Happy Thanksgiving…

it’s a relatively slow news week around here and I’ll be heading out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday, so I figured we’d start a new thread that will probably carry us through next week.

Yesterday we added Ivan DeJesus, Kenley Jansen (now a pitcher) and Trayvon Robinson to our 40-man roster…

Otherwise, not much to report as you’ve probably noticed that the baseball world is relatively quiet right now. The calm before the free agent storm, I suppose.

Later today we have our annual event where we will be giving turkeys to a number of families in need, so it’s a great opportunity to wish you all a safe and healthy holiday on behalf of the entire Dodger organization.


  1. messagebear@msn.com

    With Thanksgiving coming up shortly, we do have stuffed turkeys on our mind. I’d like to shove a couple of stuffed turkeys up Frank’s and Jamie’s.

    To everybody else here on ITD I do wish a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. nellyjune

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Josh and safe travels as well.

    Messagebear – wishes do come true on occasion – lol!!!

  3. lbirken@aol.com

    Josh, best wishes to you and your family for a good Thanksgiving and stay safe. We all appreciate what you do to keep this blog going. Things may be a bit slow at the office but don’t forget we find just about anything you have to say about the goings on within the organization interesting. I do have a suggestion: with things being a bit quiet for now, how about asking some of the other Dodger deparment heads give a brief description of what they do and how they prepare for the upcoming season. I am not looking for any dicey inside information but just anything to learn more about how our favorite baseball team goes about its business on a day to day basis.

  4. trublu4ever

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I do appreciate all Josh does for us and, I think lbirken has a great idea.
    I wonder what you all think about Lincecum winning the Cy Young again?

  5. nellyjune

    I think Carpenter or Wainwright should have gotten it. Is it possible they split their votes? Last year I thought Tim deservd it, but not so much this season. I know post season has nothing to do with it, but eventhough we beat the Cardinals, it wasn’t because of their pitching. They still pitched very well if I recall. We just capitilized on some very timely mistakes they made…………………Holliday comes to mind. Those two really did some damage in the regular season. I am of the theory their votes got split, and Tim backed into it somehow.

  6. trublu4ever

    It was a very close vote and, I also think the votes were split. I just don’t see how anybody could give Tim a first place vote.

  7. enchantedbeaver

    Truth be known Josh, Ned’s been giving us turkeys for years now.

    As for Frank and Jamie, their shooting us the bird too.

  8. jhallwally

    Hello gang!!! Thanks Josh for all you do and this great site. Hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving also!!! LOL Bear and Beav!!!

  9. jhallwally

    Just checking out the rumor mill!! Not much mention of the Dodgers so far. Found these two. What do you all think? Halliday for Billz and others? Depends alot on what others and if we can negotiate a long term deal with Halliday in my opinion. Toronto has already said they will give a team a window to negotiate with Halliday.

  10. trublu4ever

    I don’t want Halliday if we are required to give them Dre or Matty. ..a lot of teams want Andre but, SO DO I!!!!!!! Juan can go, but Andre must stay! Chad can go, James can go, but NOT ANDRE!!!!

  11. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Wally!!! Sorry to leave you here all by yourself!! Got sidetracked.

    Halladay for Billz and DeWitt I’d go. Toronto isn’t in a position where they can ask too much IMO unless you have a stu…pid G….M…

    Why would anyone trade the world for Halladay even if they could sign him? Might as well keep your players and roll the dice that you can obtain him as a FA next year – gonna cost you the same $$$ anyway and you wouldn’t have to lose the players. And Toronto would be smarter to hold him until the trade deadline when they could extract a king’s ransom from someone like the Yankees or Sox.

    Truth is, F&J aren’t going to be in any position to sign him anyway if they could swing a trade.

  12. lbirken@aol.com

    While the need for starting pitching is fairly obvious, I am not surprised the Dodgers will approach the free agent market with caution. The trend is clear; shorter deals for perhaps a bit more money per year but probably less years than the some of these guys will want. Without going into specifics, Ned has admitted he made some deals early in his tenure that he would not make today. Hopefully, the Dodgers can begin to develope more talent with better drafts.

  13. bluecrewgirl

    Hi all. As far as I’m concerned, Andre, Matt and Kershaw should be off limits for any trade. I don’t think Halliday is worth giving up any of them. They need a top pitcher, but not at the expense of giving up any one of the three.

  14. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – Andre, Matt and Kershaw should be off limits. I was talking to tru and Dodger4life tonight, and these names are going to be your merchandizing market as well. Heck – Andre already is……………………..even without the Bobblehead, which nobody would have believed a year ago. Matt and Kershaw are not far behind. I am not saying marketing should be a reason to keep players, but the bottom line in this business is making money and right now Andre, Matt and Kershaw are you money makers.

  15. lbirken@aol.com

    I agree, Matt, Andre and Kershaw are not going anywhere but spring training in Glendale. I hope Bills is there too and figures out what went wrong. I also hope a deal can be worked out with Wolf. If that all happens, there are three potentially decent pitchers right there.

  16. nellyjune

    I agree lbirken – I would love to see Billz get his head straight and be the pitcher we know he can be. I would put Broxton on that list too. I am thinking much like Kahli. I rather win or lose with what we have (and our own farm) than to risk what small amount of money we do seem to have on a chance. Spend the money to keep the guys that are our core now.

  17. jhallwally

    Great posts everyone. My untouchables on our team are; Ethier, Kershaw, and Kemp. Semi untouchable are Brox and Loney. Perhaps Kuo!! I’d entertain trade talks for any of the rest!!!

  18. nellyjune

    Hey Jhall!!! I do like James too. This is the hard part about this time of the year. Some I would give up in a heart beat, but they aren’t the ones that will go anywhere.

  19. bluecrewgirl

    I hope Bills gets it together too. I think it’s more of a mental/confidence thing with him. I like James as well and forgot about Brox, definitely wouldn’t trade him either. I have always liked Martin a lot too, but he has really struggled the last season and half. Hopefully, he can rebound.

  20. jhallwally

    LOL Nell’!! Yep, the ones we would ship out in a heartbeat, nobody wants anyhow!!! Well, got to give up value (potential or realized) to get anything of value!!! Of course, I’m not terribly optimistic with Ned at the helm. We stand a better than 50/50 shot of coming out on the short end of the deal with Ned!! Just my opinion.

  21. jhallwally

    Hey Ned, a little challenge, make me eat lots of crow!!!! I sincerely hope you do!!! I’ll eat 4 and 20 blackbirds backed in a pie gladly if you bring us a championship!!

  22. nellyjune

    Okay – now I am being locked out completely. I got a message saying I have reached this page in error. Now, why lock me out, why, why, why, why?????? LOL!!!!

    Anyhow – bluecrewgirl – Martin is a toss up for me. Like Billz, I would hope he could get his head screwed on straight.

    Jhall – I think you are right about Ned…………….let’s hope he does prove you wrong.

  23. nellyjune

    Good Night Jhall!!!! Night terrors is more like it – LOL!!!!!! (jk) Take care and have a wonderful day tomorrow. Sweet Dodger Dreams my friend 🙂

  24. enchantedbeaver

    ? Pitching tops Dodgers’ free-agent list

    Weren’t we here last year? Ooh Milton. Ooh Estes. Ooh Vargas. Ooh Ohman. Miraculously Weaver and Mota actually worked out. Wolf was the best pick-up but sorry, the guy’s still not a winner in my book.

    I’m sure Bombko, Lurch and Baez will definitely be on Ned’s list. This organization has a long history of bringing back crappy players it had already gotten rid of once.

    Bring in impact players or go with what you have. Its that simple.

  25. trublu4ever

    Good Morning, Enchanted. I agree with you about bringing in some quality or keeping what we have. I’m sure in our minor league system there are pitchers better than a second rate, washed-up has-been, looking to extend his mediocre career.

  26. Dodger4life

    Goooooood morning everyone……………
    Thanks for the birthday wishes…….
    Enchanted it is nice to have you back……
    Not much to say today except…..
    365 DAY’S A YEAR
    7 DAY’S A WEEK
    24 HOURS A DAY
    And…..Don’t trade Dre…..
    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre……..pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre…pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre……pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre………pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre………pay dre
    pay dre…..pay dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre.pay dre
    Have a wonderful afternoon everyone……GO DODGERS!!!!

  27. nellyjune

    You know this Ethieraholic just really loves that number and I couldn’t agree more. However, this weekend, Dodger4life, it’s all about the #11 – LOL!!! ………….and no, I don’t mean my son, who happens to wear #11 as well 🙂

  28. Dodger4life

    Jhall gave me the idea in his comment the other day so jhall this goes out to you….
    Paul Simon You Can Call Me Al


    (You can call jhall)

    A fan looks over the free agent sheets
    And say?s why am I writing this riddle now
    Why am I writing this riddle now
    The rest of our life is so hard
    Franks needing a photo opportunity
    I want a shot of something strong
    Don?t want to give up a Kershaw
    He?s the foundation to the future
    Superstar, Superstar

    PVL?S can?t bring the heat
    Gone away are their day?s in the limelight
    Can?t Ned hear Nelly, hear Nelly
    As she say?s out load
    We don?t find this stuff amusing anymore
    Make ITD your sounding board
    It can be your long lost pal
    We can call you Neddy,
    And Neddy when you need us
    You can call jhall
    Fan?s put down money for seats
    They say why is Frank short of attention
    Got a short little span of attention
    And Wow these prices are so wrong

    Where?s his father and his son
    Why couldn?t I bring them here
    Who?ll be the role model
    Now that the role model is
    Gone, Gone
    He?s forced to sit in Mannywood
    As Frank say?s $99 heck that?s a pretty good deal
    All so wrong, all so wrong
    There were incident?s and accidents
    There were hints and allegations
    ITD should be your sounding board
    We can be your long lost pal
    We can call you Neddy
    And Neddy when you need to
    You can call jhall
    Call jhall
    (Instrumental and Whistling)
    The fan scrolls down the sheet
    The sheets are full of stat and graphs
    All pointing on whom to pass
    Maybe it?ll be different this time around
    Boras doesn?t speak for Manny
    And Manny doesn?t speak at all
    He is a quiet man
    And ITD is still around
    Still around
    TruBlu and Messeagebear on the megaphone
    Screaming Go to H*ll
    We?ve been busy writing songs
    Singing about where you?ve gone wrong
    Frank looks around looks around
    He see?s his dreams in distress
    Da*n Jamie and her protocol
    Ned worries what should we do
    What should we do
    ITD should be your sounding board
    We can be your long lost pal
    We can call you Neddy
    And Neddy when you need to
    You can call jhall
    Call jhall
    Na, na, na, na , na
    Na, na, na, na
    Na, na, na, na
    Na, na, na, nana
    Na, na, na, na
    Na, nana, na na
    Na, na, na, na
    Na, na, na, na?



  29. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Happy Birthday, D4life!!! I agree with the consensus on the D’s untouchables with the exception of adding Loney to the list as a bonafide keeper. He’s Gold Glove caliber at 1st and, while he may not have the overall physical talent that Matt and Dre have, I think he has, at this point, the best mental approach at the plate of our core players. That will serve him in good stead as he goes along. It’s unfortunate that we have to rely heavily on yearly and bi-yearly pitching FA’s but that’s the price you pay for not developing more of your own, like the Marlins, for example, seem to do. I agree, pay to keep our core guys together and bring in a few quality impact pieces to get us to the next level. That’s IMPACT and QUALITY, NED!!!!!!

  30. trublu4ever

    I think the Giants have an interest in Holliday.
    IMPACT and QUALITY…….perfect, Seesky! I just wonder if Ned knows what they mean. lol

  31. sparkleplenty_1

    D4L, I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday – and many, many more 🙂
    I also think you should take a bow. Your recent songs and your Neddy drama have been awesome!!!

  32. jhallwally

    LMAO D4!!! Happy Birthday and Thanks my friend, I’m honored. Just had a long and kind of blah day and you’ve made it all good!!! I wish Neddy would call on us. I think our instincts are better than his. LOL!!!

  33. Dodger4life

    Thanks jhall….I am glad I could help…:-)
    Yes! I agree, there are some very good thoughts as to what should transpire coming from this blog……
    I hope you have a better evening.

  34. kpookiemon

    I keep hearing the real winners in this divorce will be the lawyers. What a shame to waste all that money on legal counsel when it could be better spent locking up Kemp, Ethier, and all the other players eligible for arbitration. I mean, what kind of business savvy is that, huh? Come on, Frank and Jamie, you’re smarter than that (aren’t you??)…when the smoke clears and you each have your own little pile, you will have squandered MILLIONS of assets. And why? It’s almost as bad as some of Ned’s FA contracts. So I propose each of you, Frank and Jamie, make a list of all cash and property and post it on ITD. We, the ITD voices of reason, will decide who gets what, and you don’t even have to pay us one red cent! Should we deem, however, that the best interests of the team and the city of Los Angeles are not served by either of you……….well, we’ll get back to you on that.

  35. jhallwally

    No way I trade Kersh, Matt, Andre, Brox, or Loney!!! I’d like to keep Kuo also. The rest are up for grabs for the right price. It scares the heck out of me that Ned is at the helm however. If we get equal value for our players, I’m OK with it. Hasn’t been happening so far. Any thoughts gang?

  36. jhallwally

    I’m all for it Kahli!! LOL!!! We’ll turn the case over to the Beaver and Bear firm!!!! Enchanted Beaver and Message Bear, Esq’s!!!!

  37. jhallwally

    Just read Collies post from the last thread about cutting the 87 year old scouts salary 56% from 18K to 8K annually. The McCourts are truely pathetic. We already knew they were classless, now they have underscored it. Geez!!!

  38. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Fabulous song Dodger4life!!!

    Jhall – sorry to hear/read you had a blah day. Mine was just long.

  39. jhallwally

    So true Knouff!! Hi’Ya DNelson, LOL!!! It’s all good now my friend. Thanks. You make it even better when you show up here.

  40. nellyjune

    That is hard to believe Knouffbrock. I am just glad he is not our problem anymore. Not like the Dodgers aren’t going to be dealing with our own set of problems.

  41. jhallwally

    :))) Hi’Ya Beav, my brother, good to see you. Kahli lined up some Frank and Jamie litigation for you and Bear. LOL!!!!

  42. nellyjune

    Well, if they let you in, enchanted, the rest of us are in like flint – LOL!!!!! (jk) It’s good to see you. Hot water yet?

    You are most welcome jhall!!!!

    Macaroni and Cheese – that’s classic!!

    Why is it teams still want Bradley even after meltdown after meltdown, but we can buy JP onto a team? The craziness of it all really.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Wally, what are the chances that we end up with at least one of the three between Bombko, Lurch and Baez? Weren’t far off last year with Milton, Estes and Ohman.

  44. Dodger4life

    Hey everyone…don’t mind me…I am propped up next to the jukebox working on my next song……(ITD Litigation) to Californication….

  45. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    I know, I know. It?s been quite some time since I was last on here. I?ve been EXTREMELY busy lately. With finishing up with my online courses and tests, and getting ?away from it all? with my husband and I going to NV for a while, and a seminar in Santa Ana, I?ve been quite busy! But I?ve missed all of my ITD friends. But I?ve been reading, and I say?

    Enchanted ? NO WAY to Bombko, Lurch and Baez?

    So how are my ITD friends this fine evening?

  46. nellyjune

    That’s good to know enchanted – LOL!!!! I am guessing it is very possible pitching that is the likes of Estes, Milton and Ohman. Ned hasn’t disappointed in that department yet. He is really good at giving us more song material.

  47. Dodger4life

    I’m going alright…..plain looney at times….Just to keep Eric in shape here is my butchered attempt at…..
    I am not going to post this yet ….but someday maybe……
    Louis Armstrong ~What a Wonderful World
    What a Wonderful Sight
    I see messagebear and trublu too
    Both with megaphones screaming F you
    What a wonderful sight
    I see day?s of promise, futures so bright
    Enchanted?s brownbag, no longer his plight
    And I think to myself, what a wonderful sight
    The colors of fireworks, high in the sky
    The smiling faces, all waving goodbye
    I see Dodger baseball, done the Dodger way
    As that is how, our boy?s should play
    I hear deafening cheers, ringing out in the air
    As we will get new owners, ones who truly care
    And I think to myself, what a wonderful sight
    Yes I think to myself?.. what a wonderful sight

  48. dodge1612

    not my strongest but its been a long time… need to shake off the rust… I call it Neddy clause is coming to town.

    You better watch out
    You better be ready
    You better not pout I’m tellin’ you why
    neddy Claus is coming to town

    He’s making a list and checkin’ it twice
    Gonna find out who’s available and nice
    neddy Claus is coming to town

    He sees you when your playing
    He knows when you’re benched
    He knows if you’ve played bad or good
    So play good for goodness sake
    O you better watch out
    You better be ready
    You better not pout I’m tellin’ you why
    Neddy Claus is coming to town

    With little open money
    And a tiny brain
    manny being manny and juan pierre slapping
    Neddy Claus is coming to town

    With curly head martin to trade and sign
    ethier, loney, and matt kemp to
    Neddy Claus is coming to town

    The fans and teams and owner land
    Will have a jubilee
    There gonna fill the roster with all the older guys who are cheap

    So you better watch out
    You better be ready
    You better not pout I’m tellin’ you why
    neddy Claus is coming
    Neddy Claus is coming to town

  49. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Dodge!! Outstanding song!! LMAO!!! Hey CP, great to see you!! We’ve got most of the gang here. PARTYYY!!!
    Beav, with any other GM I would say the chances of signing any of those three stools (they’re not even stooges, they’re turds’) would be 0%. With Ned, another stool, I might add, the possibilities are scary!!!

  50. jhallwally

    LOL!!! I saw Jamie kissing Limo Clause. In the back seat, behing the tinted glass. What a sight it would have been, if Franky had just walked in, and tried to park his car that night!!!

  51. trublu4ever

    Awsome, Dodge.
    LMAO, Jhall!!!!
    Enchanted ~ Ned likes quantity because it makes us think he is busy working to please the fans…but, we, the fans, demand QUALITY!!!!!!

  52. jhallwally

    Yep Dodge, stick around, we’ll be here all winter. Don’t forget to tip your waitors and waitresses!!!! Its great having you!!!

  53. cpompe1

    Okay, this Redirect Loop is driving me nuts! I?ve been trying and trying and trying to respond (again, and again) but I?m having the worst time doing so!

    My Nellygirl!
    I?ve been thinking about you and ALL of my ITD friends lately! I?m doing great. I?m done with my Accounting and QuickBooks training. I tried to go to Ventura?s city hall to inquire about registering a new business, but they were closed. You know, one of those furlough days. I guess I can go on Monday. How?s the Academy? How?s school?

    Enchanted ? You make me laugh! Oh, and btw, your dinner is deep inside my belly! Mmm, Chili?s quesedilla (or is it spelled quesadilla? I don?t know) tasted especially good tonight!

    Hiya Trumom! It?s always good to see you too!

    But I?ve got this sick, pit-of-my-stomach feeling again. That this off-season the Dodgers are looking for starting pitchers ? the same type of players that we were looking for last off-season. It?s pathetic that starting pitching is at the top of our list this off-season as was the case last off-season. And why is Ned still here?

    Hiya Jhall! Partying sounds great right about now!

    And Dodge, you got me started thinking about another song! I haven?t parodied a song in ages! And to think, my very first one was a Christmas song. What was it, Juan Pierre Got Run Over by a Reindeer?

  54. nellyjune

    Dodge16 – A Padres fan? Oh no!!!! It’s okay…….as you know, I am married to a Giants fan. I know how you feel…………needing that daily dose of Dodger Blue 🙂

  55. cpompe1

    And Trumom, I lost track of how long I?ve been trying to post my responses to everyone. And when I did finally post, I?m some 30 minutes in the future! Time warps, Redirect Loops ? double yuck!

  56. cpompe1

    Yeah Dodge & Nelly have something in common ? their respective significant other is an NL West rival! Well Dodge, take care ? Nelly?s been dealing with it for a long time! 🙂

  57. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Yeah, yeah, I know that song: Juan Pierre got run over by a reindeer after being traded on Christmas Eve……!!!!

  58. nellyjune

    ooooooooooooooooo!!! That’s good Seesky!!!!!

    CP – The academy is going well. We have travel baseball teams now…………some playing now, and some starting after the holidays. It’s busy this time of year since the weather is not baseball friendly.

  59. enchantedbeaver

    I’ve no doubt Ned will come away from the winter meetings with somemore rejects.

    There’s a song for someone – to Bennie and the Jets – Neddy and his ‘Jects.


  60. cpompe1

    Hey Seesky! I remember that first one – that was fun!

    Hey did anyone catch this: ?However, contrary to original expectations, the game (Arizona Fall League) will not provide a competitive preview of right-hander Stephen Strasburg, the Washington Nationals’ No. 1 Draft choice. Instead of being on the mound for Phoenix, as scheduled, Strasburg will be in the nation’s capital having a twisted left knee evaluated by Nats medical personnel??
    Here is the entire article?

  61. jhallwally

    I’m looking forward to it Beav!! Are the ‘jects his dumpster player finds or our owners. Unfortunately, both. Anyway, goodnight all, its been a pleasure seeing you all. Really brightened up my day/night. Catch you all down the road. Excelsior True Believers!!!!

  62. cpompe1

    Nelly ? I?m glad that that the academy is going well. It must be tough trying to play baseball in Northern California. Aren?t you guys getting slammed with storms these days?

    And no, I don?t relish the thought of professional baseball players getting hurt, but it?s just ironic that the ?can?t miss? guy that the Nats paid a king?s ransom to sign, can?t play in the Arizona Fall League. Oh well, I just hope he gets better…

  63. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    For those of you needing a live baseball fix (and who doesn’t?), the Arizona Fall League championship game is on MLBTV tomorrow afternoon.

  64. cpompe1

    Yeah dodge, I?ve been having problems all night. What are you getting: Submission Errors or Redirect Loops? My bugaboo has been constant Redirect Loops?

  65. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Saw the highlights of the 1955 WS on MLBTV tonight. MLBTV is a lifesaver in a long, cold off season. If I could time travel, the 1950’s and Ebbets Field would be my first time coordinates.

  66. nellyjune

    Good Night Jhall!!!!! Take Care and good luck to your Buckeyes tomorrow. It looks like Dodger4life’s Broncos are getting it done tonight. I will tell your dad you stopped by seeing how I will be seeing him sometime tomorrow……………really, I am!!! Always a pleasure being in your company. Good night my friend 🙂

    CP – I am glad to see you finished your class, and are now onto the next step. That is wonderful!!!

  67. nellyjune

    Dodge16 – I am always having trouble posting. And yes, most Padres fans know their team sucks right now, but I can’t say the same thing for gnat fans.

  68. enchantedbeaver

    Nite Wally – take care my friend!!

    Here’s a start if anyone wants to finish:

    Hey gang, we?re all in this together.
    Bombko he?s got nuthin?,
    Lurch throws lighter than a feather…
    N-N-N-Neddy and his ?jects.
    Oh they?re weird and not to wonderful.
    Better ready us some lidocaine…

  69. cpompe1

    Thx Nelly! When I bought into this training, I entered unchartered territory for me. Now every step I take is taking me even further into unchartered territory. BTW, did I tell you the name I?m thinking of using for my new business? CP Bookkeeping Service! I HAD to use my ITD nickname in there somehow! 🙂

  70. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Before I was briefly redirected……
    They’ve got defensive boots,
    Their stuff’s no strong suit,
    You know, I read it in Bill James,
    Neddy and his Jects.

  71. cpompe1

    Thx Nelly. I mean, it is a freelance bookkeeping service, so how imaginative could I get? But next week, I?ve gotta work with my coach to see if he can design a cool logo using my CP?

  72. nellyjune

    Well, that is always fun to see what you can come up with in regards to logos.

    seesky – I am watching the World Series now. The Dodgers are up to bat. Brooklyn is leading 2-1 🙂

  73. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    ….They’ve got defensive boots, Their stuff’s no strong suit, You know I read it in Bill James, Neddy and his Jects.

  74. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    I wasn’t having any problems until a little while ago….just saw the ending of the D’s 1-0 win in 11 innings in the 6th game of the 1956 WS. The 7th game is forgettable.

  75. jhallwally

    Hey gang!! Just want to thank you all for a very warm and needed welcome last evening/night. I had a tough day and you all made it good. I just watched the Buckeye’s beat Michigan and am very happy about the outcome. However, I feel a bit empty. The reason is, Stephanie Spielman passed away last Thursday night of cancer. She was just 42. Stephanie is the wife of Chris Spielman, the ESPN analyst and Buckeye All American. They have been battling this for the last 3-4 years very couragously. They have established a cancer research foundation in her name and raised many dollars and awareness of this terrible disease. I hope you will remember her in your thoughts and prayers. As well as anyone unfortunate enough to have experienced such a tradgedy. This group is really great because of the fact that we are passionate about our team, but keep things in perspective. Hug your loved ones and let them know how you feel. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Thanks for letting me put that out there my friends, I lost my mother to cancer when I was 14 and she was only 45. Go Bucks, and Go Dodgers!!!!!

  76. Dodger4life

    Will do jhall……I too lost my father to cancer….he was 48, my youngest brother was also 14 at the time…..it is a tough thing to deal with…..We somehow manage to forge ahead……never regretting the good times……Which looking back there were so many……

  77. messagebear@msn.com

    Go, jhall too!!!
    You’re certainly one of our dear friends here on ITD, and your perspective is always valued whether it concerns baseball, our beloved Dodgers, or just the sense of being human.

  78. Dodger4life

    jhall your spirit and attitude are alway’s so uplifting…..You do your self and others well……….Thank You!

  79. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    I’m so sorry for your loss , jhall. But a word of thanks goes out to you for reminding me and others, I’m sure, of what’s really important in this season of thanksgiving. In the constant white noise of day-to-day living, we lose track of ourselves and loved ones. Your words help put it all back in focus. Thanks, again.

  80. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Amen to that, jhall!!! And,since we’re in the season, I’d like to give thanks for this blog and the many faceted souls who visit and reside here. Although baseball and the Dodgers is it’s focus, it’s much more than that and, if I may haul out one of my old metaphors, it’s patchwork quilt of many colors never shines more brightly than in times such as these.

  81. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Well, back to the future on that last post. The ITD gremlins are rearing their ugly head once again!!!!

  82. jhallwally

    Seems like a good time to remember our young soldiers overseas that will be spending Thanksgiving far from home and loved ones. My thoughts, prayers, and gratitude goes out to them all.

  83. nellyjune

    Good Late Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Jhall – I was reading your post yesterday in Eric’s truck of all places. You are truly, truly an amazing individual, and I thank you for reminding us, once again, what is important in life. Eric is good about reminding us that the Dodgers are our toystore (and a wonderful toystore it is too), and it is something that needs to be put into perspective on a daily basis. Watching the NASCAR race today, the owner of the top three cars of the season was not at the race today because he was at the hospital with his niece, who was going to undergo major surgery and in need of a transplant. Even a Championship race wasn’t enough to draw him away from his family. Also, just on the way back to Merced tonight, I saw three major accidents on Interstate 5, thinking each time you just never know, like you said so well, if there will be a tomorrow. Anyhow, I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you throughout the weekend, and thanks again for reminding us what is important in life.

    Dodgereric – I heard Matt’s team did fabulous tonight!!!!! ..and to add to the boys tonight, Michael’s team won their tournament. It was a great day in sports today. I am sure you are on a Jimmie high still and visions of another jacket in your head – LOL!!! I don’t blame you one bit……………..he did good!!!!

  84. kpookiemon

    Don’t want Billingsley part of any Halladay deal. Offer any pitchers in the organization NOT named Billingsley, Kershaw or Broxton. It ain’t like Halladay won’t be there a year from now–for free.

  85. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ as we begin the countdown to Thanksgiving, if you are travelling, please be safe…..enjoy this time with your family and friends. Be thankful for what you have and have understanding for those who have less.
    I am thankful for my ITD family….they make baseball and enjoying the Dodgers a lot of fun.
    I am thankful for my family, who make me feel special.
    I have high hopes that Frank and Ned do whatever is necessary to take our beloved Dodgers to the next level…..getting to the playoffs was nice….but, I want to win it all!

  86. nellyjune

    Pujols is the favorite for NL MVP (but like we didn’t think that too), but it sure is nice to see our Dynamic Duo amongst the contenders.

    101 Days until our first Spring Training game, not like were counting or anything 🙂

  87. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    I know some on here have gone sour on Bills from time to time but it’s way too early for that. How long did it take Koufax to become the force he ultimately became? I’m not saying Bills will ever attain that level of greatness but you get my drift. Over the weekend, I watched (again) Koufax’s incredible performance in the 7th game of the 1965 WS where, on 2 day’s rest, he threw a complete game 3-hit shutout by, essentially, doing nothing more than locating his fastball. That game tells you as much or more about his greatness than his perfect game or no hitters. That game should be required viewing for Bills.

  88. nellyjune

    Seesky – I don’t want us to give up on Billz either. I really want to see what we can do with what we have where we add to what we have without subtracting if possible.

  89. nellyjune

    Hey Jhall!!! How are you doing? With what pitchers are out there, and the money attached to them, why not try to keep Wolf. In some ways, at least we know what we are getting if we were to resign him.

  90. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Myself, I’d welcome Wolf back. He did stay healthy last year, but I would not offer him more than a two year deal, and try to get it done for one year.
    I’d try to get the O-dog back as well, and start getting DeWitt ready to play second just in case.
    I’ve got my doubts about Billz, but it is still to early to give up on him.

  91. trublu4ever

    I don’t think Frank and Ned want Wolf back. As far as Billz goes, I like him a lot but, don’t know if he has what it takes to be an Ace. I don’t think Honeycutt does very much for him. I’d rather keep Billz and get rid of Honeycutt. But, since all the coaches have been asked back, that won’t happen.

  92. northstateblues

    Frankie’s Gone Hollywood (Based on “Gone Hollywood” by Supertramp)

    It was heartbreaking
    I should’ve known they would let us down
    It’s just their belly aching
    They used to dream about this town

    They were a sight to see
    In the place to be
    Where the mood is easy
    And the Blue can always be found

    It’s such a shame about it
    Had me fooled they would do some good
    They’re both to blame about it
    Just two more creeps in Hollywood

    They say they’ll never sell
    They’re cheap like Taco Bell
    Without a hope in hell
    I can’t believe that they’re still around

    Ain’t nothing new on the stove today
    Ain’t nothing true in what those two say

    They’ve done too much cryin’, faked too much grief
    Sick of their fighting, it’s beyond belief
    Tired of TMZ ringing their phone
    Answering machine replies: “Sorry, there is nobody home”

    Aint nothing new on the stove today
    No Colletti walking from place to place
    No dealing with Borass’s well-oiled face
    And now the words sound familiar as Frank slams the phone
    “We’re not spending any more”

    Ain’t nothing new on the stove today
    Ain’t nothing true when those two say:

    “If we only had time, only had time for the Blue…”
    “If we only had time, only had time for the Blue…”
    “If we only had time, only had time for the Blue…”

    It was so heartbreaking
    Now they ride in two fine cars
    They’re still belly aching
    They’re the talk of the boulevard

    So keep your chin up, fans
    Forget the pain
    The Dodgers abide
    No matter the owner’s name

    There’s no use in quitting
    When you’re burning the torch for the Blue

    “Take a look at my wifey, she’s the only one I’ve go…” wait, wrong song. (That’ll come later).

  93. nellyjune

    Fantastic Northstateblues!!!!! I read the bottom line and thought – “Hey that’s the other song” before reading “wrong song”. Can’t wait for that ITD Version.

    tru – I think alot of ITDers feel Honeycutt is Billz’ issue.

  94. jhallwally

    Outstanding North!! LOL!! Hello Trumom!! Nice post, I too would keep Billz and ship out Honeycutt!! More LOL!!! Hi’Ya Knouff!!! I agree, 2 or 3 years tops for Wolf, with the 3rd year based on innings pitched the first two. Doing well Nelly, how about you? Thanks for the Bleacher Report. Very interesting point!!!

  95. trublu4ever

    Wow….great job Northstateblues!!!! All of our songwriters are FANTASTIC!!!!!!
    Nellyjune ~ I just wonder what the heck Honeycutt does to earn his pay?!

  96. nellyjune

    Submission errors are annoying as hell!!!!!

    I am doing good Jhall!!! I am a little tired today from a busy weekend, but nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t solve. I am glad you are doing well. Any snow yet?

  97. jhallwally

    You too Trumom!! No snow yet Nelly!! We’ve had great weather here!!! Mostly 60’s during the day and hardly any rain. 40’s at night. Somewhat above average for this time of year. We are enjoying it very much, as we know, the other shoe is getting ready to drop any time now. LOL!!!

  98. trublu4ever

    The LA Times is conducting a poll on whether to trade Billz for Halliday and so far the result is:
    Yes – 32% (915 votes)
    Yes, but only if they can sign Halliday to a long term deal – 47% (1338 votes)
    No – 22% (618 votes)
    I voted no.

  99. jhallwally

    Submission errors do s*ck!! Since I upgraded to 1 gig of RAM, I’m not having as many problems with it. Just a thought.

  100. nellyjune

    Boy!!! That sounds like our weather Jhall, but I don’t think we got out of the 50’s today. I was spoiled being down in So-Cal over the weekend so now I am having a hard time adjusting to the cold. Enjoy the weather while it’s still good then 🙂

  101. jhallwally

    Nelly, I also switched from DSL to Roadrunner about the same time. I’m not sure which made the big difference. Probably a combination of both.

  102. nellyjune

    Computers are not my strength. It’s kind of like reading about the Dodger finances. It’s like a foreign language to me. I understand your french better than computer talk or Dodger finances – LOL!!!!!

  103. nellyjune

    Then again Jhall, by the time Frank and Jamie are done with this, we all will be understanding your french better than the Dodger finances. However, we all understand the number zero……………………..meaning no money to spend – LOL!!!!!

  104. nellyjune

    That is so true Jhall!!! It’s amazing what they know. They are doing Power Point presentations in 4th and 5th grade now.

  105. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    It’s pretty plain that anybody who trades for Halliday now will only get him for next year. He and his agent have refused an extension with the Blue Jays and stated their intentions to enter the FA market after next season. I don’t think Bills alone would get a deal done anyway. Wait until the 2010 off season and get him for a lot less. What worries me about the McCourt’s situation is that it could take a couple of years or more to sort out. The change of the Cubs ownership took about that long. If you stand pat or improve little in MLB or any other sport for that matter, you fall behind.

  106. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    How would you like to be Maurer’s agent? 3 batting titles, an MVP, and only 26 years old. He can be a free agent either after next year or 2011. Back up the Brinks truck.

  107. thinkingblue

    Good Morning ITD……I hope everyone is having a great morning and I hope everyone in ITDLand will have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Thank you Josh & Mark for giving us this little place called ITD and for the ITD Tour.
    Thanks to all ITD-ers for making this place fun & interesting.
    Thanks to my Dodger Blues, for giving us a great year! GOOOOO DODGERS!
    And Thanks to God for all of these and many more!

  108. trublu4ever

    I knew Pujols would get the NL MVP but, it is awsome that Andre got 6th place and Matt ended up in 10th! WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!!!

  109. messagebear@msn.com

    In retrospect how ridiculous is it that our manager “rested” the #6 vote getter in the MVP balloting so that JP could get a couple of days in the lineup. That same pattern will continue again unless Ned gets the absolute directive to shed JP from the roster.

  110. nellyjune

    Congrats Andre and Matt for that accomplishment.

    Messagebear – How ridiculous? ………extremely, and to think it took an injury to JP and Andruw in 2008 to even give Andre playing time back then. If that playing time wouldn’t have happened, Andre could have very well been with another team this past season.

  111. nellyjune

    I can soooo vouch for that lbirken. I just wish our local, state and federal government would give children their patience back in the classroom. They want every child on the same page, having mastered everything yesterday. Give them time to learn the important things, while giving them time to experiment, compare, etc, and like you said, they can learn anything just like they do with their video games. Very good point lbirken 🙂

  112. lbirken@aol.com

    I am convinced the reason kids are so good with computers is not because they are smarter than adults but because kids are less intimidated by such things and have more time and patience to learn. They figure out how to play all sorts of complex video games by trial and error and comparing notes with their friends and that is the way to learn how to use computors.

  113. lbirken@aol.com

    Wow, 4:03 PM but my watch says 3:35 PM.

    Anyway, back to Dodger baseball. I too hesitate to compare anyone with Sandy Koufax because he played in a completely different era. He struggled big time with control because he had to sit on the major league roster without the benefit of minor league seasoning. Can you imagine the conversations management had about his potential? Obviously they saw something but they also had a tremendous amount of patience to allow that talent to develope. We all know what happened when he figured out how to pitch instead of how to throw. Today, teams don’t have the patience and don’t have the depth of talent in their organizations. Also, we have talked before about how limited pitch counts may work against the development.

    That brings me to my question of the day: What specifically bothers many of you about Honeycutt as a pitching coach? I see a lot of criticism of him on these pages and I am curious what he should be doing that many of you feel he is not doing. To be clear, I am not planning on debating anyone as I am no expert on pitching or coaching but merely asking the question.

  114. kpookiemon

    lbirken, I’ll play. A pitching coach, first and foremost, should be a teacher. Forget the in-game trips to the mound (ummm, PLEASE forget his inept in-game trips to the mound) or picking up the bullpen phone. So how have the kids progressed under his tutelage? Well…….McDonald took huge strides BACKWARD, straight backward….as did Billingsley (2nd half). Kershaw STILL gets pitch counts up, therefore can’t pitch deep into games. Ditto Billingsley. Maybe that’s not Honeycutt’s fault…or maybe it is. Broxton? Broxton remains a two-pitch pitcher after what, three or more seasons of Honeycutt? Stults? Elbert? Maybe none of these guys are the real deal…or maybe they’re flying blind. Joe didn’t initially pick Honeycutt…he was a leftover from Grady and Joe wanted to maintain continuity. In fairness, the staff ERA has led the league or been close the past two years. But I still look at the kids.

    On a happier note, I read where Lincecum will break the Gnats’ bank on arbitration, based on his two consecutive Cy Youngs.

  115. nellyjune

    lbirken – I know nothing about pitching, other than having a son who happens to pitch. I am not sure who is responsible for our Dodgers young pitchers, but they all had their share of issues this season. Is that Honeycutt’s fault? I don’t really know, but Kahli brought up the point that a good coach needs to be a good teacher of pitching as well. I guess the only people that know the answer to that question on whether he was a good teacher are the pitchers themselves. If they could speak honestly, what do you think each of them would say?

  116. lbirken@aol.com

    Kahli, all good points and I agree that any coach should be able to teach. I suppose the only way we can judge, fairly or not, is by results even if we are not sure what led to those results.

    Interesting comment about the Giants and Lincecum. The Dodgers were in a similar predicament a few years ago with Gagne and we all know that did not turn out too well. Think about the dilema for an organization with regard to young talent (as the Cardinals will have with Pujols one of these days): As that talent developes and becomes a draw, the price tag for that talent keeps rising. That is the system. The Dodgers rode the marketing tails of Gagne and Manny and have to deal with the consequences.

  117. lbirken@aol.com

    I might also add Andre and Matt to that as their agents will use the MVP votes as added ammunition. Anyway, I look forward to more responses to my question and I will check back tomorrow. Have a great evening and Thanksgiving.

  118. jhallwally

    Well, at least they won’t be chasing an ace for the next five or six years if they negotiate a long term deal and buy out his arbitration and first couple of FA years. Brings up the question, do we work on long term deals for Matt and Andre now? I would be in favor of getting a 5 or 6 year deal done with both now. It really is less expensive in the long run and creates alot of good feelings with the players!!! Any thoughts!!!

  119. enchantedbeaver

    I personally am looking forward to the Winter Meetings and the adventures of Schatman and [old] Dobbin.

    [Dobbin] Jeepers Schatman, I sure would like to get some frontline pitching.
    [Schatman] Not so fast Dobbin. Those guys don?t come cheap. Best we leave those to the likes of Cashman. We?ll be setting our sights a little lower. I?m willing to bet a Smoltz or a Tomk…
    [Dobbin interrupting] Schatman! Isn?t that your nemesis The Borass over there.
    [Schatman] Keep your cool Dobbin, he hasn?t made us yet.
    [Dobbin] But didn?t he already stick you with Manny this year?
    [Schatman muttering under his breath] #$%* you Dobbin.

    Tune in during the Winter Meetings for another episode when we hear:
    Take that Thatwoman. (that?s what Frank calls her anyway) I?ve just signed Mark Hendrickson.

  120. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Trumom!! I tend to agree. Besides, I don’t think it would be very pleasant for you to have to see that sad, emaciated Feed the Children for 30 cents a day commercial look on Nelly’s face if Andre leaves. LOL!!! Hope you had a great day!!!

  121. nellyjune

    lbirken – I don’t know anything about pitching other than having a son who does, and the coach means everything………….from mechanics to attitude. So,the only people that can truly answer your question are the pitchers themselves. If they were given the opportunity to speak honestly about their pitching coach, what do you think our young pitchers would say about Honeycutt? Wouldn’t you love to know. I certainly would.

  122. nellyjune

    Now, now, now……………………..I have said it before, and I will say it again. Yes, I will be upset, and in Andre’s case, the anger may last longer than most, but I am a Dodger fan first. First, it would depend on the reasoning behind his leaving. If the Dodgers don’t treat him right, I won’t blame him one bit for leaving, but if the Dodgers willingly trade him away without any justification for why they are doing it, then that may be a little more difficult for me to handle and hurricane status might be in order.

    Speaking of Andre…………..finally gets his bobblehead on May 18th. I feel the flu coming on for that day already 🙂

    Good evening Jhall!!!!

  123. jhallwally

    BonJour Nelle’, bon mon amie!!! Already in the bargaining phase I see. LOL!!! I too will still and always stand behind my Dodgers, but, I will be super pissed;!!!

  124. nellyjune

    As for the long-term contracts, Ward Dear/Dodgereric/Dad has said it’s not always in the young players best interest to sign a long-term contract at this stage in their career. However, I am not sure what to think under the circumstances that our owners have put the Dodgers in right now. We had that discussion last off-season about why they didn’t sign Martin long-term, and now I guess some are happy he didn’t. In my heart, I want Andre and Matt to sign long-term, but I want them to do what is best for them as well.

  125. jhallwally

    We need to treat Andre right, starting right now!!!! It’s a no brainer. Oops, I forgot, that is the description of our Owners and GM!!!

  126. nellyjune

    Oh jhall – pisssed may not be strong enough of a word for the first few months………………maybe a year – LOL!!!!!

    Beav – Your dad is on the roof again.

  127. jhallwally

    I agree Nelly!!! I want them to do as well as they can and pursue their best options. I think however, that the Dodgers need to explore making the Dodgers their best option!!!

  128. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!! They need to go to the Emerald City and ask for a brain because they certainly aren’t using them right now.

  129. nellyjune

    I sure will Jhall, but I am pretty sure he reads ITD most nights so you just told him yourself. He and Chris are entertaining Matt’s girlfriend this week :)))

  130. trublu4ever

    If the Gnats waste all their money on Timmy, they won’t be able to get the bat they need….so, they will continue to roam the bottom of the National League West.

  131. nellyjune

    I don’t know what they think Jhall. They will be home shortly. So, I will ask them. I know they want him to stay a Gnat for a long time. Last night we were talking about Panda’s weight-loss efforts. He is currently at their spring training camp undergoing conditioning and nutrition. He is down 12 pounds according to the articles.

  132. jhallwally

    I hope so Nell’, me and Beav need some guidance or god know what might happen. LOL!!! In all seriousness, I do love his insights and he really is up on what is happening in the minors and what we have in the wings. Plus, when crap hits the fan, I want him in my foxhole!!!!

  133. jhallwally

    Beav, you really have to use the colon the right way. Not like Frank, Jamie, and Ned. It’s not where you leave your head!!!

  134. nellyjune

    Jhall – How much over the edge can you two get? LOL!!!!! Ward Dear can only do so much with the two of you – LOL!!! Okay, my turn………..in all seriousness, he does bring something to ITD that is missed when he is not around on a regular basis. I am guessing he is finishing up his NASCAR fantasy season. He is pretty amazing with his baseball facts and stats. And in addition to baseball, he even had stats to back up his Jimmie Johnson for the many NASCAR fans who didn’t think he deserved to win his 4th title. If it is worth knowing, Eric knows his stuff and knows it well.

  135. jhallwally

    It’ll take a double thick winged pad to contain all of Neds failed signings/trades!!! Of course, with a little FDS (Frank Denial Spray), he comes up smelling fresh and gets a contract extension.

  136. jhallwally

    Did you get a formal warning Beav? Gotta work on that puncuation my friend. All we need now is Bear to show up and put it into the real perspective!! Me and Beav sugar coat it, Bear lays it on the line.

  137. jhallwally

    I think any player negotiation with Scott Boras should be with a PMSing woman. I’d love to see him try to play his little games and number manipulation on them. They may be out of their minds (for good reason, I am sensitive to your plight girls), but, they can really see thru bullsh*t!!!!

  138. jhallwally

    I think Phan is the new Eddie Haskell!!! Tries to come off as sincere and caring, but is really instigating. With Beav, what you see is what you get!!! He’s a straight shooter with no malice. I really appreciate that. I like having fun with things as you may have noticed. However, you can tell when there is hate, discontent, and malice underlying it. Takes the fun out of it no matter how they try to hide it!!!

  139. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    With all this talk of colons and periods, this must be a grammarian’s convention. What’s next to come before the house, dangling participles????

  140. kpookiemon

    Appears the Phils have signed Juan Castro. Whatever. I always liked Castro…but he is 37. With all the talk of incoming second basemen, either FAs or trade, I keep wondering what’s the plan for DeWitt. The Dodgers seem to have forsaken the kids, now that MartinLoneyKempEthier are established. Seems to coincide with Joe. Make no mistake, Joe wants a ring before he rides off into the sunset…but his influx of PVLs haven’t brought the championship. And it’s not a case of Hudson being better than Abreu or Blake over DeWitt….IT’S PITCHING! That’s what has held the Dodgers back. How ironic. Pitching has ALWAYS been the blueprint for success in L.A. Ned, please don’t let Joe shut off the pipeline of young talent. And quit trading it for one-month rentals, like Garland.

  141. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Meanwhile, back at the Ravine, Frank is out in the corral with old Dobbin and Jamie is looking for her straight shooter.

  142. jhallwally

    Well gang, if Frank had not dangled his participle, would Jamie have conjugated her verb with the bodyguard/driver?

  143. nellyjune

    You do know we have more songs than deep thoughts – LOL!!!!! Dodgereric had a count on Saturday, but I forgot what it was. He is the one with the memory 🙂

  144. nellyjune

    Jhall – Michael says he wants to keep Linsecum even if it means not getting a bat. I would have to agree with him just knowing what we have been through in the last two years and our pitching woes.

  145. enchantedbeaver

    What happens if you’re a straight shooter for 4 hours, but your attention span only lasts 15 minutes?
    Deep thought # 429

  146. jhallwally

    Goodnight Beav!! I think I will also call it a night. Thanks all for making it a very entertaining and inlightening evening. Excelsior True Believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  147. enchantedbeaver

    Well, been another long day (so to speak), so I’ll leave the jocularity to the rest of you and retire for the evening.

    Catch you later Sky, Nells, Jhall and Tru. Thanks for the laughs!!

  148. nellyjune

    Good Night Enchanted!!!!! Thanks for the laughs as well, and have fun being those crazy neighbors from NM. They don’t know who they are messing with, do they? Good Night 🙂

  149. nellyjune

    blah – submission error hell for the last 15 minutes or so.

    Good Night Enchanted!!!!! Thanks for the laughs as well, and have fun being those crazy neighbors from NM. They don’t know who they are messing with, do they? Good Night 🙂

  150. nellyjune

    Hey Dodge16!!!!! I didn’t see you way up there. Then again, I just came out of a 15-20 minute submission error time out. As far as Dodgerville. Did you hear Andre is getting his long overdue bobblehead – May 18th is the day.

  151. dodge1612

    I didnt hear that but its abuot time… the way I figure dre can improve by another 10 homers that will put him at 40ish and could win the 2010 mvp…

  152. thesuckometer

    Frank You Are A…… TURRR……D!!!!!!
    A Holmby Hills……TURRR…..D!!!!!
    A Boston parking lot ……TURRR….D!!!!!
    A Malibu…..TURRR…D!!!!
    Soon to be a Brokeback Mountain…… TURRR…D!!!
    Josh I realize you just work for the TURRR….D in your defense of this latest ticket increase. However…. I don’t and I think this stinks…and contradicts everything they have said in the past, in reference to the average fan being able to afford the game in these difficult times……….O wait that was before the really difficult times……As these day’s it has taken on new meaning, and numerous $800 an hour lawyers…..as the first part of the name below states……

  153. nellyjune

    Dodge16 – With who was on that list of 30, to get 2nd and 3rd place votes at all is pretty impressive. Both he and Matt can have even more impressive seasons than last year and both get an All-Star appearance to add to their resume. An MVP would be nice too.

  154. nellyjune

    Well, game prices going up will go over real well around here, won’t it? LOL!!! You are asking for this one Frank because you may have just released the bad-asss ITD gang. No, tonight’s ITD late night didn’t even scratch the surface in how this topic of the McCourt ownership is really pisssing us off. Now, you are raising ticket prices. Wait until the gang hears/reads about this. My prediciton is it won’t be pretty. It will downright brutal, and very well deserved IMO.

  155. thesuckometer

    I see the wheels turning here……….It will be an extension of the Ramirez provision, except for the fans, in order to fund the Build A Ballpark, Dream Foundation for the two spoiled kids crying poor……It makes perfect sense now….Whoo!!…. I was worried for a minute there…. almost thought they were trying to get one over on us again!!!

  156. trublu4ever

    On this day before Thanksgiving…..
    Thank you Mr. McCourt for screwing your fans once again! Sure, we won’t notice the raise in ticket prices…..We won’t notice, because we are idiots!
    When ticket prices go up…..soon to follow will be parking, consessions and merchandise. We won’t notice because you think we are idiots!
    But, Mr. McCourt, we see through you and don’t like what we see.
    In this time of a struggling economy, thank-you for taking advantage of your loyal fans!
    So, have a Happy Thanksgiving. And, please, consider selling our beloved Dodgers to somebody who really cares about baseball.

  157. Dodger4life

    Good Morning Everyone…..Happy Thanksgiving !!!
    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am just a little tired of Frank and his shenanigans. Telling him to SELL THE TEAM just doesn’t seem to get his attention. Now as lbirken has stated in a previous post, that season ticket holders(many of whom have been in their seats for years) are furious with the way things are being managed as well. They have an investment in teir seats and do not want to risk the chance of having to replace them with others when things become better. Frank seems to only understand one thing, Money, Money, Money……and Frankly I am just tired of him forcing his agenda down our throats. I Love the Dodgers….alway’s will!!! I do propose that sometime during the season we Boycott a 3 or 4 game series in show of support, and to lighten Franks pocket book. Just imagine how he will take it when noone is parking in his lot….Noone is munching on Dodger dogs, and washing them down with a refreshing beer…..None is leaving the Dodger store with merchandise….this can be a good thing for the players, I think as well….they will have noone cheering them on as they produce the magic on the field. They will see how much this team and the things it represents to us mean. I am not getting on the players just stating that when we return thier will be a better understanding of who we are. We are Dodger Fans, the most caring and loyal fans on the planet in my opinion. We are L.A.! During this boycott we can show our love for the city by doing something for it’s less fortunate residents….just think of the goodwill this will bring, an event not set up by the organazation itself but in spite of it’s management.
    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving everyone
    GO DODGERS and their FANS!!!!!!

  158. messagebear@msn.com

    I’m all in support of some means of boycott against this Franking owner. After all, in his court pleadings he’s contending that he only has $1.2 million in his personal checking account that’s got to last until next Spring. Wowee, what disaster!

  159. Dodger4life

    “You can’t ignore the fact the economy will be level at best for next year,” Mannion said. “We’re not going to make any outlandish-type decisions in a rough economy.”

  160. lbirken@aol.com

    Dodger4life, when we go to a Dodger game we seldom spend any money at the stadium. We bring our own food (thank goodness they still allow that), we are not beer drinkers, and the only thing I buy every year is a yearbook and media guide. We rarely buy much from the souvenier shops. So the Dodgers get very little revenue from me besides the tickets. In a sense we should want the Dodgers to increase revenues (and profits) so the organization can continue upgrading the stadium (like with toilets that work and dry floors in the restrooms), keep the minor league system flourishing, recruit and retain talent both on and off the field and so on. If the Dodgers had won the World Series and then raised ticket prices, would you feel any better about it?

    The real issue here is ownership has taken a huge step backwards in its attempts to endear itself to the fans. Maybe many of us fans are just lemmings and would go see whatever product the team had on the field. Cubs fans have been doing that for years. I still am convinced ownership wants to win. The problem is owning the Dodgers is not like owning a piece of property or some normal type of business and perhaps it is that idea that present ownership does not understand.

  161. messagebear@msn.com

    F the TURRR…D and the TURR…DETTE too for Thanksgiving!
    A couple of real turkeys who should have their necks rung.

    Everybody else – a Very Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!

  162. Dodger4life

    lbirken, I do want the Dodgers to flourish. I myself have spent a lifetime in construction, and was one of the very first to see this recession, during that time I have seen countless friends, neighbors and relatives follow me into this dilemma. I am sort of like you in the fact that the Dodgers get very little money from me as well. Sure I wish the circumstances were different, but they aren’t. They do get my support on the field as I enjoy the game very much. I suppose it has been hard for me to watch these two owners and the events that have transpired in the last few days. The money they claimed to have sucked out of the Dodgers in the way of plane travel, meals, and whatever else they could, and now I have to watch them claim to be broke. As they pay their lawyers an estimated $800 an hour, and I am sure continue to suck more privileges from the Dodgers in the way of extravagant lifestyles. Isn’t that what Jamie states in her filings. Then have the gall to raise ticket prices on the people that cant afford season tickets at the present time. They didn’t raise them across the board. I suppose that is coming in the future. They claim to be right in line with the other big market teams in doing so. I wonder where the payroll is in that regard. Can they not reduce some of this outrageous spending in order to increase revenue??? Every time there is a price increase, I am willing to bet there is one or more little kid’s out there who won’t get to see the Dodgers play in person. That is my long answer………cut short. This is my short answer…If the Dodgers won the World Series… I would be overcome with joy. However in light of the circumstances that MLB, the Dodgers and my many out of work friends, relatives and neighbors….state is going on with the economy…No It would not lessen my dislike in the recent ticket increases or the daily mismanagement of this administration.
    I am not trying to break the Dodgers, Jamie and Frank are doing a good job of that without me. I do want to see the game remain affordable to everyone.

  163. nellyjune

    Groundbreaking ceremony on the 9th Dreamfield…………..just wonderful. The only thing good about the picture is seeing James in it.

  164. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ for me, going to a Dodger game part of a planned weekend. I don’t get to go very often, so, when I do, I have to eat my Dodger Dog and buy a souvenier or two. I also have to pay for a hotel and gas to get to L.A. So, a raise in prices may not seem like much to some people but, for those like me, it will hurt. I still plan on coming to some games but I really have to start saving my money now in order to do so.

  165. Dodger4life

    lbirken the way I see it………Frank and Jamie are wasteful, out of touch with reality, at least the common variety, pilligars……
    in short again……What messagebear said!!!!

  166. redfox@q.com

    CONGRATULATIONS to Andre and Matt for their fine recognition in the MVP balloting. Their success is a further indictment against Ned and Joe for failure to recognize talent and ability right before their noses. Their continual blocking and benching these players for lesser talented veterans delayed their reach to stardom, but Andre and Matt have persevered and clearly shown the fallacy of management’s ways. And it’s particularly galling to me that Ned fought giving Andre a reasonable salary but had no trouble wasting $45 million on Manny, even giving him a player only option for this year. How dumb was that? How much do you think Manny could make this year without that option? And how many MVP votes did Manny get for all that money? After making far more bad personnel and financial decisions than any GM in Dodger history, Ned was rewarded with a long-term contract. That in itself should clearly show how inept Frank is. The sooner the Dodgers can get new ownership, the better it will be for the team and the fans.

  167. nellyjune


    lbirken – I tend to be in the same boat as tru, as we tend to travel together to the games.

  168. lbirken@aol.com

    My point is that no matter the reason, fans will object to a raise in ticket prices. The fact that ownership has ticked off so many people only makes the situation worse. I still believe ownership wants to win and I don’t think everything the McCourts have done is bad. And I really don’t care how much money they make as long as they keep the fans (customers) happy with the product on the field and they do it in an honest and earnest manner. Unfortunately, as I have said before, the McCourts have too much ego to stay out of the way and let people who know what they are doing get the job done.

  169. northstateblues

    Unfortunately, a boycott will never work. We’re all crackheads, and the Dodgers are the best source of rock around. (Crack is bad, don’t do it, kids. Just an analogy).

    If every diehard fan season ticket holder, who have no doubt spent their whole lives earning enough money to get their foot in the door, boycott by not buying new tix, there’ll be Hiltons, Kardashians, Simpsons and Jonases to take their place (at least the Jonases are Dodger fans, though, I’ll give them that).

    And Frank doesn’t necessarily NEED hardcore fans. All he needs is money, and obviously with these ticket price increases on the mini-plans for the Pavillion and Top Deck, Frank is of the school where the motto is “Never give a sucker an even break”.

    I’d be harping on Jamie, but the Dodgers are only her problem in her delusional mind.

    In Kevin Smith’s masterpiece “Clerks”, Randall’s motto is “This job would be great if it wasn’t for the customers.” Well, I’m sure we’d all agree that Dodger Baseball would be great if it wasn’t for the post-O’Malley owners.

    I’d never want to be anything like the Giants, but if the Devil made me an offer I couldn’t refuse to have the Dodgers emulate a Giants’ trait, I’d have to wish for faceless owners like they have in the Bay. Of course, though, he has a pretty bad sense of humor, already giving us a swiss-cheese rotation and mostly stellar bats, while giving the Gnats a mostly stellar rotation and swiss-cheese bats.

    “And that’s all I have to say about that.”

  170. Dodger4life

    North, it is only a 3 or 4 game series……however you are right and I had the thought when I posted it. We are addicted to the games.
    Nice post as alway’s….
    Dodge how are ya???

  171. bluecrewgirl

    Congratulations to Andre and Matt on their impressive finishes in the MVP voting. I hate this time of year when you have to read all annoying trade rumors. I seriously hope the Dodgers aren’t stupid enough to give up Andre, Matt or Kershaw in a deal for Halliday. He’s not worth that. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

  172. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – let’s hope that is just all talk. Last year we were led to believe certain talks were happening which never happened, and there is no reason to believe it won’t be the same this year. As for our boys…………………just think a year ago, we weren’t even sure Andre was going to get playing time. And he finally, finally is getting the bobblehead he deserved last year. Not that I collect them necessarily, but it was just the meaning behind him getting one that was the issue.

    northstateblues – great post as always!!!

    Dodger4life – I will be at the game on May 18th, boycott or not – LOL!!!! :))))

    Dodge16 – Doing great!!! How about you!!!???

  173. nellyjune

    So, that must mean you are here in Merced. Well I am at home too – lol!!!, and I am technically talking to gnat fans, with some ITD and FB here and there.

  174. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!!! Lot’s of good posts and points/opinions!! I’ve enjoyed them all. I am not and have not been impressed with the McCourt ownership and their choice of a GM. They are showing their true colors. Greed and vanity. They invision themselves as jet-setters, and they are car parking wannabe’s!!!!

  175. nellyjune

    That’s right……………….once I posted the comment, I remembered you said that earlier today………about how you were missing your youth group tonight.

  176. nellyjune

    I am doing great Jhall!!! Baking cupcakes and cornbread and prepping other stuff for tomorrow. Are you going anywhere for Thanksgiving?

  177. nellyjune

    If I were a White Sox fan, I don’t know if I would laugh or cry. I think I will cry for them…………………unbelieveable!!! Why don’t they just take JP from us while they are at it :)))

  178. jhallwally

    LOL Tru and Nelly!! I’m not really down on Juan these days. I think he could be a useful and productive player for some teams. I would like to see him get a better chance and maybe benefit from it.

  179. nellyjune

    That’s great Jhall!!!! So, your sister lives in Ohio too?

    Those Italian Margarita’s are heavenly………….amaretto instead of tequila – just yummy!!!

  180. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ I’ll drink to that!
    I think the White Sox would have been better off signing Juan than Andruw. And, by playing everyday, he would be very happy and so would I.

  181. nellyjune

    Oh Jhall!!! By the end of the season, I was ready for him to take Manny’s place, and I never thought I would ever think that. So, yes, he did leave a good impression from this past season and accepted his role much better than he did the previous year. For that, I certainly give him credit.

  182. Dodger4life

    Good evening all…Tru I am sure your margarita’s will be a success…..:-) I read somewhere that fangraphs estimated Andru’s worth at 3.4 million last year. Hard to fathom in my humble opinion.

  183. nellyjune

    sniff…………………..sniff…………………..sniff……………….sniff………………………I am trying to see if I can smell Dodgereric’s Chocolate Chip Cookies yet. It may be a tad too early. I am guessing he will be baking them in the morning but I swore I smelled them :)))) Talk about heavenly!!!

  184. jhallwally

    Hey, thanks Nelly!! I’m going to hit the old hay for now. I hope you all have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!! I’ll catch you all down the road. Excelsior True Believers!!! I’m thankful for you all and our ITD family!!!!

  185. nellyjune

    Okay Jhall – We will let you get your sleep seeing how it is 1:33 in Columbus. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, and like you, I am truly thankful to be part of this ITD Family. Good Night and God Bless my friend :)))

  186. nellyjune

    Hey Shad!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! I know……I don’t know what the White Sox are thinking. It will be interesting to see what their fans think.

  187. nedajerk

    Hey Nelly thanks Happy Thanksgiving and well it been a whole year since my uncle pass away and I still miss him. Isn’t Dye a FA this year or they thinking of traded Rios now? I remember couple of year ago about rumor of Lincecum and Rios before the Giants signed Rowand. I thought they were thinking on bring back Thome to DH again.

    LF Carlos Quentin
    CF Alex Rios
    RF Jermaine Dye
    DH Scott Podsednik

  188. nedajerk

    I know it early but I think Quentin and Podsednik job is safe. I’m glad to here that Ethier finally getting his well deserve bobblehead.

  189. oldbrooklynfan

    I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
    I’m proud of Ethier and Kemp making the top 10 in the MVP voting, this year.
    Although neither won, they’re still MVPs in our book.
    I’ll be back just as soon as there is any action taking place that involves the Dodgers.

  190. Dodger4life

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone……..
    A very Happy Thanksgiving goes out to the men and women serving our great country abroad…Thank You!!!!

  191. kpookiemon

    Happy Turkey Day to all.

    Yesterday’s posts were a fun read. Personally, I used to share in a box seat three rows from the field (purchased originally in 1977). Through the years it was a pleasure and a privilege to hang out in Blue Heaven on a summer evening. Then the McCourt era. New seating was “squeezed” in up front, and the box that was once three rows back was now LOTS and LOTS of rows back. When prices kept rising my buddy forfeited the seats after 30 years. The rise in blaring, desensitizing stadium rock ‘n roll (at the expense of happy organ music…thanks Helen Dell and Nancy Bea) finished the trick. Nowadays I attend very few games, though I watch them all. Sad. When Vinny rides off into the sunset, the Dodgers will be just another strip mall where a kindly general store once stood.

  192. dodgereric

    A plethora a great opinions here as always. You people are fun and thought-provoking.

    Yes Junie, I just finished making them. The first batch are fine, but I ran out of Crisco. I substituted butter and didn’t do a very good job of measuring. The second batch is a little flat. They TASTE just fine, but they’re not my cookies.

    I want to be positive on this day, so I’ll start with the negatives.

    Like so many of you, I’m NOT thankful for owners who claim poverty and economy for dropping payroll and raising prices. We had the 10th highest payroll in MLB last year (media, please stop bragging that we had the highest payroll in the NL West. Please.) after dropping it $18 million from ’08. This drop was rewarded by us fans, who LEAD MLB IN ATTENDANCE in 2009.


    I’m NOT thankful for Joe Torre threatening to manage the team past next season.

    OK, enough of that.

    I’m thankful for the well-earned Silver Slugger and
    Gold Glove Awards for Mr Kemp and Ethier and Hudson.

    I’m thankful for the exciting progression of our young players and I hope to see them continue that progression.

    I’m thankful for being lucky enough to be born in this wonderful country.

    I’m thankful for our military, past and present, for providing our defense.

    I’m thankful for the health of those I love.

    I’m thankful for my family, whose love and affection I do not always deserve.

    I’m thankful for this wonderful forum and my friends here on ITD.

    I wish you all a most Happy Thanksgiving.

  193. jhallwally

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Dad/Chevelle, good to see you my friend. Well said and I echo your sentiments/thoughts!!

  194. nellyjune

    Ward Dear – I heard first hand by Mariya and Lucy that your cookies were fabulous!!!!!! Fabulous post btw!!!!

    Wally – We did!!! How about you?

  195. nellyjune

    Ward Dear……….. I think I know why you ran out of Crisco. You might want to check Beav and Wally’s room. Lord knows what those boys were doing with Crisco in their rooms.

  196. Dodger4life

    jhall… I trust your day was over the top as Thanksgiving around here was outstanding……as Nelly outdid herself, so thankful Nelly……Tru did Tommy and the Italians all proud with her rendition of the Italian margarita’s…tru so thankful…..and I’m just guessing Mrs. Cleaver…. that Wally and the Beav were baking cookies with Mary Ellen and Penny…..

  197. nellyjune

    So, that’s what they were doing in there, and to think I thought they were doing something inappropriate.

    I guess this O-Dog issue will shed some light on how the Dodgers are doing financially, yes?

  198. Dodger4life

    I read that somewhere, it said we will find out on Tuesday, I don’t recall seeing Orlandos name in any rumor reports though. It just seems odd that he was dissapointed in the way things ended last season. He was a very positive guy to have around. Then there was the article with him saying Torre left him hanging as to why he was not getting playing time. It was True Blue L.A. I believe that brought that to my attention. They also speculated (hoping they were wrong) that we are not going to make any major moves but would act as if we were to lure the season ticket holders into committing.
    Here is the article for those that have not read it
    Innapropriate and Wally and Beav…….

  199. nellyjune

    Jhall – glad to hear/read you had a great Thanksgiving.

    Tru – There is very little Amaretto left in that bottle you know 🙂

  200. jhallwally

    :)))) Jamie and Frank are inappropriate. Both as people and owners!!! Beav and I are just the messengers!! LOL!!!!

  201. trublu4ever

    I am, Jhall. Still full from the meal Nelly made last night! And, my Italian Margaritas were fantastic! Hope you had a nice time too.

  202. jhallwally

    Good for you Tru!! I had a nice Thanksgiving also. Thanks!!! I read the Margarita’s were a big hit!!! Hope to taste one someday!!! LOL!!!

  203. trublu4ever

    It should be something with the entire Cleaver Clan as your motto. You guys ALL deliver the message, loud and clear!

  204. nellyjune

    Nope, they sure don’t. It’s good to see you too. Who are the Buckeyes playing tomorrow? It looks like they are going to be playing an Oregon team in the Rose Bowl either way.

  205. jhallwally

    I think if I met Frank, Jamie, or Ned; I would let them know I don’t think they are doing a very good job. I think Bear would look them in the eye and tell them they are “F’ing morons!!! I don’t have the kahoona’s to do that!!! Beav, hmm, somewhere in the middle!!!

  206. jhallwally

    Bucks are done till the Rose Bowl!! Yep, we’ll play the winner of the Oregon-Oregon State game. Both are gonna be tough. Thanks for asking. As an honorary Buckeye Nelly, I hope we have you on our sideline!!!

  207. nellyjune

    Well, that’s good. I am not a big Oregon fan, either team (sorry Dodge16). They are my two least favorite in the Pac 10. So, yea – you got me on the sidelines for the Rose Bowl. I will be hoping for Boise State to win just to see what the BCS decides to do with them.

  208. jhallwally

    Tru, the naked truth for me was wonderful 20 years ago!!! LOL!!! Not so much now days, but, I am working on it. LOL!!!

  209. nellyjune

    Submission error 😦

    As far as meeting Jamie, Frank and Ned, I think what I would say would depend on the circumstances we met them, don’t you think? If it was to seriously talk about the team and where it is heading (like some sort of forum or town meeting type thing), then I think many of us would say how we feel just like we do on here. However, if it’s just a meet and greet type of thing, then I can still see some saying how they feel if they had the opportunity to say something.

    Thanks Jhall!!!!

    LOL!!!! I, unfortunately, have never had the metabolism of a 20 something year old.

    Did you guys read about Tiger Woods? He was in a serious car accident. However, a very strange one. The accident report will certainly be interesting.

  210. jhallwally

    Nelly, win or lose, having you on our side is a true plus!!! Thanks!!! Yep, I’d love to see Boise State get a shot at the National title. I was rooting for Auburn to upset Alabama. Would have helped Boise’s chances!!!

  211. jhallwally

    Funny how you can’t eat a whole pepperoni pizza and drink 10 beers and not gain weight when you are 27 and then you hit 50 and it goes right to your gut or a**!!!

  212. trublu4ever

    Sorry to leave you hanging, Jhall. I’ve been dealing with submission errors for about 10 minutes. I just look at the pizza and gain weight and, I’m at the point in my life where mirrors are a curse!

  213. nellyjune

    Oh, I am glad he is okay too. Just very strange circumstances. From what I have read, something was either wrong with the car or the driver for that type of accident to happen.

  214. Dodger4life

    Hey everyone….
    Am I late to the party!!! I didn’t bring any crisco……….BPS that’s a good one for the green girdle. I can just see bear and tru as the company spokespersons.

  215. messagebear@msn.com

    I think the O’Dog decision will be a sign of the cheapness to come in the off-season. I personally think that his whole season performance was quite acceptable for a middle infielder, especially with excellent defensive skills. I think he performed better than Furcal. We probably won’t give him arbitration for fear that he’ll accept, and we may have to pay him around $8 or $9 million, which is roughly what he made with his incentives. So, we’ll probably see him depart without any compensation draft picks to the Dodgers. Watch us go out then and try to land a second rate second baseman, one whom we can get on the cheap.

    Sell the team, you TURR…DS!!!

  216. Dodger4life

    Hi nelly, jhall, bear and tru……I think you are right bear, They could however offer arbitration but make it very clear it is as a back up only, which I don’t think o Dog would accept.
    TURRR…D MUFFINS do come to mind…..

  217. Dodger4life

    I just read that Tigers wife attacked the back window of the SUV with a golf club……there are reports, unsubstanuated ones of an affair.

  218. enchantedbeaver

    What does one use if they really want to attack an SUV? Do you pull out the driver or do you lay up with a three wood and go for position?

  219. Dodger4life

    Bull **** and two Rodeo Drive clowns……It’s 40 below got a heater in my truck so I’m off to the Rodeo but………

  220. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – I read that too about Tigers wife. So it will be interesting to see what comes out of the official reports.

    Hey Enchanted!!!

  221. Dodger4life

    I did see in the Times a few days ago that the Dodgers plan to make a very positive annoucement here soon…..It came from Franks lawyer though……More Bull **** I suspect.

  222. enchantedbeaver

    What could Frank’s lawyer announce that could possibly be good news to the average fan? – Jamie’s not asking for custody of the tropical fish? I mean, Frank’s lawyer has nothing to do with anything except Frank and his divorce.

    Oh God, maybe they’re reconciling…

  223. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! I really have no clue of what could possibly be positive coming from Frank’s attorney.

    As for those candidates – not really.

  224. nellyjune

    Still no tv ? Yuck!!!! As for Thanksgiving, quiet is good, and I am sure the dogs were happy…….no sharing the leftovers 🙂

  225. enchantedbeaver

    Aren’t too many HOF caliber CLEAN players from the last 20 years IMO.

    … and Karros was about as fast as a tree Tru.

  226. Dodger4life

    Just walked in from watching the football game…Way to Boise State!!!!
    I would like to see Maury Wills get into the hall……
    Khali by all means GO BRUINS!!!!!!

  227. Dodger4life

    Good morning all………
    Marco Scutaro SS from the Blue Jays in 2009 say’s the Dodgers have contacted him about the second base position with the club. He speculates that clubs are waiting to see if Toronto offers arbitration as he is a Type A free agent. Toronto signed Gonzales to play SS a few days ago.
    Orlando Hudson was also a type A free agent that the Dodgers signed to play 2nd last season.

  228. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! Go, Boise State!!! Since Utah is not in the running for the BCS this season (they should remove the”C” from that acronym) and due to the lack of respect they got last season, I’ll root for anyone (TCU included) that has a chance of breaking up the exclusive and inequitable BCS party.

  229. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    We here on ITD should petition Congress for a new time zone: ITDFST, or otherwise known as Inside The Dodgers Future Standard Time. (30 minutes ahead of all the others)

  230. messagebear@msn.com

    Just a few things I can think of for which to be thankful this Thanksgiving season:

    Thankful that I’m not married to Jamie.
    Thankful I’m not one of the people Jamie hired for the Dodgers.
    Thankful that Frank doesn’t owe me money.

    I’m sure you guys and gals can come up with a slew of them this somewhat boring remainder of the weekend.

  231. Dodger4life

    I am thankful that Andre, Matt, Brox, Bills, Kersh and Loney are locked up…I would be really thankful if Frank and Jamie were locked up somewhere as well!!!!

  232. kpookiemon

    I am thankful for Vin Scully
    I am thankful I’m NOT the tree across from Tiger’s house
    I am thankful for my son
    I am thankful for all the strange, varied humans of ITD

  233. kpookiemon

    Glad to be included, enchanted. The original symbols (Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death) wreaked havoc on mankind. So we must identify the four evils destroying Blue Heaven:

  234. northstateblues

    Oh, Please McCourts, go (based on “Caroline No” by the Beach Boys)

    Where did our Blue Crew go?
    Where’s that team we used to know?
    The owners’ box emits a toxic glow
    Oh, please McCourts, go

    Why can’t you go away?
    I remember when you used to say
    You cared about the team, but that’s not true
    Oh, McCourts, we’re screwed

    Break our hearts
    Our eyes are much too dried to cry
    It’s so sad to watch our team’s hopes die
    Oh, Frank McCourt, why?

    Could we ever find in you again
    All the things that made us so great then?
    Can we bring O’Malley back once he has gone?
    Oh, please McCourts go…

    [music fades into braying donkeys, squealing pigs and vultures circling overhead]

  235. northstateblues

    I’ve been considering doing these for about a week now, thanks to a $1.50 vinyl I found in the bargain bin that has turned out to be one of my new favorite albums. Fitting, since Supertramp’s “Breakfast in America” and the McCourt’s marriage occured the same year, and one glance at the lyrics in the liner notes (the real ones, not the usual crap I’m peddling here) will draw some interesting parallels to what we’re reading in the papers.

    Anyway, I’m hoping to knock out the rest of Side 1 tonight (The first track, “Frankie’s Gone Hollywood” is earlier in this comment thread). I figure if Eric can do all of “Alice’s Restaurant” and E can do… well, half of all the American Pop/Rock/RnB music ever written, I can tackle one measly little 40 some-odd minute album. Enjoy

    The Illogical Song (based on “The Logical Song”)

    When I was young, it seemed the Dodgers were wonderful, a miracle,
    Oh, they were superb and magical
    With 6 rings in 3 decades, well we were singing so happily, joyfully,
    Visions of blue in our dreams
    But Peter sold them away, FOX’s rule was reprehensible, illogical,
    Irresponsible, impractical
    And they showed us a world where the team was undependable, so criminal,
    And the fans became cynical

    There are times when the sports world’s asleep,
    And I’ll be searching deep
    For times that seem so far
    From some books, our tradition I’ve learned
    And I know it seems absurd
    But please tell me who we are

    Now come the McCourts, and their divorce is so distracting, disgusting,
    ESPN’s TMZ hunting
    And in the midst of our promise comes a future unacceptable, irreprable,
    Thanks to Boston’s two vegetables

    There are times when the sports world’s asleep,
    And I’ll be searching deep
    For times that seem so far
    From some books, our tradition I’ve learned
    And I know it seems absurd
    But please tell me who we are
    Who we are
    Who we are
    Who we are

    Goodbye Strangers (based on “Goodbye Stranger”)

    It was an early exit yesterday
    Before the Series dawned
    And hearing what the McCourts say
    It’s time those two moved on

    Like a King as his own joker
    Like a Queen without a thought
    I’m tired of this embarassement
    It’s time those two moved on

    Now I don’t believe that T.J.
    Writes the undisputed truth
    But reading the things he relays
    Makes fans weep for their youth

    Like a ship forever anchored
    Like a slave forever chained
    Just the thoughts of those beaneaters
    Sends a shiver through my veins

    But the team will go on shining
    Shining like brand new
    We’ll never look behind us
    With McCourt memories few…

    Goodbye strangers, it’s been sad
    Hope you split yourselves in half
    Cannot see your point of view
    Never been to Malibu

    Goodbye Jamie, Goodbye Frank
    Please feel free to walk the plank
    You feel no sorrow, feel no shame
    Players and fans feel the pain…

    Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t
    Present their story well
    We hope they will, they say they won’t
    But Bud won’t make them sell

    You can laugh at my behavior
    That’ll never bother me
    Say I’m just another blogger
    But I don’t pay no heed

    But the team will go on shining
    Shining like brand new
    We’ll never look behind us
    With McCourt memories few…

    Goodbye strangers, it’s been sad
    Hope you split yourselves in half
    Cannot see your point of view
    Never been to Malibu

    Goodbye Jamie, Goodbye Frank
    We’ll be scrubbing out your stank
    You feel no sorrow, feel no shame
    Players and fans feel the pain…

    TMZ Bull____, it’s not for me
    Just sell the franchise, and set us free
    Atlantic Ocean, so far away
    Call back the McCourts, yesterday

    Say you’re leaving, you’ve got to go
    Hit the road… I’ll say it once again:
    Say you’re leaving, you’ve to to go
    You’ve got to go, gotta make that dash

    Goodbye Jamie, Goodbye Frank
    May we never meet again…

  236. Dodger4life

    Good morning everyone…………
    Excellent job, North!!!
    Happy Birthday to Vin Scully and Ross Porter
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  237. nellyjune

    just fabulous – the first post disappeared only to show up when I rewrote another one 🙂 Do we have an acronym for this problem too……………………posts being lost in the blogsphere?

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