP – first pitch, out – nice 🙂

  85. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!!! Disappointing game so far, but not really a big surprise. So far, I’m pretty happy about our performance. Considering our crippled pitching staff, we are doing very well. I’ll be glad to get Wade back. Geez, really puts in perspective how valuable he is and was last season. Great thing is, we haven’t hurt our chances of winning the division even with the injury racked pitching staff. Overall we’re playing very good to great defense and it is making a big difference. We had a defensive lapse Monday or we would have had that game. Lot’s to smile about. Not to mention that Martin, Blake, and Ferk haven’t found their groove yet.

  86. trublu4ever

    Howdy, Jhall ~ glad you are here. I’m not concerned about our team. I think we will cruise to the championship.

  87. nellyjune

    If you say so jhall………………….I guess we can expect to win all the games – LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (jk) You are very right……..we are doing very well so far.

  88. jhallwally

    LOL Nelly!!! Actually, I think we do expect to win every game sometimes. HaHa!!! It’s just not going to happen. Even the great teams lose 60 games a year. And the worst ever win 60. Just depends on what you do with those other 42 games.

  89. jhallwally

    C’mon guys, let’s get a couple of runs and make this a game. Still got some time to make it interesting. At least make Lincecom work for it. Could take its toll down the road.

  90. oldbrooklynfan

    Lincecum doesn’t seem as strong as he did at the start of this game, he may be tiring and anything can happen.

  91. jhallwally

    Hey Nell’, isn’t it interesting that a nice start and Andre kicking serious butt, causes so many lunar eclipses?!!!! LMTO!!!!

  92. shad78

    I was hoping Elbert would got out of that but didn’t I always say I hate 2 outs walk esp when we owned Lewis in this series.

  93. jhallwally

    Sure hope some good old home cooking has a positive effect on Marty, Ferk, and Blake. And Stults, Bellisario, and Kuo for that matter. Hurry back Wade and Kuroda!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. nellyjune

    jhall – I had a great day. Like I said this morning, it started out fabulous and ended Ethieriffic (with Andre’s game winning double), with a lot of fun in between.

    BTW – I went to see two of my 12, yes……12 students (out of 20) who are playing either softball or baseball this year. It was so darn cute and it reminded me of the pure innocence of playing this game, just to have fun and not having a care in the world about the score.

    As I am typing this, Benjie just hits a homerun – crap!!!!!

    jhall – moons galore at times for sure 🙂 🙂

  95. jhallwally

    We don’t have to outrun the bear however. We only have to outrun the G’nats, Rocks, Puds, and Snakes. I think we’ve got a great shot!!! LOL!!!!

  96. nellyjune

    Give it right back Wally!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have all tried to ignore it, but I think we have all failed miserably at times – LMTO!!!!!!!

  97. jhallwally

    Agreed Nelly, no shut-out, yeah!!!!!!!
    Getting your rear end hand to you by a defending Cy Young and very good to great pitcher is going to happen and although it suck’s, doesn’t hurt too bad. Tip your cap and get on with it. Last year, we tended to make every journeyman pitcher with an ERA of 5.00 and over look like a Cy Young candidate early in the year and until September. Now that was Unacceptable!!!™ and really frustrating.

  98. bluecrewgirl

    Tough night for Andre. Oh, well. Can’t win ’em all. I have a feeling he’s going to have a great homestand.

  99. nellyjune

    That is true boys………………Linsecum was his Cy Young self tonight, which hasn’t always been the case this season so far.

  100. shad78

    He has been his CY young self for the last 3 games go figure but I wish we had him on this team and to think him Scherzer and Kershaw were all in the same 2006 draft together.

  101. nellyjune

    I don’t want anymore former Giants for a while. We have enough issues with our current GM and trainer to make me want to steer clear of any players that have played for the black and orange.

  102. oldbrooklynfan

    Imagine pulling this game out.>>>>Think hard now.
    Especially on the road, Wow that’ll be something.

  103. kpookiemon

    Here’s a tough quiz. Name the two Dodger regulars who have more strikeouts than hits. Hey, Joe, there’s a guy named Blake DeWitt just itching to play. And you could play him a lot. Casey Blake is looking more and more like another of Ned’s high-priced bench players. Oh, the other guy with more strikeouts than hits? Our, ahem, All-Star, catcher.

  104. nellyjune

    then again, maybe not…………………… Would Matt being out there created a different situation? maybe, maybe not

  105. colliethec

    Yes it would Joe.
    & sorry about harping on this but if Kemp was in the bases would be loaded. The run wouldn’t of gone home there.

  106. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, I think it does change the dynamic of our offense when you take a power bat like Matt out, not to mention a strong throwing arm. I really like Matt batting behind Andre. That worked well last year when they were back to back for a time too, not to mention in the big inning last night. I think he should be moved up to the 5 spot.

  107. nellyjune

    I am thinking the same thing dcollins. I know we are way out of this game, but still, defense is defense 🙂

  108. nellyjune

    Well, we didn’t get shut out, and now we get to go home to Dodger Stadium where the Dodgers are 6-0. Get out of the Bay Area and go back home boys. Your home town is waiting for you.

  109. shad78

    Oh great leaving a runner on 3rd bases with less than 2 outs is unacceptable but at least we was down by 1 run than I would be piss off.

  110. jhallwally

    Exactly Shad!!! Doesn’t matter what the score is. Leaving a runner at 3rd with less than 2 out is always Unacceptable. And the bullpen (Elbert and Mota) giving up 4 freaking runs in the last 3 innings is total crap!!!! Battling back to make it a close game and then the bullpen imploding just sucks the life out of a team. Just look at the Mets last year.

  111. jhallwally

    :))))))))) Nelly!!!!!!! You crack me up!!! I do have a big soft spot!!! LMFTO!!! Don’t tell Beav mom!!!!!

  112. nellyjune

    I am trying jhall, but I am slow to learn the foreign language I suppose. Rosetta Stone may be needed for me – LOL!!!!!!

  113. nellyjune

    Oh, and your secret is safe with me, and just so you know, Beav has his moments too – LMTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  114. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, my friend that was in SF last night for the game missed the big inning because he had to leave to catch his flight back to So Cal. Go figure. He was going to watch a replay of the inning on tonight.

  115. jhallwally

    LOL Nelly!!! I can be very patient when I see a good effort that brings progress and change. I think you have alot to do with it!!!!

  116. nellyjune

    Well, that really kind of sucks bluecrewgirl. I had a teacher friend who was going to tonight’s game. Her husband’s birthday was today, and he is a Dodger fan. She’s a Met’s fan (grew up there). So, they didn’t get the Andre show I guess.

  117. jhallwally

    Yep Shad, Troncoso and Kuo did their freaking jobs. Kudo’s to them.
    LMFTO Nelly!!!!!!!! Somehow, I kind of figured that!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. shad78

    Molina’s triple was his first since May 23, 2007, and just the fifth in 4,016 career at-bats for the portly catcher.

    Damn you Pierre and Molina won’t get another triple this year until they played us again and someone had to sit again.

  119. jhallwally

    You’re probably right Shad. Oh well, let’s get back home and commence to whip up on the Puds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  120. jhallwally

    It’s easy Nelly. Have a couple of more cocktails!!! It starts to come together. LMTO!!!!!!!!!!
    I alway knew Dad/Chevelle was just a big teddy bear. A little gruff now and again, but a big softy!!
    Now Beav, he’s the the young house cat that hasn’t been spayed or declawed. Big softy, but only when the hormones aren’t kicking it. LOL!!!!

  121. shad78

    Yeah me to but I just wish Torre would had gave him one more inning and it’s not like he didn’t need them and like I said early I think Elbert could’ve finished the inning after he struck out Lewis and if would had gave up a hit yanked him. I like Mota but he’s not the same person that he was back in 2003-2004 when he was Gagne set up man

  122. bluecrewgirl

    Goodnight all. I think they will get well on home cooking and it will be a long meal, I think Vin said 17 out of the next 23 are at home.

  123. nellyjune

    The problem is I was never good at foreign language in school and this isn’t any different – LOL!!!! It’s kind of carrying over here. And yes, for this issue, I am probably the hard *** out of the group, and you three are the teddy bears 🙂

  124. nellyjune

    Good Night bluecrewgirl – thanks again for the play by play of the interview with Andre during the game. He has his bad days, but seems to bounce right back these days, which is a good thing 🙂

  125. jhallwally

    Or sentences and paragraphs!!!
    No Nell’, they aren’t. Still early though, and no ones going to run away with that division either.

  126. jhallwally

    It’s been fun. Gonna hit for now. Catch you all down the road. As someone said earlier, Rack Me!!!! Goodnight and have a great tomorrow!!!

  127. nellyjune

    Good Night jhall!!!!!!!!!!! It was great seeing you,and I am sure the boys will be sad they missed you. Thanks for stopping by yesterday morning for the birthday wishes…that was wonderful! Take Care and God Bless my friend, and as you say, we will see you down the road.

  128. nellyjune

    ………..or Andre going 0-4. However, we have to let them have their bad nights. We can’t expect them to be perfect all the time 🙂

  129. shad78

    Oh my and I guess Bochy is going to try batting the pitchers in the 8th spots but it look like they would do it with Lincecum and Cain see what your have done LaRussa. Yost and LaRussa did it last year and let’s see how many times does Torre does and for one game or maybe two games I would love to see what Martin can do down there.


    Stults is a puzzle to me. A couple of good starts and he goes to some other place. Anyway, it looks as though help is on the way.
    I do not think Pedro is the answer, but it would be interesting to find out. At some point we’ll get some pitching from outside the organization. It’ll be a matter of who we give up to get it.

  131. enchantedbeaver

    I have to agree with you and messagebear knouff. Stults pitches great for 2-3 starts, then pitches like… well, Stults.

    To his credit, Torre wanted pitching, pitching, pitching this past offseason, and Ned got him nothing, nothing, nothing.

    Anyone that could’ve looked at Mota the past 5 years and signed him obviously doesn’t know their *** from a hole in the ground. Wolf is what he is – a #4 pitcher. Jury’s out on Ohman, but he is what he is too – a journeyman lefty. As for the rest of the crap Ned tried out – pathetic.

    Let’s hope the team can hold it together long enough to pick-up a decent arm or two in June/July. Fortunately in our division, there’s not much competition.

  132. scott_in_arcadia

    Hi all!
    As Torre explained last week, he intends to implement a plan of getting Pierre into the lineup at least once or twice a week.
    Ok, Joe, and who are we sitting once or twice a week?
    Hey, Kemp, nice triple and nice diving catch and nice assist, but I need to get this singles guy with no arm into the lineup, you understand, right?
    Fire Joe!
    Fire the guy the hired Joe!

  133. enchantedbeaver

    I have to agree Scott. Wanting to insert a noodlearmed slap hitter in place of:

    (A) A HOF hitter
    (B) A 5-tool player poised to come into his own
    (C) A player that HAS come into his own, will draw 90-100 BB, drive in as many or more, and hit .300+

    is completely assinine…

    Doing it against last year’s Cy Young winner is unconscionable.

  134. trublu4ever

    Enchanted & Scott ~ I agree with you 100%. I still say that if Noodlearm was making minimum salary, he wouldn’t even be considered starting a game. Heck, he probably wouldn’t even make the team!

  135. kpookiemon

    From the L.A. Times: “Pierre said he had no problem with the alignment (batting 9th), joking that he would bat 11th if that’s what it took for him to crack the lineup.”

    Juan, Juan, Juan, you still don’t get it. The proper thing to say, the teammate thing to say, would have been, “I’ll bat 11th if that’s what it takes to help this club win a championship…” What on Earth gives Pierre the impression that he deserves to start over Kemp, Ethier or Manny? Did he watch Sports Center and see the game-changing non-catch in the first inning? Sure it was a tough play…but guys who deserve to start make that play and help their teams win games against the other guys’ ace. Pierre, you’re a slap-hitting, defensive liability with an un-tradeable contract. Keep hitting over .300 and maybe the Dodgers can bluff someone into taking your selfish act.

  136. trublu4ever

    Kahli ~ APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Juan being in the lineup changes the entire chemistry and it doesn’t make for a compatible blend.

  137. enchantedbeaver

    Maybe JP can bat 10th and go crack a softball line-up.

    No matter where they bat him, no matter if he hits .400, this team is always the lesser WHENEVER he is in the line-up.

    For the life of me I can’t see how any rational manager would prefer to play him on a weekly or bi-weekly basis over any of the other three, who in my opinion make up the best hitting OF in the majors.

    No fool like an old fool eh Joe?


    I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Weaver, Milton, or Estes to come back and be successful major leaguers. Any one of them may have a good game or two left in their careers, but I think that all their decent days are past. Why could they not show something during Spring Training, and why have all the other teams given up on them? It’s just against the odds that any of them could help us more than the arms we’re already trying. I think we already have one such a has-been on the team in Mota, and we’ll probably wake up to his uselessness in another month or two. In the meantime, we might as well try out a few of our younger minor league pitchers to see if any help is available internally like with did with Elbert. Unfortunately the answer with him was NO.

    The best option at this point is probably to focus on a couple of pitchers that might come available in June/July, but it will be at a price, since we’ll have to go the trade route. Since we are now committed to Blake for another year or two and Hudson seems like a good fit at second, we should have some infield prospects available for the right pitcher deal. If it was a Halladay, I might even cut Martin loose for a trade, given the Canadian connection. While we’ll probably keep waiting for him to resurrect himself, my longer range outlook is that he’ll be a typical good catch/ low hit catcher who never quite lived up to his early “potential”.

  139. kpookiemon

    messagebear, agree with most of what you say. But I still believe Weaver can contribute….but from the bullpen. As I’ve said before, I think he could be the 8th-inning guy. Kuo will NEVER be that guy–not for a lack of talent but durability. While committed to Blake for three more years (thanks, Ned) I see him as a bench player REAL SOON. Give me DeWitt over the long haul. A for our “fading” catcher, he just might be a bargaining chip soon. What is up with him, anyway???? My previous post blasting Pierre was not penned because this blog loves to hate him (which it does) but rather because his selfishness seems to seep out, even when he doesn’t mean to. Hey, ANY athlete wants to play. Period. But just because Ned gave him an outrageous five-year “vote of confidence” doesn’t mean he’s a great player. It just means Ned was a geek.


    I considered myself one of the strongest DeWitt supporters during last season, but I am clearly disappointed in his performance level late last season and during this Spring Training, etc. Indeed, there are a lot of prospects who develop gradually and don’t really make a big splash at the outset. I’m probably one of those guys who likes to see a prospect come up and take hold of a position whereby even a Torre can’t sit him down anymore. That’s the kind of season Andre produced last year even when given only half a chance. I don’t see DeWitt with that kind of ability, much as I too would have liked to see him displace Blake in the everyday lineup. I think that there should be another one or two third base prospects knocking on the door (ringing the Bell might be a more appropriate way of saying it), which could make DeWitt available for trade at this point in my mind.

  141. scott_in_arcadia

    The chemistry was so awesome the night before with Manny, Ethier and Kemp doubling and tripling the team to victory and then you take all the air out of the balloon just to appease Pierre?
    Fire Joe if he keeps playing Pierre!!!
    Fire the guy who hired Joe!!
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe!!

  142. kpookiemon

    Funny, now that Manny is signed and delivered, Ned’s marginal talent as a GM is rearing its ugly head again. Three years for soon-to-be 36-year-old Casey Blake, a train wreck of a bullpen, and starting pitching that was always marginal, at best. And we need not chronicle his past transgressions…


    Agree – FIRE the guy who hired Joe, and the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe, as long that includes the guy who hired JP and the guy who keeps playing JP, even if only occasionally.

  144. scott_in_arcadia

    It probably wouldn’t be appropriate to all wear t-shirts with that slogan on ITD Dodgers Stadium tour day would it?

  145. scott_in_arcadia

    I think that Mannywood is too expensive for me, but I’ll pay $5 to sit in “Pierrewood” right next to him on the dugout pine.

  146. enchantedbeaver

    You might get cooties Scott.

    Hey, someone wants to print those T-Shirts up and I’ll even come out to So Cal for the tour as long as I get to wear one.

  147. scott_in_arcadia

    Courtesy of dodgereric. Its “make your own caption” day on ITD. Here’s the pix, you make the caption and add it below:

    Dodgereric: “What the hell is that hard round thing?”
    Enchanted: “Unfortunately for Juan Pierre, he chose to wear his velcro uniform on precisely the same day they relined the outfield wall with the same thing.”
    David Letterman: “I had that idea first!”

  148. dodgereric

    The UN press release is labeled IK404.

    OK, so I took a little liberty with the “I”, but when I Googled “!K404” it drops the “!” and all you get are phone ads. In the photo (left to right), there’s an exclamation point, Juan makes the letter “K”, and the 404 sign.

  149. scott_in_arcadia

    You see, we’ve been totally unfair to Juan. If he doesn’t get to the park early every day for his work out, he never gets stuck that high on the wall.
    Way to go JP!!

  150. obi_wen


    Juan Pierre’s attempt to execute a grand jete fails to impress the judges at the San Francisco audition of “Dancing With The Overpaid Bench Ballet All-Stars” Note the three judges posted scores of 4, 0, and 4.

  151. dodgereric

    “O-o-o-h no! I ain’t pickin’ that up! They’ll want me to throw it back, and that sign ain’t in inches!”

  152. dodgereric

    “Outfielder Juan Pierre of the LA Dodgers confuses baseball with dodgeball in San Francisco Wednesday evening”


    “Man, I didn’t think the wind was that strong!”

    “Did you see what the wind did to me?”

  154. enchantedbeaver

    LOL Sparks & Birk.

    Scott – Juan’s doing ITD’s version of Y.M.C.A.. Its called Y.U.C.K. Its only played when Juan’s in the game.


    Hey, after the yucky game last night we have to laugh about something. Talk about a throw-a-way game.

  156. crzblue2

    And I love it when Vin says “Darnit!” or “Aw, schucks!”

    from the two crazy fans that say that to you a lot but .. you did tell us “You are not crazy, I love your enthusiasm….”
    Emma & Erik

  157. crzblue2

    Nice songs boys (catching up on my reading)
    Carol, Your hubby did not take you to the event but he took himself!? I probably ran into into him that day.
    Vin Scully rocks!!


    Emma, I found myself saying the same things last night. Well, maybe not exactly the same things but close enough since I was not on TV.

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