Going for a sweep

Looking to close out the Nationals today in the finale. And for those who missed it this morning, J.A. Adande is closing out his career at the L.A. Times. He has always been extremely professional in covering us and I’m sure that whatever he winds up doing, he’ll be successful. We certainly wish him luck.

In regards to the question about going to the First-Year Player Draft in Florida, it’s not exactly open to the public but I’ve been told that they’ll try to accomodate people if they show up. So, while there aren’t tickets, you can try and go by the hotel and see if there’s a way to watch from inside.

Here’s today’s lineup:

Furcal, SS (going for a career-high 16-game hitting streak)

Pierre, CF

Nomar, 1B

Kent, 2B

Gonzo, LF

Vote Russell, C (you guys are doing awesome with this)

LaRoche, 3B

Ethier, RF

Hendrickson, P

And finally, in case you didn’t see it in the comments section, here’s a very good article from Ken Rosenthal about Russell Martin.

Enjoy the game and the usual debates…I’m on the East Coast this weekend starting tomorrow so posting might be a little slower. But, it seems Tony Jackson has been posting the lineups quickly, too, so check out his blog over the weekend if you don’t see a lineup here. It’s called, ironically, Inside the Dodgers.


  1. interpol1414@yahoo.com

    Nice read on Russell Martin. another thing about Martin is that he really enjoys playing the game, i say that because when ever i attend Dodger games he truly looks like he’s having fun out there, but i think once he puts on the catching gear he’s all business.

  2. Dodger

    Actually, I think it is somewhat ironic because technically, he’s not “inside” the Dodger organization. But you’re right, it’s also coincidental. 🙂

  3. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    I just read Ken Rosenthal’s write up on Russel Martin. I’ve been talking to people I know about Martin, asking them if they get a chance to vote, give a nod to Russel Martin catcher for the L.A. Dodgers. Lo Duca is the favorite here. But give it time, Rus will get known. Right now the important thing is, we know he makes the Dodgers a better team.

  4. messagebear@yahoo.com

    Why is a Hendrickson start so predictable to everyone else except Grady? Or, doesn’t he care?

  5. dodgerdude17@yahoo.com

    Where is Billingsley??? Hendrickson is getting lit up like a christmas tree… and its fitting because he is taller than most christmas trees.

  6. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    sheesh i guess it was just a matter of time. outside of lopez they are hitting the ball HARD. we could use you schmitty.

  7. jspelk2@uic.edu

    im just SHOCKED that he gave up a HR to Zimmerman..surely no one saw that coming….ugh are watching this Grady?

  8. pat25rod@sbcglobal.net

    Question: While watching Gameday, does anyone know ,how to bring up the Pitchers speed ????

  9. dodgerdude17@yahoo.com

    what the ****… we have to wait until the 2nd inning with 2 out to see russell hit… and what does he do… bomba!

  10. alex41592@aol.com


    Goodness, that’s freaking impossible in RFK! How does he keep hitting them out in RFK! He’s incredible…and look at LaRoche!

    Vote for Martin!

    Go Dodgers!

  11. alex41592@aol.com

    WOW on the replay that looked like a 440 foot shot! He’s ridiculous! Mistake by LaRoche…Hendrickson just has to keep us in it and we’ll get to Bowie.

  12. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    russ sure is forcing the issue to get moved up and bat with the big boys. actually they are all little but it is too obvious that he needs to be batting third for us. i dont see second happening without JP going down, but nomar really needs to move down a few spots ala wille randolph and carlos delgado. grady needs to wake up.

  13. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    How about that Mr Martin..
    Sure is a good thing he is batting in the 6 hole – good thinking Grady…

    Best hitter on the team, & one of the best hitters in the league..

    Like I said – good thinking Grady..

  14. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Our worst hitter stats wise at the momment and our best hitter stat wise need to be switched. Fast. Hendo nneds to join Bomko in the Pen and fast.

    OPS (not counting today)

    Martin 836

    LaRoche 699

    Nomar 692

    Pierre 647

    Penny 627 yeah as in brad

  15. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Nomar I dare you to hit it out of the infield next inning. The chick with the Van depends on it.

  16. zobeida.torres.06@alum.dartmouth.org

    ahhhhh…if i had hendrickson in front of me right now, i’d punch him

  17. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Their is a SLIVER LINING to this game — Just maybe the all knowing Mr Little will finally see that Hendrickson DOES NOT BELONG IN THE STARTING LINEUP!!!
    Then again, maybe he isn’t that smart… Who knows…

  18. jspelk2@uic.edu

    he should have seen that last year, and this year…but yeah, maybe he finally will get the message.

  19. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Pierre is a TERRIBLE #2 hitter… He is obviously much more comfortable batting leadoff…It is what he has done his entire career… Two days ago he had his best hitting day ever… Guess what, he was leading off….So naturally our manager puts him in the #2 hole the very next day, plus today… Grady, Grady, Grady… What are you thinking…Dah

  20. paulg57@hotmail.com

    After reading this blog for the last several months I have decided that I like Grady Little managing the Dodgers and I tolerate you all being the devils advocates.

    But I know darn well I don’t want you guys managing the Dodgers and Grady being the devils advocate.

    Grady is exactly what the Dodgers need at the present and he is handling the club near perfectly from what I can see.

    Looking forward to being in SoCal for the next week and being able to listen to the Dodger broadcasts.

  21. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Yes, Brazabon will most likely be put on the DL…
    It will be interesting to see who they bring up from Triple A… Besides Kuo they could bring up a relief pitcher to replace Brazabon, or possibly another position player, or leave both Laroche & Abreu where they are… Tomorrow or Saturday should be interesting…

  22. max_power_05@yahoo.com

    My fear is that Schmidt will be rushed back after tonight instead of going to Billingsley or Kuo to fill in Mark’s spot for a couple of more weeks. We really shouldn’t rush Schmidt but i think grady and ned are giddy enough to do so.

  23. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Does anybody think that Wilson B. should be anything but a pinch hitter… He really has produced in that position…

  24. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    I think you might be right…

    Nothing would suprise me when it comes to Ned & Grady’s decision making..

    Grady still hasn’t committed to bringing up Kuo…I also agree that Schmidt needs more time to rehab…But, like I said before, you just never know what these guys are going to do next..

  25. max_power_05@yahoo.com

    Pierre’s inability to draw a walk in the situation is pathetic. 3-1 with a wild pitcher and he swings when he has one strike left.

  26. momoracci@yahoo.com

    Kuo is coming up, guaranteed. Brazoban getting hurt just made the decision easier because they now they don’t have to send down LaRoche/Abreu. Which gives them time to evaluate both players.

  27. jspelk2@uic.edu

    yeah, BUT they might still need another reliever after burning everyone tonight…maybe not though.

  28. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Nomar & Kent 1st pitch swinging… Are they in a hurry to go home???
    Gonzo takes a pitch then hits a double…

    Martin works the count then gets a bad call.. way outside… Thanks Ump

  29. paulg57@hotmail.com

    Tomorrow is a day off so the bullpen gets plenty of rest.

    Will someone please elaborate on how YB got hurt and how long it looks like he will be out. Is it his reconstructed arm?

  30. zobeida.torres.06@alum.dartmouth.org

    hey guys, i made “vote for russell” buttons and i have 4 left so if anyone is interested in one, e-mail me 🙂

  31. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    yeah nomar is really killing me with his little smile too, he needs to focus on seeing a good pitch to hit. its so pitiful, hes in the hole before he even comes up. last year he was squaring some of those up, this year its just becoming a drain.

  32. paulg57@hotmail.com

    My bad, I read the schedule wrong.

    then we just hope for 7 or 8 good innings out of our starter.

  33. kssparkuhl@msn.com

    It is time to switch Garciaparra and Martin in the lineup… and it can’t happen fast enough. It’s absurd to keep batting Russell in the sixth slot when he is performing at his pace. Nomar will do well in the fifth/sixth slot… with Grady alternating him with Gonzo until they find their prime spot… but Gonzo’s SLG PCT would suggest he’d be a better fifth batter right now.

    Go Dodgers!!

  34. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Tomorrow is NOT a day off… We play Pittsburg tomorrow..
    So, NO, the bullpen does not get a rest..

    Normar looks tired/weak with every at bat… Even his hits are little bloops or ground ball dribblers that go through the infield.. Plus he never walks.. He should be batting 6th & Martin should be hitting 3rd…

  35. phrenzy_@hotmail.com

    man if you’re watchign the nationals broadcasters you’d think they were finishing off the sweep of the dodgers and were’t just shutout back to back nights

  36. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Today is a perfect example of how we lose games…
    The starting pitching goes sour and then our batters are uable to come back.. No power & bad hitting with runners in scoring position… That is a bad formula for winning games..

    Broxton gets blown up again… That sure doesn’t help either… After walking two, why was he still in the game???

  37. leekfink@yahoo.com

    If I can overcome the fact that Broxton just gave up two runs (shockingly), I can remember we’ve still won this series, plus won 6 of our last 8 (or 9, if we can’t come back).

    Schmidt’s regular day to pitch is Monday. That is also Hendrickson’s next start. We obviously don’t know the day-after report on Schmidt yet, but Hendrickson has given up at least four runs in each of his last 5 starts, and has been pulled after less than 5 innings twice. In other words, it’s time to pull him from the rotation. Given the report on how he did, it looks like he’s likely to come back.

    Kuo will almost surely start on Saturday, and replace Brazoban on the roster if, as it seems, he may go on the DL. But that Saturday start is now critical, because that fifth starter role is now open for grabs again.

    If Schmidt’s not ready on Monday, they better get Bills ready. And he may have a chance to take over that start.

    Meanwhile, the game has gotten out of hand. Uggh.

  38. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Wow Can things possibly get any worse….

    Lose the game..

    Lose a relief pitcher..

    Burn out the bullpen..

  39. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    yeah the gnats scoring 11 is as big of a joke as saloman torres just blowing a 2-0 lead to give the game to SD.

  40. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Because Billingsly wasn’t used in relief tonite, I think Grady is going to put him in the rotation in the near future… Either Sat. or possibly when Hendrickson’s turn comes up again…

  41. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    That’s baseball; sometimes you get smoked by a bad team.

    Hendrickson’s spot comes up Tuesday, not Monday. Schmidt is supposed to throw tomorrow in the pen, I think. If he looks good, he could replace Hendrickson. Billingsley last pitched Sunday, so starting Saturday is not out of the question.

  42. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    The Dodgers embarrass the Nationals in game 1 & 2…

    The Dodgers embarrass themselves in game 3….(against one of the worst teams in the Majors)

  43. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    According to Diamond Leung’s blog: “UPDATE: Brazoban has posterior shoulder pain and will undergo an MRI tomorrow in Pittsburgh.”

    If Yhency has to be DLed and Billingsley starts Saturday, who gets called up? Not Kuo, I don’t think. Tsao’s not ready yet; maybe Houlton or someone like that, just for depth? Or maybe that makes Kuo on Saturday a done deal and Chad stays in the pen.

  44. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    i think its pretty set that kuo is starting saturday, i think grady is just being difficult.

  45. momoracci@yahoo.com

    If the Dodgers need a short reliever, they will call up Jonathan Meloan from Jacksonville.

  46. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Old Fogey
    I’ll bet your right on both counts…

    Bills on Sat. & Schmidt on tuesday if his bullpen session goes well tomorrow..

    As I said before, Grady still hasn’t committed to Kuo for Sat. I don’t think he was impressed with Kuo’s last outing… So, he is still up in the air about what to do…

  47. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    Kevin K on Dodgers Live is talking as if Kuo is a definite go for Sat…
    Hey-that is funny….

  48. alex41592@aol.com

    Had our chances, Martin got screwed on the strike three call. We kept chipping away and away. Then it got away in the 8th and now we’re gonna have ourselves a three way tie atop the N.L West. Still a series victory but a sweep is always the cherry on top, we’ll get them at the Ravine. Hendrickson’s next start in the rotation is against San Diego, but he’s all but lost the faith of the organization. But, I don’t know if throwing Schmidt into the fire against San Diego is the way to go in his first start back. I’d still like to see at least one more rehab start preferably in Vegas. You could give Bills a spot start in San Diego or give Hendrickson one last shot when it really counts. Arizona heads to Shea to play the Mets and hopefully the Nats can build on this game and put some hurt on the Pads. We head to PNC which is our home away from home. Wolf, Kuo, Penny and Lowe…I look for nothing less than 3 of 4, but I always love that cherry on top!

    Vote for Martin!

    Go Dodgers!

  49. fansince53@yahoo.com

    It’s about to become a three-way tie for first in the NL West. Josh Sharpless (an appropriate name) just gave up back-to-back jacks to Cameron and Bard in the top of the 11th. The Pads are going to win. (I hope the **** Pirates play this crappy against us!).

    Hey zobeida.torres.06 – “if i had hendrickson in front of me right now, i’d punch him” You’re my kind of girl! (Although you’re WAY to nice; I’d wring his freakin neck; if I could reach it, that is!). He’s Got to Go!

    Man, too bad about Brazoban. The only up-side is that his injury just gave a reprieve to Abreu or LaRoche. I’m guessing that Kuo will replace Braz on the roster for a Saturday start.

    Sorry paulg57 – No day off for the Blue Crew tomorrow. The boys head to Pittsburgh for four against the Bucs. Let’s take three of four!


  50. graffitigenius@hotmail.com

    ah hes a lefty right jpelk? that would be a great deal for them considering benitez is making 7+ mil i believe. what does florida see in him? gregg has been good for them.

  51. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    We now have a 3-way tie in the NL WEST,So what else is new? I just mentioned that in case somebody fell a sleep. I keep some records & we were 16-11, in the month of May. We were 15-11, in April, We didn’t improve much? I don’t know. All I know is the present temperature in Pittsburg PA is 72 degrees & Mostly cloudy. I guess I tell you all this because right at the moment, I have nothing else to do.

  52. interpol1414@yahoo.com

    i heard A. Martinez mention that theres no way Bills gets to start right now, SPECIALLY with the injury to Brazoban, so i guess K/Gou gets the nod?

  53. pat25rod@sbcglobal.net

    2nd Request;
    Question: While watching Gameday, does anyone know ,how to bring up the Pitchers speed ????

  54. pat25rod@sbcglobal.net

    In MHO, Grady has to manipulate his rotation, for
    the Padre scene @ Petco. we

    must have Penny; Wolf & Lowe

    for them or we’re in trouble.

  55. alex41592@aol.com

    No off days makes it impossible to switch things up. Unless you want Penny pitching on three days rest in order to face San Diego. Here’s how things lineup if everyone stays on normal rest for the next two weeks.

    @ Pittsburgh:

    Friday: Wolf

    Saturday: Kuo

    Sunday: Penny

    Monday: Lowe

    @ San Diego:

    Tuesday: Hendrickson’s Spot

    Wednesday: Wolf

    Thursday: Kuo

    vs. Toronto:

    Friday: Penny

    Saturday: Lowe

    Sunday: Hendrickson’s Spot

    vs. N.Y Mets

    Monday: Wolf

    Tuesday: Kuo

    Wednesday: Penny

  56. pat25rod@sbcglobal.net

    One comment I forgot to mention. I’m getting nervous
    with the Brazoban injury ,and

    it’s because, no one seems to be updating us, on Saito’s shoulder ???? So now with Broxton’s blow-up, our 7 th,

    8th & 9th innings look very

    skinny ??????

  57. rwbjr0@yahoo.com

    There is absolutely no way in helll that we want to start Hendrickson for the first game of the Padres series – the most important series so far this year…
    Please, Please, Please Let better judgemnet prevail…

  58. alex41592@aol.com

    Tony Jackson’s opinion after asking Grady if this was Hendrickson’s last start for his blog:

    “I think it is Hendrickson’s last start, at least for now. Grady didn’t really answer when we asked after the game. If he was staying in the rotation, he would have said that. What he offered were typical Grady vaguaries. We know what they mean, and he know we know what they mean. You know what I mean?”

  59. alex41592@aol.com

    Padres have the luck of a few off days at the right moments. When they face us next week they’ll throw at us Chris Young, Greg Maddux, and Jake Peavy. We really need to beat up on the Bucs cause we’re gonna get the Padres best three on the mound on the road. Huge series for sure! It’s just darn luck the rotation worked out that way as well as the schedule.

  60. pierreseastmeetswest@yahoo.com

    To s17180 I thought Proctor & Faunworth played for the Dodgers, Ya know, I looked it up & couldn’t find their names. Thank you. I was just wondering if players that don’t play during the regular season are on the all time roster. Like if a player played in spring training, was traded away before the season started. I could have swarned I had their names on an old scorecard. Maybe I was looking at the other team. Good catch. At least it shows somebody’s reading this stuff.

  61. fisher928@yahoo.com


    I was looking into your question about gameday pitch speed and what i read was that they are trying this new 3D pitchchart which I thought was the coolest while they were playing at Dodger stadium! However they don’t have the hardware installed in all of the Parks yet and seeing RFK is a teardown they probably just didn’t set it up there and thats why we wern’t getting the same view or pitch speeds also they have suspended the game chatroom until they have their new chat engine in place around the AS break.

  62. alex41592@aol.com

    Olmedo Saenz vs. Zach Duke

    8 for 10 2 HR’s 5 RBI’s

    I would find a place for those numbers somewhere in tomorrow’s lineup!

  63. jspelk2@uic.edu

    well remember, you’re talking about a guy who thinks beimel has equally good numbers against lefties and righties…

  64. sl7180@hotmail.com

    NP pierreseastmeetswest, I should had post it on this one. I didn’t think you would go back and check my comment.

  65. pat25rod@sbcglobal.net

    Fisher928: Hey Buddy, I Truly
    appreciate, your getting back to me. You really are one cool

    Dude..Class act. I really

    depend on “Gameday”, Here in

    S.D. Thanks again, Pal….

  66. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    lineups posted

    Furcal ss

    Kemp cf

    Martin C

    Kent 2b

    Gonzo lf

    Olmedo 1b

    Ethier Rf

    LaRoche 3b

    just kiddin.

  67. zobeida.torres.06@alum.dartmouth.org

    haha you’re such a punk. i got all happy when i saw that lineup for like 3 seconds…until i got to the “just kiddin” part. i knew it was too good to be true

  68. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    Regarding Sammy Saito’s stiff shoulder, apparently he’s good to go, at least according to Ken Gurnick, “Takashi Saito did not pitch in the three-game series with the Nationals after alerting the staff about shoulder fatigue over the weekend, but he’s available to pitch.”

  69. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    Or maybe that makes Kuo on Saturday a done deal and Chad stays in the pen. Posted by: old_fogey_la@yahoo.com | May 31, 2007 07:32 PM

    Looks like that part. Last night, after the game, Grady said, “[Billingsley’s] role in the bullpen is even more important after this evening”.

  70. manfromchina@hotmail.com

    billingsley probably hates little. he know he can really help th eteam out even if just for a spot start or two but just is being given the chance. gotta be frustrating.

  71. manfromchina@hotmail.com

    billingsley probably hates little. he knows he can really help the team out even if just for a spot start or two, but just isn’t being given the chance. gotta be frustrating.

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