Workout Day

I hear Rally Monday was a great success. A great crowd of the Dodger faithful showed their true blue loyalty at CityWalk last night. I hope those of you who were there got to enjoy it. Here is a picture taken from above the event, taken by a co-worker of mine, who admits she isn’t the best photographer in the world:


We’ve got a 3 p.m. workout (ET) at the stadium, so I’ll be leaving the hotel in an hour and a half for good ol’ Shea Stadium.

If this works right, you’ll have plenty of reading leading up until tomorrow with the postseason guide you’ve asked for:

Download part_one.pdf

Download part_two.pdf

Download part_three.pdf



    thanks josh, i guess im gonna be busy, lol… josh, how many players can travle with the team?.. will the guys that didnt make the post season roster be able to be their?



    Holy smokes Josh… thanks! This’ll keep us busy until tomorrow. You’re the man!



    Thanks for posting the media guides! I haven’t had a chance to go through the whole thing, but I did check out the last page of part 3, Dodger home runs in the postseason. Now, I knew Duke Snider was great, but I had no idea he was able to hit a home run with FIVE men on base! He also hit one with four men on, as did Hodges (twice), Cox, and Roseboro. Guess they just don’t make ballplayers like they used to, huh? 😉


    Thanks to you for making this widely available; reading this I feel like I should be sitting in the pressbox! Thanks to capdodger over at Dodger Thoughts for the heads up.


    RS6 row M. I’ll see ya’ll there!!!! Watched Lima throw a shut out in ’04….. Greg Maddux, nough said. I’m gonna soil my self.


    THANK YOU!!! Living in Boston as I do, I was looking for something like this all season, but it’s great to have for the postseason. I won’t even quibble about having it in three sections and without the covers. I look forward to reading it cover to cover, even if it means my roomie (the Mets fan) will hate me even more this week. Like Rusell Martin told Ned Coletti, the Dodgers are just getting started. Thanks for letting me along for the ride.


    5TD Row J, I can’t wait to see Maddux pitch again. Does anyone know where we can see the final roster for the postseason?


    I hope Martin was right about just getting started. We can beat the Mets if we play smart and patient, but it won’t be a walk in the park. Thanks for the guide Josh. Lets go Dodgers!!1


    being a fan since 1951, 55 years ago today was terrible. that was the year of the shot heard round the world. I can still hear Russ Hodges (I think that was his name) yelling Giants win the pennant–Giants win the pennant over and over. This year it will be Dodgers win the pennant. Have faith in the boys. GO DODGERS


    I hate to be the one to point it out, but isn’t Rick Honeycutt the pitching coach not the 3rd base coach?


    Regarding yesterdays hot topic of Éric Gagné going to the Red Sox, which was perfectly embellished by SkunkSpot: would you please explain your “logic” which leads you to believe that Gagné will be heading to the “BoSox”?

    Éric Gagné has stated all along that he is a “Dodger”. I think the McCourt’s and Ned Colletti are very much aware of his loyalty to the organization. He also publicly stated the other day that “I’m a Dodger Fan” when asked about how tough it’s been sitting on the sidelines this year. He’s also publicly stated that he will be seeking a type of contract that will allow him to stay with the Dodgers. As Éric has stated, “…the Dodgers are the only team I know and it’s in my blood”.

    This is the character of a guy who’s charity work goes above and beyond the average sports celebrity. This is the kind of man the Dodgers want to keep on their roster. I’m certain that Ned Colletti and all involved, including the Baseball Antichrist, Scott Boras, will do what it takes to keep Éric in Los Angeles.

    It was stated that Ned Colletti doesn’t know the magic of Éric Gagné’s GAME OVER production at Dodger Stadium. This may be true, however the brain-trust in LA does know what the fans like and they also know the character behind the player. They will do all that is necessary to keep Éric Gagné in a Dodger uniform, especially with a contract that makes sense to all involved. Éric will pull the reins on Boras and will find a way to get himself back to where he belongs: the Dodger bullpen.

    That’s my logic. Tell me again where you came up with yours Skunk… fantasy-land?


    “I hate to be the one to point it out, but isn’t Rick Honeycutt the pitching coach not the 3rd base coach?”

    Dude… these guys were up until the “wee” hours of the morning finishing this up. Cut them some slack for a couple of mistakes in about 80,000 words.


    I wasnt busting their chops, I was just pointing it out . . .it’s still a mighty impressive job to have accomplished in the time.


    Wow, Thanks for listening Josh !! You guys that are into the stats & numbers are going to love this media guide !!

    Maybe it’s just me but I feel the presure has to be on NY, not the Dodgers. All year the Mets have dominated the NL, except for the Dodgers. And for most of the year just about everyone had written off the Dodgers, especially during our losing streaks !! I like our chances, we’re loose and focused on the job at hand. The Mets have just as many injury problems as we do, but ours have been dealt with all season, most of theirs have just happenned. They’re scrambling where we’ve spent the time getting our kids ready for this. I like our chances !!

    Go Dodgers !!


    I’m with you Gary! I love our chances as well, and as you put it, the pressure is definitely on the Mets to produce. The Dodgers will emerge victorious in New York… the Dodgers in three games!! Yes folks… a sweep by the Dodgers vs. the Mets…


    I’m still trying to find the official 25 man roster myself.

    As for Gagne again, I really hope he stays but he’s only 75-85% of what he was and it’s just one injury after the other with him. We can’t afford to have a closer as reliable as Isringhausen or Benitez when our error for margin is so then because our offense has trouble plating 4 runs a game every year. Broxton has an unlimited ceiling, while Saito has reached his, and Gagne can’t be counted on anymore to stay healthy.


    Skunkspot2001, you need to look at some history. In most cases, pitchers that have had Tommy John surgery have come back stronger, and I’ll bet smarter. You only have to look as far Kuo to see that !! Also, Gagne’s latest injury is a back issue and from what I hear it’s doing very well. I like having a journeyman in the ranks and Gagne may never be the Gagne of old but in my humble opinion well worth a shot for the Gagne of tomorrow !! Now I can tell you for a fact that marketing wise it’s a proven fact that Gagne brings them in the gate and keeps them in the park longer, which means more concessions and more money !! Dollar for dollar it’s well worth the incentive ladden contract of $4-5 million. I’m sure they’ll do that much in Gagne jersys etc.. alone !! The risk is low and the return could be great !! All around it makes sense to all parties involved !!
    Go Dodgers !!


    El Duque needs an MRI as he hurt a calf!!! Glavine vs. DLowe in Game 1?? If so we better get Lugo in there and whatever righties we have.


    Hey Ray – During the post-game interview with Grady after Sunday’s game, he said that he would probably be bringing 28 guys with him to New York. It is my understanding that he does not have to announce his 25-man roster until just prior to Game-1. (I seem to recall that from last season during the ALDS when the Angels’ Bartolo Colon got hurt).

    Thanks for the media guide Josh!



    Maybe Gagne can have a resurgence and stay healthy, look at the Big Hurt and what he did for Oak.


    Skunk… firstly, I want to make it clear, I’m not bashing you. I simply do not appreciate you coming here and without ANY substantiation at all, mention that we need to “…look for Gagné to be the next BoSox closer…”. Then you fein ignorance about “hijacking” a thread when you know that the majority of us care about where Éric Gagné will be when next season starts. Well, what did you think would happen when you mention something like Éric Gagné going to the Red Sox? All I asked is where you came up with your “logic” and you still haven’t answered the question.

    Guys, look for Russell Martin to be the next Florida Marlins catcher next year, with Paul LoDuca and Mike Piazza backing him up.


    lol, kevin you have had me laughing all day.. look for sandy koufax comming out of retirement next year.. btw, we need zito, hes a big game pitcher, unlike penny..



    Go get’em Kevin !!! Harold, drop the pickles man, there’s some good stuff going on here today !! Be sure you guys read the Derek Lowe blog, it’s what we’ve all been asking for, a direct line to the players !!
    Go Dodgers !!!


    Can’t – work. Must – concentrate. Must – click – Dodger – blog. No. Must – get – work – done. Cannot – concentrate. I – have – playoff – fevor.


    I stated my logic already yesterday, nuff said. I love the Dodgers enough to not want another Driefort out there. I’m tired of losing my voice from booing these kinds of players the Dodgers get over the course of the 5-10 games I go to each year. I would hate to have to boo Gagne as a Dodger if he coughs up too many games. I hadn’t booed Gagne sinse he started for us and I feel dirty for doing it.


    I am conflicted about the St.L vs. SD game, I hate both of them. We match up poorly against them both but I like for us to play SD as I’m sure josh would as they’re be little travel for them!!


    for tomorrow, El Duque is listed as a probably not.

    Glavine threw his bullpen session today, so he’s a no. I would guess John Maine.


    I’m glad we’re the underdog. It’s like nobody really knows what Derek Lowe has been doing of late, what Kuo already did to the Mets and what kind of damage Maddux can do at Dodger Stadium in a night game…

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