
A big thanks to those of you who took the time to share your thoughts on Dodgers Magazine. We’ll definitely take the input to heart and hope you will continue to share your thoughts on the things you see that make the fan experience better, both inside and outside Dodger Stadium. There was one comment about how they don’t like to buy it at the stadium and in case some of you are unaware, you can purchase it for subscription here so it comes to your home.

I know a lot of you like to follow the minor leagues, too, so take a look at’s new daily minor league update. It looks like these will be updated regularly and are a good way to keep up with what’s going on in Vegas, Jacksonville, Inland Empire, Ogden, Great Lakes, etc.

Also, for those of you kids of the 70s, you can meet a bunch of the Dodgers stars from that decade next Saturday at the 70s luncheon we’re hosting. Tommy, Cey, Garvey, Russell, Monday and many more will be on hand and you can get autographs from them all, plus Q&A and lots more for $75, which benefits the Dodgers Dream Foundation.

And finally, if you’ve got kids, bring ’em to the yard on Thursday and they can run the bases on the field after the game as part of a McDonald’s promotion we’ve got going.

That’s all I’ve got for today. It’s an off day for the players but we’re in the office preparing for the series against the Sox and all that’s going on at the stadium.



  1. cpompe1

    I’m first??? Here’s a repost from the last one…

    you’re nickname is still intact! But I love the ae16 on your name!!!

    you’re on your own for dinner tonite; I’m being taken out for my birthday dinner tonite!!! 🙂

    and iheartaethier16, welcome to you and I LOVE YOUR NAME!!! 🙂
    By on June 23, 2008 1:02 PM
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  2. tradejuanpypaperbag

    With the name – I owe the nickname to jhall and I figure Andre can use all the moral support he can get so I combined the two. Speaking of moral support, here is another article (out of San Jose) that talks about the positive, including another comment about Andre’s fabulous play yesterday.

    The Indians’ potential tying run in the inning was nullified by a superb defensive play by right fielder Andre Ethier.

    David Dellucci lined a two-out double down the right-field line with Jhonny Peralta on first, forcing Ethier to make a sliding stop near the stands to prevent the ball from reaching the outfield fence. He quickly hit cut-off man Luis Maza, who fired home to Martin to get Peralta at the plate by a couple of steps.

    “If (the ball) gets past him, I think Jhonny is going to score,” Indians manager Eric Wedge said.

    “We had a nice defensive play by Andre to cut that ball off,” Martin said. “That’s was the ballgame right there.”

  3. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – I would cook for you, but you are too, too far away. When/If you come back to Oakhurst someday, then we’ll talk. You said yourself you are a pretty good cook.

  4. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thanks for listening to our comments about the magazine. Living up here in the central valley, I do get the magazine at home. This blog and the magazine keep me, an out of town fan, feeling part of the Dodger experience when I can’t be at the games as often as I would like. Once again, thanks for listening to us and giving us this forum to discuss and have fun (some more than others) while really having one thing in common – a passion for Dodgers Baseball. 🙂

  5. cpompe1

    Thx for the birthday song dnel!!! My birthday is actually tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be a good birthday for me because I have a job interview tomorrow!!! Could definitely use some of my ITD buddy-love!!! 🙂

  6. cpompe1

    I only saw bits and pieces of Saturday’s and Sunday’s games. But I saw a replay of Dre’s play on Sunday; very nice play AE!!!

    It sure would be a nice thought that he and Kemp would stay in the lineup TOGETHER when Druw comes back. I still love Druw’s CF play; I just hope that the surgery took care of his knee and that he can actually contribute offensively!!! I wouldn’t mind it if DY was put in there. You know how I feel about JP…


    The Los Angeles Times reported that while the Mariners haven’t called to ask about any of the potential Dodgers candidates, Los Angeles GM Ned Colletti said he would grant permission if asked. The Dodgers personnel include Kim Ng, an assistant GM for the past seven seasons who is seen as the most highly qualified woman when GM jobs are talked of, and Logan White, who has run the L.A. scouting department the past seven years. “They’re both worthy,” Colletti told the Times. Ng is believed to be interested in the job and White, who played in the Seattle minor league system, told the Times he would be interested in discussing the job.

    ATTENTION FRANK: Don’t let this talent escape the Dodgers! Currently you have a team comprised of two elements: One is the result of Logan White’s (and Kim Ng’s)work and has the Dodgers poised on the brink of a dynasty. The second is the result of Ned Colletti’s work and is HOLDING THE TEAM BACK from reaching that dynasty. If you want a bright future for the Dodgers, you NEED Logan White. If you want a future of failure, Ned can handle it. You need to make the hard choices that the Mariners have made if you want a bright future. Indecision will lead to more of the same, namely ridiculously poor decisions that have cost you millions and millions of dollars and have produced VERY POOR RESULTS! The future is in the KIDS, and you desparately need a management team that realizes that.

  8. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I wish you the best in your interview tomorrow, and as for your birthday, I will repost the song tomorrow so you can have double singing. As far as the game tomorrow, lefty White Sox pitcher, Buehrle is pitching so one would have to assume Andre will be taking the day off. However, my mom watched the game on Saturday, and she said that DY looked horrible at his at-bats, and he did go 0-5, along with Pierre that day. So, we can always wish for the chance that Andre would play. I wonder if we will ever get the wish of having Ethier, Kemp and Young out there before Andruw comes back. We can keep hoping, I guess.

  9. cpompe1

    I know he didn’t do anything but stink it up when he was playing early this year, but I would still be willing to give Druw a chance once he comes off the DL. But that would be an extremely short leash. If he starts to stink it up again after a week, put DY in there. As much as I would love for Ethier and Kemp to play together, I see that as more of a pipe-dream. I really don’t believe that will happen. In order for that to happen, JP would be sitting; something that Torre would never do… 😦

    As far as DY not looking good at his at-bats, he’s a kid that doesn’t play very often. If you have a kid that doesn’t play often, well, he’s not going to get any better on his own if he’s only playing once a week, at best. There is no doubt that DY can hit; he just needs a position to play. Hey, Torre, how ’bout LF!!!

  10. cpompe1

    and redfox,
    I totally agree — DON’T LET LOGAN WHITE OR KIM NG GO ANYWHERE!!! I don’t want to see the Mariners become the 2nd coming of what the Dodgers gave the Angels!!!

  11. dodgereric

    Dear Frank,

    It has come to our attention that Logan White and Kim Ng are being considered for jobs elsewhere in MLB. Do not let this happen. You’re going to need them when you FIRE NED COLLETTI.





  12. tradejuanpypaperbag

    If (and that’s a big if) Andruw comes back healthy and hitting the ball, I have no problems what so ever with him being in centerfield. That’s what I know him to be (an awesome centerfieder). And like you said, unless Furcal comes off the DL, Pierre is there indefinitely – We can always hope for a miracle!! As for DY, the kid needs to play somewhere 🙂

  13. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted ~ I can see us being up there in 8-10 years (Mariposa, though). Our kids will be out of the house by then, and we always wanted to live up there somewhere. So, in 8-10 years, plan on it, even if were not up there, the invitation will be there for you.

  14. cpompe1

    thx jhall…

    dnel, yes, it is a big if about Druw. Yes, that’s a tall order, but hey, if it works, great. But honestly, bottom-line, my starting outfield would be DY in LF, Kemp in CR, and Ethier in RF. But like I said, that’s probably a pipe dream.

    And like I said, DY is a talented kid. If Joe’s not going to play him, then they might get someone for him in a trade. No, I don’t like the idea of trading DY, or any of our kids. But baseball is a business and as much as we don’t like to think about it, trades happen. I just hope and pray that Ned wakes up and gets someone (or someones) in trade. Again, another pipe-dream, I know…

  15. cpompe1

    and yes, I meant Kemp in CF, not CR… Did I ever say that I hate it when I don’t proofread??? 🙂

  16. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP – enchanted, jhall and eric (along with others) have really corrupted my thinking (in a good way, boys) LMAO!!!!! However, I have probably had these thoughts bottled up this whole time, and they are now spilling over like a volcano. LMAO!!! Some of these images I can’t get out of my head – JP and pianos, JP as flat stanley, JP colliding with Andruw, and now JP getting run over by a reindeer. LMAO!!!! hilarious!!!!!!!!

  17. dodgereric

    Ya’ll know what’s going to happen:

    1 – Druw returns, plays center
    2 – Pierre stays in left and leads off because he’s so damned good at it
    3 – Kemp/Ethier platoon in right
    4 – Joe says he’ll need a couple of months to sort it out

    Joe: They say we’re old and we can’t see
    Anything good about walks or OBP.
    Juan: Well I don’t care if all that’s true
    ‘Cause you got me, and baby I got you

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Joe: They say our love won’t win no games
    But I don’t care if we go down in flames.
    Juan: I guess that’s so, I don’t care either
    as long as I get to start instead of Ethier

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got 8….point 8 mil, and I put you…. in my will.
    Joe: And when I’m sad, you’re a clown
    And if I get scared, you’re always around
    Joe: So let them say your hat’s too big
    ‘Cause I don’t care, let them call me pig
    Juan: Then put your little hand in mine
    There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got you to write my name
    Joe: I got you to lead the game
    Juan: I got you to pull up my socks
    Joe: I got you to take me on walks

    Both: I got you babe

  18. cpompe1

    LMAO!!! That’s why I love this blog so much; it’s just too much fun!!! dnel, I didn’t think that we had so many JP misfortunes on this blog (although, they wouldn’t be misfortunes for us; just for him).

    But please remind me; what was the reference to a flat stanley???

  19. cpompe1

    I just looked on and Ken Gurnick posted his mailbag with questions from fans. One fan asked, “With all the attention given to Clayton Kershaw, how has someone with much less fanfare like Cory Wade make the same jump from Double-A and enjoyed immediate success?” Gurnick mentioned that being 5 years older than Kershaw is a factor but take a gander at one of Gurnick’s responses:

    “… teammate Scott Proctor for helping define the role of middle reliever to understand that job one is to get the ball to setup man Jonathan Broxton and closer Takashi Saito.” Proctor giving advice, really??? The way he’s been stinking it up???


  20. leekfink

    DodgerEric–Congratulations to your nephew. As a Cal man, I can’t stand Stanfurd, but as a Dodger fan I am happy for you and him.
    Jungar–Yeah, I guess you’re still riding on your reputation, but every once in a while, you come through. No, I kid, but I thought that was funny. I think there is a season missing or out of order on the list, but your point is still well-taken. I could not really put together an attendance pattern. 1982 was a combo of the prior year’s world series and Fernandomania–which is funny, because it came right after a strike year, and I thoguht that would have hurt attendance. So, I am not sure.
    There are 3 over-reaching factors, over time. 1) If you go back another 20 years, attendance was much less, so I think that has to be simply the growth of the LA metro area.
    2) At some point between 1985 and 2000 (and I don’t remember when) all of baseball started counting attendance the American League way. The NL used to always count attendance by the number of people through the trunstiles, while the AL counted the tickets sold. Today, the NL counts the tickets sold, so attendance figures are exaggerated (I doubt that Opening Day really had exactly 56,000 fans come through, for instance). This has another unseen effect on revenue–if 3.6 million fans came through the gates in 1982, and 3.8 million bought tickets, but did not necessarily come through the gates, what year was better for the team? Might have sold more beer and hot dogs in 1982. In fact, concession sales probably made Eric Gagne one of the Dodgers most valuable commodities, because instead of people leaving in the 7th, they would stay to the end. How many extra Dodger Dogs was Eric Gagne worth? (seriously, this would be interesting–I had an Economics professor who encouraged this type of study, and it would be fun to figure out);
    3) I think (and, I can’t prove this), that the variable ticket pricing has driven up attendance. you can get a pretty cheap mid-week ticket to see the Dodgers play the Brewers, but if you want to see the Giants on a weekend, it will cost you. And, they have a lot more packages, season ticket specials, etc. The O’Malley’s used to set much more uniform pricing, and that was typical around baseball. But now, teams (like the Dodgers) are trying to be more accurate in ticket price setting (there is an economics concept about this–something like perfect demand pricing, but I forget the name–which is that supply and demand is based on the aggregate, so I might be willing to pay $50 for a pund of butter, but the aggregate demand price is $25, so I only pay that, whereas someone who wants butter for $10 won’t get it. In most markets, it is hard to capture that, but if you can find a way to sell something for exactly what it’s worth to each individual, you sell more. That’s part of what’s going on with ticket pricing, and I think increasing sales.
    Anyway, all that being said, I am going to stick to the principled, if unproven, idea that a winning team with homegrown players will, in the long-term, be a bigger revenue driver throguh ticket sales, TV, merchandising, etc.


    tonight begins the 3 game red sox – d’backs series.. and i have a couple reasons to care..

    first, and best reason, is that the dodgers gain ground with each d’backs loss (hoping that we can win some games starting tomorrow)

    second, it helps my fantasy team!
    i’m sure that you guys don’t care about my fantasy team, haha, but i am proud to say that i am in first place! in my league, we do head to head match-ups each week.. and the team i’m playing this week starts the d’backs pitching staff, and i start the redsox pitching staff. wins are the most important factor for points from each pitching staff. although i can’t stand the red sox, i have to start them in my fantasy league because it’s what’s best for my team. and these next few days, red sox wins are what’s best for the dodgers too! so needless to say, go red sox!! 😉

  22. northstateblues

    Sorry Ned, but when it comes down to it, your record is horrendous with FA pickups. I won’t sit idly by as we watch the man who put the kids together (you know, that neglected bunch who warms the bench whenever an aging Kent or Nomar decides that it’s okay to play at 65% and complain that the youngsters don’t want a championship as bad as them?) leave for another team.

    You’re a smooth talker, you’re a savvy guy, but I just don’t think it’s gonna work out, and I don’t want to see the Assistant GM who realizes that building a team from the inside is the way to go leave for another team. Of course you’ll grant permission to let Ng or White leave, then no one can protest if you want to give Kemp and Loney to Cincy for Adam Dunn, or to Colorado (Seriously, WTF?!!) for Holliday, or to the Yankees for Mike Mussina.

    We need the man who will build the team for the future, not the one who will necromance from other team’s dumpsters to roadblock a youth movement. One does not wait outside a dumpster at In-and-Out burger, watch someone throw away the remainder of their meal and go “HEY!!! Those dopes threw away 3/5 of a Double Double, that’ll be the perfect compliment to this Veal Parmigiana Logan’s bringing to the potluck!!”

    Nothing personal, Ned, this is my team I’m talking about. So I must say:

    Oh, and


  23. cpompe1

    sara, good luck on your fantasy team and congrats that you’re in first place!!!

    northstateblues, I second your notions; all of them. Are they really considering Mussina??? Yeah, we can use starting pitching and no, I don’t know a lot about him, but at what cost? Honestly, I love Holliday, but there is no way that I want to see any of our kids playing for the Rox for years to come. And I’ve never liked Adam Dunn; way too many strikeouts for my taste.

    And yes, FIRE STAN CONTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. cpompe1

    well, gotta go. Got some research to do on the company I’m interviewing with tomorrow. I’ll talk to y’all later…


    Yes, indeed:
    LOGAN OR NG FOR GM – I’ll take either one; just get rid of Ned.

    Release Sweeney, Proctor and Nomore.

  26. perumike

    So, Ned is making Logan and Kim available to interview with Seattle? Why doesn’t Ned make himself available? Maybe we get lucky and they sign Ned for 10 years or so.

  27. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara – good luck with fantasy team. I know the feeling. I have Atlanta pitching and they played the Dbacks the same week in fantasy as well. I am not even close to first place, but I learned alot this first year for next year.
    leefink and northstateblues – always look forward to your take on things – very insightful as usual 🙂


    Leefink, I always find your posts thougtful and interesting. I agree with your idea that homegrown players can ultimately lead to increased ticket sales/attendance for the if they stick around for a while and produce exciting results on the field. However, I don’t think it would be hard to argue against the idea that a superstar free agent such as an A-Rod or Vlad Guerrero could also lead to increased interest in a team. Unfortunately, that caliber of player is few and far between and expensive.

    I do know people who still can remember the Dodgers of the 70’s and early 80’s because the roster did not turn over the way it does now. I would not call these people big time followers of the Dodgers but at one time they knew who the players were. They don’t seem to know anymore.

    On another subject, would anyone out there who is not a kid love to get a chance to run the bases (and risk personal bodily harm doing so?)

  29. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ibirken~Yes, I would love to run the bases! It wouldn’t be pretty, but it wouldn’t matter – it would be awesome! All the things the kids get free when they go, I want those too. Aren’t we just overgrown kids enjoying baseball as much as they are? I am still collecting baseball cards as a 40 year old – it’s like opening Christmas gifts every few weeks for me, especially today when I got a Blake DeWitt rookie card, a Furcal card and a DY card (I also got a Joe Torre card, but we won’t go there). They really should have days that adults can do those things too: Run out with the players, sit in the dugout and run the bases. I gave up a James Loney BP ball to my nephew and I am still upset about it. My husband made me do it – LOL!!


    I should not complain; I have been down on the field two times, once to throw out the first pitch (my wife won the True Blue promo they used to run a few years back) and then again when my daughter won a drawing and we got to run out on the field with Shawn Green and get his autograph on a ball just as the little kids do. I also have been to Dodger fantasy camp and got to play at Holman. I would like to shag balls in the outfield during batting practice.

    If you could run the bases, would you slide into home?


    thanks for the well wishes cpompe and dnelly.. it’s my first year trying fantasy, so i’m happy that i’m doing well..

    oh and happy birthday cpompe and good luck on your interview!


    i agree dnelly, that they should allow adults to do all the things the kids get.. all the kids promos are so cool! i’ve been lucky to be down on the field several times for work or for ceremonies, etc. but it would be SO much fun to be allowed down there for interaction with the players like the kids get 🙂

  33. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I would do ANYTHING to be on that field just once. It has been a dream of mine since I was a kid wanting to meet Mike Scioscia and all the players that I have admired up until now with Andre, Russell and James. I kind of got to meet Steve Yeager as a young adult so I kind of scratched him off the list. Yes, sara, I’m with perumike, it is pure jealousy of those of you that have.

  34. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CWS update – top of the 3rd:
    Bulldogs 1 – Bulldogs 1 LOL!!! just had to do it – sorry!!
    A FSU player just hit home run to tie up the score 1-1


    cpompe1 – thanks for the welcome & Happy Birthday! 🙂
    So I was reading the article on & it’s made me cringe at what Joe Torre-ment has to say.. Ew.

    “We’ve been scuffling right from the get-go,” Dodgers manager Joe Torre said of the division as a whole. “The thing that’s interesting, after April … we have a better record than Arizona … which doesn’t make sense. We haven’t put anything together. That’s why I’m saying you win five games in a row, all of a sudden you have a whole different personality and a different status in the division.”

    – WE haven’t put anything together????!!! this makes me so mad. It’s not the players it’s his own stupidity. Maybe if he’d get over his alzheimers or no common sense syndrome there would be a well put together team. wow what a lame a**.

    “Six of the Dodgers’ injured players account for nearly $72 million of their payroll this year, higher than the total payrolls of 11 teams — including Arizona — and more than six times higher than the combined salaries of the youthful lineup the Dodgers started in Sunday’s win, even including the $8 million salary of Juan Pierre.”

    “We haven’t scratched out runs; that’s the problem,” Torre said. “That’s been the inconsistency. I think overall our pitching’s been good enough to win more games than we’ve won so far.”

    – Yeah so I guess Torre thinks Proctor can get the job done 🙂 and his lineup of his all-stars like Sweeney & Pierre should lead us to the division title! woo 🙂


    We agree 100000000 percent Lee on ———–“Anyway, all that being said, I am going to stick to the principled, if unproven, idea that a winning team with homegrown players will, in the long-term, be a bigger revenue driver throguh ticket sales, TV, merchandising, etc.”

    Add to it, lower payroll due to lower salaries leading to more revenue. I thought alot about what I said and alot of it dosen’t make sense. Some of it does. Sorta like the dodgers.

  37. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Watch out!! iheartaethier is on a roll – LOL!! You have definitely made it to the deep end – congratulations!! 🙂


    Being on the field is an experience that is hard to describe and did not last long enough. Of course, I had to be cool and act as if I had been there before. When I threw out the first pitch I took a look up into the stands behind home plate and it is an awesome sight. And running out with Shawn Green and getting his autograph in right field and then running back to the Dodger dugout was surreal.

    They do let fans on the outfield grass on fireworks night and a few weeks ago they let fans on the outfield to play catch with rubber balls.

  39. tradejuanpypaperbag

    This is really a question not a comment. This is the first time I have been so involved mentally in wanting/not wanting players to be or not to be traded. Before (like with Piazza) I just kind of sulked for a while but wasn’t involved in how it happened. However, this time I seem a little more informed of the process so I was just thinking of this question.
    After what we have seen the last couple of months, is it possible for a young player to decide, this isn’t worth it, and want out themselves? I realize this is a large market team, and if I were in their shoes, I would think I would stick it out if I knew I was part of the future. Do they have that choice or is it totally up to Ned and co? And if they do have that choice, will we know it was their choice? Remember, it’s just a question with no intention of wanting it to happen. I want to see this young player dynasty happen – no doubts, and I am totally on board with wanting Logan White to lead the way. This is more of a question about the process than an actual transaction.

  40. juniorvarsity

    why does everyone get on torre??

    granted he has made some dumb decisions this year…but he has a track record and players love to play for him. i think he will get the job done in the end

  41. enchantedbeaver

    Basically like us fans nells, they’re screwed. This is the only point in their careers where the team has total control. I’m sure they can voice that they want out, but the GM’s under no obligation to do so. 3 years to arbitration (or in Marty’s and Andre’s case they’re super 2s I believe), and what is it? – 3 years arbitration eligible before they can go FA.


    oh yeah and also I was reading an article online about when Frank signed Ned to be the GM… he said when he met Ned they had instant “chemistry”…

    guess Torre & Pierre musta hit it off pretty good too eh 🙂

    makes you wonder….

    okay I won’t be so harsh and try to make my comments more thoughtful, but then again no matter how thoughtful us fans are and show our support and give input, feedback, and actually think about what’s best for our favorite team…. the people who actually make the decisions don’t seem to really take any of it into consideration, I mean why would they no matter what they’re doing they’re still getting the fat paychecks, and we would have seen a world series title already.

    anyways, hopefully Ethier will get his chance to play against a lefty tomorrow.. What do you think? I’m deciding whether or not to get tickets to the game… 🙂 I know that’s bad that my attendance is based on whether or not he’s on the lineup but then going to watch -pierre, sweeney, proctor, maza and his other allstars is just oh so exciting…

  43. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thanks for the answer enchanted – I kind of figured that, but I guess that’s kind of a good thing – yeah? And yes, LMAO! – I’m with you on the other too, and to think I called him the “good one” LOL!!! (jk)

  44. northstateblues

    In case anyone was wondering, I just threw Mussina’s name out there as a joke, but the fact that it was somewhat believeable is another testament to his track record.

    dnel, I’m sure they’d WANT to stick it out knowing they’re part of the future, but the problem is who’s writing the Dodgers future. I wouldn’t worry, though. If he’s still around, any kids he trades this year, we’ll get ’em back in 9-12 years.

    (Yes, that last line was a joke, heh)

  45. tradejuanpypaperbag

    northstateblues – I hear you loud and clear – thanks!!
    iheartaethier – I don’t have the luxury of going to the games like you guys down in so-cal so I am always taking my chances. For the Braves series I spent money and got good seats behind home plate (1st section behind dugout club), so that way I can see all of them. My friend who is going with me is a Braves fan and wanted to see Tom Glavine pitch so I got her the good seats for her birthday. Tom Glavine is on the DL, however, but she is still hoping for a sighting. She lived in Georgia during the Glavine, Smoltz and Maddux days and knows many of them including our own Rafael Furcal and Andruw Jones. Also, before becoming a teacher, she was a photo journalist in Georgia so she promised me good pictures of Andre, Russell and James (heck! all of them). When not watching the Dodgers, I will watch Mark Texieria any day (the guy hit 3 homeruns in one day yesterday).
    Speaking of Georgia – Fresno State Bulldogs up 3-2 in the 6th inning of the 1st game of the CWS

  46. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – I know he is a good one – that’s why I put (jk) after my comment. It was still funny 🙂

  47. kpookiemon

    perumike, we should live so long that Colletti will pull a Dick Cheney and declare himself the best possible candidate for the Seattle GM job.

    The one ace in the hole we have for the continued Youth Movement is McCourt’s checkbook. He can have his “McCourtland” cluttering up Chavez Ravine’s natural beauty AND have a cheap payroll at the same time. In this case, less is certainly more. Less money for better players. What a perfect world.

    I’d like all the injured veterans to stay down for at least another month. Then Ned becomes a seller, we shed the fatty gristle, and get on the with the kids. As mush as Ned and Joe would have us believe hitting is a massively intricate procedure–much too heady for mere rookies and the like–I like to equate hitting with kissing. You can describe methods and ponder technique all you want, but nothing takes the place of actually doing it. So stop with Pierre and Kent (and soon, Jones) stealing all the smooches.

  48. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You do notice that nobody asks us to leave Juan Pierre alone. Sometimes PierreEW makes reference to it, and I do tend to be more positive when he is around.

  49. kpookiemon

    From CBS Sportsline…nothing new but the last line is the clincher!

    “Bill Shaikin of the L.A. Times talked to Dodgers GM Ned Colletti, who said the Dodgers would grant permission for the Mariners to talk to executives Kim Ng and Logan White. The Mariners haven’t asked; most believe they’ll wait until the offseason to choose their long-term GM. On a related topic, news surfaced Thursday that the Padres would not allow the Mariners to talk to Kevin Towers.

    “Ng is the Dodgers’ Vice President and Assistant GM; she seems destined to become the game’s first female general manager. White is the team’s Assistant GM, Scouting. He has stocked the Dodgers with tons of young talent over the past several years. I’m sure Colletti wishes the best for his top execs. But you have to admit, both might become threats for the Dodger job down the road.”

  50. tradejuanpypaperbag

    ibirken – LOL!!! Good Luck!! I tend to tone it down, not go cold turkey – you are braver than me. I did, however, make the claim that if Joe decides not to play him for even 1 day before Furcal comes back(which could be a long time), I would go the next day without saying anything negative about him. However, if he’s not in the game, it will be pretty easy – LOL!!


    looks like georgia won in game one dnelly..

    and boston is losing.. AUGH

  52. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Sara – I really wanted Arizona State to go, but since Fresno State beat them to get there, I figure, why not cheer them on. Plus, there is a pitcher on their team that was drafted by the Dodgers. I used to hate Fresno State when I was at Sac State (probably not as intense as USC/UCLA rivalry, but it was there). I have just learned to accept the fact that they are only 45 minutes away and much of our local news focuses on them, kind of like the gnats and the A’s. (still can’t stand the gnats, though) LOL!!

  53. jhallwally

    This one’s for you Nelly.

    Our Managers Veteran Friend©.
    Sung to My Best Friends Girlfriend by the Cars.

    He’s always playing left field.
    With his high blue so-ocks.
    And every new day he leads off.
    Joe, doesn’t seem to realize.

    (He pops up again)
    When he’s hitting with the bases juiced.
    (He grounds out again)
    He’s not capable of bunt hits.
    I kinda hate when Andre sits.
    Well, he’s JoJo’s veteran friend.
    He’s Ned and Joe’s veteran friend.
    Cause he has a ring.

    He’s got an inferior arm.
    And a so-so glove.
    Ooh, when its hit to left.
    The runners move up, oh no, oh no.
    (He can’t hit the cut-off man)
    When he’s playing each day, it really makes us sore.
    Yeah, he’s JoJo’s *****.

    (He comes up again).
    When he’s leading off everyday.
    (He is there to stay)
    I kinda hate the way he plays.
    Cause he’s JoJo’s veteran friend.
    Well he’s Ned and Joe’s veteran friend.
    Cause he has a ring.
    He should ride pine.

    He’s always playing left field.
    With his high blue so-ocks.
    And every new day he leads off.
    Joe doesn’t seem to realize.

    (He pops up again)
    When he’s hitting with the bases juiced.
    (He grounds out again)
    He can’t bunt for a hit.
    I really hate when Andre sits.
    Well, he’s JoJo’s veteran friend.
    He’s Ned and Joe’s veteran friend.
    Cause he has a ring.

    (He’s JoJo’s veteran friend)
    (Fire Ned we implore)
    He needs to be gone.
    Yeah, yeah.

    (He’s JoJo’s veteran friend).
    (Till Raffy comes back again).
    (He’s Ned and Joe’s veteran friend).
    Cause he’s got a ring.

    We’re so,,, screwed!!!!
    (Our JoJo’s veteran friend)
    (Our JoJo’s veteran friend)

  54. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That one needs to be reposted every game, along with eric’s “I Got You Babe” – Thank you, jhall 🙂 LMAO!!!!!

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I agree enchanted – They just played the song on the radio about a half hour ago. It is one of my favorite’s of theirs.
    jhall – did you use the asterisks for the word ***** (assuming that’s the word) because it fascinates me now what words the system allows and what words it doesn’t.

  56. jhallwally

    Yea, LOL, it rhymes with sore. Actually, I was being very kind. The original didn’t say veteran friend. It rhymed with hitch.

  57. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LMAO!!!! My daughter comes into the room and sees me laughing and she says “You’re picking on my Pierre again aren’t you?” LMAO!!!! crying it’s too funny!!!!!

  58. jhallwally

    I figured if I posted it the original way, I would get myself and E (guilty by association) kicked off. LOL.

  59. jhallwally

    Too funny Nelly. She needs to see more of Grady Sizemore. That will get her in the right frame of mind. LOL!!!!

  60. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I bet you Josh is laughing right along with us. I know he has to be politically correct, but come on – how can you not read these and laugh. He must have the hardest job trying to justify our behavior. 🙂 I’m still trying to figure out why I can’t type the word ******** or ******* without the asterisks, but enchanted can use the word bullshit and it comes out just fine.

  61. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I’m working on it!! I actually did a morning song first – easier and not mean (for CP).

  62. jhallwally

    Hmmmmmmmm!! I guess bullshit is OK. They can’t object to it too much as that is all they keep feeding us. LOL!!!!

  63. jhallwally

    Speaking of which, Rest In Peace George Carlin. We have the seven words you can’t say on the blog. LOL!!!!!

  64. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara was able to get a few choice words in the other night, too. I keep asking my kids if the word gnippohw (spelled backwards) means something in teenage language maybe I’m not aware of, but they say no. Because if you turn the word and spelled in the write way then it doesn’t work ******** !! Maybe it’s too big of a word for JP to comprehend – LOL!! He understands bullshit LMAO!!

  65. tradejuanpypaperbag

    very sad 😦 about George Carlin – loved his stuff. Have been listening to him for years – since his “Gotta have stuff” days with Rice Krispies, moldy food , etc.,and he just kept getting funnier as the years went on. He will be very much missed!

  66. tradejuanpypaperbag

    working on song 🙂 I feel like I need the sign “game in progress” instead saying “song in progress” LOL!!

  67. tradejuanpypaperbag

    you think enchanted is up to something? he seems too quiet – he’s going for broke LOL!!!

  68. selltheteam

    Been a couple days since I’ve been on. Lbirken said he’d leave Juan alone today, but jhall opened the floodgates with his song, so here goes.
    This song has been playing through my head for those two days. Partly due to the fact that we’ve got rodmky on our board. From Men At Work’s “Be Good Johnny”
    Be Good Juanpy
    Slap de ball, to de hole
    Off to first we go
    “Don’t you be a bad boy Juannpy
    Don’t you homer
    Or sit the bench”
    “Oh no Ma, Oh no Joe,
    I’ll be at the park at six
    I will always play ev’ry goddamn game”
    Get told by the coaches
    Not to steal third
    Told by my mother:
    Be good Be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good (juanpy)
    Be good Be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good (Juanpy)
    “Are you going to hit
    a home run this year,
    “Oh well you must be able
    to throw out some runners
    this year then are you
    “No! No! No!”
    “Boy you sure are a worthless
    leadoff hitter then Juanpy,
    but you know what, I like you (says Joe)
    so tell me, Juanpy, what kind of ballplayer
    are you, Juan?”
    “I only like running
    all the day long
    and sometimes I’m bunting
    Be good Be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good (Juanpy)
    Be good Be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good
    Be good be good be good

  69. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric might be actually out – haven’t heard from him in a while. Then again, he tends to show up in the later hours anyway. I know it’s late where you are, but it’s only 9:45 here.
    We would love to come out and see Grady play 🙂

  70. jhallwally

    One for all you great gals on this blog.

    Grady Sizemore©
    Sung to Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield.

    Andre is a kid, yeah.
    I know he was a truely great find.
    But lately somethings changed, cause Joe’s head’s in his behind.
    Joe’s got himself a veteran and he thinks he plays fine.

    And he’s playin’ Phew everyday.
    And he’ll sit a young player, I just know it.
    Yeah, he’s playing that weak arm.
    Every, every night.

    You know, I wish that we had Grady Sizemore.
    I wish we had Grady Sizemore.
    Where can we get a centerfielder like that.

    Joe’s lineups are a charade.
    He doesn’t seem to see a reason to change.
    You know, I feel so sh*tty when he starts Phew each day.
    I wanna tell him he’s a moron and to start our Andre.

    Cause he’s playin’ Phew everyday.
    And he’ll sit a young player, I just know it.
    Yeah, he’s playin’ that weak bat.
    Every freaking night.

    You know I wish that we had Grady Sizemore.
    I wish we had Grady Sizemore.
    Where can we get a centerfielder like that.

    Like Grady Sizemore.
    I wish we had Grady Sizemore.
    Where can we get a GM.
    Where can we get a GM with brains.

    Like Logan White.
    I wish that our GM was Logan White.
    Where can we unload,
    Where can we unload Juan Pierre.

    And, I’m lookin’ at the Indians all the time.
    Wondering why we can’t play like that, It’s not funny.
    I’ve been patient with the kids.
    Ain’t that the way to build a contending team.

    (Instrumental Interlude with heavy downbeats)

    Tell me, where can we get a center fielder like that.
    Like Grady Sizemore.
    I wish we had Grady Sizemore.

    Why can’t we fire Ned the G’nat.
    And hire Logan White.
    I wish we would fire Ned the G’nat.
    I wish that we’d promote Logan White.

    I wish that we had Grady Sizemore.
    I wish that we would play Andre more.
    I wish that we had Grady Sizemore.
    I wish tha we would play Andre more.

  71. selltheteam

    Nice song, jhall. I can see why you’re dreaming of Grady. An OBP of .380 with 25+ HRs per year plus speed and youth.
    Also, speaking of Cleveland, I see the Gnats are coming to town. Fifty-four years of drought for the Gnats. Only 20 years for us. What am I saying “only” 20? FIRE NED!

  72. tradejuanpypaperbag

    stay tuned – coming in a few – Billy Squire 🙂

  73. dodgereric

    I have to say that I’m shocked and saddened at all the negativism on this site. We’re all Dodger fans here and we should be pulling for the boys, no matter who they might be. Let’s stop dwelling on the negatives and start concentrating on the positives!

    A POSITIVE attidude is what we need around here. I’m thinking the glass is half-full! I’m thinking POSITIVE things only from now on.

    Here’s a song with hope for the future. Sung to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Bad Moon Rising”:

    I see a great day comin’.
    I see the end is comin’ soon.
    I see PVLs a-leavin’.
    I see that we’re losin’ our loon.

    Don’t walk with that frown,
    Just turn it upside-down,
    There’s a new GM in town.

    I hear Ned that is a-goin’.
    I know that Dodger fans are glad.
    I fear my face is a-glowin’.
    I hear that we won’t long be bad.

    No more will we be saddled
    With management that’s addled,
    There’s a new GM in town.

    All right!
    Git-tar solo……

    Kim Ng is hand-a-ling the contracts.
    Logan is taking care of trades.
    They both sure know their own beeswax.
    I think our future is well-made.

    Now we’re overjoyed,
    Stan Conte’s unemployed.
    And there’s a new GM in town.

  74. cpompe1

    great songs crash and jhall!!!

    Hey crash, since you’re signed in, I’ve gotta ask you something. When messagebear compiled his list of posters and cities/states a while ago, did I see that you live in Ventura? So do I! It’s nice to know that I’m not the only die-hard Dodger fan that lives in Ventura!!! 🙂

  75. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Song: “Nobody Wants Phew”
    Original: “Everybody Wants You”
    by Billy Squire
    You see em playing out there every night
    Strung on pretension,
    Joe fell for Phew at first sight
    Phew knows Dodger business–
    Phew think it’s a bore
    Dre’ makes Phew restless–
    He’s something Phew ain’t seen before
    Phew gets downtown,
    Spends his time on the run
    Dre’ never lets down–
    Says he plays it for fun
    Never missed a play,
    Though he makes quite a few
    Joe gave it away
    Assumes everybody wants Phew
    Phew craves attention —
    Phew can never say no
    Throws his affections
    Anyway the wind blows
    Joe always makes it —
    Put Phew on top of the scene
    Joe sells Phew,
    Like a cover of a magazine
    Puttin’ on the plays
    like there’s nobody else
    Joe never realized
    What he did to himself
    The things that we see
    Make the daily reviews
    Phew never gets free
    Nobody wants Phew
    Everybody knows Phew
    Everybody shows Phew
    Nobody needs Phew…needs Phew…
    Needs Phew
    Nights of confusion
    And impossible dreams
    Dre’s at the stadium
    Having fun around the team
    Phew’s got his glory
    He’s been paid for it all
    Needs to take his pension,
    Lonliness and protocol
    Say goodbye to conventional ways
    Phew can’t escape the hours
    He’s lost track of Dre
    The more Phew understands
    “Dre’s coming after you”
    Phew never gets away…
    Nobody wants Phew

  76. tradejuanpypaperbag


  77. selltheteam

    cpompe1 – Yeah, I’ve been in Ventura about 8 years now. Still can’t figure out why KVTA plays the Angels given that they are on the other side of LA. But we can listen to the Dodgers on AM 1450 (from Santa Barbara) as well as KABC 790. On my commute home from the valley on games back east, I usually start with KABC, then switch to 1450 when I get closer to Ventura.

  78. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP – How was dinner? Great to hear from you tonight!!

    jhall – like you said, it’s an easy topic these days. I can practically write him into every song I have heard in the last few weeks. Sometimes all I have to do is put his name in the song, and you don’t even have to change the lyrics, that’s how (sad and funny) this situation is.

  79. jhallwally

    Totally Nelly. LOL!!! Ned, Joe, and Phew make it easy. Just wait till Nomore and Fat Andruw get back.

  80. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – did you see cp’s version of “Juan Pierre Got Run Over by a Reindeer?” It’s a visual that is stuck in my head thinking Pierre being chased down by a frickin’ reindeer is the only thing that is going to take him out of a game. LMAO!!!

  81. cpompe1

    crash – I feel for you, with a commute from here to the valley and back. I’ve been there, done that. Don’t want to do it again; especially with gas prices the way they are!!! I’ve lived in Ventura for 12 years now. My husband’s lived here for over 20.

    Are KVTA still running the Angel games??? My husband IS an Angel fan (yecch) but he told me that he can’t get Angel games on KVTA. I don’t know. I don’t follow the Angels too much. No, my pet peeve is the fact that the Angels call themselves LA; that is a joke!!!

  82. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric disappeared again – he’s up to something again – hmmmm!!! eric, where are you? enchanted must have gone to bed or else we are in for a doozy with him.

  83. jhallwally

    Ned’s Dodgers got overtaken by the Giants.
    Playing in the NL West, two thousand eight.
    You may say that Ned is not a moron.
    But as for ITD bloggers, we disagree.

  84. cpompe1

    jhall, now you want me to start working on another one??? I’ve been thinking about it. Like the other, it’ll probably come; just will take a while… 🙂

    dinner was great tonight! We went to Hungry Hunters; I love that place! crash, I’m sure you know where that is! And yes, those visuals are something else. You mentioned it earlier today but I need a reminder on something. When you were listing the various JP misfortunes (pianos, colliding with Andruw, etc) you mentioned a flat stanley. Please remind me; what was the reference to a flat stanley???

  85. leekfink

    A brief defense of Ned on the issue of saying that he would grant the Mariners permission to talk to Logan White and Kim Ng. It seems highly unlikely that he would just volunteer that information. I suspect that Shakin, knowing that White and Ng would be candidates for any GM job, asked him. And he can’t really say “no, I won’t let them leave for a better job.” That’s just being mean. If the McCourts want to keep them–and even replace Ned with one of them–he’s going to have to make that move.
    Jungar–I still think you’re making sense, man, so don’t worry. One thing–playing the kids is good for a bottom line now, but that will change. We’re not Oakland–we don’t have to trade them out before they hit free agency. Within 3 years, we’ll have to give Martin, Bills, and Broxton big contracts, and within 4 to Kemp and Loney, etc. We should, however, follow the example of some others (the Brewers with Ryan Braun, the (Devil) Rays with Evan Longoria) and start signing these guys to long-term contracts. A little more pain now, but likely long-term savings. Start with Russ (the Cap’n) and start going from there. It does not have to all be this year, but over the next couple of years.
    Dnelly–Interesting question about how the kids feel about this. I am of two minds: Take Loney–he grew up in Houston and his father was a Braves fan, so he liked the Astros and Braves growing up. I have to imagine that every kid growing up wants to play major league baseball for their favorite team–I did. So, in a way, you could see him not minding a trade there. Even a trade to the Rangers in Dallas/Arlington might be nice for him, closer to his Houston, where he spends the off-season.
    But, on the other hand, he’s been with the organization since he was 18. And while major league organizations are not the same as they used to be (even at the minor league level, people move around when in the old days they did not as much), that’s still a lot of being with the Dodger organization, time knowing that the goal was to come up to the Dodgers, spring trainings in Dodgertown, wearing Dodger Blue. Plus, that’s years playing together with the guys you came through the system with. Vin often talks about the pick-off throws that Martin will make to first base, and says that Loney and Martin have been playing together so long in the minors and now in LA that they don’t even have a signal, they just catch each other’s eyes. (I think of Chad Billingsley, who’s thrown probably 80% of his pitches in professional baseball to Russel Martin). The Jacksonville 5 (Loney, Martin, Billingsley, Broxton, and LaRoche) are now all in the big leagues together. So, in a way, you would think they would like to play with their buddies. Plus, you have crazy fans who write songs about you.
    In addition, aside from the tradition and people in the Dodger organization, the fact is that the Dodgers are expected to win every year, and there are only a few organizations like that. And even though we don’t win every year, if your goal is to win a world series, those are some of your best odds (the Yankees had an 18 year World Championship drought from 1978 to 1996, and a 14-year playoff drought from 1981 to 1995, but were still considered the best bet).
    Finally, there is LA itself. Andre sure seems to like it, based on Dining With Dre–I would think that would be hard to do in, say, Milwaukee. Personally, I think LA is great (just think about Joe Torre’s State Farm Commercial), but it might not be for everyone (Brad Penny seems to like it, though I could see why an old country boy like him might not).
    Anyway, on balance, I think players want to stay–and certainly would rather given the potential uncertainty–so E is right that they are just a little hanging like the fans.

  86. dodgereric

    Oh, I’m coming and going. I was listening to music while doing my Commish bit for my NASCAR fantasy league when I got inspired and therefore sidetracked.

    Great songs all! I’m really impressed!

    Jhall, you’ve been around here for a while. Were off-days this entertaining before you and enchanted started with the music?

  87. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Flat Stanley is a paper doll that teacher’s use to teach young children geography. The object if for this paper doll (Flat Stanley) to travel to as many places as possible throughout a school year. Each students makes one, and then either sends it to a relative/friend/other teacher/ etc. in another part of the country or world. Then, the person that has Stanley is supposed to take pictures of him in places of interest (ballparks, amuzement parks, famous places, etc) I had brought one to a game hoping that I would get Andre to sign one. Well, that game, Joe decided to sit Matt (mid april – pre Andre benching days) and I got stuck watching Pierre in leftfield instead of Andre. So, I sent him via mail to Dodger Stadium and he is current MIA (missing in action) and I believe enchanted brought up the visual of Flat Stanley is in left field. When I get a chance to send what a flat stanley looks like, you will understand the visual. In the meantime the next time you are in a bookstore, go to the children’s section and ask if they have any books about Flat Stanley – yes, they even have chapter books about his adventures.

  88. cpompe1

    thx for the explanation dnel… don’t know where I was when you guys and gals were talking about it. Maybe it was in my days when I didn’t post as much as I do now (which still isn’t much compared to the rest of you) 🙂

  89. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – I noticed Kyle did well for you- how did the rest fair?
    leefink – thank you so much for answering that question. It just makes me wonder how frustrated the young players must feel at times if we, just being fans, are this frustrated. Thanks again 🙂

  90. cpompe1

    Now I’ve gotta go. It’s passed my bedtime and I’ve got an interview in the morning. I’ll catch up with y’all tomorrow…

  91. dodgereric

    crash, I feel for your commute. I drove from Temecula to Azusa for 6 years (76 miles one way). Fortunately, gas was only $1.50 or so then (’94 – ’99).

  92. tradejuanpypaperbag

    cp – I don’t remember you being part of those conversations. We just figure some freak of nature thing is going to have to take on Pierre because enchanted is convinced he may not even be human.
    eric/jhall – this group is the most creative group I have ever been involved with – just amazing, and this is just over baseball. It’s not even just the songs. Even when leefink and jungar post, they make it sound so thought provoking that you wish they were in that front office speaking for this group – eric,too does a great job of getting his point across when he is being serious. That’s what makes this group so much fun because we all have our serious moments, and then the next thing you know, here comes a song, and look what happened tonight 🙂

  93. jhallwally

    Our JoJo is ate up with the dumb*ss.
    Starting Juan Pierre in the lead.
    We all say that he’s a dodo.
    But dammit’, Frank and Furter don’t agree.

    Now we need three big pianos.
    Falling on the heads of these unwise three.
    If it happens while we are sleeping.
    We will all awake in ecstasy!!!!

  94. tradejuanpypaperbag

    talking about commutes – my sister-in-laws dad drives from Oceanside to Long Beach everyday. I can only imagine what eric did and what crash is doing – not fun!!
    working on another song 🙂 see what you did! hmmm!!!

  95. jhallwally

    Nelly, you are too kind. Actually, we are all freaking nuts. And they’re coming to take us away, hee-hee, ha-ha, ho-ho!!!!!!

  96. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I am glad PierreEW is not on here tonight – he would be having our hides so to speak – LOL!!!! This is definitely not positive thinking. Then again, we are positive Pierre sucks, we are positive Ned needs to be fired, and we are positive Torre is an idiot. Is that enough positives? Oh, and we are positive Conte is horrible at his job.

  97. dodgereric

    nelly, I did ok/not ok. I scored decently, but I was up against a team that outscored me. I lost my game but gained in total points. It’s more fun than anything. There’s not a lot of money on the line, it’s more for trash-talking than anything else. Pretty much like the football leagues I’m in.

    I would have won if Denny Hamlin didn’t get taken out at the end. But that’s racing. The best thing about having Lil’ Shrub on your team is that it’s a win/win. If he does well, I get points. If he crashes, I’m still happy ’cause he’s such a knucklehead.

    BTW, you guys were talking earlier about going on the field. I’ve been there in the past on the old Photo Days they had on Sundays and the Fireworks Nights. They’d keep you on the warning track for the photos, but you could sit on the outfield grass and watch the fireworks. I don’t know if they still let you do that – I haven’t been to one of those in a long time. I remember rubbing my hand in the dirt right behind second base on the fringe of the outfield grass, wondering if it was some of the same stuff that Maury Wills might have slid in.

  98. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I would have to agree with the “freaking nuts” part because the way my family looks at me when I am doing this, I see it in their faces “Mom, you’ve lost it” However, right now, I had to leave the room – they are watching a scary movie and I am disturbing them – can’t imagine why? LOL!!!

  99. kpookiemon

    To keep his job Ned was probably told not to spend any more free agent dollars…and not to trade anyone under 25 years of age. Like dodgereric forsees…”Kim Ng is hand-a-ling the contracts.
    Logan is taking care of trades.” Maybe they can phase in a grand triumpheret: Logan, Ng……and Ned, as the PR face.

  100. tradejuanpypaperbag

    The Hills Have Eyes II no less – it’s the worst! so I was glad to leave the room. Now, I am watching sports center with my husband, but he will fall asleep in the next few minutes – it’s late for him – not a night owl. I think it’s alot about how you grow up. My whole family are night owls, his whole family are the early birds.
    walk like an egyptian is playing – somebody did that song – yes?

  101. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You got that right!!! enchanted will have plenty I’m sure to make up for lost time, and the funny thing about this is he started this whole song writing thing and look at us – up late at night carrying on like it’s no big deal. LOL!!!!

  102. dodgereric

    Oh, nelly, au contrair. (That an attempt at French. I only know two French phrases: Chevrolet coupe and mow de lawn.) A plugged nickel to anyone who knows where I stole that one from. Anyway, I’m totally positive that Frank is gonna show Ned the door! “And your little dog (Conte) too!”

  103. tradejuanpypaperbag

    already working on different song, but I think somebody did that one. I will look at eric’s list, and if not, I will try.

  104. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I knew somebody did that – thanks!! We are going to have to start referring to the list, not that this creative group couldn’t come up with an entirely different version. LOL!!

  105. dodgereric

    Oh, I’m certain one of us would come up with something good, but it might be like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa.

  106. tradejuanpypaperbag

    last song from me for the early morning hour for some. jhall, if you are still up, you need to get some sleep – it’s 3:30 in the morning for you 🙂
    I have already done my song for the normal morning hour – it’s for cp’s birthday (it’s a fun song – no JP bashing included – lol)
    “Addicted to Juan”
    Original song “Addicted to Love”
    by Robert Palmer
    His lights are on, but he’s not home
    His mind is not his own
    His heart shakes, his body shakes
    Another hit is what it takes
    He can’t sleep, he can’t eat
    There’s no doubt, he’s in deep
    His throat is tight, he can’t breathe
    Another hit is all he needs
    Whoa he’d like to think
    He’s immune to this stuff, oh yeah
    It’s closer to the truth to say
    He can’t get enough, you know we’re.
    Gonna have to face it,
    Joe’s addicted to Juan
    He sees the signs, but he can’t read
    He’s runnin’ at a different speed
    His heart beats in double time
    Another hit and he’ll be mine,
    A one track mind
    He can’t be saved
    Oblivion is all he craves
    If there’s some left for him
    He won’t mind what Juan does
    Whoa, he likes to think
    He’s immune to this stuff, oh yeah
    It’s closer to the truth to say
    He can’t get enough, you know we’re
    Gonna have to face it,
    Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    ***guitar solo***
    His lights are on, but he’s not home
    His will is not his own
    His heart sweats and teeth grind
    Another hit and he’ll be fine
    Whoa, he likes to think
    He’s immune to this stuff, oh yeah
    It’s closer to the truth to say
    He can’t get enough, you know we’re
    Gonna have to face it,
    Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan
    Might as well face it, Joe’s addicted to Juan

  107. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Just like in the tv show “The Waltons”
    Goodnight jhall
    Goodnight dodgereric
    Goodnight ITD bloggers
    Goodnight ITD readers
    Goodnight all – see you in the am with “Morning Music Time”

  108. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Not really – I thought you had left the building first so I said good night. I am playing hearts on the computer waiting for my children to go to bed – movie is almost over

  109. dodgereric

    Just as I was getting ready to leave the building myself, I found this little gem in the Times, titled “Dodgers’ 50th anniversary isn’t golden to all”:,0,2051331,full.story

    A pathetic, whiney story from an Angel fan. Again, I wrote a rebuttal that I’m sure only my friends on ITD will get to see:

    Dear Chris Dufresne,

    It’s one of the greatest things about America that you are supposed to be able to root for the team of your choice. There doesn’t have to be a rhyme or reason behind it.

    For myself, I became a Dodger fan in ’59 when I was six. I was excited when the Angels were formed two years later and even tried to add them as a favorite. It just didn’t take.

    Your article is a rather pathetic view of what jealousy can do to someone. How else can you explain your running-down of my Dodgers? Exactly what have the Angels accomplished in their 48 seasons, one World Series Championship while the Dodgers won 4? Let’s compare Pennants. Division titles. Would you prefer to count up the Rookies-of-the-Year? How about Hall of Fame members? Your Nolan Ryan remembrance ignores the grievous error of letting him get away in the prime of his career in favor of his no-hitting the Dodgers while a member of the Houston Astros. Oh, don’t bother writing back with that stale “we’ve won since you did” childishness. The “Beat LA” chant is fresher.

    The only thing you Angel fans have over a Dodger fan is Mike Scioscia.

    You have me there.

    That’s it, I’ve had enough. As the Great Red Skelton used to say, “Goodnight and God Bless!”

  110. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning Dodger Blue Fans,
    It’s morning music time!
    Since it’s cpompe’s birthday today, I took the classic Beatles’ “Happy Birthday” song and tweaked it to fit this group. Happy Birthday Cpompe1 !!
    You say it’s your birthday
    Your a Dodger Fan too, yeah
    ITD says Happy Birthday
    ITD is gonna have a good time
    We’re glad it’s your birthday
    Happy Birthday to you
    Yes, ITD is gonna have a party
    Yes, ITD is gonna have a party
    Yes, ITD is gonna have a party
    We would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
    We would like you to dance (Birthday)
    **musical interlude**dancing required**
    We would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
    We would like you to dance (Birthday)
    You say it’s your birthday
    Your a Dodger Fan too, yeah
    ITD says Happy Birthday
    ITD is gonna have a good time
    We’re glad it’s your birthday
    Happy Birthday to you

  111. enchantedbeaver

    Great stuff everyone!! You’ve really got to wonder if Josh quietly shares some of these things with others.

    OK, you’ve inspired me to write a song for Frank. To: Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)
    (Mickey Newbury/Kenny Rogers and the First Edition)

    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my ‘ol Dodgers were in)
    I woke up this mornin’ feelin’let down, got no Zen
    I found my team lookin’ up at the Snakes again
    I ripped out the sportspage and I showed it to Joe
    Said why is it all our vet’rans blow
    I just dropped in to see what condition my ‘ol Dodgers are in
    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my ‘ol Dodgers are in)
    I told JoJo, “Get us on a roll or you’ll be sorry my friend.”
    I said Juan, Druw and Jeff with all the young kids just ain’t the right blend
    I got to talk to Ned, but I’ll be watchin’ ya Joe
    Procto, Juanpy, Kent and Lowe have got to go
    I just dropped in to see what condition my ‘ol Dodgers were in
    (Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my ‘ol Dodgers are in)
    Someone painted “You’re A Fool” in big black letters on my office wall
    So I put my foot up Ned’s *** as I kicked out the Gnat down the ha-a-a-a-all
    Three years of his nuthin’ didn’t get it done
    Three years and not one playoff won
    I just dropped in to see what condition my ‘ol Dodgers were in
    I said I just dropped in to see what condition my ‘ol Dodgers were in
    Yeah yeah oh-yeah

  112. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning, enchanted!!
    Fabulous song as usual – As you can tell by the comments, we knew what to expect – NOTHING BUT THE BEST!!! 🙂

  113. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Enchanted – I think Josh shares them – If we are laughing this much, then he has got to be laughing some himself, therefore, creating some curiosity with the people his around, assuming he is not locked up in some room by himself.

  114. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks nells!

    Too bad we can’t attached audio to these and lock Ned and JoJo in a room and force them to listed. Maybe a little brainwashing is in order!

  115. tradejuanpypaperbag

    No Kidding!! Between the songs about those two and Juan Pierre, the message comes through loud and clear – “Listen to the real fans for a change, you idiots!”

  116. dodger 32

    Flat Stanley is still in Left field, and the corpse of Jeff Kent is on second. The big problem is Joe not realizing it.


    Sweeney and Proctor are another two dead corpses on the team, but they’re both so putrid you’d think the dugout wouldn’t be viable without issuing gas masks for everyone.
    I think Ned and JoJo must have lost their sense of smell by now.

  118. tradejuanpypaperbag

    fliegel – It explains why Flat Stanley is still MIA. Enchanted has always said JP is not human – who would have thought paper (hat sizes are probably the same, too) – LOL!!!

  119. dodgereric

    We’ve paid our dues
    Time after time
    Watched game after game
    Committed no crime
    Posted bad words
    We’ve made a few
    We’ve had our share of words thrown in our faces
    But we’ve come through

    We are the Posters, my friends
    And we’ll keep on fighting till the end
    We are the Posters on Inside the Dodgers
    No time for losers’
    Cause we are no real fans of those codgers

    We’ve criticized
    And called for heads
    We’re tired of Torre constantly playing washed up PVLs
    And we hate Ned

    But it’s been no bed of roses
    No pleasure cruisin’
    We’ll keep on fighting to keep the kids in the lineup
    ‘cause we’re tired of losin’

    We are the Posters my friend
    And we’ll keep on writing ‘till the end
    Stop starting Pierre
    Kiss my derriere
    Get rid of Sweeney
    Or you’ll be a weenie……to us all………..

  120. enchantedbeaver

    A song for JoJo. To BEN (possibly something symbolic there also, I’m not sure yet.)

    Juan, the two of us need look no more
    We both found what we were looking for
    With left field to call your own
    Andre will need a home
    And you, my Juan, will see
    You’ll always play for me
    (you’ll always play for me)
    Juan, you’re always running here and there
    But they don’t want to see you anywhere
    If you’re OBPs behind
    I still like what I find
    There’s one thing you should know
    You’ll still lead off the show
    (you’ll still lead off the show)
    I used to say “I” and “me”
    Now it’s “us”, now it’s “we”
    I used to say “I” and “me”
    Now it’s “us”, now it’s “we”
    Juan, most bloggers would turn you away
    I don’t listen to a word they say
    They don’t see you as I do
    I wish they would try to
    I’m sure they’ll biatch some then
    When I play Juan again
    My Juan
    (My Juan)
    My Jua-a-a-an

  121. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good morning, jhall – it looks like we are in for another wild day before our game – you think? LOL!! enchanted’s on a roll to catch up, and it looks like eric’s been up early too.

  122. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – it has been reported that lightening stikes have started several fires in Mariposa county (Fish Camp), and it’s very smokey here in Merced. However, the cooler air today is helping, and it sounds like it is under control so far 🙂

  123. dodgereric

    Gooooood morning, ITD!!!!

    Good morning, E! Well done as usual! Love the selection!

    Good morning and thank you nelly and jhall! I figured we need our own song to rally around.

    Are we gonna wash the Sox tonight?

  124. cpompe1

    Good morning boys and girls,
    dnel, thank you so much for the song. I didn’t think you were going to write a song just about me; and to the Beatles no less!!! I am a HUGE Beatles fan!!! I would have been thrilled to have a repost of the Happy Birthday song you posted yesterday. Thx again! 🙂

    eric, I don’t think I remember your Bohemian Rhapsody. Again, it was probably during a time when I didn’t read/post very much. That was great!

    enchanted, you did wonderfully!!!

    Can’t stay long; I’ve gotta get ready for my interview. I’ll let y’all know how it goes!!!

  125. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks everyone!!! I see erics been working on an anthem!!

    Fire’s the one thing that always scared me up in Oakhurst nells. I still own a rental in the Windy Gap. Last time they had a fire go through there was in the early 60’s and with all the undergrowth and water pressure problems in that area, you wouldn’t stand a chance.

    Here’s one I forgot to post after Hu was optioned. To Tambourine Man:

    Hey! Mr. Col-let-ti Man, gets a P V L,
    Cuz Hu can’t hit and there ain’t no place we’re going to.
    Hey! Mr. Joe Tor-re Man, play a vet from hell,
    Second base, left field or pinch hitting they never do well.
    Take us for a trip upon your tragic sinking ship,
    Your senses have been stripped, your minds can’t seem to grip,
    The young guns you do jip, waiting only for a lead
    To be a squanderin’.
    I’m ready to D F A, I’m ready to D L
    The young guns playing swell, cast your evil eye their way,
    And they’re optioning.
    Hey! Mr. Col-let-ti Man, gets a P V L,
    Cuz Hu can’t hit and there ain’t no place we’re going to.
    Hey! Mr. Joe Tor-re Man, play a vet from hell,
    Second base, left field or pinch hitting they never do well.
    Though you might hear laughin’ when JP throws it madly across the sun,
    It’s not aimed at anyone, it’s just allowed two runs
    And but for the why there ain’t no use explainin’.
    And if you hear vague rumors that Furcal is coming back
    To get us back on track, it’s just a PR man name Ned,
    Say whatever comes to head, it’s just a shadow you’re
    Seein’ that he’s chasing.
    Hey! Mr. Col-let-ti Man, gets a P V L,
    Cuz Hu can’t hit and there ain’t no place we’re going to.
    Hey! Mr. Joe Tor-re Man, play a vet from hell,
    Second base, left field or pinch hitting they never do well.
    Then take us disappearin’ down another season’s drain,
    In the outhouse you do reign, for the kids you do disdain,
    The lousy vet’rans stench, can’t run, hit, field, hit or catch,
    And Proctor put from the pen just brings us sorrow.
    Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand giving five,
    All the bats will come alive, no more JoJo’s senseless jive,
    With brighter days ahead under Logan White’s tutelage
    Let’s forget about today and play for tomorrow.

    Hey! Mr. Col-let-ti Man, gets a P V L,
    Cuz Hu can’t hit and there ain’t no place we’re going to.
    Hey! Mr. Joe Tor-re Man, play a vet from hell,
    Second base, left field or pinch hitting they never do well.

  126. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP – good luck today, and you are very welcome.

    enchanted – it’s pretty incredible that you already have unreleased songs. LOL!! One day somebody will be going through your things and will find all these lost songs that never got posted, much like many great bands/artists who some of their best stuff was found after they left this earth. You are truly amazing!!!
    There are four or five different fires in Mariposa County – Oakhurst, Fish Camp and Mariposa have all been mentioned. However, they keep saying it’s pretty under control for now – just very smoky done here in the valley.

  127. crzblue2

    Greetings fellow posters!
    Don’t remember last time I posted. I missed the Dodger Star celebration on Hollywood and Highland as my shuttle was very late from the airport and traffic was horrible, but what else is new here in L.A. but I still LOVE LA! It was so hot last weekend! I made it to Hollywood and Highland after the ceremony had ended. I was waiting for CBS to finish a report by the Star so that I could take pictures when the guy asked me if he can ask me a few questions so I got interviewed . A few friends told me they saw me on TV. My friend Deb who went to the event and is visiting from Defiance, OH said “Is too funny, you miss the event and I get back to the hotel and there you are on TV!”.

    Happy belated birthday CP! My birthday is coming Saturday 6/28. Hopefully my boys in Blue will give us a win that night. I am also going to the 70’s celebration that night! It should be very cool. I went last month to the 60’s celebration and had a great time. Only thing for the 60’s is I was the only one dressed like the 60’s but still wearing Dodger Blue! I made a Dodger Blue headband that says “Dodgers”. Not sure if I want to dress like the 70’s.
    Dnel, you are right that we are all kids at heart! When I see the kids running on the field, I always say “What about us?”.
    The more I talk to more people at the stadium, the more I think they will not do the Women’s baseball clinic 😦 Dave and Josh said that the turnout is low (about 50) and is the same people participating every year. I think they do not do a good job advertising for the event. Also they advertised it only a week before the event. We need more time than that to plan attending.. Still, I have always put everything aside and attended in the past. Why is it the event in Vero Beach can get 150 women (they limited it to that) and we can only get 50 in L.A.? For Vero Beach, they had flyers everywhere, they announced it on the PA, and they even had the flyers in the Women’s bathroon.
    I am so glad that soon (after the All Star Game), we will have a shuttle bus from Union Station to the stadium. With this heat, walking from Sunset up the hill is … a workout. For Friday, I organized a small group of my train buddies to go to Dodger Stadium. One of them was going to drive us from there but unfortunately, her husband of 18 years had a mass heart attach last Friday. It happened while he was driving home (he had left work early as he was not feeling well). He hit another car but luckly noone was injured. I feel so bad for her. We will be taking a taxi from Union Station to the stadium.
    Yesterday when I got home, I was surprised to find a violation ticket in the mail. I did not noticed that Thursday 6/12, they took my pictures when I got back from the San Diego game. I was picking up my car where I had left it (Montebello) and apparently I failed to make a full stop when turning right on a red light. yeah, that is me in the pictures wearing Dodger Blue. $381 for the ticket. Ouch! I am thinking of going to court to fight it.

    Take care everyone!

  128. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Diana Ross and the Supremes
    “Reflections of”
    Through the mirror of our mind
    Time after time
    We see reflections of what may be
    The fans are for
    The play that used to be
    The fans are for
    The youthful way to be
    Oh, Juan’s all alone now
    No love to shield him
    Trapped in a world
    That’s IDT’s reality
    Happiness Joe took from us
    And left us on hold
    When he only play Juanpy
    Through the mirror of our mind
    Through tears that we’re crying
    Reflects a hurt we can’t control
    ‘Cause although Druw is gone
    We keep holding on
    To the happy times
    Oh, when Pierre rode pine
    As we peer through our window
    Of lost time
    Looking over our yesterdays
    And all the players who sit for vain
    (All players) all players
    That’ve been wasted
    (All the jeers) all the jeers
    That should be taken
    And cause some pain
    Through all these many years
    We see a dream that’s lost
    From the hurt
    That Ned has caused
    Everywhere we turn
    Seems like everything we see
    Reflects the youth we need to see
    In you we put
    All our faith and trust
    Right before our eyes
    Our youth might turn to dust
    After all the nights
    We sat and got swept
    Just a handful of promises
    Are all that’s left for youth
    The fans are for
    The play that used to be
    The fans are for
    The youthful way to be
    In you we put
    All our faith and trust
    Right before our eyes
    Our youth might turn to dust

  129. juniorvarsity

    russell martin is not even on the top five for the all-star ballot. i guess it is making a case for how stupid the voting is in the first place. i guess when you lead all NL catchers in avg, obp, hits, steals, and walks thats not good enough to be in the top five…even though i think he is the best catcher in all of baseball and should start :/

  130. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Crzblue – CP’s birthday is actually today. She is at an interview for a job, and yesterday had mentioned she was being taken out to dinner for her bday, so I assumed it was yesterday. Great to hear you got interviewed – very cool!! It’s too bad about the clinic – I would have loved to have gone. You are right, though, they need to have more notice. My guess is with SP, those fans have already made plans to go ( a planned vacation). So, maybe it needs to be advertised right away to give all people in California and even other states to make plans as if it were part of a vacation.

  131. jhallwally

    Bravo E and Nelly!! Good to hear from you ZBlue. Sorry about the ticket. That seems like an exorbitant amount for a minor violation. Glad you had fun at 60’s celebration and Star event. Hope your friends husband is doing well.

  132. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks jhall – I blame it on the medication…

    Anyone ever been to Atwood or Ludell Kansas?

  133. dodgereric

    Well, if you can believe him, this could be reassuring:

    “Our approach on a deadline trade is the same,” Colletti said. “If there’s something out there that will make us strikingly better, we’ll do it. But we can’t strip one-quarter or one-third or one-half of our players that play every day. Our young players are now the team.”

    Entire article:

  134. jhallwally

    That is good to hear Eric. Hope he doesn’t panic again. There really isn’t one or two players out there that will get this team over the top to win a World Series. This team just needs time to mature and unload the garbage to be a true contender.

  135. jhallwally

    Trade Kent and Lowe now. Also, Phew and Penny if you can. Get what you can for them to help build our future.

  136. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Desperate times call for desperate measures – LMAO!!
    This song just played on the radio, and I couldn’t resist using JP in this song. LMAO!! enchanted/jhall/eric – I think I am in need of medication – LMAO!!!
    Witch Doctor
    We told the witch doctor, we’re tired of our Phew
    We told the witch doctor, we’re tired of our Phew
    And the witch doctor, he told us what to do
    He said..
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang…
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    We told the witch doctor, Juan don’t know how to play
    We told the witch doctor, we only want Andre
    And then the witch doctor, he gave us this advice
    He said..
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang…
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Now Joe keeps on playin’ Juanpy
    Just like he’s a miser
    And we admit that wasn’t very smart
    So, we went out and found ourself
    A guy that’s so much wiser
    And he taught us how to get Andre to start
    Our friend the witch doctor, he taught us what to say
    Our friend the witch doctor, he taught us what to do
    We know the Dre will play, when we say this to Phew
    Oh, Juanpy..
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang…
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang

  137. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Wow,eric!!! That sounds very promising for a change – let’s hold on to that thought – oh wow!!! 🙂

  138. enchantedbeaver

    Nells is “on” today!!

    Can we believe the Nedster?? I still think if we’re anywhere close in three weeks that somehow another bad move will be made. I wouldn’t mind giving up a middling prospect though for Maddux. He’d have enough left in the tank for this season to get by, but I really want him schooling the young guys, especially Kersh.

  139. crzblue2

    Thanks! I thought CP’s birthday was yesterday.
    I have a friend in Chicago that for the last two years, she has made the trip to L.A. to go to the Women’s baseball clinic and take in a couple of games here. One thing that we got at the Vero beach Women’s baseball clinic is a t-shirt commemorating the event. Also, it included dinner after the event catered by local BBQ place that was very good. The minor leaguers (from Inland Empire) that were teaching us, also joined us for dinner. It was fun interacting with them and taking pictures with them. I ran into a group of them the following night at a restaurant. They were celebrating a birthday. They recognized me and asked me if I had fun at the event. One name I remember is Godwin. Very friendly and cute. Don’t we have the cutest guys in our teams?
    Just got a call from a friend that I have not heard from in a loooong time. He called me to tell me he saw me on TV on Friday.
    Yvonne’s husband (Ronny) actually passed away. He was DOA. It was kind of eerrie that two consecutive calls I got that day were to tell me of two different deaths.

  140. tradejuanpypaperbag

    crzblue – sorry to hear about your friend and her husband. I will keep your friend in my prayers. 😦
    BTW – yes, we do have a very good looking team 🙂
    Even my daughter saw the picture of Blake and Andre at the ceremony and at that moment understood the affection -LOL!! I don’t think she had seen them out of full uniform before. Speaking of Blake – got his rookie card in my purchase of baseball cards yesterday – yeah!!

  141. stizaza

    hey my birthday is also on the 28th.
    my friends friend is dating jim gotts daughter and he was gonna get us tickets in his vip sweet for the 28th, but i have to work:( too bad, i was really looking forward to that

  142. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Showing patience can be especially challenging for the Dodgers’ young hitters during Interleague Play when they face pitchers they’re largely unfamiliar with.


    This came out of our preview article from homepage. As I recall, EVERYONE had this issue ; it’s not just the kids. Also, on Friday’s game weren’t most of them down in the count
    0-2 with the first two pitches because of strikes down the middle. It’s a little hard to be patient when you have two strikes and one you were probably told not to swing at – UGH!!!!

  143. tradejuanpypaperbag

    manfromchina – that’s pretty coincidental having to ITD bloggers with the same bday. Too bad you can’t go to the game, that would have been a blast!!! Have you been in a suite before? I got to do one at the Coliseum for an A’s game, which was very cool, but I would have to assume that at Dodger Stadium, it would 10 times better just knowing your at Dodger Stadium.

  144. stizaza

    well actually i have…sorta.
    i was too young to remember
    ok here the story and is a damn good one.
    so about 20 years ago my great uncle was put into a assisted living home. so the family was cleaning the house and going through all of his stuff. someone came accross an old real to real tape thing that was lable opening day- dodger stadium.
    nobody took a look at it they just gave it to my dad who obviously is a big dodger fan, and said here it sayd dodgers opening day. so my dad cranks it up and couldnt believe what he wa watching. on opening day of dodger stadium my uncle somehow snuck in through centerfield during the pre game ceremonies and started filming with a color handleld video camera. nobody said a word caus ethey just assumed he was part of the ceremonies. the footage was amazing, he is up close to all the players as they are warming up and just carying on conversations with them.
    so after watching this my dad immediately gets on the phone with the dodgers and tells them about what he has. they said they actually didnt have opening day footage in color. so they gave us tickets in th vip suites and a tour of the stadium and they made a copy of the footage.
    turns out that that game just happened to be fernandos no hitter.
    now another funny thing.
    my mom is only a semis sports fan, and she only likes high scoring exciting games. so after the no hitter she was all dissapointed that there were no runs. my dad was all mad at her cause she didnt care that she had just seen a no hitter. so my dad didnt take her to a game for the next 2 years. eventually she whent to a game and 2 years later. that game just happened to be kevin gross’ no hitter.
    can you believe that

  145. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That is an incredible story !! Wow!!! Too cool!! I remember that no-hitter of Fernandos – cool!!

  146. jhallwally

    That’s amazing China. Wow!! Good for you and your dad. I was at that game. It was my first visit to Dodger Stadium and Fernando pitched his no-hitter. June 29th. What a coincidence.

  147. crzblue2

    Very cool MfC sharing a birthday with a fellow ITD blogger! The suites are the only place I have not sat at the stadium. I have seen them during games when I’ve gone to the club level restaurant.

  148. tradejuanpypaperbag

    That’s funny jhall – maybe a no-hitter this weekend too – you never know. Lowe would be scheduled to pitch Sunday 6/29.

  149. crzblue2

    OMG MfC! that is a great story! In all the years I have gone to the stadium, I have never seen a no-hitter. I have watched them on TV only. My friend Alex who has season tix at the end of my row saw Sandy’s perfect game.

    JHall. Wow! I am jealous of all of you that have seen no-hitters.

  150. dodger 32

    At least Kent and Sweeney are gone after this year. Flat Stanley in left is here for another 3 years. I feel as long as Pierre is taking up a starting role this team will not be successful. I said the same thing about Karros years back and that turned out to be true. His game is not what the Dodgers need at least not as a starter, a pinch runner a 4th or 5th outfielder fine. Left field is a power position, and that’s what the Dodgers need. Year after year Pierre does not get better only worse.

  151. cpompe1

    Happy Early Birthdays (6/28) to crzblue and MFC!!! 🙂

    crzblue, thx for the birthday greetings! My husband got tickets for the Hollywood Bowl on the 28th to see Cheap Trick do Sgt Peppers…Revisited! That’ll be fun!

    oh, and crzblue – sorry to hear about your friend and her husband. I will keep them in my prayers.

    enchanted, dnel and eric’s songs! Terrific! And eric, I didn’t mention it before but yes, that was a whiney story from an Angel fan.

    China, I read your stories; they are awesome!!! I haven’t been lucky enough to see a no-hitter in person!!! That is great!!!

    Okay, about the interview. I think it went well. I would be working in the Accounting Department of a company called Ventura Investment Company. (And I hear the boos in the background) but Ventura Investment is a development company that owns commercial and residential (apartment buildings) in CA, AZ & NV. It’s a three-step interview process. Today I interviewed with Donna; she’s the Accounting Manager. If I got the job, I would be her assistant. The person that has the job now is in the process of moving to Virginia, thus the opening now! They are looking to fill that spot soon.

  152. tradejuanpypaperbag

    This original song has been stuck in my head all day long, and I couldn’t get past the first line because it is so classic. However, I couldn’t even give Torre the credit of being a bull frog because right now, I think a bull frog could do better job – LOL!!!
    enchanted, jhall and dodgereric – serious medication is needed because this is just too much fun – LOL!!! 🙂
    Song: “Joe Torre World”
    Original Song: “Joy to the World”
    by Three Dog Night
    Joe Torre is a Dodger
    Is a good friend to vets
    We never understand a single thing he does
    He treats his kids like pets
    And he really has some talented pets
    Joe Torre World
    All in Dodger blue now
    Joe really wishes for the N.Y. team
    Joe to you and me
    If we were the kings of “this world” (Dodger world)
    Tell you what we’d do
    We’d throw away the Neds, and the Joes and the vets
    Keep the kids in blue
    Sing it now
    Joe Torre World
    All in Dodger blue
    Joe really wishes for the N.Y. team
    Joe to you and me
    ***electric piano ***
    Joe knows we love the Andre’s
    Matt’s and Russell’s too
    We want high life players and dynasty riders
    Straight provin’ very young guns
    We said straight provin’ very young guns
    Joe Torre World
    All in Dodger blue
    Joe really wishes for the N.Y. team
    Joe to you and me
    Joe Torre World
    All in Dodger blue
    Joe Torre World
    Joe to you and me
    Joe Torre World
    All in Dodger blue
    Joe really wishes for the N.Y. team
    Joe to you and me
    repeat 3 more times then fade

  153. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sounds great cp- wonderful!! I want to go to Cheap Trick – one of my all time favorite classic bands, and the fact that they are doing Sgt. Pepper’s is even better – Wow!!!

  154. tradejuanpypaperbag

    fliegel – thanks for the flat stanley reference – LOL!! As for Pierre, we can always hope for pianos, reindeer and now, witch doctors – LOL!!


    There is no doubt in my mind that these songs have been seen by folks within the Dodger organization but I doubt we will ever know for sure.

  156. cpompe1

    lbirken – I’ve gotta ask you something. The lbirken in front, I just copied from your e-mail address and pasted here. But is that a lower-case “L” up front or a capital “I” (maybe in Arial font)? 🙂

  157. tradejuanpypaperbag

    thanks, cp – It sounds by what you said, your interview went well. I am jealous about you seeing Cheap Trick – what fun!!!
    Ibirken- somebody other than Josh has to know about these songs even if they go home secretly and look for themselves. I can’t imagine this craziness staying secret.

  158. cpompe1

    yeah dnel, that show on Saturday is going to be fun!!! I’ll tell you all about it when I get back ITD…

    dnel, I just can’t believe how you (and all of our multi-song writers on this blog) keep pumping those songs so quickly!!! You can see, I’m the slow one. I’m bringing up the rear!!! 🙂

  159. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP – do you really need to see the lineup? – we both know Andre is sitting, and Pierre will lead off , and Kent will be 3rd, and everyone else will be in their usuals also. I will be totally shocked if Andre is in the line-up, and I would probably have moment of euphoria if Pierre is not in the lineup.

  160. tradejuanpypaperbag

    lbirken – the real question or curiosity, is who is reading it? That would be fun to know – LOL!!

  161. cpompe1

    no, I don’t need the lineup. You’re probably right, but I like to see it nonetheless. Besides which, I don’t want this thread to get REAL LONG like the other one was not so long ago!!! 🙂


    I would hope that if JP sees these songs he would get a good laugh and just go about his business.

  163. scurtis1999

    Tonights lineup

    Pierre, LF
    Kemp, CF
    Kent, 2B
    Martin, C
    Loney, 1B
    LaRoche, 3B
    Young, RF
    Berroa, SS
    Lowe, P

  164. tradejuanpypaperbag

    lbirken -I hope so too 🙂 The media has been very good to JP, so we can think of this as balance. We do the same thing for the young players. They get slammed in the media and here, we are very good to them.

  165. scurtis1999

    Ha no problem. I stole it from espn message board lol

    Could be a quick game tonight with Burls and Lowe going.

  166. dodgereric

    Tonights lineup:

    Pierre, LF
    Kemp, CF
    Kent, 2B
    Martin, C
    Loney, 1B
    LaRoche, 3B
    Young, RF
    Berroa, SS
    Lowe, P

    Joe: They say we’re old and we can’t see
    Anything good about walks or OBP.
    Juan: Well I don’t care if all that’s true
    ‘Cause you got me, and baby I got you

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Joe: They say our love won’t win no games
    But I don’t care if we go down in flames.
    Juan: I guess that’s so, I don’t care either
    as long as I get to start instead of Ethier

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got 8….point 8 mil, and I put you…. in my will.
    Joe: And when I’m sad, you’re a clown
    And if I get scared, you’re always around
    Joe: So let them say your hat’s too big
    ‘Cause I don’t care, let them call me pig
    Juan: Then put your little hand in mine
    There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got you to write my name
    Joe: I got you to lead the game
    Juan: I got you to pull up my socks
    Joe: I got you to take me on walks

    Both: I got you babe

  167. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Thanks for the reminder Dodgereric – I am going to sing the song every time he comes up to bat because this is absolutely ridiculous!!!

  168. dodgereric

    Thanks, nelly. Bill Murray had to learn a lesson to get his trial to stop. I wonder what lesson we need?

    Enchanted did a few verses of this one a while ago, and I hesitate repeating anything he does. But here goes:

    Well, life in the dugout is kinda laid back
    It seems like the manager, he just can’t hack
    He keeps writing Pierre’s name, let’s give him the sack
    Thank God, I’m A Dodger Fan!

    It never seems to matter that he won’t take walks
    He don’t steal any bases when he can get ‘em with a balk
    He thinks he is a bunter, but he don’t get ‘em near the chalk
    Thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!

    Well, I got me a jersey and I got me a hat
    If I don’t get off the sofa, I’m gonna get fat.
    But round is a shape, don’t bother me with that,
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan!

    When the yard work’s done and cars are clean
    I pull out my laptop and a fifth of Jim Beam
    The kids are aren’t asleep so I keep the language clean
    Thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!

    I hoped Vin Scully is workin’ this game
    But the ESPN has it, their broadcasters are lame
    It’s Morgan and Miller, they’re Giants and a pain
    Thank God, I’m a Dodger Fan!

    Well, I got me a jersey and I got me a hat
    If I don’t get off the sofa, I’m gonna get fat.
    But round is a shape, don’t bother me with that.
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan! Whoo Hoo!

    Fiddle and guitar Interlude

    Well I fire up the Net and I double-click
    On the ITD icon, I’ll have fun in just a tick
    With jhall and enchanted and that dnelly chick
    Thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!

    I see Josh has posted up tonight’s lineup
    Pierre’s leadoff, where’s my GroundHog sendup?
    How are we gonna score, I think I’m gonna throwup……
    Thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!

    Well, I got me a jersey and I got me a hat
    If I don’t get off the sofa, I’m gonna get fat.
    But round is a shape, don’t bother me with that.
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan! Yessir!

    Well, Phew grounds out, why does he do that
    Andre hits it up the middle, what a nice at bat
    Kemp knocks the wall down, what a great swing Matt
    And thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!”

    Our Captain Russell Martin lines an op-field gapper
    I miss Loney’s double ‘cause I’m on the crapper
    Thank Goodness for the DVR, the best friend of the napper
    Thank God I’m a Dodger Fan!

    Well, I got me a jersey and I got me a hat
    If I don’t get off the sofa, I’m gonna get fat.
    But round is a shape, don’t bother me with that.
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan! Yessir!

    Well, finally we got that Kershaw kid some runs
    He blows that 97 pitch, we’re gonna have some fun
    How come my wife gives me burgers without buns?
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan!

    Now, the ninth inning comes and Joe needs a hitter
    Sweeney comes up to the plate, we’d do better with my sister
    Three swings, he’s back down, a professional bench-sitter
    Thank God I’m A Dodger Fan!

    Well, Frank’s had enough, he hands Ned his hat
    He’s just got to go, we keep telling him that.
    Logan White’s got the job, now we’re happy and fat….
    Thank God We are Dodger Fans! Yessir!


    I am going to hope he gets a hit every time at bat and drives in runs if he comes up with runners in scoring position just as I do for every Dodger hitter. I will try not to get too down on him if he doesn’t just as I will try not to get too down on Matt or Russell if one of them can’t get the job done.


    Eric, your song might be my new favorite. It is right up there with I Got You Babe and Tambourine Man.

  171. dodgereric

    Thanks. Isn’t it funny how it just kind of starts gushing out?

    I gotta go and get some water for my fishes. I’ll see if I can’t get back before the game’s over.

    Go Dodgers! Darn the Sox!

  172. dodgrdad14

    Eric, that was the best song yet!! It made me smile after I saw Pierre in the leadoff spot for the umpteenth time!!! and that is no small trick my friend!!!

  173. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric – more like a waterfall in my case, and pretty much falling off every time – LOL!!
    good afternoon, jnv – eric is definitely got it going tonight 🙂


    I still wish someone had the time and know how to compile the songs in one place for quick reference.

  175. tradejuanpypaperbag

    lbirken ~ Eric is keeping track – he has a list, and I am sure he is updating as we go now. He has songs dated back from May 4th. He was able to look up song last night for me – Walk Like an Egyptian – so I am sure he might post it tonight if it’s updated how he wants.

  176. tradejuanpypaperbag

    This list of songs as of June 13th was I believe 121, and many have been added since then. It is a huge list.

  177. porklinks

    Well – I got a heckuva lotta laughs catching up here! Y’all are simply too much and I tip my hat to you. Well, I never actually wear hats, but you get the drift.
    So, where’s the new post from Josh? I see from the lineup that Torre is now playing a RF and a 3B platoon. Meanwhile, a certain player who needs a day off continues to be in LF.
    Stolen from another blog:
    Struggling Blake DeWitt 2008: .268/.335/.391
    Juan Pierre: 2005 – 2008: .287 .330 .361

  178. enchantedbeaver

    I had one more in me for Sweeney. To When I’m 64:

    When I’m pinch hitting, flailing away
    A couple hours from now
    Will JoJo be defending me another time
    Though I stink and’m well past my prime
    If I strike out like one, two, three
    Would you ask for more
    Will Joe still bat me
    Ahead of ol’ Slappy
    At O-sixty-four
    Fail at T-Ball too
    And if Joe says the word
    I could bat for you
    I used to be dandy hittin’ its true
    But all those years have gone
    You can catch me in the 8th or 9th and then
    Next day I’ll do it over again
    Swinging at fastballs,
    Swiping at curves,
    I should be out the door
    Will Joe still bat me
    Ahead of ol’ Slappy
    At O-sixty-four
    Every summer night you can find me in my uniform
    if I’m still around
    I will wait to play
    Torre has his faith in me
    No matter what you say
    Look at my stat sheet, watch me today
    Things look quite askew
    JoJo knows precisely
    That I come to play
    Though my ABs are squandered away
    No batting average, DFA form
    Mine for evermore
    Will Joe still bat me
    Ahead of ol’ Slappy
    At O-sixty-four

  179. porklinks

    Brilliant yet again enchanted.
    “Will Joe still bat me
    Ahead of ol’ Slappy
    At O-sixty-four”

  180. cpompe1

    hey dnel, iheartaethier16 (and any other girl that goes goo-goo-ga-ga over him! Sorry for the fluff again boys!) I’ve got something for you!!! Every once in a while, I check out Dre’s blog; you know just to see if there’s anything new, huh!

    Well, earlier this afternoon I did just that and there was a new comment (#34 under Shabu Hachi.) There’s another blogger that from SF no less!!! Her blog has a link to Dre’s blog, but look at what she says in her 4th sentence in. I’m sure you’ll be able to appreciate it. I sure did!

  181. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Way to go enchanted !! Wonderful job 🙂
    good evening westernmost – certainly glad we could entertain you today.
    On top of all the other images floating in my head I now am picturing Joe Torre as a bullfrog dressed in a Dodger uniform – I guess it’s a break from Pierre as Flat Stanley 🙂

  182. bluecrewgirl

    I am so sick of Ethier sitting against every lefty now. He has hit lefties well his whole career, including college. The only way he’ll work his way out of this short term stuggle with them is to play. I am pretty sure he had more at bats this time last season than he does now.

  183. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP – that is way too cool!! My friend, who is an A’s fan, will get a kick out of that too. I have actually heard about a few of the restaurants on her list.

  184. scurtis1999

    Good to see Arizona going into Fenway and spanking the Red Sox around.

    Wow are you kidding me. I figured they would at least lose 2 there. Typical.

  185. cpompe1

    thought you’d like it dnel!

    bluecrewgirl, I totally forgot to include you on my original post! Sorry about that! 🙂

  186. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl – we hear you loud and clear!!!!!!!! He didn’t hit well on Sunday, but he’s the reason they won the frickin’ game. SIT PIERRE AND PLAY ANDRE!!!! SIT PIERRE AND PLAY ANDRE!!! SIT PIERRE AND PLAY ANDRE!!! Pierre must some magic hold over these people that they feel they have to prance him out there every single night- it’s getting absolutely ridiculous.

  187. bluecrewgirl

    No problem cpompe1 ):

    scurtis – My parents are big Red Sox fans and I just finished telling my dad they need to step it up and help the Dodgers. I think they realy miss Ortiz offensively.

  188. porklinks

    Emma / crzblue – sorry to her about your friend’s loss of her husband. My condolences.
    On a happier note, you wrote “My friend Deb who went to the event and is visiting from Defiance, OH…”. I’m sorry, but I think you meant to write, “My friend Deb who went to the event and is visiting from CHAD BILLINGSLEY’S HOMETOWN…” !!! 🙂

  189. scurtis1999

    Bluecrewgirl. Yup they miss Ortiz a lot, but still I figured could rip Doug Davis tonight. Oh well, we really don’t deserve to be 4 back anyways, but its still early, only the 6th inning.

  190. porklinks

    I still wish someone had the time and know how to compile the songs in one place for quick reference.
    By on June 24, 2008 5:22 PM
    The time is the big deal I think. There are all sorts of place that will host free blogs, including If one had the list, they could find each song, copy it and paste it as a blog entry – just think, each song as its own blog topic!

  191. tradejuanpypaperbag

    westernmost – I thought about Chad too – LOL!!! She needs to say Chad Billingsly’s Hometown (formerly known as Defiance, OH) – LOL!! you definitely know the feeling – LOL!!

  192. bluecrewgirl

    I meant to say really miss Ortiz. Yes, I can spell, lol. Hopefully the Red Sox can come back and beat the D-Backs tonight. Even without Ortiz they have a lot of offensive fire power, so let’s hope they can.

  193. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP (shhh! girl stuff) you mentioned Andre’s blog – I check it several times a day 🙂 I figure he’s just a version of a favorite actor/actress to me – he just happens to play baseball for the Dodgers. He is mighty good looking, and he seems to be down to earth and from what he wrote on his blog – he has quite the sense of humor. I would look for the same things in a favorite actor. My favorite actors all have those same qualities and need to be good at their job too. Andre just happens to be good at baseball.

  194. scurtis1999

    Juan Pierre has a blog now, its at or you can get to the link by googling ” baseball players with no arms”

    lol jk


    I lived in St. Charles, Mo. That’s where The CWS pitcher (Buhrle) in tonight’s game is from. My wife worked with his Aunt for about 6 years at a drug store in St. Charles

  196. scurtis1999

    Thanks thanks. I will be at the local comedy club next week HAHA

    Im pumped for this game tonight! Lets go BLUE!

  197. scurtis1999

    If we can get out of this giving up 1, that’s good. Damn I had Dye on my fantasy team too lol

    OOO Red Sox, nice come back! 1 out top 9 1 man on. 5-4 Red Sox over the copperheads.


    Do you think we’ll wake up before this game is over. They sure know where to hit the ball to drive in a run. Pierre couldn’t throw out his mother.

  199. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    by leefink and martinloneykemp

  200. scurtis1999

    Our offense stands no chance against this pitcher. Im bored already.

    Laroche is garbage in my opinion. I hope he proves me wrong.


    LaRoche is a rally killer. Swinging at 2-0 pitch, what the hell was that. Torre get your head out of your ***, give LaRoche a take sign.

  202. bluecrewgirl

    I am keeping the faith, DNelly. They’ve just missed so many opportunities to gain ground this season. I’ve waited 20 years since the last World Series victory, but I still am not impatient enough to want them to trade away any of the young talent. I can wait longer for better results in the long run. On a side note, I was looking for something in my jewelry box the other day and noticed I still have this blue Dodger watch that they gave away as a promotion in 1988. I kept it to cheer myself up when I needed it because they were only giving the watches away to 13 and under and I was 28 at the time, lol. My boyfriend at the time got a big laugh out of that. I’m glad I did keep it though because even though it’s a cheap watch, it has value to me since they won the series that year.


    I’m SO shocked that Torre has sat Andre & not Pierre!!! =O I mean why wouldn’t he want Pierre to be with him in the dugout keeping him company??? maybe that’s why he cant catch for sh*t his hands are probably too tired from playing with Torre all night. ha ha ha I’m kidding.

    Are we surprised that Andre is not playing tonight? I’m glad I didn’t waste my money on tickets & parking to see Andre NOT playing.

    Thanks for the info CP 🙂 It brings a smile to my face anytime I see Andre’s name anywhere.

    Anyways, I’m making drinks with my girlfriends and watching the game… hopefully I’ll be wasted enough not to remember how GREAT Pierre is playing tonight 🙂 woo!


    The Dodgers are sure disappointing this year to say the least. We don’t even have a player in the top 5 of any position in the All star voting. Russell Martin is the only Dodger in the top 5 of any category in stats (Hitting) in the national league. We totally suck at this point.

  205. oldbrooklynfan

    Been here all the while just got through this thread to make a comment. Youze won’t here to much from me tonight,
    It just takes me too long to get down here.
    I think the Dodgers ought to step out on every pitch against this Mark Buehrle.


    What are you so shock for? Pierre have to play because of his speed and Torre need him up there and Ethier batting 9/53 = .170 for some reason Ethier can’t hit lefty no more so end of discuss.


    Russell is just soo amaazing. EVERYBODY KEEP VOTING FOR HIM!!!! since you can use each email to vote 25 times I went down my address book & used everyones email to vote.. hehehe.. I mean theres no harm they’ll just get a buncha dodgers ads but hey whatever gets the vote in 🙂 SO VOTE EVERYONE LETS MAKE SURE RUSSELL GETS THE POSITION HE DESERVES 🙂

  208. tradejuanpypaperbag

    iheartaethier – I am just waiting for a play like Sunday where Pierre has to come up and actually throw the ball – oh wait, what am I thinking, it’s JP out there – according to Joe, he can do anything, and according to Vin, he’s tireless – so there’s no worries – NOT!!!! SIT PIERRE, PLAY ANDRE!!


    shad78- i was being SARCASTIC obviously I knew he wouldn’t be starting tonight. Of course he’s not improving cus he barely gets to play against any leftys all the while PIERRE STARTS EVERY SINGLE GAME lefty or righty. (And what speed? Half the time he misses his catch cus he doesnt make it in time to get the ball) SO YOU TELL ME, if you don’t get to practice how are you ever going to improve so end of discuss.

    Ugh, annoying.


    shad78- i was being SARCASTIC obviously I knew he wouldn’t be starting tonight. Of course he’s not improving cus he barely gets to play against any leftys all the while PIERRE STARTS EVERY SINGLE GAME lefty or righty. (And what speed? Half the time he misses his catch cus he doesnt make it in time to get the ball) SO YOU TELL ME, if you don’t get to practice how are you ever going to improve so end of discuss.

    Ugh, annoying.

  211. vl4ecc

    The Dodgers are sure disappointing this year to say the least. We don’t even have a player in the top 5 of any position in the All star voting. Russell Martin is the only Dodger in the top 5 of any category in stats (Hitting) in the national league. We totally suck at this point.

    By on June 24, 2008 7:59 PM

    I’ve done my part on the online voting. It’s looking doubtfull there will be anyone on the Dodgers even on the NL roster. It’s a shame! Martin is waaay better than McCann, or Kendall. Soto’s an up & comer, and handles the Cubs pitching staff well. Plus the Cubs are still riding high, even without Big Z. They will probably have at least 4 to5 players on the roster when it’s all said & done.


    Yeah I know but I think it was silly everyone is going to complaint when Pierre played and Ethier sit but he not going to change until Pierre is off this team. I did suggest a couple of days ago traded Pierre/Sweeney/Proctor for Marlon Anderson wonder if the Mets going to do it but didn’t get a reply to that trade lol.


    It is so hard to watch this team these days and I’ve been a fan for over 40 years. If the opposition scores a couple of runs early we just seem to go through the motions. I guess we just have to admit that this is not our year.


    Okay with all that said, Andre doens’t even have to play against a lefty then but why does PIERRE get to start more than any other player on the team. More so WHY is he the lead off hitter EVERY SINGLE GAME….. it’s just annoying & doesn’t make any sense.


    it hasnt been our year since Ned and Frank laid eyes on each other and then added Torre to their little rendevous…. Oh we can’t forget Pierre either 🙂


    DY!!! …… The way these two are pitching, you’ll miss an inning if you go to the kitchen or the can. They must be both double parked.


    Oh I just seen your user name very nice. RHP should always be Ethier/Kemp/Young in the OF until Jones come back.


    Sorry .. I accidently posted the same thing twice …. IMO (Aussie as it is) the only way that JP sits before or after Jones returns is if he is injured. This is our pennance.

  219. vl4ecc

    Nice to see Lowe has settled down & gotten in a good groove since that shaky start. Still hoping the offense wakes up, and gives him some more run support. Same story all year so far……..


    So how many appearances have DY made this year? like 6 or 7? and he has already hit a home run …. how many has Pierre made? UM let’s see he’s STARTED EVERY GAME & has how many home runs? NONE. ZERO. NADA. ZIP. but it’s way better to be able to steal bases than to hit or make homeruns or catch fly balls.

    I think I’ve let out enough hating about Pierre tonight I’ll leave him alone I’m sure Torre will keep him busy ALL night long 🙂


    KEMP’S UP!!!! =)


    How many appearances has DY made this year? like 6 or 7? and has made a homerun already… how many times has Pierre started this year? UM EVERY SINGLE GAME… and how many homeruns? ZERO. NADA. ZIP… Yeah I’ll leave Pierre alone tonight I’m sure Torre will keep him busy alllll night 😉


    Guess I need to be throwing back drinks faster than… these two pitchers are doing it quick.

  222. tradejuanpypaperbag

    shad – that statistic has been around forever, but Joe doesn’t seem to care – if you are going to give Pierre his at bats with righties, then it should be the same for Ethier and lefties. I want DY in there, too!! The outfield should be Ethier, Kemp and Young, and when/if Jones comes back, the outfield should be Ethier,Jones and Kemp. Pierre, other than his few good days, is not worth the chance of losing a game because of his weak assed arm. These games right here are going to depend on defense, too, just like Sunday. I want a defense out there. Nobody is going to care about speed on the bases if he can’t throw the frickin’ ball to at least the infield (Ethier, Kemp, Young and Jones have proven they can do that) when it counts.


    sorry for the double post I thought I got screened & they didn’t let me post my previous one so I wrote one again. HAHA…

    typo- I mean to say *then instead of *than


    ai… unless the Dodgers (or should I call them “First Pitch Swinging, Guaranteed!”) start getting lucky on those first pitch swings, this game doesn’t look like it’s going to end well =[


    Well, that’s it. Good nite everybody. It’s 10:50 in St. Louis. Time for bed. This one’s over.


    Can we wish for a Sweeney walk off homerun? He’s so due to hit one or Pierre maybe hahahahahahaha.


    I think I just heard a door slam shut. Another D-backs loss, another likely lost opportunity for the D’s. Just another day in the Division Nobody Wants.

  228. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Truthfully, right now, I am okay with Andre sitting. His name won’t be in the articles tomorrow with the comments stating no run support, no patience at the plate, etc, etc, etc, 🙂
    BTW – I know it’s hindsight, but I think Andre would have caught that ball 🙂

  229. bluecrewgirl

    Man, the Dodgers are like the Marshmallow Game on the Ellen Show. They get so close and you think they’re going to get their mouth around that marsmallow, but it eludes them at the last minute.



    and now its his all star PLAYER PIERRE!!!

    dodgers are so bad a** right now, too hott to handle. *sizzle*

  231. scurtis1999

    Have u guys noticed, every team we play, at least 6 of the 9 starters on the other team would start over any of our players any day of the week. Id say Martin, Furcal and maybe Kemp are the exceptions.

    FIRE NED and get rid of 95 percent of these players!

  232. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey PierreEW – where have you been? It’s always nice to see the good Pierre here 🙂

  233. tradejuanpypaperbag

    No, they just don’t have it tonight. It was nice to see DY get a homerun – he now has more than Pierre this season too and how many games has he played?


    Just wanted to stay up late enough to see Sweeney K again. Now I’m satisfied that Torre continues to be an idiot. I really don’t blame Sweeney – he probably knows he can’t hit a lick, but Torre can’t get convinced. What an idiot!

  235. scurtis1999

    Lowe should trash the clubhouse!

    What a joke the NL West is. 4 games back is a joke. I kinda hope we fade away into 4th of 5th because the winner of this division will get smoked by Philly or Chicago in a playoff series and you can count the Mets in that too.

    Good F—ing night


    I dont know what else to do but just laugh. you can’t tell me that Joe Torre thinks Juan Pierre is a better hitting option than DY. I mean how was HE good at baseball then? So yeah I am just finally totally loosing it.

  237. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Does that mean another song, jhall 🙂
    It’s okay jungar – we do feel your pain LOL!!
    “Joy to the World” is on the radio – Torre/bullfrog for manager – I choose the bullfrog LMAO!!!

  238. tradejuanpypaperbag

    If the gnats take the division, my personal life in this house will be hell, guaranteed – LOL!! That can’t happen!!!! I will settle for 4th as long as the gnats are 5th LOL!!!

  239. lny4loney

    Hey, folks! Long time, no see (your posts). Friggin’ bar prep!
    First the good news. Loney is now hitting .311 with a 20-game hitting streaks in the games he has started.
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Mark Sweeney needs just two more hitless ABs to get down to an even .100!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Juan Pierre’s OBP since taking over the leadoff spot is .302!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: The Dodgers are 17-27 since Juanpy took over the leadoff spot!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Popgun Pierre has scored just 29 runs this season despite batting leadoff most of the year!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Leftfielders are supposed to have some power!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Major league outfielders have to be able to throw further than a Little Leaguer!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Russell Martin has an OBP of .412 for the season!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Scott Proctor sucks!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Delwyn Young is twice as good as the Popgun!
    Believe It or Not Joe Doesn’t Seem to Know: Joe is a horrible manager!

  240. tradejuanpypaperbag

    martinloneykemp – it has been a long time – how’s the studying going? BTW – nice post- maybe if we keep writing the same thing in 1,000,000 differents ways, one of those ways is bound to get through someday – then again – Joe knows all 🙂
    I reposted the James Loney song when he got his hit tonight. Unfortuately, not much else happened other than DY’s homerun – that was pretty!!!

  241. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric – I told him you had it – very good!! wow!!
    A few more minutes and you can add another song 🙂

  242. tradejuanpypaperbag



    its all part of the shady business they got going on in the front of the office n the game of baseball…. thats what i conclude, theres no other excuse for everything thats going on…

  244. dodgereric

    I have no idea how to do this, but it’s getting done. I’m using the ol’ “Keep pushing the buttons until you get what you want” method.

    The way we write these things I may never catch up.

  245. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I have another song – Do you want it posted here first? Then you take it from here into your blog? The blog looks wonderful, eric – nice car by the way!!! Nice, bright and colorful!!

  246. kpookiemon

    dodgereric, I’m honored to be the first song….for now, anyway.

    I’ve got a great way to watch Dodger games now. I channel surf to Andy Grifffith reruns, which are my favorites, and spend most of my time there. I did see DY’s HR and Sweeney’s K which were the highlights. If anyone out there in blog land is still beating himself/herself up over this team, I feel you should stop immediately. Enjoy the feeble ride and look forward to these exciting upcoming episodes:

    1) Will Dodgers be sellers or buyers, heaven forbid, at the deadline?

    2) Will Ned survive the calendar year?

    3) Will “McCourtland” be finished before Dodgers sniff another World Championship?

  247. tradejuanpypaperbag

    kpookimon – at this point Joe/Ned and company are just giving us more fuel for more songs. It’s the only thing that keeps the sanity at this point. Why Pierre has to be trotted out there every single day is beyond comprehension. So, Eric’s music blog will get a lot of entries the way we have been cranking them out lately. I believe he had listed 121 songs back on the 14/15 of June so it’s probably reached 150 by now. Isn’t his blog just awesome?

  248. dodgereric

    Yeeeesh! Well, I’ve gotten up to June 1. I think I’ve sprained my click’n finger. I think I need to figure out how to archive before I go much further.

  249. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – I know you are working on your blog, but it is really incredible to see so many different names attached to those songs. It makes the group look that much more ingenious. Also, your blog has been at the top of the “most recent activity log” on the page,so that in itself will make others wonder what’s going on. Very good work!

  250. dodgereric

    I’m taking 5 right now. I’m not bad at tedious things, which you’ve probably figured out by now.

    Once I get the hang of this, I’ll put some more shots of the Chevelle on there, for those who like those things. I’ll also, with my son’s permission, show a bit of his Eagle project. We’re going to be setting the foundation for it on Monday.

    I wouldn’t doubt that it’s at the top of most recent activities. Criminy, we’ve been busy!

    Nelly, have you tried posting on any of those threads? I show the feedback enabled.

  251. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I haven’t tried posting on your blog yet – right now it says I don’t have permission,but I was too busy looking at all the songs to worry about it for now. I will post song in the morning as usual. I was working on a second song for the morning, but I was stuck looking at all the songs again, so I will post the 1st one I did in the morning, and then I will finsih the 2nd tomorrrow – great job once again – and that car is awesome! My husband loves it!!

  252. dodgereric

    Look at it again before you nod off. I added some info about us. Let me know what you think.

    Also, to answer your earlier question, I think we should keep writing our songs here. It wasn’t my intention to steal away any thunder from ITD. I just wanted an archive that we could all look at.

  253. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – very good – I like how you gave enchanted the credit for inspiring this whole thing – perfect!!

  254. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I also like what you said about yourself, too – very good 🙂
    Like I said before, it really makes you see how many people have been at least willing to try one song since enchanted started it, and it will make an interesting rest of the season to see who goes off the deepend before September.

  255. dodgereric

    I tried and succeeded in getting another shot of the Chevelle in there. My son’s in it.

    I gotta get to bed. I think I’ll be able to get the rest of our stuff on there tomorrow.

    I didn’t think about just anybody checking that out. Even Giant fans? Maybe I ought to rename it.

    Thanks for helping out nelly, I’ll be back in a few hours.

  256. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Change it from eric or “Dodger lyrics”? If you think it will be an issue, just leave it at eric and those of us at IDT will know it’s ours. Anybody else will fall into it by chance. I didn’t think about gnat fans either (or other joeys too)
    Good night – figure it out in the morning 🙂

  257. tradejuanpypaperbag

    While I was helping eric with his IDT music blog, I ran across the trade blog, and this is the latest going through the rumor mill. Most of it’s nothing we haven’t heard before, but it’s about Matt again. PLEASE NED- DON’T TRADE THE KIDS – THEY ARE YOUR FUTURE DYNASTY – DON’T TRADE THEM!!

    Dodgers Continue to Hold Chips
    With the trade deadline approaching in just over five weeks, the Dodgers look like they’re still unlikely to deal from its young core for a proven veteran to make a run with.

    The club declined to go all in for eventually-traded players such as Johan Santana, Mark Teixeira and Miguel Cabrera in the past year because of a reluctance to mortgage their future for a shot at one of those aforementioned stars.

    The Dodgers began play Tuesday four games behind first-place Arizona, clearly in the thick of the National League West race.

    With injured players such as Rafael Furcal, Andruw Jones, Nomar Garciaparra, Brad Penny and Hirkoi Kuroda all possibly returning around the All-Star break or sooner, GM Ned Colletti told the LA Times he wants to wait a couple more weeks to see what the Dodgers have to see who they may want to aggressively pursue in the trade market.

    For example, if Furcal ends up needing season-ending surgery for his ailing back, the Dodgers then may be in the market for an upgrade over Angel Berroa at shortstop.

    The organization’s biggest trading chips remain the young players it has been so reluctant to deal, particularly talented outfielder Matt Kemp, who may be needed to pull off a blockbuster trade for a player such as Matt Holliday.

    – Michael Schwartz

    Posted on June 24, 2008 at 6:38 PMPermalinkComments (0)
    Tags: Dodgers, Matt Holliday, Matt Kemp, NL West
    Report any abuse or spam

  258. northstateblues

    Geez, if I read another Kemp-for-Holliday trade rumor, I might puke.

    Looks like there were more awesome songs written in here, as the Dodgers missed another oppurtunity/kept pace with Arizona. For all the miscues we’ve had this season, the optimist in me says that ARI just s**ks slightly less than us. But something has to work for us to make any use of that.

    eric, major kudos on the list. Nice to see the songs documented. It’s mind boggling how many tunes everyone’s come up with in the past few months.


    Kemp needs a batting coach besides Honeycutt. He’s not helping Matt at all. What’s this with Matt jumping back from any inside pitch that catches the corner for a strike? He needs a coach that can work with him and it’s certainly not Rick H.

    Oh yeah, we also need a Manager who can relate to the young kids on this team and get them some confidence and it certainly isn’t Torre. He absolutely sucks as a manager.

    I’m sick of Torre standing there watching this team slowly running out of time to win this division this year. He shows no emotion. Start kicking some A** and put players like Pierre and Sweeney who are dragging this team down on the bench and leave them there.

    It’s not to late. But don’t do something stupid at the trade deadline. Trading Kemp for anyone is not the solution.

  260. tradejuanpypaperbag

    “We have to find a better way to communicate,” he admits. “I’m concerned as Ned is; we need to be more consistent. Damn right 75 games is a long time, and so we have to find a better way to explain it so they understand.”

    Torre says he likes the approach Juan Pierre and JeffKent take, and Russell Martin does well at times, but the rest of the Dodgers’ lineup is too impatient and swings at too many bad pitches.

    boblee – this is the article I sited last night, and according to Joe’s statements he likes the wasy Pierre and Kent approach the plate (oh, and Martin sometimes). He just told the rest of team – they suck at it. How can that be team building. Juan Pierre went 0 for 4 just like many of the kids last night, and yes, Kent had a better night, but he’s still swinging and hitting the ball on the first pitch when Joe has clearly told the kids this is not a good approach – can you imagine being Matt Kemp or Andre Ethier who were doing well last year, and even worse, can you imagine what Blake DeWitt ( being a rookie); what they are going through. I think Matt and Andre are trying to find themselves again, and they can’t do it right now. I have read many, many articles on Ethier’s pre-spring training, and he claims all he worked was balance, and look at how he started – doing great. In the article Joe mentions the young players not wanting to change, but now in the last month, they have tried to change that in Ethier, and he is all screwed up, and I think the same thing is happening to Kemp and I wouldn’t doubt if it’s happening to DeWitt as well. Not to mention all the screw-ups end up in the articles the next day, with no mention of Pierre’s 0-4 or Kent’s first pitch swinging. What the kids must be thinking – wouldn’t we all like to know. Sorry for long post – this issue with batting is really irritating how it keeps getting blown up in the media as a kid problem and not a team problem.

  261. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning Dodger Blue Fans,
    I actually had this song written before last night’s game ended, and it was intended to be posted postgame, but I had the unique pleasure of being one of the first to visit eric’s new blog. If you haven’t seen it, you need to – it is awesome! I had left the comment several times throughout this thread and once on one of the songs on his blog, but it’s not only the number of songs that have been written (rewritten), but it was fabulous to see the many different people from this board that have contributed to the craziness. Kudos to all that ended up there, and I am sure many of you will follow the rest of us to the deep end very shortly. This Dodger team (management especially) is making it really easy for most of us to find ourselves in the deep end. Anyhow, this song is dedicated to all of you who have posted (song or not) on this blog.

    Song : “Blogging Party”
    Original song: “Garden Party”
    by Rick Nelson
    We went to a blogging party
    To reminisce with Dodger Fans
    A chance to share old memories
    And write our songs again
    When we got to the blogging party
    We all seem the same
    Dodger blue always, never miss a game
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    People blog from all around
    Everyone is there
    Enchanted, jhall and eric, there’s magic in the air
    And blogging on the other end, much to our surprise
    Jungar, leefink, MLK and bear always staying wise
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lott-in-dah-dah-dah, lot-in-dah-dah-dah
    Changed all the old songs
    Thought that’s why we came
    Everyone read the music
    They didn’t feel the same
    We said hello “ndeshenes”
    The boys must’ve won again
    When we did songs about Juan Pierre
    Josh didn’t make us leave
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    Josh opened up a brand new thread
    And out came all of the girls
    Russell, Dre, Matt, Blake and James
    Looking mighty good for sure
    If you gotta play at blogging parties,
    We wish you all the best
    ‘Cuz the memories and
    The songs we sing
    You will never get your rest
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves

    Here’s link to eric’s blog. Also, you can get to it by going to Dodger Home Page (Underneath ITD blog link) and click on mlbblogs. The link is there too.
    Good Morning Dodger Blue Fans,
    I actually had this song written before last night’s game ended, and it was intended to be posted postgame, but I had the unique pleasure of being one of the first to visit eric’s new blog. If you haven’t seen it, you need to – it is awesome! I had left the comment several times throughout this thread and once on one of the songs on his blog, but it’s not only the number of songs that have been written (rewritten), but it was fabulous to see the many different people from this board that have contributed to the craziness. Kudos to all that ended up there, and I am sure many of you will follow the rest of us to the deep end very shortly. This Dodger team (management especially) is making it really easy for most of us to find ourselves in the deep end. Anyhow, this song is dedicated to all of you who have posted (song or not) on this blog.

    Song : “Blogging Party”
    Original song: “Garden Party”
    by Rick Nelson
    We went to a blogging party
    To reminisce with Dodger Fans
    A chance to share old memories
    And write our songs again
    When we got to the blogging party
    We all seem the same
    Dodger blue always, never miss a game
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    People blog from all around
    Everyone is there
    Enchanted, jhall and eric, there’s magic in the air
    And blogging on the other end, much to our surprise
    Jungar, leefink, MLK and bear always staying wise
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lott-in-dah-dah-dah, lot-in-dah-dah-dah
    Changed all the old songs
    Thought that’s why we came
    Everyone read the music
    They didn’t feel the same
    We said hello “ndeshenes”
    The boys must’ve won again
    When we did songs about Juan Pierre
    Josh didn’t make us leave
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    Josh opened up a brand new thread
    And out came all of the girls
    Russell, Dre, Matt, Blake and James
    Looking mighty good for sure
    If you gotta play at blogging parties,
    We wish you all the best
    ‘Cuz the memories and
    The songs we sing
    You will never get your rest
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves

    Good Morning Dodger Blue Fans,
    I actually had this song written before last night’s game ended, and it was intended to be posted postgame, but I had the unique pleasure of being one of the first to visit eric’s new blog. If you haven’t seen it, you need to – it is awesome! I had left the comment several times throughout this thread and once on one of the songs on his blog, but it’s not only the number of songs that have been written (rewritten), but it was fabulous to see the many different people from this board that have contributed to the craziness. Kudos to all that ended up there, and I am sure many of you will follow the rest of us to the deep end very shortly. This Dodger team (management especially) is making it really easy for most of us to find ourselves in the deep end. Anyhow, this song is dedicated to all of you who have posted (song or not) on this blog.

    Song : “Blogging Party”
    Original song: “Garden Party”
    by Rick Nelson
    We went to a blogging party
    To reminisce with Dodger Fans
    A chance to share old memories
    And write our songs again
    When we got to the blogging party
    We all seem the same
    Dodger blue always, never miss a game
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    People blog from all around
    Everyone is there
    Enchanted, jhall and eric, there’s magic in the air
    And blogging on the other end, much to our surprise
    Jungar, leefink, MLK and bear always staying wise
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lott-in-dah-dah-dah, lot-in-dah-dah-dah
    Changed all the old songs
    Thought that’s why we came
    Everyone read the music
    They didn’t feel the same
    We said hello “ndeshenes”
    The boys must’ve won again
    When we did songs about Juan Pierre
    Josh didn’t make us leave
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    Josh opened up a brand new thread
    And out came all of the girls
    Russell, Dre, Matt, Blake and James
    Looking mighty good for sure
    If you gotta play at blogging parties,
    We wish you all the best
    ‘Cuz the memories and
    The songs we sing
    You will never get your rest
    lot-dah-dah-dah (lot-dah-dah-dah)
    And it’s all right now
    We get along so well
    We find you can’t please everyone
    So we must entertain ourselves
    Here is the link again to eric’s Dodger music blog 🙂

  262. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted ~ isnt’ eric’s site awesome!! Look what you started – it is crazy, but look what fun you have brought to this board.


    I’m nominating TJ Simers as an honorary blogger on inside Doggers for the audacious article he wrote concerning Ned’s incompetence and Torre’s inability to get a handle on the team in now 75 games. Much as we rave and rant on this forum, a voice like Simers in the local media might gain some traction and actually show Frank what a laughing stock his organization is becoming in LA. TJ had the nerve to call out Ned on his bad trades and signings, something we’ve cited here many times. Keep sounding off, TJ. Let’s drive Ned, the worthless piece of crap right out of town. Press, please eat him alive.

    LOGAN WHITE OR NG – anybody but Colletti as our GM.

  264. enchantedbeaver

    JoJo as we all know is a bona fide idiot who ought to learn to keep his mouth shut so that nothing further spews out of it in the media about the kids not getting quality ABs.

    You want to talk quality ABs from PVL Kent? Situation: Down 2-1 late in the game. One out (from that tremendous hitter Juan Pierre). Kemp singles to bring up Kent. Kemp is your teams 2nd best base stealer and you need to get him into scoring position. However, rather than seeing a few pitches to even give Kemp the OPPORTUNITY to steal, PVL Kent hacks at the first friggin pitch, and good fielding turns it into a DP. That’s a fine quality AB JoJo. BTW JP 0 for 4. That’s setting the table. Berroa 0 for 3, but I assume since he’s a veteran that those were quality ABs also. Sweeney’s K was another fine AB as well, but at 6 for 57, he really gets it doesn’t he? In all my days following the D’s I’ve never hated a manager like I do JoJo The Clown. Fire the SOB now before the kids are irreparably damaged or you might as well trade all of them because before long they’ll be totally useless – just like JoJo’s pet PVLs.


    That, of course should read “inside Dodgers” in my post. Sorry, but my blood absolutely boils every time I think of Ned, and that’s how typos happen.

  266. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bear and enchanted – I, too, was glad TJ asked those questions. Pretty much the only good trade was Ethier (the only one still around and playing) However, isn’t Torre an idiot if he feels like JP and Kent are taking good AB’s – He can’t possibly be watching the sames we are. He can’t be – can he?

  267. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My computer went nuts, I guess – sorry eric -it posted the song three times. What the hell happened? Like this thread isn’t long enough already lol! – sorry guys 🙂

  268. jhallwally

    Outstanding Eric!!! The song website/blog is outta sight. Totally b*tchin’!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great song Nelly. LOL!! Bloggin’ Party. So appropriate. Wow!!

  269. tradejuanpypaperbag

    good morning, jhall – the website eric did is rockin’ – I repeat – WOW!! Thanks for the song kudos! I wrote it during the game because all the game was doing was making me frustrated at all the same things we are frustrated with and then some now. There doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of Joe’s tunnel anytime soon – like enchanted said, he better figure it out soon before he royally messes up all these wonderfully talented kids – very scary thought.

  270. jhallwally

    LOL!! I actually got some sleep last night. Turned in early and wake up to a new blog and another great song. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. Go Rat Pack!!!!!

  271. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Glad you got your rest – I think we will all need it after this series and then moving on to the Angels. I envision many many songs in the next week. I had a pretty good nap yesterday afternoon so I was ready to go last night. I just wish I could wake up this easily during the school year.
    enchanted – fires still up in the mountains – not expected to be contained until next week. Very smoky here again today with temperatures in the mid 90’s.

  272. tradejuanpypaperbag

    “With guys who work quick, the only way you can slow them down is to get men on,” Juan Pierre said. “We didn’t get anyone on base tonight.”
    Isn’t that supposed to be JP’s primary purpose for leading off is to get on base? If he had gotten on in the first inning, he would have scored with Kent’s hit. At least he was honest and used the word “we” instead of “they.”

  273. dodgereric

    Gooooooood morning ITD!!!

    Hey nellie, you have a little stuttering problem? 🙂 Nice song(s)!!!

    Yeah, it was good to see TJ hit Ned a little. It would have been nicer to see him say that even if the PVLs come back it ain’t gonna help much ’cause they’re PVLs. I can’t help but wonder if that email I sent him a few days ago was the spur. Remember it?

    enchanted, you’re inspirational as always. But instead of emailing Sarah, I went to the one sportswriter in LA who isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions or back down from anyone: TJ Simers. I just sent this off:

    Dear TJ,

    First, I’d like to congratulate you on your evening with Vin and John. What a wonderful idea, and may God Bless you for having it and carrying it through.

    Second, (and my intention with the first is not to kiss your butt), I am one of those incessant blogger idiots on Inside the Dodgers who are in constant criticism of the Dodger (mis)management. The question was brought up by one of my pals over there that, and I quote, “Surely there has to be one L.A. sportswriter that doesn’t toe the company line.” I, being a regular reader of the Times for many years, naturally thought of you.

    The bulk of the media have focused on the fact that the Dodgers have a lot of very young and raw talent on the big league club and they are prone to mistakes. This, they claim, is the major reason that the Dodgers are mired in their horrendous slump. Article after article and quote after quote claim that they are inexperienced, impatient, uncaring and selfish. But no one has the guts to stand up and tell them the truth. That truth is that the young players are the only ones performing at all. The great veteran players that Joe Torre constantly trudges out there (at least the ones who manage to stay off the disabled list) are the ones that are letting the team down.

    Rafael Furcal would be the one exception, except that he’s missed 30 games with no real hope of returning this season or ever.

    Juan Pierre is constantly listed as a major force, but in reality he is one of the poorest leadoff hitters in the majors. His on-base percentage is horrible. Look it up yourself if you don’t believe me. Yet Torre insists on running him out there every game without even considering the possibility of replacing him, even for one game.

    Jeff Kent is Hall-Of-Fame bound, but his 5-year wait for that honor probably should have started at the end of last season. Yet he is also there day after day in the 3 or 4 slot, halting rally after rally.

    Andruw Jones, well, you know.

    Nomar Garciaparra was finished somewhere in 2007, to be kind about it. Someone should tell him.

    Mark Sweeney has the 2nd-most pinch hits in history. That is what he is, history. It’s ridiculous that Torre sent him up to bat for Danny Ardoin yesterday. Ardoin’s average of .167 is 50 points better than Sweeney’s. Look it up.

    As poor as Ardoin’s average is, I’m praying that he remains the backup catcher for the rest of the year because I don’t ever want to see Gary Bennett trying to throw again.

    What do all of these impressive individuals have in common? Four, mainly. One, they are veterans counted on by the Dodgers to mix with the kids and make a serious run for the playoffs. Two, they are having miserable seasons. Three, those miserable seasons are being ignored by sportswriters and broadcasters as being the BIGGEST problem the team has. And four, almost every one was brought here or resigned by Ned Coletti.

    I know that you’ve been busy following the Lakers during their playoff run and preparing for the Vin and John show. But now that the show is done and the Lakers are nearly done one way or another, could you PLEASE bring your considerable talents to bear on Dodger management and their failures. I am a faithful 50 year fan of the Dodgers and used to be very proud of it, even in their down years. Now, not so much. I’m excited for the future, but afraid that the horrid job that McCourt and Coletti and Torre is doing with the youth is wrecking that future.

    Help us, TJ Simers. You’re our only hope.



    We’ll see………….

    By dodgereric on June 16, 2008 11:21 AM

  274. jhallwally

    Great letter Eric!! Let us know if you get a response. If the team continues to underperform, I can see the media turning their attention to Ned’s incompetence. I hope so. Again, super blog!!! Thanks!!!

  275. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Awesome letter Eric – you need to repeat it three times like the song -LOL!!! Seriously – very impressive and I hope TJ takes it and runs with it. 🙂


    Great letter, Eric. Let’s hope that more of the LA and national media start taking the management to task. That’s the only thing likely to catch Frank’s attention. I don’t think he’ll like being in that kind of limelight.

  277. dodgereric

    Thanks, but note that I sent it back on the 16th. I emailed it directly to him thru the Times. I never received a personal response, I’m thinking that his column today IS the response. Maybe I ought to respond to today’s column as well. I still don’t think he went far enough. As I said earlier, if they’re waiting and hoping for things to change just because Andruw and Nomar and Schidt return, they’re hopelessly stupid. Oh, I forgot………

  278. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Here’s another one – only once this time – lol!!!

    Song : The Great Pretender
    Original: The Great Pretender
    by The Platters
    This one wrote itself very well 🙂
    Oh yes, Pierre’s the great pretender
    Pretending that he’s doing well
    He’s need is such, he pretends too much
    He is bad but we can all tell
    Oh yes, Pierre’s the great pretender
    In left in a world of his own
    He plays the game, but to his real shame
    Joe’s let him dream all alone
    Too real is this feeling of make-believe
    Too real when the fans hearts can’t conceive
    Oh yes, Pierre’s the great pretender
    Just slapping the ball like a clown
    He seems to be what Andre is not, you see
    Dre’s doing his part all around
    Contending that he’s victory bound
    Too real is this feeling of make-believe
    Too real when the fans hearts can’t conceive
    Oh yes, Pierre’s the great pretender
    Just throwing the ball like a clown
    He seems to be what Andre is not, you see
    Dre’s doing his part all around
    Contending that he’s victory bound

  279. aeversw

    joe said he wants to see the kids taking more AB’s like Juany and Kent.

    Pitches per plate appearance, 20084.13 Ethier
    4.06 Martin
    3.90 Loney
    3.86 DeWitt
    3.79 Pierre
    3.68 Kemp
    3.37 Kent

    evryone should read dodgerthoughts today.

  280. enchantedbeaver

    Funny Eric – my dander was up again this morning and so before I left to do some errands a couple hours ago, I shot this off to TJ:

    Dear Mr. Simmers,

    Thank you for the June 25 article regarding Ned Colletti’s track record. We at the Inside The Dodgers blog have lamented over his compilation of “talent” for a long time. It’s been obvious from the start that he is in way over his head, and someone (or someones as the case may be) needs to call him out in media print as it seems to be the only thing the Frank McCourt understands or cares about.
    Joe Torre also needs to take the heat for this season as well. His constant references in the media to the likes of Juan Pierre, Jeff Kent and Mark Sweeney “getting it” and to his old “Yankee’s days” shows just how out of touch he is and was perhaps the worst choice Frank could’ve possibly made to manage an up and coming team. I think we’ve all seen how many, if not all, the young players have regressed. Joe has sucked the life right out of them and seems hellbent on breaking their spirit, which is their strength. They seemed fine last year “not getting it.” Perhaps the most troubling aspect is Joe’s double standards for the vets and the kids. Kemp swings at the first pitch and he’s impatient. Kent swings at the first pitch and he “knows what he’s doing.” I believe if you take a look at pitch counts, the kids will on average see more pitches than the veterans. OBP isn’t even close between the two. And Sweeney – really? .105 and he gets the ABs in critical game situations?
    On behalf of the ITD bloggers, I implore you to bring these discrepancies and flat out BS spewed forth by Colletti and Torre into the light of day. Between the two, they’ve taken a once proud organization and are running it into the ground, while Frank fiddles as it burns. The only thing that can save it is if someone wakes Frank up in the one medium he pays attention to – PR.
    Thank you for your time.




    dnelly. I was away from the computer for awhile. I agree about the kids what you mentioned earlier.

    I coached my sons little league for 7 years and my daughters softball for 5 years. When I had kids doing thinks wrong we worked on those mistakes in every practice till we became good, whether it was batting or fielding. It’s seems like the Dodgers coaching staff is Ho Hum, oh well, we don’t care. Kemp can be a great hitter but he needs some coaching and you can tell, he’s not getting it. He keeps doing the same thing over and over without improvement. Most of his problems are batting. I’ve watched in slow motion and on occasions, he pulls his eyes off the ball before he makes contact and then doesn’t make contact.

  282. jhallwally

    Excellent Nelly!! LMAO!!
    Great letter E!! Negative media attention is probably the only way to wake up Frank.

  283. dodgereric

    Brilliant, enchanted! Absolutely BRILLIANT! The only thing I would change is the signature! Thank you.

  284. cpompe1

    Bravo on those letters to TJ Simmers! Maybe this is the kick-in-the-b*** that’s needed to affect the changes that NEED to be made! Lord knows that nothing worthwhile is happening now…

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