A busy first day in Vegas…

It’s been a rather busy first day here at the Winter Meetings. The day started with the news that unfortunately, no Dodgers made it into the Hall of Fame through the Veteran’s ballot (which means no Hodges, Wills, Torre, etc.)

We began the morning in meetings with all of the league’s PR people and learned about the MLB Network (which launches Jan. 1), among a number of other topics. I took a break to bring Ned Colletti down to the news conference where Greg Maddux announced his retirement. Ned has known Greg since he was a rookie and really wanted to be there to congratulate him, which he was able to do, as was I. He is a classy man who has had one heck of a career and we are all very fortunate that we got to witness him pitch (and in a Dodger uniform, no less). 

I headed back to meetings for the better part of the day, while Ned wound up chatting with media at the news conference and all of the CC stuff came out early in the day.

We had a cocktail reception where it was announced that our good friend from the White Sox, Scott Reifert, won the Fishel Award for Public Relations Excellence, a very deserving award. Our congrats go out to him on what has been a very accomplished career thus far.

We then took our media upstairs for their final news briefing of the day with Ned, so the latest rounds of stories should be online soon. I’m not even going to try to keep up with all the stories being filed – it’s simply impossible around here. But, hopefully we’ll be able to lock down some things here in the coming days.

There’s plenty more that I don’t really have time to get into, unfortunately, as we’re taking a group of the media out for a dinner here at the hotel.

Keep checking back each day – I hope to at least post something every evening from Vegas.


  1. trublu4ever

    Thanks Josh for the update. I am looking forward to your future reports. I hope we come out of these meetings with optimism about our upcoming season.

  2. junkyardjamie

    Thank you Josh for the updates. You are doing a great job, and thanks again for putting up with us.

    nsblues – keep drinking those hot toddies if nothing else because they taste good. Just cold sick I hope? Was the weather any better today for you up there? Still no sun here, but the wind picked up a little so maybe tomorrow. The sun will come out tomorrow πŸ™‚

  3. northstateblues

    Yeah, just cold sick, I think. Still cold, and gray almost the whole day (except for a one hour window around 4). The wind’s moving up here, too.

    got some more tea brewing in the kitchen right now, deciding whether or not to make this one a Toddie too.

  4. Dodger4life

    Good Evening Dodgerfaithful,
    Josh ~ Thank’s for the update, I look foward to the next one.

    North hope you feel better soon πŸ™‚

    BRING BACK THE BLUE CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The alumni have spoken!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. northstateblues

    Josh, it’s sad that no Dodgers got in the HOF ballot today. From what the interviews said with one of the voters, this committee isn’t around to elect players, but to consider the careers of those who aren’t in, and whether or not they deserve to be in.

    Have fun in Vegas

  6. junkyardjamie

    Well, let’s hope it stays just cold sick versus the flu – that won’t be any fun at all – yuck!!!

    Good evening Dodger4life!!!!


  7. junkyardjamie

    Oh nothing much!!!! With the exception of not seeing the sun in 8/9 days now, life is good.

    It was just reported on ESPN, we signed Casey Blake. It was yelled to me from across the room so I don’t know the details yet.

  8. junkyardjamie

    nsblues – there is alcohol in most cold medicines anyway, so Dodger4life is right, have the toddie – it will have the same affect really.

  9. og109@hotmail.com

    If Blake is signed, he is the Dodgers ideal no.2 hitter. It was one of Torre’s continuous mistake, not as harsh as playing Martin too much and playing Pierre over Ethier [shaking head…head hurting], but it negatively affected the team. Blake is patient, fights in each at-bat, and isn’t afraid to go deep in the count. We need a third basemen because DeWitt ain’t the answer, if not Blake, then who?

    ALSO, HOW IS GIL HODGES NOT IN THE HALL OF FAME. Keith Olberman just proclaimed the Hall of Fame voters as one of the worse people in the world for not voting Hodges in, and also mentioned all of his accomplishments.

    Two of them:
    -most homeruns by a right-handed hitter when he retired.
    -manager of the World Series champion “Mazing” Mets.

  10. colliethec

    From the Dodgers Main Page…
    LAS VEGAS — While closing in on re-signing third baseman Casey Blake, the Dodgers further solidified their infield depth Monday night by agreeing to terms with utilityman Mark Loretta on a one-year contract, according to agent Bob Garber. Loretta must pass a physical exam for the deal to be official.

    Loretta, 37, hit .280 in 261 at-bats for the Astros last season but batted .330 against left-handers. He played 46 games at second base, 17 at third base, five at shortstop and two at first base. He presumably would take the place of Nomar Garciaparra, who appeared at three infield positions but is considering retirement because of health issues.

    Loretta is a 13-year veteran and two-time All-Star. He earned $2.75 million last year.

  11. colliethec

    I’ve heard for awhile that CC wants to play on the west coast and wants to play for a NL team and wants to be further away from Vallejo than San Francisco. That leaves 2 teams.
    Dodgers & Padres.
    I’ve never heard any rumblings from him regarding the Padres but numerous ones from the Dodgers.
    He has been lolligaggin with NY & again is said to want to talk with the Dodgers.
    All this seems to me is saying he is very interested in being in LA. If he is weighing the offer from the Brewers as well then we should offer him something a little less than NY (In either years or $$$’s) and see where the chips fall.
    No to trading Kemp & Kersh/Bills. That would be soooooo stupid to do. I don’t think Nedco could be that dumb.
    The Nat’s are interested in Tavares from Colorado. They want a speedy CF to bat lead off.

  12. colliethec

    Nelly–A few (I don’t remember who) have joked about about him picking him up as a PVL’er but I’ve heard nothing else before this.
    I’m okay with it. Not a bad pick up for a role player off the bench. But not what I want as the Manny or I mean main attraction!

  13. colliethec

    Maybe after hitting that bomb in the Ravine last year CC thought it’s a hitters park and he could be the next Ruth!

  14. colliethec

    More notes from the MLB Blog at the Winter Meetings:
    The Dodgers might non-tender closer Takashi Saito this week because of uncertainty over the condition of his right elbow, which sidelined him for two months this season and kept him off the roster for the NL Championship Series.

    “It’ll be a tough call,” said general manager Ned Colletti. “The last time he needed to pitch, he couldn’t pitch. Is he healthy since then? We don’t know. It’s a serious situation.”

    Saito suffered a partially torn elbow ligament that ordinarily would require Tommy John elbow reconstruction and a year recovery. Instead, he chose a stem-cell injection and attempted to rehabilitate the arm that saved 63 games the previous two seasons.

    He returned the final two weeks of the regular season and made six appearances with a 4.76 ERA, then was shaky in the NL Division Series against the Cubs. —

  15. junkyardjamie

    I think CC wants to play for the Dodgers because of his hitting capabilities. He is a pitching that can also hit a homerun – why not? However, this is a hard one because I see the benefits of having Manny too. I think I would be happy with one or the other, hoping it’s a contract that’s liveable.

  16. colliethec

    More notes from the MLB Blog at the Winter Meetings:
    The Dodgers might non-tender closer Takashi Saito this week because of uncertainty over the condition of his right elbow, which sidelined him for two months this season and kept him off the roster for the NL Championship Series.

    “It’ll be a tough call,” said general manager Ned Colletti. “The last time he needed to pitch, he couldn’t pitch. Is he healthy since then? We don’t know. It’s a serious situation.”

    Saito suffered a partially torn elbow ligament that ordinarily would require Tommy John elbow reconstruction and a year recovery. Instead, he chose a stem-cell injection and attempted to rehabilitate the arm that saved 63 games the previous two seasons.

    He returned the final two weeks of the regular season and made six appearances with a 4.76 ERA, then was shaky in the NL Division Series against the Cubs. —

  17. colliethec

    Sorry for the 2bl post. It didn’t take it & then I guess it did!!
    One last one from the MLB Blog:
    The Dodgers, generally resistent to offer long-term contracts under current management, might make an exception to sign free-agent left-hander CC Sabathia.

    “We’ve tried to stay short, three or less, but in special circumstances it might be more depending on the age, the health history, like that,” said general manager Ned Colletti. “He would be worth a consideration.”

    The Dodgers have not had or scheduled a negotiating session with Sabathia’s agent, Greg Genske, although the pitcher and Colletti had a chance meeting Sunday night at the Bellagio Casino. Colletti said the club has been told that Sabathia wants to play in California and for the Dodgers.

    Sabathia reportedly has a six-year, $140 million offer from the Yankees and a five-year, $100 million offer from Milwaukee, but appears to be in no hurry to take either

  18. colliethec

    I wanted Manny over CC, but I really do think it might be doable to get both.
    I could be drinking Joy Juice or something but hearing that now BorASS wants to meet with Ned tomorrow and CC is still in the mix they could get both.
    Don’t they both want to win? Sunshine, beaches, Disneyland?!!! What more could you want?!

  19. colliethec

    Tough call Nelly if you have to pick.
    Obviously Manny solidifies this team offensively. But CC is the shut down/Ace pitcher pitcher we need.
    They are the same on both sides of the bat so to speak.
    I think Manny I would rather have if it’s going to be a contract that is 2 years vs a contract to CC for 6 years.
    I say Manny for 2 years for about 30 mill a year with a 3rd year option. Tell him then when the economy is better and your still at/under 40 you can get that contract for even more wages into your 40’s in a AL city and be the DH.
    Then I go to CC and tell him well go 5 years for 125 million.
    This way they both feel like they are being taken care of for both $$ and years. CC is making less per year but more in the Blue uniforms.
    Then you can have Hu or whoever else play SS and not have to sign a Furcal or trade for a Wilson.

  20. junkyardjamie

    dcollins – I would love to see us get both, but I think we need hitting over pitching if we are forced to choose.

  21. colliethec

    What is happening D4? I hope all is well! Same to you Nelly!! I hope you saw some sun today. We got a little here but boy has it been cold.
    Wifey & I went & got our tree last night and she was in a dress as we took pictures for our Christmas Cards. She was really cold. I felt bad dragging her in the chill but it made her decision making quicker!!!

  22. colliethec

    Maybe that’s what I should do at Blockbuster. Call 30 minutes ahead and ask them to turn on the AC full blast. Then we would be able to pick out a movie real fast!!!

  23. junkyardjamie

    dc – you are too funny πŸ™‚ I am not a shopper so I don’t have those issues. My daughter on the other hand – geez!!!!!!

    No, we did not see any sun today – I think it’s been 8 days since I have seen sun. I guess there was sun here in Merced yesterday, but I was in Sacramento where the sun didn’t exist all weekend.

    I want to be the spoiled child and get both too πŸ™‚

  24. shad78

    I want to thank everyone for the warm wishing about my uncle still can’t believe he’s gone. I didn’t check the other thread because my computer was in the shop for a week.

  25. shad78

    Come on Ned let’s get CC signed. I didn’t really think CC wanted to play here and anything is better than playing for the Giants.

  26. junkyardjamie

    Thank you for sharing the article Shad, and it seems like you were close to your uncle so it will take some time,and that’s okay. It will get better eventually πŸ™‚

  27. junkyardjamie

    I guess we did sign Loretta. I just read that myself. Well, that was a little bit of a surprise I think πŸ™‚

  28. shad78

    I wanted Loretta 2 years ago because I knew once Ned extended Nomar contract for 2 more year he was going to break down again after his great 2006 season.

  29. junkyardjamie

    I hope we get some sun tomorrow dcollins!!! You have a great day tomorrow as well. Thanks for the fun tonight!!!!!
    Good night!!!!

  30. junkyardjamie

    16 Days until Christmas
    63 Days until Spring Training
    Thinking Dodger Blue everyday
    Life is good today πŸ™‚

  31. Dodger4life

    BRING BACK THE BLUE CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THE ALUMNI HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO DODGER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. junkyardjamie

    Good Night Late Night ITD readers and writers!!!!!
    Take care and God Bless to all of you πŸ™‚
    63 Days until spring training
    Can’t wait to watch the boys start playing!!

  33. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear…..if you are out there somewhere or when you get this in the morning, have you heard anything more about the military jet crash in San Diego?

  34. trublu4ever

    Good morning, ITD. I think Loretta’s signing is a good thing. And I believe Blake has signed a 3 year deal too. Next on the agenda:
    *Sign CC
    *Sign Manny

  35. thinkingblue

    Good Morning TRU.
    Yes Sign CC & Manny and our team is gettting strong. I have to do research on Loretta.
    It sucks that Yankees want our KEMP. Hopefully NED keeps his head straight and not trade him. KEMP IS A KEEPER!

  36. enchantedbeaver

    Loretta – good sign Ned. (Did I just say that?)
    β€’ More durable than Nomar
    β€’ Can play 3 positions for an extended period if needed
    β€’ Good bat off the bench
    β€’ Cheap 1-year contract

    Blake… I’m so-so on this one. Two years OK. 3 years – PVL? Still he’s an upgrade over what we started the season with last year. I’d have rather they went after Hudson and move DeWitt back to third, but I’m not going to pitch a fit about it.

    Interesting that Boras wants a meeting with Ned. Evidently there’s not the interest in Manny that he thought would be there. Stay on course Ned. 2 years with a team option for a third.

    He Frank, pony up the money for CC. 5 years $115 mil with and option for a 6th at $25 would match NY’s bid, thus making the players union happy, CC happy, and we YOUR FANS happy.

    Ferk’s becomming marginalized. If you can sign him to a cheap 2 years with loads of incentives, then take a chance. Otherwise, take a chance on Hu or DeJesus at short. Remember, it was discovered after he was sent down to Vegas that Hu had an eye problem.

    Morning Tru!

  37. trublu4ever

    Good morning Dodgersrule and Enchanted. I think we are headed in the right direction and am beginning to feel optimistic. If CC came up to Ned and told him he wants to be a Dodger………then I believe Frank will open his checkbook. Remember Frank and Ned……..if you put quality players on the field, the fans will come! No matter what our finances may be, we will always find a way to see the Dodgers play.

  38. trublu4ever

    If CC really wanted to be a Yankee, he would have signed that huge contract when it was offered. WE LOVE L.A.!!!

  39. enchantedbeaver

    Also, Sammytime was great while it lasted, but I have no problems with non-tendering Saito. Ned plucked a gold nugget from a coal mine on that one, but it was obvious that his elbow isn’t allowing him to pitch the way he should. 39 and ligament damage is a good one to walk away from.

    Its time for Brox to step up and be the closer he’s been being groomed for, and use Kuo and Wade as his set-up men. We could do worse than Wade/Kuo/Brox in the 7-8-9th.

  40. enchantedbeaver

    Its also imperative we get off to a good start next season. We open with SD, AZ, SF, COL, HOU, COL, SF, SD.

  41. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!!!

    Good Morning, enchanted ~ I am glad you liked the Loretta deal. I didn’t know much about him, and when the news broke last night, I wasn’t sure what to think. I did have to make sure it was you though when I saw the “good job Ned” – LOL!!!!

    Good Morning Dodgersrule – 63 days until Spring Training!!!!!!

    Good Morning Trublu – Let’s hope Manny and/or CC are next.

    Life is good today with sunshine – yeah!!!!!!

  42. j-murray

    i love the loretta signing. he’ll be doing what nomar did last year, minus the bloated salary, calf strains, and catchy music. if frank doesn’t want to put his big boy pants on and sign anybody of any value, he’s gonna get a 3rd degree indian burn from j-murray. the thought of manny or CC in a dodger uniform makes me drool.

  43. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    hey all.. i was trying to get on last night to discuss the loretta move.. but my internet wasn’t functioning, and my phone won’t let me log on to this board..

    anyway, i like the loretta signing.. as long as he doesn’t start over dewitt. as a utility, he’s definitely an upgrade over nomar, and it’s a cost effective, one year deal.. so i say kudos to that. also, he’s a good guy, and he’s a good vet.. and i feel he’ll be great for the clubhouse.. i’ve met him a few times.. he’s been out to play in a golf tournament for our baseball team the last couple years, and he really is a stand up person..

    i knew CC wanted to play here, because if it was about money, he would have taken the NY deal. this is a guy we MUST go after. especially if he cares enough to be here that he would approach our GM himself.. he has the heart of a champion.. he was the one who kept milwaukee in the pennant race and offered to keep pitching every 3 days.. i know people are weary of long term deals for free agent pitchers.. but remember.. he’s younger.. in his prime.. and he doesn’t have the injury history of most.. ie. schmidt.

    i say we sign CC first. we have to make offers to those who are actually willing to listen. i know most haven’t given up hope on re-signing manny. but clearly, he doesn’t have the desire to play here as CC does. i’d much rather have a clubhouse full of people who are proud to wear dodger blue and care about being here.. if after the CC signing, others are still in reach. then by all means..

  44. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    The Blue Jays, who have been all but eliminated from the A.J. Burnett sweepstakes, met with the agents for Rafael Furcal on Monday, but their pursuit of the free-agent shortstop remains a longshot.

    The Jays, sources say, would need ownership approval to get serious with Furcal, who fits their need for a shortstop and leadoff man.

    The team recently laid off 24 employees, citing a decline in advertising revenues. Some with the Jays believe that the only way they can bid for Furcal is if his price drops significantly.

    Furcal is seeking a four-year contract, and his negotiations with the A’s collapsed last week. His agents also met on Monday with the Dodgers, who have been unwilling to give him a long-term deal.

  45. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    It is a GREAT morning! I love the Loretta signing. I’m with everyone here that Loretta will be a good guy to have in our clubhouse. I love Nomar, when he was playing healthy, but as we all know, he wasn’t healthy. I see Loretta as a definite upgrade over Nomar, too. Very economical, signing him to a one year deal. I still wouldn’t mind it if we resigned Casey Blake. It’s looking very good that we will get him back. I know, I know. He’s not the most exciting player in the world, but he seems to be a good guy and great to have in the clubhouse. Plus, he did help us late last year and I can see him helping us again.

    I would still LOVE to have CC signed! EnchantedGM – I love that 5 years $115 mil with and option for a 6th at $25 that you mentioned before! Yes, that would match NY’s bid, and CC would be crazy NOT to take it! If we have CC at the front of our rotation, that would do WONDERS, not only to the rest of the pitching staff but for the team! This guy is a winner!

    It does seem that the market is not jumping at the free agents, the way they and their agents (especially Borass) thought they would be! That’s great; knock them down a few notches. I’ve gotta say, Borass has always been the focus of my ire towards agents, and he still is. But the one agent that makes me scratch my head is Raffy’s agent, Kinzer. I mean, Raffy just came off a 3 year, $39 mil contract with the Dodgers. Of those 3 years, Raffy was healthy for only 1. And Kinzer thinks that after back surgery where Raffy was on the DL for 5 months of 2008, that he’s now worth 4 years! Oh, come one, give me a break!

    I know I’ve been one of Ned’s critics, but, perhaps, he is learning. He is more patient than I ever thought he would be. And there is more to come. Who knows, maybe we could sign both CC and Manny! Maybe a pipe dream, but a girl can dream, can’t she! Ned – I’m hoping that you keep on learning and not get into panic mode and sign more worthless PVLs just to fill the roster. Just keep you’re wits about you, and keep staying the course…

  46. cpompe1

    Hey Sara! Yeah, I heard the reports that the Blue Jays are interested in signing Raffy. But I really think that Raffy is going to run into the same problems as he did with the A’s. He MAY get a 4 year deal, but the $$$ won’t be there. I don’t see the Blue Jays offering anything more than the $35 – $40 mil that the A’s offered and that Raffy turned down. I still think it’s a good possibility that Raffy will resign with the Dodgers for 2 years. He probably will be able to get more/year from us – even if it is only for 2 years.

  47. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    raffy’s agent isn’t stupid. he’s just trying to protect his client. don’t think that he and his agent forgot that he has been injured.. they know that too, which is why they’re trying to get a long term deal, comfortable deal to protect themselves. once they see it’s not there.. they’ll settle for a lesser deal. hopefully one here. an infield of casey blake, furcal, dewitt, and loney would be fantastic.

  48. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    okay, that last post desperately needs a red pen, but i’m too tired to correct myself.. you get the gist..

  49. cpompe1

    Yeah Sara, I get the gist! And you’re right! An infield of Blake, Raffy, DeWitt, and Loney would be fantastic! I know, Kinzer is just protecting his client. I just couldn’t believe the tone of, β€œOh, yeah, Raffy had back surgery last year and missed 5 months of the year, but he IS worth a 4 year contract.” I know it’s what agents do – it just irks me!

    And I can’t wait for the press release to say that we’ve OFFICIALLY signed Casey Blake and Mark Loretta! Thx for the link!

  50. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    that article talks a little about everything.. should be interesting the next few days.. to see if anything more develops..

  51. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    btw, i do realize i’m talking to myself πŸ˜‰

    i’m just bored, at home.. the puppies are out getting spayed, and we had some one here fixing our water heater.. no more cold showers!

  52. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    The Giants intend to meet with free-agent left-hander CC Sabathia.

    The sitdown could occur in San Francisco this weekend, the strongest indication yet that Sabathia will wait until after the winter meeting to sign his next contract.

  53. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    i don’t actually think we’re competing against the giants. i think CC will sign with us, or the angels. or take the highest offer from NY

    hey eric! i’m very hopeful. i’m glad that there are indications that we at least intend to make an offer. hopefully a competitive one.

  54. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    good article eric. here’s a well-put summary, from that article, of what i said this morning:

    Reporting from Las Vegas — Ned Colletti ran into CC Sabathia in the hallway here, and this is what Sabathia said: I want to be a Dodger.

    This, remember, is what Manny Ramirez said the last time anyone with the Dodgers saw him: “I want to see who is the highest bidder.”

  55. dodgereric

    And here’s a Peavy-to-the-Cubs scenario being floated by a Chicago writer. There’s no way it can be true, there’s not enough coming back to the Pads.

    Cubs get:
    Jake Peavy

    Padres get:
    Sean Marshall
    Garrett Olson
    J.A. Happ

    Phillies get:
    Mark DeRosa

    Orioles get:
    Felix Pie

    Orioles or Phillies get:
    Jason Marquis

  56. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    from eric’s article:

    The Dodgers have been burned so often by Colletti’s multiyear free-agent signings — injuries to Jason Schmidt, Rafael Furcal, Nomar Garciaparra and Bill Mueller, poor performances by Andruw Jones and Brett Tomko and the superfluousness of Juan Pierre — that McCourt understandably is wary of the kind of proposal Sabathia would take seriously.

    Yet Colletti said a “special circumstance” could compel the Dodgers to extend an offer beyond their general limit of three years.

    He said he has discussed the possibility of bidding five years — or longer — with McCourt, but with no authorization to actually do so.

    “We haven’t gotten to that point yet,” Colletti said.

  57. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    the SUPERFLUOUSNESS of juan pierre.. haha

    come on frank.. you know you have to do it~

    eric, that scenario can’t possibly come true.. the padres definitely need more in return..

  58. dodgereric

    I just can’t believe that we can’t out-bid the friggin’ BREWERS for a talent like Sabathia. I know all about our history with free agents, but I figure we’re due for a good one. And he’s a good one. Good player, good citizen. Just the kind of player I like.

  59. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    yup eric. we are due for a good one. and CC is just the right talent / character this franchise needs..

    i can’t take the giants bidding for CC seriously.. they’re already paying the billionaire (exaggerated) that they call zito..

  60. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    nicely said bill shaikin:

    Sabathia wants to be a Dodger. If that really means something to McCourt, then he should go get him. Sabathia devotes himself to reviving youth baseball in urban areas, so the Dodgers couldn’t beat this deal: Sign him for $130 million, and he’ll build 50 youth fields by himself.

  61. dodgereric

    I gotta believe that this is where he wants to be.
    1 – He’s building a house in SoCal, not NoCal, not NY.
    2 – He wants to hit.
    3 – SD is not an option.
    4 – Everything I’ve read about him says that he won’t necessarily follow the money like Gagne or Beltre.

  62. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    exactly eric. exactly. if it was about the money, that yankees offer wouldn’t be sitting on the table for three weeks and counting..

  63. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    trublu! i don’t think we should be wishing neddie has anyone’s checkbook!! can you say randy johnson?? argh 😦

  64. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    oh and with mccourt.. it’s probably not a checkbook.. but rather, and credit card.. haha

  65. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    seriously. thank goodness. trading matty would be devastating.. in more ways than one.. and there is NO WAY that a matty for cano and cabrera deal would have been worth it..

  66. dodgereric

    Hi Tru,

    I gotta go back and give my boss some bang for his buck. I just want to say that I’m looking forward to seeing Loretta with us for two reasons. One, he always seemed to be a thorn in our side when he was a Padre and two, there’s a line in “Murder By Death”, uttered by Sir Alec Guiness: “I want you all to call me Loretta”. I’m going to be laughing at that all year when I see him come to the plate.

  67. trublu4ever

    I too think Loretta is a great addition, Eric. And because of your “Murder by Death” I will be laughing too when he comes to the plate.

  68. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    eric, you’re right.. he did used to be a thorn in our side. i’ve always considered him a very adequate utility player. i never thought of him as a wasted roster spot. hopefully he will continue to produce in a dodger uniform too.

  69. enchantedbeaver

    Blake at $17.1 mil for three years seems reasonable to me even if after a year and a half he becomes a utility player.

    CC – 18 home starts, 50000 tickets per start, $35 avg ticket price = $ 31.5 million gate receipts, not to mention cokes, hotdogs, souvenirs…

  70. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    yeah enchanted.. i don’t like us giving him a guaranteed 3 years.. but 17 mil is not outrageous.. i’m fine with it..

  71. og109@hotmail.com

    We are going to sign CC, I’m sure of it, there has been too much talk from Coletti for him not to go aggressively after him. Sabathia will be a Dodger, I know it.

  72. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    og, that’s how i feel as well.. there’s too much being said for us not to make a move..

  73. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    The Dodgers met with agent Scott Boras about free-agent outfielder Manny Ramirez late Monday night, but did not make a new offer.

    Instead, the two sides exchanged ideas, and Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti told Boras that he needed to talk with owner Frank McCourt before any further conversations could take place.

    The Dodgers’ initial offer to Ramirez was for two years, $45 million, according to numerous reports.

  74. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    a mccourt-boras conversation.. ooh, how can i get a front row ticket for that spectacle?

  75. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    Whether the Dodgers would be willing to sign two high-priced free agents, or were using interest in Sabathia to flush out Ramirez so they could clarify where they stand with him, is not yet known.

    But with no other clubs known to be aggressively pursuing Ramirez, the Dodgers are not likely to make a better offer than they originally submitted for fear they are bidding against themselves.

    complete article from the dodgers homepage:

  76. junkyardjamie

    Good almost lunch time ITD readers and writers!!!!

    I have been reading, but I haven’t had much to add since you all are doing such a fabulous job of saying what I am thinking. It must be the Dodger fan in us I guess. I do have to comment on the “Murder by Death” comment made by dodgereric/Ward Dear. I love that movie!!! So hilarious and so fun to watch still. Thanks for the visual – LOL!!!!

  77. thinkingblue

    It seems that Manny wants to be in L.A., and L.A. wants Manny, but I hear Boras in the Back saying “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”
    Hello my fellows ITD’rs. All these meetings in Vegas are getting exciting. I just hope that what happens in Vegas DOESN’T stay in Vegas….well all have a nice and wonderful day. I will be checking in through out the day, to catch the latest of the Vegas Meetings and to see what’s up in ITD Land!

  78. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    .264 .334 .447 .782 blake
    .297 .361 .399 .760 loretta

    If Rumors are true the top guy we get for 17 million and the bottom 1.25 million. They field the same pretty much.

  79. enchantedbeaver

    Unless someone out there has a better offer for Manny, there’s no reason for Ned to budge on his original offer. The fact that Ned had said that they’re the ones that needed to contact him I find encouraging – maybe Ned’s finding his cajones.

  80. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – It may be a tad to early to call it, but I think Ned might have learned a few lessons from JP, Andruw and Company and his past dealings.

  81. enchantedbeaver

    Also, if the Nats are looking for a speedy OFer, Ned ought to get their GM in the hotel lounge, get ’em good and hammered, then give them JP for “future considerations” if they’ll eat half his contract, and at least a couple of middling prospects if we eat 2/3 of it.

  82. cpompe1

    I am kinda wavering on Brian Fuentes. I REALLY like him and I would not mind seeing him in a Dodger uniform (much better than a Rox uniform). And with the Dodgers probably not resigning Saito, Brian would fit. But the more I think of it, the more I think that we need to give Broxton a legitimate shot to be the closer for the entire year, not just β€œthrown” into the closer’s role like he was last year. But does that mean a veteran presence in the BP in case Broxton has another meltdown? Could Hoffman also fill the bill of that?

  83. cpompe1

    Tru – As much as I would love to dump Andruw, I really don’t think that’s gonna happen. I think the Dodgers will use him as they will in 2009 and then be done with him. I honestly think that JP is a more likely trade bait, between those two.

  84. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    “If Manny Ramirez shows up at spring training in Glendale, Ariz., we’ll find him a hat and find him a jersey,” Colletti said. “But I can’t wait until that day to pursue a third baseman, a shortstop, a starting pitcher.

    One down, three to go. If they want to win the way the McCourt says he does . The roster is already filled with young talented options it’s time to give them the support they need. We need a legit leadoff hitter, a 3 hole hitter, a 1/2 starter, maybe another starter and a back of the bullpen arm (not a closer).

    I like the deals so far if we get the sum of the parts to total up…But without the main course these side dishes are expensive.

  85. cpompe1

    Jungar – I just have a feeling that we ARE going to land CC. Don’t know what the terms will be, but I just have that feeling. All outward indications appear to point in that direction. But Ned & Frank have to be smart about the $$$.

  86. enchantedbeaver

    And ToTo too Tru!!

    I think Brox can handle the job now that he’s had a taste of it. He didn’t blow many save opportunities in the closer roll. We have to remember too that he’s only 24 and there’s a learning curve there as well. I’m sure we’d see a difference in him from the beginning of the year to Aug-Sept.

  87. cpompe1

    Yeah Enchanted, I think Broxton can handle the closer’s role in 2009. I really think a lot of his problems last year stemmed from the fact that he was β€œthrown” into the closer’s role. If he has good tutoring in ST, I think he’ll be fine…

  88. trublu4ever

    I think of the main course as Manny and CC. The complimentary sides are our young guns and the dessert is the addition of Loretta. This is how the West will be won!

  89. cpompe1

    Tru – If the Dodgers go ahead and sign CC and/or Manny, I think we will do very well in the West next year! If the rest of our young guns solidify themselves and aren’t β€œjust” kids that need more seasoning, there is NO REASON for us not only to win the West but to, perhaps, win the WS!

    Well, I’m getting kinda hungry. I’ll catch up with y’all later.

  90. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Lowe has said the main requirement for his signing is a team committed to winning. Colletti has said recently that he believed Lowe did not want to return to the Dodgers and nothing came out of the Monday night meeting with Boras to indicate otherwise.

    Lowe, who is marrying former sportscaster Carolyn Hughes this weekend in Michigan, last week said he isn’t convinced the Dodgers will make the moves needed to be a postseason force year after year, even though he said his agent has tried to convince him that Los Angeles might be the best place for him to pitch.

    “I told Scott, if they brought back the same team as last year, I’d be the first guy to sign up,” Lowe said last week. “All I told him is, I want to win and be on the team with the best chance of winning. Would I go back to the Dodgers? Absolutely, if they were that team. But look what’s happened: They never made me an offer.”

    Lowe, who signed a four-year, $36 million deal with the Dodgers when Paul DePodesta was general manager, also cited the stagnant negotiations with Manny Ramirez and comments from ownership about financial uncertainty as indications the club won’t spend like a large-market franchise.

    “Granted, the economy now is bad, but it wasn’t bad until the end of the year and they had huge revenues this year,” he said. “They can’t cry that they don’t have money.”

  91. ramslover

    Enchanted I agree with you on Loretta, he is a good sign for the money and the term. The guy can hit ann=d play multiple positions and he is healthy compared to Nomar….Blake is a gamble, 3 years…ouch…he has history of back issues with the Indians…at least he would be easier to eat 5-6 mil than 18 or so…

    I am hoping that these low budget signings opens us up for Manram or CC or both….

    Lowe is being short sighted in his comments and I understand if I were in his position…This economy is going to hit every facet of society and we have not even hit bottom yet…so yes they may have money now, but if they do not prepare for the next 12-24 mos they could get hit really hard…I cannot believe I am making excuses for the Dodgers, but the reality is we are in an economic Tsunami….

  92. northstateblues

    I like the last line in Jungar’s last posted article, we’ve been saying that since the end of last season.

    I can guarantee that if the Dodgers sign both CC and Manny, then they won’t have to worry about money for a while (and their price increases would be justified FOR ONCE).

  93. amyw27

    hey NSB. long time no talk. Hope your Holiday went well in SoCal. Yea for family time.
    Isn’t today more interesting than yesterday. It’s like anticipating Christmas presents. We know what we want and what we asked for, but we have no idea what we will end up with!

  94. junkyardjamie

    ramslover and jungar – great posts by both of you.

    northstateblues – how are you feeling today – any better? The sun finally came out today, thank goodness πŸ™‚

  95. northstateblues

    Hi Amy, yeah, it’s been a while. Holiday went good, had Barstow Del Taco the first night, heheheh.

    The other night, they aired the first Episode when Edwards came on the show. He carried a giant moonshine jug where he kept his water, and the post office lady thought he was a drunk. funny stuff, heheh.

    As far as these winter meetings go, anything that involves us keeping the young guns is not only satisfactory, but mandatory. Of course, on the flipside, if you REALLY want Matt Kemp, Amy, get some guy over 40 and find Ned quick πŸ™‚ j/k

  96. northstateblues

    Hi Nelly, feeling a little better, but it was foggy this morning and black ice warnings up and down the 70 and 99 up here, so I got (wisely) vetoed by my girlfriend and her mom on staying home today, seeing as I couldn’t sleep all night. they thought with my congestion and sneezing fits, it would be dangerous for me to be on the road that long. Of course, today was review for finals, so… yeah.

    And to make it a little worse, the sun finally came out about 30 minutes after our decision, but I had already taken the knockout medicine.

    But on the plus side, I’m alive πŸ™‚ . in those conditions, I might’ve messed up my chances to take the finals by getting into an accident, and don’t want that.


  97. amyw27

    NSB- superstar friend. I am glad you had some Del Taco. I had some myself last week. It’s a good craving to fulfill πŸ™‚
    I watched an episode yesterday that was very disturbing. Mr. Edward’s older adopted son, John Jr., was murdered by a wealthy construction owner in Chicago because John was reporting for the newspaper and was getting too close to the truth. They covered it up as an accident and Charles and Edwards had to uncover the truth. It was sad :(. But the ones on t.v right now have Nancy in them. She is an awful child!!
    Yeah, Matt sooooo cannot go. He is a Dodger for life. We need him here with us. He is a gold mine that hasn’t been fully tapped into. The Dodgers own the claim on Mr. Kemp.

  98. enchantedbeaver

    Lowe to me sounds more like sour grapes than anything else. On most teams Lowe is a #2-#3 starter. Perhaps victimized by lack of run support, he was also very Penny-esque early this last season.

  99. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    The failure of free-agent closer Francisco Rodriguez to get the contract he initially desired has encouraged teams that the prices for other prominent free agents might also drop.

    Specifically, two teams interested in Rafael Furcal β€” the Dodgers and Blue Jays β€” are hoping that they can now make serious runs at the free-agent shortstop.

    The Dodgers are willing to offer a multi-year deal, sources say, but only a dollar amount they find acceptable.

  100. northstateblues

    Amy: I forgot Edwards had a son named John Jr., heh (which is my name). I was a newspaper editor in college, so I’ll be sure to stay away from Chicago construction companies, heh. Sounds like a sad episode for sure. And I don’t think Matt is going anywhere. Especially for Melky Cabrera (?!!), what Ken Rosenthal was tripping on is beyond me.

    Sara: Gas is WAY down, not just in the Manny sense, but in the FA sense, heheh. Good to see falling prices, we might have a chance to strenghten our roster while keeping the core intact yet. Ned’s done decent so far.

  101. amyw27

    NSB- do you remember when John Jr. first went to College? Mary and Charles went to surprise him and then they found out that he had been cheating on Mary the entire time? I lost respect for John after that…because he was still engaged to Mary at the time. boo to that!
    Sara- I hope we can pull Furcal back to our side. I hope he can agree to what we can offer him. We need a strong s.s. back on our team!!

  102. junkyardjamie

    nsblues – sorry – I had to get my students out the door and on their way home. I am glad you are feeling a little better, and I am also glad you were convinced to stay home – black ice is bad stuff. We had a lot of that when I lived in Tennessee.

    Hello Amy – all is well up here. How is your mom’s school year going, any better?

  103. northstateblues

    Amy: I’d forgotten that! so I guess John Jr. had what was comming to him, heheheh. It must’ve taken everything for Charles not to do him in himself (if his friendship with Edwards wasn’t deterrent enough, I’m sure that fear of a drunken, bear-killing Edwards gunning for him would do it). That’s messed up.

    Doing some quick shopping, so I should be back soon. If I don’t see you again, have a good day, it was nice talking with you again πŸ™‚

  104. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    nsb and amy, i agree with both of you.
    i really do feel that we NEED furcal to lead this team and be successful.. i hope we can get him back soon so we can then shift our focus to CC..

  105. northstateblues

    Nelly, I’m glad I was convinced to stay home too. If I think otherwise, there’s always the hot toddies to cheer me up. Tea, honey and a little bit of whisky (or rum, like I improvised last night). good stuff πŸ™‚

    Okay, NOW I have to go shopping, heheh. Be back soon.

  106. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    bye nsb! i just got back from shopping.. have fun!

    i gotta go pick up the puppies from the hospital.. talk to you all later!

  107. dodge1612

    I saw we forget about Manny, he would be a nice addition dont get my wrong but next season matt holliday is available… holliday, kemp, and Ethier would be just about the best outfeild in baseball. but I think we should get CC

  108. junkyardjamie

    Hey Dodge16!!!! That’s not a bad idea at all πŸ™‚

    nsblues – The JD logo is not even appealing. It kind of sucks πŸ™‚

  109. northstateblues

    Yeah Nelly, uninspired.

    In case anyone doesn’t know what I’m blabbing about, here’s the skinny: There is no more Dodgers Blue Crew Fan Club. Instead, they have rebranded the kid’s fan club the Jr. Dodgers. Here’s the page:

    To me, this is bewildering. I’ve always liked the name “The Blue Crew Fan Club”, it connects kids to the Dodgers, but gives them their own unique identity. Jr. Dodgers doesn’t give them a unique identity.

    Also, the JD crest brings to mind two things:
    1.) Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Tennessee Sour Mash Whisky.
    2.) The other “Old No. 7”, J.D. Drew. Yuck.
    Bad for the kids.

    Furthermore, it doesn’t give the Dodgers themselves a unique name, because as I, Dnelly and the other NorCal Dodger fans know and loathe, there is another organization that puts Jr. in front of its team name for their fan club:

    If you’re tired of the San Francisco Giants infiltrating the Dodgers more and more every year, I’m sure you’ll be equally disgusted with this move. But hey, it’s a free country, so I’m not trying to strong arm anyone.

    Silly to talk about a kids club during Winter Meetings, I know. But as a Blue Crew alumni, I’m disgusted the name is effectually dissolved to be replaced with yet another SF-inspired addition.


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