Tonight's game…

Lots of preparation going on today for tomorrow’s news conference regarding the World Baseball Classic. There’s some pretty cool stuff on tap and if you have a TV in your office (or if you’re not quite of the working age yet), tune in live at 1:30 p.m. PT on or FSN Prime Ticket (if you’re in LA) to watch the goings on.

Here’s tonight’s lineup:

Kemp, RF (16-game hitting streak is longest since Nomar hit in 22 straight in ’06)

Blake, 3B (.357-.400-.571 since coming to LA)

Martin, C (back in after a day off)

Kent, 2B

Loney, 1B

Jones, CF

Ethier, LF (his Before the Bigs Premieres tomorrow night on Prime Ticket after the game)

Berroa, SS

Billingsley, P


  1. obi_wen

    Great that Kemp is in the LO spot and that JP is on the bench for a change, but why have Ethier batting 7th behind Andruw?

  2. aeversw

    Coming into tonight our Ace, Chad Billingsley is 9th in the National League in Wins (10), 3rd in Strikeouts (137) and 12th in ERA (3.36) and he’s only 24!


    I seriously can’t believe that this is happening. For one Torre is following thorugh with his desire to play the most productive outfield. Now, normally that would be with Pierre and not Jones… But I love the fact that he is replacing Pierre with Jones in the lineup and not Kemp or Ethier. Is this the beginning of our march to the Western Division title!?!?

  4. imthedude

    Why Ethier after Jones? One could argue Berroa before Jones, too. Jones will K twice tonight and end a rally or two.

    Then Ethier will get a hit, but Berroa and the pitcher will end it with a DP.

    Bills will be on fire tonight! Let’s go dodgers!

  5. imthedude

    Why is Jones batting anything other than 8th? Especially behind Ethier? Berroa I trust more than Jones. Jones will end about 2 rallys or lead of an inning with DPs or Ks.

    Ethier’s hits will be wasted cause Berroa or the Pitcher will dit into some DPs.

    Anyway, Bills will be in control tonight. Let’s Go DODGERS!!!

  6. oldbrooklynfan

    I know you’ve haven’t heard from me for a while(7 games),
    You lucky devils.LOL.
    I was in the hospital for surgery from an infected hernia wound, trying to keep up through the N.Y. newspapapers. I’m now home with a VAC, to close the surgery. Now I’m basically weak and trying to get my strenght back.
    I quess the biggest difference is Casey Blake at 3B.
    The team is doing fine and Kemp especially is coming into his own.
    I came in yesterday and my biggest problem is getting to sleep even though I’m exhorsted.
    I’m not sure if I’ll follow tonight’s game.
    Either way LET’S GO DODGERS!!!!!!


    this is an excerpt from an email i sent to a friend this morning:

    “You’re saying you’re glad Russell will be back because it’s one less dead spot in the lineup, but that won’t hold true if torre benches ethier for jones tonight. Honestly, I’d love him to bench pierre for jones for a day if he really wants andruw to play a game. I know it’d NEVER happen because I’m not writing out the lineup card for joe tonight, but maybe he would surprise us just once.. the thing I really hate about joe, is that he’s so darn predicatable..”

    yay! joe actually listened to me!
    slowly but surely, joe is earning my respect back~

  8. tradejuanpypaperbag

    So glad to see you back PierreEW!!!!! We were all thinking about you – very glad to see you back 🙂

  9. tradejuanpypaperbag

    So glad to see you back PierreEW!!!!! We were all thinking about you – very glad to see you back 🙂


    this is an excerpt from an email i sent to a friend this morning:

    “You’re saying you’re glad Russell will be back because it’s one less dead spot in the lineup, but that won’t hold true if torre benches ethier for jones tonight. Honestly, I’d love him to bench pierre for jones for a day if he really wants andruw to play a game. I know it’d NEVER happen because I’m not writing out the lineup card for joe tonight, but maybe he would surprise us just once.. the thing I really hate about joe, is that he’s so darn predicatable..”

    yay! joe actually listened to me!
    slowly but surely, joe is earning my respect back~

  11. tradejuanpypaperbag

    okay – this system is really screwy, more than yesterday. It must be the gnats in town or something. Let’s Go Dodgers – let’s send those gnats to the puds with a loss.


    is the system messed up for everyone else too??

    yay! pierres! i’m so glad you’re back! hope the surgery went well..

  13. trublu4ever

    Hi pierre, I’m new to this site, only been here a couple of days, but I’m glad you are back and feeling better.

  14. trublu4ever

    Hi pierres, I’m new to this site, only been here a couple of days, but I’m glad you are back and feeling better.


    Good Morning all from Down Under…
    Got a “hate mail” overnight from one of our users ..
    Yesterday I posted ..
    We are an unique team … we have a 7-8-9-9-2-

    By on July 29, 2008 8:09 PM
    Overnight (my time) I got this email from a Max Power.

    No we don’t we have a 7-8-9-1-2 so dont hate loser
    I’ll be honest I’m a bit stunned. I never go out of my way to offend anyone and the statement made above was said in jest. I don’t know who this max Power is but if I offended you … I apologise.

  16. trublu4ever

    Hi pierres, I’m new to this site, only been here a couple of days, but I’m glad you are back and feeling better.


    it would be better if andre was batting 2nd, but i guess joe thinks that he can protect jones with andre.. i’m not going to complain too much about the lineup tonight though since he kept andre and matty in it!!

  18. trublu4ever

    Hi pierres, I’m new to this site, only been here a couple of days, but I’m glad you are back and feeling better.

  19. jhallwally

    Hey Rod!! Actually you were correct. Phew is no better than a 8 or 9 hitter. Ironically he is telling you not to hate and sends you a hate mail. INAPPROPRIATE!!!!

  20. tradejuanpypaperbag

    rodmky – I completely agreed with your lineup analysis last night, and it was funny as h*ll, too!! You were not off base at all because it is exactly what happened. Many, many of us feel the same way and then some – lol!! 🙂


    DeWitt hitting 500 in Vegas. Last 5 abs- 4 hits, 2 homers and a triple. I want this Blake up here. No sign of La Roche.

  22. perumike

    Question: Could Ethier be behind Jones to protect Jones and get him some good pitches? That would be amazing, since Ethier is a young guy and Jones is a veteran. 🙂

  23. tradejuanpypaperbag

    perumike – I see your point in protection and better pitches for Andruw,and I personally don’t mind him being moved around. As long as Ethier is playing, he will be productive regardless of where he is in the lineup, even if it’s just for defense. However, (IMO) I think Ethier does best at the top of the order where the base stealers are because he seems to have the patience to let Matt ( and JP) do their base stealing. Last night was a perfect example of that.

  24. aeversw

    I sent you an email rodmky? Check again and make sure it is my email address. I’ve gotten spam message from people that I thought were from this blog but upon further notice I noticed their email wasn’t correct.

  25. trublu4ever

    I think Andre should be batting higher in the order too. He’d have more production and the team would get a lot more runs.

  26. trublu4ever

    scurtis I also heard about Manny & Maddux, they think it’s a 70% chance of Maddux being a Dodger. Management talking as we speak, I bet.


    another night, another new lineup that makes little sense…

    i’m sick of the inconsistency of Torre.

  28. obi_wen

    As I said here before, I really feel that the presence of Greg Maddux on the Dodgers will help tremendously in the development of young Clayton Kershaw. It’s like having a player-coach.

  29. aeversw

    hey its cool. It’s happened to me before. This blog generates a lot of spam emails because all of our emails are so easy to swipe from here. Max_Power isn’t even my main email address. If you’re using you’re main e-mail address on this blog I’d consider making a fake e-mail address or use an e-mail address you don’t mind getting spam sent too.

  30. tradejuanpypaperbag

    perumike – LOL!!! Let Repko order one up!!!
    trublue44 – I am just glad he is in the lineup. According to many sources, he wasn’t even supposed to be in the lineup, and I would think Andre would feel the same way. It will be interesting to see what is said about Pierre not being in the game.

  31. trublu4ever

    I’m thinking that if James or Jeff get on base, even if Andruw does his normal thing and strikes out, Andre can drive them in!


    Guys, I would be absolutely elated if Greg Maddux was to come back to the Dodgers!! The guys is without a doubt one of the most classy guys in baseball, he was amazing with us a few years ago. Now I’m aware that he’s older and has slowed done a little in production… But lets all remember that he plays for the PADRES…. enough said…. One more thing is like a few of you have said, he would help the young guys a ton!! Also, I would like to think that he’d help stabalize the rotation somewhat, and possibly be energized by coming into a pennant race. I’D LOVE TO GET MADDOG BACK IN DODGER BLUE!! On top of all of that… My fiance got his autograph for me a few weeks ago, we live out here in Vegas where he lives and she’s a Physical Therapist, she got it while he was at a clinic out here…. Anyway… GET US MADDOG PLEASE… THANK YOU!

  33. obi_wen

    I can’t wait to see if Bowa comments on the key AB’s that Kemp and Ethier had last night. I bet that if they were age-old vets I bet he would.

  34. trublu4ever

    Brandon, I really think the Maddux deal is going to happen, Peter Gammons says they were talking this afternoon and even though the Padres don’t like making deals within their division, this will probably happen.


    max power and rodmky, jnv and someone else got an email from max power complaining about something they said here too.. they came back and complained about it, and we all said we didn’t think it was the max power that posted here because he tends to agree with our comments.. so now we know for sure that it’s a different person..

  36. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I think Maddux would be a great addition. He is a true PVL -proven veteran leader 🙂 It’s really nice to be able to use that acronym in it’s correct form, unlike PVL – pathetic veteran loser, which has been the case lately. I guess Juan PVL is sitting tonight – lol!!!

  37. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I’d prefer to give them Pierre. Jones is gone after next year. JP we still have for another 3 – yikes!!! scary thought !!!!


    such wishful thinking guys.. pierre is like the anti-padre contract wise.. they don’t pay money for anything..

  39. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Obi – That’s really good to hear. I tend to think Ethier and Karros are alot alike.
    Speaking of Andre – is there a way to get copies of “Before the Bigs”? I don’t live in so-cal, and I won’t be able to see it. I guess this question can be answered by Josh as well, so hopefully he is paying attention.

  40. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara – we know it’s wishful thinking. We have lived with this drama too long to think any differently at this point.

  41. aeversw

    I really hope we get Maddux! When we traded for him the first thing I did was order his jersey! Of course he cant wear #36 now because Danny Ardoin wears that number. I went to the game on August 13th and was the game where Maddux when 8 innings shut out innings throwing only 68 pitches and he retired the last 22 batters he faced. Russell hit a walk off home run in the 10th that game and I missed it because the 8 dollar water I bought finally caught up to me.

    Maddux being able to talk to Kershaw for the rest of the season is worth it for me. As long as Ned doesn’t make a monumental mistake and trade Kemp for Maddux i’ll be happy.


    Guys, you’ll die at this one… But, I read on ESPN that the person that they’re talking about is a deal involving MARK SWEENEY!!! I’d like to take a quick poll as to who’d love to see that happen!!! I’ll go ahead and guess 100%!!!

  43. aeversw

    Wow looks like ManRam is a Marlin! All that is left is that he offically waives his no trade clause and the league approves of it. I am shocked.

  44. scurtis1999

    Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus says the Red Sox, Pirates and Marlins have agreed to a three-team Manny Ramirez deal, pending Ramirez waiving his no-trade clause and league approval.
    Carroll, not normally one of our preferred sources, has the Red Sox getting Jason Bay and John Grabow; the Marlins acquiring Ramirez, cash and a prospect from the Red Sox and the Pirates picking up Jeremy Hermida, two prospects from the Marlins and one from Boston.

  45. jhallwally

    Max, I was at the game in Cincinnati in 06 when Maddux pitched 5 no-hit innings before the rain delay. It was awesome to watch him work.


    why in the world would the padres want mark sweeney? they miss him that much? do they realize his skills have deteriorated since then?


    obi_wen, the reasonable answer to your question is so there won’t be 3 batters in a row hitting .169, .200, .075. which would be too easy for the opposing pitcher. Except I don’t think Torre looks at stats at all; he just doesn’t want to have a LHH against a LHP tonight; I bet if he had a RH hitting first baseman Loney wouldn’t start tonight. So I’ll give you Torre’s reasoning. Torre like most managers doesn’t want to hit 2 LHH in a row.
    Now let me point out somethings: OBP: Jones .269, Berroa .258, Billingsley .119, Ethier .339. What stands out to me is how did Jones get such a high OBP compared to his BA? He walks a lot. ( Some pitchers can’t through low and away I guess) OBP against LHP: Jones .307, Ethier .289
    What really annoys me about Torre is OBP against LHP: .407 so how can you sit Pierre against LHP. He should sit against RHP! The thing is Pierre never had splits like this before so either Torre thinks they would last or what I believe: he doesn’t ever look at stats, he goes by feel.

  48. leekfink

    PierreEW is back, so things are good. Welcome back, and keep getting well.
    Max–thanks for clarifying on the last thread. The logic makes sense about the Sox keeping Manny.
    Here’s a random thought to start a fire with completely baseless speculation, that is almost surely false (but if Ken Rosenthal can do it for money, I can do it for free, right?)–maybe Pierre is being held out of the lineup because there is a deal in the works that will ship him out!
    “and scott- I’m glad you have a beautiful wife. Maybe one day someone will want to marry me 🙂

    By on July 30, 2008 1:19 PM”
    Amy, you like baseball, you’re a Dodger fan, and you have season tickets. If you weren’t so obsessed with the players, I would have already proposed!

  49. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Leefink – it’s good to hear from you – LOL!!! I will hold onto that thought about JP – I would be very, very happy with that news – lol!!


    haha leekfink.. that’s hilarious.. don’t worry amy, you will find a good guy someday.. as will i 🙂


    PierreEW, glad to hear that your surgery went well and you’re on the mend. We were all thinking of you,,,, getting Maddux would be a great idea as long as we don’t have to give up too much. If we do get him, management should find a way to keep him around until he retires and, then, make him an offer he can’t refuse to be our pitching coach. Better yet, make him a player-coach right away. He’s too valuable a resource for us, or anybody, to lose….Andre’s and Matt’s ab’s were great last night. It sure is fun to see these kids grow day by day… I’d rather have JuanP in the lineup than Jones. At this point, he’s the lesser of two evils. Jones shouldn’t be batting ahead of anyone, let alone Dre…The Randy Johnson-Kershaw matchup this weekend is intriguing. It’s got to be weird for the kid to be pitching against someone you saw on TV as a kid.


    Lets hope for good Billz tonight. With Haren going in San Diego, we could lose ground if we get bad Billz.

  53. obi_wen

    Nice first inning of work by Billz, now if he can get past the 5th [which is always a problem inning for him] he’ll be okay.


    “Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus says the Red Sox, Pirates and Marlins have agreed to a three-team Manny Ramirez deal, pending Ramirez waiving his no-trade clause and league approval.

    Carroll, not normally one of our preferred sources, has the Red Sox getting Jason Bay and John Grabow; the Marlins acquiring Ramirez, cash and a prospect from the Red Sox and the Pirates picking up Jeremy Hermida, two prospects from the Marlins and one from Boston.”

    WOW that would be a huge deal if all parties pulled that off~

  55. bluecrewgirl

    I was surprised, but happy, to see Andre in the lineup tonight. I can’t believe Torre finally sat Pierre. I wouldn’t mind seeing Maddux coming back if we don’t have to give up much. Too bad we can’t throw Jones in the deal with a buy one get one free offer and write off his salary to bad debt, lol.

    PierreEW, glad you’re feeling better.

  56. leekfink

    miketink–Good analysis, and I think you are right that Torre does not look at stats (or, at least not enough). I think he came up in an era–still dominant in places in MLB–where stats did not matter because ture baseball men could evaluate talent. It’s a bizarre wrong-headed machismo, and a reaction to a wealth of statistical analysis that’s available. The irony is that you can learn as much or more from statistics as a typical good baseball man can from evaluating talent (that’s why the look at numbers in HOF balloting). It takes a great baseball man who can look at statistics and then evaluate talent to determine why a player is getting those statistics (and, if possible, improve those statistics). And we’re pretty much lacking that.
    One thought with your analysis–I would rather have 3 bad hitters in a row at the end of the line-up. No point in getting a guy on in the middle and stranding him, and the 6th hitter will, over the long term, get more at-bats than the 7th hitter. You sure don’t want to end a 1-run game wishing that the guy on deck had gotten a chance.


    Blake just struck out, but those were two extraordinary at-bats to start the game off for the Blue!


    There we go!!! Heck yeah!!! Also, update from down south…. Pudcos 2 – T-Bags 0!!!

  59. scurtis1999’s Ken Rosenthal says the Dodgers have put the Greg Maddux talks on hold while they work on other deals.
    Either they simply know Maddux will be there for them at the deadline if nothing else works out or they don’t have the money to take on the more than $3 million that Maddux is still owed. The Padres probably won’t be willing to pick that up unless it lands them a top prospect. They’re primarily interested in shedding the salary.

  60. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Leefink- you must be talking about Ethier – totally agree, but most thought he wouldn’t have even been in the lineup anyway, which is wrong to begin with. I think the order 1-4 should be Kemp, Ethier, Martin and Loney. After that, mix up Kent, Nomar and Blake, and leave Jones/Pierre and pitcher for the bottom.


    Well guys, lets hope Ken Rosenthal is full of crap like usual. Also, if Frank does not pony up a little cash to bring in a bonafide helpful aquisition then screw him! But I have a good feeling that deal will get done.


    I didn’t know Jason Johnson used the insulin pump while he pitches. That fact, plus I’m a former Type II diabetic, makes me want to root for the guy.


    Well, if Billz can stay on this pace, we’re really looking at the future ace of this staff. This guys is looking awfully sharp for us tonight, the last few starts and hopefully years to come!

  64. leekfink

    Dnelly–you read Ethier into everything, but you’re right–him amongst others.
    I agree with your first four (I might go Kemp, Martin, and then Loney or Ethier could be 3 or 4, but I like your left-right switch).

  65. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Leefink ~LOL!! He just happened to be in that spot tonight (James has been there,too) However, I would take any of those three(Martin, Ethier, Loney) in any order after Kemp. I think they are the core of this team, and they need to be strung together for the best effectiveness in getting things to happen. I would have put LaRoche or DeWitt in there as well, but they are not currently here, and I’m not sure about Blake at this point.

  66. scurtis1999

    Dodgers rule, all other teams blow! lol

    2008 NL West Champs
    2008 NL Champs
    2008 World Series Champs

  67. leekfink

    I’m pretty sure that was Kent trying to draw the throw, and guarantee the run, which is a good move.

  68. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – watching Indians on gameday – thanks for the update. I was cooking and then next thing I knew – tie game 🙂 still tied in the 10th!! I need Jhonny points!!

  69. dodge1612

    I think maddux would be a great addition for the dodgers… he could really help bills and kershaw… just my two cents on the trading

  70. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – onto the 11th – it’s getting late in Cleveland, too. They are going to be playing into the midnight hour tonight.

  71. tradejuanpypaperbag

    And remind me why Matt is not leading off? LOL!!! Oh, I forgot about #9 on the bench right now.

  72. leekfink

    I don’t know if Matt Kemp “knows how to lead-off,” but getting on base three times, stealing two bases (against one of the throwing Molina Brothers, no less) and scoring twice (so far), he’s at least doing a good job of the old adage “fake it ’til you make it.”

  73. trublu4ever

    dnelly, I bet Matt will be leading off even when #9 comes back, maybe they can switch his position with Andre’s

  74. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LOL!!! Leefink and jhall – I think Matt “gets it”, don’t you? LOL!!
    trublue44 – we shall see what happens to JP. I think, if anything Ethier needs to be moved into the 6th hole behind James. That would be the most effective of those two batters if Joe is going to insist on putting Jeff in the 4th spot. Move everybody up one and put Pierre 8th.

  75. trublu4ever

    scurtis I’m just trying to think of something to help poor Andruw, after all we are stuck with him, lol

  76. scurtis1999

    Gold Club should be created in LA. That seemed to help him out in Atlanta! I know, I saw some good talent there back when I lived there.


    And then there’s JoJo’s adage: If you can’t dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bull!@#t” LOL.

  78. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hi dear!!! How are you this evening?
    Wally – Dad is home!! and Grady struck out 😦


    I think Mattingly seems to be helping Kemp. He’s learning how to work the pitcher and run up that count.


    Exactly, curtis. You can really see the difference. He seems to be growing into the job.

  81. trublu4ever

    boblee, I think Mattingly is helping all the young hitters, too bad it doesn’t rub off on Andruw, maybe he thinks he knows everything since he’s such a seasoned veteran.

  82. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ He seems out there all by himself. At least put him behind James. He is the only real batter in that group. It’s like “which one of these doesn’t belong” games. Andre doesn’t belong there.

  83. sparkleplenty_1

    boblee, in an interview Mattingly gave yesterday, he mentioned that he hasn’t been working with Matt – something about not fixing something that’s not broke . .

  84. edwcarter

    We really need Andre to put something together offensively quick. If he doesn’t, Old Man Joe will have him riding the pine.


    Gnats have gone 21 innings without a run. Sounds like some D’s scoreless streaks I can remember.

  86. bluecrewgirl

    Edwcarter, I think he feels a lot of pressure because it seems like he can’t even go into a little slump without being put on the bench. He’s earned the right to work through it, so hopefully Torre will allow him to this time. I really don’t like him in the 7 spot. Grady batted him 7 and 8 a lot last year and he actually hit better in the 8 spot, but he belongs higher in the lineup anyway.

  87. tradejuanpypaperbag

    edwcarter – Ethier’s hitting the ball hard, it’s just going right at people, and his first at-bat went to the warning track. He’s batting in the wrong spot. How can you get any momentum batting after Jones. Jones should be batting 8th.

  88. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LOL!!! Ward, dear ~ Where’s Theodore tonight? Wally is having too much fun right now, it appears. LOL!!
    trublue44 – yes, Andre can run very well when given the chance. I still wouldn’t want him stealing any bases any time soon. I just wish they would put him higher in the order.

  89. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Wally – yea – the walk gets me a point, but he won’t score a run because the game will be done if Francisco scores.


    The thing about Andre is that, unlike Pierre, he can be productive defensively even when he’s not producing as much offensively. I agree that being behind Jones hurts him.

  91. dodgereric

    I had to send The Beaver to his room. I caught him drawing unflattering pictures of the Dodger’s GM.


    Good nite guys. Late in St. Louis. Got a busy day tomorrow. I think this one’s in the win column. Have a good evening.

  93. tradejuanpypaperbag

    trublue44 – I think that would be great, but knowing Joe, it’s not going to happen. Then again, Pierre’s not playing tonight so anything is possible. I think James would be great in the 4th spot.

  94. leekfink

    DodgerEric–That comment reminds me of the anti-drug commercial where the dad discovers his kid’s pot and asks “where did you learn this?” And the kid replies “I learned it from watching you!”

  95. trublu4ever

    dnelly, I would also put James as cleanup, and, by the way, I’m making notes on all of these suggestions, so we can give them to Andre on Saturday and ask him to please pass them on to Joe

  96. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Oh my trublue44!!!! I would love to give Andre my thoughts on how we (ITD) think the lineup should be. We will see if he takes our suggestions.

  97. dodgereric

    BTW nelly, the guy who is showing his grip on the cover of that book I told you about last night isn’t Cristy Mathewson, it’s Big Ed Walsh. Just Anal-retentive Eric setting things right.

  98. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly and Trueblue44, I am going to be bummed if he’s not in the lineup and batting higher tomorrow since I’ll be at the game. He needs a little one on one with Mattingly.

  99. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thank you eric, as always – I ordered the book this afternoon,plus I got a few others that were in the bargain section. All about history and such. Also, with a lot of pictures which is always helpful with this age group.

  100. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric – every since you mentioned the name, I see it everywhere now ~ funny how that happens 🙂

  101. tradejuanpypaperbag

    trublue44 – We are going to be there for Friday, Saturday and Sunday games. I hope you get to see him play tomorrow. It’s Webb, and I don’t see him playing Andruw the way he is batting, but you never know anymore, I guess.

  102. stizaza

    this is what happened in houston last year, shutout till th eninth

  103. obi_wen

    Wow what a throw by Andre! Great game by Billz [his first shutout!] Kemp, Martin and Company… Go Dodgers! However, Ned’s on the phones… I am fearful… yes, indeed, until the deadline passes, I am fearful

  104. bluecrewgirl

    Like JP would have made that play, right. I think someone else mentioned earlier that even when he’s not hitting Andre plays great D. Fantastic game by Bills.


    What a way to preserve a shutout!! Great plays by Dre and Russell!!! 4 shutouts in 5 games. Keep Ned away from anything electronic.

  106. scurtis1999

    In an article updated at 11:50 pm EDT,’s Jon Heyman says that a deal between the Marlins and Red Sox for Manny Ramirez is close and that the teams have relayed their dealings to the commissioner’s office.
    That goes along with what Will Carroll wrote earlier. The Red Sox will need Bud Selig’s approval since they’re expected to pick up the $7 million that Ramirez is still owed as part of a deal. Heyman says it’s no lock that the Pirates will be part of the trade, though Pittsburgh is clearly in Boston’s ideal scenario. The Red Sox want Jason Bay, but they could try to mix in a different third team. Heyman adds that the Dodgers were willing to part with Matt Kemp for Ramirez, but that those talks are on the sidelines now.

  107. leekfink

    Wow. That was an extraordinary effort by Bills, capped off by a beautiful throw by Andre and a great block by Russ. You have to wonder what Flannery was thinking sending the guy on that play. Down four runs, what’s the point, and then making the last out of the game on a play at teh plate. Beautiful.
    Most importantly, though, that play (as well as Chad’s complete game, of course) may well win us a game over the weekend. If that run scores, the tying run is on deck, and Broxton has to start warming up. If there is another runner allowed, Broxton comes in. Now, Broxton and the entire bullpen is rested and ready for the four games with the D-Backs. And there is no way that Pierre makes that throw (actually, a lot of guys don’t make that throw, but Pierre it’s just not close).
    Yes, I would rather have Bills going against the Diamondbacks, but you have to like that by keeping the bullpen fully rested, he helps us win anyway.

  108. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – honestly , he just needs to be Everyday ‘Dre, and I would be happy. Put him in the lineup everyday,and he will be fine, just don’t jerk him around. It’s been stated in articles that all the pressure is on him to perform or he sits. What kind of treatment is that when you have JP and Jones in the lineup.


    Great way to end the game and put away the Giants even though this Giants team is not very interesting. Who is there to “hate” on this team. Anyway, now we can say it: bring on the Snakes. I am sure the players and coaches will downplay the importance of this series but I think it is highly important to see how the Dodgers fare in a head to head match up for the lead in the division.

  110. trublu4ever

    scurtis, I think that would be the dumbest move the Dodgers could make, except for the one when they signed Anduw

  111. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Great job by Billingsly!!!!!! Fabulous play by everybody!! Even Andruw made a great catch at the beginning of the game.

  112. aeversw

    Thank God slappy wasn’t in left tonight! Billingsley showing people why Logan White is always better then Ned “Yeah I’ll trade Matt Kemp for 2 months of Manny Ramierez” Colletti!

  113. obi_wen

    [Wow, Dodgers were ready to give up Kemp for Manny.]

    Amazing isn’t it? Theo Epstein was about to pick Ned’s pocket if that happened. I guess someone in the Dodger organization with an ounce of common sense prevailed. I’m telling you, Ned on the phones at the trade deadline is a scary thing.


    scurtis, thanks for that Kemp for Manny info. As dumb as some of the Dodger moves have been, it’s hard to believe that report is accurate. Nobody could be that STUPID…. but then I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by anything where Ned and Joe are involved. Great game tonight. Think where we could be if Kemp and Ethier had played regularly from Day 1.


    well that was certainly a VERY exciting finish! glad that andre and russell were able to get the final out and preserve billingsley’s complete game shutout!!

  116. bluecrewgirl

    Eric, I saw Pierre in the dugout earlier in the game.

    DNelly, Andre is batting over .400 against Webb and Jones and JP have crappy batting averages against him, but we know that Joe doesn’t seem to care about those things, so who knows what will happen tomorrow.

  117. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Did everyone read the article from homepage stating that Torre wouldn’t be surprised if there is a deal made,and that Ned has been on the phone all day. I am just now catching up on reading articles, but if you haven’t read it, it’s not reassuring Ned’s just going to sit tomorrow out and let the time pass.
    eric – thank you for peaking my interest. I am looking forward to a lot of great reading. 🙂

  118. dodgereric

    In defense of Ned (who said that?) I think most of the stories I’ve read about this is about the Sox talking to the Dodgers, asking for Kemp or Ethier, not the Dodgers offering them.

  119. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl – I hope you get to see Andre play. I am hoping for the same thing this weekend – hopefully 2 out of 3. He played well against them in Arizona so like you said, we will have to see.
    I will get to meet him on Saturday, however, so that will be fun in itself. Also, I wish I could see his “Before the Bigs” episode.
    Sara – what a great play that was – hopefully Joe takes that in consideration when doing the lineup tomorrow as well.

  120. dodgereric

    You’re most welcome, nelly! They are great photos, some of the most famous baseball pics ever. But I can’t emphasize enough that the couple of paragraphs for each are what really makes the book special. Also, make sure you read the preface. Remarkable story, really.

  121. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric ~ I did pick up the book “Voices From Cooperstown” by Anthony J. Conner, and it seemed like it had a lot good stories and information. The book Steve Garvey wrote is very good, and it was good to see things from his perspective as a boy looking up to these heroes of baseball.


    dnelly, i’m starting to gain a little more confidence in torre’s ability to do the right thing.. andre and matt will both be in the lineup tomorrow, as well as the rest of the weekend.. i believe!

    as far as andre’s before the bigs.. since you’re coming to LA this weekend, i have confidence that you will be able to see it.. they do ENDLESS repeats of those things, especially just after they debut. i’d say to just look up the times they are playing it this weekend, and then watch it when you can during the weekend.. hopefully you will have prime ticket in your hotel room..

  123. leekfink

    I can only hope that: 1) the report on the Dodgers willingness to part with Kemp was not true; or, at least, 2) it was accurate that Ned might be willing to trade Kemp, but that Frank would have come in and put the kibosh on the deal (though, I am concerned that Frank’s Boston roots might still hold sway on that one).
    Think about this. Kemp has 12 home runs and 25 stolen bases. He is likely going to be a 20-30 (or even 20-40) guy. This season. Forget his potential (and, at 23, it’s tremendous–30-40, 40-40, 50-50, the sky). That’s this year. How good is that? Only one Dodger–EVER, Brooklyn or LA–has ever had a 30-30 season. Raul Mondesi did it twice. Only 14 players had a 20-30 season last year. Only Jimmy Rollins, Eric Byrnes, and Hanley Ramirez had 20-40 seasons last year (or A-Rod too, if you go 20SB-40HR). So, what we’re seeing is that, RIGHT NOW, Matt Kemp is already ranging somewhere from star to superstar. (And has anyone ever been traded AWAY from a competitor in the middle of a 17-game hitting streak?)
    The last time Boston was involved in a trade for a budding Superstar, their owner got the ability to finance “No, No, Nannette,” and their team went 86 years without winning a world series. You would think Ned might pay just a little attention.

  124. dodgereric

    Just about any book that talks about HOF players would be a good choice.

    My own personal favorite to read about is Ty Cobb. Not that I admire him, far from it. He’s just very interesting. He’s what piqued my interest in old-time baseball. I read his autobiography when I was in high school and I’ve been reading about him ever since. There is a recent book about his relationship with Babe Ruth.

  125. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thanks sara, and I think you are right. Andre usually does well against Arizona anyway, and I’m sure some of that has todo with it being his home state. Even if he’s not in it for one game, I don’t think it’s long term like we thought in the past. Also, once he gets into his groove in that 7th spot, he will be fine. He always manages to work his way out of slumps pretty well. I’m sure that play today at home erased most of what he did at the plate anyway, and it should make the highlight reel. On another note, it was great to see Chad be really good Chad. He must be a proud boy tonight 🙂

  126. leekfink

    DodgerEric is probably right. I have no doubt we asked about Manny. It really would be malpractice to hear that Manny Ramirez might be available and not at least look at the price tag. And Epstein, bring no dumby, included Matt Kemp, and that was probably a short discussion. But word gets out that the Dodgers asked, and the question is what was the price, and you have a trade deadline story.
    I think there is about a 1 in 3 chance of a deal tomorrow. Of that, it’s 50-50 between Maddux and some nondescript bullpen “help” probably replacing Ramon Troncoso. Madux might make for a good deal, some small bullpen help (like Proctor last year), probably is not much improvement over Troncoso (who’s OK), and does not make that much sense. But in either case, it won’t be for anyone on the 25-man roster (and probably not the 40-man roster).


    Well Lee we have been saying it now for a while..But you look at Ethier, Martin, Loney, Kemp and consider that if they were surrounded by really good players (I am not even ripping on anyone here, just stating fact) in their primes the talk wouldn’t be focused on negative but positive. I mean all of them have really good stats for their ages. Add an Ace in Bills who is also under 25 and everyone says Kershaw is better. Broxton is setting into being the elite closer and he is young. That’s a heck of a group.


    Super Incredible 4 to 0 Victory By Our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers over the San Francisco Giants! Super World Series Championship Performance By Chad Billingsley, Number 58, The amazing Year the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles!Chad,You were Absolutely Brilliant shining as Bright as the Great Dodger in the Sky’s Stars! After All, He wouldn’t have it any other Way!Super Kryptonite Busting Heroes Andre Ethier and Russel Martin showed Their True Dodger Spirit by closing out the game at Home Plate! You guys are Super Tremendous Leaders and True Los Angeles Dodgers! What a Play! The Super Amazing Hero Matt Kemp Who always Has His Super Powers on Display, does so again tonight Hitting in His 17th Straight Game,Scoring 2 Runs With 2 Walks,and a Base Hit! Matt, you never cease to Amaze Us!Super Hero Casey Blake Does it again with his 2 for 3 at the plate, run scored and Walk! Casey, you are an ever present Danger at the plate, putting Tremendous Fear in something called kryptonite! And what about Super Hero Manager Gutsy, Joseph Torre, who is always rewarded for His Tremendous Faith by Our Great Dodger in The Sky, by giving Chad the opportunity to go all the Way to get the complete game shutout Victory and rewarded He was by the Sensational Play By Andre Ethier and Russel Martin! And of course, the Tireless,Indestructable,Invincible,Our Very Own, Superman, Himself,Jeff Kent, The Greatest Second Baseman Of All Time, Always comes through For His Teammates and Fans With His 2 For 4 at the plate, Double & RBI! All the rest of our Los Angeles Dodgers were Super Heroes, Including all of Us Fans! Oh Sing and be Merry Dodgertown and All Dodger Fans, For Our Great Dodger In The Sky Has Proclaimed Los Angles Dodgers World Series Championship Victory to all His Heavenly Hosts and Mighty Stars, so Superman Jeff Kent and all of His Super Hero Teammates and all of us Super Heroes Fans can sleep Peaceully with Much Joy in This Amazing, Supernatural, Majestic, Spectacular,Exciting Jubilee 50h Anniversary Year 2008 A.D. Of Our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers in Los Angeles!


    My take on Maddux is it depends on for what of course but do it. Him on the bench for the next 70 games is worth a prospect.

  130. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thanks Bluecrewgirl – It will have to be the Friday at 1:30 am – hopefully there is prime ticket in the hotel 🙂 We are staying downtown in a pretty good hotel so just maybe.
    Eric – I have already started reading it -see!!! I have about 7 unfinished books ranging from James Patterson to baseball. So, it may appear I am sometimes on here all day, but what I am really doing is reading, both professional books for school and what I call “my play books” that I read for me. The baseball books kind of fall into both categories because it is for my interest and my classroom at the same time 🙂

  131. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Wow!! ndeschenes!! That was a long one for a change. You had a lot to say tonight. It was a great night of baseball, and the way it ended made it even better. We hope to hear from you several times over the next four games against the dbacks. A sweep would be great, but I’m hoping for 3 out of 4. Have a wonderful evening/early morning, and a spectacular tomorrow!!! 🙂

  132. tradejuanpypaperbag

    leefink and jungar – great comments from both of you 🙂 There’s nothing I don’t disagree with so there really isn’t anything to comment on other than good job!!!


    And of Course, Super Hero, The Impeccable Russel Martin’s aways Super Clutch 2 For 3 At The Plate, with 2 RBI’S, a Run scored and Walk, is always Busting kryptonite somewhere!Russel, you are a Super Champion Person nd Super Champion Los Angeles Dodger Catcher!

  134. tradejuanpypaperbag

    ndeschenes ~ I am even more impressed that you thought you didn’t cover enough and added more – Wow!!!

  135. dodgereric


    “The conversations between the Dodgers and Padres about future Hall of Famer Greg Maddux have hit a roadblock, and it’s unclear whether the two sides will continue talks on Thursday. The Dodgers have mild interest in Maddux, who essentially has boxed in San Diego with his insistence that he can be dealt only to a West Coast team; the rival Dodgers are the only team on the coast with a need for a starter. The two sides are far apart in agreeing what compensation is appropriate for the pitcher.

    If Maddux is not dealt before the deadline, the Dodgers could try to place a waiver claim on the pitcher in August, and once again, the Padres would be left with little leverage.”

  136. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric ~ So, I guess this means the Padres are not willing to take Andruw or JP off our hands? LOL!!!

  137. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LOL!!! in our dreams, I suppose 🙂 I am reading “Voices from Cooperstown” and it is very good – very intriguing!

  138. kpookiemon

    I think the real issue with Maddux is the Dodgers’ unwillingness to take on his $3 million in salary. Frank’s MO the past month has been to go CHEAP, the Royals and Indians picking up the tab on Berroa and Blake respectively. Dodgers could use Maddux’s arm, if Penny, Schmidt and Jason Johnson don’t send shivers of delight up the organization’s spine. Personally, if the Dodgers won’t take on Maddux’s salary, then what’s in it for the Pods? They want to shed salary and I’m sure the Dodgers wouldn’t offer much in terms of a prsopect…though with Ned, who’s to say? Maddux has already cost the Dodgers Cesar Izturis. But like everyone else on this blog, I’d LOVE to see Maddux come to LA, if for no other reason that to bring in a REAL pitching coach. Honeycutt, for me, is just an employee.

  139. northstateblues

    Hey all, just got back from the ravine. Great game, awesome ending. I was actually ashamed that Andruw got more booing than the Giants players combined. A bit embarassing. They weren’t booing when he crashed into the wall on that great catch. lbirken is right, there’s no one to “hate” on the Giants, and it was the calmest Dodgers-Giants game I’ve been to.

    I actually scored the whole game, all 8 1/2 innings. I’ve never done that before (Does anyone else ever keep score during games, I’m curious). Just great to see them beat those Halloween losers.

    Oh, and Baron Davis threw out the first pitch, Ardoin had to jump to get it. I think the ball’s a bit too light compared to what Baron’s used to. Funny seeing someone who played for The City 3 months ago wearing Dodger Blue and proudly pointing to the L.A. on his hat.

  140. dodgereric

    Hey, kahli! You’re probably on the money with your thoughts.

    Nelly, one more thing. Regarding your timeline, the Burns link is very good. But if you want more detail, see if you can get your hands on “20th Century Baseball Chronicle”. Tormont Publications. It has a very detailed timeline from 1900 through 1991. My edition is “updated”, so there could be more recent editions around somewhere. OK, now I’m really going……………

  141. dodgereric

    Hey north, my mom taught me how to score, and I used to do it all the time. But I never did it on the program. I had an official scorebook. Sometimes I did it while listening on the radio to Vin and Jerry. I had a Koufax 1-hitter in one book. I think my mom tossed ’em with all my baseball cards. Shame. OK, now. Really.

  142. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Kahli – great post!!! I can’t say that I disagree with anything you said. I just wish Ned would just hand over JP and Andruw and say “here, you can have them – our treat” LOL!!!
    Northstateblues – I am glad you had a great time. It is sad to hear all the booing, though, I must agree, as much as I know why, but it should be aimed at Ned for acquiring him. As for keeping score. I have never done it at a Dodger game. I am too busy cheering and people watching, I suppose. However, I know how to keep score very well. I used to do it for little league and now I keep score for my son’s teams on occasion. Are you going to any more games this week?

  143. northstateblues

    Nope, I’m headed back to NorCal tomorrow (or today, heh). I just read Sacramento’s done with the major construction on the I5, so I”m jazzed about that, it’s hard enough trying to drive through that moronic freeway system.

    eric (if you’re still up), I’m glad I’m not the only one who keeps score. My dad was keeping score too. Every game we both try to score the whole game, but usually end up short. Today, we both succeeded. I guess I trained myself to ignore the beachballs this time.

    About Andruw, Yeah, I don’t like how he’s performed either, but how is he supposed to get any better when half the stadium treats him like Barry Bonds? Not that fans should powder puff him, but I was ashamed as a Dodger fan tonight hearing half the stadium booing a guy in blue (that wasn’t busy tearing off his jersey and chucking water bottles into the home crowd).

    Venting frustration on the net is one thing, But I’m sure that Andruw’s not thinking “Heheheheh, I’m gonna steal Frank’s money and hit .168 and be happy, heheheheh”. It’d probaby help if he showed a different emotion than smiling after a strikeout, though.

  144. aeversw

    Well coming into tonight we know where our Ace, Chad Billingsley, has ranked among the league leaders in the National League. After tonight’s dominating performance lets take a look at where he ranks but this time compared to both the American and National League. He is currently 13th in Wins (11), 12th in ERA (3.05), 4th in Strikeouts (145), 2nd in K/9 (9.41) and 11th in Batting Average Against (.229). All at the tender age of 24 years old and 2 days! I say tender but I have to remember that this “kid” is older then me!


    “When you have young players, even if with the player you can get, you may not want to give up a young player who isn’t as good as he’s going to be,” said Torre. “Those are the ground rules. Matt Kemp is good now and in a couple years he’ll be special. Kemp may be better than the guy you’re going to get, and that guy probably is making a ton of money. That’s just good business sense there.”



    oh, you guys should check out the photo gallery of last night’s game.. there’s a picture of russell holding up his glove after the tag, castillo on his back on the ground, and bills holding up a fist in celebration.. it’s a very cool picture..


    “Martin beat Loney in Guitar Hero on Wednesday in a duel that will be featured in an upcoming edition of Sports Illustrated for Kids”

    hilarious 🙂

  148. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara – I get that subscription for my classroom, so that is going to be cool. I had read that somewhere too.

  149. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Webb has dominated Los Angeles in his career, posting a 9-3 record with a 2.65 ERA, but three Dodgers regulars have found success against him: Andre Ethier, Russell Martin and James Loney.

    “Just go up there and be aggressive, take what he gives you in the situations,” Ethier said of his approach against Webb, against whom he’s 6-for-14 with three doubles and three walks. “He’s a guy that has a lot of stuff to beat you with and don’t let him beat you with stuff that’s not in the zone and be aggressive in the zone.”

    This is a promising comment for a possible good lineup for tonight’s game against Webb.

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