Manny…in historical perspective

Mark Langill points out the following:

The return of outfielder Manny Ramirez in 2009 gives the Dodgers their most prolific slugger to begin a season in terms of his 527 lifetime home runs. The previous Opening Day record was the 503 career home runs that Hall of Fame outfielder Frank Robinson brought into his only season with the Dodgers after being acquired from the Baltimore Orioles. Robinson, who was 36 on Opening Day 1972, hit 19 home runs in 103 games with Los Angeles. He played through 1976 and finished with 586 home runs.

Free agent first baseman Fred McGriff joined the Dodgers in 2003 at age 39 with 478 home runs, but hit just 13 in 86 games and the Los Angeles marketing department’s “500” logo anticipating McGriff’s milestone remained in permanent storage. McGriff played one more season in 2004 with Tampa Bay, but hit only two and retired at 493.

When Eddie Murray returned to Los Angeles in September 1997 for his second stint as a Dodger, he had 504 home runs. That number didn’t change as Murray had two singles in seven at-bats and he retired after the season.

The chase for 600 home runs puts Ramirez in uncharted waters as no player has ever hit career home run No. 400 or 500 in a Dodger uniform. The franchise career home run record is held by Hall of Famer Duke Snider, who hit 389 with Brooklyn (316) and Los Angeles (73) from 1947 to 1962. First baseman Gil Hodges holds the Brooklyn franchise record for most home runs with 317 from 1947 to 1957 (and hit 361 overall as a Dodger through 1961 to rank No.2 behind Snider). The record for Los Angeles home runs is held by Eric Karros, who hit 270 from 1992 to 2002.

So who holds the record for owning the most career home runs while wearing a Dodger uniform? Alas, it’s a trick question. Babe Ruth, at the time baseball’s home run king at 714, coached first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers during the 1938 season.

Here’s today’s lineup against the Rangers (who actually have Andruw Jones hitting fourth)

Paul, RF

DeWitt, SS

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Young, DH

Repko, LF

Castro, 3B

Hu, 2B

Ellis, C


  1. enchantedbeaver

    Andruw Jones is actually hitting .273. After starting 2 for 14 he’s 4 for his last 8. Our Mr. Pierre however is hitting .143. He does though have more RBI’s than Druw (2 to 0.)

  2. nellyjune

    Maybe it is good that Andruw is doing good so far. Maybe someone will think yougnomewho just needs a change of scenery as well 🙂 …………anything at this point to get him out of the Dodger dugout before April 6th.

  3. enchantedbeaver

    If Schmidt can’t get Andruw out today, I think its time we seriously look at Pedro Martinez. Huggy Bear just doesn’t float my boat as #5.

  4. dodgereric

    Returning for a moment to the last thread, I’d like to say that I’ll miss reading Diamond Leung. I hope he resurfaces somewhere locally.

    And also revisiting the pitching from the last thread, I’ve always liked Pedro. As long as he isn’t ridiculous with his contract demand, I’d give him a try.

    And for starting pitching later in the year, let’s not forget about (at least the possibility of) Ben Sheets. He’s hoping to pitch again later this season.

  5. mccheap

    hey guys..just got back from camelback last nigth. I was there sat and sun and it was a great experience. The only thing i didn’t like was the fact that we share a facility with another team. For some reason it just doesn’t feel rigth. Overall it was great, im sure the place will improve over time. Tons of dodger fans and a great place to see our dodgers up and close. I got several autographs( Pierre, mattingly, wade, troncoso, schmidt, colletti and a few others..) Unfortunately i didn’t get manny’s. If you guys haven’t gone out there a would suggest go out there, it’s an experience like no other

  6. berkowit28

    Aren’t you going to tell us who the starting pitcher is, even in games using DH where he doesn’t appear in the batting line-up? I guess I can go find out on

  7. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    It’s been a while, I know! Glad to hear that Schmidt is pitching today. I REALLY hope that he does well. Jason, just don’t overdo it! And Princess Druw is batting 4th??? Will wonders never cease! If Schmidt pitches to Princess Druw today (I thought I heard that he’s only pitching one inning), that should be interesting. I heard a rumor sometime last week that perhaps Pedro is on the Dodgers’ radar. As long as they don’t overpay for him, I wouldn’t mind seeing Pedro in a Dodgers’ uniform again! The last time was too short and was dealt for all the wrong reasons.

    So how are my ITD friends today???

  8. nellyjune

    Thanks dodgereric ~ I was wondering what everyone was thinking about Pedro. I wasn’t quite sure myself. All I know is he pitched pretty good over the weekend, and it sounds like he wants to be a Dodger.

    enchanted – along the same lines. I think we need somebody else (Martinez perhaps) if Schmidt doesn’t have a good outing.

    Hi CP – How are you doing today?

    Grizzly – Glad you had a great time!!!

  9. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl! I’m doing well. We had a family reunion this weekend here in Ventura. It was a lot of fun. And I started playing with some little girls (two of them were sisters, age 2 and 4). Boy, I forgot how much energy kids have at that age! But it was fun! And my shoulder is feeling better. I still have my roadblock where my shoulder can’t move, but it’s better than it was!

    So how’s school? How’s the Academy?

  10. trublu4ever

    Good afternoon everyone. If we really want Pedro, I thik he could be had at a decent price. It’s something we should look into since he has stated that he’d like to be a Dodger.
    Hope we have a good game today….should see who will most likely make the roster, don’t you think?

  11. cpompe1

    Hey Tru! It’s great to see ya! Yeah, I think if we get Pedro, I think we can finally say that our team will be hard to beat! Can you imagine a rotation of Billz, Kuroda-san, Kersh, Wolf, and Pedro? (And not necessarily in that order!)

  12. nellyjune

    CP – School and the academy are going really well. Only 57 days to go until summer, but, no………….I am not counting – LOL!!! I dearly love this group for the genuine love they have for certain things, but there are some that have behaviors that I just haven’t been able to control to my liking yet. It’s like those athletes (I am thinking of TO) who you know are coming with certain behaviors, and the next team thinks they are the ones that can change it. Well, I am the new team, and I haven’t fixed it yet.

    Sorry to hear about your shoulder, but it sounds like your family reunion was fun 🙂

  13. cpompe1

    But the one idea I heard here on ITD a while ago was to make Kersh the 5th starter. That way, you can easily give him days off, protect that not-quite 21-year old arm while still having him in the rotation!

  14. trublu4ever

    Cp & Nellyjune ~ It looks like we have the pitching figured out. See, it wasn’t that difficult! lol

  15. scurtis1999

    I hope Schmidt gets rocked today and we bring in Pedro. I can’t wait for the Andruw vs Schmidt matchup if they face each other.

    LA should ship Pierre off to Texas and him and Druw can have fun down there with Chuck Norris and the Rangers.

  16. cpompe1

    So you’re not counting yet, huh? 😉 Again, I give you so much credit even for being a teacher! I love kids, but there is no way I could ever be a teacher. I don’t have the patience to deal with things that teachers always have to put up with!

    Yeah Tru, that was easy, wasn’t it! Hey Ned, get Pedro’s agent on the phone! BTW, Pedro’s agent isn’t Borass, is it?

    Hey scurtis! I know you answered my question about, “What is The Cell?” from a few days ago! Thanks! How is Chicago these days???

  17. scurtis1999

    Cpompe. Chicago is cold and miserable. I am ready for the summer and to spend it on the lake shore beaches playing volleyball and chasing women lol I love it here in the summer but these winters are killing me. Just getting over bronchitis too. ugh

    yeah no problem. I forget some people don’t hear the term “the cell” too much.

    Ready for some Dodger baseball today?

    Broxton pitched well for team USA last night!

  18. enchantedbeaver

    You guys look at schedule the final half month of the season? 7 against Pittsburgh, 3 against Wash., 2 vs. Puds. with three each against the Gints and the Rox. If they need to make a charge, that’s a pretty favorable list of teams to do it against.

  19. cpompe1

    Scurtis – Sorry to hear that Chicago is cold and miserable. I have a brother-in-law that lives near there (Belvidere). And having bronchitis while you’re living in the cold, yuck. Yes, I am ready for Dodger baseball! I heard Broxton pitched well for Team USA last night, but I’ve been running around and still haven’t been able to see an entire game. Some day I will.

    Well, I’ve gotta go. Probably won’t be back today as we have hockey tickets for tonight! I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  20. nellyjune

    Thanks CP!! I do love this age group, and I love what I do even through the difficult classes. I figure there is a reason God gave me this class, and maybe someday I will know why.

  21. Dodger4life

    Game time:…. Schmidt to face Visquel, Boggs and Blalock, then Andruw….Go get em.. Schmidt!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. scurtis1999

    Schmidt only gave up one hit and he was thrown out stealing when Druw was up to bat. I just read on espn Dodger site his fastball only topped out at 89. That used to be what his change topped out at.

  23. oldbrooklynfan

    Pretty nice first inning by Schmidt.
    Got in just in time to catch the start of the game.
    I think how he does is probably the most important thing today.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  24. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Ellis has been good all Spring. Has a good arm to 2nd and can hit. So, I think since we’ve signed Brad for this season, he will come up next year.

  25. nellyjune

    Hey joepierre!!! How are you doing?

    enchanted – I am assuming we are doing good right now by your comments, yes?

  26. oldbrooklynfan

    How do you call that, one bad pitch or 9 bad pitches when you count those walks??
    Honeycutt must of told him to stop being too careful.

  27. enchantedbeaver

    Seriously though, if Schmidt is “healthy” enough not to go on the DL at the start of the season, and too crappy to pitch, what do you do with him???

  28. scurtis1999

    Druw should quit after that. If he can’t catch up to an 89 mph fastball then QUIT lol

    The walks hurt more then the HR!

  29. enchantedbeaver

    Gotta figure even soft tossing that Schmidt might be a little wild both in and out of the strike zone. I’m happy for him that he’s finally competing back out there on the mound, but I don’t think he’s the answer to #5.

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    JP will most likely be the 4th outfielder no matter what he does.
    Unless they find him a team to trade him to. Which is doubtful.

  31. scott_in_arcadia

    Hi Joe Pierre!

    I’ll be happy when you’re the only Pierre around here.

    Well, here’s Claudio “chopped liver” Vargas making a run for the 5 spot. Yuck!

  32. nellyjune

    Andruw hit a homerun – Well, good for him. Yougnomewho needs to do that to up his trade bait status. Nah!! What am I thinking?

  33. enchantedbeaver

    That’s it for Vargas as far as I’m concerned. You give up a HR to Andruw Jones, you’re done with any consideration of making the team.

  34. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!! you tell them enchantedGM. Just make sure manager dodgereric gets the message too – LOL!!!

  35. scott_in_arcadia

    Typical Ex-Dodger behavior. Andruw “Jeremy Burnitz” Jones!!!

    5th Starter tryouts: NEXT!

  36. enchantedbeaver

    This game ought to convince Ned that he needs both Beimel and Pedro, and not reclamation projects from the dung heap.

  37. crzblue2

    HEllo ITD!.
    Scott, Friday I went by the little league field. Funny that I ahd never noticed it before. I go to the Annunciation church next to it but I’ve been going to the Cathedral in Downtown a few times.

    I posted 4 pictures from Camelback. I was going to post more but it got to be too late after I had goten back and taken care of a few things at home. Took a pic with Lary King. I do see him at Dodger Stadium but never asked him for a picture. He wa svery nice with the fans.

    I took a walk to the minor league field and took several pictures but I only got to post the one with Preston Mattingly. Johnson was pitching very well.. Charlie Hough was also there watching his pitchers. Rus Mitchel was very nice aswering our questions.
    CP! Take care of that shoulder!
    Grizzly! So you were also at Camelback Ranch!?

    P.S. The history lesson from the thread was from Mark Langill.
    MarK; Thanks for the history lesson. I am Curious how many “500” balls from McGriff were stored away.

  38. crzblue2

    Anyone here know who TroyfromWestVirginia is? I took a picture with him. He had a sign “Bring Beimel Back” He was parading with it trying to get Ned’s attention in the suites and getting other fans to chant “We want Beimel back”.

  39. scott_in_arcadia

    Nice pictures Emma. I hope to visit Camelback in the next couple years. Did Larry King propose to you?

  40. oldbrooklynfan

    I see Troyfromwestviginia was writen up by Ken Gurnick.
    I’d like to see Joe Beimel come back.

  41. mccheap

    hey cryblue, yes it was a great experience. Hey i was there when Larry king was signing all those autographs..i think i remeber seeing you take that pic with king..awsome..i also saw troy from west virginia but i never realize he was the guy from dodgerblues..sweet

  42. crzblue2

    Scott Lol. thanks. His kid threw out the first ball and was honorary bat boy. Some kids have all the luck! Sundays they have kids run around the bases like at Dodger Stadium. They do charge $1.
    Joepierre: thanks. You should hang on to your pierre shirt. You know, they also have the pin. I have Loney’s. I could get it for you if you like.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    Huggy Bear pitches more like Snuggles®. Can we start trying out REAL pitchers for the #5 spot now???

  44. crzblue2

    E, I know Troy is a nutcase :-). He was quiet prior to the game. He was there with his stepson who is very quiet. I first met Troy in Pittsburgh when I was at my seat and then I saw someone with the long sideburns and knew that was him.

  45. oldbrooklynfan

    Thanks Emma, but I’m not into pins or shirts of active players, simply because they come and go,
    I generally go more for Dodger greats like Robinson & Koufax.
    Not while they have a chance to play against you later.
    I bought the Pierre shirt mainly because it’s my name.

  46. Dodger4life

    Just catching up on today’s events…Enchanted I suppose I did walk right into that one….Vargas gave up three HR, not to promising….ST or not!!! X-Paul has been ripping the ball.
    And JP is well….. bieng outplayed by Andruw, so far????
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. oldbrooklynfan

    I see tomorrow’s game is on MLB.TV, that great, I got nothing important to do.
    I haven’t had a chance to watch any Dodger games this year.

  48. nellyjune

    Well, our 4 SP seem to be doing well. Now we really need to figure out what to do with the rest. The BP isn’t exactly impressive right now, but we kind of figured that, didn’t we?

  49. crzblue2

    Pierre, I do the same now after I got burned buying Adrian Beltre’s jersey and he left us but if someone had my last name, I would buy it.

    I asked for Kent’s jersey for Christmas because he had said before that he was retiring and I have two Jackie Robinson’s jersey. One is the regular material and the other one is a game used with that material that keeps you cool. But I am done! No more jerseys for me, unless is a Sandy Koufax one.

  50. scott_in_arcadia

    Milton is looking like the best #5 right now(in camp that is). I think Kuo and Elbert will be fine. Weaver in a long relief role might be ok, but I’m sleeping with one eye open.

  51. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ I think Estes and Huggy Bear are out….so, maybe Milton will be in……then again, maybe not! lol Can’t seem to make up my mind.


    Not sure the history lesson above is such a good idea given that a number of these veterans did not do very well as Dodgers. Anyone interested in a Fred McGriff bobblehead?

  53. trublu4ever

    No knuckleball pitchers, PLEASE! They are more trouble than they are worth. I had enough bad moments with Charlie Hough!

  54. enchantedbeaver

    Well if we can figure out a way to score 13 runs a game, Schmidt and Huggy can still make the team.


    I don’t much care how A. Jones does for the rest of his career as long as he does not do anything against the Dodgers in a critical situation. The bottom line is he crapped out while wearing a Dodger uniform and he no longer wears one.

  56. dodgereric

    Schmidt, Vargas, Estes, Weaver and me all have something in common.
    We all used to have good arms.

  57. dodgereric

    Pardon me, I made a terrible error and I apologize.
    Schmidt, Vargas, Estes, Weaver and I

  58. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Charlie Hough’s loooong career gave me my gray hair!!! Of, course, now I’m a beautiful blond!

  59. crzblue2

    Charlie Hough was the pitching coach for the San Bernardino 66rs. I imagine he still has the position. I saw him at Camelback Ranch on Sunday. He was checking out the baby blue while they were having an intersquad game.

  60. trublu4ever

    crzblu ~ I believe you are right. They mentioned him on the game and I know he is still with the Dodgers.

  61. crzblue2

    ibirken, lol. I also have the McGriff BBH. Actually two.
    Saturday when I saw Sweeney in uniform, I was what? What is he doing in uniform?” I guess he now works as a coach. When I exited the stadium Saturday, he was driving next to us. The next day I saw him in the batting cages working with Etheir. I was like”Oh No”.


    Sweeney was a decent pinch hitter when he signed and probably a decent clubhouse guy. I don’t have a problem with him as a coach. He also crapped out as a player while wearing a Dodger uniform.

    I remember Jack Clark as the Dodger hitting instructor. Talk about someone unpopular as a Dodger opponent now wearing Dodger blue! He got booed on opening day when his name was announced!

  63. crzblue2

    Tru, He was really nice when I talked to him at San Bernardino. That was the night that the Booster club feeds the team after the game.

    If anyone is interested in attending this game this year, I will let you know when the Booster club announces the day. I know some of you are far away but some of you that are closer might like to attend a game there. We get the option of purchasing regular tickets or the All you can eat.


    I think one has to be impressed with Charlie Hough’s career simply because he found a way to stay in the game for so long when he really did not have a lot of talent. As I recall the knuckleball pretty much kept him in the game. I agree that knuckeball pitchers don’t do much for me either but the guys who have excelled at that pitch are few and far between.

  65. enchantedbeaver

    I liked Hough, not as a closer mind you, but he went on to have a decent career starting long after he left the Ds. Never could understand why the Ds didn’t use him as a starter. Knuckleballers have no business being the go to save guy.


    I thought Hough was used as a starter for some of his career with the Dodgers but a check of his stats confirms otherwise. Enchanted, you are right, what were they thinking? He did go on to a decent career with Texas as a starter.

  67. demrmybums

    I think we are overreacting to the difficulties that our pitchers are having in the Cactus league. Home runs and high scoring games are a norm for this league. It is not LA.
    so bear it with a grain of salt and give the players a chance to perform. By the way the same goes for our hitters they are hitting in a AAA environment ie Pacific Coast or Colorado without the humidifiers.

  68. ramslover

    Hello all, another great Dodger win….X Paul for the 4th outfielder spot….he is raking…I have not seen him pitch, but Milton stats are impressive…I just remember when he signed with the Reds and knowing that he was a fly ball pitcher…Why would you sign with the Reds…I understand the money, but common sense if you care about your not go to the Reds ballpark to pitch it is a bandbox….

    It figures Pillsbury doe Jones gets his 1st HR and RBI against the team that he is stealing from…

    Pedro would be great to see in Dodger Blue again..all the great feedback about Camelback is good to hear…I hope to go next year…

  69. trublu4ever

    Ramslover ~ I like X Paul a lot too……..he seems to have a good bat and can throw the ball. Let’s just hope we can move YouGnomeWho and that way maybe he will get a shot.

  70. Dodger4life

    Good to see you Rams…..Nice comments as alway’s
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. demrmybums

    Go Dodgers!!!!!
    Hopefully Martin will be in the lineup Thursday with Manny. I anticipate that he will probably be in the lineup for Spring Training games no more that 4 or 5 times a week. Also I would like to see him starting no more than 5 games a week during the regular season to see if that would improve his second half performance. That way he may have something left for the playoffs.
    Go Dodgers!!!!!

  72. ramslover

    I was watching the video of Dodgertown on the website from the 5th and the guys that I usually go to ST with are on the last 10-15 seconds getting autographs from Manny…Its not FAir!!!!!

  73. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Canada Out = Russell back!!

    Good Night Ramslover!!! Sorry I missed you:)

  74. dodgereric

    “I think we are overreacting to the difficulties that our pitchers are having in the Cactus league.”

    bums, if you’re still around – I agree that ST is nearly meaningless particularly with pitching unless you know what the “plan” is for any one pitcher for that day. My reservations about our bullpen is based on the results over the last couple of years of everyone that Colletti has signed to pitch relief. We’re going to need more than Brox, Kuo and Wade of course. I think McDonald will be in the rotation eventually and I’m looking around for help. There’s 4 more slots to filll and I don’t see anyone that isn’t attached to a lot of very wishful thinking.

    Call me pessimistic, but ………

  75. jhallwally

    Hey Dad/Chevelle and Mom/Nelly!!! Good to read you as always. I’ve missed your words of wisdom Eric. Hopefully the bullpen will develope favorably in the next couple of weeks. I’d certainly like to have Biemel back. I think he would come back at a decent salary!!!

  76. jhallwally

    As we’ve all seen, a strong bullpen is crucial to winning a championship. Just look at the Mets. On paper with their lineup they were picked to win the NL. Weak bullpen and they just blew up.

  77. nellyjune

    Pitching does seem to be an issue. I know it’s spring training, but when Andruw can hit his first homerun off of you, it needs to be looked into 🙂

  78. nellyjune

    I am doing great!!! I can’t complain about much. I am sure Eric is around somewhere, probably working on his NASCAR fantasy league stuff.

  79. dodgereric

    Well, shoot howdy! I guess I’ll put my NASCAR newsletter on hold for a while! Jhall/Wally!!!! Good to see/read you!! And good evening Junie!

  80. jhallwally

    Always a true pleasure Chevelle my friend. Weather here has warmed up. 70’s today. Gonna get another somewhat cold spell this weekend. But, 40’s and lows in the high 20’s is not so bad after the real cold of January and February. Those single digit temps just hurt. LOL!!!!

  81. jhallwally

    Got to keep all the Dodger turmoil in perspective so to speak. Not nearly as chaotic as last year at this time however.

  82. nellyjune

    Scary would be a good way of putting it Ward Dear, not to mention crazy, strange and at times, our new word….surreal 🙂

    So, the fact that it dropped from the 70’s to the 50’s in one day probably won’t warrant any sympathy from the east coast folks. I know it doesn’t with Dodger4life in Idaho 🙂

  83. dodgereric

    It seems to me that you’ve been on the road a lot, so much so that you’re seldom home. Anyway ……… pitching and defense ………… I think we’ve got the defense this year, barring injuries. Even Torre is worried about the bullpen:
    “We’re not quite there,” Torre said. “The starters are all right. But we invited a lot of guys [on Minor League contracts], and we really haven’t had anybody jump out at us.”

  84. nellyjune

    Well, yougnomewho is still an issue in the outfield, especially when X. Paul is doing a pretty good job right now. Still, not half as bad as last season. At least we know who the starting outfield is for now. Pitching is a whole other ballgame right now.

  85. jhallwally

    Yep Dad, traveling alot. Should settle down now for awhile. If we can stay healthy, I think we can go a long way. Younger now, so I am optimistic that we will be healthier.

  86. nellyjune

    So, with all the pitching that was available while we were playing chicken with Manny, did anybody listen to Torre about how he needed pitching. I mean I know we give Joe alot of crap, but I do recall him asking for some pitching, right? I don’t think Joe got what he was asking for, or did he……proven veteran leaders like only Ned knows how to find.

  87. nellyjune

    In the photo gallery on the homepage, there is a picture of Andre and JP, and JP looks like he is totally disgusted at everything.

  88. jhallwally

    Hopefully the bullpen will shake out over the next couple of weeks. I am not too worried about it yet. Gettin’ late here, catch you all later. Sweet Dodger Dreams.

  89. jhallwally

    LOL Nell’!! I don’t suppose Phew is a happy camper at the moment. Do the right thing Ned, find a better fit for Phew!!!


    Does anyone play baseball video games? (if yes)I have ps3 and was wondering which i should get, the show or the other one. And then is Manny on the dodgers, does anyone know?

  91. nellyjune

    It’s only 2 am jhall – LOL!!! Who needs sleep? LOL!!! Good Night Wally, and thanks for coming on to visit. Take Care!!!!

    I know it will be great!! We have an awesome lineup so if nothing else, they will just score enough runs so we may not have to worry about pitching.

  92. nellyjune

    LOL!!! I know gscott1 – too funny!! jungar posted a picture of him a couple weeks ago. They are like twins!!!!

  93. dodgereric

    Man, I just spent the last 30 minutes typing out the best post only to get the dreaded “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” and flush it all away. Bah!

    Goodnight jhall! Get some rest, buddy! I’ll try to catch your optimism.

  94. nellyjune

    jungar – According to northstateblues via facebook, “The Show” is the better game for ps3 by far, and the reviews are saying the same thing.

  95. nellyjune

    Dodgereric ~I hope you got all your NASCAR stuff finished. That race was just a crazy one. I am going to bed. Take Care and God Bless to you and your family 🙂

    Good Night ITD readers and writers!!!! See you in the morning and ready for some more Dodger Baseball. Take Care Dodger Fans!!!!

  96. ramslover

    Good morning all, lets hope for a Dodgers win and for the BP to start to develop….I am not too concerned as it is still early…We really need Wade and Kuo to be healthy, if they are not I will panic….
    2.Wade/Kuo sharing the 7th and 8th depending on matchups
    3. Mota, please find so of the magic of 4-5 years ago.
    4. Elbert…one bad inning so far, if he continues to develop he will be ok. Ditto for Mcdonald…
    5. Weaver/Milton, they have been impressive so far and one of them will be the long man and maybe Milton becomes a situational lefty..or one of them becomes the 5th starter..I really think Weaver will be effective in the BP…call me crazy, but he always had nasty stuff for a couple of innings then blew up.

    Who else falls into place is a mystery, not alot of depth…this could be our achilles heel…Cruz would have been a good sign, the Dodgers dropped the ball there, lets stay optimistic….Troncoso has been a diappointment so far, I thought he pitched well last year and would develop….You just never know!!!

  97. dodgereric

    Goooood morning ITD!!!

    Junie, sorry to leave you last night but I was having problems with the connection. It took me until 1am to get my letter out. I don’t know about these wireless connections sometimes.

    Rams, that’s what I’m talking about.
    “Mota, please…”
    “Elbert, if…”
    “Ditto McDonald…”
    “Weaver/Milton so far….”

    Maybe I’ve just got a faulty memory but I just don’t remember having virtually the entire staff in question before. Even the “set” guys:
    Billz – broken leg
    Kuroda – inconsistant last year
    Kershaw – talented but 20
    Wolf – injury history
    Brox – can he develop
    Kuo – will he hold up
    Wade – pain from last year

    Granted, the questions on these guys range from minor (I’m not worried about Billz) to major (I’m starting to be concerned about Wade – he was invaluable last year for us), but questions still. I guess we’ll find out, but we used to have a few sure things.

  98. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ Good morning to you, sir. People keep saying it’s only Spring and not to worry about the pitching. But, it is difficult not to worry, as you have pointed out. If Joe has any pull at all, and he wants pitching, I think something will be done before the season starts.

  99. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!! I don’t have much to add this morning. As far as pitching, I am in between panic mode and somewhat leery, and it’s mostly due to middle relief. There is a lot of Spring Training left so when they start cutting rosters, I think we will get a better picture of what we have and where we need to go.

    dodgereric – no worries, I figured as much!! I had the same exact same issue the night before trying to respond to a question from Shad on here, and then trying to pay bills and answer e-mails.

  100. enchantedbeaver

    I think management needs to table the Troncoso as starter idea for now and get him ready for the BP. As I see it, two weeks into ST, here’s the staff:
    SP1 – Billz
    SP2 – Kuroda
    SP3 – Wolf
    SP4 – Kersh
    SP5 – Schmidt/Milton
    Swingman – Weaver
    Situational Lefty – Milton/Elbert/Threets
    RP – Mota
    RP – Kuo
    RP – Wade
    RP – McDonald
    Closer – Brox

    No one else has made a case for themselves, certainly not Estes, and certainly not Vargas. They’re really hurting for that situational lefty (Elbert and Threets are on the list by default, and de fault is Ned’s.) Kuo and Wade are based solely on past performance and not current physical condition.

  101. trublu4ever

    I agree that Estes and Vargas won’t be with the team opening day. Just think, if we can score at least 10 runs a game, pitching won’t matter that much………of course, unless they give up 11.

  102. dodgereric

    I agree with your staff e. I like Milton over Schmidt for the time being. There’s a situational lefty out there named Beimel that would solve that particular problem.

  103. enchantedbeaver

    Stults had a golden opportunity here in ST also to step up, but he hasn’t either. I think Stults is just one of those guys where AAA is pretty much all he’ll achieve. He may toss some decent games in the majors now and then, but never really be any more than he is now.

    Estes just needs to hang ’em up. Vargas I guess goes to Albuquerque for dire emergencies (and it would have to be pretty dire.) Milton I really don’t see as #5, but unless you put Weaver or Schmidt in there, there’s really no one else. I don’t like Milton as the situational lefty either. Ideally, he’s the go to innings guy when the game’s out of hand one way or the other to save the rest of the BP, and maybe a spot start or two. Threets has been about the best of the NRI lefties, but that ain’t saying much.

  104. dodgereric

    James Cagney has a line in “Ragtime” that comes to mind, and I’m paraphrasing because it’s been a loooong time: “Louie, you’re a worthless piece of slime…..”

  105. enchantedbeaver

    If he was truely sorry, try donating half the money Frank’s paying him to one of Frank’s charities. I don’t buy it. I also don’t think he’ll do much if he makes it back to the majors. Facing minor league pitching in ST is a far cry from facing major league pitching during the season.

    Unless of course he’s back to juicing.

  106. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    I was glad to know that Schmidt threw live pitches in a live game again! Yes, it is only ST, but still, I was glad. I heard he had a good 1st inning and a not so good 2nd inning. I thought he was slated only to pitch one inning? Should’ve stopped at the first inning. Oh well. Regarding the Dodgers’ pitching staff, I really don’t think that I will feel totally comfortable with WHATEVER decisions they make as to who makes the team and where they’re going to pitch. At least I’m not going to feel comfortable for at least the first two months of the season. Unless the pitching implodes by the end of April and, well, I’m not going to think about it.

    And NOW Princess Druw apologizes to us??? Yeah Enchanted, Princess Druw SHOULD donate half the $ that Frank is paying him back to the Dodgers’ Dream Foundation. That’s only the right thing to do. But will he do it? Nooooo…

    Nelly – You were mentioning Torre before. Yes, I remember distinctly that Torre said that he needed pitching. And no, I too don’t think Joe got what he was asking for. Thanks Ned. And that picture of Andre and JP is just priceless!

    So how are my ITD friends this morning?

  107. nellyjune

    CP – yougnomewho looked like that was the last place he wanted to be, and how can you not be happy standing next to Andre – LOL!!!

  108. cpompe1

    Hey Eric! You know, it’s killing me right now that I know that the Dodgers are playing, but I don’t get to see them play. Yes, I know, I could pay to watch it online, but that’s something that I never like to do. I love watching the Dodgers play – even in “meaningless” games, but I’m not going to pay to watch them online. We have enough expenses; I don’t think paying to watch ST games isn’t worth it. I think that’s why I don’t have a feel for the pitching staff or who may or may not make it. The offense isn’t a problem; I know most of the hitters. But a lot of these reclamation projects that Ned got us (again, thanks Ned) to fill out the pitching holes, I can’t get a feel for them unless I’m watching them. And about hitting a home run off Vargas? I really don’t know.

    Nelly – Yeah, yougnomewho did look like that was the last place he wanted to be. I’d be thrilled to be standing next to Andre, but not yougnomewho!!!

  109. dodgereric

    That’s a fact, e & Junie.

    Hi cp. I share your feelings. Just seeing the uniforms out there after a long winter is exciting, but as far as paying good money to watch ST, well, my money is going elsewhere at the moment for more important things too.

    You say that you have a good knowledge of the hitters, so you’re not worried about the offense regardless of what happens in ST. That’s the very reason I’m skeptical of the “new” pitching talent that’s supposed to go to war with us.

  110. cpompe1

    Eric – Like I said, since I can’t (and won’t) pay to watch ST games online, I’m sort of skeptical of Ned’s reclamation projects. Again, I probably won’t feel comfortable until the end of May. Perhaps sooner than that, but I don’t hold out much hope.

    But Eric, are you saying that you’re worried about our offense? I guess if I really thought about it, I’d have some concerns too, but I think our Young Guns (Andre, Marty, James & Matty) will all have great years in 2009. I think, no, I KNOW we have a better bench than last year. No, the offense doesn’t worry me. It’s the pitching that does…

  111. enchantedbeaver

    Hey-ya CP!!

    I wonder if Joe or Ned doesn’t particularly care for Beimel. Seems like a no brainer (well I guess that kinda hits those nails on their heads) right now to bring him back.

  112. cpompe1

    Hey Enchanted! To be honest, I think it’s more Ned than Joe as to who is going to make an appearance at Camelback. What I told Nelly before, I’ll say it again. Joe wanted pitching and I don’t think Ned gave him what he wanted. I would think that Beimel would work well, but doesn’t it seem that they’ve moved on from him??? And yes, Beimel seems like a no-brainer. That says it all when it comes to Ned’s moves (or non-moves)…

  113. dodgereric

    Oh no, I’m not worried at all about the offense. Health is about the only issue there. If Furcal holds up, we could set the LA record for runs scored this season.

  114. cpompe1

    Okay Eric! I was just wondering. Yes, the BIGGEST issue now and for the rest of the season is the team’s collective health! I like A LOT of what I hear about our offense, but I am SOOOO excited to watch the O-Dawg and his defensive prowess! The one game I saw (March 1, the first game at Camelback), I am still so jazzed about that 1st inning play that Hudson made to get that batter out!

  115. enchantedbeaver

    Coming this April… a poor free agent waif escapes Chicago and runs away to Los Angeles to be taken in by Ned Colletti and his not so artful Dodgers. There he finds himself stealing for a living before the rest of the gang led by Joe Torre finally discovers his puny OBP and noodle arm and he’s relegated to a roll player. Watch as all hell breaks loose when Oliver, I mean Juan Pierre asks, Please Joe, may I play somemore?” They’ll be plenty of memorable tunes and dancing PVLs as you watch JUAN PIERRE TWIST.

    Rated NFWJ for No Friggin’ Way Juan

    ©NedCo Telepictures 2009

  116. nellyjune

    ..too much time on your hands today enchanted? However, you are called the Master for a reason ~ LMAO!!!!!!! It’s perfect!!!

  117. acardona16

    hi everyone!!
    I’m in class right now.. just wanted to stop by and say hi! and also congratulate Andre on receiving an award!! unfortunately I don’t think i can make it to opening day but I’m SO excited for the ’09 season!! the day after we signed manny i wore my ramirez shirt to school!! and i got a lot of compliments on it!! 🙂 okay well I better get going! I hope you all have a great day and I’ll be back on soon!! GO DODGERS!!!

    Acardona/Acardy/amy = Ethieraholic and dodger fan for life

  118. northstateblues

    Seen on my English Dept’s bulletin board under “Quote of the day”:

    “Experience is the name we give to our past mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde.

  119. northstateblues

    Hi Nelly! Yeah, I finished it. And I’m dead tired now ’cause of it, heh.

    I’ll be energy-drinking it on the way home.

    I had hoped the game would start at 12. I’ll settle for 1, though. Is Russ back yet? Would never have guessed they’d get knocked out with the 1st round in Toronto.

    And is it just me, or does anyone else think Tommy had a hand in Italy’s Dodger-esque design?

  120. Dodger4life

    I almost forgot to insert Russell also 🙂 🙂 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  121. scott_in_arcadia

    Nice job by Kuroda today. Am I reading the box score right? It says Pierre has an assist, getting Drew at 2B! I have to believe either Drew fell down on his way to 2nd or it was actually JOE PIERRE playing LF today. Nice throw, Joe!!

  122. dodgereric

    The ball was blooped into shallow left. Drew thought about second, scott. He thought he saw second unguarded but Hudson was near. Pierre threw it 50 feet (maybe) to Hudson who ran Drew back to first and tagged him just before he got back.

  123. oldbrooklynfan

    Amazing watching this game on a screen 6 3/4″ by 4″ and being satified.
    I have Mosaic which fulls the whole screen but I couldn’t connect to it all last year.
    Hope I have better luck this year.
    I was O.K. in ’07.

  124. scott_in_arcadia

    lol tru. I was thinking Stephen Drew either stopped to tie his shoe and still thought he had time to make it to 2nd or after Pierre threw it, a bird snagged it and hurried it the rest of the way just in time. But Eric’s explanation makes more sense.

  125. enchantedbeaver

    Wow. Pierre with a triple, a great catch in foul territory, and a [cough cough] “assist” from left field. Maybe there’s some hope for our Juanpy yet.
    . Nah

  126. northstateblues

    Just the facts:


    Tuesday, March 10, 2009
    Mets cut reliever Sanchez


    PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — Reliever Duaner Sanchez, who never seemed to recover from a 2006 taxicab accident that ended his season and cost him all of 2007, was released by the New York Mets on Tuesday.

    “We looked at his overall performance based upon last year to where he is now and we didn’t see the improvement that we felt was needed to be effective in the major leagues,” general manager Omar Minaya told reporters Tuesday.

    In what turned out to be his final performance as a Met, Sanchez gave up three hits and two runs — one earned — in one inning Monday against the Orioles.

    “To his credit, he really was trying hard,” Minaya told reporters. “But the command is not where we wanted it. It was getting better. There was some uptick, some positive signs there. But at the end of the day, you’ve got to make a call and the call was made today.”

  127. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    From what I watched of the game, it seemed to be great. I agree with those that thought Kuroda is looking pretty damn good right now.

    Some sad local news to report. A while back I had reported that my son’s freshman coach was pretty sick with some type of stomach cancer and that his liver and kidneys were shutting down on him. Well, he passed away today at the age of 29. The varsity team was told right before their game today. I feel that every coach that has crossed Michael’s path from junior high on has had some impact on how he plays today, and this coach will be very much missed by many players who he has helped in his short time as a coach. It just goes to show you that this really is just a game (which we obviously love very much), and what matters most in this life is your family and friends. …..and boy have I made some friends in this place.

  128. nellyjune

    Okay – I remember this afternoon Acardona mentioned Andre getting an award, but I just saw the clip on what it was for……….Does he ever quit giving back to the communities that he lives in? I am so glad he is a Dodger for so many reasons, and I really hope he stays a Dodger for a really long time 🙂


    nelly– I’m sorry to hear of your son’s coach’s passing. You are quite right that times like these place the game or games we all love in their proper perspective. From the sounds of things ,that coach, in his all too brief time upon this earth, had a big impact on a lot of young kids and, in that sense, he will live on for a long time hereafter.
    Kuroda did look good today. He’s looking more and more a lock for Opening Day.
    Post-it-notes for Ned’s desk:
    Call Pedro’s agent
    Move JP

  130. nellyjune

    Thanks seesky!!! I love the post-it-notes !!! Ned needs the full-page size ones though 🙂

    trublu – like I needed more reasons.


    It seems to be a wide open field where Pedro is concerned. Obviously, he’s not what he once was but it seems like he can still pitch. It doesn’t cost us anything to, at the least, inquire as to his asking price…..according to the D’s homepage article, the “O-Dog’s” signing was more of a risk that we knew. It makes DeWitt’s presence all the more key…I’m all for keeping X-Paul as a backup if he can get a reasonable amount of playing time. Some guys can be productive in that role and some can’t. If he can’t get enough AB’s now and doesn’t adapt well to a backup role, he’d be better off in Albuquerque. If he has a solid year in AAA and Manny decides to opt out after this year, he’ll be well-positioned to compete for a starting role a year from now.


    If Lambo and Paul make great strides this year, we are going to have some real great options for 2010.

  133. trublu4ever

    Seesky ~ It’s amazing to me that nobody will give Pedro a chance. I think he could be had for $3M or less and I think it is worth a shot.


    tru– The Mets think they have enough pitching. Nobody has enough pitching.I would guess he’d want more than that but, still, even at 5 or 6 mill for one year, he could be a real screaming deal.

  135. jhallwally

    I wish Maddux was available. I’d still love to have him in the 5th spot and hanging around Kersh and Billz!!!

  136. jhallwally

    Hey Beav!!! LOL!!! Nells’, my condolences and prayers for the coach and his family. Very sad and tragic. Embrace life my friends, tomorrow is promised to no one.

  137. trublu4ever

    Seesky ~ On ESPN when they said the Mets said a definite no on Pedro, they mentioned the $3M. Who knows, if it’s the right team he may take less.


    Evening, jhall. Good to see you as always….Maddux seems to be enjoying his retirement. He was at the WCC championship game in Vegas the other night.

  139. enchantedbeaver

    What’s 3 mil to Frank? He’s selling authentic Manny jerseys for $275 a pop and they’re selling like hotcakes.

  140. jhallwally

    C’mon Frank, Pedro reunited with Manny, creates lots of excitment and more revenue. It’s worth a shot!!! Like Beav said, can’t be any worse than what we’ve had so far. LOL!!!

  141. enchantedbeaver

    I would’ve liked to see someone step up here in ST, but no one really has. Stults reached the apex of his career when he tossed that shutout last year. Estes is done. Vargas sucks. Schmidt I’ll give two more ST starts to see if he can improve, but he still won’t be able to even go 5 on a regular basis. That leaves us with Milton the Toaster so far.

  142. trublu4ever

    Seesky ~ I think it would be worth the chance. Pedro may have lost some of his stuff but he still knows how to pitch.

  143. jhallwally

    I think Wolf could be the break out pitcher we need this year if he stays healthy. With this lineup, he could win 15 games or more.

  144. nellyjune

    …..I have like what I have seen from Wolf so far too…..Billz and Kuroda as well. Plus, Kershaw did pretty good the other day as well. So, it really comes down to the 5th spot and the BP.


    If Schmidt can’t pitch, what the hell do you do with him? Well, there’s lots of space for another lawn statue on the Malibu estates!!!

  146. trublu4ever

    I think you guys are right about Wolf. The starters could be fine but the BP could be our biggest problem.

  147. jhallwally

    Schidt will have to suffice as the fake do-do if he doesn’t come back and pitch even halfway decent. Not even a good lawn ornament.


    In theatres this spring:” Invasion of the Lawn Statutes “,Distributed by Nedco Pictures.

  149. enchantedbeaver

    The first 4 in the rotation if they stay healthy should be fine. With Penny’s blowout, Maddux’s ineffectiveness, and Bloaiza we’re talking 9 wins and 15 losses in 27 starts. I don’t think the #5 whoever it is will do any worse than that. Lowe was only +3 in the win column himself. Kuroda I’m certain will win more than 9 and Kersh will win more than 5, so all we really need from #5 is to just be competitive.

  150. jhallwally

    That Ned is quite the prankster. Slyly placing fake do-do around Dodger Stadium. Phew, Cow, Schidt, Procto, Sweeney, etc…… LOL!!!!!

  151. jhallwally

    Poor Ned, couldn’t even come up with the real thing!! LOL!!!! However it did/does stink like the real deal!!!!


    I’m worried about how our bullpen is shaking out. too. Our starters, before ST, were our biggest concern.

  153. enchantedbeaver

    Dre-Manny-Kemp|Pierre + Loney-DeWitt-Blake|Cow + Kersh-Marty-Furcal|Schmidt = 10
    That’s 3 and a turrd + 3 and a turrd + 3 and a turrd

  154. jhallwally

    Yeah Nell, 18M dollar apologies really tear my heart apart. I think Beav nailed it when he suggested that the Cow was a juicer. Without the anabolic milk, the Cow just can’t produce.

  155. jhallwally

    Thank you, thank you gang, I’ll be here all season. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses. LOL!!!! But seriously folks!!
    Take our Juan Pierre, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  156. enchantedbeaver

    No actually I had a potential client email me so I was actually doing some business.

    A fellas gotta make a living…

  157. dodgereric

    I want to extend my thoughts and prayers to the family of that young coach, Junie. And to Michael as well. How is he handling it?

  158. trublu4ever

    Can you guys imagine what somebody coming on ITD for the first time would be thinking?! They would wonder what the heck kind of code this is! lol

  159. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t think there’s anything new I could say that I haven’t already said.

    Banned from ITD: 1. **** Torre 2. bull$!@% 3. Juan’s Mama

    Someone help me I know there was a 4th…

  160. enchantedbeaver

    I resemble that remark!!

    Actually I kinda resemble Schmidt nowadays except that I don’t look like an elf.


    What better place than ITD to let what’s left of your mind off it’s leash and not care whether or not it comes back?

  162. nellyjune

    enchanted – they do look like twins…..the elf and Schmidt. I LMAO (sorry….LMTO) when I saw the resemblence.

    seesky – that is a fact 🙂

  163. dodgereric

    enchanted’s right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these ********. Now, we could fight ’em with conventional weapons, that could take years, and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture, be done on somebody’s part.

  164. enchantedbeaver

    “Da’ah better leavah my Beavah be!!!!”

    If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that line Wally…

  165. dodgereric

    That’s funny, Plaschke’s columns always remind me of my essays in school. Single sentences, double-spaced.

  166. enchantedbeaver

    OK, I finished this up the day Scott mentioned it, but I was trying to save it for when Juan got traded. Since we all know that’ll never happen, I give you Peter, Paul & Mary – Leaving on a Jet Plane.

    All his bags are packed, he’s ready to go
    No more hittin’ him cans-o-corn
    The time has come for Juan to say good-bye.
    Though his contract made him hard to trade
    We got us Manny, Juan’s been waylayed
    Already we’re so happy we could cry.
    So pinch me, and make me scream
    Tell me that its not a dream
    Hold me now until we see him go.
    Juan’s leavin, he’s a big pain
    Sure hope he don’t come back a-gain
    Oh Juan, its time to go.
    There’s so many times he let us down
    No more playin’ for Joe the Clown
    I tell you now, startin ain’t your thing
    (startin’ ain’t your thing)
    Every place you go, we’ll think of you
    All the songs I write, won’t be of Phew
    With Manny back, our team will get their rings
    (will get their rings)
    So pinch me, and make me scream
    Tell me that its not a dream
    Hold me now until we see him go.
    Juan’s leavin, he’s a big pain
    Sure hope he don’t come back a-gain
    Oh Juan, its time to go.
    Now the time has come for you to leave us
    No more ways for you to peeve us
    I’ll close my eyes, now you be on your way
    Dream about your team to come
    And we’ll rejoice your not a Bum
    About that time I won’t have to say
    (I won’t have to say)
    Pinch me, and make me scream
    Tell me that its not a dream
    Hold me now until we see him go.
    Juan’s leavin, he’s a big pain
    Sure hope he don’t come back a-gain
    Leavin’, he’s a big pain
    Sure hope he don’t come back a-gain
    Leavin’ he’s a big pain
    Sure hope he don’t come back a-gain
    Oh Juan, its time to go.

    ©NedCo Broken Records 2009


    Great song, E!!!!!!!!……into every life a lot of unfetterdness must fall. A great ending to one day & start of another!!!!! Good night, all!!!!! Catch up with yall later!!!!!!!!!!!

  168. dodgereric

    …..and ground out weakly to third.

    Good night sky! Take care!

    Enchanted, another work of art! LOL!!!! #493!

  169. jhallwally

    Hopefully only the humorously challenged Beav!!!! Unfortunately, the decerebrates and moons won’t get it and be unphased. Sad!!!!!

  170. jhallwally

    OK gang, its been a ball. Gonna turn in for now. Can’t wait for the regular season and chatting with you all. Good night and God Bless you all. GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  171. enchantedbeaver

    Nite Wally!!! Great seeing you again!

    Getting late here too. Night Nells and Eric!!

    BTW, we can always subtitle Cleaverese for those that don’t speak it…

    “Gee whiz Wally, that Mr. Colletti doesn’t always hire the good fellas.”
    [WTF Wally, that Ned’s a friggin’ buffoon!]

  172. nellyjune

    ……subtitles will add a whole other dimension to the craziness, but boy, that would be fun!! LOL!!!! Good Night enchanted/Beav/Theodore/Son!!!

  173. dodgereric

    The usual hectic free-for-all at the signup table. I tell you, handling the signups and money and permission slips for 4 different events and keeping them all straight for a troop of 100 is hard work.

    Tonight were our Order of the Arrow elections and Matt gave a speech to the boys on the honor and responsibilities of being elected. I’m sure you know by now that he’s going to Phoenix this weekend to attend a leadership training workshop with the OA.

    Back to the Dodgers (fancy that), were you watching the end of the game today? That HR in the 9th by the Dbacks was hit by my ‘nephew’ Cyle Hankerd.

  174. nellyjune

    They are just making you realize how important you are……you even said, it’s hard and nobody else wants to do it.

    No, I did not know Matt was going to Phoenix this weekend, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know. I will ask how her day was and then follow with how Matt’s day was and she will usually tell me what he has planned for that day, but nothing further.

    Also, no, I did not see the end of the game. I left school about 3:45 today to watch Michael’s team play and get destroyed. It’s games like that you are thankful your kid is not the one pitching……….too many hits and waaayyyy too many errors.

    However, that is great about your nephew!! You have mentioned him before. Does he have a chance to make the Big Club?

  175. nellyjune

    ….I am guessing Matt’s speech was impressive as always. That’s great he’s going to leadership training.

  176. dodgereric

    The ugly games are really hard. I’d rather play in them than watch them.

    Cyle’s been stuck in AA Mobile for the last couple of years. Two years ago he was hurt but by his own admission on Thanksgiving, he had no excuse for last year. He struggled. He’s still young, but it’s a tough business. He was impressive in A ball, but the worst guy on the AA team was a star in A ball, right? And the worst guy in AAA was a star in AA. I was thinking that he might have reached his level, but he’s not giving up and the Dbacks obviously aren’t giving up either, he’s in the big camp after all! We’re all pulling for him.

    I didn’t get to hear Matt tonight, but I’m sure he did well.

  177. nellyjune

    ….then at least there is some hope if he is at camp with the Big Club DBacks. You are right….they haven’t given up on him yet, which can’t be all bad.

  178. nellyjune

    ….boy, if it weren’t for JP, I am sure he would be an almost for sure 4th outfielder, for at least the start of the season. It’s hard because I always thought of DY or Repko in that role, but if you had to pick today, X. Paul would definitely be my guy as the 4th.

  179. dodgereric

    That’s the truth! He’s making a great case for himself. Kind of like DeWitt stepping up last year. Let’s hope that Paul doesn’t have to fill in a hole as a starter like DeWitt did.

    Well, I better hit the hay. God Bless you and yours Junie, and all of you other Dodger fans out there. Off day tomorrow, but excitement galore Thursday!

  180. nellyjune

    Good Night Ward Dear………to you and yours…… Take Care and God Bless as well.

    BTW – your fan club is wondering how Lucy is doing? They thought about her when we were ready Charlie Brown stories today. They know she’s not a Beagle, but I guess the cute dog prompted the question. No need to answer now…..get some sleep 🙂

  181. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD Dodgerfaithful
    No game today…I would like to say yesterday’s game was well played by all. Kuroda looked outstanding, Nice homerun from Kemp, JP hit a triple…. It was exciting to watch. There is still room for improvement, as the season is coming fast. I am anticipating the new guy’s start tommorrow what was his name #99 Man…Manny, Mr. Ramirez, that right. The offense looks pretty darn tough as is.. but insert Mr. Ramirez and Mr. J. Martin and boy this should be exciting. I can hardly control my anxiety.
    Tommorrow’s game is another free Live stream get it at You dont want to miss this. Well I will be chanting GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    as alway’s,so see ya there.
    In the meantime continue the discussion on the line -up, the 5th starter, JP’s trade, or where X-Paul should start the season and enjoy the day today 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Welcome to 2009 Manny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to the Dodgers in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  182. dodgereric

    Some more fodder for today:

    “The deal Martinez wants, one executive says, is similar to the one the Red Sox gave righty John Smoltz — a $5.5 million base salary with $5 million in incentives.”

    “Free-agent left-hander Joe Beimel is holding out for a one-year, $2.5 million contract, according to two general managers. One GM says of the reliever, “He must have a nice summer job planned.”

    Both from:

  183. Dodger4life

    Thank’s for the story Eric…My thoughts and prayers are with the Colton family….as I myself have lost a parent at a young age. They are never gone completely, and alway’s missed and loved. I am sure Andy will graduate, as his mother will be with him in spirit, forever.

  184. dodgereric

    Good morning D4 and tru. I think they’re both overpricing themselves in this market. Pedro has to prove himself because he hasn’t been effective lately and no one is being paid by past performance anymore. Beimel is a victim of the times and Dennys Reyes set the market for him with his deal. That’s the way it is.

  185. trublu4ever

    If Pedro wants to prove he can still pitch, I think he’ll take less money just to have the opportunity.

  186. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Dodgereric – thanks for the story. Michael’s freshman coach from last year passed away at 28 yesterday. It does remind you that this is life’s toy department, and I always think of that when things like this happen.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Colton Family.

  187. Dodger4life

    Nelly… my thought’s and prayers go out to Lou, and his family as well, these things are difficult to understand. I just have faith in a higher understanding. They both shall be missed by many 🙂

  188. dodgereric

    Baseball is poorer for both of these people’s passing, but richer for them having been there. May God rest them.

  189. trublu4ever

    I’d like to know who is going to be in charge of composing the handbook of ITD Terminology. LMTO and LMFTO definitely have to be added!

  190. nellyjune

    I have a handbook somewhere……back when I had to decode all of the symbols we came up with, mostly jhall’s. So, there is a handbook in existence – LMTO!!!!!!!!

  191. dodgereric

    Boy, I’m way under the average on the toilet paper thing.

    You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

  192. dodgereric

    I guess the dogs and cats that play with the rolls runs those sheet totals up a bit.

    No one ever says, ‘It’s only a game’ when their team is winning.

  193. thinkingblue

    Hello ITD…it seems that noone is here at the moment. I hope everyone is having a great day…coming up with ITD terminologies…
    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Colton Family, it is really sad when someone dies at such a young age. And it is even more sad when that person is a great, positive role model to the younger kids.
    How are the Dodgers doing? Has Manny played his first Spring Training Game? If not, when will he play?
    I know Ethier is extremely busy, with training and family and all, but hey
    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Gutierrez family. Eventhough I did not know the woman, but we had a lot in common…

  194. nellyjune

    Good article dodgereric!!! It’s good to see it in someone else’s writing how most of us are feeling and thinking about the team right now, even down to the last few lines about JP being the only one not happy about Manny being on board.

  195. trublu4ever

    Well, maybe, we can make JP happy……..I know the White Sox want him (well, Ozzie likes him) and would love to have him on the team.

  196. heartruss

    Hello ITD. I’m back at work so staying busy again. I decided yesterday that I had to go back to Spring Training. I had so much fun, I kept thinking about it. By the end of the day, I had my flight paid for, my seat (not in the homeplate section this time) and my hotel reservation all planned out. All I have to do is prepay my Super Shuttle transportation from Phoenix Sky Harbor to the hotel, and I will be all set. I am again on cloud nine. I just have to go buy some more balls. I think I may get prints of some of my pictures and have the guys sign for me rather than on balls. I have a stockpile of MLB balls now. One more for Manny if that happens. I have those two Manny balls, my Dad’s is signed in ball point pen which he seldom does, and mine signed in blue sharpie which he prefers. By the time I return, take my ACLS test, it will be time for the WBC finals! Life is goodl
    As Dodger4life says, I’m back on assignment. I absolutely love you!!!
    My Dodger life is just so charmed, I never take any of it for granted. It seems like a dream that Andre, Russell, Matt and James actually know my name and acknowledge me in a crowd. I am the luckiest girl alive.
    Nellyjune, how are you? Trublu, you are the best, most wonderful person, how are you Cpompe1? Dodger4life, what can I say?? I am fortunate to have such wonderful Dodger friends. What more can I ask for except for my Dodgers to win it all. GO DODGERS!

  197. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing, but it looks like it’s been very quiet around here.

    heartruss – That’s great you get to go back to Spring Training. Can’t wait for the reports from trip #2.

  198. nellyjune

    PHOENIX — Manny Ramirez is sore and joking that he might be older than his 37-year-old birth certificate reveals.

    “I’m like 40 years old. How much longer can I do this?” Ramirez said Tuesday, loudly enough for Dodgers teammate Andre Ethier to hear. “There he is, Andre, the superstar of the team. He’s going to carry the load this year. I’m too old for that now.”


    Good evening, ITD….. Heartruss, you are definitely living the Dodger Dream. You truly are one lucky woman. May you never wake up…..Thanks, eric, for the story link. As noone has stepped up from the chorus line of #5 prospects and suspects, we do need another arm and Pedro is the best of what’s still out there. Assuming that noone ultimately steps up in ST, we could tread water in that spot for 4 months, like last year, gamble on a tight NL West race, and pick up a rental at the July deadline, paying their salary and giving up valuable prospects in the process. I’d rather pay Pedro the 5 or 6 million now, take out some of the suspence, and keep our prospects.
    E– aussieholes–sounds like Japanese to me.

  200. crzblue2

    I am so tempted, I am so tempted. I should… no, I should not, maybe I should…no I should not. (I do a lot of talking to myself).


    A lot of those 500+ posts were the result of a classic edition of ITD Late Night. A splendid time was had by all!!!!

  202. nellyjune

    Good Evening again!!! I have been having major connection issues these last few days, not ITD, just me and my computer. Maybe it had too much ITD late night last night too 🙂

    seesky – last night was definitely like a classic ITD late night session………..just absolutely hilarious!!!

  203. ramslover

    Nelly, my heart and prayers go out to that young coaches family…

    I was reading all the posts and I got to wondering about this one in particular.

    A person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper each day.

    By trublu44 on March 11, 2009 10:08 AM

    Who is the person in charge of counting this and when do they do it? That should be on the TV show, Dirtiest JObs.

    Oh well, I know it it not important but that just caught my attention…I hoppe everyone has a great day and the Dodgers win…

  204. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Thank you ramslover!! …..and yes, that is an intriguing question you bring up about the toilet paper – LOL!!!!

  205. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    Manny is back and supposedly will be in the line – up today against Team Korea, will give us the action free at 1:05 pm PT. He is expected to come to the batters box 3 times if as a DH or 2 times as a LFer. It has been a long winter and this is something weve all been waiting to see so enjoy.
    WELCOME BACK MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  206. Dodger4life

    Good morning Nelly, I am just fantastic……I am waking up to sunshine and Dodger news this morning. Colletti say’s Pedro is on the Dodgers radar??? Manny is back…..Yea!!!!
    Life is good today 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  207. trublu4ever

    Good morning Nellyjune & Dodger4life ~ It Pedro is on the radar screen, it must mean that management is listening to us! LOL

  208. crzblue2

    good morning ITD!
    Yesterday it was so cold while I waited for the bus, this morning Spring is in the air! I love it!
    Like Mark said on MLblogs “Everyone check out the Manny Being Manny sign on Emma’s!”
    I made #34 in the latest leader’s list! I will write a dedication to Fernando! He brings back so many good memories of Fernandomania. I did not miss one game back in 1981!

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