Spring Training is just '88 days away…

MLB.com has launched Spring Training pages now for all teams and ours is live, with lots of useful information. Keep in mind, the schedule is extremely tentative and we haven’t even formally announced it, as changes always come this time of year based on a number of factors.

But, hopefully you’re starting to feel the desert air and planning your trips out to the complex. From what I’ve heard, it’s an absolutely amazing complex that is going to blow us all away. I was just in Arizona yesterday for some MLB meetings but didn’t get to Glendale. I’m hoping to head back in a week or so and get my first tour of the place…

Here’s hoping the Manny-coaster isn’t keeping anyone too crazy. It’s going to be an interesting few weeks leading up to the Winter Meetings.


  1. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    yay! i can’t wait josh!! we’ll have to break in arizona big time.. spring training is going to be a blast! 🙂

  2. lagirl27

    Wow- spring training is so close now. Before we know it, pitchers and catchers will be reporting. All I have to say is that I can’t wait. Spring Training is so exciting and a good get away for a weekend or so. Josh- the pictures on-line do look incredible. I can only say that I’ve been to the Angels ST facilities and they were not that impressive! Dodgers will do it bigger and better!
    Viva Los Dodgers!

  3. trublu4ever

    Let’s hope spring training is something we can really look forward to………….a fairly decent team would be nice.

  4. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    btw, the only way we get CC now, is if he decides he wants to live in LA and be in the national league more than anything.. we’ll see..

  5. thinkingblue

    Spring Training..I’m sooooo ready. 88 days is still far away. But thanks to the Holidays it should fly by….Thanksgiving is coming soon and hope we will be thanking God that Manny signed. LOL! Then Christmas…oh yeah hopefully I’ll be opening an Ethier jersey as my gift… Then New Years…2009! I can’t wait for it all!

  6. junkyardjamie

    …enchanted – I read your post on the previous thread, and I really couldn’t agree with you more at this point. Let’s just start over… why try and fix it with what’s out there. Build from within and see what happens. We said this last year, and I guess we are saying it again. Go young and see what develops… you never know. It’s got to be better than tying up years and/or money on big contracts at this point. All this talk still isn’t addressing the issue of the money/years we still have tied up in Andruw, JP and Schmidt.

  7. enchantedbeaver

    Do you at least get to keep the towels??
    Probably will need them to cry into when they unveil the 2009 roster Ned’s “put together.”

  8. junkyardjamie

    This is a repost from nsblues last night.

    McCourt must be crazy…



    Free agent season starts now
    Manny Ramirez is drawing the most notice as all teams are free to negotiate with free agents starting Friday.
    By Bill Shaikin

    7:48 PM PST, November 13, 2008

    Commissioner Bud Selig has warned teams not to “get too cocky” on prices in these rocky times. Yet the Dodgers have done just that in setting the prices for their new spring complex in Glendale, Ariz.

    For an exhibition game — for three innings of Matt Kemp and six innings of A.J. Ellis — the Dodgers are charging $90 for the best seats in the house, $30 and $26 and $24 for everything else between the bases.

    The perks of the $90 seats, according to the Dodgers’ website, include “complimentary water, sunscreen [and] cool scented towels.”

    Scott Boras will love that. He’ll ask Frank McCourt how the Dodgers can charge their fans beyond top dollar for practice games, then submit a low-ball offer for Ramirez.

    And that’s too bad, because the Dodgers’ offer to Ramirez is perfectly reasonable as a first offer, entirely respectable even as a best offer.


    I guess he’s hoping LA fans will knock heads at the chance to see the spring training games after a 6-8 hour drive. Thing is, he might be right. But I’ll tell you one thing, if I have 90 bucks in March to spend on a ballgame, I’m gonna wait ’til April, and spend it in L.A.

    “cool scented towels”?!!!! I’ll leave that softball up in the air…
    By nsblues on November 13, 2008 10:49 PM
    Report any abuse or spam

  9. thinkingblue

    Just wanted to point out that their is a typo in the Spring Training Calendar. Yup they have two March 27th’s. That only means that the Dodgers still think about the Lucky #27th, and they know that it is NS’s girlfriends, my b-day and somebody else in ITD celebrates their b-day on the 27th. It is a 2 day party…. Maybe we should be attending those games. LOL!

  10. edwcarter

    I was planning on heading down from SLC and checking out the new facilities in Glendale this year like I did last year when the Dodgers had a few Spring Training games there, until I saw the prices….

    I paid $15 for good seats to see the starters for 3 innings last year, and it was a lot of fun. With the economy the way it is, I can’t justify paying that much to get there and spend at least $30 to get in.

  11. lbirken@aol.com

    Not that I have the time for this but I just can’t let the day go by without asking why it was necessary for Boras to make such a nasty comment about listening to “serious” offers for Manny’s services. Gee, can we look inside Manny’s mouth and feel his muscles? Hey Scot, why not put Manny on public display! It is a free country and everyone is entitled to get what he can but have some dignity!

  12. junkyardjamie

    Hey edwcarter – no problem at all ~ I just happened to be in on the conversation last night when nsblues brought it up.

  13. trublu4ever

    You are right about the cost of tickets to a spring training game, edwcarter. Maybe it’s a typo and $90 is for the entire spring training season. Yea, sure it is!

  14. thinkingblue

    Well they have to pay for the facility somehow. It looks expensive….12 fields and a lake….sshsss I see a McDonalds sign in the rendering. I’m sure the BigMacs will be $5 and that is not including the fries and drinks.

  15. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ I feel the same was about Boras’ statement. What a jerk. Manny probably thinks our offer was just fine.

  16. junkyardjamie

    Isn’t that even more reason to stay young enchanted. At least if they bring up the farm, we at least know those kids are going to give 110% every game. They will create their own higher expectation and perhaps surprise some people. With what is out there and the doubts about getting anyone of significance, it’s just better to do nothing and go young.

  17. edwcarter

    I wish truble, but as the article says…The Dodgers a charging top dollar to see 3-4 innings of James Loney. I didn’t even pay $90 to see the Dodgers play the Dbacks this year on vacation (Manny’s second game as a Dodger). We got some great seats in the second pavilion for $45 a seat, and it was a great game with the pro’s all 9 innings.
    Sorry for venting everyone! I’m just frustrated because I was really looking forward to going down there this year and catching some early spring games, and I still might. But the prices aren’t very encouraging.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    How can you justify looking at 45 and 41 year old pitchers, and not then offer Manny a 4-5 year contract?

    Deep Thought #44

  19. junkyardjamie

    edwcarter – I was at those games too, and didn’t pay that much for one ticket. We had great seats in the Loge Deck.

  20. trublu4ever

    edwcarter ~ I know how you feel. I was thinking of going to a game or two, since Arizona isn’t that far……but, I don’t want to pay $90 to see a few innings of the starters and the rest of the game to see who will be cut from the roster.

  21. junkyardjamie

    … it would be kind of cool to see what a cool scented towel is really like – LOL!!!!! … and then maybe we will find out if we get to keep them – LOL!!!!!

  22. edwcarter

    Seriously! What a joke….I wonder if they are going to be folded in the shape of animals waiting for you on your seat like they do on cruises. Who knows…that may jack up the ticket prices even more.

  23. enchantedbeaver

    Sad thing is, is that you know they did a study to find out if it was cheaper to offer a cool scented towel and sunscreen, or just play night games under the lights.

  24. edwcarter

    For a guy like me who doesn’t get to see pro baseball very often live because of where I live, I was really planning on taking advantage of spring training. Oh well, I’ll probably still go. I want to meet all you guys!

  25. junkyardjamie

    I am leaving school and heading home eventually. It’s getting dark and I really need to get out of here. Kind of a dark and scary place at night. I will catch up to all of you later when I eventually get home and settled. If you are not on later, have a wonderful evening!!! Thanks for the great conversation as always!!!!

  26. sparkleplenty_1

    I’ve been considering the scenario of the club staying young, bringing up their farm prospects and doing it from within without signing any big-name FA’s during this off-season. I don’t know if there’s a standard length of time players need to be in the big leagues to be considered veterans, but it seems to me that our “young core” (Ethier, Martin, Loney, Kemp, Billingsley, Broxton, et.al.) would then, by virtue of their experience, have to be counted as “veterans”. What an exhilarating thought!

  27. trublu4ever

    edwcarter ~ That’s why we were thinking of going to Arizona, so we could have an ITD get-together. it would be a lot of fun.

  28. thinkingblue

    Well I think Spring Training should be atleast and once in the life time experience (regardless of price). But if they lower the prices then it can be an annual experience. The new facility looks very interesting and I do want to go check it out. I am a building nerd…love my building and the whole architecture, so I must go and critique it.

  29. lbirken@aol.com

    Manny has a mouth and can speak for himself but that is not the way it works. This is the business side of sports and while I understand it, I don’t like it. I have heard players say pretty much the same thing. I just crack up whenever I hear the world “loyalty” brought up because there really never has been loyalty on the part of the player or organization. Look at the system before free agency and remember, it was always the Dodgers creed to get rid of a player too soon rather than too early. For goodness sakes our beloved Dodgers traded Jackie Robinson to the Giants! Loyalty?

  30. trublu4ever

    And, they say it is the fans who pay the players salary…..tickets, merchandise, $5 bottles of water, etc. but, when it comes down to it, the fans aren’t considered at all.

  31. lbirken@aol.com

    Sorry for all the negativity. That is usually not my style. But someone (I think nsblues) made a comment earlier about people being out of work so while I don’t begrudge anyone getting what he or she can, sometimes a little perspective is necessary. Manny is a superstar and a distraction. He is good for the game and bad for the game all in one. He has an ego, Boras has an ego, Frank has an ego, maybe even Ned has an ego. Let the games begin.

    As for spring training, it is a lot of fun. I went to one spring training game in Vero in the early 90’s. We bought tickets from someone outside the gate. I don’t remember what we paid but I doubt seriously I would pay $90 for a spring training game just to get a closer look and a scented towel while sitting in the hot sun. Towlie, I just loved that.

  32. enchantedbeaver

    Its very early, and they could still end up with someone like Burnett or Sheets or Dempster, but when all we hear is how they’re going to bid on CC, then the very morning you can negociate with him, we hear about interest in Johnson and Brocail, my question is why? If you’re looking at a front end starter, then why are you even thinking about or considering Johnson? If you get a front end starter, then McDonald should be #5. Or if you still want a #5 to let McD learn in the BP awhile, then why not Oliver Perez? And don’t spout off BS about a veteran influence. If you want veteran influence, hire a better pitching coach since THAT’S HIS JOB.

    What it implies to me is we’re going with cheap retread PVLs to fill the gaps, and to that I say NO. If that’s the way you’re going, let ALL the kids play. I’d rather see them all year than a bunch of junk like we saw 2/3 of last year.

    Where’s that blogger’s Bill of Rights…

  33. lbirken@aol.com

    I don’t find Randy Johnson intriging at all. All this stuff coming from GM’s and agents is posturing and part of the negotiations. Wake me when something meaningful happens. Enchanted, where do I sign your bill of rights?

  34. trublu4ever

    I think I was one who has said many times that these players and their agents are upset over millions of dollars while some of us wonder if we will have a job tomorrow. Not only that, a bag of groceries could cost $90….the price of an over priced spring training ticket. I’m not saying I’m dirt poor, but my husband and I live on a fixed income and to hear Boras complain that Manny needs a serious offer is absurd! I too am sorry about ranting most of the day. But, I am really PO at the lack of concern these athletes have for their faithful followers.

  35. oldbrooklynfan

    I think right now we have to see how the other 29 teams feel about Manny. I personally hope nobody will give him ((more than)) 4 years and if they don’t, I think we have a chance, because there have been plenty of 40 year olds playing MLB.
    I’d also like to see Raffy, Blake, Lowe & Beimel come back, I think that ALL we need.

  36. trublu4ever

    I try to always be happy. Life is too short to worry about petty things. I do find, however, I’m not very patient or kind when driving………..people do the most idiotic things behind the wheel of a car and I’m afraid the words that come out of my mouth are not very ladylike. Luckily, nobody can hear me!

  37. trublu4ever

    My husband drives slow too. I don’t drive fast but, it’s the people who don’t signal or turn right in front of you and then go 10 miles an hour. I think I’ll try whistling 🙂 better than swearing.

  38. trublu4ever

    We better talk baseball or we might get in trouble. So, spring training should be interesting this season……we will either be thrilled and praying for the first game of the regular seaon or, be so upset that we just hope we don’t finish in last place.

  39. trublu4ever

    Manny is going to sign with us for lots of money. Frank will not let the Angels get him. So, Manny will be jammin 🙂

  40. junkyardjamie

    Why are we jammin’ tonight dodger4life?

    Kid’s version of Don’t Worry Be Happy 🙂
    Hakuna Matata – means no worries for the rest of your days.
    It’s a problem free philosophy – Hakuna Matata

    enchantedGM ~ I got your message about the Bloggers Rights. I will get right on that sir. Any time frame because that might take some additional hours. Do you have enough to pay me? I guess if Ned/Frank are going bargain hunting, I guess you will 🙂
    Nells’ ~ Secretary to EnchantedGM

  41. junkyardjamie

    You gotta rest up for the last race on Sunday. I am actually really excited about it.


  42. junkyardjamie

    Yes, I am glad the weekend is here. Tomorrow’s a little busier than usual. I am going to school in the morning just to get ahead so I will be ready to take the day off on Friday, and I’m going tomorrow instead of Sunday because I want to watch the race. Then I have a shower to go to. My sister-in-law is having twin girls. Then I am going to a concert at our church tomorrow night with my daughter. Also, I think I am doing another round of batting practice sometime between the shower and the concert.

    Any plans for the weekend?

  43. jhallwally

    Hey gang!! Just catching up on the ITD posts today. Alot of March 27th birthdays. LOL!! JoePierres’, PierreEWs’ birthday is also March 27th. I’ve spent quite a few of my birthdays at Dodger Spring Training games at Vero and it was incredible. Hope everyone is having a great day, evening, night.

  44. jhallwally

    Bonsoir Nelle’!! My day was great. Merci!! How about you? I certainly hope to spend a few birthdays in Arizona for Dodger Spring Training.

  45. junkyardjamie

    Doing good jhall!!! I have been going from school to the baseball academy trying to learn some of the things going on there. Tonight was the first night I had to close all by myself – my husband and kids went to the highschool football game out of town (last one of the season and it’s for first place). A much bigger place than what we had before and worth a lot more money too – LOL!!!!

    I can’t wait to see some Spring Training games this year.

  46. jhallwally

    Good for you Nell’!! Sounds like all is going well with the Baseball School. I am very happy for you and your family.

  47. junkyardjamie

    In my search for enchantedGM request, I came across this….seems fitting once again – LOL!!!! This was just part of what was said in reference to the CAI Foundation.

    Hi! I’m Susan Sarandon and I’d like to speak to you on behalf of the CAI Foundation.

    For those of you unfamiliar with CAI, it’s the newest, most terribly frightening disease. It’s Cranial-Anal Inversion, and it’s affecting mill, um, thous, um hund, er, dozens of, um, well right now it’s actually only affecting a couple of people in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization, but those of us who care want to get this nipped in the butt, er bud before it spreads to the general public.

    With me is Ned Colletti, General Manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers and one of those unfortunate people who have been stricken with this terrifying new disease. Ned, could you give us an insight as to how dibilitating this can be?

    “mphhmpdff, mphrmgsff mff mmphufff……”

    Thank you, Ned! Please give generously. We need to halt this in its tracks.

    By dodgereric on July 1, 2008 3:26 PM

  48. junkyardjamie

    Thanks jhall – it seems to be going really well. However, like many things right now, only time will tell. I can say that it’s definitely has been easier going than the retail shop. Too many ups and downs depending on the month, holidays, etc.

  49. junkyardjamie

    jhall – we are missing a few people from that time frame – jnv for one. We haven’t heard from him in a long time.

  50. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!!!! no kidding!!!! Ned/Frank’s mind boggling decisions/thoughts seem to do that to us, I guess. It’s like we are trying to figure this all out, and it’s really impossible. I mean who ever thought Randy Johnson becoming a Dodger would become a topic of discussion over Manny today. It is just mind boggling I tell you, but I don’t have to tell you because you know too. Just pure craziness!!!!

  51. junkyardjamie

    …and once again, it really has nothing to do with the player himself. I think Johnson is/was fabulous!! It’s about Ned/Frank and what they are thinking. This is NOT what the Dodgers need right now. It’s feels like JP all over again. Pierre is Pierre, and that’s fine, but the Dodgers didn’t need Pierre ethier.

  52. jhallwally

    Your right Nell’, thinking of signing Randy Johnson is pure lunacy. Unbelievable. But, incredibly inane decisions and moves have become Nediots calling card. I fear that we are going to be royally screwed in the long run with Ned still at the helm.

  53. jhallwally

    Johnson is no more than a 4th or 5th starter these days. I would rather go with Elbert or Stults. I’m surprised Nediot hasn’t looked into reaquiring Bombko. Freaking Moron!!!!

  54. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!! I wouldn’t put it past him – LMAO!!!! I thought Elbert did pretty good. He and McDonald with a little experience are going to be good, maybe just as good as Kershaw. I really liked what I saw from both of them. Same thing with Stults really – just some seasoning maybe. I am willing to take the chance and let it be what it’s going to be this year. It has to be better than another PVL contract (Ned style).

  55. jhallwally

    Getting late here Nell’ and I have an early and long day tomorrow. Great chatting with you. Catch you later. Goodnight and give my regards to the West Coast late nighters. Hope you have a great Saturday and weekend.

  56. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!! We haven’t seen those in a long time jhall. We haven’t needed those too much lately, but they will definitely come in handy in the next few weeks I’m sure. LOL!!!!! I have to find that notebook 🙂

  57. junkyardjamie

    very interesting jungar – thanks 🙂

    Well, it sounds, at least, that the Randy Johnson thing was somewhat of a rumor. I just wish we could get Manny figured out, one way or another.

  58. kpookiemon

    I think figuring out Pierre would go a long way toward figuring out Manny. There’s lot’s of little trades going on right now. Ned would earn his wings if he could somehow deal Pierre and free up some portion of his contract for the Manny cookie jar. I’d bet the Dodgers are working this as we type.

    MartinLoneyKempEthier are only going to get better…Manny or no Manny.

  59. amyw27

    Good morning all. I’m off to the second job but I wanted to stop by and say that this fire in Slymar is terrible. It is cutting us all off from going north, and that is where my mommy lives. I was going to head down there after lunch and we had plans and I can’t even get to her. All freeways are completely shut down. My roommate had to work up there his morning, she left a 6am and now at 8 she couldn’t even get there so she had to stop at her grandpa’s house. She said it’s nasty out there and the smoke is so thick. Arg! I hope everyone recovers and no more homes burn. I will miss my mommy today.
    I hope you all are having a better morning. Take care everyone.

  60. trublu4ever

    Amy ~ please take care…….saw the news reports about the fires this morning and I wish all of you who live in the area the best. I hope the winds die down and they can get these fires under control.

  61. ramslover

    Hello everyone from Dallas Texas, it is windy and cool in the 50s today….burrr!!!! I hope all are out of harms way in relation to the wildfire in California…My thoughts and prayers are with you….

    Ned, lets get busy, what is wrong with a 27 year old lefty that over the last 2 years has allowed 25-30 less hits than innings pitched….4 yr 40 mil contract…similar to DLowes 4 yr 48mil contract…this is Oliver Perez, I am speaking of….just in case Ned did not know.

    Rotation would consist of
    Bills as #1, he needs and will step up
    kuroda #2, I thought he pitched well and with a year to adjust he should improve
    Perez as #3
    Kershaw as @4
    Mcdonald/ or someone in the 5th spot…Maybe CC will sign for 6 yrs 125 mil to be close to home…and he will be #1 and bump everyone down…or Dempster 4yrs 48 mil….

    Furcal is going to get the 4 yr deal from someone and I just do not trust his injury history….he was only healthy one year here and too risky….sign Cabrera.

    give Manny 4 yrs 88-95 mil…I think he will not get a better offer…unless Toronto or Baltimore get desperate…

    As for ST tickets at 90.00 that is absolutely ridiculous, but Frank is a business man and with the excitement of the Dodgers in Arizona, he will get it….but in this economy it is going to leave “Joe the Plumber” and his family at home…ST was always about the little people who may never get to see the team during the regular season because they could not afford….Again this is greed of Pro Sports that is going to kill the average fan!!!

    If we do not sign Manny, I do not know what to think…I heard on MLB radio this AM that the Dodgers have assigned a trainer to Andruw to ensure that he is in shape…This is pathetic that a grown man making 21 mil has to have a team appointed employee to get him in shape!!!! I am afraid we will have Jones/Pierre platooning!!!

  62. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Yes, ramslover, it is truly pathetic and incomprehensible that an assumed adult would need a trainer to babysit him with his offseason conditioning. You would think the fact that his career is on the line this season would be incentive enough. Unless we can bribe someone to take him off our hands, we’re stuck with him. With so much Hot Stove white noise out there, it’s hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Here’s to hoping that we can resign Manny, Furcal, and sign a quality starting pitcher to solidify our young rotation. As good as CC is, I’m leary of giving 5 or 6 year deals to starting pitchers. They can get hurt or go south in a New York minute.
    I heard it’s going to be 100 degrees in SoCal today. Combined with those winds, that’s not real good. Hope everyone in those areas is ok.

  63. messagebear@msn.com

    I agree that it’s scary to have to sign Furcal for four years. After all, he’s played healthy for us less than half the time – remember, he played pretty much the whole 2007 season with that hurt ankle, and nobody would bench him long enough to recover from the injury. What is most scary to me, however, is Torre feeling compelled to start and play Pierre in the leadoff position if we don’t have Furcal. We should mandate Torre to start and play Kemp in leadoff, which seemed to work pretty well during 2008, especially with Ethier batting second.

    I’m still recommending that we make a deal with Hudson for second base and Jose Cruz for our bullpen, in which case we can give up on Proctor and Park.

  64. junkyardjamie

    ramslover ~ xoxrussell just texted me saying she is at the Dallas airport on her way to Virginia. She mentioned the difference in temperature. Plus, my sister-in-law and her family live there as well.

    Simply unbelieveable about Andruw. There is nothing left to say that hasn’t already been said but I am just baffled by all this coddling of a player who is making that much money. Your job is to stay conditioned and in shape to play the sport that the Dodgers are paying you to play. It’s not like he doesn’t have the resources to get it done himself. Why should the Dodgers have to pay the bill – get a chef, get a trainer and get in shape. If I could afford it, I certainly would and I don’t play the sport.

    However, maybe Ned/Frank is thinking it would be cheaper to get Andruw in shape than to pay Manny. Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities with those two. I am sure it will be a solution totally out of leftfield (lol!) just like the Johnson rumors yesterday – who would have thought that? You would think things couldn’t get much more bizarre, but Ned/Frank always out do themselves every time.

  65. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    `I’m going to be in AZ this February and got to thinking about spring training, then logged on to this site since I haven’t for a while….Are you guys kidding about $90 seats and towels? Is this for real?

  66. enchantedbeaver

    Actually, Ned & Frank got what they deserved with Andruw – I doubt very much if he put on all that weight and grew a golfball sized wart behind his knee between the time they signed him and the time spring training started. Anyone with eyes wouldn’t have signed him in the [lack of] condition he was in. And Andruw also got what he deserved by the fans at the stadium and on the blogs. Anyone that disrespects his sport and team such as to be in that kind of shape and coupled with a don’t care attitude earned every boo and chide offered his way. Probably the worst FA signing of all time, and that’s saying a lot when you’ve also signed Schmidt.

    So how big are these scented towels? Do you get to pick the scent? When they’re no longer cool and smelly, can you use them as rally towels? Where do you discard them? Do you have to leave your seat to get one? Is there some sort of towel delivery system? These questions must be answered!!!

  67. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Jones is a lost cause. In his last 1000 AB’s going back to 06 he has hit .220 (in and out of shape). Some players just loose it when they were never hard workers in the first place. For Jones I bet it all came easy, natrual talent and maybe some substances. It’s over. I hate to say it cause I wanted him and hoped he would bounce back from his terrible 2007. Let alone the worst season of baseball by any baseball player in the last 100 years in 08. If they even consider starting him on opening day its a slap in all of our faces. I’d much rather they start Pierre and you know how that just hurt my head a little to write.

  68. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    This year in addition to the PR reports on how Schmidt is “making progress” we will get Jones “is doing well at fat camp” PR. Like either will ever be effective ever again. I wonder who Ned will sign this year only to be added to the list?

  69. enchantedbeaver

    Think you take take your pick there jungar – this year’s FA pool is rife with PVLs to add to Ned’s collection.

  70. junkyardjamie

    EnchantedGM – since you are enchanted, I would think for $90, you would have a personal assistant to rub the cool-scented towels on you or at least the suntan lotion. Then again for $90, we all should have those personal assistants.

    As for our possible FA signings, I feel it will be nothing but disappointment that awaits us.

  71. messagebear@msn.com

    Frank should explore if there is some way to take advantage of the bailout package that the politicians put together. If Andrew and Schmidt can’t qualify as bad assets, I don’t know what can. Frank should insist that the government buy them out. Wouldn’t be any worse than some of the shenanigans pulled off by the banking and investment people.

  72. junkyardjamie

    messagebear – bailout package – that’s a fantastic idea!!!

    Now enchanted – We are talking the Dodgers vs. the White Sox. The Dodgers feel they don’t have the money to sign players like Manny and CC, but they have no problems charging their fans $90 for Spring Training Tickets only to watch Andruw and JP compete for positions that they have now lost to Kemp and Ethier who this coming year will once again run circles around them. On the other hand, the White Sox management has something the Dodger management doesn’t seem to have – common sense.

    Seriously, according to this article, the White Sox still need to get approval on a proposal to leave Tuscon, and what will happen to the facility they are leaving.

    A Tuesday vote in support of this proposal would allow the White Sox to join the Dodgers in their new shared facility, breaking their contract with Tucson that was scheduled to run through 2012.

    Max Power – If we are going by past history, I think your assessment is very accurate 🙂

  73. junkyardjamie

    I apologize – they did round up to $140 for CC.

    Yanks still after Peavy
    Don’t be fooled about their weighty offer to CC Sabathia and their impending offers to Derek Lowe and A.J. Burnett: the Yankees are still after Jake Peavy, too.

    Despite heavy competition from other teams, a strong interest in the free agent market and a relative lack of trading chips, the Yankees have had “numerous discussions” about Peavy, according to a report citing an anonymous source on FoxSports.com. The Braves appeared to be the front-runner to land Peavy just last week, until they dropped out of the hunt.

    The Yankees have already made a six-year offer worth a reported $140 million to Sabathia, who won the AL Cy Young Award in 2007 — the same year that Peavy won the NL Cy Young.

    –Anthony DiComo

    Posted on November 15, 2008 at 11:39 AMPermalinkComments (13)
    Tags: CC Sabathia, Jake Peavy, Yankees

  74. enchantedbeaver

    Right now our starting rotation is Billz, Kuroda, Kersh, McDonald and Stultz, so whomever we pick-up will have to be graded against McDonald and Stults as to whether or not we’ve improved.

    Same goes for Abreu/Hu/DeJesus, and Jones/Pierre.

    In that respect, it’d be hard not to improve even with the Johnson’s and Crede’s of the world.

    Still, it’s what’s available vs. what we end up getting. If we have a shot at getting a front end starter and end up with Johnson, well… its like setting off to go buy a Benz and coming home with a Yugo.

  75. enchantedbeaver

    I have to go back to it again… At what point is the Yankee’s spending bazillions on every good player going to be considered detrimental to baseball?

  76. northstateblues

    Well, Colletti’s already stocked Frank’s garage with Pinto’s and Gremlins’ (and the Corvette that might get away), so Yugo would be the direction he goes towards…

    At least the MLB Power Pro Chibi Dodgers are doing good.

    Off to work for me, have a good night, and my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the fires in L.A. Be careful, Angelinos.

  77. trublu4ever

    I think it is detrimental right now, enchanted! It has been for several years. Why don’t the other teams and Selig do something about it?

  78. enchantedbeaver

    Nothing a spending cap wouldn’t solve – all the other major sports have it. This Luxury Tax is a joke. It might also bring salaries somewhat back in the realm of reality.

  79. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – it’s getting beyond ridiculous, don’t you think? Yet, mlb stopped Cuban from becoming the owner of the Cubs – what gives?

  80. trublu4ever

    As GM, enchanted, I give you permission to apply a spending cap. It’s as if the Yankees are a tuxedo and we are a pair of brown shoes!

  81. enchantedbeaver

    And of course there’s only room for a couple nut cases in baseball and they both have the name of Steinbrenner…

    Guess the construction costs for the Green Girdle went up. Think when its finally built I’ll call it Gurdy.

  82. trublu4ever

    Cuban may be a nut case but he is a great owner. Really takes care of his players. From what I hear they really like playing for him………perhaps, not so much with his antics courtside, but as a whole, much respected by his team.

  83. junkyardjamie

    As far as Glendale, will there be a separate agency running the facility that decides prices and such for both teams (Dodgers and White Sox) or do they have their own Organizations running the facility deciding on pricing for each club? So, for example if it’s run by each organization, perhaps then the same seat will cost a Dodger Fan $90 and White Sox fan $30. Is that how it works?

  84. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – there is something to that isn’t there? It also kind of makes you wonder how happy our young players really are if the FA’s are out there looking so intently.

  85. colliethec

    First & foremost my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Southern California that are affected by the fires. It is one of those incidents where it really makes what I’m going to put in the rest of my post really really small.
    I thought Frank moved ST to Arizona so the fans could better afford the price as tickets to fly to Florida cost about $300 more.
    Well if the tickets cost $90 in Arizona compared to $25 in Florida, then I don’t really see the difference. I know those are behind the plate but as I recall, the seats from pole to pole in Florida were the same price.
    Bad PR move to do this to the fans.
    I’ve been a very positive person on this site but between this, the autograph issue (Not allowing fans along the field seats during BP for autographs unless they have the ticket for those seats), and the ugly fans at the stadium I’m beginning to turn. Yes they said they opened an area in centerfield for autographs before the game but I didn’t see many autographs being signed there. It also piles in a large amount of people in a small area as opposed to the length of the filed. I really think it was a mistake to do this. Again a bad PR move that was supposedly changed but not when I was there.
    I do see where they hired a new Security Manager and thanks Josh for the feedback on that and taking the time to do whatever you’ve done to assist with making the stadium a great place to go. Also thanks Ramsfan for taking the time to send the letter into the Dodgers with my experience as an example of some of the sadness that I’ve seen there. I really hope that there are results with the move that was made and that there is “teeth” with the new Security Manager and it isn’t just another attempted PR move.
    I love baseball & the Dodgers and I’m feeling discouraged with what I’ve seen the last few years. Baseball wants to have more fans but they are really being priced out of the sport and they will one day find that they don’t have any fans left.
    Just because you can make a ton of money at one point in time doesn’t mean that it will continue & when it stops don’t bellyache that it stopped.
    To use the automakers and big oil as example (Not as a political example just a business one), the automakers at one point in time were making bucks. They kept raising prices because they could. Corporate greed set in. Now they need a bailout from the government (Which is you & me).
    The next will be big oil. They have been making bucks, big bucks, for years. They raised prices because they could. Now because of the economy the price of oil has dropped. Not as many people are driving their cars or are buying SUV’s and that has cut into their profits. I wouldn’t be surprised if pretty soon they will be crying that they need a bailout.
    This brings us to the Dodgers. If they keep raising their prices because they can, the fans will dwindle. Then when the people that can afford those prices can’t anymore or find something else they would rather be at or do, what will happen? They will be trying to get us back by offering $1.00 hotdog days and 1/2 price Wednesday night tickets and whatnot.
    Sorry to ramble. I’m usually a positive person and stick up for the Dodgers and the corporate world, but I’m really feeling negative towards the greed that is in the world right now. I know in the last 10-15 years many have gotten themselves into financial trouble with buying $1,500.00 handbags or $500.00 sunglasses and whatnot. But with people losing their jobs, being pay check to paycheck, & in many cases 1 check away from being homeless, to raise prices on a ST ticket from $25.00 to 90.00 is a JOKE and has me furious!!!!
    I wasn’t planning to go this year to ST, but now I’m sure I won’t.
    Sorry to throw up such a long rant but between this and the whole Manny/BorASS thing I’m steamed.
    I’m so sick of hearing players say they want to play in one place and they love it there, the fans are great, blah blah blah, and then take the money for a couple million more when they are making 10-20 of millions of dollars a year. BOOOOOO

  86. trublu4ever

    dcollins ~ I know exactly how you feel. I am furious too. Sometimes we have to get our frustrations out of our system. But, I have a feeling, we will become even more frustrated as we approach ST. I know the players are in the so-called entertainment field. However, we, the fans, pay your salaries……….and why don’t you show some class when it comes to the way you treat us, your fans! Even the Phillies have raised their prices for the upcoming season. Granted it is only $2 or $3 but, that may be money the fans don’t want to spend. So, to all of you players out there and your classless agents, THINK OF WHO PAYS YOUR SALARIES AND SHOW US SOME RESPECT!

  87. colliethec

    Hello there Tru. I’m okay with a raise in ticket prices a couple of bucks every couple of years. I get it. You need to pay for the increases of owning the organization. But to more than triple the price of the ticket for a ST game is absurd.
    If this is the case then they better sign Manny, CC, Burnett, Pettitte, and keep all the kids. As well as have enough Security to boot out the idiots at the 1st sign of them exhibiting idiot behavior.
    I love baseball. I wish I had kids so I could show them the game and teach them the game because it is one of the loves of my life and I think it would be fun to pass on what I love and appreciate.
    I’ve actually turned many of my friends on to baseball through the years. I have some friends that were friends with a guy from church, who works in the front office for the Giants. When the Giants were still at Candlestick, He got us tickets for games and we would go. I had always wanted to go to ST and after becoming friends with this group and going to games with them, for a number of years we would have a group of us go to Arizona for ST for about a week. There would be 10-15 of us and it was a blast. I sort of got everyone fired up about baseball. I’m not saying it was me, but it was the game of baseball that got them into it. I just got them to go to games and realize it wasn’t boring like many people think it is.
    There are others out there who love baseball like this and want to “show off” their love. But it is getting harder. I guess there is always Little League to enjoy.
    I love what Nelly and her Hubby are doing with starting a baseball academy. That is really awesome.
    I was asked once by Wifey what I would do if I won the lottery. Well of course I would travel to all the stadiums for a couple of summers and do some other traveling and take care of my family. But I would start a baseball organization in the inner cities to get the interest of kids. I would also branch out to the suburbs but start in the inner cities.
    I would get MLB players to go to the camps and instruct kids on baseball as well as some life lessons, motivational talks, and basically the element of treating each other with class and respect.
    I’m sure there is some of this going on in certain cities but there is always room for more.

    If baseball wants to continue to exist I really think they need to reach out more to the kids and the fans. They have been doing a better job in some areas of this but it seems as if the steps are very small.
    And charging $90 for a towel and ticket to a ST game is a HUGE step back.
    Remember that will be $90.00 a ticket, plus a 14.5% tax, plus a $8.00 handling charge, and a $12.00 one time service charge. That will make it around $122.00 a ticket. Oh and don’t forget the shipping charges.

  88. colliethec

    Maybe on Fleece Blanket night they will start charging an additional $20.00 a ticket for the free give away!
    I mean many teams are now charging more for a Friday night or weekend game or against a division rival or against a team like the Yankees or Red Sox.
    Once again…Why do they do it? Because they can. What a bunch of malarky!

  89. trublu4ever

    dcollins ~ I felt like you do, yesterday. I love baseball and I look forward to every season. I just think it is becoming more difficult for a family to afford an afternoon or evening at the ballpark. Nells and her husbands academy is going to be a good thing. I took batting practice with her the other day and I actually hit the ball. He is even going to expand the facility so they can play volleyball, too.
    I get upset at these players moaning about money, when they are making millions of dollars. What happened to the love of the game and living in a good city with fans who cheer you on everyday?

  90. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Folks.
    Man that was some offer the Yanks made yesterday for CC.
    Now that’s what they call “serious”.
    I hope the Dodgers learned a lesson, unless they just don’t have that kind of money.
    If dem bums would’ve offered 4 years at 25 Mil. per year, for Manny, Boras would’ve just asked if anyone could top it.
    And Manny probably would already be a Dodger.
    I once wanted to die and wake up a Yankee fan.
    Oh Well I guess being a New Yorker kind of makes me think this way.

  91. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    You trump the Dodgers.

    You stoke the intensity of the Red Sox rivalry.

    You bury the rest of the AL West for the foreseeable future.

    And, as an added bonus, you have baseball’s best right-handed hitter. Ever.

    If you’re the Angels, you absolutely, as certain as sunset, sign Manny Ramirez, even if the free agent’s starting price defines the concept of anti-free.

    Shoot, you’ll earn enough to make the down payment from the sale of dreadlocked Rally Monkey dolls during spring training.

    The best part of this story is we aren’t the ones who spread Manny-mania to Anaheim. It was Arte Moreno, one of the team’s biggest fans and, conveniently, also its owner.

    This wasn’t Paul from Sunset Beach calling in to say the Angels should sign Ramirez then trade for Padres’ pitcher Jake Peavy, offering a package of Ryan Budde and the rights to Jorge Fabregas’ career stats.

    This was Moreno, someone who really could bring Ramirez here, man-loving Manny last week on the team’s flagship radio station. This wasn’t fantasy; this was real, 50,000 watts real.

    “For us, Manny hits,” Moreno told AM-830. “He’s a clutch guy. He did a great job with Boston, and he did a great job with the Dodgers. Some people just hit, whether they’re 30, 32 or 37.”


  92. junkyardjamie

    dcollins – it’s okay – we are all feeling the same way I’m afraid. The true fans are the ones getting jerked around once again with no clear vision on what lies ahead, and what’s ahead can turn up something dreadful if he right decisions aren’t made. Let’s hope Ned/Frank can for once use what common sense they may have left, and do what’s right by this Dodger Organization and its fans.

  93. junkyardjamie

    Well, well, well, if it isn’t Obi himself with a great article at that!!!!

    That article was a pretty good one I must admit. I think the need for pitching needs to be at the top of the list and possible short stop if we can’t get Furcal to stay on Dodger terms. I think the young core will have a big year. Plaschke is right about his assessment of how they did last year, and there should only be upside to what they can produce this next season.

  94. kpookiemon

    There certainly will be life without Manny. We all know the championship is going to have to be won by MartinLoneyKempEthier…DeWitt…Billingsley…Broxton…Kershaw. And Manny. Give Manny $75 million for three years. Extend Torre 1 year to match him.

  95. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I prefer CC over Manny as well. I just vote for Manny cause I know that we won’t pay for the top FA pitcher. I would much rather have Manny for the next two years than any other FA hitter (other than Tex) and for me to worry about 3 years from now, as a fan is dumb. Our time is now….CC is not gonna leave 40 Million+ on the table and the McCourts have yet to do a 100 million contract. We need a 3-4 hitter. Furcal and Beltre would be good additions to Manny, without that big stick / big OBP guy though the lineup will always sputter.

  96. trublu4ever

    Good morning~ just wanted to stop by and say that I am thinking about all of you in the fire areas……..hope everyone is okay and my prayers are with you!

  97. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Good morning, ITD. I echo trublue’s sentiments concerning those of you in the fire areas.
    I agree with nelly regarding the ST ticket issue: save your money for the real games. Just because the McCourts can charge that much doesn’t mean you have to buy into their game. Vote with your wallets.
    The Hot Stove League, thought provoking and intriguing as it may be, also, unfortunately, highlights the worst aspects of the game of baseball. It reminds us all that, at it’s core, baseball has always been a business. It’s one of the things we just have to deal with in order to enjoy the game we all love.
    A few comments on Plaschke’s article: It’s all well and good to advocate trading for Peavy and Beltre but at what cost? To get those two, you will clean out your farm system of anybody who will be able to help you for 2-3 years plus, possibly, somebody already in our starting lineup. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Pads made us pay dearly in a Peavy deal for being a divsional rival . How long are their current contracts? Anything less than 2 years classifies as a rental. You can’t say, on one hand, “depend on the kids” and ,on the other, advocate trades for big ticket veterans. I happen to think that our starting pitching, with a bit of fine tuning, isn’t that bad at all. Johnson would be a cheaper, Maddux-like addition who could also serve as a mentor for our younger pitchers. I would rather see us spend our money for middle range starters, like, say Oliver Perez, for example, who command less money and years and, instead, concentrate on building up our offense by signing Manny and Furcal. If our offense isn’t credible, it won’t matter how good our pitching is.

  98. trublu4ever

    seesky ~ well said. I can’t add anything else except, it will be interesting to see what direction Frank is going to take us.

  99. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    I’m here in SE Utah watching the news on the fires on CNN and also looking in on the Times’ web site. I can’t imagine what it must be like and I used to fight fires for a living. Nothing like these, though. Hope everybody is safe.

  100. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    knouffbrock- where in SE Utah are you? I’m in SLC. I read on the Times web site that the fires were so hot in some places, fire hoses were melting into the concrete. Amazing!!!

  101. j-murray

    “This year in addition to the PR reports on how Schmidt is ‘making progress’ we will get Jones ‘is doing well at fat camp’ PR. Like either will ever be effective ever again. I wonder who Ned will sign this year only to be added to the list?”

    i’m thinking ned can’t help but drop 50 million on a battery of jason varitek and pedro martinez. he’ll cite their amazing “intangibles” and grittiness as deciding factors in their fat new contracts. maybe throw in some combination of ray durham, moises alou, mark grudzielanek, and jay paton in there as well. ned with nearly 60 million dollars to spend makes me sad in the pants.

  102. enchantedbeaver

    OK, you’ll have to be near 50 or older, or listen to a lot of oldies to know this one – a one-hit wonder from 1970 by the Jaggerz – The Rapper.

    Hey Fra-ank, I betcha
    It’s washed-up vet’rans he’ll geeeet youuuu.
    He’ll find them anywhere –
    In San Fran, ‘Zona, or a secondhand store.
    He’ll say, “Excuse me”
    “Haven’t I seen you play somewhere befooooore?”
    They call him Ned Flanders.
    Craaaaaap, crap, crap
    It’s old vets he’s afters.
    So he starts his yappin’
    Hoping some vet will haaap-en.
    He’ll say we need him
    As a back-up, or a leader like Phew.
    He’s made up his mind
    He’ll offer Frank’s millions for you.
    They call him Ned Flanders
    Craaaaaap, crap, crap
    It’s old vets he’s afters.
    Vet’s had a regression,
    So Ned makes a sug-gesssst-ion.
    Come play at our place
    For millions, or me, or free.
    They’ve got Ned where they want him…
    Frank you gotta face re-al-i-tee.

    They call him Ned Flanders
    Craaaaaap, crap, crap
    It’s old vets he’s afters.

    Craaaaaap, crap, crap
    It’s just old Ned Flanders…

    Artist: PR”R”US
    CD: Nothing’s Changed
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2008

    NedCo – Where its all new to us.™

  103. junkyardjamie

    knouffbrock – you are among the heroes of this country – firefighters are highly revered in my book. I have two students who have dads who are firefighters. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out tomorrow that they are down in Los Angeles.

  104. junkyardjamie


    The Orioles might pursue Manny too. It’s an article that also reminds us we were not too bad off before Manny showed up. The writer actually referred to our young core as potent. Like we said many times last year, maybe we wouldn’t have needed Manny if Torre had played the right lineup in the first place. We certainly wouldn’t have needed Manny if Andruw had come to the club like many were anticipating – in shape, ready to hit a few or so homeruns and show off the golden glove he has earned many times before.

  105. trublu4ever

    At this point, I wouldn’t mind sticking with our young core. Reliable, game ready everyday, and a pleasure to watch. I don’t think the offers to Manny are going to be what BORASS expects………so, we will see what happens with him. I agree with those who said maybe we should pursue Oliver Perez.

  106. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Nelly-Many thanks. What we had to contend with was exciting enough, but nothing like southern Cal is going through now. Hope everyone is OK.

  107. enchantedbeaver

    Beachboys – When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)

    When I grow up to be a G M…
    Will I hire the players that I watched when I was a kid?
    Will Frank & Jamie look back and wish I hadn’t done what I did?
    Will I be around (will I be around) when the girdle goes round? (girdle goes round)
    When I grow up to be a G M.
    Will I waste a few million like I did with ol’ Jason Schmidt?
    (Forty-seven, forty-eight)
    Or will it be on a fat-[behind] that showed he don’t give a [doodie]?
    (Thirty-five, thirty-six)
    Now Manny was free (Manny was free) , but no longer it be. (no longer it be)
    When I grow-up to be a G M.
    Oooooo Ooooooo Oooooooo
    Will the kids make us proud or think that JoJo’s really a square?
    (Three years, three years)
    While they’re out having fun yeah, Joe looks like he just doesn’t care.
    (wrong guy, wrong guy)
    Will I put us in strife (put us in strife) for the rest of Frank’s life? (rest of Frank’s life)
    When I grow up to be a G M
    When I grow up to be a G M.
    Won’t last forever
    (last year, last year)
    It’s oh so sad
    (contract, expires)
    Won’t last forever
    (thank God, thank God)
    It’s oh so sad
    (Logan, Logan)

    Artist: Why Us?
    CD: When Pigs Fly
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2008

    NedCo – Its not you, it’s me.™

  108. oldbrooklynfan

    Thinking of the fires in Southern California near and around LA. I’d want those who are in anyway effected to know that you’re in my prayers and I’m certain in everybody’s everywhere.
    The best of luck to all of you.
    I know the Dodgers will help in anyway they can as always.
    I read Bill Plaschke column and I go along with about half of it.
    But I believe although the core of the team will continue to get stronger, they will be better with Manny and they should offer him 4 years or to the age of 40, at about 100 mil.

  109. enchantedbeaver

    The more I think about ramslover’s idea of signing Perez, the more sense it makes. He’d be tossing in a friendlier pitcher’s park, and many more of his games against lesser opponents than he faced in the east.

  110. junkyardjamie

    knouffbrock – you are welcome!!

    PierreEW – It is good to see you. I hope all is well with you too on the east coast.

    enchanted – you have been very busy this Sunday night with entertaining us. You are just amazing!!!!! Another Fabulous Song – Is that #104 or 105? – hmmm!!

  111. trublu4ever

    I admire what you do too, knouffbrock! Anyone who puts their life on the line to protect others has my deepest respect. The terrain those fire fighters are dealing with is a problem beyond measure.

  112. enchantedbeaver

    Depending on Ned’s first move, I may not be the only one writing…

    Honestly, if he doesn’t get us at least 1 or 2 prime players, the next words I want to here out of Ned’s mouth are, “Do you want fries with that?”

  113. enchantedbeaver

    He’s thinking of Randy Johnson as a veteran influence – didn’t one of the recent articles describe him as surly?

  114. trublu4ever

    I’d say surly was mild! Maddux was a veteran influence. Sweeney was a good influence, too! Look what that did for us!

  115. junkyardjamie

    Then why not just try to convince/pay Maddux to stay. Unless Maddux doesn’t want to stay – hmmmm!!! It’s not the first time I have thought that. Don’t you really wonder what our young players are thinking about the Dodger Organization right now, especially Russell and Andre who are set to sign bigger contracts this year?

  116. enchantedbeaver

    Like I said, just about any FA Ned gets is going to be better than what’s currently penciled in, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually a good move.

  117. enchantedbeaver

    I’m with you Tru in that I really think they’ll resign Manny. BUT I also feel that by the time its all said and done, it’ll be some albatross contract we’ll be moaning about for years.

  118. junkyardjamie

    ….the one thing that would hopefully be different with signing Manny for some huge contract is our moaning wouldn’t start from day one like with JP and Andruw. I would hope if Manny is signed we can have 2 moan-free years with him. Maybe?

  119. trublu4ever

    I just think the pressure is on Frank to sign Manny. And, I’m with you Nellyae, 2 moan free years would be okay, just so he hits the ball and plays almost everyday. Nobody can be as bad a deal as Andruw was……….well, maybe Schmidt. I also think, as you do, that the “kids” want him!

  120. enchantedbeaver

    That knowledge should leave JP feeling about as small as his hat size.

    I think the difference at least with Schmidt is that he does want to pitch. I’m not sure Andruw wants to do anything except collect his $36 mil.

  121. trublu4ever

    I know what you are saying about Schmidt, enchanted. I really hope every year he will be ready to go. I find myself pulling for him to make it back.

  122. trublu4ever

    Me too. Good night enchanted. See you tomorrow. Hope to hear from some of you in the Los Amgeles area tomorrow….letting us know you are okay. Again, my prayers are with you and your families.

  123. junkyardjamie

    …enchantedGM – lbirken mentioned the Bloggers Bill of Rights. I do remember somebody doing those, but I am not sure I am in the right time frame. I am looking through June because I felt it was right in the middle, also we were in full fledged JP bashing mode (things are much calmer now) because of Torre insisting on starting him every game. It’s fun reading this stuff over. It is just as LMAO funny as it was 5 months ago.

    some examples…. ITD rewind June 11, 2008

    Imagine poor JP seeing the vast zeppelin shadow of Andruw Jones growing at an ever-increasing rate, and cringing as he is about to be crush under the elephantine weight. OUCH!

    By westernmost_in_flavor on June 11, 2008 10:16 PM

    Fogey – might want to check next time Druw’s got his shirt off to see if Goodyear is written on his sides.

    What are the odds of a high wind-blown pop-up where JP, Andruw, Nomore and Kent all converge and manage to knock each other out?

    By enchantedsunset on June 11, 2008 10:22 PM

  124. dodgereric

    You’re Not A Baseball Mind

    To the King’s “Suspicious Minds”

    We’re caught in a trap
    We can’t get out
    Because you’re our damned GM, Neddy

    Why can’t you see
    Just get rid of JP
    And get out there and resign Manny

    You can’t go on as GM
    Without a baseball mind
    And we can’t build our team
    Without a baseball mind

    I dreamt McCourt told you, “GO!”
    He won’t spend any dough
    On crap like Randy Johnson anymore

    Here we go again
    Right back where we’ve been
    We can’t believe these deals are real
    We’re crying!!

    You just can’t be our GM
    Without a baseball mind
    And we can’t build our team
    Without a baseball mind

    Oh let our team survive
    Please leave so we can revive
    Let’s don’t let a good team die

    When Neddy, you know
    I’ve never liked you
    Mmm yeah, yeah
    We’re caught in a trap
    We can’t get out
    As long as you’re our GM, baby

    Why can’t you see
    Just get rid of JP
    And we don’t believe a word you’re sayin’?

  125. junkyardjamie

    ITD rewind…. before Dodgerlyrics, Dodgereric used to catalog and just list the songs… I didn’t list all of the original 126, but I took a few off the top and a few off the bottom of the list. Amazing that enchanted has almost done 126 just by himself…..

    Second, and I can’t believe I did this, here is a catalog of our songs. You can use the date to find the song in the archives to the right. As I was flying through the posts rather fast, I’m sure I missed a few. I apologize in advance. I ran through in reverse and stopped looking after May 1st. BTW, The Loney Song is still being referenced by us at that date, so it’s older than May 1.

    Bad Andruw Rap
    By enchantedsunset on May 4, 2008 11:05 AM

    A limerick
    By dodgereric on May 8, 2008 2:12 PM

    One Toke Over The Line
    By enchantedsunset on May 9, 2008 5:44 PM

    By jhall1218 on May 12, 2008 3:47 PM

    By jhall1218 on May 12, 2008 5:40 PM

    By jhall1218 on May 13, 2008 9:11 AM

    By jhall1218 on May 13, 2008 9:34 AM

    Hey Jude
    By enchantedsunset on May 13, 2008 9:55 AM

    Teddy Bear
    By enchantedsunset on May 13, 2008 11:44 AM

    Hound Dog
    By jhall1218 on May 14, 2008 11:28 AM

    Hound Dog
    By enchantedsunset on May 14, 2008 11:59 AM

    Walk Like An Eygptian
    By enchantedsunset on May 14, 2008 1:48 PM

    Late Lament
    By enchantedsunset on May 14, 2008 3:01 PM

    My Generation
    By kpookiemon on May 14, 2008 6:28 PM

    Mr Tamborine Man
    By kpookiemon on May 15, 2008 8:14 AM

    Strange Days
    By dodgereric on May 15, 2008 3:49 PM

    Return To Sender
    By jhall1218 on May 16, 2008 12:57 PM

    Manic Monday
    By enchantedsunset on June 12, 2008 6:21 PM

    Mrs Robinson
    By jhall1218 on June 12, 2008 11:11 PM

    By dnelson on June 13, 2008 6:35 AM

    Hot Rod Lincoln
    By enchantedsunset on June 13, 2008 9:23 AM

    Drift Away
    By dnelson on June 13, 2008 9:41 AM

    Harper Valley PTA
    By enchantedsunset on June 13, 2008 11:07 AM

    By dodge16_12 on June 13, 2008 1:07 PM

    Only A Northern Song
    By northstateblues on June 13, 2008 11:29 PM

  126. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening Ward Dear…… Fabulous song!!!!!! LOL!!!!! and very fitting if I must say so myself. I was asked about a Bloggers Bill of Rights we did back in the archives so in my search I keep finding all of these fun and crazy things we did back during the season.

    How was your day? I cried today watching Jimmy. Just remarkable!!!!!!

  127. dodgereric

    Evenin’, June Darlin’!

    Before I forget, make sure you tell Hannah that I’m very proud of her! Hard work always, ALWAYS pays off! Way to go, girl!

  128. dodgereric

    Three straight for the Best Driver In NASCAR! I’ve already got my sights on a new jacket! Four in a row is hard to imagine, but looking back on the last 5 years, it’s not too hard to see him having all of them. If I remember correctly, he was second to Tony Stewart in ’05 going into the last race and wrecked or blew up or something. He finished nearly last in the race and ended up fifth in points. In ’04, he finished second to Kurt Busch by 8 points. He’s always right in there.

  129. junkyardjamie

    Knaus is incredible, isn’t he? Like he said when they interviewed him, it hasn’t been just three years, this team had been working and learning how to work together long before that. If only Ned….. it isn’t going to happen with Ned, is it?

  130. dodgereric

    I don’t know who it was that was saying it before up yonder, but I agree – why in the world is Randy Johnson’s name surfacing when we haven’t even made an offer to CC?

  131. junkyardjamie

    ……It is Ned/Frank’s thinking?

    Are people just assuming CC is going to take the Yankees deal for 140mil and six years?

  132. dodgereric

    Another retread thought from up yonder – at what point does being able to outspend everyone else become contrary to the best interests of baseball? Combine that with the pressure from the Player’s Association to ALWAYS take the biggest offer, and what’s left? Anarchy?

  133. junkyardjamie

    So, the Yankees are planning on outbidding everybody for everybody that is of significance? So, the players association wants CC to take the largest/biggest deal? When will this craziness end?

  134. dodgereric

    Maybe it will end when someone like CC turns down the biggest offer. Maybe he will say, “The $120 mil for 6 years the Dodgers offered me will make me just as rich, and I get to play in California in the NL. I don’t care what if Boras gets a little less and I don’t care if the PA doesn’t like it.”

    But then, I also like to think of a day when politicians actually work for us instead of the lobbyists.

  135. junkyardjamie

    No kidding!!! LOL!!!!! With the exception of what’s happening with the fires down in So-Cal, I can’t even watch the news because it is all about politics.

  136. dodgereric

    I don’t know anyone who has lost their home, but I used to ride my bicycle through Tonner Canyon and our Troop has camped twice at the Firestone Scout Camp there. I have in-laws that live in Chino Hills. They’re all fine. I can’t imagine the horror.

  137. junkyardjamie

    ….I guess with the college campus in Montecito (Westmont) the officials are meeting on Wednesday to decide if the campus is safe for students to resume classes. manfromchina told me that.

  138. dodgereric

    We need to remember the people who lost their homes and all the great firefighters and police who put their necks on the line for us and say a special prayer for them all.

  139. junkyardjamie

    Good night Ward Dear….. I will say prayers for all the firefighters. I have two students who have dads who are firefighters and I am sure at least one, if not both, are down in Los Angeles. God Bless to you and your family, and here’s hoping for a good Monday morning 🙂

  140. amyw27

    Good morning friends. No one around yet?
    I hope everyone had a good weekend. I still haven’t been able to see my mom. I’m going to try to drive up after work and have dinner with her. It’s frustrating knowing that you cant get to the one you love when they are so close. The air quality is bad and I hope all the firefighters are safe and healthy. What a job to have!
    Anyway, maybe we can make free agency waves this week…no maybe just little baby steps..haha. Any news at this point will be most appreciated.
    Have a wonderful, beautiful day friends 🙂
    time for work!

  141. trublu4ever

    This whole CC thing has me peeved. MLB Players Assiciation wants him to take the highest offer………to make it easier for other players to get their worth. Give me a break! Say is was the Blue Jays who was the high bidder, CC would have to move his family and play in Toronto instead of choosing to play, let’s say in L.A. They (MLB) can’t force him to choose the highest bidder so, wouldn’t it be refreshing for him to turn down the Yankees’ offer and play somewhere else!

  142. dodgereric

    Gooooood morning, ITD!!!

    Hiya TruBlue and amy! Does it bother anyone else that we haven’t made an offer to anyone other than that one to Manny? Not even Furc? What are we doing – waiting for others to make the first move? GAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

  143. junkyardjamie

    Dodgereric – I just read your comment to Hannah. Hannah gave me a big hug to give to you. How’s that for a warm fuzzy? 🙂 Also, we’ve been working on the song, and they are doing a fabulous job.

  144. amyw27

    Morning Eric- yes, it does bother us. It’s like the whole team can’t fall into place until Manny has a home. We are all standing around waiting. Raffy should be in the news with Dodger offers at this point. After all we went through together in 2008, we need to build upon our healthy ace in 2009. It shouldn’t be a question.
    anyway. Tru- thank you for your thoughts.
    sidenote- I guess I’m back to being amyw27 again. I didn’t even change my settings. Strange.

  145. northstateblues

    Good morning-ish!

    no news is good news?

    at least baseball lives on in my DS. Aside from that, sports is a wasteland. No matter how hard I try, it’s tough for me to really get into basketball before January (well, Christmas with the way the Lakers have a game every year). NFL? That boat sailed a long while back for me. College Football? still satisfies, but USC’s gonna need some help getting to a Broken Computer System bowl game this year. NASCAR? interesting, but now over… and I don’t pay attention that much anyway.

    I guess baseball’s my sport 🙂

    Off to work again, then home to write that paper I’ve been procrastinating on.

    Don’t forget to bring a towel!

  146. shad78

    I hate this come on Ned get some of your players back on this list. I would hate to see Manny Beimel and Furcal in Giants uniform. I wasn’t not Happy seeing Hershiser in a Giants uniform.

  147. shad78

    Giants Interested In Beimel
    By Tim Dierkes [November 17, 2008 at 10:36am CST]
    On Friday evening, MLB.com’s Chris Haft revealed that the Giants have “sincere” interest in free agent lefty Joe Beimel. Beimel, 32 in April, is probably in line for a three-year, $12MM deal. Remarkably, he allowed just one home run (to Carlos Beltran) over 116.3 innings the last two seasons. Beimel has also been linked to the Cardinals, Rockies, and Mets.

    Giants GM Brian Sabean has reportedly expressed varying degrees of interest in many other free agents, including Rafael Furcal, Casey Blake, Bob Howry, Juan Cruz, Manny Ramirez, Mark Teixeira, and C.C. Sabathia.

  148. shad78

    lol Manny came in 4th wow.

    Pujols powers way to 2nd NL MVP award
    By BEN WALKER, AP Baseball Writer
    20 minutes ago

    Buzz Up Print
    NEW YORK (AP)—St. Louis Cardinals star Albert Pujols has won his second National League Most Valuable Player award.

    Pujols won by a comfortable margin over Philadelphia slugger Ryan Howard. Milwaukee’s Ryan Braun was third and Los Angeles outfielder Manny Ramirez came in fourth after playing just two months with the Dodgers.

    Pujols hit .357 with 37 home runs and 116 RBIs despite playing much of the season with a sore right elbow. The Cardinals finished fourth in the NL Central.

    The St. Louis baseman got 18 of the 32 first-place votes. He also won the award in 2005

  149. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Kinzer added that the A’s level of interest is on par with that of the Giants, noting that he talked to Oakland officials last Thursday and Friday.

    “The A’s have been [interested] all along, and it’s been very strong on their part, too,” Kinzer said, adding that Furcal, the top shortstop on the open market, might agree to a deal before the Winter Meetings in Las Vegas, Dec. 8-11.

    “It could be fairly soon,” Kinzer said. “We’re hoping to narrow it down to three teams here pretty soon and see where [Furcal] wants to go from there.”

    Calls to A’s general manager Billy Beane and Giants director of player personnel Bobby Evans on Monday morning were not immediately returned.

    Kinzer, who called reports that his client is looking for at least four years at $10 million per season “in the ballpark,” listed security and “where Rafael feels comfortable” as the top factors in negotiations.

    Furcal, 31, appears to be comfortable with the direction of both Bay Area teams.

    To Furcal or not to Furcal?

  150. thinkingblue

    Good Morning (almost afternoon) ITD?
    Yeah it is sad that they are not making offers on other players. I like Manny, but the world is not revolving around him. Dodgers is not a one-man show. Come on Management….build a TEAM. Just cause the Media revolved around Manny, it wasn’t only him that got the Dodger where they are. It took several team members to get to the playoffs and NL West.
    And from all the teams…Giants…nope I don’t want to see Beimel or Furcal there.

  151. trublu4ever

    dodgersrule ~ the Giants would be the last team I’d want any of our players to be with (well, I could think of a few, I wouldn’t mind). And I’m with you on not just concentrating on Money (Manny). I wonder if Frank and Ned know how to do more than one thing at a time? Before you know it, we will be at spring training with no improvement at all.

  152. enchantedbeaver

    Just a little song for our beloved GM. Rod Stewart with Faces – Stay With Me.

    In the mornin’
    We’ll say we want him,
    But by afternoon it’s a whole ‘nother stor[y].
    I know your name is CC
    But your sal’ry makes Frank queesy
    So Johnson sounds in-triguing fo’ sure – guitar
    He don’t need as much persuadin’
    And our Girdle fund’s degradin’
    And with a team like ours
    We like all his exper-i-ence
    Red hair, beard and six foot ten
    A surlier version of Gentle Ben
    Let’s go upstairs and sign that contract.
    Play for me
    Play for me
    So this year you’re gonna play for me
    Play for me
    Play for me
    So this year you’re gonna play for me
    So in mid-summer
    Please don’t be suckin’
    ‘Cuz the fans will want to show me the door
    Yeah they’d pay my airfare home
    They’d throw away my mustache comb
    And I won’t be a GM no mo’ when Frank wakes up.
    Play for free
    Play for free
    Manny, Blake and ‘Roa played for free
    Stand up, get out, leave town
    Play for free
    Play for free
    Manny, Blake and ‘Roa played for free
    Hey, what’s your age again? Get out, leave town.

    Artist: Cranial Inversion Disorder
    CD: I Have No Clue
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2008

    NedCo – Last stop, Forest Lawn. Next to last stop, Dodgers.™

  153. thinkingblue

    Do the Giants want Pierre, Jones or Sweeney? Jones has the appetite of a Giant, does that count? LOL

  154. trublu4ever

    Let’s see…….the Giants or A’s want Ferc………we have Hu, DeJesus, Jr……….somebody else signs Manny………we have Jones………DeWitt will be either 2nd or 3rd base depending on which position we fill………….something is not right here!
    However, according to MLB rules, paragraph 3a, a player must show up in first class condition. So, legally, Andruw could be released without pay, for failing to comply.

  155. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!! enchanted ~ another fun-filled day in Las Cruces I can see ~ LOL!!! …but like trublu said in reality, it’s not…. 🙂

  156. phan52

    Greetings from the home of the reigning World Series Champs!

    Now, what are you folks gonna do about your stripped-down roster? You guys look like a AAA team right now.

  157. blufan4evr

    This move is SO typical of this lame-a%$ McCourt ownership. Throw all of the great LA Dodger tradition away that was made in Dodgertown(YES, I SAID LOS ANGELES DODGERs, NOT BROOKLYN, THE LA DODGERS STAYED IN DODGERTOWN FOR 3 DECADES WHILE PLAYING IN CHAVEZ RAVINE!!!, WITHOUT A PROBLEM!).
    And my #1 most annoying argument is saying how “far away” Dodgertown was, like as if it was in Japan or something. Its FREAKING FLORIDA!!! ITS IN THE USA, YOU CAN FLY THERE JUST AS EASILY AS YOU FLY TO DALLAS OR DENVER OR SEATTLE OR ANYWHERE ELSE, AND YOU CAN TYPICALLY FLY TO FL FOR ALMOST THE SAME AS PHX WITH ADVANCE PURCHASE!!! NEWS FLASH: You can fly from LA to FL very often non-stop on SWA or US Air for $99 each way (Ive done it many, many times), and geez, you sleep on a plane for 4 hours…wow, thats REALLY tough! But guess what, for that “grueling” torture, you got the BEST, most hands on experience in all of MLB. DODGERTOWN was awesome!!! Last year, Matt Kemp stepped up to the stall next to me to take a leak! Players would walk right next to you on their way to the parking lot. It was so much fun & worth the trip! Stuff youd remember forever!!! The players & coaches were right there, easily accesable. I flew over for the last few games this past spring training, and I was at the last game vs Houston. It was one of the most emotional moments as a Los Angeles Dodger fan. I met many people from SoCal who said they felt the tradition of that place, and were actually shedding a tear. Now, we have an OVERPRICED, SHARED, COOKIE CUTTER facility, that, yes, we share with the White Sox!!! So much for our great LA Dodger tradition! Oh yeah, thats right, now as if 82 games a year that COUNT arent enough, you can make a 5 hour BORING drive thru the desert to see the Dodgers play meaningless spring games in a shared facility at ripoff prices!!! And thanks to the crappy McCourt ownership, the money spent on this unnecessary move is THE ONLY MONEY BEING SPENT, as this team has made no major signings over the off season. If were lucky, we’ll wind up with Manny but only by default! We are the laughingstock of MLB right now. We are LA, but we feel like Lafayette, Louisiana or some other minor league town.
    Here is what McCourt IS good at:
    1)Being CHEAP & running this history filled franchise like a small market minor league team.
    2)Spending money only to blow up 30 years of LA Dodger tradition to try to MAKE MORE MONEY for himself by banking on the fact that people in SoCal will be so gullible & excited to drive 5 hours each way & spend $100 on gas to see a team play EXHIBITION games in the home of the Diamondbacks, when they could have left it alone & let fans experience a real memorable family vacation & Dodger experience to see the team play in the most unique, hands on DODGERS own complex, Dodgertown.
    As for the whole Brooklyn thing, screw that, who cares about them leaving NY, who could blame them! Whether they made this move has NOTHING to do with that. It all about a cash grab for McCourt, who could care less about Dodger fans or the Dodgers storied traditions. As I might remind anyone, the Dodgers have been in LA for DECADES, while still training at Dodgertown!!! And once the long regular season starts, noone cares. So its not like this was some urgently needed change. ITS ALL ABOUT MCCOURT GREED, he sees more $$$ in Phx. He could care less about Dodger tradition & history & that we are NOT the Brewers or some other small market team, but he’ll treat us like one when he spends NOTHING on actually improving the product on the field.
    For any LA Dodger fans that didnt get to Vero….you should have!!! And please stop making like it is some big life-changing deal to go to FL. I have family there & have driven & flown there many times, its NOT that big a deal. I also have my immediate family in the Phoenix area, and I can tell you, I’d rather fly 4 hrs on SWA than drive that BORING drive to PHX I have done so many times from SoCal!!!
    One final thought: Do teams like the Houston Astros, Chicago Cubs, KC Royals, St. Louis Cardinals, or the rest of the majority of MLB teams whine & freak out just because their teams spring training is not within “driving distance” from their city??? NO! Thats the point of spring training–its a great chance to take a meaningful spring vacation & see your team up close & personal. NO OTHER FACILITY WAS AS GOOD FOR THAT AS WHAT WE HAD!!! Dodgertown was recently voted the best spring experience, and had been deemed that many times over the past decade.
    Thanks, cheap a%$ McCourt for tossing away LA Dodger history. And for those who are SO stoked to overpay for beer & spring games in a shared facility, heres some advice–save your cash for the REAL games in the regular season! For those Dodger fans who never got to Dodgertown, its hard to explain something that you really would’ve had to experience to understand, but it was AWESOME. You shoulda checked it out. Enjoy the boring, overpriced new spring. I’ll pass.

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