Another day, another Cy Young Award winner

That makes three Cy Young Award winners for this road trip, including Roy Halladay, and six on the season including John Smoltz, Greg Maddux (twice) and Barry Zito. But on the bright side, we missed Tom Glavine and Bartolo Colon, so as I’ve learned in life, it can always be worse. Here’s hoping today’s results are better than yesterdays…a 6-4 road trip would not be bad at all, if they can pull it off.

Tonight’s the deadline to vote for All-Star balloting and win or lose, I have to say hat the people on this blog have been tremendous in their support of the team. We’ve never seen the kind of voting numbers that we’ve seen this year and I do believe that those of you who visit this site are responsible for a ton of it. No matter what happens, don’t let anyone tell you that LA fans are laid back because I think we’ve seen otherwise.

A big homestand coming up against the Pads, Braves and Marlins. Tomorrow night is mesh cap night which seems to be the "in" type of cap these days. Fireworks on July 4, Furcal’s bobblehead on July 6 and on July 3, we’re going to witness the 175 millionth fan attending a Dodger game since 1901, with all sorts of cool things going on that night. As Vin would say, "We hope you’ll join us at Dodger Stadium this homestand."

Here’s today’s lineup:

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF

Martin, C

Kent, 2B

Gonzalez, LF

Kemp, RF

Loney, 1B (batting .500 on the year – 19-for-38)

Abreu, 3B

Wolf, P



    We’re obviously still not addressing Furcal’s ankle, and Kent does not deserve being in the cleanup position. Gonzo should probably fill that just to show Kent that his cleanup performance has not been acceptable. Otherwise, let’s go Blue!!! We want to be back on top.


    I don’t think we have anyone else on the roster now that can play shortstop so we have to play Furcal at least till Martinez comes back.


    I guess my thought was that Abreu can play ss as well as he can play 3rd base, and we have both Saenz and Betemit that can play 3rd. I’m only wanting Furcal to get his ankle fully recovered for the rest of the season. Having him at 100% can make such a dramatic difference to our team’s offense, and I’m afraid that this is being overlooked by letting him play on, though poorly on the offensive side.


    I usually don’t like to comment on the batting order but I have observed the FURCAL although his ankle has not effected his fielding except once, he seems to be somewhat stationery on the basepaths. This should be a concern since it’s a big part of his game. If he’s not going to be agressive then why not let him bat behind PIERRE whose seems to be raring to go whenever he gets on. It seems wrong that all you can hope for is a good bunt from PIERRE when FURCAL seems to be waiting at first base. I’d rather see PIERRE dancing off first and FURCAL handling the bat. Well let’s hope Their RANDY has a bad day & OURS can get passes the FIRST INNING. The wolf pack will be out there trying to scare everybody especially Johnson.. It should be fun with KEMP & ABREU in the lineup with MARTIN & LONEY. THIS COULD BE THE START OF SOMETHING GOOD. LET’S GO YA BUMS GETS SOME HITS WITH RISP.


    This ridiculous consecutive streak of Pierre’s is killing us. The odds of Pierre hitting against Johnson are not good. Why not Kemp in Center and Ethier in left!?! Grady, you’re killing me.


    I think Abreu only played third and second for the 51s this year.. playing him at short might be a bit of an adventure. If we need a shortstop I’d rather they bring Wilson Valdez back up, he’s hitting .352 right now in AAA.


    Took me awhile but Pierre is hitting .179 against Johnson.. Ethier has never faced him. Interesting, Furcal is hitting .385 against him.. only player on the team with a good average against RJ


    recently i saw one of my favorite movies “Still, we believe, the Boston Red Sox Movie” its an interesting look at the red sox 2003 season. it looks at inner workings of a franchise. But, thats neither her or there… the point i’m trying to make is that it saddens me deeply to see what has happened to Nomar.He’s just not himself anymore. He might not even be Andy LaRoche anymore. I can only hope Nomar goes through a rejuvination and turns it around..



    I’m not going to complain today. Everybody already knows what’s what with the lineup anyway!

    Trusting that management is trying to put the team that will win on the field ( else Loney, Kemp, Abreu would still be on the farm and Bills in the pen, after all ) and that the guys will sort themselves out while playing.

    If we had a decent shortstop fill-in, Furcal may already have been working on getting that ankle healthy. Maybe giving him some more days off around the All-Star break may help heal his hobble.

    Back to business, Dodgers!


    Considering how poorly we hit against good pitching, we might be in for a very rough weekend

    Randy Johnson 3.52

    Chris Young 2.08

    Jake Peavy 2.14

    Justin Germano 2.67

    John Smoltz 2.98

    In that order…EEEEK!!!!


    I’m not going to question the line -up only how come Either ‘s not playing ? Can’t they ever sit down their prize center-fielder? It makes me question how serious management is about trying to win over not looking bad.


    its really a question of judgment how much a “prize” he really is. But yeah, Ethier and Gonzo have both proven they can hit LHP. Pierre is horrid against LHP, and yet he plays.


    He’s horrid period. All he brings is speed which is important , but to use it he would have to get on base.


    Pierre is the only speed threat we have right now.. When he gets on base he puts pressure on the pitchers.. and steals bases. It’s exciting to watch him run..

    We have other more pressing problems.


    Why are people bashing Pierre right now? He’s having a better season than Nomar. If you don’t believe me, look at the stats.

    Averages: .266 (Nomar), .271 (Pierre)

    On Base Percentage: .304 (Pierre), .306 (Nomar)

    Slugging %: .321 (Both)

    Nomar has batted 3rd with those numbers for the vast majority of the season. He’s averaged a HR every 22.9 ABs leading into this year. This season he’s averaging a HR every 274 ABs and counting. While Pierre’s numbers aren’t that good, Nomar who we all expected to have a good year has been that much worse.


    Tony Abreu’s natural position is…shortstop. They converted him to second base when he signed. And he did play SS for the 51s in a few games this year.

    Valdez will not be added to the roster again.


    I want Nomar to succeed this year, I’ve been looking forward to him turning it around all year, but we’re about midway through the season now and he’s shown no signs of life. If he’s hurt, I wish he’d go on the DL so he can return with some thunder in the second half.


    a few notes from someone who has missed blogging for awhile.
    one, last year ned said it takes 35 to 40 players to win a pennent, and even though I also question some of the moves last year, and this, Ned is right, and this year we have again used alot of players, and we are in contendion to win the division.

    two, protect our prospects, last year, and even this year, some of you want to trade the future for guys like Dunn, but without Martin, Bills, Kemp Loney, etc. our present, and our future would be bleak.

    three. don’t trade 3, 4 or 5 prospects for one rent a player, that just does not make good business sence.

    last for now, It gets to be a waste of time to follow our AA, and AAA team, because all we are playing their are older guys with no future in L.A. please release about 10 of these guys to give playing time to our young, homegrown talent. WE also need to release some of them to make room for our new 2007 drafted players.

    thanks, great to be back


    If Pierre has to play at least bat him 8th. He should be joining Nomar on the bench. Might as well put Kent next to them too. I’d like to see…

    Furcal ss

    Abreu 2b

    Martin C

    Gonzo LF

    Kemp CF

    Loney 1b

    Ethier RF

    Betemit 3b

    Lets predict the first inning. Furcal will fly out, Pierre will ground out, Martin will double, Kent will pop out. The heart of this lineup is the 5-8 spots. That’s sad.


    Abreu and Betemit could both play SS. Ramon Martinez will probably replace Abreu on the 25-man roster when he comes off the DL.

    I think we just hope Furcal fights through it for the next week. But try to give him a day or two off on each end of the All-Star Break. If he got the Sunday before and the Friday after, he would have a full week of rest (and some treatment), and miss only 2 games. Hopefully, that would do the trick.

    Nomar just has to turn it around. Hopefully coming home tommorrow will help.


    I still think the team is better off for now with Pierre in center and Ethier & Kemp platooning.. Pierre is just too important on the base paths.. though i would bat him leadoff instead of Furcal if it was my decision.


    i updated the last thread for all those who took my bet. (Would Derek Lowe have a higher OBP on July 25 than Pierre.)

    .306 Lowe

    .304 Pierre.

    Can Lowe run? If so he would be more valuable as a hitter than JP.

    But I want to play along on this bet…

    Lets predict the first inning. Furcal will fly out, Pierre will ground out, Martin will double, Kent will pop out.

    I am going with..Leadoff single for Furcal. Followed by a force play at 2b, followed by a Martin single. Kent will strike out and Gonzo will hit a grounder to 2b.


    i’d prefer Betemit at 3rd base but i’ll take Etanislao Abreu the way Nomar is struggling


    Very few people in all of baseball have good career numbers against Randy Johnson – he’s a future HOFer, you know. And when was the last time there were THREE left-hander batters starting against the Big Unit (four if you include Wolf!)?

    career vs. Randy Johnson:

    Lieberthal 6-26, 3 2B, 3 BB

    Furcal 5-13, 1 2B

    Martin no PAs

    Ethier no PAs

    Betemit 0-3

    LuGo 0-3, 1 BB

    Pierre 5-28, 4 BB, 6 SB, 1 CS

    Kent 6-34, 1 2B, 5 BB

    Saenz 1-9, 2 BB

    Nomar 3-15, 1 2B, 1 HR, 2 BB

    Brady Clark 5-8, 1 2B, 2 BB (oh, wait…)

    Olmedo Saenz is an emergency 3B at this point, at best.

    Abreu plays SS well enough to ride out a 15-day DL if Furcal needed it. (How about having those 15 days include the All-Star break?) Ramon Martinez might be DFAed, unless they think he’s a better 3B than Nomar. šŸ˜‰

    Valdez will be back on Sept. 1 or thereabouts, primarily to PR and be a late-inning defensive replacement.

    I’m worried about Brad Penny coming back to earth. Did you know he has only one 200 inning season, in 2001?

  25. | June 28, 2007 02:38 PM wrote, “i’d prefer Betemit at 3rd base but i’ll take Etanislao Abreu the way Nomar is struggling”

    I wouldn’t prefer him. Against RJ, he’d bat right-handed, where he is Wilson Worsemit.


    It’s a lefty = No start for Betemit

    Pierre walks yesterday and turns it into a triple with one out. Martin and Kent both failed to drive him home, Pierre tried everything to get a run on the board. Nobody on this team has the ability to do what he does “when” he gets on base. The fact he didn’t score has nothing to do with him. He did everything he could. That run scores it changes the entire complexion of the game, but that could’ve been said 15 other times last night. New game, new scenarios, thankfully something new to talk about coming up soon.


    I have feeling Nomar is going to turn it around tomorow… and so does my friend PONCHO!…


    I think we can all relate to what Nomar is going through right now, one way or another. I just hope he finds a way to snap out of it and get back to his ol’ self. Still, looks like a great line-up and hope we can pull a win at the end of the day.

    Go Nomar! (rest up)

    Go Russell (Vote!!)

    Go Wolf Pack

    Go Dodgers!!!


    How many teams do we know start their .400 & 500 hitters batting 6th & 7th…

    Oh, that’s right, they are rookies so they obviously don’t deserve to bat higher in the order…

    Will sombody please explain to me why Pierre continues to bat in the 2 hole… What is the advantage to the team.. CONFUSING !!!


    Nomar knows he cant hit like he used to. You can see it in his face. This is more than a slump. He lacks confidence in his ability. I wish it wasn’t true, I really hope for the best for him.


    OK Thats it WHY DO YOU CONTINUE??????Why do ask JP in the #2 Hole Why are you avoiding the most obvious????WHY IS FURCAL STILL LEADING OFF????That is the question that pertains most to this line up!!! Furcal says he can’t run Grady Knows he can’t run the whole world Knows he is not hitting and cannot Run!!!WHY are you baffled with JP in the #2 hole unless you are refering to why isn’t JP leading off?then nevermind….


    “Sometimes, when you go through these things, you recognize what you’re doing wrong so you can go work on it,” Garciaparra said. “But right now, I have no idea what the problem is, so what am I going to go work on?”


    Pierre bats at the top of the order because he has speed.. you always put your speed guys at the top.. not so confusing…

    Kemp will not continue to hit for that high average… he just doesnt have much of a sample size yet.


    1) Bartolo Colon has an ERA of 5.90 – that’s the kind of pitcher you want to face. I’m not going to get into why he didn’t deserve a Cy Young, but he hasn’t been that good for Anaheim except for 2005.

    2) I agree that Furcal should rest, but I also see the logic of Betemit sitting against RJ (although his last homer was against a left-hander). Run Abreu and/or Betemit out there with Furcal on the bench tomorrow and that should work out pretty well.

    3) With the allstar game coming up, did Brandon Webb remind you of Trevor Hoffman during the all-star game last year with more luck?

    4) Last night Roger Clemens failed to get a strikeout against the Orioles, nor did he register a “quality start” after giving up 4 runs in 6 innings. So I’m optimistic against this future hall-of-famer tonight.

    5) No matter what happens, I think Randy is going to win this game.


    Alex, I guess we’re going to find out whether or not our hitting coach will do stuff like study film and explain problems, and even, oh I don’t know, coach.

    So the pressure’s on: it’s Mueller time.


    What good is Pierre’s SPEED is HE NEVER GETS ON BASE?!?!?

    THE LADIES (Garciaparra & Pierre) should sit for the rest of the season.


    Patience on facing The Unit. His pitch count is being watched closely so take some pitches if you can.

    Go dodgers!


    HA Yup 2 shots. Im leaving in 30 minutes to head to the bar, so Ill knock out a couple Jager Bombs!


    What good is Pierre’s SPEED if HE NEVER GETS ON BASE?!?!?

    Pierre did what he does best… right on cue.

    THE LADIES (Garciaparra & Pierre) should sit for the rest of the season.


    Pierre gets on base fine.. He’s been hitting fairly well lately.. Last few games he was robbed by great defensive plays a few times.. but he is doing what he should be doing.. hitting the ball on the ground and running fast.. he really hasn’t done anything to spark such hostility on here.


    What good is Pierre’s SPEED if HE NEVER GETS ON BASE?!?!?

    Now, if both of our guys got on base (like they’re supposed to) something would’ve transpired from the two guys onbase.

    THE LADIES (Garciaparra & Pierre) should sit for the rest of the season.


    oooh spanner it started the day he was signed around here for JP to the point its been the JP blog everyday since before spring training….


    SPANNER, you are (for the lack of a better term)… a bonehead.

    Pierre has the SEVENTEENTH best OBP on the team!!!


    When Furcal gets on base and JP gets on base nothing happens. Only time anything happens is when JP gets on base or when Martin does I’d like to see JP and Martin on 2nd and 1st that’ll be fun.


    Adam Dunn currently has a .575 SLG percentage, .271 BA, .362 OBP, 22 jacks. and 98 Ks, but with that kind of production he can strike out 300 times for all i care.


    Pierre gets on base fine..

    .304 OBP is just fine?

    But who cares I dont want to rehash things..I just want to stick to facts…If any of our kids had 20 bags with no homeruns a .300 OBP and hit .270 they would be benched.


    Pierre has a better OBP than the following Dodgers:








    Derek Lowe has a better OBP than Ms. Juanita Pierre!!!

    THE LADIES (Garciaparra & Pierre) should sit for the rest of the season.


    rgonza, you sound like a depodesta clone… making all your decisions on OBP… that leaves out the intangibles.


    Pierre is second in the league in steals and has scored the most runs on the team.. Those are good stats.. its not all OBP.


    Arizona catches the Dodger LOB disease…

    Wolf as usual, starts slow but no runs scored…

    Time to knock Johnson out of the game….


    *** are intangibles!??! please explain.

    “INTANGIBLES” is the biggest load of bullcrap people pull when arguing.


    actually rgonza just sounds like a machine that is made to incessantly complain on this blog


    Isn’t it great to see WOLF get through the FIRST without allowing a run. He must have pitched BP. Strange how FURCAL ankle doesn’t bother his fielding.


    A good stealing percentage is around 78-82%

    Pierre is a BELOW AVERAGE base-stealer.

    Yes he HAS stolen 26 bases but HE’S GOTTEN CAUGHT EIGHT TIMES!!!

    Get educated… you ******.


    Ok, reality check people. We’re playing for first place in a very crucial game, can we please stop and focus on this game. This game means more than anything any of you have to say.


    You want to complain and whine about Pierre etc… do it after this huge game or do it in private via I.M or e-mail.


    OH>>> you mean intangibles like bunting guys over in crucial situations… like when he failed to bunt over the runners on 1st and 2nd with no outs in the 8th inning last night when we were down by 1 run?


    At least Johnson has to work to get through an inning. We’re tough even though he don’t score much.


    scoring Runs win games right? and how do we score runs?? when people get ON BASE. Pierre is tied with Martin with in runs scored. Martin batted 6th for most of the year. If Pierre got on base as much as Martin did we’d be ALOT better. He’d possible be leading the league in runs scored BUTTTTTTTT he doesn’t.

    Someone said OBP doesn’t win games but i disagree. If no one gets on base how are runs going to be scored?


    your not even worth spending anytime on there gonza. There is no consideration to others on your part.


    DAHUSTLABAC… if you don’t want to educate yourself about the art of baseball.. at least LEARN ENGLISH.


    wow…way to argue your point rgonza…good rhetoric…you must be a model student at cal state long beach


    oooh thats a you’re you are your argument there…….like Dahustle said You are not worth our keystrokes….


    He isnt a power hitter, his job is not to hit home runs.. his job is to hit the ball on the ground, run like heck, steal bases, score runs.. he has been doing a good job of that.


    fisher, no because he has been forced out by Pierre and Nomar way too many times. Runs scored are indicative of the players behind you. The more times on base means the more of a chance you have to score or get out.


    My question about Pierre earlier should have been::

    Why isn’t Pierre hitting ahead of Furcal (injury preventing him from running)..

    Or in the 8 hole which would also put him ahead of Furcal on many occasions & would probably help him get more walks…

    I just don’t see any advantage when he is batting 2nd…


    exactly max, im not sure who said it yesterday but they said “one player does not make up the whole team, so if a guy has a great season all year and comes into the playoffs and stinks it up the joint, its not his fault” (or something of that sort! GREAT INNING WOLFY!!!
    So to say Pierre is killing us with his low OBP is not a valid argument because he does not make up this whole team. We win and lose games in situations and not by who has better stats.


    spanner if you think Pierre is going a good job then Id hate to see what you consider struggling.


    Instead of realizing and admitting all of you are wrong about Pierre… you resort to the whole “you’re not worth it” argument. PATHETIC!


    mm…and instead of arguing your points you continued to flame the blog by resorting to the “you **** at english and therefore must be stupid” argument


    Good post rwbjr. That was what I wanted clarification on.

    Max if he were stealing bases he wouldn’t get forced out.


    Now that was a great at bat by Kent. That’ll wear Johnson out. Keep doing that, Kent.



    I guess you’d turn down a Pierre for Vladimir Guerrero trade… I mean.. because one player.. doesn’t make a team… err..


    Wow even for someone like me who belives with all my heart that we would be alot better with Kemp in there vs Pierre this is getting old.

    The guy is making 45 million. He is going to play this year at least. Let’s get used to it. But don’t defend him in any other way then that it just adds fuel to the fire.


    The more times Pierre gets on base the more chances of success we can have. Pierre creates too many outs because he doesn’t walk. If you notice his OBP is rather close to his batting average. So basically the only time he gets on base is when he gets a hit. The rest of the times he creates an out. Thats where he kills us and thats where his low OBP kills us. If Pierre walked more then 30 or 40 times a year he would be a huge asset to the team.

    Matt Kemp turned a single into a triple. I thought JP was the only one that could do that? hahah šŸ˜‰


    “6th grade english is far behind us” – fisher

    If you can’t understand and retain 6th grade level english.. how can you understand/explain basic baseball strategy/common sense?


    Its not the fact that i love the idea of Pierre out there, its the idea that we have im on our team already. The contract has been signed and he will continue to play, but to say that his low OBP is what is winning and losing games for us is ridiculous. Try reading the post before you respond.


    rgonza…that still has nothing to do with your argument….i get the feeling you just like arguing with people


    Thank God we have our best hitters batting 6 & 7 in the lineup YUK YUK YUK

    Got to Hand it to Grady….


    It’s not that we don’t remember but we are watching a great Dodger Game and we don’t care about it….we watch we think we type….


    Pierre’s CRA APPY play WILL BE responsible for AT LEAST 8-10 games.

    Are you kidding me?

    A guy can’t just **** baaaalls and think it’s OK because “hey… i’m just one guy on a squad of nine…”

    That’s a cop out.


    The production out of our 3/4 hitters this season is a way bigger concern than JP. One has already been removed thanks god. I think the biggest problem I have with the Pierre deal isnt him, but the two OF’er next to him anf the 1b and 3b spots that should be filled with MASHERS aren’t.


    dude..just give it up and watch the game…you’re not changing any minds and you’re ruining the game for everyone else


    Wow the is no proof that one player’s OBP can make or break a teams chances of winning or losing a game. There are three outs in a half inning which means there are 3 players up to bat if not more. Can you pin one game this year on Pierre’s low OBP?! how about all the games when the boys have left 10+ runners on base? O wait thats because Pierre only had one single and couldn’t get on base the rest of the night!


    This is pretty funny. Brainless baseball fans wasting money on $7 hot dogs and $15 parking to watch overpaid WOMEN play a game meant for MEN.

    Your misguided loyalty to the TRUE LADIES (Nomar and Pierre) is what destroys this game.


    dahustlasbac…the more times you get on base the more times you have a chance to score. PERIOD


    hahahah gonza, thats pretty low to come onto a blog and cause all kinds of havoc and not even be a fan of the team the blog is meant for. Get a life man!


    One thing I will say is that the way Grady manages and the way the team is setup is that with Kemp up and able to play CF that JP should rest against lefties for the fact that he doesn’t hit well against them.The whole playing streak thing is not flying for me and JP needs to be treated more like the rest of the team.


    Appreciating the game by understanding what skills are valuable in a ball player = a life

    A misguided and unhealthy loyalty to two ballplayers that play like women? = NO LIFE


    Not to Mention that obviously none of us here are paying anything to watch this game other then cable or subscription fees….


    On Kemp: (NED on Radio today)

    “Luis Gonzalez was brought in to bridge the gap until Matt Kemp was ready. Matt’s still not complete… he overthrew the relay man in Tampa is striking out too much on breaking pitches away.”

    give me a break.


    rgonza is a sexist pig…also…he thinks he’s a lot smarter than he actually is. way to go. my type of person. let’s me feel better about myself


    I haven’t seen one pro Nomar post yet as he is not playing in this game and most of us are glad to see it.


    wow… intelligent timjyoo. very intelligent. nice job backing up your argument jerrrrrkoff


    Max, come on man you know better…. not every guy on the team is going to get on base everynight…. besides once pierre does get on base he can make things happen and thats what counts, its all about scoring runs when you do get on base. There something to be said about a guy who has a low OBP and is tied for Runs scored on his ball club.


    no need to back it up…your statement about women playing a men’s game provides proof in itself



    avg: .271/.266, obp: .304/.306, slg: .321/.321

    And don’t tell me pierre has speed… he’s stolen 26… but has gotten caught 8 times. SO PLEASE.


    Fisher touched on the point that most aggravates me about Pierre – the fact that his continuous games streak seems more important to maintain (at least that’s how I read Grady) than giving another player a chance in CF when Pierre is not performing or needs to be platooned, or just needs to get a rest.


    You brainless losers are exactly the type of fans the McCourts want:

    Brainless people (fisher and timjyoo) paying to watch LADIES play a MAN’S game.


    mm..brainless huh?..well…i think my professors would tend to disagree…no matter…i have no need to defend myself. fortunately for me, i don’t live off of complaining and thinking i’m smarter than other people


    I’d Pay more to see a chick do it at this level in any position.

    Wow 6 runs by the lilyladies of LA!!!!


    You guys arguing for Pierre deserving a spot in the starting line-up is like paying to have someone stuff dogcrrrap down your throat and arguing that it tastes like CANDY.


    i wasn’t arguing anything…other than the fact that you’re very annoying. if you had paid attention, you would have known that.


    hey look. Pierre got on base and look what happens!

    “There something to be said about a guy who has a low OBP and is tied for Runs scored on his ball club”

    you just don’t get it do you! .304 obp is nothing to be proud of. I don’t want him to get on base every night i just want him to be atleast average. If he had an average obp he would have more runs scored. See how that happens. More times on base = more chances to score a run. More runs scored = a better chance to win the game.


    you can’t judge a player by one play. so pierre got an infield single. what has he done up until today?


    gee lets see Gonza a controlled substance hmmm 13 referance to said controlled substance …. go roll a fatty and get a life….


    you know…i think i will…cuz it’s got to be better than living with dogcrap for a brain.


    i dont know if dogcrap for a brain is better.. ask your parents.. they should now you fkkin dooouche bag


    mm good come back. very witty and originial…i’m done with this…it’s getting quite boring


    Coming into tonight, Kent’s last 27 games produced .194/.286/.312 and only 7 RBIs. (thanks eric stephen for the stats)

    This is a bigger issue than Pierre. 7 steaks in 27 games out of clean up.



    You hit the Nail on the Head about how Grady handles Pierre……

    Truly Sad because it holds back the improvement of others… It mostly holds back Kemp, thus hurting the team in several different ways…


    Yeah i do get but even if he does get up to a OBP its up to the others to bring him around, thats if he doesn’t go on one of his 2 straight steal terrors, and that is what has hurt us all season, not scoring runners in SCORING position. Also Pierre has been getting on base as of late, but his OBP will not show that because it is based on every game so of course no one will be happy, because honestly i dont see his OBP getting much better but i know he will continue to get on when he can a will manufacture a lot more runs than most CF, and hes he has gotten caught 8 times this year already but i would rather have 26 stolen than 8 stolen and 0 CS


    hmmm had a college class called arguementation and debate its part of English Credits maybe you lack those skills rgonza….




    6-0 now
    maybe 3 out of 4 from a first place team (could have been a sweep)in their yard. Kids in the lineup producing…lets be happy.


    You have no skill at debate rgonza…..Thats my point but might as well be the point on top of your head….


    do we have a young kid that can play 2B right now? NO.

    do we have a kid that can play CF better than Pierre? YES.

    Jeff Kent is beside the point.

    Juanita needs to go back hoooome and learn to hit and field.


    rgonza, Kemp hasn’t played enough for you to base those statements on about his brilliance.. His OBP last season was only .289…

    Pierre has not played badly enough to lose his spot. Despite your personal animosity towards him.


    do we have a young kid that can play 2B right now? NO.

    On offense or defense. If on defense, yes. If on offense probabbly not.

    Combined (there are two side of the diamond) yes.

    And don’t worry about me man. JP was on my dead to me list in March. I have already said we would be better with Kemp in RF and eithier in CF


    ok thats my point JP has a great fld% and better then Kemp.Kemp can hit no doubt but his Fielding is worse then JP even givin his arm.Just as Lofton had no range to the fence lastyear he was worse at getting to balls hit in his area.There are stats availible to these facts but game is on and I’d like to watch it.And Yes we have a kid who can field better then Kent @ 2nd Abreu However he doesn’t have the sock of Kent.

    Good Job 6-1

    Go Dodgers!


    Kent’s OPS is 793
    Abreu’ OPS is 733

    who is the better fielder?

    Abreu in his best spot, 2B


    And we gooo to the 5th. About 5 more runs before they score and we’ll all get comfortable.


    All u have to do is watch the O-dog at 2nd base for zona to see the value of defense. I am not suggesting benching Kent, but if he keeps hitting the way he has been hitting I am. The guy is 39 after all. if you don’t see his decline then you didnt use to watch him hit.


    Agreed Spanner Abreu is close to Cora on the D and hope his Bat comes up to the .300+ range that he is capible of.


    Whats the difference between a .300 OBA and a .350 OBA. 1 additional time on base per 20 ABs, that is why OBA is overrated. Wow Pierre gets on base on average 1 less time per 20 ABs than most, I think those other 6 times per 20 ABs that he does get on, he more than makes up for that time he missed. Pierre is fast, thats why he has so many stolen bases, it takes speed to steal on ML catchers. Why does he get thrown out more? Because evey catcher in the league knows that he’s gonna try to steal. So to argue stolen base percentage is an indicator of speed is baseball ignorance. Look at Pierre’s scoring percentage once he reaches base, its a lot higher than most. Is that coincidence? No he’s fast, steals bases, takes extra bases on hits etc.

    In conclusion, people that argue Pierre is killing the team because he doesn’t get on base 7 out of 20 times are just splitting hairs. It’s DePo retardo ball.


    In fairness to all those who took my bet. JP or Derek Lowe for higher OBP by July 27. Feel free to use Wolf (.241 heading into tonight) or Penny (.290) instead of Lowe.

    Now, even I don’t have the guts to say all three pitchers will have a better OBP but if you do and you win, i’ll take you to a game, on me.

    now, no way Lowe, Penny or Wolf will beat JP in “intangiables” but then again JP can’t pitch so its a wash.


    I dont think that comparing pitchers who really have very few at bats with a position player who gets lots of at bats is really relevant..


    Another Jeff Kent Sighting….
    Those hard hits are starting to fall in….

    Way to Go Jeff…


    spanner.. seriously?

    I am basically Joking of course. But you do agree that any pro ballplayer should have a on-base %(even if you don’t care about OBP-I mean I get it. It’s not the end all nor do I suggest it is) over .300


    my favorite sportscenter quote ever…

    “the bases are like canada during the vietnam war…full of dodgers.”


    Just got the coolest call from my mom. She is retiring on 7/22 and we were trying to figureout something cool to do… She wants us Kids to take her to a Dodger game!!!


    Kemp still is a little too impatient, there’s not too much Loney can do wrong right now.


    is just me or does kent look like he’s in physical pain everytime he runs? it looks kind of funny


    Depends on how much you’re willing to spend. Can’t go wrong with inner Top Deck or Inner Reserve and you won’t break the bank doing it. I would highly suggest buying preferred parking for the game.


    Good Two strike SF by ABREU. I was scared we wouldn’t score. Nice and quiet here.


    It’s Mom time and I have almost a month 6 min 10 most with split cost.When is the sleep over night?That sounded soo cool lastyear.


    How many of us out there have made a catch like KEMP just did. Boy it brings back memories. Don’t it?


    Not a big shocker Pierre with two hits both against right handers, they should consider starting Kemp in center against lefties. I’m sure it’s entered their minds and are probably discussing it.


    I Made a Catch at like 8 or 9 years old down the first baseline in LL that I still remember.Only other one was the shot off a no no off the wall. it was still a 1 hit shutout.


    If it wasn’t MARK GRACE’S birthday these guys wouldn’t have anything to say. Its so quiet. Too early for some music though.


    What city are you in & what channel are you watching the game on ?????r




    ok Alex Loge MVP or prefered box?Mighny not be calling them right but its Momtime and she asked for a Game gotta give her the best I can.


    Be Cool only 2 more innings to go If they don’t tie it and we are inside our own bullpen.


    I’d go with Loge MVP a family friend has seats in section 135. Can’t really go wrong with Loge MVP.


    With all the arguing and name calling you all have missed a nice win in a very important game for the Dodgers.

    Coming in I was hoping we could split and I would have been happy.

    But to take 3 out of 4 is sensational.

    Now one of you party poopers can say “yah but we should have won 4 out of 4 if we could hit with men on base”.

    Means nada…..before the series if you had been told we were going to win three you would have been estatic.

    Do we have problems? Sure. Do we have a good team? Oh yeah! Are we World Series caliber? Not yet. Could we be this year? Maybe just maybe.

    Still rather see us pick up a starting pitcher then mortgage the far for a HR bat.

    I like the team just fine and my glasses and not really rose colored.


    Taking three out of four, especially on their home turf, is really a great accomplishment. Way to finish the road trip. I was really happy to see Kent come out and work the pitcher early on, then get that RBI hit. I hope it’s a sign of getting back in the groove. There’s no doubt that we need his production. And how about MARTIN!!! And how about our youngsters when they get the chance to swing. Nothing but GOOD VIBES today!


    Great look there Paulg Gonna throw down a grand or so at the Jul 22 game series finale against the Mets for MOM and the rest of us to see Da Bums show their NL divisional winning team.AZ is just a desert halicionation Dodgers Rock and will take the NL!


    What a difference a day makes…..
    Great game by everybody involved…

    Back to 1st place…

    Now we go home and play 3 more crucial games… Keep it going Dodgers…. Finish June on a strong note..

    These next 3 games should be lots of fun to watch…


    Just got home from work.

    CHARRIS, you truly are a douccche.

    “So to argue stolen base percentage is an indicator of speed is baseball ignorance.” – charris

    I don’t think anyone ever implied that SB% indicated speed besides you.

    SB% indicates BASE-RUNNING ABILITY… if you don’t learn how to detect the right time to steal, it won’t matter if you’re the fastest man (or woman.. ahem.. Pierre) alive!!

    “[Pierre] takes extra bases on hits”. – charris

    SLG% indicates extra base hits. Do me a favor and look up Pierre’s slugging percentage. (it’s .321) …That’s terrible for a guy that’s supposedly hitting for extra bases.

    Charris, know your stuff before you try to fake like you know baseball… because what you’re doing right now is the equivalent of saying your crrrap smells like apple pie without ever taking a whiff yourself.


    bombko is so horrible. I bet he’ll get DFA when Tsao comes back. At least i hope so.


    Just got home from work.

    CHARRIS, you truly are a douccche.

    “So to argue stolen base percentage is an indicator of speed is baseball ignorance.” – charris

    I don’t think anyone ever implied that SB% indicated speed besides you.

    SB% indicates BASE-RUNNING ABILITY… if you don’t learn how to detect the right time to steal, it won’t matter if you’re the fastest man (or woman.. ahem.. Pierre) alive!!

    “[Pierre] takes extra bases on hits”. – charris

    SLG% indicates extra base hits. Do me a favor and look up Pierre’s slugging percentage. (it’s .321) …That’s terrible for a guy that’s supposedly hitting for extra bases.

    Charris, know your stuff before you try to fake like you know baseball… because what you’re doing right now is the equivalent of saying your crrrap smells like apple pie without ever taking a whiff yourself.


    he didn’t say extra base hits…he said extra bases on hits. i think what he meant was he extends singles into a doubles, etc…i think…


    It was a nice try to get Tomko to go 3 innings to 1) Get him the save and 2) to try and save the bullpen. Just didn’t work out.

    Nice to see Saito in there now. since there is a 4 run lead and the tying run is on deck, I believe this will qualify for a save for him.

    Also in answer to someone above, I don’t think Tomko will be DFA’d. He is viable trade bait as he could pitch lots of innings for someone whose pitching staff is in a real mess.


    Very impressive 4 game series victory and it’s time for the Padres.





    doleharris1, he couldn’t finish the mop up, that’s pretty disappointing for upper management i’m sure


    Lessons of the game:

    1. Loney should start for the rest of the year

    2. Kent is fine. He’s still the man.

    3. Pierre still needs to sit (he left FIVE on base!!! that’s why OBP matters!)

    A walk is NOT just a walk.

    Whoever made the argument that OBP is overrated needs to think about what would happen with 1 OUT, and a man on 1st and 2nd. Do you want a ground ball or a walk?

    TRUST in the POWER of the WALK!!!!


    Well, I’ve exhausted all my e-mails in hopes of getting Russell Martin to the Big Show. Hopefully we’ve done enough to relegate LoDuca to bench time (nothing personal, Paulie, just business). Now it’s time for LaRussa to get Saito-san and Brad Penny in the game (if not Wolf, Broxton and/or Lowe [who I’m sure won’t have trouble finding run support in an All-Star game]).


    pods acquire uncle miltie… suprise, suprise. well, i’ll be rooting for him when he’s not playing us. good for SD, not good for us.


    10 Day Outlook: Tentative pitching matchups for the next 10 games:

    Star (*) denotes great pitching matchup:

    vs. Padres:

    6/29: Hong Chih Kuo vs. Chris Young

    *6/30: MEGA-MATCHUP: Brad Penny vs. Jake Peavy

    7/1: Chad Billingsley vs. Justin Germano

    vs. Atlanta:

    *7/2: Derek Lowe vs. John Smoltz

    7/3: Randy Wolf vs. Kyle Davies

    7/4: Hong Chih Kuo vs. Chuck James

    *7/5: Brad Penny vs. Tim Hudson

    vs. Florida

    7/6: Chad Billingsley vs. Dontrelle Willis

    7/7: Derek Lowe vs. Sergio Mitre

    7/8: Randy Wolf vs. Scott Olsen


    ill by at the 7/5 game… im stoked it looks like a pitchers duel. not as good as penny/peavy but pretty close.


    I’ll wait until Bradley passes a physical, he was going to be banished to Kansas City before his oblique suddenly ‘acted’ up on him. If the trade is finalized he won’t join the Pads till Sunday, but even so that should be quite the atmosphere if he’s in the house.


    You should probably know something about people before you call them out. I have played college baseball and even a year of independant pro ball as a pitcher. So needless to say, I am more qualified to talk baseball insight than some punk kid that chooses to go to a good baseball school so he can jock the players there( I checked the roster by the way and didn’t see any gonza or even gonzalez on the roster).

    That said, lets revisit some of your earlier posts.

    SB%- Is not a great indicator of speed and is really weak to evaluate even baserunning ability. Why you ask? Well let me educate you, when fast runners are on base, it changes the approach of the defense entirely. Pitchers are much more apt to mix up hold counts before their delivery (and if you ever played baseball at a high level, you’d know) which really disrupts a jump for the baserunner (its harder to get a good jump when you can’t gage a pitcher’s rhythm). Secondly, pitchers are much more apt to stick with high velocity pitches in order to get the ball to the catcher faster. Also, pitchers will incorporate their faster slide step moves in order to speed their delivery. Lastly, teams are much more apt to call for a pitch-out which will leave even the fastest of runners hung out to dry. So you’re whole SB% argument is **** especially considering Pierre is among the ML leaders in the SB catagory.

    Secondly, you took one of my earlier comments way out of context:

    “[Pierre] takes extra bases on hits”. – charris

    “SLG% indicates extra base hits. Do me a favor and look up Pierre’s slugging percentage. (it’s .321) …That’s terrible for a guy that’s supposedly hitting for extra bases.”

    Wow, I thought college semi-educated kids could read, guess not…

    I wasn’t refering to his hits (I know Pierre is a puching Judy). I was more refering to his propencity to take extra bases on other hits, 1st to 3rd on a single, first to home on a double etc. which really upgrades his overall baserunning ability. So read the true meaning of a comment before you get on your ill-informed high horse.

    This little remark really cracked me up:

    “Charris, know your stuff before you try to fake like you know baseball… because what you’re doing right now is the equivalent of saying your crrrap smells like apple pie without ever taking a whiff yourself.”

    And what exactly has your baseball experience been? I’ve given you mine and all that I can conclude from you is that you played HS varsity baseball at best (you obviouly weren’t any good or you’d still be playing). So before you continue to try act like you know this game at professional level, do us all a favor and just shut-up.

    Sorry about the long post everyone, I just had to put captain idiot in his place.


    dude…charris i totally agree with you. i think you’re just going to have to excuse rgonza because he is kind of a tool. where’d you play college ball?


    I played 2 seasons at Orange Coast College then 1 year at Chapman University ’99-’01.


    charris…since you say SB% isn’t important would you call a guy that steals 50 bases a year but gets thrown out 45 times a year a successful base stealer? sure he stole 50 bases but he also got caught 45 times. Thats basically a net of 5 stolen bases. Pierre has a 227 net stolen bases in his career. Its not an indication of speed but rather an indication of skill and his ability to read the pitcher and get a good jump. A Guy with Pierre’s speed should steal 60 bases a year and only get throw out 10 times a year.

    As for his OBP I don’t know how many times i can say this but here it goes again. Pierre is tied for runs scored with Russell Martin who for almost all of the year batted 6th. Pierre scores a higher percentage of the time then Martin because he has the RBI guys behind him. Martin on the other had Usually had Ethier, Betemit, Abreu and LaRoche hitting behind him and then the Pitcher. Its safe to say that the guys hitting behind Pierre have more collective RBI’s then the guys that were hitting behind Martin yet Martin has just as many Runs Scored as Pierre. Why you may ask? because Martin gets on base more and has more chances to get driving in then Pierre. If Pierre got on base as much as Martin does he’d have 60 maybe 70 runs scored but he doesn’t.


    You seem to get very selective with whom you compare Pierre to. You’re stacking him up against the guy thats is having our best offensive season hands down. Where is Furcal, Nomar, Kent, Gonzo? They all have RBI guys hitting behind them yet haven’t scored as many runs as Pierre.

    I’ll give you this, Pierre’s OBA is pretty bad. But he is tied for the team lead in runs with a guy that is becoming a bonafide superstar, with as much as you bash Pierre, one would think that he’s hitting .100 with 2 runs scored on the season. So before you keep your blinders on and keep needlessly bashing Pierre, look at other guys numbers and realize that several of our starters are doing just as “bad” if not worse than Pierre.


    also…not defending pierre or putting him down because i don’t really want to get into the whole pierre debate right now…but if i recall the back of the order has been much more productive then the 3 and 4 spots. oh you went to OCC and Chapman? cool. i had friends that went there.


    I still think batting him 2nd has something to do with his obp being so low. He’s been a natural lead off hitter his entire career.


    Anyhow I’m tired but couldn’t be happier.

    Dodgers take 3 of 4 from the snakes and have some serious momentum going into the series against the Pads.


    Let’s begin a sweep of the Friars tommorow and give ourselves a little breathing room headed into the break!


    No one in there right mind get caught 45 times a season. What season does Pierre had a 52% and got caught 45 times? That’s a 50/95 = 52% success rate.


    One last thing before I go to bed.

    Max I enjoy debating with you, you usually back up statements with #s, good insight etc. but you have to admit several Dodgers are doing about as “bad” as Pierre overall.


    He doesn’t have 60 or maybe 70 scored because he’s not in that lead off spot to cause havoc on pitchers.


    I think I’m confused but isn’t Pierre getting on bases more than Martin since Pierre is leading in out.


    I think I’m confused but isn’t Pierre getting on bases more than Martin since Pierre is leading in out.


    I think I’m confused but isn’t Pierre getting on bases more than Martin since Pierre is leading in out.


    well lets see…Ethier, Betemit, Abreu and LaRoche usually hit behind batted behind Martin when he batted 6th. Between the 4 of them they have 42 RBI’s. Martin has 42 runs scored. Im not even including the Pitches because well thats what maybe 4 or 5 RBI’s more if that.

    Nomar, Kent and Gonzo have 115 RBI’s between them and Pierre has 42 runs scored. These aren’t completely right but it just shows you how important getting on base is. Martin gets on base more then Pierre and it shows. Pierre has a .304 OBP for gods sake. He’d have just as good of an OBP if he stood there with the stick in his you know what and hten the pitchers just throw. If Pierre got on base as much as Martin does He’d have more runs scored and the guys behind him would have more RBI’s which would lead to more runs for us. Furcal isn’t scoring because he is usually getting forced out by Pierre’s weak grounders the second.



    Pierre’s on base percentage… .304

    Martin’s – .365

    Martin would easily be leading the team in runs scored if he hit second.


    we’d be better off with Pierre in the lead off spot because 1. If he ever got on base he’d have a better chance to steal with Furcal at the plate and 2. When Furcal gets on base Pierre wouldn’t force him out and kill any chance of a rally.

    Its sad when we have to bat a guy leadoff just so he doesn’t hurt the offense.


    This is why we need his ankle to be 100% so he can steal bases but if he’s not he need to be dropped in the batting order.


    I know it sad but Furcal is not stealing bases with his ankle still hurting. Yep, I agree with that Martin statement and imagine how many run scored Pierre would had to.


    Well let put Gonzo and Martin batting 2nd and 3rd than and Pierre have to go #1 because of Furcal bad ankle.


    FURCAL; What do we do with him??? He’s hurting. Does not affect his defense, but surely his offense. He’s limping more & more. Drop him to 8th or put Abreu @ Short.
    Houston..WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM…We have to do something FAST…..


    I’ve read that Furcal readily admitted that the ankle is impairing him, but he intends to play through with it rather than let it rest. Gutsy, one might say, but when his productivity suffers, like he’s currently projected to maybe steal 15 bases for the season, that really hurts the team. It should not be Furcal’s call of whether he goes on the DL or not. The manager should insist, and I only wish he would. 15 days that we miss him will be very well spent once we get him back at full strength. It is really a selfish attitude. He signed for three years with us – he delivered quite well last year; this year will be pretty much a loss for us, if he continues with his hurt ankle; then, next year he’ll already be looking forward to his next contract or extension. Let’s get management to do what is right and reasonable -PUT HIM ON DL!!!


    Agreed on Furcal. Move him to the 15-day DL so Tsao can come back, have Abreu/Betemit share time at SS, and we’ll have Furcal back very soon after the AS break, hopefully rested and healthy for the 2nd half.


    Look at the trouble Pierre causes on this blog. He’s a terrible player who could easily be replaced by Kemp ,or Either which not only would make the Dodgers better , but keep everyone civil on this blog. It’s true Pierre isn’t the only problem on this team. Furcal has to get healthy and Nomar and to some extent Kent have to find the fountain of youth, but Pierre was just a bad signing because he did not fit this team at all and there were better cheaper options available, and as long as they honor his stupid streak at the expense of the rest of the team ,people will always be PO’d when his name is mentioned.


    The so-called streak is the problem. If management would treat him like any other ordinary player, fine. But now that he has the longest playing streak, it’s like it’s sacred or something. Give us a break – we’re in a totally different environment these days than when Ripken set the current record. Like Pierre will ever have the chance to challenge for it, and if he did, it would certainly not be as a Dodger.
    So, WAKE UP, and forget the **** streak!!!


    Right, the streak thing is ridiculous. If I’m watching a game, I don’t even watch his at bats. I’ll get up and do something else. That’s how bad it is. Not because of his reputation or because I didn’t like his signing, which I didn’t, but because I just cannot watch his at bats. He’s just not a good baseball player. It just really bothers me to have to watch him. Disagree with me or not, that’s how I feel.


    I don’t really comment much about Pierre. There’s not much sense to complain about his performance – it is what it is. The management is probably somewhat disappointed because he’s underperforming his averages. I just want to see us treat him like we would other players with same level of underachievement. It would be a good opportunity to put in Kemp for a game or two a week in Pierre’s place instead of just reserving him for platooning with Ethier. That’s not fair to Kemp, and it’s not fair to Ethier, because both of them are showing better performance levels than Pierre. Pierre will be with us and playing plenty unless Colletti cares to correct this mistake and do something about it down the road. That should not penalize the team and our chance for better player development with Kemp and Ethier both.


    Milton Bradley in the OF for the Padres. Offensive upgrade or clubhouse train wreck? Discuss.


    I’ll take C, he’ll be both. An upgrade offensively over Termel Sledge/Hiram Bochachica but an absolute trainwreck in the clubhouse.


    If he stays healthy, I think that Bradley will help SD. They can use a consistent hitter with some power, and Bradley could provide that. Since his stint with us two years ago, I haven’t really heard about trouble with him on any personal level, and I don’t hear about dissension in the SD clubhouse. I also have to respect Bud Black, who, much like Scioscia, seems to get the best out of his players, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Bradley performed well for him.


    it’s gonna be tough today facing Chris Young but when K/Guo is on he can be pretty darn near impossible to hit, i’ll be there live rooting for the Dodgers.


    He could help. He could behave for half a season and then they are done with him. If we’re lucky, it could cost one their pitchers a roster spot.

    I hope Lowe gets some consideration for the the all star squad. Just a handful of runs and he would be leading the NL in wins.


    When he plays he’ll be an asset over Cruz/Sledge but based on the last 15 months he won’t play enough for me to worry about his production.
    He could be a problem in the clubhouse if he’s not getting full time at bats since that was his complaint in Oakland. Strange that a guy who gets injured so much thinks his job should always be waiting for him when he’s able to play.


    Yes!! Finally!! 400 posts!!!

    This is going to be an epic series with the Pads!!!

    Go Dodgers!!

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