Game 2 of 162

Yesterday was a great start to the season, with 161 more to go…

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the ITD tour of Dodger Stadium…it’s coming. Just need to work through a few more details.

Here’s the lineup that’s down in SD tonight.

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF (good to see him make an opponent pay for walking Manny yesterday)

Martin, C

Loney, 1B (speedster stole a base yesterday)

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Wolf, P


  1. selltheteam

    Wow! Joe is using the same lineup two days in a row. Even better, this lineup excludes JP. How long have we been waiting for this day?

  2. digthedodgers

    Nelly ~ Regarding my school schedule: our last day of school is May 22 and our last contract day is May 28.
    My nephew attends an elementary school in the Campbell District. He and his Grandmother (my Mom) are joining my wife and I in LA in June (yes, he is missing some school…) But he doesn’t want to come to any of the games with us. We will spend the mornings in Disneyland with them, then travel to THE STADIUM for the games.
    By the way, I lived in San Jose for a few years, a long time ago. I attended Leigh High School for a year and a half until I moved back to Utah to finish my high school years.


    Nice… same lineup back to back days! This is our season guys!! i can feel it! Great win yesterday… let’s keep it up today!! I feel like we can run all over Wolf with Raffy and O-Dawg!

  4. shad78

    Crash I have a bad feeling on Thursday that someway he’s going to let Pierre start after that night game tomorrow and day game. Can we really make sure that Manny won’t sit on Thursday?

  5. shad78

    Pierre number vs Correia is at .438 man this is going to be scary if Torre started him. How in the hell did the Padres get Sanchez?


    thank you for your blog. I am a faithful reader though I have not left many comments. Thank you for the lineups.


    I still think we will see pretty much the same lineup from game to game barring injury and planned days off. If JP starts a game it is to give someone a rest and not just to let him play. Let’s wait and see what happens before get worked up over it. The good news, as opposed to last season, Joe has a set lineup that should be out there most of the time as long as everyone stays healthy.

  8. selltheteam

    Shad – The only sure way to keep Pierre from starting some games is to have Xavier Paul on the bench and Pierre on a different team. Ned has already made his choice. Unfortunately, we have to suffer through it for another 485 games.

  9. selltheteam

    Let’s hope Wolf has a decent game tonight. Last night, we used the only three viable relievers, and I’m not looking forward to seeing any of the rest of the BP on the mound.

  10. trublu4ever

    Yetta and Makeatrade ~ welcome to ITD. I haven’t seen your names before and I’m assuming you are new.


    Stuck for now but who knows what will happen down the road. The most pressing question is what do think will happen when DY is eligible to come off the DL.


    Stuck for now but who knows what will happen down the road. The most pressing question is what do think will happen when DY is eligible to come off the DL.

  13. selltheteam

    Not too many options for DY, since he’s out of options. In order of likelihood (IMO):
    A) Send DeWitt to minors, where he can play every day.
    B) Trade DY for a pitcher.
    C) Trade Pierre for a pitcher (we would pay 80-90% of JP’s salary)

  14. enchantedbeaver


    Crash has officially kicked off the Juan Pierre contract countdown – 485. Why I bet it flies by in no time!!!

  15. shad78

    Yeah thanks for the spelling of it. I can’t believe they release Miller instead of trying to trade him Young and Pierre and to bad Miller had to get injuries and probably won’t have much trading value. To bad is not like Hockey and Basketball where you can get some draft picks. I know there have to be a team who would bite on Young through waiver when he gets off. I really doubt that Young going to pass through waiver like Gwynn Jr did with the Brewers.

  16. shad78

    Wow is something wrong with LaRussa. He hasn’t even did his famous batting the pitcher in the 8th slot yet and already have 2 different lineup the past 2 games and yesterday he had Greene in the cleanup spot.

  17. Dodger4life

    Hey digthed’s!!! I have been through Ogden I believe. I would have to check a map though, my memory is terrible these day’s. Our weather was just beautiful today. How was yours??

  18. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!!!!!!

  19. shad78

    I don’t know how many OF’s assists from all these games played so far but they been a lot since the season started. It’s like every games have at least a player getting thrown out.

  20. digthedodgers

    4life ~ it was beautiful today. The best weather of the year by far.
    It’s almost time for Dodgers baseball.
    Go Dodgers!!!

  21. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – can you repeat that one more time. I don’t think I quite got what you were saying. LOL!!!

    Good evening ITD readers and writers!!!! Can’t wait for some Dodger baseball.

    Josh – thanks for the remark next to Andre. This Ethieraholic was very proud of him for making them pay for walking Manny too.

    digthedodgers – Thanks for the info. We actually are done the first week in June, both students and teachers. I am sure you will have a great time. My best friend lives in San Jose (Campbell)… Dry Creek (near Bascom).


    Could anything be finer
    Than to beat Peavy’s hiner
    In SannnDeeeeeeeeaaygoooooooooo????????

    GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Young looks like he’s dealing tonight so far.. he can be really good…. Hope Wolf can keep us in the game

  24. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. Seesky, I hope we get to pass the victory flask tonight. Hopefully, Andre will continue raking Young like he has historically and we’ll score a lot of runs.

  25. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. Seesky, I hope we get to pass the victory flask tonight. Hopefully, Andre will continue his tradition of raking against Young and we’ll score a lot of runs. Sorry if this ends up being a double post. This blog is so slow tonight. I got a server error when I tried to post the first time.

  26. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. Seesky, I hope we get to pass the victory flask tonight. Hopefully, Andre will continue his tradition of raking against Young and we’ll score a lot of runs. Sorry if this ends up being a double post. This blog is so slow tonight. I got a server error when I tried to post the first time.


    It sure was, Nelly!!!!! Last night, the computer issues with this blog and the video feed from MLB put a damper on an otherwise great evening. I’ve finally got a good feed from MLB and the blog is better, too. Let’s hope it lasts.

  28. oldbrooklynfan

    This MLB.TV must be great if someone would tell me how to work it.
    I had no sound so I click the volume and now I have neither sound now picture.

  29. digthedodgers

    Nelly ~ thanks! I should have known what your blog is about…”Ethieraholic’s Unite!!” Awesome.

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    This MLB.TV is the worst TV I’ve ever saw, I my life.
    I’m now waiting 5 minutes for the screen to move.

  31. digthedodgers

    Joe ~ sorry your having so much trouble with MLB.TV. I don’t know why they wait until the first game to try their new technology.

  32. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! digthedodgers – I do enjoy doing it. I just have ran out of time these last few weeks, but with the season underway and having more to write about, it will be easier. I want to to a 2nd one just focusing on my classroom. I do so many baseball related things in my classroom on a weekly basis, I should really focus on that as well. I am pretty amazed at how much they remember in terms of geography of where teams are located and some of the history that has been taught along the way. This Friday, Andre’s birthday, will be the Anniversary of the Opening of Dodger Stadium back in 1962. My students will remember that forever because I have attached it to Andre’s birthday, which has been a non-stop topic since April 1st. The still remember all the Jackie Robinson stuff we focused on back in February, and the fact that they know the difference between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Los Angeles Dodgers in terms of location

  33. vl4ecc

    Good evening all!
    I sure hope Wolf starts to find the strike zone. At this rate, he won’t last long. As I type this he gets out of the jam…

  34. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – it’s because I don’t advertise it 🙂 I am working on a post now. I am behind. My last post was on Kershaw’s birthday, March 22nd. I will finish and post a link 🙂


    Looks like the stutter gremlin is back!!!!!! Manram doubles for his first 2009 hit.

  36. digthedodgers

    Nelly ~ that is a great way to teach your different subjects. I am certain my passion for sports as an elementary student helped me with my geography, history, and especially math. I use sports with my students to help make a connection and model how much a passion for something worthwhile can make their lives much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work!!!
    Way to go Manny and Russ!!!

  37. jhallwally

    Hey Nelly/Mom!!!! Nice blog site Mayz!! Of course I will probably call you Greenie from here on out. I tend to do nicknames. Helps me keep everyone’s identity in order. LOL!!! That’s how our beloved Debbie Nelson became Nelly. Heck, I didn’t even know that DNelson was a girl!!!!

  38. shad78

    This is freaking weird I just turned on the A’s/Angels game and Nomar is batting 4th and wearing #1 instead of 5.

  39. nellyjune

    Hey jhall/Wally – how are you? I remember those first days when I first started writing. A little over a year ago now. It feels like it’s been forever.


    Way to get us the lead back boys… Now come on Wolf and settle down and keep us in the lead!!

  41. shad78

    They said the last person who wore that number was Billy Martin and wow that must’ve been along time ago.

  42. vl4ecc

    I just saw a Soriano highlight where he launched one almost completely out of Minute Maid park in Houston on a low & outside pitch to tie it up aganst the Stro’s. Such amazing power from a not so big guy!

  43. trublu4ever

    My is not very good tonight either. It’s almost as bad as ITD has been with their service the past several days. I’m passed being miffed!!!

  44. digthedodgers

    What’s wierd is that I like to listen to Charlie and Rick in the middle innings on while I watch the game on directv, but last night and tonight the radio feed is ahead of the feed on tv. Yet, the video on is horrible so far….go figure.

  45. nellyjune

    Good Evening to you to Shad 🙂

    Thanks digthedodgers!!! With all the test driven things I have to do nowadays, I have to keep inventing things to make me enjoy what I am doing, or I will get stuck in the trap of thinking only of assessments and how am I going to get through the next one. Baseball seems to be the constant that goes all year long and has become part of the routine. I also throw in a little NFL and March Madness in there when I can. I am thinking of a way to incorporate NASCAR somewhat as well for next year.

  46. vl4ecc

    Hey nells! I doubt very seriously I’ll be able to catch the whole game online. O’ dark thirty wakeups are rough! I may have to hope to catch highlights on Sportscenter before I head out to work.

  47. nellyjune

    Okay – my 8:33 post was posted before my 8:29 post. I thought I had lost the 8:33 post and was getting ready to retype it when it shows up all of a sudden. This is just too bizarre.

  48. jhallwally

    No doubt Nelly!!!! We (Dad/you/Beav/me/and the other santient bloggers) had to band together to keep our sanity when JoJo and Ned were running amok and just being plain ignorant with contracts and lineup last year!!! Geez!!!! Then you throw in the psychopaths from Dodger
    Thoughts and other places I can’t even imagine (threatening peoples lives and such), it is amazing that we held it together.

  49. nellyjune

    jhall – It’s called perserverence, and boy did we persevere through some of that, and we soon will again I am sure of it – LOL!!!!!

  50. digthedodgers

    Gotta hit the hay…I’ll have to watch our incredible comeback in the morning. ‘nite all.
    Go Dodgers!!!

  51. nellyjune

    See, last year’s team, I would be worried right now because of the lack of run support, but this year’s team, not so much. As long as pitching can help us hang on, I think the hitting will get it done tonight.

  52. shad78

    I didn’t even notice Ohmen played at Pepperdine as Wolf. I can’t believe yahoo have Ohmen wearing a Braves hat but they are really fast putting Mota in a LA hat.

  53. shad78

    I didn’t even notice Ohmen played at Pepperdine as Wolf. I can’t believe yahoo have Ohmen wearing a Braves hat but they are really fast putting Mota in a LA hat. Loretta is still in an Astros hat.

  54. nellyjune

    jhall – I don’t know if I told you this, but Michael’s “personal” pitching coach, Ben, got hired as a bullpen coach for the Modesto Nuts (Rockies single A affiliate). Their opening night is Thursday,and we are going to go see them play.

  55. nellyjune

    That was not so good, but with this lineup, certainly not all is lost 🙂 LET’S GO DODGERS!!!!!!


    It’s funny… wth the way Manny was INSANE last year…. you just expected him to get it done there…. I really do like that this year, we never feel like we’re out of it!


    It’s funny… wth the way Manny was INSANE last year…. you just expected him to get it done there…. I really do like that this year, we never feel like we’re out of it!


    Anyone else really ********** that we’re not going undefeated this year!!! damnit!! hahahaha…. I do really like that I never feel like we’re out of it…. Last year I would have turned off the game as soon as we were down by 2!! haha


    Anyone else really ********** that we’re not going undefeated this year!!! damnit!! hahahaha…. I do really like that I never feel like we’re out of it…. Last year I would have turned off the game as soon as we were down by 2!! haha

  60. oldbrooklynfan

    Like watching wax figures some times, at this rate I have no idea when this game will possible end,

  61. oldbrooklynfan

    Like watching wax figures some times, at this rate I have no idea when this game will possible end,

  62. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl /jhall- Here’s the link to my blog……..not much on the post I just did, but some of the previous ones are pretty good. I was trying to do a post 3 times a week for the most part, but Spring Training wasn’t all that exciting to write about. Once the boys get into full gear, it will be much easier to keep more frequent updates. I never did advertise I had my own on here. ITD is my favorite, always will be, and I would never want to take away from that. Most of what I write on here has just been pretty much restated on my own. The only difference is I can add pictures if I choose.

  63. nellyjune

    I lost another post in ITD cyberspace somewhere. So, if it shows up later, I am apologizing now.

    bluecrewgirl/jhall and whoever – here is the link to my blog I told bcg I would post. This recent entry isn’t great, but some of the other ones are pretty good. I was doing an entry about 2-3 times a week, but Spring Training wasn’t all that exciting, but that will change now that the season is underway with a lot more to talk about. I never mentioned it on here because ITD is my favorite and I love it too much to take away from it. Most of what I have written on mine, I have said on here. The only difference is I can add pictures.


    They write the big article about Raffy on the home page…. and he has a terrible night!! haha. Anyway, no undefeated season this year… darn!! Everyone have a good night… see ya

  65. nellyjune

    Well that game was no fun!!!! Funny thing though…’s not like last year. It’s not all bad. I know we are going to get this done, we aren’t going to win 162 games, and that’s okay because we are going to have a great year.

  66. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m hoping the Padres will bring in a pitcher who will be having a bad night so the Dodger could do something.

  67. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m hoping the Padres will bring in a pitcher who will be having a bad night so the Dodger could do something.

    Im still watching the game and my post game alert just came in.

  68. nellyjune

    joepierre – I haven’t tried here, but I can at work, and it’s awesome. I am thinking because I am networked at work, it probably runs faster.

  69. oldbrooklynfan

    Well I just saw the end of that game.
    We had one good one and one bad one.
    This game was all Padres after the 5th inning, I mean all Padres. Whenever the Dodgers swung they either missed or popped up.

  70. oldbrooklynfan

    Well I just saw the end of that game.
    We had one good one and one bad one.
    This game was all Padres after the 5th inning, I mean all Padres. Whenever the Dodgers swung they either missed or popped up.

  71. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m sorry they changed it the old version was much better,
    This is the worst TV I ever watched.

  72. jhallwally

    Well, Crap!!!! Tough loss. I really thought we could get to their pitching. Nelly, nice site. Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. nellyjune

    Thanks jhall – it’s kind of fun, but like I said, ITD is the best and I enjoy it here too much.

    Good night joepierre!!!!!

  74. sparkleplenty_1

    Got kicked off and was just able to get on – in time to say “good night” . See all you good people tomorrow.

  75. jhallwally

    Very disappointing game tonight gang!!! Hope you all have a great evening/night and a better tomorrow. I will catch you all later. GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. nellyjune

    Good night jhall!!!! It was great seeing you my friend, and let’s get this game tomorrow. I am confident we will take the series. We had a rough outing and that will happen, but this team has got it in them to do something spectacular and it’s going to happen. Just wait and see. Take care and God Bless!!!!

  77. bluecrewgirl

    Goodnight jhall and diggie. Great job on your blog, Nelly. By the way, I love the title! I still haven’t gotten my Dodger Magazine, but I called and it’s supposed to be shipped soon. That’s great that you make learning fun for your class. I bet they all look forward to coming every day. Tonight’s game was a disappointment. Andre usually rakes Young. He did get robbed of a single on his 3rd at bat. I think they’ll all rebound to tomorrow. This blog has been so slow tonight. Talk to you later.

  78. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ I was hoping this site was fixed but I see by how long it took me to log on, that it’s going to be a problem for quite some time.

  79. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ I was hoping this site was fixed but I see by how long it took me to log on, that it’s going to be a problem for quite some time.

  80. Dodger4life

    It seems that if MLB was concerened about the lack of attendance this coming season they would’nt be having all these problems in the opening week of baseball. This is just about the worst first week of any product I have ever been associated with. Get it together!!!!!!
    The games are Awesome the access is rediculous at times.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  81. trublu4ever

    Dodger4life ~ You are so right! The game the first night on was pretty good but last night it was so bad, I ended up listening to it on radio. This blog and all the problems we’ve had is another example of poor service.

  82. trublu4ever

    Taking 10 minutes for a post to appear is not acceptable! This has been going on long enough! The same problems are happening on The picture is great but it freezes up so much it would take until wee hours of the morning for the game to be completed. I ended up having to listen to the game on the radio. PLEASE MLB.COM GET THESE PROBLEMS FIXED!!!!!

  83. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    In my frustration with the log in process, I forgot to greet the masses. Sorry!!!
    I feel a little like we let one get away yesterday, those things will happen over a long season I suppose. We will regroup and come out kicking today however. Chad Billingsley brings his fastball to Petco tonight agianst the Padres. Game 3 of the series, Lets Bring this one home with us.
    Wolf gave us an oppourtunity last night we just did’nt capitalize on it.
    The bullpen did a fine job last night, keep up the good work Boy’s.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!

  84. Dodger4life

    It is just frustrating to all of the baseball loyalist. I can just imagine how the new breed feels. We will just have to hang in there Tru. We are’nt going anywhere. Maybe things will get better SOON???
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  85. Dodger4life

    I guess the need heavy traffic to test the programs???
    They were asking everyone to take advantage of the free games leading up to opening week, hoping I suppose to handle all the request. I am sure it will be resolved soon.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  86. trublu4ever

    I hope so, Dodger4life. A lot of our regulars have given up posting for a while because it was a major problem.

  87. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Too bad about last night’s game. Oh well, it would’ve been very difficult to win 162 games this year! Only 2 games into the season, and I have a lot to say! That, plus it’s been a couple of days since I last signed on, some of my answers are going back a couple of days…

    Cat – I’m going to be sitting in the Infield Reserved Section – Aisle 1. I’ve seen your picture before. If you get a chance to come up to my section, I’ll look out for you! Hope to see you Monday!

    Nelly – That article you posted from Simers, I can’t believe that he or anyone wrote an article about Manny on just ONE game. C’mon. I KNOW that Manny is a difference maker on this team. I think LA fans/media aren’t going to be as hard on Manny as Boston fans/media were. Oh, and also, Clayton Kershaw’s birthday is actually March 19. I know; it’s the same day as my brother’s birthday!

    Yetta and Makeatrade – Welcome to ITD!

    Crash – Out of your 3 scenarios (Send DeWitt to minors, Trade DY for a pitcher, Trade Pierre for a pitcher) I don’t think that trading Pierre for anyone will ever happen until, perhaps, the last year of his contract. Even then, I still don’t hold out much hope of that. I’ve always thought that DeWitt would benefit much more from playing everyday in AAA. I just hope him sitting on the bench doesn’t screw him up too bad. Trading DY? I think that’s a possibility, but if DY is traded, I think it’ll take more than DY to get a pitcher of any type of quality. I just hope for his sake that the Dodgers do trade him. I like DY, but I hate what the Dodgers are doing to this kid.

    Brandon – Belasario looked VERY good last night. Could he be this years Wade? Yes, I think he can! His stuff looks very impressive!

  88. ramslover

    Well we will not go 162-0…imagine that…So far the BP has done its job..Wolf may have worn down in the 6th…Tough at bat with Gonzalez, and then it was downhill…Most importantly lets get the bats going..not too concerned again we are in a hitters nightmare Petco….Lets hope the boys put a whooping on the Friars tonight….

    Lets Go Dodgers!!!

  89. cpompe1

    Rams is in the ITD house! How are you my bud?

    And what’s with all of the hiccups??? MLB better fix this soon. It’s annoying as heck…

  90. cpompe1

    Well, I’ve gotta go. Cleaning to do, and I have an interview this afternoon. I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  91. Dodger4life

    Hi cp!! I am just fabulous, I hope you are too. It is a rainy gloomy day today in my neck of the woods. Life is good today though. GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  92. cpompe1

    Oh yeah!!! I finally got thru!!! Now lets see if MLB still has its hiccup problems.

    D4 – Thx for the words. I just got back from my interview. I think it went well. I know you do, but just keep praying for me!!!

    Emma – MLB is having major problems. I’ve been having problems signing in all day. I’m sure they know about the problems and hopefully there will be no more problems SOON!!!

  93. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!
    original song Chicken Fried by: The Zac Brown Band.
    You know I’ve got Dodger Pride
    Cold beer on opening night
    A pair of seats way out in right
    Vin and the radio on
    Well I was raised up beneath a place they call Chavez Ravine
    The Dodgers home you know
    Farmer John, Dodger Dogs, and me
    Where my spirit grows
    In my house, its all we can talk about
    and its filled with love, thats grown on hallowed ground
    And a little bit of Dodger pride
    Cold beer on opening night
    A pair of seats way out in right
    Vin and the radio on
    I’d like to look up high
    See a Dodgers championhip flag fly
    Feel the touch of a series ring
    And know were not done
    It’s funny how it’s the little things in life that mean the most
    Not where you live, what you drive
    Or the price tag on your clothes
    Theres no dollar sign on a piece of mind
    This I’ve come to know
    So if you’ll agree, Have a drink with me
    raise your glasses for a toast
    To a little bit of Dodger Pride
    Cold beer on opening night
    a pair of seats way out in right
    Vin and the radio on
    I’d like to look up high
    See a Dodgers championship flag fly
    Feel the touch of a series ring
    And know were not done
    I thank God for my life
    And for the Stars and Stripes
    May freedom forever fly, Let it ring
    Salute the ones who die
    The ones who give thier lives
    So we dont have to sacrifice, all the things we love
    Like our Dodger Pride
    Cold beer on opening night
    A pair of seats way out in right
    Vin and the radio on
    I’d like to look up high
    See a Dodgers championship flag fly
    Feel the touch of a series ring
    And know were not done
    Like a Dodger Pride
    Cold beer on opening night
    A pair of seats way out in right
    Vin and the radio on
    I’d like to look up high
    See a Dodgers championship flag fly
    Feel the touch of a series ring
    and know were not done
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. Dodger4life

    Thanks digthed’s, It is a repost from during the offseason.
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!

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