Manic Monday

No, it’s not another 80s tune from my XM Radio. Just a feeling I’m getting that today is going to be quite crazy around here. It’s going to be hard to top yesterday’s excitement, as that was truly one of the greatest games I’ve ever witnessed. A 1-0 battle between a Hall of Famer and one of the top pitchers in the game and to think Greg needed just 68 pitches in eight inning – utterly amazing.

The first matchup ever between a 300-game winner and 700-homer guy didn’t disappoint, with Maddux leaping to spear a line drive back at the mound and retiring Barry Bonds, the first of 22 consecutive batters he set down.

More than 55,000 people in the house and the place was rocking like it was the 2004 playoffs and Lima was on the mound. It’s not surprising that Dodger fans are on the way to setting a record for attendance here at Dodger Stadium.

Of course, all of these wins mean that the media requests continue to pour in from all around the country, as the Dodgers are the talk of the baseball world. As it should be. Needless to say, our department will be busy today.

On a totally unrelated note, I went to today and noticed that my old colleague from, Mark Feinsand, is blogging about the Yankees. He’s a great guy and a very good writer and it appears he’s got some sort of following on his blog. He had something like 1,000 comments, which is pretty impressive. I’m not sure what that says about this one and I hate to point out a Yankee anything on this site, but I have to say, as someone who didn’t really understand the blogging world until about a year ago, you are all quite a dedicated group of fans.



    I couldn’t agree more. After 40 years of attending games at Dodger Stadium, I can’t remember a more perfectly played game. Maddux’s pitching was beyond belief! The fans gave him a standing ovation when he walked back to the dugout after the 8th, and all 55,000 of them stuck around to witness Martin’s walkoff in the 10th. A truly remarkable season to be sure.


    Thanks for all your contributions Josh !! I have to say that throughout the day I’m on and off the Blogg site 8-10 times a day just to see what others are saying. I would like to ask again if it is at all possible to get some of the players and coaches to contribute ?? Maybe even a minor leaguer from Las Vegas on occasion so we can stay up to date on them.
    Go Dodgers !!


    I have to agree about yesterday’s game. It probably wasn’t the most exciting for many casual baseball fans, but I was absolutely enthralled. By far, the best game I have ever been to.

    Maddux was absolutely amazing and my only gripe was seeing Loney pinch hit for him after eight innings.


    P.S. Josh I heard you on Kevin & Bean the other day promoting the knitting day. They sure gave you a hard time but you took it like a man. But common, knitting? Did Jamie think of that one? 🙂


    i too check the blogs several times daily. believe it or not it’s an important part of my day! i enjoy getting insight from a knowledgeable person inside the organization, and it’s a place to voice my opinions and be heard. thanks for maintaining this blog and feeding the fanatics!


    I see Bill Shaikin in the Times had a bit of a play on the Canadian “eh”. Some folks are sensitive but I am delighted because it comes from Martin or Gagne. There are not many Canadians in the bigs so I keep a bit of an eye on all of them. Love Martin and Gagne not only as Dodgers but because of their competitive makeup. They give everything they have every time. Hoping for another great game tonight. Watched last night on ESPN. Certainly went to sleep happy. Let’s get to Dontrelle tonight, eh.


    This is a great source for meeting my Dodger needs. Really appreciate the variety of info and first hand info that Josh provides. Still find it difficult to understand how he is able to post each day, quite often with considerable detail. Dodger home also a great way to keep track of minor league teams and players. And , I check several times daily to read the posts of the many Dodger fans that reply in this blog. Filled with all sorts of insights, suggestions, opinions, info, questions. A bit addictive for Dodger fanatics.


    hope your day isn’t too manic josh. interesting to note that willie aybar is now on the 15 day disabled list with a middle finger injury.


    Lineup predictions for today:

    Furcal – ss

    Ethier – lf

    Nomar – 1b

    Kent – 2b

    Betemit – 3b

    Lugo – rf

    Martin – c

    Repko – cf


    Baez has been pretty reliable for them except for maybe 1 outing as he is the Braves permanent set up man to Wickman.

    Aybar’s injury occured during his first game for ATL (he went 4-6!) when sliding into a base.

    *shudders to think that maybe Ned didn’t do so hot in that deal with the Braves


    Otherwise you combine the other trades on deadline day and we fair better:






    Pedrazo whatever


    Also, I’d like Preston Wilson to be acquired if the asking price isn’t too high to be our 4th outfielder or 5th when Kemp gets here. Preston can play all 3 outfield positions and could easily replace JD’s power if you want to platoon them!!


    Gary, you know it! Russell’s my candidate for MVP of this team. If it weren’t for him, I’d shudder to imagine what the pitching staff would be like and also to be stuck with Dioner’s bat would really stink as well.

    As for Andre Ethier, he’ll will win the ROY, but Martin can’t be forgotten for his contributions. In the long-run though, it will be Ethier’s productive hitting that will win it for him.

    I feel that now is a good time to rest Ethier now that the hitting streak is over, so here’s my lineup prediction for tonight:

    Furcal – SS

    Lofton – CF

    Betemit – 3B

    Kent – 2B

    Nomar – 1B

    Drew – RF

    Martin – C

    Repko – LF


    Im a huge Ethier supporter, but if the year ends now he’s not the ROY unfortunately. A huge August/September could change that though (you never know). This is a big year for rookies- there are more rookies playing at a high level than any year I can remember. Lets focus on the winning the division and getting into the playoffs and doing some damage there!!!


    I expect Lugo will be in the lineup again as well as Lofton. Lofton playing well and will be used a lot by Grady during the stretch run. A veteran who thrives on pennant races and play-offs.
    Handles the bat well, runs well but haven’t seen his defense. Repko is the odd man out now, not Lugo. Last night watching the game on ESPN, I was amazed at how good Furcal looked: slap bunt to SS, SB, good defensive plays. He looks like a keeper. I also expect Drew will play.


    Ethier has not had a day off since before the all star break. With a leftie tonight, and the hitting streak over, Grady has to give the young man a day off. I agree with earlier comments, to win ROY, Andre’ needs a huge September. Those east cost snobs aren’t watching yet, and they will hold the fact that he started in May over his vote.


    euhlman – I’m a Canadian as well but I live in the states. I absolutely love watching the handful of Canadians play at such a high level this year and Martin tops the list. Don’t tell my (mostly deceased) extended family though, because they came from the generation that despised French-Canadians.


    What are people’s thought about the ROY honor going to a pitcher? I hope they give it to Mr. Russell Martin because of his consistency, attitude, clutch hitting, and the fact that a young man like him can come in and gain respect from his pitching staff, the rest of the team, and the entire league.

    Could the league give out co-ROY awards to both Martin and Ethier?!!!

    Maybe this will start another streak of 5 straight rookie of the year awards like the 90’s…


    wordbooty – Good to have another Canadian posting on this blog. Gagne and Martin are of course both from Quebec French Canadians. I live in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and am a big, big follower of Gagne and Martin. I hoped for the French Canadian connection on the Dodgers but Eric’s future with the team is unfortunately uncertain. Hope it works out. I really am not interested in the ROY but I expect some other posts are correct. It will take a massive September for Martin or Ethier to win the award. What I am hoping for is that they can play as consistently well for the duration of the season. They will be good Dodgers – hard workers, good skills, great attitudes. I watched Martin especially on the ESPN game last night. What a gamer. Joe Morgan kept saying he ran like a catcher. Don’t think so Joe. Can steal a base and lots od doubles.

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