A tough break

Actually, it’s not a break but a torn UCL that will require surgery for Andy LaRoche and keep him out for 8-10 weeks. What unfortunate timing for this to happen, given the great competition that he and Nomar had been having this spring for the third base job. Making matters worse, Nomar also took a pitch off his wrist/hand, but X-rays came back negative, which is always positive. We wish Andy a very speedy recovery and I’m sure we’ll see him in the bigs at some point this year.

However, one thing this does is remind us all how important depth is for a team. The fact that we had both of our third basemen get hurt within a span of a couple innings just shows the unpredictability of the game. One minute, everyone is weighing in on which guy should be the starter and the next minute, Angel Chavez is playing third base. Let’s hope Nomar bounces back quickly and that we don’t have any other injury issues to deal with this spring.

Here’s today’s lineup in Jupiter for the game that will be on KCAL, with you-know-who behind the mic.

Furcal, SS

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

Jones, CF

Ethier, DH

Kemp, RF

Young, 2B

Martinez, 3B

Repko, LF


  1. dodgerboy55@gmail.com

    Josh after watching you at Vero, when do you have time to blog. Anyway very unfortunate on Laroche. In the 3 games that I saw when he made contact it was hit hard. He had his confidence and I think eventually would have won the job.

    Ned please do not panic and trade for Inge, he is a career .246 hitter. No, do not do it!!!! Nomar can hold the fort until Laroche comes back in May/June. We do not need 3 years of Inge, we have Laroche and Dewitt.

    Hopefully Andruw has found his swing, because when I was there his bat looked slow.

    I am still excited about the 1 inning of Kershaw. You had to be there, he was electric the ball was exploding out of his hand and that curve ball was intimidating. Once he settled down, he was unbelievable. In a way I would love to see him open the season, but coming up in May/June may be what he needs. However if it means we have Bloiza in the 5th spot, go Kershaw.

  2. ewk216@nyu.edu

    This a big time lineup when thinking about the obvious moves of nomar for ramon and Ethier for Repko… I like it…

  3. stringtest@gmail.com

    oh man, what a bummer for laroche…

    now we have an interesting IF problem. are DY and TA capable of playing backup SS?? if not, then somehow, ramon makes the team…

  4. alex41592@aol.com

    Abreu has a minor injury: From Tony Jackson:

    Tony Abreu, who yesterday played in his first game after being out of action with an abdominal injury, now has a gluteus injury (a pain in the, well, you know). It isn’t thought to be serious, maybe just a day-after injury from his having finally played in a game. Torre said he felt it the first time he took a ground ball. LaRoche’s surgery is Monday in L.A. Nomar is fine, but will be out of action for a couple of days. Joe and Ned met this morning, and pursuing a 3B from outside the organization was discussed, but don’t look for it to happen until later in the spring, after all other options are explored — and those options DO include trying Delwyn Young and Chin-lung Hu at 3B.

  5. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    I HOPE WE DIDN’T CURSE OURSELVES After saying Pierre would help the Mets with their outfield injury problems and we’ll take Mr. Met in return, then celebrating Nomar’s hit by pitch to open 3rd for LaRoche, I think we were punished. *****It’s tough enough knowing this might be Kent’s last year and we don’t know yet if Furcal will be back next year, *****I hate to think we will have to break in a whole new infield with the exception of Loney in ’09.

  6. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Even though Looper couldn’t find the plate I think Loney & Ethier(twice) showed disseplan(spelling)at the plate. And Kemp made it pay off.

  7. jspelk2@uic.edu

    Nice to see one of our first rounders, DeWitt, in action. I hope he makes it to the bigs with us. He’s got a great swing.

  8. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Placing DeWitt at third is the correct move, we have to see these kids play. RamoneII, we all know. Kuroda got a good workout and some more ML experence.

  9. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Disaplen Dissiplen Dissaplin If you can see what word I’m trying to spell, can some one help me, I can’t find it in my dictionary? Thank You *** I’m having as much trouble with it as the Dodgers had over the past few years.

  10. messagebear@yahoo.com

    I think you’re looking for “discipline”, PierreEW. Can you help me and give me a recap of who’s done what in this game, since we don’t have a play-by-play today. Thanks.

  11. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Lombard another power hitting old outfielder, like the”Mayor”? Mark Worrell no relation Joe Pierre no relaton. lol

  12. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Thank you bear, I better make a note of it. It’s been a high scoring game especially the Dodgers hitters and the Cardinal pitching has been terrible. We’re winning 13-3. 5th inning Hrs by DY, Furcal & Lombard. Kuroda had a rough first inning but did good over all, I’d say. Ethier showed good discipline(thanks again)(2 walks) at the plate. Let’s hope we can hold the lead.

  13. messagebear@yahoo.com

    Sounds good, and nice to hear some of our power explode. Maybe it will spark DY and Raffy in particular.

  14. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    You may also like to know Martinez was suppose to be at 3rd but they made a last minute change, probably wanting to watch the kid play. I didn’t catch if anything was wrong with RamoneII. Score: Dodgers lead is 12-6. Sturtz got knocked around.

  15. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    It’s been batting practice all day 16-6 now. Disregard that Ramonell above it was a typo should’ve been RamonII. trying to be fancy and screwed up.

  16. messagebear@yahoo.com

    Thanks for the update. I hope we can fill some of the substitute holes with our young guys. We’ve already had Martinez and Sweeney on the club without any good impact, so why expect them to be improved with another year under their belt. For the youngsters there is a definite upside.

  17. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    After 6 innings of play it’s 16-6 Dodgers. Scully says that they don’t have a “Mercy” ending.

  18. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    In case anyone wants to know Pierre hasn’t entered the game yet. Ethier DH, Jones CF, Kemp RF & Repko LF. Young 2B & Blake DeWitt started at 3rd. Martin & Loney were in place. That’s how it started.

  19. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Oh I forgot the line on top. (sorry Josh) but ofcourse as I said before Ramon Martinez II (always wanted to do that)was scratched but now is at 2B Who’s at SS? (lol) and some of the rest are in there now. Sorry I’m not keeping a regular scorecard.

  20. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    The Dodgers went down 123 for the first time in the 8th. Scully said the game was “Gone with the wind” in the 6th. But you know these ST games, who knows who the D’s will bring into the game before it ends?

  21. enchantedsunset@msn.com

    It worries me that Nedco even toys with the idea of bringing in another 3B towards the end of spring, even if something happens to Nomar. We’ll end up with a piece of **** like Inge or Crede with an over inflated contract for the next few years, thus blocking LR and of course Ned will have to play the guy because of his contract and not his merits. If that’s the case, I’d just as soon have Ramon in there.

  22. jhall1218@yahoo.com

    Yep Enchanted, I totaly agree. We’ve got plenty of talent to cover till LaRoche is back. Nomar is actually looking good so far. I think he has a chip on the old shoulder and wants to show everyone that he is not washed up. He’s playing for next years contract and the rest of his career. A lot of added impetus.

  23. jhall1218@yahoo.com

    I would hope Ned doesn’t make another stupid panic Ned move. I get the feeling that he just thinks he should make a trade for the sake of making a trade because he is the GM. Play with yourself Ned, you need to find those babies.

  24. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    Well that’s it. Believe it or not the Cards went down 1-2-3 for the first time today in the bottom of the ninth. Let’s hope Dem Bums didn’t use up all their runs for the rest of ST. I have to pick up some money(2nd load) for baseball tickets at Shea, Yankee Stad., ( Last Year for both), Keyspan & SI No not Dodger Stadium. Not Yet.

  25. enchantedsunset@msn.com

    I’m just worried he’ll give up someone like Hu or DeWitt to bring in a junker. Even at 3 months Andy can be back by mid-late June.

    If Nomar can just stay healthy until LR makes it back we should be OK. I really expected LR to be the 3B after the first game (Torre would’ve at least let Nomar start opening day.)

  26. jhall1218@yahoo.com

    Well, that is certainly his reputation so far. He has a chance now to break the trend. I am not sure he has the brains or fortitude(read nads), to do it. Unfortunately, we the fans pay the price by having to watch his ill advised acquisitions. Or in the case of Schmidt, we don’t even have to see it.

  27. bigduckdaddy@hotmail.com

    We used to have a intermural team in school called the Nads. Go Nads!!! also, Go Dodgers!!!. A friend at work brought his Las Vegas 51’s season tickets by to show me. He is a sick Cubs/Angels fan but buys the 51’s tickets and donates them back to charity. Go Nads!!! Always thought that was a funny cheer. Hope Joe has some.

  28. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    I don’t know if anybody’s around right now but if you get a chance since this thread will probably turnover before anyone gets on. I won’t be around tomorrow afternoon. Can you tell Messagebearer I missed that question he asked me about Blake DeWitt. He’ll get a better answer when he reads the box score.

  29. messagebear@yahoo.com

    DeWitt is probably a year or two ahead of his time for competing at the major league level at this time, but it must be a thrill for him to get a chance or two in this ST. It’s great to see how deep we may be in prospects, if we just keep them and keep nurturing them for our own Dodgers.

  30. ndeschenes@securenet.net

    Once again,Andy,we are with you every step of the way when you return and don your Los Angeles Dodger uniform again!20 to 6 for our beloved Los Angeles Dodgers and also without Superman Jeff Kent!Wow!Matt Kemp has such tremendous potential,knowing he will show us great things this year!How about Jason Repko!He definitely will not be denied.This team has great depth!I will say it again,this 50Th Anniversary Los Angeles Dodger Team is a great Team and when all the dust settles, We will be The World Series Champions and Mr.Los Angeles Dodger,Future Hall Of Famer Superman Jeff Kent will have his well deserved World Series Ring!

  31. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    The sudden loss of LaRoche has everybody in shock, I know I am. Last year we had a 3-headed monster, this year we will probably have a thousand legger, especially if Nomar can’t handle it. I was almost sure it was LaRoche with Nomar as a super backup taking Martinez’s spot.

  32. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    I case anybody forgot, don’t forget to spring ahead one hour tonight before you go to bed.

  33. americanartpottery@hotmail.com

    LaRoche may have a “gamekeepers” thumb. His ulnar collateral ligament may have been stretched by his constant X-Box usage, predisposing him to the thumb injury.

  34. underdog8@gmail.com

    However you feel about the Dodgers on a minute level, I hope you’ll join me in refusing to read anything else by Bill Plaschke in the LA Times. I am so fed up with the fact he continues to get published, yet alone write about the Dodgers. The man has an obvious disdain for the team, its players and its fans, and even worse knows very little about baseball. It’s depressing when you realize what a fine sportswriting tradition that paper has, and now we’re stuck with the Plaschke’s and the Simers’ of the world. It’s one thing to be questioning of things on the team from time to time — if you know something about baseball. But if you don’t, the constant negative attitude (plus his predictable columns explaining why we’re stupid for thinking maybe Pierre isn’t one of the Dodgers three best outfielders) is tiresome. If you agree with me, write a letter or email to the Times’ sports section about him.

    And the single sentence paragraph thing?

    That’s got to stop.

    It’s really patronizing.

    And monotonous.

    Go Dodgers!

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