Abreu is official…

Indeed, Tony Abreu has had his contract purchased from Triple-A and will be with the club tonight. Hong-Chih Kuo is returning to Las Vegas…once I have a lineup, I’ll post it from downstairs.


  1. fansince53@yahoo.com

    Wouldn’t it be something if Tony Abreu started in LF tonight? Naaah. Grady would never bench Gonzo.

    Regardless – JUST WIN BABY!


  2. mpdclarke@yahoo.com

    I like Tony Abreu as much as anyone else on the board. However, I really cannot figure out what the heck Ned Colletti/Little are doing.

    Do we really need four players in Betemit, LaRoche, Martinez, and Abreu on the team at once?

    This makes no sense!

    Betemit and LaRoche have been decent the last two or three weeks. They are certainly not the problem.

    The world’s worst OF is the problem.

    Forget Pierre, but Gonzo and Clark are basically useless on the team!

    Granted Clark should just be a 5th OF who does not play much, but at least Kemp could help out in the area that is of greatest concern.

    The Dodgers have so many mediocre or aging players on the team that despite our weak offense, believe or not we really DO NOT have many spots to add a big bat at…

    Could we just give LaRoche four or five week trial of playing every day to see if, maybe, just maybe he could be an in-house solution before we go blow dough and prospects for the broken-down likes of Rolen, Glaus, etc.

    I can cut little-Colletti duo a chance to right this ship, but I am perplexed to say the least…

  3. abandonscience@gmail.com

    Was the relegation of Kuo something expected? I really like him and we all saw how much of a better he pitcher he is when starting as opposed to coming in out of the bullpen. I hope this was something planned so that he can get more work in after coming off of the surgery.

  4. delweine@yahoo.com

    Perplexed by what Grady Little does? Of course you are, if your IQ is over 70 you should be.

    How about plain old getting rid of Grady?

    MOVE NOMAR TO 3RD plain and simple!! END OF STORY!!

    call up Looney he is ready, he wil be a star I GUARANTEE IT!!

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