Opening Day has arrived

It’s a great day but I didn’t start it off very well by failing to post the lineup early. Apologies to all. But right now, we’re in the top of the fourth and the first inning brought a great rally off Jake Peavy, the third inning saw Andre Ethier make someone pay for walking Manny Ramirez and now James Loney continued his quest for a 1.000 average this season with his second hit (and first steal). Still six innings of baseball to go, but you’ve got to be encouraged for the first three innings of nearly 1,500 frames this season.

Meanwhile, it’s a perfect day here in San Diego. The park is filled, the weather is nice, and let’s be honest, we’ve all been waiting several months for today to come. Enjoy it


  1. oldbrooklynfan

    Opening day is pretty good so far at least the the Dodgers are winning, but this MLB.TV is really on the blink.


    This is really a great day so far!! Happy Opening Day to all!!! Let’s keep it up Blue!


    I do have a confession to make… I love watching the Dodgers play in San Diego… Petco is a great park, and San Diego is an awesome city… But boy do I hate the Friars and Jake Peavy!


    Posting lineups was more of an issue last season with all the changes but this season the lineup and order seem pretty well set. What a difference.

  5. trublu4ever

    Brnadon ~ the is much better this year than last year’s was. I’m with you on wanting a hot dog and a beer!


    Anyone else think that Kuroda could be dominant this year… last year maybe he had some jitters… He looks great.. and with the way he finished last season. He could be primed to have a HUGE year.


    yeah trublu… Not exactly possible sitting at work… in a shirt and tie. But I’ll take just being able to watch!!

  8. gomartin55

    brandon, i thoroughly agree with you about kuroda.. at times last year he was really dominant.. but only in parts.. this year, i hope he can put it together for an entire season.. and i hope that his arm has adjusted and is more durable for the number of games..

  9. oldbrooklynfan

    I find only the picture is much clearer but everything else is not working right, the picture keeps freezing up a lot.
    AND you can’t choose your own broadcast.


    Having been to Petco it looks great on TV but the sight lines from where I sat were not nearly as good as Dodger Stadium. Of course, looking out at Downtown San Diego and all the buildings is pretty cool but I am more interested in the action on the field. Also, the fans had to be prompted by the sound system’s drum beats to start the “Beat L.A.” chant. Petco is a nice park and it does look good. But Dodger Stadium still top notch for actually watching the game.

  11. oldbrooklynfan

    I find only the picture is much clearer but everything else is not working right, the picture keeps freezing up a lot.
    AND you can’t choose your own broadcast.

  12. oldbrooklynfan

    I find only the picture is much clearer but everything else is not working right, the picture keeps freezing up a lot.
    AND you can’t choose your own broadcast.

  13. oldbrooklynfan

    Im only in the bottom of the 5th inning and the scoreboard is already in the top of the 7th.
    I have to get up early for a doctors appointment and this isn’t good.

  14. oldbrooklynfan

    I tried to click what looks like a FF fast forward button but it looks like it’s just a fake image on the screen.


    joe, the on-screen controls are for premium only, i think. also, with premium i believe you can choose your broadcast.


    Hiroki pitched a great game until that jam… Some insurance would not be too bad… Wade is going to have to be as good if not better for us this year.


    Kemp!! nice!!! I’m hoping for big things out of him this year too!! man if he plays to his potential!


    This time, the buck stopped with Wade…..So, it’s not just me with MLB problems. I finally had to switch to audio,,,,,,,new and improved, my A@$%!!!!!!!!!!!…….way to go, Matty K!!!!!!!!!


    Joepierre, hope everything is going well for you healthwise. I know you have to stay up pretty late for most of the games.


    you guys should try downloading the newest flash player at…i recently did, and I’m having no issues.


    To elaborate on my previous post, in case it wasn’t clear, runs as an adobe flash application. As such, the programmers would have designed it for Flash Player 10, the most recent…the above link can direct you to the download page.

  22. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m Going into the bottom of the 7th with the Dodgers leading 4-1 but the scoreboard is in the top of the 8th and we’re still winning.


    ahh…. I forgot about Kuo!! He should be a great set up guy for us this year!! Stay healthy Hung Chi!!

  24. oldbrooklynfan

    I’m going into the bottom of the 8th but I did fast forward a little bit I seemed to be a little more than a 1/2 inning behind.

  25. vl4ecc

    Good evening all!
    Better late than never I guess. Looks like big game James is off to a great start! A 3 run cushion is nice. Is the fat lady warming up yet?

  26. vl4ecc

    Good evening all!
    Better late than never I guess. Looks like big game James is off to a great start! A 3 run cushion is nice. Is the fat lady warming up yet?

  27. vl4ecc

    Can anyone tell me where Saito is now? I haven’t had time keeping up with all the off season moves.

  28. ramslover

    Lets add some insurance…James is going to be huge this year…batting crown baby!!! Ok it is only one game, but….come on Blake..

  29. gomartin55

    there’s glitches with this board too.. i wonder if they’re overloaded since it’s opening day..

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    It’s crazy watching Kuo pitching in the bottom of the 8th with 2 man on and I already know the Pods didn’t score.
    It’s like watcing a replay.


    I don’t like paying for something that does not work!!! Media error!! and this damn thing doesnt work worth a damn either!!! wtf!?!?!?

  32. oldbrooklynfan

    According to the scoreboard the Dodgers have won the game.
    But I’ll watch anyway.
    I don’t know how long before I see the end.


    I don’t like paying for something that does not work!!! Media error!! and this damn thing doesnt work worth a damn either!!! wtf!?!?!?

  34. gomartin55


    i know the padres are really bad, but it was a good win regardless.. a nice way to start the season.. i was worried about the bullpen, but we used our best guys today, and they held it together.. good pitching overall.. YAY! 🙂


    Way to go guy!! Good start to the season!!! great performance from Kuroda, Kuo, Wade, Loney, Kemp… Good job everyone!! I’ve got to get off of this thing… It’s going to drive me insane!!

  36. Dodger4life

    Dodgers Win!!!! Good game from Kuroda, Wade, Kuo and Brox. Big Game James what can we say Awesome!!! Kemp what a shot….:-) Good quality effort from all. We are on our way!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  37. gomartin55


    i know the padres are really bad, but it was a good win regardless.. a nice way to start the season.. i was worried about the bullpen, but we used our best guys today, and they held it together.. good pitching overall.. YAY! 🙂

  38. boblee4014 sucked tonight. When I switched to Padres announcers was better feed. Good win to start the season

  39. boblee4014 sucked tonight. When I switched to Padres announcers was better feed. Good win to start the season

  40. jhallwally

    :)))))))) Sweet win. Always great to whip Peavy!!!! Nice way to get this season started. Hope everyone is well and had a great day.


    Great win to start the season. Beating Peavy makes it especially sweet. The pitching was solid and our hitting was timely. Can’t ask for anything more than that!!!!!

  42. boblee4014

    What the crap is wrong with the blog. I have to log in everytime I use it. Never had to do this before and it takes forever to log in.

  43. koufax1963

    That’s the way to go! Beating Peavy at petco is fabulous.
    Kemp hits first HR for the dodgers, Loney and Dre provide clutch hitting, stolen bases and Broxton sent a message.
    very cool!

  44. koufax1963

    That’s the way to go! Beating Peavy at petco is fabulous.
    Kemp hits first HR for the dodgers, Loney and Dre provide clutch hitting, stolen bases and Broxton sent a message.
    very cool!

  45. oldbrooklynfan

    Broxton looked good in that ninth, like he was really in command.
    If fact if the team can look so confident the rest of the year…who know? HA HAHA.
    This new MLB.TV , is nice and clear but that’s about all.
    Actually I don’t like to see the scoreboard so far ahead of the game.
    It takes all the fun out when you already know the outcome.
    And I don’t see anyway that I can choose by own feed, you know the Dodger feed, like we did last year.

  46. koufax1963

    That’s the way to go! Beating Peavy at petco is fabulous.
    Kemp hits first HR for the dodgers, Loney and Dre provide clutch hitting, stolen bases and Broxton sent a message.
    very cool!

  47. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!!!

    What a game that was. I didn’t see it live, but I watched it via phone while watching highschool baseball. It took me since the 9th inning until now to get on, so I will go back and read and come back.

  48. jhallwally

    Hey Sara!!! LOL!!! With all the name changes it can be hard to keep track. Hope you had a great day!!!

  49. gomartin55

    yeah jhall, i know.. i still have the saralovesrussell one.. but i’m signed in with this one because of fantasy baseball.. and i don’t want to keep signing out and signing back in..

  50. jhallwally

    Hey Nelly!!! How are you Mom? Hope your day was fabulous!!! Nice way to get the season started!!!

  51. nellyjune

    I am glad to see we picked up right where we left off with our closing remarks…….very nice!!!

    Michael did not pitch today. He is pitching Thursday because this was not a league game and didn’t count for anything. He played first base, went 2 for 3 with a single and a triple. They still lost 😦

    Hey jhall – how have you been? The Indians didn’t do so good today, and that dbacks/rox game was pitiful. However, my class enjoyed it….alot of hitting and homerun action for the 30 minutes we spent watching it.

  52. jhallwally

    Yep Nell’, Indians and Cliff Lee looked pretty bad today. I’ll be anxious to hear how Michael pitches Thursday.


    Nelly!! What’s up lady!?!? Great game today!! If we can build on that, and maybe pull of the sweep of the lesser team… Now that would be a way to start things…. Is Young going for them tomorrow? If so, we can run circles around him on the basepaths!!

  54. nellyjune

    Hey Brandon!!! It’s great to see you!!! How’s Las Vegas? It was a great game today!!! What was good today was we did it without Manny too. They proved to themselves tonight that they can win even if Manny is having an off night.


    Vegas is good, nothing too exciting… Happy for it to be baseball season.. had some crap go on in my life… So the Dodgers are going to be my saving grace!!

  56. jhallwally

    Hey Brandy!! Sorry to hear about the crap, hang in there. Should be an exciting Dodger team this year. I’m psyched!!!!

  57. northstateblues

    Great win! Posted my thoughts with a during-tonight’s-game drawing of Kemp after he hit his monster shot. That’s on top of another Opening Day post I did an hour earlier with TWO drawings. I’m loving this drawing tablet, faster to do drawings.

    Hope you enjoy!

  58. nellyjune

    Hey northstateblues!!!

    Brandon – sorry to hear about the crap too. Think Dodger blue thoughts as much as possible.

    Good night Sara!!!

  59. digthedodgers

    north ~ Those drawings are incredible!!! Great Job!!!
    BTW, they added a game tomorrow night; switched it with one in Sept. I think. So it is Wolf vs. Young tomorrow at 7.

  60. nellyjune

    Good Night digthedodgers!!!! I wish I could be there in June on those days, but some of us are still in school. You must get out early, yes?


    So, tomorrow is Young against Wolf. I really like our chances in that game. We’ve dominated Chris Young… and we steal bases from him left and right… With Raffy and O-Dawg at the top of the order… we could be running all day, and with guys in motion if Manny comes up with runners on…Look out!


    So, tomorrow is Young against Wolf. I really like our chances in that game. We’ve dominated Chris Young… and we steal bases from him left and right… With Raffy and O-Dawg at the top of the order… we could be running all day, and with guys in motion if Manny comes up with runners on…Look out!


    So, tomorrow is Young against Wolf. I really like our chances in that game. We’ve dominated Chris Young… and we steal bases from him left and right… With Raffy and O-Dawg at the top of the order… we could be running all day, and with guys in motion if Manny comes up with runners on…Look out!


    This blog is really pissing me off… Other than the Dodgers winning today… all of the MLB stuff is working like crap!!

  65. sparkleplenty_1

    Good evening, all. What a wonderful way to start the new season. The guys look good and seem to have more life now that we’re playing “for real”.
    NSBlues, awesome drawings.

  66. nellyjune

    LOL!!!!!! Brandon – it’s been happening all day. Why do they try to improve things the weekend before the season starts when they have all winter to do this?

  67. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Nells, Wally, Diggie, Brandon, Dig, North… and anyone else I forgot.

    Guess my trepidation against Peavy was unfounded. Nice game to start the season.

  68. enchantedbeaver

    I’m still alive and kickin’ Wally. How’s yourself?

    Jeez Lee pitched that game for Cleveland??

  69. jhallwally

    Good to hear Beav, doing well, thanks. Yep, Lee stunk it up today. Pathetic!!! Better them than us however. LOL!!!!

  70. sparkleplenty_1

    Digthedodgers was dishguy. I was sparkleplenty. So, I guess we do have diggie1 and diggie2 . . .

  71. sparkleplenty_1

    Speaking of stinking it up, CC sure did, too. Sad to see him do so badly, but glad the Evil Empire lost.

  72. enchantedbeaver

    Doesn’t look like CC did so well either. Always tickles me though when the Yanks lose. Look quick, Baltimore’s tied for first!!

  73. trublu4ever

    Good to see you Jhall, Enchanted, diggie and the rest of the ITD family. I’m so proud of the guys for winning with Manny having an off night!

  74. nellyjune

    Hey enchanted and diggie!!! Great to see you this evening. I was very impressed with our young guns tonight. They took it to Mr. Peavy pretty well tonight where he has owned them in the past.

  75. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ I had a great day. Dodger4life and I had a marathon bowling match on Facebook! We both have sore fingers! It was a great team effort and the pitching was great!

  76. sparkleplenty_1

    Hi Nelly. Hope you had a good day. I know we ALL had a great afternoon/early evening. A great start to a great year.

  77. nellyjune

    Diggie – It was a pretty good day even at school. We celebrated Opening Day all day. Every subject had something to do with baseball, and then the last 30 minutes before recess instead of free time we watched the dbacks/rox game. This class enjoyed it more than last year’s class because they are more into baseball this year,but last year’s class was better behaved so I enjoyed it more.

  78. nellyjune

    Diggie – Thanks, but this year, I am counting the days until this year is over. I am usually not like that. This class has really tested me every step of the way, and it will continue to be that way for another 37 days.

  79. sparkleplenty_1

    Gonna cut out for now. I’m getting a bit of eye strain/headache. Bye 4 now – C U all tomorrow.

  80. nellyjune

    Well, spring break in 3 days will help seeing how we are going to SoCal on the backend of that week. We are going to the Dodgers/Giants game on the 16th.

  81. heartruss

    That’s right Nellyjune, Spring Break is almost here.
    We will have to meet at the game!! Very cool. Also very cool is that I had the winning bid for the Kuo’s St Patricks Day green cap!! Yaaay. I wanted that one. I just get luckier and luckier.

  82. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Nice game today! And to win one off of Jake Peavy! Jake didn’t look like his normal self, which was good news for us. Kuroda-san looked great! Right up until the 6th inning. But Wade did well to pick him up after getting into a tough spot. Kuo and Brox did well too.

    What ITDer was at Petco today? Was it Emma? I think so. Great to see names that I haven’t seen in a while, like Brandon! Now, I figured out earlier that Digthedodgers was dishguy. But diggie, I forgot that you used to be sparkleplenty! No, I’m going to get TOTALLY confused by having diggie1 and diggie2. No, I’ll stick with dish and sparkle. All I have to do is try to remember which “diggie” goes with which former name!!!

    Jhall – Loved that line of yours: Sure was sweet to go down to Petco and open a can of Whoop-A** on Peavy!!!

    So how are my ITD friends this evening?

  83. nellyjune

    Good Evening CP!!!! It was a great evening for our Dodger Blue. Our young guns did fabulous tonight.

  84. cpompe1

    Yes Nelly, they did! I was singing the Loney song many times today! Matty, well, what can I say? He’s a beast. Russ and our Andre did well too! And all this with our big thumper having an off day! I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Manny so impatient. But it was a good win. I’m glad that the BP did well. I’ll still continue to hold my breath for about the next couple of weeks to a month, just to see exactly how our pitching staff holds up.

  85. nellyjune

    I think that’s what impressed me most is we won without Manny being Manny. It showed our boys Manny can have an off day, as far as hitting the ball, and you can still win a ball game. I read on the homepage article that eventhough Manny didn’t hit the ball, pitchers are still forced to pitch to him, which makes every at bat of his successful because the pitcher has to go at him with the attitude he can nail you to the wall at anytime.

  86. heartruss

    Hi everyone. What a game. I didn’t watch it since I was getting ready for work and trying to pack since I will be leaving right after work in the morning. I might as well live out of a suitcase! I can’t wait until Apr 13. I saw the exhibition games so I am warmed up big time. I missed the guys. Ok Ok, I saw them in ST.
    How are you cpompe1? Nellyjune, I am fabulous. I will be on vacation next week for opening week at Dodger Stadium. A game almost every day. And I will be able to see you. How cool!!
    How are you tru and dodger4life??
    I am excited already. Life is good, right Nellyjune??

  87. cpompe1

    Yeah Nelly, that was very important for us. Of course, before all is said and done, Manny will have many “Manny” moments. But that’s why I can’t call Martin, Loney, Kemp, Ethier & DeWitt “kids” anymore. That’s why I’m referring to them as our Young Guns. I still think we are doing a disservice to DeWitt by having him sit on a MLB bench instead of getting regular playing time in AAA. But other than DeWitt, the others have more MLB experience that he and need to have the all-star caliber-type years that we know they are all capable of.

  88. nellyjune

    Heartruss – we are sitting in the Loge deck (section 159- row A)I believe right above you. (or at least close to right above you). So, if you see a giant fan go over the balcony, that will be my son – LOL!!! (jk) My husband is very nice about it , and he loves me and will protect me for the most part, but I will have to rely somewhat dodgereric and his family to be my protection as well – LOL!!!!!

  89. cpompe1

    Hey Cat! I’m doing fine! I’ll be at the game with my mom on Monday. But I’m sure you’re sitting in your season seats on the Field level, huh? Again, I’ll be on the Reserved Level, Aisle 1, Row M. If you get a chance to take a walk up to the Reserved Level, come by and say hi! I’d love to meet you! I’ll be wearing my Ethier jersey. I’ve got shoulder-length black hair and glasses.

    So how are you my dear?

  90. nellyjune

    Just the 16th. We weren’t sure of our schedule at the time. The Thursday game was the only game we were sure we could go to without conflicts in schedules. We will be down in SoCal the 15th thru the 18th though. The 13th is my hubby’s birthday.

  91. nellyjune

    CP – our original plan was to go there the first half of the week, but Michael’s circumstances changed. He is now on the JV team due to no pitching left on the JV team after grades came out and an injury. It’s better for him because now he can bat and play some first base as well as pitch. On Varsity all he did was pitch every 3rd game…..boring for a mom. Anyhow, now instead of doing a varsity tournament in Anaheim, he is doing a JV tournament here in town. So, we had to change the plans from the first half of the week to the last half of the week. So, Mariya and Matt’s plans stayed intact and we worked around that. So, we are going further south towards Del Mar/Solana Beach, and driving where we need to go from there. We want to catch a Fullerton/Pacific game there onFriday. I love college baseball too, and my brother went to Fullerton.

  92. cpompe1

    Yeah, I know that you’re in So Cal for a while, and I figured you wouldn’t come down here and NOT go to a Dodger game. Again, I’ll be praying for your sanity while sitting next to your son!

    Wow, a lot of ITD and ITD-related birthdays in March and April! Well, if I forget (I’ll try not to) Happy Birthday to your hubby!!! Isn’t his name, uh, no. I was going to say Chris, but that’s Eric’s wife’s name! Let’s see, in your family, I know Debbie, Mariya (not sure of spelling) and Michael. Right? But your husband? I guess I don’t know. Or at least, I don’t remember. Anyways, Happy Birthday to your hubby!!!

  93. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. I just got back from the game and I had a great time. The weather was perfect and I couldn’t believe how many Dodger fans were at the game. It seemed like almost half the crowd. At the end of the game, the cheering for Broxton was almost as loud or louder than for the Padres. In fact, we couldn’t get KABC in for most of the ride home, so we were listening to the Padres postgame show and a guy called in and commented on how many Dodger fans were at the game. A lady called in and said she hoped that Dodger fans hit a lot of traffic on the way home, but our drive was smooth sailing, lol. That was the first time I’ve been to Petco. It’s a nice stadium and the Padre fans were cool.

    I was nervous about Peavy pitching and it was great to see the guys finally break that spell. I agree with everyone else that it was great to see the young guys be the ones to start things off on the right foot. We all know Manny will hit when all is said and done, but it’s a great confidence booster for them to get off to a good start. I was glad to see Andre go 2-4 since half of the games I went to last year he didn’t even start. James got off to a great start and Kemp smashed that pitch for his home run. His play in center was great. Russ had a couple nice defensive plays and I have no doubt he’ll get going offensively tomorrow night. It was good to see Brox start off so strong too. To top things off, I hit it pretty big on the dollar slots in Pachanga. We stopped for about a half hour on the way to San Diego. All in all, it was a great day. I hate to have to go back to work tomorrow. By the way, Sara, sorry I missed you. I didn’t know you had changed your screen name. I haven’t seen you in a long time. Hope you are doing well ):

  94. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! Yes, Mariya, Michael and Bill (would be my husband). You are right, Chris is Eric’s wife. It’s okay, I think the four of us adults are still in a daze trying to figure out how our two kids managed to become a couple in a matter of one day/date.

  95. cpompe1

    Hey BCG!!! Yeah, I was watching the game and there were A LOT of Dodger fans!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! I bet you had a lot of fun today!!!

  96. heartruss

    My season seat is right by the left field foul pole. That’s the perfect way to describe the location. Cpompe1, what section are you in? You can look at my picture with Russie on my blog to see what I look like. I stick out like a sore thumb actually with my hair. I am maybe too recognizable. I told Russell where I sit so he did see me and waved. Cool, huh? It helps to be up against the bumper pad in the front row. I would love to see everyone. I will make a point to make the rounds. I want to see you Cpompe1 and Nellyjune too. I’m not sure what I’ll be wearing but probably white since it is a day game and I always roast during day games.

  97. nellyjune

    Bill is my hubby’s name, and everything else you got right. Chris, Matt and Maddie belong to Eric and Bill, Mariya and Michael belong to me. It’s okay, the four adults in this are still in a daze trying to figure out how our two teenagers managed to become a couple after one day/date. CP – it’s strange and cool at the same time.

  98. cpompe1

    Okay, that’s right, it’s Bill! Now I remember! Now I forget something else. How old are Mariya and Matt? Isn’t Mariya 15/16? Not sure.

  99. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – I am soooo glad you were there to see that!!! That must have been some game alright!!! I am glad you liked the ballpark, and you are right, their fans aren’t so bad.

  100. nellyjune

    CP – Mariya just turned 17 back in February and Matt will be 17 in May. They are both juniors in high school.

  101. nellyjune

    CP – Oh, I can add to your madness – LOL!! Eric’s wife, Chris….her birthday is on the 14th and my birthday is on the 28th 🙂

  102. nellyjune

    I didn’t think my first post about the family names posted and it did – this mlblog issue is becoming a pain.

  103. bluecrewgirl

    Hi Nelly. It was a great game. I couldn’t believe how warm it was, even when the sun went down. I thought it would get cooler being close to the ocean, but it didn’t. It was perfect baseball weather. That’s great that you are coming down for a game. Isn’t it nice not to have to stress over the lineup every day wondering if Andre will be in it? Hope that lasts for many years. Heartruss, that you are going to a full week of games. Have a great time.

  104. cpompe1

    Thx BCG! Do you have plans to go to any games once they get back home???

    So both are 17, huh? That is just too much. And Chris’ and your birthday are also in April? Wow! And this MLB problem, well, now (for the time being) it’s behaving for me. But earlier in the day, oh, I was going nuts.

  105. bluecrewgirl

    CP, I definitely plan to get to some games at Dodger Stadium this season, but I am not sure which ones yet. I’m going to hit the hay. Take care and I’ll talk to you all soon.

  106. nellyjune

    Good Night CP!!!!Take Care and God Bless!!!

    bluecrewgirl – It is nice to know that he won’t have to fight for a position all year long. I had considered getting tickets in the same section, but in rightfield, but I didn’t want to be on the visiting side for this particular game. I want as much Dodger support as I can get. Not that I am guaranteed that even on the left field side, but I like my odds a little better. And being opening week, I don’t think we are going to see JP starting in left field at least.

  107. lny4loney

    Is anything as beautiful as these words by Vin Scully? “Dodger baseball is on the air.”
    What a great way to start the season!! Kemp with the great catch and long homer; Furcal and the O-Dog setting the table, pulling the double steal and scoring in the first; Loney 3-for-4, is he on his way to making a run at .400? as I have predicted he would do (make the run, not necessarily hit .400) sometime between 2007 and 2014; super combined outing by the staff with the Big Blue Brox bringing 100 mph smoke and picking up the save; Ethier with 2 hits and an RBI; Russell calling a great game; and Manny bringing home a run.
    I’ll save rants about headscratchers like batting the ultra-speedy Kemp in the worst possible lineup position for a speedster and the illogic of using a valuable roster spot for a slick-fielding, light-hitting first baseman when we already have a slick-fielding, hard-hitting first baseman for another day.

  108. nellyjune

    Good night bluecrewgirl – have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!

    Good night ITD readers and writers!!!!
    We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start off the 2009 season by beating Peavy and the Padres in Petco Park.
    Take care and see you all tomorrow sometime 🙂

  109. nellyjune

    lny4loney/MLK – It’s good to see you. It has been a long time. It was a great game today, no question about that.

  110. shad78

    Did anyone seen on ch 11 about 15 mins ago in LA? I never seen an umpire call timeout out to give a player to come on and get a standing ovation.

  111. lny4loney

    Good to be here, Mrs. Nelson!
    Spring training was just too ridiculously long for me to pay much attention to. Now it’s for real!

  112. nellyjune

    That’s good to hear. I thought Loney did an incredible job tonight, and like you, I expect even greater things from him this year.

  113. shad78

    Let me repeat that again. Did anyone seen on ch 11 about 15 mins ago in LA? I never seen an umpire call timeout to give a player to come on out and get a standing ovation.

  114. nellyjune

    That is too cool – the photo gallery has an awesome picture of Manny and Andre doing their jump and bump at the end of the game – just awesome!!!!…and then there’s Matt after his homerun 🙂

  115. nellyjune

    Shad – I am not meaning to ignore you, but I don’t live down in SoCal – All I get is gnat/A’s news.

  116. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ Just want to wish everyone a great Tuesday and wish our Dodgers a great game and another win tonight. GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ Just want to wish everyone a great Tuesday and wish our Dodgers a great game and another win tonight. GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful.
    What a way to start, we got to Peavy in the opener 🙂
    Kuroda keeps us in the game with a strong start, and the bullpen comes through with the save. We are looking foward to more of this scenerio, in the days to come.
    Brox way to bring it in the 9th!!! Furcal and Hudson got the ball rolling early with hits of thier own and Big Game James drives them in. Just Awesome!!! Manny attracts the attention and a throwing error from Peavy moving into scoring position, and score he does, when Andre single’s him in. Matt Kemp makes a diving save and Baseball Tonight dubs it #2 of the day, Opening Day that is, and that monsterous shot to center…..Welcome Back Dodgers!!!
    Life is good today!!!
    Randy Wolf will jog to the hill tonight. Lets see that he gets the same kind of support, that was given last night.
    We need to take advantage of this series and dominate.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  119. trublu4ever

    I think Simers is wrong………it’s a long season and Manny will make an impact. I still think the thought of him in the lineup will give the other players better pitches to hit.

  120. sparkleplenty_1

    I think he’s wrong, too, Tru. Simers writes like he’s a witch standing over a kettle, stirring up trouble. I think he’d gain a lot of respect if he’d learn to keep his opinions to himself.


    Simers always likes to write with tongue in cheek, and I don’t think he necessarily was negative on Manny himself. I’ve always liked his articles taking Frank and Ned to task. I don’t expect Manny to reproduce anything near last season’s stats, but he does stabilize the whole lineup with his presence – at least for a while. I personally hope that he’s successful enough this year to opt out of the contract for next year and also hope that we won’t need him $25 million worth for next year, because our young guys will have grown up and into their peak years.

    In the meantime, GO DODGERS and show what we can do.
    It’s great to see everybody on ITD with such enthusiasm now that the season is underway, especially for some of you that have been missed in the offseason.

  122. nellyjune

    Good Afternoon ITD readers and writers!!!! I am looking forward to tonight’s game seeing how I will actually be able to watch it.

    Dodger4life and messagebear – great posts as always!!!


  123. trublu4ever

    This is getting ridiculous. It has taken me a alf hour to get signed in to ITD. You’d think this problem would have been solved by now!

  124. trublu4ever

    This is getting ridiculous. It has taken me a half hour to get signed in to ITD. You’d think this problem would have been solved by now!

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