Dee Gordon can fly…

You hear a lot about Dee Gordon these days and as you can imagine, our baseball operations staff is careful not to overhype him. But sometimes, he’s hard to ignore.

Earlier tonight, while we were in the visiting clubhouse at the new D-backs complex at Talking Stick, Dee was talking about the inside-the-park-home-run he seemingly hit in a minor league game yesterday, only to be thrown out at home plate.

Well, the folks from are in town for a few days at Spring Training and as I was talking to them, Mark Timmons said that Jared Massey actually caught the play on tape. So, if you want to see just how fast Dee is, check this out. And for what it’s worth, I agree with Dee that he was safe.

It’s really amazing what you can find on the web these days. There’s always talk about how the number of mainstream media members covering us has dwindled and yet, you could spend hours and hours each day just following the Dodgers.


  1. nellyjune

    I love Dee Gordon!!! He should be with the big club, hopefully sooner than later 🙂

    From previous thread…..

    I agree Jhall!! Hi tru!!! lol!!! How about that rain? Lol!! I am thinking enchanted is getting a nice dose of the white stuff, hoping he’s okay though.

  2. trublu4ever

    I’m really getting depressed with all this rain, Nellyjune. It’s supposed to last all week. I think we need a dinner out and lots of drinks 🙂

  3. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Trumom!! You’re welcome. Glad you liked the Andre video. It’s nice to have Gordon in the pipeline. Furcal needs 600 PA’s for his club option to vest for 2012. With his injury history, it doesn’t seem likely!!! With an average of 4.5 PA/game, he would have to play in 133/134 games. I think Gordon needs to play everyday so AAA is where he belongs to start the season. He’ll come up if Ferk goes down(highly likely) or in September!!!

  4. trublu4ever

    I will keep my fingers crossed, Jhall. Come to think of it, I’d like to give the finger to a few people! lol

  5. jhallwally

    Come to think of it, we sure haven’t seen much of Furcal lately!!! No magic in our bats today!!! Oh well, I should probably get used to it. Groan!!!!!

  6. nellyjune

    I think we will be okay. Nobody in our division is scary good. I hate to say it, but the gnats are looking the strongest so far. However, their bullpen is somewhat dinged up with Wilson possibly being out with an obligue strain.

  7. nellyjune

    I think so Jhall!!! We say it ourselves all the time. Everything on paper doesn’t seem to favor us, but the teams don’t play on paper. They play on the ball field where anything can happen.

  8. Dodger4life

    Haven’t seen anything from Raffy….Get out!!
    I hope he gets 600 plate appearances… As far as Dee, looking forward to his appearance, no doubt.
    Lets talk about James and his supposed regression, no Dodger other than Carrol had a better year, James held the fort when, it looked like….We’ll we all know what it looked like…..This year James will be the driving force….for all you Ney sayers, revel in this…..Boom, Boom!!
    Big Game James!!

  9. Dodger4life

    My Generation………62 years,
    My Grandfathers generation, my Fathers generation, my generation and every child in America’s generation.
    Baseball has been blessed…
    Those of us whom, hear Vinnies call, and immediatly think of home…..have been blessed beyond years….
    Thank You, Vinny…

  10. crzblue2

    Rocking on D4!
    Countdown to Opening Day
    Thursday, March 31, 2011 5:01 pm
    Days: 9
    Hours: 221
    Minutes: 13306
    current time: 11:14 AM Dodger Stadium Time

  11. jhallwally

    Well its a good thing Gibbons got new contacts. Now he can see his way to the dugout better after his AB’s!!!! Geez!!! What a waste!!!!

  12. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Trumom!!! Hope you are having a great day!!! Well, Chad looked good today as well as the bullpen till Troncoso. Elbert throwing strikes, good sign. Nice to see Furcal in the lineup and Paul looked good. Only rbi so far. Gibbons, of course, stunk!!!!

  13. jhallwally

    LOL!!! C’mon Trumom, don’t sugarcoat it, tell us how you really feel. You are correct however!!!!

  14. jhallwally

    Yep Trumom, it is very obvious to everyone except Ned!!! I’m not sure how Donny feels. If I’m Mattingly in my first year managing and trying to make a name for myself, I wouldn’t want to hang my fortunes on Gibbons.

  15. trublu4ever

    I would like to see a complete game with the regular players in there. I’m guessing the cuts will be made next week?

  16. trublu4ever

    I think Jiminez should make the team…even though he didn’t hit today, he has some pop and can play various positions.

  17. jhallwally

    LOL!!! I agree and with that platform, you will win in a landslide!!!! I would like to add Conte to that mix!!!

  18. jhallwally

    I’m positive you and I could do better than Ned!!! It really wouldn’t take much to outperform Neddy!!! He just doesn’t have “IT”.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Dee Gordon sure can run.
    I keep asking the same question. What happened to ‘the tie goes to the runner’? It was the same thing in the ’55 World Series.
    I don’t know what Yogi keeps arguing about.
    Yes, Robby slid into the glove and ball which were right over the plate, hitting home plate at precisely at the same time. that’s why he was safe.
    I haven’t had any trouble logging in for a few days, so long as I come here first.


    Couple of guys that I don’t want on the team.
    Velez I think is now gone since his ankle injury, and that’s a good thing. Good Bye.
    Blake I hope doesn’t even recover from his back/ rib injury, because his contract has been a year too long. Whether we put Miles on 3rd or Uribe, or almost anybody else, they can hardly be any worse than having Blake play that position, especially if we’re intent on having him bat second in the lineup. Good Bye, Blake.
    Among all the LF possibilities, I think Gibbons has the least to recommend him at this point. Whether we play Gwynn, or Paul, or Gimenez, or anybody else not named Gibbons we’ll be better off. So, Good Bye, Gibbons. Yours was a nice story while it lasted, but it’s over.

  21. nellyjune

    Me too!!

    BTW – enchanted has been without power since Sunday, as I suspected due to what I was hearing on the news in his neck of the woods. Jhall – I know you can relate. He said it took him 3 hours to dig out of his driveway on Monday. He normally has minimal snow, and it melts rather quickly. With the next storm coming in as I write, and according to the news and him, the folks up there probably won’t have power until Friday/Saturday.

  22. jhallwally

    Yep Nelly, power outages really are a huge pain in the butt!!! Tell Beav we’re keeping him in our thoughts. Sounds like the ice storm we had here in Dec 04. Lost my power for 6 days!! No fun!!!

  23. nellyjune

    Jhall – he is in a pretty remote area up in our foothills, and the news was showing us power lines all tangled up in the trees. Some of the residents of a town nearby him said they haven’t even seen PG&E (our power company) yet. I am guessing the big issue for him is his business is primarily done by computer, and that has to be a huge pain in the butt!! LOL!! I have been in an ice storm when living in Memphis. No fun at all is right! I know what you mean – lol!! That was down right scary at times the first time I experienced one.

    I guess the gnat fans got enough money to fly their banner over Dodger Stadium during our opening game. Pathetic is all I have to say on that one. Why don’t they save their money and have an even bigger celebration in their home ballpark. Those of us up here have said this many times. They spend more time and energy worried about and hating the Dodgers than they do celebrating their own.


  24. trublu4ever

    Poor, Enchanted! I’m freaking out just by having all this damn rain….I’d be an absolute basket case if I were snow bound with no electricity!

  25. colliethec

    Hello there everybody! Wow Nelly — I guess it’s a good thing that Wifey & I didn’t end up going to Tahoe for my Birthday.
    I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago and pushed into another car. No one was injured but my car is probably totaled. I was bummin about it as I’m not a wealthy dude as well as I’ve taken great pride in my driving and avoiding some accidents in my past. Although it was probably more God’s protection in most of those cases then me doing anything.
    Then the tragic quake, tsunami, and nuke issues hit Japan and made me realize my car issues were so extremely very small. We didn’t go to Tahoe since I was going to be off for the weekend so I thought I should be responsible and try to shop for a new used car. But then it was raining the whole time which doesn’t make for a good time walking car lots. So we didn’t get to the car shopping. We just chilled which was what was needed. I think it could of been fun getting snowed in — missing a couple days of work and lounging by the fire. But it could also of been a big bummer…
    So long story short I hope E is doing okay and has plenty of blankets.
    Well the boys have been playing well lately and it’s been nice to see! Not as many errors and they have also been running the bases well. I have seen many 1st to 3rd on base hits which is a awesome. I like the aggressiveness.
    Anyway I hope all is well with everybody — take care…

  26. nellyjune

    Collie – sorry to hear about your car accident, and eventhough your car is not okay, I am glad you are. As far as enchanted, according to our news, it is snowing up there now pretty heavily, and it looks like their power “might” be back by Saturday.

    The Dodgers have been playing pretty well, and it hopefully will be even better when the starters are all playing at the same time.

  27. jhallwally

    Hang in there Collie!!! Sorry about the car, but glad your OK!!! I realized too late that when you live out in the country, you should invest in a really good generator!!! Power companies are going to fix the problems in the higher population density areas first. Beav is a trooper, I’m sure he will perservere!!! Country Boys Can Survive!!!!

  28. nellyjune

    Jhall ~ He has lived amongst the strangest of neighbors up there so this weather is probably the least of enchanted’s worries really – lol!!!

  29. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Nelly!! Hope your day is going well!!! I’m not totally sure what you mean about the neighbors. Hopefully, just weird pot-heads, not sociopathic violent sorts. Anyway, when you live out in the boonies, you should be armed. I always have my friends, Colt, Winchester, Remington, Smith and Wesson!!!

  30. nellyjune

    Jhall – not violent, necessarily, just very strange. The movie “The Burbs” comes to mind everytime he mentions the weirdness. Other than the constant rain and being on a flood watch for my house (there is a creek right in front of my house), I am doing great!!! Like Collie says, it’s perspective when you read all the stuff going on outside of the US right now. Hope you are doing well too!

  31. nellyjune

    My mom doesn’t need to pack heat, she has 5 little dogs that will rip you to shreds if you mess with her or my dad – LMAO!!!

  32. jhallwally

    The Trumom Ultimatem!!!! Trumom with only memories of the Dodger glory years, hunts down and eliminates Frank and Ned!!!! Returning the franchise to prominence!!!!

    Coming soon from BeavBear Productions©

  33. nellyjune

    With all that free time with no computers or television, enchanted just might be filling up his library of ITD/Dodger songs – LOL!!!!

  34. jhallwally

    Coming soon; The Tru-Glock-Mom Consortium!!! Will it be revealed that Trumom’s operative inside MLB is…. Kim Ng!!!! Stay tuned!!!

    BeavBear Productions©

  35. jhallwally

    In this episode, find out if Jay Gibbons has really discovered the secret of the Dodger Dog and is forcing Farmer John to put pressure on Ned to keep him!!!!!!

  36. jhallwally

    BeavBear Productions©.

    Our mission statement,

    “You can’t handle the truth, You’ve just weakened our Dodgers!!!!!

  37. jhallwally

    Trying to get the glass half full Nelly!!! When life gives you lemons like Gibbons, let them go and make Tequilla Sunrises!!!!!

  38. jhallwally

    Yep, nice win today!!! It shows alot of heart by our bubble/young players. Our veterans didn’t do squat!!!!

  39. jhallwally

    Is it just me, or are the Dodgers better off without Blake?!!! I don’t wish injuries on any player, however, they are part of the game. I can actually see our injuries this spring being a blessing. Makes the decisions on who makes the opening day roster easy for the decerebrate GM!!!!

  40. trublu4ever

    :):)…..I reall like Gimenez…he can play all over the place. Why don’t you give him chance with the big boys, managment?!

  41. nellyjune

    The injuries sure are giving us a look at some of our young players for sure. Like you said, it’s part of the game.

    I think the veteran players are just ready to play for real. I know I am ready to watch them play games that count.

  42. jhallwally

    I think we should be rebuilding on the run, much like the Atlanta Braves. You don’t see them going out and signing/wasting money on has beens and wanna be’s. No, they trust their minor league and scouting system. That used to be the Dodger Way!!! And, It worked!!! I will not support a platform of wasting money on used up down side players. I want to see the young players being developed by a supierior coaching staff. That is how the Dodgers achieved greatness and won championships.

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