Tonight's game

Pierre, LF

Jones, CF

Kemp, RF

Kent, 2B

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

DeWitt, 3B

Hu, SS

Lowe, P



    Let’s hope that Lowe is extra sharp for this one, because the lineup does not bode well for a lot of runs on our side.

  2. junkyardjamie

    okay, I am officially upset, now – not the lineup I wanted to see. I hope pitching is there tonight.

  3. crzblue2

    I hope a better performance by the Dodgers than what we’ve been getting lately. Speaking of performances, today is the 30 year anniversary of Kingman’s Performance. -Emma

  4. j-murray

    i’m really pulling for andruw today. he’s currently on pace for 6 homers and 30 ribbies. he’s gotta snap out of it some time……hopefully.

  5. scurtis1999

    I have no confidence in D Lowe tonight, but hopefully he can get us back on the winning side of things. Lineup is ok, it is what it is with the injury to Furcal. Hopefully Druw can get it going against Parra.


    so when torre said yesterday, that he planned to give jones a FEW days off… he really meant, none. geez, that 9th inning walk by jones with the 0-fer yesterday from andre must have made joe’s decision the easiest ever… who am i kidding, i bet he knew today’s lineup before watching a single at-bat from yesterday =P

  7. porklinks

    Manny Parra, Brewers starter.
    2008 – 7 starts, 5.79 ERA, 1.867 WHIP, batters hitting .311 .403 .455 against him.
    Career – 9 starts (16 games), 4.88 ERA, 1.661 WHIP, batters hitting .287 .375 .404 against him.
    I smell trouble.

  8. scott_in_arcadia

    Parra’s stats are typical of the kind of pitchers that have been looking like CY Youngs against the Dodgers lately.

  9. dodger 32

    Why does Torre feel the need to play Pierre. Didn’t he watch last nights at bats by little Juan? Where’s Ethier? It really doesn’t matter if Lowe is like he has been. Hey Derek, pitch like you have been and watch the money slip away.


    Sweet lineup.

    As a leadoff hitter Pierre is getting on base at at .172 clip

    bolsterd by our 2 hole guy who has gotten on at a .282 clip for the year.

    Of course this follows the pitcher and another guy who has gotten on base at a .281 clip on the year.


    imagine how grea we would be if we had the lowest payroll in the NL, not the highest.

  12. jhallwally

    Imagine how good we would be if Ned used all that money wisely. If you don’t waste around $60M on Phew, Jones, Nomore, Schidt, and Bloaiza then you can sign the Santana’s and Torii Hunters.

  13. dodgereric

    Got a little time to kill. Drpdedblnd was lamenting on the last thread “…and I’m sooo tired of not having any power….”. Me too. For such a storied franchise, our career HR leader is a bit embarrasing:
    ATL – Henry Aaron – 733
    NYY – Babe Ruth – 659
    SF – Willie Mays – 646
    MIN – Harmon Killebrew – 559
    PHI – Mike Schmidt – 548
    CHI Cubs – Sammy Sosa – 545
    BOS – Ted Williams – 521
    STL – Stan Musial – 475
    PIT – Willie Stargell – 475
    HOU – Jeff Bagwell – 449
    CHI WS – Frank Thomas – 448
    BAL – Cal Ripkin – 431
    DET – Al Kaline – 399
    SEA – Ken Griffey – 398
    LAD – Duke Snider – 389 (Karros, LAD leader at 270)
    CIN – Johnny Bench – 389
    TEX – Juan Gonzales – 372
    OAK – Mark McGuire – 363
    TOR – Carlos Delgado – 336
    CLE – Jim Thome – 334
    KC – George Brett – 317
    COL – Todd Helton – 306
    Angels – Tim Salmon – 299
    NY Mets – Darrell Strawberry – 252
    MIL – Robin Yount – 251
    WAS/MON – Vladimir Guerrero – 234
    AZ – Luis Gonzales – 224
    SD – Nate Colbert – 163
    FLA – Mike Lowell – 143
    TB – Aubrey Huff – 128

    Thirteenth out of the “original” 16 teams. If you consider that the Dodgers moved to LA in 1958 and the first expansion year was 1961, it puts the list in a little more perspective. Move Karros’ mark into position and the 7 teams below him are expansion teams. Seven of the teams above are also expansion teams. Dead center in the expansion teams. If Guerrero wasn’t moved out of Montreal at such an early age, we’d be below the middle of the expansion teams. The only good thing about it is that the Padres are worse.

    I’ve never thought of Karros as a real power hitter. Certainly Piazza would have passed him if he had stayed, but he didn’t. It would be nice to have a Dodger up higher on that list someday. Perhaps Kemp, if we can hold onto him. I know that someone might say that in today’s game, you can’t hang onto someone very long anymore. But there are an awful lot of modern players on that list.


    Joe is really destroying Ethier’s confidence and putting tremendous pressure on him for every at bat by the way he’s benching him. Andre will be a mental case pretty soon, but then I doubt that Joe really cares. It will just give him a better excuse not to play him. I guess we all have to face the fact that Pierre is Ned and Joe’s boy and he’s going to play regardless of his performance or the affect on the team. This is going to be a long and wasted season for the real Dodger fans.

  15. porklinks

    Dodger Stadium greatly depressed home runs until very recently.
    The Dodger all-time HR leader would be different if the evil Fox regime hadn’t cobbled together one of the worst trades in history. Curse you Chase Carey!
    -the poster formerly known as old_fogey_la

  16. dodgereric

    Good point fogey.

    Gotta get to my son’s hockey game. Hope to join you after the Dodger’s win tonight. Can’t help but think that Andre would produce more runs in the leadoff spot than Pierre.

    Go BLUE!!!!!!

  17. oldbrooklynfan

    It seems like Andruw is under a microscope.
    Every little accomplishment gives Torre confidence in him.
    I guess that’s how it is when barring injury, you threat the guy who you know is diffenitely your starting CF.
    Let me say that Jones will have to do an awful lot of accomplishing to make most of us forget Ethier.


    I completely agree redfox. I think Ned and Torre had it in their minds from the beginning that Pierre would be the leftfielder and that Kemp and Andre would share duties in right field. A self fulfilling prophesy to start Pierre. This really stinks for Andre and the team.

  19. jhallwally

    After Joe sees a couple of weeks of Phew in the lead off spot, I think when Ferk gets back, Phew will see more pine time. Phew’s hitting will continue to decline and it will be a no brainer. I think by the time Ferk gets back Phew’s OBP will be below .330. Maybe well below.


    I’d like to think that you’re right, jhall, but that assumes that Joe is thinking clearly and using common sense. So far we haven’t seen any evidence of that occurring. In all probability, it will just give Torre the opportunity to say that he needs to play Pierre to give him a chance to work though the slump. After Pierre’s AB in the 9th inning last night, he should be sitting tonight. You don’t hit the first pitch you see after a 10 pitch walk – especially when a walk in that situation would have put the tying runs in scoring position and given Ethier a chance to provide Gagne with another blown save.

  21. porklinks

    The Cards led the NL last year with 154 GIDP. LA was 12th at 116. The current pace of 41 in 39 games would project to 170. 158 is the highest NL team total in the 2000s – the 2003 Brewers.


    I understand the basic logic behind batting “first ball pop-up” in the leadoff role, he’s a rabbit for sure. Behind the same logic, maybe we can get Carl Lewis to come out of retirement and bat lead off for us. Afterall, speed is the name of the game as it applies to being a good and productive lead off hitter; right? Getting on base is over rated anyway when you’re a speed demon like Pierre. He does lead the Dodgers in “speed back to the dugout.” Does anybody remember that cat down in the minors last year who went crazy and started lobbing the rosin bag like a grenade? That’s how Torre’s/Colletti’s/McCourt’s managing philosophy makes me feel on a daily basis. Even though on some days a blind squirrel can find a nut, today’s line-up features four automatic outs in a row. Hu, Lowe, Pierre and Jones. In fact, the sad part about it is that Lowe may be the most productive hitter in that group. I love Hu, but his bat just isn’t ready for big league pitching. I hear a lot of people (Torre included) talk about letting Jones play through his slump. Jones’ slump started at the beginning of the 2007 season. The way I see it his slump has lasted for nearly 200 games. That my friends is not a slump. I guess it’ll take Torre another 200 games to figure it out. His excuse last year was an injured wrist. The wrist seemed to work just fine getting the fork from the plate into his mouth. Colletti, if you’re listening, please do me a favor; ammend Jones’ contract to include a free tripp to the Hometown Buffet for every homerun he hits. Maybe a Big Mac for every double and a Moon Pie for every RBI. I was against his signing from the start. I wanted Rowand. I thought Jones was a Cadillac when he was with the Braves and he’s proving me right. I bet if the catering truck was parked at first he’d hustle his fat*** down the line. Un frickin’ believeable! We have All-Star caliber outfielders who are sitting to watch million dollar babies suck the life out of my beloved team. Winning isn’t the only thing, in fact, it’s seems to me as though it doesn’t even matter. Frank McCourt has become the Donald Sterling of MLB. Everybody stand back, I’ve go a sack full of rosin bags, and I’m not afraid to use ’em!

  23. oldbrooklynfan

    When somebody hits our starters, everybody hits our starters, even ninth place defensive catcher Kendall.
    I don’texpect Torre to do anything for a while.

  24. junkyardjamie

    I was actually going to say nice hit for Pierre, and then he got caught stealing – classic!!!!
    Sara – there’s another tally mark for Pierre getting caught stealing.

  25. northstateblues

    Ya know, I try to be optomistic about this team (after all, it’s only May), but the way they’re playing so far, it’s almost an exercise in futility.

  26. northstateblues

    What hurts the most is that anyone can see we have the talent. It’s just not being used properly, and frustration is an understatement.

    Maybe they should start laying some thin cardboard on the field at the Stadium, because we all know the Dodgers play best on paper.

  27. junkyardjamie

    Where’s Ethier, Joe!!! We want Andre to come out and play, Joe!!! Please, can he come out and play now, Joe – please, please, please!!!!!!!!
    Spoken like a teacher, who has been brainwashed by her students – lol!!

    Feel free to put Ned’s name in place of Joe’s – I’m not sure who’s to blame anymore.

  28. enchantedbeaver

    All I can say is, if Torre’s waiting on the vets wake up May/June like he did with the Yanks and become saviors, leading the team to the promised land, Joe’s gonna be wandering the wasteland for a VERY LONG TIME.

    Pierre’s not even capable of doing what it is he’s supposed to be good at. The starters stink. Nomore, Sweeney, Pierre and Jones – you know, Ned’s vets, emit a most profound foulness from having been reclaimed from the dung heap, and the kids will never get any experience with Torre managing.

    There’s a new song for this organization – Crying time again.

  29. jhallwally

    Did I miss something. The Brewer announcers were talking about signing Martin to a 6 year deal before the season after the Braves gave McCann a long contract. I don’t recall that happening. Actually quite the opposite. That’s what we want them to do, and of course they don’t have the foresight to get it done.

  30. enchantedbeaver

    Welcome to opening day 2088 and all the festivities surrounding the 100th anniversary of the Dodgers last World Championship…

  31. kpookiemon

    Ho hum…boy, does that winning streak seem long ago. This is SO like the past few seasons. Up/down/up/down/up/down. That said, let’s free the innocent. Grady, you weren’t the answer, but in hindsight, you probably weren’t the problem, either. Joe? Andruw? DeWitt? Hu? Kuroda? You weren’t even here the last couple seasons. Kemp? Andre? Loney? They wouldn’t play you, so you’re off the hook. Martin? Please…one of our FEW bright spots. The guilty? I’m too weary to total up the carnage.

  32. jhallwally

    DeWitt!! Rookie of the year candidate so far. Oh wait, they’ll bench him when Nomore comes back. Fools.

  33. junkyardjamie

    Brewer announcers are talking about possible dh’s for this weekend. I’m going to game in Anaheim on Friday – who will be DH for us? I would think with the way the line ups are going, it’s anybody’s guess at this point.

  34. enchantedbeaver

    That’s right Rick, yes the green chastity belt surrounding the stadium looks just the same as when it was installed way back in the early 2000s.
    Yup Charlie, and the team hasn’t changed much either since then, heh heh…

  35. kpookiemon

    DH in Anaheim will be Pierre. Granted, he’s not a great defender, but we gotta have that hitting machine with blazing speed in the line-up.

  36. oldbrooklynfan

    I think the DH should help Torre with the outfield situation for a while.
    If it doesn’t………?

  37. scurtis1999

    Angels will take 2 out of 3 from us. No doubt about it. BDV will rip dodger pitching. I wish I could be more optimistic.

    nice at bat JP

  38. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) And to throw out the first ball, its our current general manager Ned Colletti III. Listen to that crowd… I think the fans are a little mixed up, sounds like they’re sayin Booooog.

    And here’s the ceremonial first batter Andruw Jones II…

    (Charlie) You know Ned makes a lot of pitches to free agents…

    (Rick cuts Charlies mike) And Here’s the pitch…

    SWUNG ON AND MISSED… heh heh, like father like son.

  39. porklinks

    Pierre with a craptastic bunt attempt, a liner to the pitcher! Then Jones with his SECOND single.

  40. junkyardjamie

    Okay, is it possible for Andruw to lead off the next game? (jk-I think). He is doing better than Pierre. Hell, everybody is doing better than Pierre right now.

    Two strikeouts for Kemp isn’t good, either.

  41. kpookiemon

    OK, I’m losing it again watching this game:

    People try to put him down.
    Talkin’ ’bout my Juan Pierre.
    Just because Andre sits down.
    Talkin’ ’bout my Juan Pierre.
    Things he do seem awful (well, just awful…sorry, no rhyme)
    Hope he sits ‘fore Andre gets old.
    Talkin’ ’bout my Juan Pierre.

    This is Ned’s acquisition, Ned’s acquisition, baby…

  42. porklinks

    “(well, just awful…sorry, no rhyme)” – how about “weird” pronounced to rhyme?

  43. junkyardjamie

    Thanks for the petition link, westernmost. I really like your other name better. Will you ever get it back or is it gone for good?

  44. perumike

    Well guys, I have to go hang with my Boy Scouts tonight, but I’ll be checking my cell for the score in hopes of some kind of miracle. Have a great night.

  45. junkyardjamie

    Well, out of all the sites, this is by far the most creative bunch.
    Nice one – kpookimon!

  46. kpookiemon

    That works, westernmost. Book it!
    Don’t mean to pick on Pierre…well, I guess I do. But at the end of the day–as always–the body lies at the feet of our fearless GM. He created the mess, we just slop around in it.

  47. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) You know, there are a lot of former Dodger’s that reached Hall of Fame status AFTER leaving the Dodgers, and we’re lucky enough to have several of the great and great great grandchildren here today.

    (Charlie, mumbles something as he’s not figured out how to turn his mike back on.)

    (Rick) Why I see the Martins and Kemps out in the right field pavillion, and there are the Loney’s, Martin’s and Kershaw’s out in the back of the third deck down the left side. Unfortunately the Ethier’s wern’t able to get in the stadium.

    Really make you long for the old days eh Charlie?

    (Charlie muffled) Um-Hum.

  48. kpookiemon

    “Yeah, Charlie, I still remember the trade that sent Martin, Loney and Kemp to the Mets for Carlos Delgado and a sore-armed Johan Santana back in 2010…right after Colletti signed that new 7-year contract of his…”

  49. porklinks

    Wow, they didn’t hit for the pitcher there, 2nd and 3rd, two out? Parra isn’t going more than one more inning, should have hit for him, crappy pen or not. The Dodger offense better make Ned Yost pay for that poor choice.

  50. oldbrooklynfan

    If anyone said that Blake DeWitt is our brightest star right now, he’d get no argument from me.

    The Brewer announces were joking about stealing the Dodger signs…
    The way things are going…
    I don’t know.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    Those were the days Rick, but a lot of people thought that was a bad move at the time. However it was able to block the youngsters just long enough for reaquiring Lugo.

  52. enchantedbeaver

    Rick) And here’s this afternoon’s line-up:

    LF Juan Pierre V. Juan’s a tireless worker who get’s to the park at 3:00 AM to help sweep the parking lot. Juan’s been in the league 12 years now and is hoping that this will be the year of he gets his first homerun. Nicknamed Pop-gun I assume for that wishful first dinger…

    (Charlie) Juan’s been working on an underhanded throw from the outfield in hopes it will improve his distance. The wind-up takes awhile though…

  53. ucscslug

    Pierre has some of the most feeble swings i’ve ever seen from a major leaguer… but we’ll take it.

  54. junkyardjamie

    I guess Pierre will be in the line-up again tomorrow – the ruled that last one a hit, so on the books, he is 2 for 4.

  55. oldbrooklynfan

    We got a break here in the 7th but we’re going to take it .
    Maybe Andruw can help us out here.


    That inning was a mid 60’s Dodger rally minus the stolen base and the sac fly.

  57. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) Batting second and in center, Andruw Jones V. One of the most consistant hitters on the team. He’s mastered the art of swinging on the same plain for every pitch no matter where its thrown.

    (Charlie) And those 7 RBI he had last season is one of the reasons Ned extended his contract. He’s an imposing figure at the plate too – kinda reminds me of Refrigerator Perry.

  58. porklinks

    Leadoff walk was bad, but Proctor got everyone else. First five up are Kemp, Kent, Martin, Loney, DeWitt. The time is NOW!
    -the poster formerly known as old_fogey_la

  59. scurtis1999

    I see Park is the starting pither on Saturday against the Halos.

    The Dodgers will start Chan Ho Park over Hong-Chih Kuo against the Angels on Saturday.

    Park has a 2.16 ERA in 25 innings out of the bullpen. He’s expected to be available to throw 85-90 pitches on Saturday.

  60. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m sure Pierre will remain in the lineup as long as Furcal is out.
    But also you have to remember that Torre likes his play and Colletti bought him.

  61. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) Batting 3, 4, 5 and 6 and playing all the infield positions, Nomar Garciaparra.

    I spoke with Ned III earlier today and he said it was his great grandfather”s dream to one day have Nomar as a super infielder that could play all the infield stops and thankfully, he can fulfill those dreams now through cloning.

    (Charlie) Yeah the cloning took awhile to perfect though. Back in the 2050’s you’ll remember the Nomars we went through because they all played like Nomar the first when he was in Boston. Boy Ned II realy had his hands full.

    (Rick) No chance of that happening now Charlieboy, we’ve reached the pinacle of the technology. Now he goes calf, back and hammy on us and keeps coming back (or one of him does) for more.

  62. porklinks

    Kemp just ripped that ball, unfortunately it was caught. And he went, what 2-4 with a double yesterday?

  63. porklinks

    Dang – that was out in a stadium that doesn’t have OF walls that belong in a pinball machine.

  64. oldbrooklynfan

    If we get through the 8th it will be DeWitt & probably two pinch hitters.
    We may see Ethier.

  65. porklinks

    I agree with you, Joe Pierre. It will be DeWitt, Young and Ethier. Then the “top” of the order.

  66. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) Batting 7th and in RF, Jeff Kent.

    Now entering his 97th season Jeff’s still chasing that elusive World Series ring. He taken the move to right like you expect a true veteran performer (holds his hand over the mike – he hit me with his walker.) They say he doesn’t have the mobility he did when he was 85, but he’s still a gamer and a great guy in the clubhouse (covers the mike again – if you like Sam Kinison.)

    Charlie. Anything to add?

    (Charlie) Depends.

    (Rick) On What?

    (Charlie) No. I can see Jeff’s Depends. He’s worn them on the outside again.

  67. enchantedbeaver

    (Rick) Batting eigth and catching, Gary Bennett IV.

    Tough choice here as it could’ve gone to so many deserving backstops, but Torre VI does favor the vets. Gary muscled down and hit a robust .133 this spring.

    (Charlie) He’s also working on his throw to second by running half way there before he lets go of the ball.

  68. porklinks

    An 0-5 collar for Kemp with 3 Ks. I see the wheels of Joe’s mind spinning already. Ethier in RF against Sheets. JP stays in LF and Jones in CF. Kemp to the bench!

  69. jhallwally

    Sammy Says, F-you!!!
    Props to Phew, he didn’t stink tonight. Good job!!
    Kudos to the bullpen. H*ll of a win. Way to go!!

  70. alex41592

    HUGE WIN! I want to call this a tide turner but we face Ben Sheets in 14 hours. Sleep fast. The bullpen came up huge! DeWitt and Pierre are the players of the game without a doubt. But, we all NEEDED this and hopefully the D’Backs can lose…we’ll see.

  71. oldbrooklynfan

    Both the starters & the bullpen have 10 wins each.
    and we’ll finish the first 40 games at at least .500.


    Greatway to end a losing streak. Dewitt and Pierre the stars of this game, If that’s how you pitch after 4 days of the flu, may some of our other pitchers catch it.

  73. oldbrooklynfan

    They might’ve had their Craig Nettles & their Brooks Robinsons but we have our BLAKE DeWITT.


    Amazing 6 to 4 Victory by our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers over the Milwaukee Brewers. Super Hero Juan Pierre does it again with his 3 Hits, 3RBI’S and Clutch Double. Fear Not, all us Dodger Fans, Reinforcements are on the way,so Let’s all sound the Charge all the Way to Our Seventh Word Series Championship!

  75. perumike

    Wow, I get home and find this great victory!!! Congrats to the Dodgers!!! Let’s keep it going in the morning!

  76. edwcarter

    Huge win by the Dodgers, and congrats to Juan Pierre for being the hero.

    Huge win by the Lakers as well. Look forward to going to game 6 on Friday night to cheer on the beloved Jazz…even though there’s not much hope. Go Dodgers!


    Yeah I was gone as well. Watched thru 8 innings and had to leave. Way to go Pierre, I am as shocked as you are. Let’s take the series tommorrow vs Mr. Sheets.


    If Juan Pierre can make me eat crow everyday, I’ll be a happy camper. Great game Juan. You still don’t deserve to start over Ethier though.

  79. junkyardjamie

    I left the game in the 7th to drive home and then when I got home, I was pleasantly surprised. I showed up, DY was on 1st, Andre was batting and got his single (way to go Andre!), and then there was Pierre. I have to give credit where credit is due, and Pierre deserves the credit for this game, along with DeWitt, of course. Kudos also has to go to Andruw for a much better day and our bullpen for getting it done today.
    Let’s win the series tomorrow and head home (sort of ) to play the Angels this weekend. Can’t wait to go on Friday!

  80. junkyardjamie

    Looking at the replay of the 9th inning, you have to give credit for Andre and his ability to score from 1st base. He is normally not accredited for his speed, but he sure came around 3rd with speed that was really good for him. Maybe that is something he is working on since it’s the only thing that Pierre has over him. I am sure he is working on everything since he has to prove he belongs out there everyday.

    Also, Kemp sure was off today – hopefully it was just a bad day for him, and he will be back in full swing tomorrow. I could see him DHing at least once during this upcoming Angels series.


    Well, congratulations to Pierre for a fine clutch performance last night. What’s this rumor I’m hearing about Ned talking contract extension with his agent.

  82. dodgereric

    I’ll echo bigkace in saying well done to Juan and a big thank you for helping to end the losing streak. We really needed that one.

    However, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s the 4th-best outfielder on the team. Sorry. It doesn’t mean that I HATE him.

    In other news, from the LA Times today:,0,4795462.story
    “Rafael Furcal is making progress in physical therapy to ease the pain in his lower back. But with the possibility that Nomar Garciaparra could return from the disabled list before Furcal, Torre said he might use Garciaparra at shortstop to keep Blake DeWitt in the lineup at third.

    “He was taking groundballs there” Tuesday, Torre said of Garciaparra, a five-time American League All-Star at shortstop who moved to the corner infield spots four years ago. “He volunteered that he could do this. And I certainly would be open to it.”

    And: “Chan Ho Park, 1-0 with a 2.16 earned-run average in 25 innings of relief, will make his first start as a Dodger since 2001 in Saturday’s interleague game at Angel Stadium.

  83. junkyardjamie

    To the morning group,
    I must admit I was so excited to see us come back and win last night, and like I said up above, I have to give credit where credit is due and Juan Pierre – you came through for us, and for that, we are much appreciative. However, I am still a firm supporter of Ethier, Jones, and Kemp in the outfield, with DY and Pierre coming in on off days and such.

    Morning game for those of us on the west coast –
    Go Dodger Blue!!!!!!!

  84. kpookiemon

    Kudos to Pierre last night, however………with apologies to rock’s great poet:
    Hey Mr. Ned Colletti,
    Won’t you hear our plea,
    We’re not winning
    And there is no place we’re going to.
    Hey Mr. Ned Colletti,
    Won’t you hear our plea.
    In this jingle-jangle season,
    Won’t you please play the kids.
    Andre is a gamer with the sweetest swing you’ll see
    Kemp is just a beast
    DeWitt we want to keep
    Repko’s still on his feet
    Waits only for a recall to contribute
    They’re ready to go anywhere,
    They’re ready for to play
    Pierre is in the way
    Andruw’s a “big” mistake
    Nomar, he fell from grace
    They’re only just road blocks to the future
    Hey Mr. Ned Colletti
    Won’t you hear our plea,
    In this jingle-jangle season
    Won’t you please play the kids.

  85. dodgereric

    Great job, kahli! You guys are setting a standard that the rest of us cannot reach, but keep it up! It’s great fun to read them! Shoot, it took me a full day to come up with that simple limerick a few days ago.

  86. dodgrdad14

    Slappy did hit well last night, but everyone seems to forget about his play in the outfield that cost 2 or more runs. The hit to shallow left field and the guy scored from second without as much as a throw???? That was pathetic!! just like the night before!!

  87. junkyardjamie

    My friend and I work next door to each other (connecting classrooms), and we are both avid baseball fans (she’s a Braves fan, but forgiven – lol!). She knew I was going to the Dodger’s/Angels game on Friday, and she has been my vocal sounding board over this whole outfield issue. I think someone here had mentioned getting t-shirts that said “Got Ethier?” way back in spring training days. Then, again, it could’ve been me thinking it (idk). Well, she brought me one today, and it is the coolest thing! Just had to share story. She also gave me a copy of the decal – it’s pretty awesome. In the word got, the letter “O” is a baseball, and of course she put the decal on a pure Dodger blue t-shirt.

  88. scurtis1999

    Whoever predicted no Kemp today is right on.


  89. junkyardjamie

    Didn’t say it, but I thought it might be Matt’s turn to sit – poor guy 🙂
    You would think with Sheets pitching, they would have overlooked his day yesterday, but then again, nothing has made sense so far so why should we be surprised.

  90. scott_in_arcadia

    Slappy did well at the plate, but like “jnv” said above, his defense is atrocious and Ethier, Kemp & Jones are still the three best OF.

    Trade JP while the rest of the league is blinded by his decent offensive stats.

  91. kpookiemon

    Memo to Billingsley: trust your stuff, throw strikes, and believe you’re a major leaguer…or go back to AAA until you do believe it. Question for Honeycutt: What EXACTLY do you do???

  92. junkyardjamie

    I know and even though JP did well offensively, the Brewer announcers were still all over his defensive skills, so mlb is fully aware of that issue, unfortunately.

  93. scott_in_arcadia

    I just noticed Kent’s OBP is .287….yuck! Maybe Kent should sit and LaRoche given a shot at 2B? Or DY? I mean, Kent is extremely limited defensively as it is and if he’s not hitting….maybe it’s time to call it quits?

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