One last All-Star Game for Jaime Jarrin

The legendary Jaime Jarrin is hangin’ up the headset when it comes to All-Star Games and postseason…unless of course the Dodgers are in the playoffs.

When we were at Shea Stadium earlier this year, Jaime told me that he had made up his mind to make this his final All-Star Game after handling play-by-play for 20 different Midsummer Classics. He also travels to the playoffs each year and he’s decided not to do that, either, as it’s prime time for traveling around the world in the event that the Dodgers aren’t playing in October.

The Daily News’ Tony Jackson caught up with Jaime yesterday, who explained his decision.

Not too much more can be said about Josh Hamilton’s performance last night. The stadium was electric and I can only imagine what it will be like tonight with all the Hall of Famers on hand. While I’m here in NY, Rick Monday and his wife, Barbaralee, are headed to the White House for dinner with the president following a third-base coaching stint on the lawn for a t-ball game.

Otherwise, it’s relatively quiet. The All-Star Red Carpet parade is making its way through Central Park right now which is one reason to get out of the hotel room and wander the streets of Manhattan. I hope to post more tonight at the game, but with the enormous volume of media on hand, there isn’t really a place for me to set up my laptop and I haven’t figure out yet how to post from the blackberry. I’ll keep working on it.

What I do know is that Tommy Lasorda will be reading the lineups on FOX for the NL, which needs a win in a ridiculous way. Even if it weren’t deciding home field advantage, the Senior Circuit needs to snap the streak and hopefully Russell’s game-winning hit will be the difference.


  1. lagirl27

    It would have been so awesome as a baseball fan to be at the all star game. Maybe we can go when they hit Angel stadium in a few years!

  2. tradejuanpypaperbag

    repost to scott from last thread :
    scott, however, I am an Ethier super fan because I have three Ethier t-shirts, a “got Ethier?” t-shirt, an authentic Ethier jersey and I even have a build-a-bear named Ethier ( a white/blue bear with jeans and a white tank top that has Ethier spelled across the back with the #16 all over it). I have a dozen various baseball cards of his (two being rookie cards), and I have a file of at least 100 phots of him. So, to say I am a casual fan of his, is probably an understatement – I am a super fan!!!!
    I am just very thankful my husband let’s me live out my mid-life crisis (that’s what he calls it). I told him it will be a very long mid-life crisis. I did the same thing with Mike Scoscia, Mike Piazza, Eric Karros, Shaun Green. Andre’s in good company as far as the players I have admired over the years. LOL!! I am a big Russell Martin fan, too, but I will let sara lead the way on that one.
    Amy – I know we are all fans first, that’s what makes the girls on this board all that more important. It’s not just about how they look, it’s about how they play the game.

  3. jhallwally

    Exactly E!!! The biggest mistake Ned made was underestimating what he already had. He could have just moved Phew to left and played Kemp in center with Ethier in right. For that matter, he really should have resigned Lofton for one year when Princess Drew split and let Kemp, Ethier and Gonzo rotate thru. I detested the Phew signing from the beginning, especially when he went and got Gonzo.


  4. lagirl27

    Dnelly, on Saturday it was soo nice seeing Matt and Dre hit home runs. When that HR music starts to play it’s magical. I thought of you. Dre and Matt are unstoppable!
    I agree we a baseball/Dodger fans first!!!

  5. tradejuanpypaperbag

    scott – I just read your comments on the last thread – LOL!!That’s how I get my daughter to watch. She didn’t understand how incredibly handsome he was until she saw a picture of him when they got the Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He wasn’t in complete uniform, just his jersey with jeans and sunglasses. That made her immediately understand the attraction for Andre as a man, as well as a ballplayer. LOL!!!

  6. jhallwally

    Also, just another wild thought. If I were in the Dodger FO, I would be looking into either finding another very good catcher or developing one in the next year or two. Then I could move Marty to 2nd base. He could lead off and play 2nd ala Biggio. It would extend his career and solve the 2nd base vacancy. Not sure what we’ve got coming up at catcher in the farm. Just another thought.

  7. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Amy – the series that I was at against the Braves was the only set of games I have been to where Andre didn’t hit a homerun. I got to see Nomar, Russell and Matt hit one, which is always great too. Andre was walked alot in the series against the Braves, and I always take that as a compliment to him because it appeared from where I was sitting they were pitching to him all outside, and he generally doesn’t go for those. He wasn’t too happy about walking ethier (either), but like sara said, who is happy about drawing the walk – they all want to hit it.

  8. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Very good thinking jhall!! He is doing an incredible job when he plays third, and it definitely wouldn’t be a stretch for him to play 2nd – great thinking!

  9. enchantedbeaver

    jhall – the next big catching prospect is in Jax:

    Lucas May C 73 266 38 66 21 1 10 43 119 25 78 3 0 .314 .447 .248 .762 4

    Supposed to be a good one.

  10. jhallwally

    Thanks guys. I think Marty could be an All-Star at 2nd. Maybe if he was a middle infielder, JoJo would not have such a brain cramp about leading him off..

  11. enchantedbeaver

    So who gets cut when Sweeney comes back? or does Proctor’s mysterious ailment suddenly become worse and he goes to the 60-day DL? or does he take Saito’s place on the roster (assuming he goes on the DL.)

  12. enchantedbeaver

    No problem scott 🙂 On ANY other team, his return wouldn’t be an issue because he wouldn’t.

  13. jhallwally

    It shouldn’t even be a consideration. They should just cut Sweeney loose. I know, I know, we’ve got Frank and Furter and JoJo starring in this three ring circus they have created.

  14. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That’s a good thought for this afternoon – it’s bad enough we have to think about losing Sammy, but now we have to think about getting Sweeney back – great!!!

  15. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Oh and scott, just to add to the ‘Dre mania. I have a picture of him as a background for my desktop, a variety of pictures of him and other Dodgers as a slide show for my screen saver, and an awesome picture of his beautiful lefty swing as a background on my cell phone. LOL!!! See, know you made me think about it, and it’s quite an obsession right now, I must say. However, I think it’s just my way of showing Andre that I, his superfan, am behind him and I know he should be playing everyday because he is Everyday ‘Dre as dcollins gave him that name.


    OK everyone… I found our next pinch hitter!! He’s got great numbers!! Tell me you guys would not want this bat off the bench!! What do you think NELLY?

    .321 90 333 58 107 27 1 17 73 187 38 51 0 0 .399 .562 .961


    Not to mention, he could also play first base and give Loney a break on off days… I’d love to see this guy get a chance… Can you guys figure out who he is?

  18. tradejuanpypaperbag

    No – I would never do anything to hurt him. I probably wouldn’t even talk to him – seriously. I am very happy being a super fan from a distance. Yes, I would love to meet him, but I still would probably only say the minimum to him. It’s not in my nature to be forward like that – honest. LOL!!


    This is Juan Gonzales, he’s the 2nd basemen for Jax, he was traded back in 2004 from Detroit to Seattle for Carlos Guillen! He’s got great first half numbers… Maybe the 2nd basemen of the future?

    JAX SOU .273 77 238 36 65 15 0 10 40 110 42 53 2 1 .400 .462 .862

  20. scott_in_arcadia

    Good job, Brandon! Hmmm, there’s something about those Jacksonville kids isn’t there? Maybe ol’ Shoemaker should be promoted up from AA to manage his boys on the big club, a la Tommy Lasorda.


    The first guy I mentioned was John Lindsey… Why does he not get a chance to be Loney’s backup!?!? It’s crazy, he’s got a ton of power, he’s got a good average, and obviously can play 1st base… What does it take for a guy who’s pushing 31 to get a shot at the show!?!?!?

  22. scott_in_arcadia

    Naked pictures of Ned Colletti – see Juan Pierre, Mark Sweeney, Scott Proctor, Andruw Jones…


    Well guys, if anything… we’re seriously a loaded bunch in our minor league system. I really do think that we need to give more people oppourtunities. that’s what happens in baseball, and in life. If someone goes down, you have to plug someone else into their spot. Why is it so difficult to give people chances? How would Tom Brady have ever been discovered if it were not for injuries? Or how would Albert Pujols ever have become Alber Pujols without being given the chance to play?!? Do you guys see where I’m going with this, or am I just crazy?


    FOR DODGER MANAGEMENT, THE MEDIA, AND OTHERS who don’t fully appreciate what the Dodgers have in their young talent. Consider Kemp and Loney’s RBI production compared to other players who are on this year’s All-Star teams:

    Kemp (51), Loney (50), Ethier (41)

    Jones, Atl (51)
    Holiday, Col (51)
    Pujols, StL (50)
    Crede, ChW (49)
    Pedroia, Bos (47)
    Guillen, Det (47)
    Martin, LA (45)
    H. Ramirez, Fla (45)
    Tejada, Hou (44)
    Ortiz, Bos (43)
    Jeter, NYY (42)
    Mauer, Min (41)
    Soriano, ChC (40)
    Fukudome, ChC (36)
    Navarro, TB (35)
    Guzman, Was (30)
    Varitek, Bos (28)
    Suzuki, Sea (21)

    And for more perspective, consider:

    M. Young, Tex (52)
    A. Rodriquez, NYY (53)
    Longoria, TB (53)
    McCann, Atl (53)
    Sizemore, Cle (54)
    Drew, Bos (55)

    Now consider that many of these All Stars are VETERAN players who are making HUGE salaries. I think it is high time for appreciating what talent the Dodgers have and for encouraging and promoting their development into the All Stars they are destined to be.

  25. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You know, Brandon, it’s just that logical thinking getting in the way again. It’s a wonder why our management doens’t think this way, be logical and have trust in the players in the farm system.

  26. enchantedbeaver

    Lindsay’s not old enough for JoJo yet. Maybe in another 3-4 years once he “gets it.”

    I think they’ll give Brox a good look at closer for the next couple weeks before they do anything quite that rash, but then again, it is Ned.

    FA closers 2009:
    Joe Borowski (38)
    Brian Fuentes (33)
    Eric Gagne (33)
    Trevor Hoffman (41)
    Jason Isringhausen (36)
    Todd Jones (41)
    Brandon Lyon (29)
    Francisco Rodriguez (27)
    Kerry Wood (32)

  27. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Redfox – you just got a standing ovation for that!!! Thank you very much for that information – how wonderful is that to see!!!!! WOW!!!
    Hi eric – love the post as always!! 🙂


    This guy Travis Schlichting is a reliever for Jax, and he looks really strong too!! Look at his K-BB ratio. In 34 innings, he’s got 26K’s and only 8 walks and only given up 9ER… This guys looks GOOD!

    JAX SOU 3 1 2.38 16 0 0 0 0 34.0 23 10 9 1 8 26 1.08 .192

  29. roberto6

    26 year old journey man who is having a nice start this season at Jax is our future 2nd Baseman ? Wow…


    Scoot, I could not agree more!! I mean come on, let’s give some other guys chances when other people have more than proven that they’re great at failing!! You seriously have no idea what kind of a beast you might find.


    Scott, I could not agree more!! I mean come on, let’s give some other guys chances when other people have more than proven that they’re great at failing!! You seriously have no idea what kind of a beast you might find.

  32. dodgereric

    Just dropped in to see what was happening here and stick the new songs on our site. Great work, everyone. It’s amazing how good they are getting.

    I just stocked up with Malox from the drug store. Why?

    1 – The thought of Bonds as a Dodger wouldn’t be so outlandish if the memories of Juan Marichal as a Dodger weren’t still so clear.

    2 – Anyone who thinks that Pierre won’t be leading off and playing left EVERY DAY when he returns is just kidding him/herself. Jones will continue to play every day. That leaves Kemp most likely getting the lion’s share of RF and Andre on the bench, probably seeing action against the “tough” righthanders that Joe thinks Kemp can’t handle………. ‘Scuse me while I open a fresh bottle……………ahhhhhhhhh………….. anyway, it just makes me ill thinking that someone like Ethier is going to be wasting away on the bench while inferior players play constantly, sitting there with his dreamy eyes and powerful forearms just munching away on sunflower seeds and his wavey hair flows out from under his…………..oops, was that out loud?

  33. roberto6

    I read something on Shlichting a couple of weeks ago in Baseball America. He was hitter and he is being converted to a Pitcher. He played 5 years in the minors as a hitter but struggled…

    yeah I know, I have no life. I like minor leagues lol

  34. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I agree – bring up the farm – why take chances on getting another PVL because we have showed the list of PVLs upteen times – the list is enormous. Same goes for DeJesus and shortstop, why shouldn’t he be given a try.

  35. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LMAO!!!! eric – thanks!!! Andre does like his sunflower seeds. I saw that up close. He won’t be needing his bubble gum, though. He only uses that when on the field. 😦

  36. scott_in_arcadia

    eric, you are freaking me OUT! But, seriously, I will not be able to deal with Ethier (team HR leader BTW) sitting for the fat stiff or the skinny stiff.

    Fire Joe
    Fire the guy who hired Joe
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe

  37. lagirl27

    Jhall Dnelly- It came to me, just now while I was in the car. The perfect song for Matt would naturally be his walk up music
    “Boss” by Rick Ross. Ok, I was thinking it could be a challenge, after all it is a rap song. BUT, there is a lot of fun you can have with it especially if you use the Chorus by T Pain.
    here are some examples
    “I’m the biggest boss that you’ve seen thus far” -to- “I’m the biggest Bison that you’ve seen thus far”
    “I’ve got a fresh line up, a fresh outfit…” -so- Lineup= a baseball lineup and outfit can be a uniform for baseball.
    Jhall, It’s a challenge that you can handle!!
    other songs for my friends to play with. * “Ironic” by Alanis Morestte “It’s like 10,000 cows, when all you need is a Bison..”
    Or Justin Timberlake, “What goes around…comes around”.. lots of possibilities there too.
    So I hope this helps. I’m not gonna attempt writing, but I’ll spew my ideas.

  38. enchantedbeaver

    Scott – The only way a Jones-Pierre OF could get any better is if we sign Bonds – how cool would THAT be?

    Nells/mom knows me to well.

  39. tradejuanpypaperbag

    amy – you already have the idea and some of the lyrics – you should go for it. CP found she had it in her.
    enchanted – too much!!! LMAO!!!
    jhall – do you know any of those songs? I actually probably do since I have teenagers in the house, but like Susan Surandon said in Bull Durham, I,during the course of a baseball season, will remain monogomous (or something like that). LMAO!!! sorry scott – serious, this is all in fun 🙂


    Roberto, it’s all about chances… Did you have someone else in mind? I just think we’re going to have some holes after Kent retires. Do we have anyone up and coming at 2nd base in the minors? I’m pretty sure we’re done with Tony Abreu

  41. lagirl27

    also for that matt song “cause it’s just another day in the life on “gosh darn” bison”
    sooo perfect!!!


    Yeah, I saw that too about Schlicting Roberto, he did used to be a hitter. I’m just trying to say that why would we not try someone from within first…. Now with ss… DeJesus the guy was just in the freakin’ futures game for a reason… someone must see something in him. Now on the other hand they had him playing 2nd base anf were trying to showcase him, so he could be getting dealt. Look, I’m all for us doing whatever we need to do to become better, I’m never opposed to signing someone or making a trade to better the team, and it’s really exciting when it happens. BUT!! We’ve been burned like crazy the last few times this has happened.. and it really sucks to be the butt of the leagues jokes as far as being taken for a ride on signings and trades!!

  43. tradejuanpypaperbag

    amy – the song “Ironic” can be used for all the players that are getting/ or will get screwed by the PVL’s. Like eric said, Andre is the one that is going to get the shaft so-to-speak, and it will be when JP returns. Andruw’s not going anywhere unless by way of DL again (piano please) and so the reality is that the outfield will be Pierre, Jones, and Kemp/Ethier. That song “Ironic” fits this situation perfectly. That song definitely fits this whole team in some ways because of the things that have happened and still remain to happen. jhall – I will take on this song – it’s a good one for the team issue – you can still figure one out for Matt – 🙂

  44. jhallwally

    Eric, Nelly, E. :). LOL!!!!!
    Amy, thanks for the song suggestions. I will give them a listen and see what comes out.

  45. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Very well said Brandon – Ned does not have a history of making good trades so why would we want to trust it now when our young players are on the line.

  46. dodgereric

    Juan Pierre LF
    Nomar Garciaparra SS
    Barry Bonds RF
    Jeff Kent 2B
    Andruw Jones CF
    Boog Powell 1B
    Roger Dorn 3B
    Dottie Hinson C

  47. jhallwally

    Better start buying that stuff by the gallon. LOL!!!!
    I just can’t wait for Bennett to get back to just put us out of our misery.

  48. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LMAO!!! Boy, eric – you are on a roll today. You are really getting all caught up aren’t you. I think you need to pass that lineup onto Mr. Kent and see how he feels batting behind “him” LOL!!!
    jhall – it’s a good day,isn’t it? 🙂

  49. scott_in_arcadia

    Eric, after seeing Nomar lead off the other night, anything is possible, even Boog. I’d rather see this lineup:

    1B Bugs Bunny
    2B Bugs Bunny
    3B Bugs Bunny
    SS Bugs Bunny
    LF Bugs Bunny
    CF Bugs Bunny
    RF Bugs Bunny
    C Bugs Bunny
    P Bugs Bunny

  50. lagirl27

    you are welcome. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with. And to some current songs!
    dnel- you are right. Ironic fits on soo many levels and it effects or Mk and AE. Have lots of fun!

  51. tradejuanpypaperbag

    hey scott – you forgot about Daffy and Elmer Fudd, or how about Tweety Bird and Sylvester LMAO!!!!! Oh, and Marvin the Martian LMAO!!!!!

  52. dodgereric

    scott, “That’s the ol’ pepper, boy!” LMAO!!!

    Hey ya’ll, go onto our site and let me know if that video link works for you on the one titled, “This is how I would feel if the Dodgers signed Barry Bonds”.

  53. selltheteam

    jhall – how about this one for “Don’t Trade the Bison”.
    Only problem is I can’t remember how the tune goes.
    Sing to “Don’t Fear the Reaper”, by Blue Oyster Cult
    All our PVLs have come
    Here but now they’re gone
    Hey Ned don’t trade the Bison

  54. jhallwally

    Wile-E-Coyote’s Acme team could thump us with Phew, Nomore, Kant, Cow, Sweeney, Bennett, Procto, and Co. being relied on. LOL!!!

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Amy, I have lots of current songs on my mind, too. As far as currents artists – love Maroon 5, Good Charlotte, Nickelback, Matchbox Twenty, and my favorite current band – Barenaked Ladies ( Canadians BTW). I have done one Maroon 5 song way back in my beginning days, but other than that the classics seem to be easier to write songs to. Anyway – throughout the day, I listen to all kinds of different music. We have one radio station that plays such a wide variety – they will play anything from Frank Sinatra to Barenaked Ladies to AC/DC to some mellow hip hop. I tend to listen to that more at night when is usually when I do most of the song writing.

  56. enchantedbeaver

    Come to think of it, I’ve never seen the Roadrunner and JP together in the same room. Hmmmm….

  57. jhallwally

    Crash, that is quite a coincidence as I looked it up last night to try and find a Bison song. I held off as I didn’t think Amy would be familiar with it or much else that I listen to. It’s got great potential. Actually, your first verse is about where I got with it.

    All the Vets are scum,
    Here, cause Ned is dumb,
    Pitchers don’t fear our vet’rans,
    C’mon Neddy, don’t trade the Bison,

  58. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LMAO!!! eric – I can’t honestly tell you how that feels, but never the less LMAO!!!!

  59. jhallwally

    Your locked in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Ned. You have a pistol with 2 bullets. Which two do you shoot?

  60. lagirl27

    do you think for the all star break, Mathew is just chillin somewhere here in LA, just minutes from me? Or maybe he went home to Oklahoma to see family? Maybe he’ll write me back now that he has time off!
    If only…

  61. scott_in_arcadia

    Amy, he’s probably just chilling out at home reading this blog or he’s in Beverly Hills picking out diamond rings.

  62. scott_in_arcadia

    I’m off, so good luck to Russ tonight and I hope when I wake up tomorrow Ned is fired and Amy and Matt are dating.

  63. enchantedbeaver

    You know, I was just thinking of something that Joe said a few weeks back – “when your a veteran, everything just slows down for you at the plate.” Now I get it – reflexes, bat speed, hand-eye coordination… it all make sense now.

  64. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Oh, I definitely want Ned in the room too, but I can think of a couple of PVLs to put in there as well – hmmmm!!! LOL!!

  65. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – so is Joe saying those home runs that rocket out of the park by all of our young players are just going to fast, and he needs Pierre and Jones in there to slow it down to strikeouts and groundouts? That makes sense 🙂

  66. jhallwally

    Griddle has got to be kickin’ it on his bass boat in North Carolina, collecting his salary and laughing his freaking rear end off.

  67. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My son just found out the Lincecum may not be playing in the All Star game. He went into the hospital last night with flu-like symptoms. As much as I don’t like the gnats, the NL needs his pitching. The report I read said it was uncertain, but he wasn’t at the parade today.

  68. jhallwally

    Yep, the NL could certainly use him tonight. That is a shame. Plus, even if your son is a G’nat’s fan, it would be nice for him to see one of his players.


    From now thru July 31 it’s hold your breath time for me and pray we don’t get the worst of it.

  70. dodgereric

    Plaschke: So Joe, can you tell us why you prefer veterans over younger players?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Tell me, how come the kids have better numbers?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, how come you stand there at the rail everytime you’re on TV?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. When you were with the Yankees, how difficult was it to work with George?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, how often should I change the oil in my car?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, do you think we really landed on the moon back in ’69?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, could you help me find my gluteous maximus?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, I keep falling out of the boat but I can’t seem to hit water. Can you help me?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, if love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, when cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, if 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

    Plaschke: I see. Joe, I thank you for answering all these tough questions. I hope you still like me. I think you’re very handsome.

    Joe: Bill, the vets just get it. They get quality at-bats and make the pitcher work.

  71. tradejuanpypaperbag

    They have two going – Lincecum and Wilson – what’s up with that?
    jungar – great song last night! Yes, it’s hold your breath time – no kidding! 🙂

  72. northstateblues

    Hello everybody. Am off to run a few errands (hope to be back in time for the game), but I wanted to share what I’ve been working on the past two nights:

    took me only an hour to draw, but didn’t have colored pencils, so I spent 2 hours on photoshop trying to color it right, but gave up when I realized I didn’t have time to color in every white dot. Note to self: buy colored pencils.

  73. northstateblues

    eric: you crazy! perfectly exemplifies the Plaschke softball toss-up questions. Whatever “it” is that the vets get, in the first half, it wasn’t runs or wins.


    Thanks Nelly!! Northstate thats great. reminds me of third grade. there was this troubled kid named shawn and he was a great artist but very quiet. we sat by each other and he saw that I had the steve garvey kids autobiography book. anyhow one day it turned up missing. stolen i thought. i was so sad it was an 8X10 book of Garvey pics basically. One with Gild Hodges and him as a bat boy and the one on the 77 Tops card playing defense, so many cool ones and anyhow. i come back from the weekend and on my desk is my garvey book with a note from Shawn that said sorry i borrowed this..u may like some stuff inside. he had made pics, like you did out of like 10 pictures…just something i totally forgot about until seeing the one of Bills.

  75. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Lincecum was not in the lineup. He must be pretty sick to not even show up. Go National League!!!
    Great story jungar!!!!

  76. tradejuanpypaperbag

    It was very, very well done!! very touching!! Only thing missing is more Dodgers 🙂

  77. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I was just going to say the same thing. LOL!!! I am very glad that Holliday got that home run.

  78. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Yes, not too much happening, and according to the announcers, I guess they think the NL can’t handle AL pitching after the 5th inning.

  79. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I am working on one of Amy’s (Andruw/nsync). HA!! To do Ironic, I have to use JP – he’s part of the problem so I am doing the easier of the two first.
    extra innings? what happens with pitching?

  80. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nevermind about the extra innings question – it was answered for me. Rivera is still pitching.

  81. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Much better – I am even wearing Russell’s shirt, which doesn’t happen too often. His mostly hangs in my closet next to James’. See, it’s not entirely about Andre. lol!!

  82. tradejuanpypaperbag

    yes, jhall – glad to see Grady playing alot too, even though he’s on the wrong side – lol

  83. kpookiemon

    This just posted by Tony Jackson:

    I’m frantically writing on deadline and don’t have time to write this up myself, so here is the email from Dodgers PR chief Josh Rawitch, which just came over.

    Please forgive the delay, but Saito wanted to make sure he reached his family first before it was released to the media.

    He has been diagnosed with a sprained ligament in his right elbow and he will rehab the area for an estimated six weeks, at which point he will be reevaluated.

    Ned is here at the All-Star Game, so getting him is going to be tough. He just gave me this quote to pass along.

    “We’ll get together with Joe and come up with a plan. Obviously, it is not easy replacing someone like him. As far as trading for a closer, its a lot like trying to acquire a shortstop – it’s a premium position and most teams don’t carry an excess. We also have candidates within the staff. Many times closers are discovered in times like this. We’ll know more about what we’ll do short-term in a couple of days. And we’ll know more about Saito’s status as the rehab develops.”

    We will put Saito on the 15-day DL and have a corresponding move on Friday.
    Thanks and again, sorry for the delay.


  84. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That is not good news, but thanks kpookiemon for sharing, and yes, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.

  85. tradejuanpypaperbag

    What could possibly be the plan? LOL!!!! Maybe this should be a contest – What will be Joe’s plan? Whoever guesses right, gets a prize. LOL!!! Then again, we are all too logical to think like any of them. So far their logic is nothing but pure nonsense.

  86. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – we all know Marty is a magician, and it’s about time everybody else recognizes it too.

  87. kpookiemon

    The plan is for Broxton to quit looking like a deer in the headlights come the 9th inning. He’s been less than stellar as a closer in his short career.

  88. dodge1612

    hey dnelly and jhall, its good to be back its hard to type ever since i broke my hand and i also had to have it surgically fixed… sucks but oh well

  89. tradejuanpypaperbag

    So, do you think his plan is to see who would be the set up man? We all assumed Brox would close, but we are talking about Joe’s thinking and not our logical thinking. Wouldn’t that set a tone of his thinking if Brox didn’t naturally come into that spot. Kahli, that one statement sets up a whole lot of scenarios ( some good and some bad). My guess, too, is Sweeney’s got to be part of this plan, too- yes? Oh geez!!! It’s just going to keep getting worse, isn’t it? Logical thinking around here gets us nothing but pure disappointment in the end.

  90. kpookiemon

    They’ve intimated in the L.A papers that Beimel and Kuo might share set-up, Park back to the pen, and Clayton back in the bigs as a starter…

  91. tradejuanpypaperbag

    dodge – I am so sorry about your hand. OUCH!!! I forgot you mentioned that – surgery too.
    Kahli – it’s been quiet compared to a day or so ago.

  92. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hi eric – nice of you to stop by again – any more fun for us today? You were on quite a roll earlier today.

  93. dodgereric

    Hi ya’ll. Just back from the scout meeting and see the game is still on.

    They need to call that a hit. I’ve never seen a more obvious bad hop.

  94. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LMAO!!! Mom is trying to write a song, and she was kind of bored with the game until Russell starting playing and doing well so jhall was keeping me busy. Well, I’m done with 1st song (can’t believe I did a song to nsync – that’s the last group I would have thought of, but it worked for Andruw, anyway – thanks to Amy)
    14th inning!!

  95. dodge1612

    thanks guys it sucks that a minor play in a church league softball game can be this bad… glad conte isnt my doctor

  96. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – Russell’s been in there since the 5th inning I believe and doing a fantastic job.

  97. jhallwally

    Eric, actually you are more like Ward. Ned is Lumpy. LOL!!
    Alright Kahli. Miss Landers would be cool with it.

  98. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Russell has played a full game with an extra inning game so far. The starting lineup got the short end of this game.

  99. dodgereric

    If I were king, er, manager, I’d at least give it a try for a while. I mean, I wouldn’t be stupid about it and run him out there in EVERY SINGLE SAVE OPPORTUNITY like everyone does these days, but I’d sure give him a try there.

    I’d also have DeJesus up here and starting at short. I haven’t been able to watch much since Nomar got back, but it doesn’t seem like he’s been stinking up the place yet. There can’t be much more sand in that injury hourglass though.

  100. kpookiemon

    jhall, here’s a quiz…Mrs. Rayburn (Beaver’s Principal) played a rich mother on what sitcom of the same era?

  101. dodgereric

    Ward, huh? I can live with that. I’ve got a bit worse temper than him though. I certainly like it better than Charley Manson.

  102. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward/Charley – talk about opposites, eric LOL!!! So, who’s Eddie? The charmer who is always into mischief and dragging Wally and Beaver into it.

  103. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Oh !! That’s right !! jhall – I forgot about that – definitely – not quite sure what he’s up to most of the time. Seems on the up and up, but not quite sure of the motives. yep- that’s Eddie

  104. jhallwally

    Yep, he was at it a couple of nights ago. LOL!!!
    We need Larry and Whitey. The E’s buddies. ML and Leek.

  105. northstateblues

    wow, hel… heck of a game, eh? My poor girlfriend kept asking when the game was going to end. But Russell Martin represented our organization well. He did his part, and had a hel… heck of a performance as the Last Dodger at Yankee Stadium (barring a hel… heck of a second round turnaround by two of MLB’s storied franchises). If that’s the way it’s gonna be, than I’m fine by it.

    ESPN in Bristol can’t ignore that, if they’re still awake.

  106. dodgereric

    Sorry, I didn’t know you’d been cast already.

    I’ve forgotten, who were “Creeps Incorporated”? I remember The Beav calling some of Wally’s friends that.

  107. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric – this is an attempt to clean up our act. We decided to get rid of the cult names and go completely opposite as to not offend anybody – LOL!!!! We got in trouble for being not so nice and using bad language. Shame on us LOL!!!
    However – don’t get rid of Grambo – I like Grambo. He will remind us of our past LMAO!!!

  108. northstateblues

    Thanks dnelly. I’m glad everyone liked it. I’ve been on a bit of a drawing tear lately, and firgured if I’m gonna be drawing anything, might as well do some skecthes of the Dodgers. Jungar’s story was awesome, too. It’s not often you get bonus sketches of Steve Garvey.

  109. northstateblues

    It was odd seeing the bizzaro Dodgers catcher match with Russ and Dioner. I’m glad the way things turned out, and as my dad pointed out to me, Dioner finally got to play a home game at Yankee Stadium.

    And Milton kept his jersey on. Good for him!

  110. northstateblues

    My girlfriend was given this pamphlet a few months by a fundamentalist non-denominational church about how even words like Gee, Golly, Gosh, Darn and Phooey are as bad as using curse words and the lord’s name in vain, because just thinking about it was as bad as doing it.

    The late great George Carlin would’ve had a field day with that pamphlet.

  111. dodgereric

    To The Who’s “Pinball Wizard”
    “A Worthless Lizard”

    Ever since I was a young boy,
    I’ve been a Dodger fan.
    From LA down to Newport,
    I’ve always loved them, man.
    But I ain’t seen nothin’ like him
    He never has a plan.
    That deaf, dumb and blind guy
    Sure is a bad GM.

    He acts like a doofus,
    Becomes part of Joe’s machine.
    Combin’ out his mustache,
    Never shavin’ clean.
    He trades by intuition.
    The Dodger’s record falls.
    That deaf, dumb and blind guy
    Sure don’t have no (expletive deleted)s.

    He’s a GM wizard,
    There has to be a twist.
    He pains my gizzard,
    We’re screwed but we don’t get kissed!

    How do you think he does it?

    I don’t know!

    What makes him so bad?

    Well, he can’t sign guys with talent,
    He buys when he should sell.
    Don’t know what OBP means,
    His signings always smell.
    Always has a scapegoat
    The kids he will condemn,
    That deaf, dumb and blind guy
    Sure is a poor GM.

    When he’s at the barg’ning table,
    He pays like he’s possessed
    His assistants try to stop him,
    He’s deaf to their requests.
    He’s got stubby little fingers,
    He thinks he knows it all.
    That deaf, dumb and blind man
    Sure doesn’t know baseball.

    If I said what I think
    It would have as-ter-isks
    Maybe just a picture,
    A finger and a fist.

    I thought that Depo as bad GM was king,
    But he just handed his jester’s hat to him.

  112. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That church hasn’t been exposed to this Dodger Organization – LOL!!!! I thought I was a pretty normal person until I tried to figure this management team out – logical thinking seems to escape their minds.

  113. tradejuanpypaperbag

    By request for Amy – one of our ITD gals
    Song: Bye Bye Andruw
    Original song – Bye, Bye, Bye
    by: N Sync
    Bye, Bye, Bye
    Bye, Bye
    Bye, Bye
    Oh, Oh
    Andruw bats 5th tonight
    He’s probably gonna bat all night
    We know this can’t be right
    Hey, Torre come on
    He strikes out endlessly
    Dru’s not gelling with the team
    So now, it’s time he leaves and make it known
    We know we can’t take it no more
    We want Andruw out the door
    Andruw, bye, bye, bye…
    Bye, Bye
    Don’t wanna be fooled by Andruw
    Just another vet who is in Dodger Blue
    You may hate us but it ain’t no lie,
    Andruw bye, bye, bye
    Bye, Bye
    Don’t really want to make it tough
    We just want to tell you ITD’s had enough
    It might sound crazy
    But it ain’t no lie,
    Andruw, bye, bye, bye
    Just hit Dru with the truth
    Now, Joe you’re more than welcome to
    So give us one good reason
    Torre come on
    We live for ‘Dre and Matty
    That’s who we really come to see
    And life would be much better once Andruw’s gone
    We know we can’t take it anymore
    It ain’t no lie
    We want Andruw out that door
    Andruw bye, bye,bye
    Bye, Bye
    Don’t wanna be fooled by Andruw
    Just another vet who is in Dodger Blue
    You may hate us but it ain’t no lie,
    Andruw, bye, bye, bye
    Bye bye
    Don’t wanna make it tough
    We just wanna tell you ITDs had enough (ooh, ooh)
    It might sound crazy
    But it ain’t no lie
    Andruw bye, bye, bye

  114. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Fabulous eric, just fabulous!!!!!!
    jhall – It’s pretty sad that God is mad at us now – LOL!!! I wouldn’t doubt God is looking down on this Dodger team and saying what the heck is Joe/Ned/Frank thinking. I guess according to the pamplet, heck is not allowed ethier (either).

  115. kpookiemon

    dnelly, you tune in to Dobie Gillis to see Maynard G. Krebs, Thalia Menenger, Zelda Gilroy, and Mr. G.

  116. tradejuanpypaperbag

    as far as Ned’s concerned – God has had a few off days, usually around this time of the year, too.

  117. tradejuanpypaperbag

    kahli – I will definitely look into it now.
    jhall – thanks for the song kudos – I don’t think I have heard that song for six years (my daughter was 10). That doesn’t happen to the classics. I hear them all the time.

  118. dodgereric

    enchanted 66
    dnelly 54
    dodgereric 43
    jhall 30
    martinloneykemp 13
    crash24 10
    kpookiemon 9
    northstateblues 7
    dodge 16 5
    jungar 5
    westernmost 5
    scott 3
    cpompe1 2
    charris 1
    Donfish 1
    leekfink 1
    messagebear 1
    perumike 1

    total of 257 songs

    Beatles lead by far with 30

  119. enchantedbeaver

    Awesome eric – LM(expletive)O!!
    Nells – great as always!!

    With the exception of a couple bad throws, Russ looked great. It would appear that he “got it” against Mariano – terrific AB.
    JD is a good ballplayer when he wants to be. The trick is getting him to want to be.
    Uggla – perhaps the worst performance ever in an AS game: DP, 2K, 3E.
    Don’t worry, the NL will win when The Bisonâ„¢ makes his first appearance.
    Obviously Ichiro is trying to “(1.) to compensate for their[his] lack of ability to articulate a position by the normal use of proper English; and (2.) to mask their[his] lack of intelligence through the use of bombastic words.” – Or maybe he just plays Sammy Says.

    Speaking of which, tough break for Sammy. It’s absolutely amazing that every one of “Ned’s Boys” has gone down at one point or another. When you step back and look at it, could it be the Great Dodger in the Sky trying to undo the evils bestowed upon it by the Gnat GM? Or is it God playing Sammy Says with Ned?

    Geewilakers this has been a longer post than intended.

    Good Morning Everyone.


    Now that the publicity would no longer interfere with the All-Star game, wouldn’t it be nice to hear that we had changed GM’s.

    FIRE COLLETTI NOW, if not sooner!!!

  121. enchantedbeaver

    Ya gotta wonder Bear how anyone with Ned’s track record for 2 1/2 years could keep his job. If I was Frank, I sure wouldn’t want him being the one making any moves at the trade deadline.

  122. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning messagebear – wouldn’t that be the best news ever right now. Colletti no longer Dodger GM – it sounds so refreshing.
    Good Morning enchanted – I see you are all caught up on the goings on of last night’s fun – that’s good to know. LOL!! I knew you would find the article about Ichiro enlightening.

  123. bluecrewgirl

    I don’t know how to post a link on this blog and I’m not sure if this story has already been posted, but apparently Russell and Andre are going to make an appearance on an online show these twin comedians are going to be doing.

    By the way, Russell did a great job last night, too bad the NL couldn’t get a run across when they needed to.

  124. bluecrewgirl

    I guess it automatically makes it a link when you post it. It should be interesting to see the show.

  125. tradejuanpypaperbag

    good morning, bluecrewgirl – I saw that same article last night – sounds fun!! Andre also did a show for the Food Network, but I haven’t seen it listed on the food tv show list yet. Hopefully the Dodger homepage will keep us informed, too.

  126. dodgereric

    Goooooood morning, ITD!!!

    How ya’ll are? Can’t stay too long. There’s a new sheriff in town here in this office and he specializes in sneeking. You can smell him before you hear or see him. Creep. Expects work out of you. 😦

    I’ll be sticking my nose in from time to time to quell my addiction, but most stuff is going to be coming from home.

    Thanks, e. Glad you liked it. That last error by Uggla was no error. I’m shocked they didn’t change it to a hit. The replays were pretty clear that it was a bad hop. I didn’t get home in time to watch the previous errors he made, but he didn’t deserve that one. I also think the Ichiro story is an instant baseball classic story. I love it. That guy can play for me anytime.

  127. dodgereric

    Good morning, nelly! I am a creature of habit. And I know exactly where “I Got You, Babe” is……….we’re gonna need it soon, I’m afraid.

  128. jhallwally

    Good morning gang. Darn shame the NL could not pull that game out last night. Marty was great. Alot of people got to see how good he really is.

  129. dodgereric

    Oh, before I have to trudge off to the salt mines again, my son’s flag ceremony is Saturday morning. I’ll be posting some pics on our site in the evening, most likely. I hope I’m not raising my expectations too high, but I’m very excited. It should be a very special day for him.

  130. jhallwally

    Hey Eric. Good thanks. Flag ceremony should be alot of fun for you guys. Are you taking the Chevelle?

  131. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That is fabulous, eric!!! Can’t wait to see the pictures!!
    Good Morning jhall! It was great to see Russell do such an outstanding job last night. That’s why we call him the Captain 🙂

  132. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – sad but true about your song “I Got You Babe.” It’s one of those song’s you really don’t want to see because all it means is JP is back. Then again, maybe Andruw will be inflicted with some strange injury that will put him on the DL again, and all will be okay in the outfield once again – one could always dream, I suppose. We didn’t think anything would happen to JP, and look what happened – same with Andruw at the beginning – who would’ve thought he would be out. Anything’s possible with this organization 🙂

  133. scott_in_arcadia

    Good Morning!

    Enchanted, I shall secure myself a Taco Lita combo burrito before the week is up!


    Fire Joe
    Fire the guy who hired Joe
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe

  134. obi_wen

    🙂 This just in:

    Dodger OF Andre Ethier was scheduled to be the first guest on the Food Network’s new sports based food show, “Cooking With Ned & Joe” . The episode was to feature the photogenic Arizona gourmand as he prepared a menu of Fillet of Brandt beef with braised Kobe short rib, cipollini onions, baby beets and a dessert of Cinnamon sable with raspberry cremeux and Kilchurn Estate honeycomb.

    However, the hosts of the show– Dodger GM Ned Colletti and Joe Torre decided suddenly to replace the Ethier episode with a completely new one that would showcase Dodger OF and 10 Time Gold Glove Winner, Andruw “Don’t Mess With The Michelin Man” Jones. Colletti stated ” in this new show people would see Jones competing in an Arepas [a Venezulan donut like snack] eating contest against the world renowned, Takeru Kobayashi.” Asked about the reason for the last minute change, a stone faced Joe Torre commented,”[Andruw] Jones is a veteran. He just gets it.” Colletti added, “I know that this is the type of show real sports and food fans really want to see”

  135. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Obi_wen – I like that!!!! That is very, very clever!!!! LOL!!!!
    The scary thing is the analogy is so very true. How very sad – uugghh!!!


    Great take on a familiar theme, obi_wen.

    In real life you can discount anything that Ned and JoJo say, because they have no clue in the modern baseball world where you have to deal with younger players. After having seen some recent quotes from Bowa, I now conclude that his input is equally ineffective, so we basically have nobody on the coaching staff who relates to the younger players. Can we expect Mattingly to make the necessary difference? I’m not counting on it.

  137. jhallwally

    Isn’t it ironic that the kids are maligned for “Not Getting It” and the one that really doesn’t get it, is Ned.

  138. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Some of the quotes I have read involving Ethier is that he is one of the players that “gets it”, but it won’t matter once the forces of JP and Andruw are back in the picture together. It will be interesting to see what they will say about Ethier when JP comes back when he’s in the top five of every hitting category on the team – “He had it and lost it” – this is so frustrating just to think about it.

  139. obi_wen

    Thanks everyone! Btw You nailed it messagebear. IMO the Dodger coaching staff are horribly out of touch with the young players. Bowa’s recent comments about wanting to trade Kershaw are enough to warrant a permanent gag order. Instead I guess I’ll have to settle for pressing the “mute” button on my remote when he appears on the KCAL Dodger pregame show.

  140. jhallwally

    We’ll be holding our breath for the next couple of weeks with Ned running loose looking for a quick fix of the huge mess he has made. Gotta hope Nomore stays healthy so he doesn’t freak out and go after a shortstop. Hope Brox is ready to grab his shot at closing. He has been pegged as our closer of the future and certainly has the stuff. If he is ready, we have a closer for the next 5-7 years at least. I believe he is only 24. I think Wade/Kuo/Biemel can set up. Made me sick to see Princess Drew walk off with the All-Star MVP. Freaking Bum.

  141. scott_in_arcadia

    jhall, As big of a wuss as JD is, can you really blame him for getting 3,000 miles away from Ned?

  142. jhallwally

    Good point Scott. Not really. He could probably see that we were going nowhere but down with Ned, so why stick around.

  143. lagirl27

    Good Morning Crew!
    Dnelly- that was so awesome. I loved how you put in the ITD “having enough”. Thanks for developing my idea. That song just seemed so fitting!!
    The All star game was funny. Since it came on at west coast when my dad and I were still at work we Tivo’d it. My dad programed it for an hour over the scheduled time. We whipped through all the commercials and the show stopped recording in the 11th inning. We were bummed and were about to go on to get the results, when I realized that the game was still Live on tv. It’s was funny, we fast forwarded through 4 hours worth of game and it was still on tv when the recording was up.
    It was great seeing a familiar face/ body behind home last night. Gotta love that Russell Martin. Dnelly/girls- did you notice that he was clean shaven and got rid of that Faux- hawk?? Very nice Russy. Great hit and great plays last night!
    So sad for my NL. I thought we had it!

  144. enchantedbeaver

    So not only Ned and JoJo, but Bowa now as well is spewing fecal output of an unaltered male bovine? Sorry for being so bombastic, but I find that depressing.

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