Series finale…

It’s day baseball down in San Diego and Blake DeWitt gets the chance to show his stuff at shortstop. Joe Torre has said that he wants to make sure that on a day game after a night game, we don’t push Raffy too hard, too early. He also mentioned that Russell will get tomorrow off in AZ.

Here’s the lineup for the game today…

DeWitt, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Kershaw, P



  1. shad78

    I just knew the lineup today wasn’t going to be the same but at least Pierre is not in there but don’t know about Dewitt leading off.

  2. shad78

    I just knew the lineup today wasn’t going to be the same but at least Pierre is not in there but don’t know about Dewitt leading off.


    I was surprised to see DeWitt leading off too. Looks like Joe might try to use the same order as much as possible and let them settle into a rhythm.

  4. shad78

    and the Odog still in wearing a dback cap but lol at Vargas is in a LA hat strange and he didn’t even make the team.


    yeah, i thought that too.. it’s odd to have dewitt leading off, but it’s good to leave everyone else in the same spots to keep the consistency

  6. Dodger4life

    GO KERSHAW and TEAM!!!!!

  7. selltheteam

    Would it really mess up the lineup so much to move Kemp up to lead off and move DeWitt down to the 7-hole? Okay, two lefties in a row, but what’s the big deal? Is DeWitt really going to light up the base paths?

  8. selltheteam

    Heard on the pre-game show yesterday: Joe is thinking about starting Pierre two games in a row, so he can get “into a rhythm”. That would involve giving Kemp a rest one day and Ethier a rest another day. Sorry, folks, just reporting what I heard.
    Why the HE!! is Joe worried about JP’s rhythm? Afraid he might hit a popup then a ground ball instead of two popups in a row????

  9. selltheteam

    Oh no – does this preservation of the lineup mean that on Ethier’s “rest day” the all-powerful JP (remember his one tater last year) will bat clean-up?

  10. obi_wen

    This song parody is my response to Joe Torre’s comment about playing Juan Pierre in one to two games a week. Apologies to fans of “JEREMY” by Pearl Jam


    A gnome

    Drawing pictures

    Of line-up cards

    With him on top

    Blue Chavez Ravine

    Arms raised in a V

    Dre lay in pools of jealous glow

    Torre didn’t give attention

    To the fact that the fans didn’t care

    King Juany PVL

    Rules Joe’s world

    Juany P spoke from Joe’s @_ss today

    Juany P spoke from Joe’s @_ss today

    Clearly I remember

    Ned signing the gnome

    Seemed a harmless little Cub

    But we unleashed a Marlin

    Gnashed his teeth

    And bit the lady owner’s breast

    How could I forget

    And I scream when plays Left

    My jaw left hurtin’

    Dropped wide open

    Just like the day

    Like the day I heard

    Torre didn’t give Dre affection

    So the outfield has to be shared

    King Juan Pierre PVL

    Rules Joe world

    Juany P spoke from Joe’s @_ss today

    Juany P spoke from Joe’s @_ss today

    Try to forget this…

    Try to erase this…

    From the scoreboard.

  11. digthedodgers

    Condolences to Adenhart’s family, friends, the Angels team, and Angels fans…so sad and so senseless….

  12. obi_wen

    RIP Adenhart… much sympathy to his father, the rest of his family, friends, teammates and the entire Angel organization and their fans. Tragic. They should throw the book at the driver who ran that red light.

  13. colliethec

    I have to add my condolences to the Adenhart family & friends as well as the Angels organization & their fans. As well as the others that were in the car and their family & friends. Really tragic.
    My prayers go out to his family.
    It reminds us how special everyday day is and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy this life we have. Even in bad days.

  14. colliethec

    I have to add my condolences to the Adenhart family & friends as well as the Angels organization & their fans. As well as the others that were in the car and their family & friends. Really tragic.
    My prayers go out to his family.
    It reminds us how special everyday day is and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy this life we have. Even in bad days.

  15. colliethec

    I have to add my condolences to the Adenhart family & friends as well as the Angels organization & their fans. As well as the others that were in the car and their family & friends. Really tragic.
    My prayers go out to his family.
    It reminds us how special everyday day is and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy this life we have. Even in bad days.

  16. colliethec

    *****Josh***** On another note what is going on with this blog. Could you please let us all know why it isn’t working. I’ve had not been able to post for about a week. I’ll type out a post and it won’t submit and it gets lost. I know most others have had the same issue. Could you please let us know what is going on.
    I’m close to not posting anymore (Which might make some happy!!).

  17. colliethec

    Sorry for the triple post. It kept saying there was an error so I submitted and 10 minutes later it posts.
    Please Josh help us out!!!!

  18. colliethec

    Hello Joe & D4. I hope you are both well!
    Kersh is trying to be perfect and not pitching to contact.
    He needs to mature in this area.

  19. vl4ecc

    Good afternoon all!
    Sounds like I’m not the only one having problems logging in to ITD, and making posts. Takes forever lately!

  20. colliethec

    He did that a lot last year. He’ll get to 2 strikes and then can’t get that last strike. That’s what Brox does as well. It drives me crazy. Of course I’m sitting at my computer while they are getting payed to play!!

  21. vl4ecc

    Cheap way to score a run, but I’ll take it!
    Anyone else think that may have been an IBB to get to Martin?

  22. selltheteam

    Just because Martin is hitting below the Sweeney Line? It’s way too early to draw any conclusions.

  23. colliethec

    Maybe ECC. It sure seemed he was being careful with Dre.
    Russ looks a little amped up to start the season. Reminds me of me the last 2 weeks on my softball team. Trying to do to much.

  24. Dodger4life

    Russ has had a good spring, if he would of connected we would all be jumping for joy!!!

  25. colliethec

    Eckstein is a live fans gift. He keeps giving souvenirs.
    That is why we call him DeMitt! Nice scoop James!!

  26. colliethec

    Eckstein is a live fans gift. He keeps giving souvenirs.
    That is why we call him DeMitt! Nice scoop James!!

  27. vl4ecc

    I wasn’t implying that crash. Russ will break out in a big way soon, and get back on track.
    X is such a pest isn’t he?

  28. selltheteam

    vl4ecc – I agree, he’ll get on track. Russell is the man. It’s just such a mental game, he needs to relax a bit.
    X is a pest. A little pest.

  29. vl4ecc

    During channel surfing, I came upon the Rangers-Indians game. Seeing former long time Cubbies Kerry Wood, & Mark DeRosa playing with the tribe is going to take some getting used to.

  30. sparkleplenty_1

    Ok, the game is tied. Attention Dodger batters: It’s time to get your hitting clothes on!!!!

  31. colliethec

    Lead off walks are a killer.
    The 2 things in baseball that get me grumpy are lead off walks & not getting the runners over or in with RISP & less than 2 outs.


    our offense is just sad.. correia’s era was over 6.00 last year, i believe.. ugh =P

  33. bluesplash09

    What a horrible decsion to pitch to eckstein, Kershaw hadn’t fooled him all day and 1st base was open, shoulda intentionally walked him and went after the next guy who struck out on 3 pitches, i hate eckstein so much, f’ing strike out already ******! GO DODGERS!!

  34. oldbrooklynfan

    Good going for KIRSH.
    Only Ekstein was too too much for him.
    He’s still the pitcher of record.
    Hope the Dodgers can figure out Correia.

  35. colliethec

    Dre with another hit!
    Nice at bat by Marty. He wasn’t jumping at the 1st pitch that time.
    Let’s go Blue!!!

  36. colliethec

    I can’t say I hate Eckstein. I hate that he’s playing for the Fathers. But I love his fight and determination.
    He gave his team a run with his bat and saved them a run with his glove.

  37. bluesplash09

    You know what was amazing about that at-bat, the 2-2 pitch was that slider down and out that Matt swung at and missed every time last year, this time he laid off and waited for a pitch he can handle, if has stopped swinging at that pitch then the rest of the pitchers in the league need to start being very afraid. Great job Matt, GO DODGERS!!

  38. selltheteam

    Bluesplash – That’s great news! It’s fascinating watching Kemp mature as an MLB player! (and star!)


    it’s so great that matt came through with 2 outs and 2 on.. it’s those hits with runners in scoring position that we need more of.. if this game continued 1-1, i would have been nervous.. now let’s play D

  40. sparkleplenty_1

    Trying to post is driving me crazy. I have emailed the webmaster for mlblogs telling him/her about the problems we’ve encountered. Maybe if we all email the webmaster things will get better. I hope . . . .


    wow.. adrian gonzalez striking out on 3 pitches.. don’t see that often.. let’s go bullpen!

  42. colliethec

    Great point Splash. He has looked much better this year with not swinging at that pitch. Maybe not having Andru as an example has helped.

  43. bluesplash09

    Holy crap! Where did Belasario come from? He is “a beast” as Vin just said, struck all 3 out swinging, nice job! GO DODGERS!!

  44. vl4ecc

    WOW! Always nice when a reliever comes out of the pen to strike out the side! I realize this is the Pads, but this guy Belisario may be a keeper.

  45. bluesplash09

    Great point dcoll, andruw wrote the book on swinging and missing at that pitch! I like that we’re not pinch hitting for Belasario, hopefully he can repeat what he did last inning

  46. oldbrooklynfan

    All I get is a picture of Belisario on the screen.
    Looks like I lost MLB.TV for the moment anyway.

    It was great all day for exactly 5 1/2 innings.


    it’s good to let belisario hit for himself.. kuo is probably unavailable.. and he didn’t make very many pitches striking out the side..

  48. colliethec

    He was stuck in Venezuela with Visa problems during ST. He made it out the last week I think.
    He has been in the minors for Florida & the Pirates.


    o-dogg’s been great on the basepaths.. i think that’s 3? or 4? stolen..


    it’s good to let belisario hit for himself.. kuo is probably unavailable.. and he didn’t make very many pitches striking out the side..

  51. selltheteam

    Bluesplash – If “Make em pay Andre” keeps on working, pretty soon, we’re all going to be saying it!

  52. oldbrooklynfan

    Well I had to turn of MLB.TV and come up again.
    That’s the second time I lost with Belisario on the mound.
    I hardly ever see him pitch.
    I came back wit Manny batting.


    wow.. belisario really did a job today.. 2 innings, 32 pitches (22 strikes), 4 Ks, 1 BB

  54. bluesplash09

    Joe, if you have the main site open in the background then that could be the problem, I put it on the Dodgers main page and it has been workin good so far

  55. oldbrooklynfan

    Well I had to turn of MLB.TV and come up again.
    That’s the second time I lost with Belisario on the mound.
    I hardly ever see him pitch.
    I came back wit Manny batting.

  56. colliethec

    I’m with you Crash. I was a little worried during ST. I knew that the results of ST would be a little inflated but they have looked good. Getting Belisario & Ohman at the last minute has & will of helped.
    It’s only in the 4th game of the season but so far so good.


    nevermind.. gameday screwed up.. of course there would be a pinch hitter

  58. colliethec

    Time to turn it around!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!

  59. colliethec

    Way to go O-Dog!!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers Let’s Go. Clap Clap!!

  60. oldbrooklynfan

    The Padre pitching was wild, to say the least but it didn’t help.
    Because the Dodgers couldn’t seem to take advandage of it.
    Tough Loss.
    I guess the bullpen was due to give up some runs.
    WADE just didn’t have it today.

  61. colliethec

    That was painful. When Hudson got the 3 bagger I thought we were at least going another 1/2 inning.
    I guess not.
    Have a great evening everybody. I’ve got to get some tasks done here at home.
    Take care…

  62. kpookiemon

    Twilight zone…some of these comments coming AFTER the game is lost. Hey, the season is four games old…but Torre’s line-up, for me, is out of whack. Sorry, but Martin, for all his GREAT abilities and leadership, never was and never will be a number five hitter. Joe, not that you don’t already feel it, but move Kemp up. You can thank me later.

  63. colliethec

    That was painful. When Hudson got the 3 bagger I thought we were at least going another 1/2 inning.
    I guess not.
    Have a great evening everybody. I’ve got to get some tasks done here at home.
    Take care…

  64. oldbrooklynfan

    The Padre pitching was wild, to say the least but it didn’t help.
    Because the Dodgers couldn’t seem to take advantage of it.
    Tough Loss.
    I guess the bullpen was due to give up some runs.
    WADE just didn’t have it today.

  65. oldbrooklynfan

    The Padre pitching was wild, to say the least but it didn’t help.
    Because the Dodgers couldn’t seem to take advantage of it.
    Tough Loss.
    I guess the bullpen was due to give up some runs.
    WADE just didn’t have it today.

  66. kpookiemon

    It’s easy to get down on Russ given his slow start…but I really do feel, all emotion aside, that he is misplaced in the five hole.

  67. jhallwally

    Runner at 3rd, 0 outs and you don’t score. Totally unacceptable and incredibly bad baseball. There are no excuses. Put Phew up there to bunt da**it!!!! JoJo is a clown and Honeybutt is clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. jhallwally

    Geez, you’re paying the guy 9M a year, use him when his limited skill set is necessary, clown!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. kpookiemon

    no offense, jhall, but if Torre had pinch hit Pierre for either Manny or Ethier or Martin, this blog would have gone ape-shi*!!!!

  70. jhallwally

    Regardless of this blogs feelings, it would have been a smart play. With Martin struggling and Hudsons’ speed, a bunt was in order. Get that tying run in and go from there. Martin should have been bunting with his speed even if you don’t bring in Phew!!!! Total ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Don’t disagree with you on the bunt, jhall, but you should be able to expect Manny, Andre and Martin to get a fast runner in from third base with no outs. It just goes to show you that we don’t have the high scoring team that everybody expected. What’s more concerning to me is that our starting pitchers are so far capable of about five good innings. If that continues, then the BP will get overworked no matter how good they are, and this is the kind of result we’ll get. But, it’s early, so things have to improve.

  72. jhallwally

    Just tuned in to Sports Center and heard of the tragedy in Anaheim. My condolences and prayers go out to the families and victims. Truely sad and senseless!!!

  73. trublu4ever

    I think the team will be fine. I just think they were all pressing a little too much, being that it was the opening series. I am impressed by the starting pitching and, it too, will be better as time goes by.

  74. trublu4ever

    I think the team will be fine. They were just pressing a little too much, beng that it was the opening series. I think the pitching as a whole, wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Wade had problems today but, the others were okay.

  75. trublu4ever

    I think the team will be fine. They were just pressing a little too much, being that it was the opening series. I think the pitching as a whole, wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Wade had problems today but, the others were okay.

  76. trublu4ever

    I see mlb hasn’t fixed the problem with this blog. It is really getting to me! I know I lost a post somewhere and I have no idea when it will show up, with my errors and all!

  77. shad78

    So it started leaving the tying runner on with the number 3rd, 4th and 5th hitters coming up and we can’t score hopefully this won’t happen again.

  78. Dodger4life

    We head to Arizona playing .500 ball on the road. We can improve on that, Clayton Kershaw threw quite a few pitches today. Tough ending tonight, I feel like Brox nailed us all in the n**s. We will be back tomorrow with James McDonald and the Boys, fighting our way through the desert. It is a three game series and then the Dodger home opener!!!!!

  79. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    First things first. My heart and prayers go out to the family, friends and teammates of Adenhart. I heard about it first thing this morning, but I haven’t been able to post until now.

    I was supposed to be at a single A (Modesto Nuts) Opening game tonight, but it was postponed due to the rain. Funny, my son played through 7 innings of steady rain, and the game wasn’t called.

    I actually watched most of the game because today in class was our last day before Spring Break, and I was doing activities which allowed us to watch the game. When I left school, Gonzales had just hit his solo homerun and by the time I got home, we were behind. Tomorrow we take on the Diamondbacks in Arizona on Andre’s Birthday. He turns the magical 27 tomorrow. Did you also know that tomorrow, April 10th, is the anniversary of the day Dodger Stadium opened it’s gates 47 years ago in 1962? Well, if you didn’t, now you do 🙂

  80. nellyjune

    BTW – fabulous song Obi, just fabulous!!!!!!!

    One more thing….it was great to see Andre being his everyday Dre’ self today. Getting some hits, getting some walks (including and RBI walk), and then even getting hit by a pitch. My class was NOT happy to see that. I didn’t explain the retaliation pitch by Bellesario, but it was pretty cool!!!!

  81. kpookiemon

    ndeschenes, come out, come out wherever you are.

    In lieu of the master, allow me: “Congratulations to our super-charged super heroes who came away with an amazing split of the season-opening road series against the ever-feisty San Diego Padres. Hall-of-Famer, Mr. Manny ‘Man-Ram’ Ramirez, great-looking Andre Ethier, and ruggedly studly Russell Martin all flailed their bats miserably against Cy Young candidate Heath Bell, failing (no doubt for the last time EVER) to score a runner from third with nobody out. And the wonder-pen, full of the games brightest arms, somehow blew a late two-run lead. NO MATTER! This is a team of destiny, a team ready to etch its mark on 2009, a team poised for greatness!!!!!”

  82. trublu4ever

    Hello Nellyjune & Kahli ~ do you think we are going to have this problem with the blog all season? Even though we went 2 – 2 in San Diego, I think we will do very well in Arizona. We should be more relaxed now that the first series is over. I just hope Joe doesn’t start screwing with the lineup. I know Russell is having a day off tomorrow, which I can see since he is the catcher.

  83. trublu4ever

    Hello Nellyjune & Kahli ~ do you think we are going to have this problem with the blog all season? Even though we went 2 – 2 in San Diego, I think we will do very well in Arizona. We should be more relaxed now that the first series is over. I just hope Joe doesn’t start screwing with the lineup. I know Russell is having a day off tomorrow, which I can see since he is the catcher.

  84. nellyjune

    That’s pretty good Kahli!!! Not bad at all. If I remember correctly, ndeschenes only appears when we win a game. It was always a sign that the Dodgers did well if you heard from him.

  85. nellyjune

    I am thinking the system didn’t like you being away so it put the rest of us in slow motion…….taking forever to post, if at all for some 🙂

  86. nellyjune

    tru – the key is only to hit it once even if it appears it’s not submitting it. At least that will cure the multiple postings. As for the time it takes for the submission to occur, that is a whole other issue.

  87. trublu4ever

    I’m just getting angry and that’s why i keep hitting the submit button. I figure if somebody sees all the triple posts, they might fix the problem.

  88. kpookiemon

    “Los Angeles is hitting just .184 (7-for-38) with runners in scoring position.” Deja vu all over again…

  89. dodgereric

    Boy, I’d rather lose 20 – 0 than the way we did today. On the positive side, it’s only 4 games into the season. On the negative side, we split 4 games with the worst team in the league.

    While I’m a long way from panicking, I’d like to shake up the batting order a little. Mainly because I didn’t like it to start with.


    Yeah, I know. “Manny gets more at bats in the 3-hole.” And that’s true. But I can’t forget how Andre did hitting ahead of Manny last year and I think Hudson is coming around and don’t want to drop him. But we need to get our Captain out of that 5 slot and we need to move Kemp up. I think it’s worth experimenting a bit.


    A few points that i want to state on today’s lost.

    I think it is still to early to get early to get down on this lost.

    I wish that Torre would of not have brought in Cory Wade in on back to back games especially having the early game. Four games into the season and Cory has appeared on 3 of them? Mota could have done the job.

    Second, i don’t know about you guys but i just don’t see Russell Martin having the same passion and fire he has had the last past seasons. He doesn’t seem like he is playing with a lot of heart. I don’t think he should be in the 5th spot.

    He should be dropped in the 8th spot, he needs his rest through out the game.
    Instead put Matt Kemp in his spot, he has more potential for power shots not to mention speed.

    It’s still an early seson though.

  91. nellyjune

    Just in what has happened the last two games with Andre. He has walked 5 times and was hit by a pitch. Whether these or intentional or not, he needs to be part of the table setting for Manny. Somehow we need Andre batting in front of him, not behind him. Andre either hits for contact, or he uses his patience and draws a walk. He has the potentional to launch one out as well so he still is a threat. I agree with Russell, he needs to be moved down and Matt moved up.

  92. nellyjune

    red pen – “these are intentional” not “these or intentional” – geez ….I have only been on vacation for 7 hours or so,and the spelling goes right out the door 🙂

  93. shad78

    I would never had thought to see Boras break down and cry like that to bad the Angels didn’t give him the win.

  94. dodgereric

    Geez carcyn, have we been talking off-site? I agree with the pitching as well. I was thinking that Mota was going to be put in to start the 8th. Maybe Torre was going to use him in the 9th to close it out. Our pen is in for it, there is no question.

    Meanwhile, Juan Cruz has put in 2 perfect innings for KC.

  95. dodgereric

    Yeah Shad, that was almost a Jerry McGuire moment wasn’t it? And I don’t mean that to be funny, just ironic.

  96. nellyjune

    Shad – I am sure Brian feels awful about giving up that win last night to the A’s. He probably felt bad enough just under normal circumstances, but under these, this will not be easy for him……….My husband and I kind of know him now. This will hurt for a while I would have to imagine.

  97. Dodger4life

    Good night all, Eric I hope to see ya over the weekend, I am sure the rest of the gang is feeling the same way. It must be a school night for Wally and the Beav. We will be alright, win the series in Arizona and we will welcome them home to Dodgerstadium on Monday 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!
    God Bless Us All and God Bless the U.S.A. 🙂

  98. dodgereric

    It’s always so tragic to have young people die. At least when someone passes away after a normal life span they’ve had their shot. Adenhart and his friends didn’t get their shot. And what happened to them is what I’m so afraid of when my 21-year-old is out late.

    I have a cop friend who says, “Nothing much good happens after midnight.”

  99. nellyjune

    …no….it doesn’t 😦 I didn’t realize until later this morning that he was the one that actually started that game. I just saw the end after the Dodger game had ended. We were watching Brian blow the save and kind of turned it off not seeing any stats of the game itself. Just tragic 😦

  100. nellyjune

    It seems to be acting somewhat better, yes 🙂 LOL!!!! You know as soon as I say yes, it will screw up again.

  101. northstateblues

    The excitement of hearing that the Dodgers were up 3-1 as I went into class today was only exceeded by my disappointment in hearing that they lost 4-3 as I got back to the car.

    It’s tough splitting two against the former San Diego Cellar Dwellers. When have the Dodgers ever come up big at Petco, though? Maybe the answer is this year…

    … but for now, the standings say that the Los Angeles Dodgers are as good as the San Diego Padres. Maybe that’ll do some humbling before certain GM’… uh, I mean folks start getting their NL Championship rings sized.

    That purple-and-gold team downtown can always stand to have a few instances where they’re brought back to earth whenever the talk of the almost-supernatural awesomeness of the team is at its height.

    Maybe their blue neighbors up the hill can learn from that same leveraging too.

    Whatever you call it, though, a little bullpen help could be nice. Oh man, boy howdy…

  102. dodgereric

    I seem to have a method now:

    1 – Hit “Submit”
    2 – Wait for the server to time out
    3 – Hit “Back”

    Junie, I think it’s time for me to hit the sack. It’s been nice, even with the limitations. Now let’s see if I can behave myself tomorrow. 🙂

    God Bless you and yours, and may God come into the hearts of the friends and families of those poor kids and give them some measure of comfort.

  103. northstateblues

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Adenhart family. I’m not ashamed to admit that more than a little tear shed after reading about him, and hearing Boras talk about how he called the players’ parents to make sure to show up for that game, that they’d see something special.

    All at the hands of a repeat drunk driver with a suspended license. Who ran away once he caused the accident. Despicable.

    Actually, that doesn’t even begin to describe him, or the many other drunk drivers in this country who drive on suspended licenses (or not), killing innocent people while they walk away (or run away) from the accident.

    I honestly don’t know what else to say about it. With this happening shortly after an Angels fan died after a fight at the stadium, my thoughts are also with the Angels organization at this time. Certainly puts having 3 SPs on the DL in its proper perspective.

  104. nellyjune

    Good night dodgereric – It is great to see you back, and we will do everything “we” can to help you behave. We are right along there with you 🙂 Take Care and God Bless to you and yours!!!

  105. northstateblues

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Adenhart family. I’m not ashamed to admit that more than a little tear shed after reading about him, and hearing Boras talk about how he called the players’ parents to make sure to show up for that game, that they’d see something special.

    All at the hands of a repeat drunk driver with a suspended license. Who ran away once he caused the accident. Despicable.

    Actually, that doesn’t even begin to describe him, or the many other drunk drivers in this country who drive on suspended licenses (or not), killing innocent people while they walk away (or run away) from the accident.

    I honestly don’t know what else to say about it. With this happening shortly after an Angels fan died after a fight at the stadium, my thoughts are also with the Angels organization at this time. Certainly puts having 3 SPs on the DL in its proper perspective.

  106. nellyjune


    Today is Andre Ethier’s 27th Birthday. Ramslover in case you need reminding……he is #16 for the Los Angeles Dodgers, and he plays right field. He bats and throws left, and he is currently batting 4th in the lineup. Oh, and did I mention it is his birthday today.

    Also, it is the birthday of Dodger Stadium. Dodger Stadium opened it’s gates on April 10, 1962 to a crowd of 52,564. They lost that game to the Cincinnati Reds 6-3.

  107. nellyjune

    Good night ITD readers and writers!!!! We head to Arizona today to face the Diamondbacks. This is sure to be an exciting series as well. Take care and God Bless to all of you. See you all later and have a Fabulous Good Friday!!!!!

  108. sparkleplenty_1

    Hi Shad. Thought I was the only early-bird here!
    You asked about who was on the Price is Right. Here’s the list:
    Russell Martin, Mark Loretta, Delwyn Young, James Loney, James McDonald, Ken Landreaux, Lou Johnson and Bobby Castillo.
    BTW, I sort of got my name back – was diggie1 and now am sparkleplenty. This change was on purpose, though.

  109. shad78

    Thx I couldn’t remember the last 3 but I did search through the last couple of picture and finally got Young, Loretta and McDonald. I think it’s was Sara that left a linked to that show on another thread and can’t seem to find it so does anyone got that link?

  110. boblee4014

    That game testerday made me Ill. I had to leave and didn’t see the ninth inning. I suppose that was for the best. This is the same team so far as last year. We get runners on but can’t drive them in. With the lineup we have, we should easily be scoring 6 to 8 runs a game. It seems like pitchers average and below, we do great against but, pitchers above average we surely stink.

    The way we scored 2 runs yesterday because Kemp’s ball was hit so hard it was hard to handle. So that shows you we can’t get good clean hits to drive in runs. This is going to be a flusterating season.

  111. thinkingblue

    Good Morning ITD bloggers,
    Surprisingly I was able to log in. YEY! I’ve been trying all morning long. I’ve tried every lunch time this whole past week and somehow it will give me an error message and was not able to log in. Finally I am IN!
    First I just want to say that it is really sad about Nick Adenhart. He was very young and had a lot of talent. Blessings go out to his family, the Angels and his fans. God bless Nick Adenhart.
    Back to Dodgers…I have been watching the games….OMG do we need a pitcher….shhhhhh The 8th inning was just a nightmare. What was up with Wade. Kershaw…I love the kid but he always struggles when he first comes out for the first couple of innings. He must get super nervous. Well hopefully soon he can overcome this nervousness, cause he has a great future ahead of him. OK I don’t know this pitchers name (right after Kershaw but before Wade)…he was just awesome…strike out after strike out!
    NELLY – TRU…Well is it true that Ethier takes over the Carne Asada Sundays? Does anybody know????
    MS. RussyEthier (aka Dodgersrule1655)
    Martinista & Ethieraholic

  112. thinkingblue

    I don’t think the Giants will be on top of us for long.

  113. thinkingblue

    TRU….that is awsome news…Yeah my husband had told me but who knows if he was just trying to get my hopes ups. He did tell me that he will take me but I had to promise that I will act civilized around Ethier….I will so think about it…Hahahah….so are you attending one of them?

  114. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    Happy Birthday to Andre and Dodger Stadium!!!
    Three more road wins and it is opening day in L.A. 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  115. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    A lot of things going on here at the house. But first things first, my thoughts and prayers go out to the Adenhart family, the families of the others also perished in the accident, and last but not least, to the Angel organization. The Halos have had been bitten by the tragedy bug too many times. This, coupled with the death in the stands on Monday, must hurt. My husband and I were supposed to go to last night’s game, but obviously didn’t go because it was postponed.

    Secondly, I wanted to tell my friends that I GOT A JOB!!! Okay, it’s temporary in nature, but I’ll be doing work for the US Census Bureau. My training starts on Monday the 13th. Yes, it’s opening day and I was planning on going to the home opener on Monday, but I can’t. My son isn’t working on Monday, so he’s going to go in my place. Aw, nuts. I really wanted to go, but a job is more important.

  116. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    A lot of things going on here at the house. But first things first, my thoughts and prayers go out to the Adenhart family, the families of the others also perished in the accident, and last but not least, to the Angel organization. The Halos have had been bitten by the tragedy bug too many times. This, coupled with the death in the stands on Monday, must hurt. My husband and I were supposed to go to last night’s game, but obviously didn’t go because it was postponed.

    Secondly, I wanted to tell my friends that I GOT A JOB!!! Okay, it’s temporary in nature, but I’ll be doing work for the US Census Bureau. My training starts on Monday the 13th. Yes, it’s opening day and I was planning on going to the home opener on Monday, but I can’t. My son isn’t working on Monday, so he’s going to go in my place. Aw, nuts. I really wanted to go, but a job is more important.

  117. thinkingblue

    CPO – Congratulations on your new job. Wish you the best and hope you get find a permanent job soon. I’m sure your son will be having a great time, but will have you in his mind the whole game. So durings tonights game I will have a glass of wine in your honor and another one to celebrate Ethier’s birthday…and that’s usually my limit!

  118. cpompe1

    Thx D4 & Rose! Remember Rose, don’t get behind the wheel of a car tonight! J/k. I know you won’t! 🙂

    So D4, how is Boise weather today?

  119. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey, CP. Congrats – I’m SO proud of you. Way to go!!! Next step – something perm. BTW, keep praying for me in that regard – I’m still unemployed, too.
    A very happy birthday to Andre.

  120. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey, CP. Congrats – I’m SO proud of you. Way to go!!! Next step – something perm. BTW, keep praying for me in that regard – I’m still unemployed, too.
    A very happy birthday to Andre.

  121. thinkingblue

    Oh don’t worry I am against drinking and driving. If I’m driving I will not have a drink at all. I’ll be at home watching the game. Can’t afford to go out…I have to save money for Ethier’s Carne Asada…

  122. thinkingblue

    SPARKLE – More prayers are going your way! Hopefully you can find employment soon or win the lottery.

  123. cpompe1

    Ya know D4, we were supposed to get some rain down here in So Cal for the past week (certainly, not as much as you) but it never happened. Just a lot of overcast skies.

  124. selltheteam

    CP – Congratulations on finding a job! I know it’s been really tough out there recently. This is great news, as it gives you more time to look for something permanent. The economy will be turning better soon, so keep looking!

  125. thinkingblue

    San Diego had rain two days ago, during the Dodgers game. But yes very little rain. And right now it is gray & very gloomy in Riverside, CA. Hopefully the sun is shining on Sunday!

  126. cpompe1

    Thx for the words crash! This is great news. It’s gonna be different as I’m embarking on something I’ve never done; A LOT of walking it seems. Like I said, I train for 5 days next week, and I’m sure I’ll learn more then. At least I’m working.

    Sparkle – ITD has always been there for me. Everyone here at ITD has given me more support than they’ll ever know. This place is quite comforting. Know that we will ALWAYS be there for you and for anyone else that is in a similar situation.

  127. sparkleplenty_1

    According to the Weather Channel, it’s supposed to rain overnight tonight but it’ll be sunny and warm Sunday.

  128. sparkleplenty_1

    I know, CP. We all cheer for each other – we’re like extended family. That is what makes this place so special.


    I see 10 were left on base, and the kid got knocked around. My computer keeps crashing and I cannot tell if it’s MLB or the server. Oh well. A night to forget.

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