Today's game

Here’s what we’ve got for today. Don’t forget, with both us and the Angels as the Game of the Week, we’ll be on Channel 13 today, not 11.

Furcal, SS

Cruz, LF

Nomar, 1B

Drew, RF

Kemp, CF

Aybar, 2B

Guzman, 3B

Martin, C

Penny, P



    I like the lineup for today. It seems obvious that Grady doesn’t want to have five rookies starting no matter what. I would think anybody would do a better job batting that Cruz – he may be all right for a late inning substitution or emergency, but he just doesn’t seem to “have it” anymore. Having said that, I hope he proves me wrong for today’s game. Hopefully we’ll be OK with Penny; just don’t bring either Hamulack or Baez into the game. Go Dodgers – take the remaining two from the Phils.


    I think five rookies, although we all love the young guys, would be really putting a pressure on them.MLB pitching is tougher than AAA day in and day out. I would like them to play relaxed, improve, gain confidence, and start building a made on the farm team home grown team. Nothing instills more pride in a team. That might take a couple of years so hope management doesn’t feel an extreme need to win immediately, although GM Colletti’s team has made great strides since last year. I think he is committed to the youth movement and won’t trade good prospects for a short term solution. All of the prospects probably can’t be accomodated by the Dodgers so he does have some options, along with a couple of members of the present roster. But, who to trade. I see calls for Greg Miller and Chad Billingsley. Hope they are patient with them. Miller is hard to hit but walking too many now. Billingsley has a bit of a high ERA even for Las Vegas. Can’t believe Miller is still only 21.


    Good call. Pressure off Guzman. Also, Ethier was due for some rest. I like putting Cruz in the 2-hole if he’s in the lineup at all.

    Here’s hoping that Big ol’ Brad will be durable and efficient.


    I have a feeling (i’m talking from a fan point of view so don’t get me wrong) that Brad Penny is coming back with a vengence today.


    Either Penny comes back with a vengence or he gets hurt, when we acquired him he got hurt against the Phillies…… a day game………on FOX……


    Yeah. Penny took the loss in that one too. And catching that game was Brent Mayne.

    Some things are better left in the past.


    Hamulack just struck out the side. And don’t forget: He’s the guy who drilled Bonds in April after Kent got beaned. He can pitch for me any day.


    I hate to get too overexcited about Matt Kemp but it seems that this kid is going to be an absolute superstar.


    TIMMY! I love any guy that beans that big headed monster in the bay, but come on…there goes the shut out…

    Kemp looks good…

    So here’s a question…what is more pressing, a starting pitcher or a reliever or two? I’m thinking starter…

    • Leetticia

      I’m glad you’re gonna keep doing what you do. I know you’d like to have the rceepst that a media credential would bring, but I also know that you do what you do because you love the Rockies and you love baseball. Perhaps someday you will be rewarded with that rceepst and credential, but in the meantime I know you do it because you love coming up those steps from Gate A and seeing batting cages on the sunny field. I know you do it because you love the hunt for batting practice balls, and snagging them over the guy who wasn’t quite fast enough. I know you do it because you love getting action shots from different parts of the stadium, and sharing them with readers who weren’t lucky enough to be in the moment. I know you do it because you love the camaraderie of Rox fans and sitting in the Pavilion eating a hotdog and watching our boys do their thing on the field while the sun goes down on a warm July evening. And because of those things, I know you’ll keep doing what you do, which is it’s own reward. And ours.


    Hamulack still struggles with control. Grady seems to be really trying to help him get straightened out. His inconsistency is disrupting when the game is going along smoothly. Being a left hander has probably made it more difficult to demote him. That inconsistency also makes it difficult to have him as a situational LHP for one batter.I certainly hope he can get things sorted out soon. Great day for Penny. Every position player had at least one hit. Nomar and Drew are hot. Saw a replay of a Kemp homer. His swing reminds me of Vernon Wells.


    Penny should pitch “hurt” more often. Gotta love Matt Kemp! This team is very good.


    OK, maybe Hamulack can pitch for me any day … that we have an eight-run lead.

    Unfortunately, he, like all the new kids, will struggle — and, oh yes, struggles are in the future for Kemp, Ethier, Guzman, Martin, Loney, et al, and how they overcome them will be the key to a prosperous major league career. But I agree with the consensus: It is good to see the fruit of the farm system paying off.


    Just got in from the game and it was great !! The kids look fantastic and Penny did very well, although he sure goes deep in the count a lot !! 103 pitches in four innings !! On another note I love to take my radio and listen to Vinny for the first 3 innings, not today, no such luck. Where was Vin ?? I hate listening to Steiner and today was no exception. He spent the top of the first inning talking about his beloved Yankees. When is McCourt going to see this guys true colors and get ride of him ?? This team is great and they deserve a committed announcer that’s focused !!
    Go Dodgers !!


    I looked on every *******’ channel this afternoon, couldn’t find the game ANYWHERE. What channel was it on?? Wasn’t it supposed to start at 1 or 1:30?


    you said>>>I hate to get too overexcited about Matt Kemp but it seems that this kid is going to be an absolute superstar. <<

    the only words that come to mind are absolet POWER!


    Everyone was eagerly anticipating Guzman’s major league debut. Now we are just as eagerly anticipating him hitting a homer. I’d love to see him up to bat with two on and nobody out.

  17. in answer to your question he is being sent down before tomorrow’s game. I give Colletti credit. At least he is not afraid to send down someone he traded for. The prior regime would not do that with an incompetent 1st baseman.


    I agree whole heartedly Cosmow I prayed for the departure of choi,tracy and last gm as well as Steiner and his NY NY chant all last year 3 outta 4 ain’t bad(4/4) would be better. Glad to see Hamahack going back! I Have Full trust in Colleti’s desions so far and i hope grady will quit letting games get away with the supersized bullpen, we would be leading the west right now except for the blowup bullpen senerio keep with the proven people and extracate the rest.Ceasar finally got a hit tonight in 6 at bats… strike outs yet ya ready for 2nd base raffy? 13 errors is back to cora before he came around performance.Sooo Much Talent and only 9 spots to fill this time last year izturis was still batting over .300 as leadoff and had only 2 or 3 errors as I recall and on a poorly constucted team. 1 Question why is it that Shawn green only now has figured out the contact hit thing? I mean i was a big fan of his on his big years then he faded badly and I was sooo ready for him to move on now he pulls this .333 avg outta the hat and is leading the snakes over us…. is his contract due again? Are the Snakes this good?

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