At long last…

This is an incredible day for the Dodger organization, as Walter O’Malley is finally being inducted into Cooperstown.

Some fantastic articles about Walter came out, including’s coverageSteve Dilbeck’s article and Bill Plaschke’s feature.  

The induction ceremony is going on live now, so check it out.

As for the lineup, plenty of debate the last few days over how to set up the outfield and obviously a lot of support from the comments here about Andre Ethier. He’s back in the lineup today and for those who missed it, he updated his Dining with Dre blog.  

Here’s the lineup:

Pierre, LF

Kemp, CF

Martin, C

Kent, 2B

Loney, 1B

Nomar, SS

Blake, 3B

Ethier, RF

Kershaw, P



    I’m sure that batting Ethier eighth must be some shrewd Torre “strategery”, although I’m glad to see ‘Dre back in the lineup. Maybe Torre can remember to put Andruw in the same slot when he puts him back in the lineup.

  2. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Batting 8th? Okay, I will take what I can get, but batting 8th? That’s a confidence booster 🙂 I know – be happy 🙂

  3. imthedude

    I’m not to disappointed with him batting 8th. I mean, really, with everyone else, it’s ok. Not all the kids can bat so high and the 3 better kids right now are batting 2nd, 3rd and 5th.

    I’m really, really excited to see how this line-up does. From here on out – this is out best line-up, in whatever order they set it.


    2 outs runner on 2nd base, bottom of 9th down by one run..rank them in order on who you want to be up in that situation…I can tell you mine would end with Torre’s first choice. I’d want any other batter up. Does anyone, even Walton disagree?


  5. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Josh, can you pass this information on to Andre so he knows it too? He needs to know that we all think he is the best all around outfielder right now, and this treatment is very undeserving of such a great player.

  6. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Pierre’s the only one that I wouldn’t want up in that situation jungar. Martin,Kemp,Ethier, Loney – I would take a shot at getting it done. At least you know there’s anticipation that something greatmight happen. Pierre’s is too predictable and boring. I can’t comment on Blake – don’t know enough yet, but based on last night and what I have seen when he played with Cleveland – wouldn’t be a bad choice ethier (either). Thanks for that thinking – cool!!


    So amongst an otherwise decent line up we have a clean up hitter who is hitting .256 /.316 /.438 /.754 and a leadoff man hitting .256 /.292 /.288 /.580

    Those numbers are sinking an offense. Ethier would be better in ethier spot.

  8. imthedude

    Jungar – I guess I should preface it with 2 things that will never change 1) Pierre leading off and 2) Kent 4th. I don’t think most people agree with that, but nothing will ever change that unless it’s injury.

    But to answer your question (2 outs, runner on 2nd, bottom 9th) the ones I trust the most are the ones who are dooing well.

    Martin (he’s our most disciplined hitter, so he’ll work that count. he won’t expand the zone and if need be, he’ll take a walk).
    Nomar/Blake (so far so good, but I really want to see more of both)
    Ethier/Pierre (depending on if its a righty/lefty)

    If I had my choice, I’d change our order to:



    .256 /.316 /.438 /.754 Kent in 4 hole
    .256 /.292 /.288 /.580 Pierre in leadoff

    They have to produce more if we are to win. I am not saying they shouldn’t play but I am pointing the finger at them directly. In the roles they are both being asked to perform they are failing miserably


    yah id pinch hit for Pierre in that spot. Seriously. U know the best you can hope for is a 50/50 play at the plate for tie-ing run

  11. tradejuanpypaperbag

    rgardnerv – loved the comment on Andre’s blog. I haven’t been that daring and blunt yet – very cool!!! I mention it in a round about way how we think he is being screwed, but you got right to the point – impressed!!!

  12. bluecrewgirl

    Very glad to see Andre back in the lineup. Not happy he’s batting 8th, but I’ll take what I can get. He made the most out of batting 7th and 8th last season, so let’s hope he makes the most of it today.

  13. jhallwally

    Certainly should be Phew hitting 8th with Kemp leading off and Ethier 2nd. But, at least he’s tipping the cow.

  14. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – if the tables are reversed and the opposing team has a runner on 2nd with 2 outs in the 9th, who do you want in the outfield at that point – you still don’t want JP. That’s not being hateful, it’s a fact. He has a weak-*ssed arm and the runner would score off a single to him.

  15. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – this reason is why I prefer DY over Andruw and JP. It sometimes all comes down to defense, so I don’t want Andruw out there because he can’t hit, and I don’t want JP out there because he can’t throw the ball. I rather take my chances with Young getting the hits and making the miraculous play to end the game. I know it won’t be Andruw who gets the late inning hit, or JP who throws out the guy at home plate to end the game.

  16. scurtis1999

    I bet Ethier will play vs Righties and Druw vs Lefties. Pierre and Kemp will play everyday. I bet that’s how Joe does it, instead of benching Druw and playing Ethier.

  17. imthedude

    I guess of all our problems, the fact Pierre and Kent do not perform as #1 and #4 hitters is pretty low. Jones sitting is the biggest thing we must do. I’m sure they worry about pitching too. Who knows what Torre thinks, since it’s so illogical.

    But you’re right Jungar – nobody can take issue with pointing the finger at Pierre and Kent – if they continue to not perform (especially when others on the team are better than them) then we’re doomed.

    The most ABs must go to our best hitters. Plain and simple.

  18. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Just to update you on the Rox, who I think are scarier than the dbacks right now. Granted, they are playing the Reds, but they are winning 7-0 in the 4th.

  19. enchantedbeaver

    Right players, wrong order, but its better than last night’s. OK I’d prefer Blake or LaRoche in LF/3B instead of Phew but as you say, that’ll never change with JoJo as manager.

    Well, let’s see what the boys in blue can do today against a less than illustrious Bergmann.

  20. aeversw

    Good to see fatty out of the lineup! Now if we could get Kent out of the cleanup spot (he’s one base for one of the worst offensive seasons for a clean up batter) we’ll be ready to take the division.


    switch kemp and pierre, and then pierre and ethier and i would be VERY happy..

  22. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You got that right, sara!!! How are you doing today? I am just thankful Andre is in the lineup, but it’s still frustrating because this is going to happen for the rest of the season, no doubt.

  23. tradejuanpypaperbag

    BTW sara – great comments on Andre’s blog. He is too funny!!! I love his sense of humor and the fact that he didn’t care for the food even made it funnier. Also, the comment about checking the blog everyday – I admitted I did that – lol!!! We need to hope Russell gets one, and then we will be set.

  24. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Afternoon, erica!! It’s a good day to see the right person sitting for a change, that is for sure.

  25. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Maybe between now and tomorrow, some mysterious ailment will take hold of Andruw, he will go on the DL,and Andy LaRoche can be in the outfield. We can always hope, I guess 🙂


    Oh man. I just woke up…LOL!
    Its already noon. Yikes. I was terribly sleep deprived this week.

    I’m hoping he takes a seat more often then not. I do feel bad for Joe in the sense that he has to bench a 18 million a year big fat failure. That’s not an easy decision. But we all know that Andre deserves to be out there. PERIOD.

    I must admit I haven’t seen Andre’s Blog. I should check it out.

  27. jhallwally

    Wouldn’t surprise me if they all of a sudden find that the Cow has an injury. Hope whatever it is keeps him out for the rest of the season.


    Nelly- We should have a chemist conjure up a potion the temporarily paralyzes his legs until the end of the season. We’ll drop it in his grand slam breakfast.

  29. bluecrewgirl

    They sure came up with an ailment for DY pretty quickly when they needed to free up a roster spot, so I’m sure they can think something up for Jones to save face.

  30. tradejuanpypaperbag

    erica – you need to check it out. I good read into his personality.
    jhall – stranger things have happened – let’s hope 🙂

  31. tradejuanpypaperbag

    erica – that is supposed to say “It’s”, and yes, a potion would be great – LOL!!!!


    thanks dnelly. my day is alright. i had to wake up early because i had a 9:30 softball game. but we won, so it was alright. i came home knowing andre and james would be back in the lineup, but i was unhappy to see andre in the 8 hole. i mean, i can see how joe put together the lineup the way he did, but that doesn’t mean i have to be happy about it. by putting andre 8th, he’s still assuring him the least amount of at bats of the position players. i would have switched kemp and dre back to the 1 and 2, or at least slid andre between matty and russell. but no.. joe likes to kick andre when he’s down so he will continue to work on crushing any confidence andre may have left..


    Did I really spell out “Its”.
    I must be groggy. Believe me, I’m a deputy in the Grammar Police Squad. LOL.

  34. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara – it’s okay – I feel exactly the same way, and I am trying to be happy about the situation, but it’s truthfully very hard to see him benched for any reason, especially under these circumstances where he is far and above better than the other two outfielders (excluding Matt for obvious reasons) .


    i can hear joe talking to andre this morning..

    “andre, guess what, i decided to give you a start. and you’re batting 8th. be patient with me.. keep being patient. you can work on walking down there. it’s not you, it’s me..”

  36. enchantedbeaver

    A reinjured knee (wink wink) will probably land Druw on the DL long about he time DY is due to come off, first for 15 days so that he can rehab in Vegas and be back in time for September, then if he stinks it up, he’ll have a “setback” and go to the 60-day DL.

    I’ve never seen a club manipulate the DL as much as Ned does so that he can hedge his bets and keep all his players. No way (IMO) half of these are legit injuries.

  37. tradejuanpypaperbag

    erica – I was talking about my comment – I screwed up with a typo – you are just fine – lol!!!


    nelly-LOL…I did the same thing! HAHA! Hey, could you imagine if Sizemore had a blog. Oh lordy…


    dnelly, andre is better than matty at this point too. i love matt, and he needs to play for the excitement and the promise of good things.. but andre is our best, most well-rounded player right now. and in no way should he be the odd man out on anyday, no matter the opponent.


    jhall, i’m glad my comment from yesterday brought a smile to your face this morning.. sad as it is, it is very true.

  41. scurtis1999

    Today is the perfect lineup. Maybe move some around the batting order, but the players are the ones who should be starting!

  42. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly, my dad is a Red Sox fan and he can’t believe what has happended to Andre. He’s been very impressed with his development. It would be nice if the Dodgers showed some appreciation for him.

  43. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Sara ~ I think Josh needs to let Andre know all this. It would be comforting to me knowing he knows what we (the fans) think of him, and what he is doing out there.
    erica – There are sites for Grady, just not by him. I have never been on one. I just know because my friend is a Grady Sizemore fanatic. There is a website called “Grady’s Ladies” – lol!!

  44. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Yes, bluecrewgirl ~ Justin Pedroia and Andre played together at ASU,and if Andre were playing everyday like Justin seems to be, then he could be doing just as well. I totally agree with that.


    Yesterday’s trade for Blake is a good example of the high cost of mismanagement. I bet the players given up in that trade will come back to haunt the Dodgers. But then Ned and Joe will (hopefully) be gone by that time, so they don’t really care now. Their egos are only concerned with squeaking out a division win so all their mistakes will not be as noticeable. The pathetic thing is that if it wasn’t for Ned’s acquistions and Joe’s insistence on playing them, the young players could have been developed to the point that the Blake trade was completely unnecessary. Personally, I don’t think it was necessary anyway, and it just further blocks the development of the talent that is the future of the Dodgers.

    It’s sad to see the sorry state of the Dodgers where high-priced acquisitions and rent-a-player trades are touted as success and developing the considerable talent they already have is not a high priority. When will Frank wake up and realize that milllions of dollars have been wasted and high potential talent has been traded away several times to rent players in an effort to hide the considerable management dificiencies that plague his organization? So far he doesn’t seem to have the baseball savy to recognize it.

  46. bluecrewgirl

    I know, I mentioned that to my dad. It would be nice if Andre was appreciated as much as Dustin is by the Red Sox.


    Nelly- Oh yeah, I’ve seen the Grady’s Ladies stuff. They’re nuts. LOL. Although I feel myself quickly turning into a Grady fanatic.

    I feel like I’m betraying my team by following Sizemore so much.

  48. scurtis1999

    Druw couldn’t hit Paris Hilton right now if she was wide open stading right in front of him. He is a worthless POS. Sad thing is he’s 30, allegedly but is playing like he’s 40. Just seemed like yesterday he was hitting those homers against the Yanks in the World Series.

  49. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly, lol, must be something in the air today. I caught a whole bunch of typos before my last post.


    Bluecrewgirl- Red Sox fans are a whole different breed of people and a whole different breed of management. I had a post yesterday that I wish our organization, and a great majority fans were more like Red Sox fans. They love their players and their management really cares about the fans.

  51. tradejuanpypaperbag

    erica – you can like different players from all over as long as the team you cheer for in the end are the Dodgers. I have lots of favorites on all sorts of teams, but the Dodgers are the team I cheer on when the game starts. When and if Andre leaves, I will always be a fan of his, but I will be a Dodger fan first.

  52. dodgerzona

    Good Afternoon,
    Glad to see the strikeout king is not in the lineup

    Let’s sweep the Nat’s and then sweep the Gnats

    Go Dodgers

  53. jhallwally

    It’s OK Erica. He’s in the AL on a team we don’t contend with anyway. At least not till the 2010 World Series. LOL!!!

  54. bluecrewgirl

    Erica, the Red Sox are my second favorite team, of course far behind the Dodgers. I agree with you they’ve done a lot better job of putting together teams than the Dodgers in recent years.

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I haven’t seen eric around here this morning, so I am keeping up with his Pierre in lead off song.

    I got you babe
    Joe: They say we’re old and we can’t see
    Anything good about walks or OBP.
    Juan: Well I don’t care if all that’s true
    ‘Cause you got me, and baby I got you
    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Joe: They say our love won’t win no games
    But I don’t care if we go down in flames.
    Juan: I guess that’s so, I don’t care either
    as long as I get to start instead of Ethier

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got 8….point 8 mil, and I put you…. in my will.
    Joe: And when I’m sad, you’re a clown
    And if I get scared, you’re always around
    Joe: So let them say your hat’s too big
    ‘Cause I don’t care, let them call me pig
    Juan: Then put your little hand in mine
    There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got you to write my name
    Joe: I got you to lead the game
    Juan: I got you to pull up my socks
    Joe: I got you to take me on walks

    Both: I got you babe

    By dodgereric on June 18, 2008 3:48 PM

    Posted on June 26, 2008 at 2:08 AMPermalinkComments (0)
    Tags: dodgereric
    Report any abuse or spam


    Good points everyone. I’ve just been a Dodger fan for so long I always feel uneasy about liking a player from a different team so much. It feels like I’m cheating on them or something. LOL.

    I’m not sure who my second fave team is. I don’t mind the Angels. Yeah…go ahead, give me crap. LOL.

  57. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl – we are going to be there for the games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I will get to meet Andre on Saturday. 🙂

  58. bluecrewgirl

    Very, cool. Say “hi” to him for me, lol. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the signing. I really need to paint the inside of my condo and I’ve been putting it off for too long.

  59. dodgereric

    Fire Joe
    Fire the guy who hired Joe
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe

    Pierre, LF
    Kemp, CF
    Martin, C
    Kent, 2B
    Loney, 1B
    Nomar, SS
    Blake, 3B
    Ethier, RF
    Kershaw, P

    Joe: They say we’re old and we can’t see
    Anything good about walks or OBP.
    Juan: Well I don’t care if all that’s true
    ‘Cause you got me, and baby I got you
    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Joe: They say our love won’t win no games
    But I don’t care if we go down in flames.
    Juan: I guess that’s so, I don’t care either
    as long as I get to start instead of Ethier

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got 8….point 8 mil, and I put you…. in my will.
    Joe: And when I’m sad, you’re a clown
    And if I get scared, you’re always around
    Joe: So let them say your hat’s too big
    ‘Cause I don’t care, let them call me pig
    Juan: Then put your little hand in mine
    There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb

    Juan: Babe
    Both: I got you babe I got you babe

    Juan: I got you to write my name
    Joe: I got you to lead the game
    Juan: I got you to pull up my socks
    Joe: I got you to take me on walks

    Both: I got you babe

    I’m happy that the Cow ain’t in there but the lineup should be:

    Kemp, CF
    Ethier, RF
    Martin, C
    Kent, 2B
    Loney, 1B
    Nomar, SS
    Blake, 3B
    Pierre, LF
    Kershaw, P

  60. dodgerzona

    Erica….I have alway’s been a Dodger fan even though i live in Az….I kinda root for the D’Back’s but the Dodger’s will alway’s be my team

  61. northstateblues

    Hey all, about to take off soon on my SoCal roadtrip. I’ll be praying that I could catch the Fresno station in time for the 7th inning stretch, heh.

    It’s nice to see Dre in the lineup again, but 8th? Seems like it’d be hard to get a pitch to hit there. “Hmmm… do I pitch to one of their best bats, or do I put him on and pitch to the rookie pitcher…”.

    Still, seeing as the Andruw Jones experiment isn’t working, it’s good to see no bats are under the Mendoza Line. Hey, that’s what winning’s all about, right?

    And if no one’s read it, the LA Times website has a Bill Shakin article about how Colletti may have made his last trade as a Dodger.

  62. jhallwally

    Angels are a heck of a team. Extremely well managed and play good fundamentally sound baseball. The way the Dodgers used to do it.

  63. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I know you would jhall!!
    dodgerblueaz – I’m doing great now that Andruw is not in the lineup 🙂
    I have decided to sit quietly and watch the gnats play – what happens, happens. If you don’t know this – I live with Giants fans so things get a little tense around here when it comes to Giants/Dodgers things.

  64. dodgerzona

    DNelly…..Same with me and my brother….He’s a D’Back fan
    So when it’s Dodger’s and D’Back’s playing it get’s tense here to

  65. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric/Ward – where did you come from? – sorry for posting the song. Wally thought you were stuck on the roof again – lol!! No, that was me who thought that. Wally thought you were down the street visiting he neighbors.


    Here’s my line up

    Sizemore, CF
    Ethier, LF
    Martin, C
    Kent, 2B
    Kemp, RF
    Loney, 1B
    Nomar, SS
    Blake (Preferably DeWitt), 3B
    Kershaw, P

  67. tradejuanpypaperbag

    dodgerblueaz – I have 4 dbacks on my fantasy team, Mark Reynolds, Conner Jackson, Chris Snyder and Justin Upton. Reynolds, Snyder and Upton have been my constants and I switch Jackson and Loney out depending on competition. So,needless to say, I like when the dbacks to well enough hitting and still lose 🙂

  68. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I just received an message saying that they activated Sweeney and sent LaRoche down to AAA – what lunatics these people are.


    Well folks, I must do some fold some laundry while watching the game. Lets go baby Kershaw! I call him baby Kershaw. LOL.

  70. enchantedbeaver

    If I were some of these kids like LaRoche and Dre, I’d be begging Ned to trade me somewhere.


    Nice Lineup today. Personally I would switch Russ and Kemp in the order. I like the way Casey Blake plays the game, he does alot of things well. Lets get the sweep today.


    Just what you would expect from Ned and Torre. Sweeney is such a veteran and no doubt great clubhouse influence.


    LaRoche optioned to Vegas, Sweeney activated from DL
    By Tony Jackson on July 27, 2008 12:54 PM

    Not sure why, other than Sweeney has been healthy and ready to go for several days now, and they were waiting for a roster spot to open up. I guess this means Nomar is the backup 3B, although Berroa and Ozuna can play there too, I believe.

  74. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I got an official text message stated that Sweeney was activated off the DL, and that Andy LaRoche was optioned to triple A Las Vegas


    i thought they had forgotten about sweeney. and i was quite happy about that.. just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse.. poor andy.. if anyone gets jerked around as much as andre, andy would be it..

  76. enchantedbeaver

    Frank, please fire Ned immediately and let Logan take over.

    Bench one worthless sack and activate another one. This team is such a mess with no hope of getting better with Nerd and JoJo running the show.


    I guess of all our problems, the fact Pierre and Kent do not perform as #1 and #4 hitters is pretty low.

    How so? Our biggest problem is a poor offense. They are performing at very poor levels (even by their own standards) Now that 3b and CF has been replaced as well as SS (for most part) then it’s time to move on and deal with the two weak links.


    Joe Torre said this morning that, “Right now, we’re going with the hot hands.” Andruw, of course, isn’t that right now. Basically, what that means is that Andruw has to wait until someone else cools off until he gets back into the lineup on an everyday basis. “It means we’re trying to win as many games as we can,” Torre said. Joe also said there could be matchups, such as certain opposing pitchers, that he’ll still want to play Jones against. “(But) we faced two left-handers (Friday and Saturday), and I saw some good at-bats here and there. But there is still a lot of stuff he has to get better at. I’m not speaking out of school, because Andruw feels the same way.”

    that’s from tony jackson’s blog.. i feel like i’m playing cards with torre everytime i read his quotes.. BS.. i say BS. if you were playing the hot hands andre wouldn’t have sat two games in the series..


    OPS+ of our bench.

    Ozuna: 70
    Ardoin: 46
    Berroa: 40
    Jones: 36
    Sweeney: -18

    I mean who do u even let pinch hit?

  80. enchantedbeaver

    Vegas ought to have a pretty good team now.

    Are there any other worthless 40-50 year olds we can get to play first and catch?


    so i guess this means that andy will play at 3rd and blake at 2nd in vegas..

  82. dodgereric

    1) Joe Torre said this morning that, “Right now, we’re going with the hot hands.”

    2) LaRoche optioned to Vegas, Sweeney activated from DL
    By Tony Jackson on July 27, 2008 12:54 PM

    3) Andy LaRoche .203 .319 .322

    4) Mark Sweeney .094 .181 .125

  83. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Well that was a quality at bat JP – Matthew could have done that or possibly have hit it out of the frickin’ park 🙂

  84. bluecrewgirl

    Sara, my only hope is that they won’t offer Blake an extension after this season and the plan is to have Dewitt and Andy start at 2nd and 3rd respectively going into next season.

  85. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – What in the hell are these people thinking? They must think we are a bunch of idiots to believe this crap – so, so very frustrating.


    seriously enchanted.. kuo is the best option off the bench..

    yeah kemp! so, wait, why is pierre better than kemp?


    bluecrewgirl, that is my hope as well. i don’t think they’d sign casey blake to an extension, and i’m pretty sure he doesn’t want one. he’s already said that he wants to go back to cleveland and finish his career there.

  88. dodgereric

    nelly, if anyone at my place of employment acted the way that Dodger management does, they would be immediately drug tested.


    hey everyone, i have 2 tickets i need to sell for the d’backs series.. i figured i’d offer it to true dodger fans before using craigslist or something.. let me know if you’re interested.. here is the info:

    Dodgers vs Diamondbacks
    Sunday, August 3rd
    Section 5 Field Level
    Row W, Seats 10 and 11

    they are season ticket holder seats.. and they are face value $75 each. i will sell them for $70 each. thanks!

  90. tradejuanpypaperbag

    No, it should be Kemp, Ethier and Martin – that’s the problem – no chemistry, no excitement. That was the best combination we’ve had and Torre screwed it up.


    this is just the kind of game that kershaw needs.. it’s like he’s back in double-A.. hopefully he can throw strikes and pitch with confidence all day..


    yeah eric, they are great seats. i should have another game in september against the padres to sell..

    yeah james anthony loney!!

  93. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!
    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  94. jhallwally

    Gosh dad, I sure hope we get to use it later. Beav really wants to give the fellas’ the business!!!!

  95. dodgereric

    I had to search a few websites until I found one I could copy, but there it is until (if) Sammy gets back 😦

  96. dodgereric

    Perhaps if one of us bloggers has an in to the clubhouse, they can make a bazillion copies and tape ’em all over Torre’s office door before the end of the game.

  97. bluecrewgirl

    That’s what 2 games of rotting on the bench and having your head messed with time and time again will do, DNelly. Poor guy, it’s not just Torre that has messed with his head. Grady did the same thing last year.

  98. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward – you are a wonderful dad! Look how happy you have made Wally and Theodore – that is priceless!!

  99. dodgereric

    Last night I was in the left field bleachers when Pierre came up late in the game. I yelled out, “Hey Pierre, how about getting more than one hit in a game?” The guy across the aisle said, “No excrement!”

    Or a reasonable facsimile thereof…….

  100. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward – you let the boys see what you can do, and now they want the impossible – to have JP and Jones gone.

  101. enchantedbeaver

    BTW that’s “professional” leadoff hitter Juan Pierre. DO NOT ATTEMPT to do this at home with Matt Kemp.

  102. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Are you serious, enchanted – .200 – yeah, he belongs in the lineup alright. Let’s put Kuo in the outfield and see what he can do there. I’ll take my chances at this point.


    Baby Kershaw is looking good!!!!
    It’s really making me mad that he’s not getting some calls. His curve has dropped in as strikes at least three times and the freaking ump didn’t call any of them. Clearly strikes.
    I guess he’s still gotta earn his stripes.

    Indians lost again. Hope it makes Sizemore want to join Blake.


    Rookie error. It’s alright Kersh, relax.

    LOL @ Nelly….Kuo in the outfield. I bet if he were put in the line up he’d have more HR’s than Jones.


  105. enchantedbeaver

    If the plate umpire is squeezing the plate on Kersh, why isn’t Torre out there at least grumbling about it and sticking up for his pitcher? A bitch here, a grumble there and maybe he gets a call or two later.

    He’ll probably ask the ump tomorrow…

  106. dodgereric


    erica, you and nelly sound like my wife watching a Charger game!!! I love it!!!!


    Eric- I get so worked up, my dog gets scared and hides under the bed.
    When I was a teenager my mom would come to my room and tell me to shut up because she didn’t want the neighbors to think we were crazy! LOL!


    haha erica.. my mom used to talk about how the neighbors must think we’re crazy when we watch games.. but she and my dad would yell too.. so it wasn’t just my fault.. although i am the loudest..

  109. tradejuanpypaperbag

    yep, Ward/eric – I react the same way at home as I do at the game, but I think you already know that about me. I have the same dog problem, too, but I think you know that too. Boy, Ward, you certainly know me pretty well. LOL!!!

  110. enchantedbeaver

    Girls are like that Wally.

    I forgot too Wally, I thought for a second that we had a real manager.

  111. tradejuanpypaperbag

    dbacks winning 4-0 – don’t forget Zito is pitching. I am not watching, but I am hearing plenty, if you know what I mean.


    The dodger’s infield is starting to look like a Legends All Star Game. I think the average age in the infield is about 32.5 when Loney starts and 37 when Sweeny is at first. And now there is talks to trade Loney and other prospects for Mark Teixeira of the Braves. And Kemp and a few others for Manny. What the hell is going on? Ned is depleting the farm system, because he knows his time is limited. Here’s an idea . . . you now have DeWitt, LaRoche, and Tiffy (whose on the USA team) all sitting at 3b in Las Vegas. Either convert one of them to 2B or trade one (or two) of them. Just because, as management, the Dodgers have NO IDEA of what they’re doing . . . does it mean they have to ruin some young player’s life by sitting on their potential in AAA. All three could start else where in the Majors and Ned knows it. He is just being a ***** and pissing off DeWitt and LaRoche. Way to treat your top prospects in your system. All for Sweeny and a guy the White Sox cut. You sukk a Phat Dikk NED. Please leave.


    Joe’s comment on Casey Blake: “He’s the type of player I think that can help this ballclub,” Dodgers manager Joe Torre said. “We’re not necessary looking for some blockbuster move, but a piece that can really add to what we’re trying to do. And the more people you can acquire that have the work ethic that he does, I think it’s got to be a positive.”

    Torre is always talking about work ethic, which of course can be very good. But it certainly hasn’t helped Ned’s performance, or Pierre’s performance, or Sweeney’s performance, or Jones’ performance. And when LaRoche’s work ethic prepared him to return early from his injury, he was rewarded by being optioned to Vegas. And when Ethier’s work ethic resulted in him clearly beating out Pierre in Spring Training, he was rewarded with frequent bench duty. Just more of the double standard and doubletalk that is so characteristic of Joe Torre.

  114. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Boys, you know your father does that to people – makes them all mushy and happy because he is such a swell guy 🙂

  115. dodgereric



    Sources say that Cleveland Indians General Manager Mark Shapiro has been admitted to a local mental institution after claiming he was visited by a ghost. Shapiro, who has no history of mental illness, was rumored to have been ranting the same thing over and over while they strapped him to a gurney, “I’m telling you, he wanted me to trade Grady Sizemore to the Dodgers for Juan Pierre and Andruw Jones and Mark Sweeney! I’m not kidding! He had a gun! He kept saying, ‘I’m serious! I have to do this for my boys!'”

    Asked for a description of the ghost, Shapiro said that he looked just like Hugh Beaumont.


    crap.. i think nomar’s hurt.. he went in to the clubhouse with all his stuff..


    Well I woke up this Monday morning expecting the worse and got a bit of both. Nice to see Andre back in the lineup with Jones having “a day off” and Young Kershaw pitching well but what a shock (well not really) to see “the best PH ever” back with LaRoche sent down. Nothing surprises me with this crazy mob running the team but I just hope the game isn’t on the line with Sweeney coming up. He must hold the record for having the lowest batting average for a “trusted vetern”.


    Sara-I’m super loud. Luckily my husband thinks its cool, and we really don’t have neighbors LOL!
    I tend to loose my voice whenever I’m at the stadium. If I don’t loose it, its very hoarse the next day! LOL!

    Dude, what the hell happened to Zito? He was one of the most feared pitchers in the league…

    Loney for Teixeira would make me want to convert to an Angels fan. Not kidding.

  119. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – I never sit in the room and watch with them, usually, but I don’t have to see to know what is going on. If they do something good, Michael shouts good things and usually will come and gloat about it to me, and if they do something bad, then he shouts bad things, and doesn’t come out to tell me anything. It’s pretty simple. They would probably tell you the same thing about me, other than I do a hell of a lot more laughing because of what goes on before, during and after the games on this board,and you know what that is all about.


    dodgereric.. that was so funny..

    max, you aren’t the only one.. i commented too.. i think he got hurt when he stumbled after the tag at third base.. not good if it’s serious..

  121. aeversw

    sara, thats when I think he got hurt too. Berroa was putting on his batting gloves in the dugout. I think he’s coming in.


    A follow up comment. Down the stretch, The Dodgers have no chance to compete with the Dbacks in terms of talent this year. Surprisingly, the Backs have struggled, but they have good talent. Our young kids were hanging in there with them, but Ned got some false sense of “possibly making the playoffs” so he depleted the farm system, and treated the top prospects like SHHIT, in hopes that The Dodgers could make a run. Wake up Ned. The talent you are getting is not that great (or better than your young players) . . . they are either old and a has been (see Blake), or simply other teams garbage (see barrora and Ozuna). But even with that said, the Backs will easily run away with it in the end. I predict 7 games out of first and 5 games under .500 when it is all said and done. What to go GM. NED FOR GM OF THE YEAR. And Torre you are a putz for not saying anything, or speaking up. Sell out.


    yeah max, i guess we’ll have to wait and see what the diagnosis is on nomar..


    LOL @ ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did anyone see that Indians fan holding up a sign that said “Stop trading our Team” ?

    Dear Lord,
    I will go to church every sunday and donate my free time to orphans and old folks homes if Grady Sizemore comes to the Dodgers….

  125. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Eric – that is way too funny!!!!!!!!! See, jhall, I am laughing and my family is thinking here she goes again. LMAO!!!!!!!
    meanwhile the gnats are still losing so my son and husband are not happy campers right now. It’s very quiet in there – lol!!!!


    so not surprised that nomar came up lame.. i guess the issue now is.. how many days will he be out.. and who replaces him..



    The Dodgers are 24-28 against starting RHP and 17-14 against starting LHP. Here are the team OPS splits:
    Here are NL wide OPS splits:
    These are RHP vs RHH, RHP vs LHH, LHP vs RHH, LHP vs LHH.
    Clearly our major problem is not offense in general but against RHP and in particular with the most common of these 4 splits namely with our RHH against RHP.
    Now Pierre’s OBP this season against RHP is .292 and his BA is .239 whereas the NL against RHP (including RHH) is .326 OBP and .257 BA

  128. enchantedbeaver

    Even money if Nomore goes on the DL, LaRoche gets traded for another PVL.

    Ned’s brilliance shines through yet again. Needed a shortstop, got a third baseman.


    wow andre has waved at some really bad pitches today.. not a good thing.. maybe he thinks if he impersonates andruw he’d get more playing time then when he impersonates himself..


    Mike .. everytime someone brings up JP’s stats I cringe. He is not our solution at lead off and never will be. Yet he starts every day. I have no idea why?


    or maybe andre knew kershaw wanted to throw another inning so he took one for the team.. rather than let joe send up a pinch hitter for clayton..


    i’m serious guys.. andre figures being good doesn’t get him playing time.. haha


    Andre batting 8th,,,, Sweeney activated…. Jones benched… Well, 1 out of 3 ain’t bad. LOSL.


    Now I hope I’m very very wrong but I have no faith in Chan Ho as a RP. He gives up far too many HR’s and at times can be a BP type pitcher. Now prove me wrong sport and dust ’em off.


    haha, that sounded stupid.. left knee irritation sounds more correct

  136. edog07

    With nomar’s track record I would not be surprised to see a trade if the injury means more than a game or two off. Right now if Nomar is hurt we only have one guy that can play third, (Blake) one guy that can play short, (Berroa) and one guy that can play second (Kent). These guys cannot play everyday, they are not young enough. The only person to backup Loney is sub.100 hitter Sweeny. Tough times if Nomar misses time.


    jhall if joe ever looked at stats, period, he couldn’t make the decisions he does..

  138. tradejuanpypaperbag

    you are right sara – it’s not going to matter what Andre does, he will be benched for Andruw unless Andruw gets put on the DL or sent away. He is really screwed no matter how well or bad he plays as long as JP and Andruw are on this team.


    so sad, yet true dnelly. and i will believe it until joe proves me wrong.. i won’t hold my breath..

  140. enchantedbeaver

    Most managers would’ve done a double switch and pulled Andre for Park and put the Cow in for Kersh. Park pitches a great inning so JoJo The Clown immediately lifts him for that all around great .094 hitter, Mark Sweeney.

    Regardless of what Sweeney does, Park should’ve been pitching the next inning.


    HA HA HA HA!!! Sweeney, a favorite veteran of Torre’s and a worthless fart is at it again!!!


    Math is not this Aussies best subject but can Sweeney get enough AB’s to go under .050 before season’s end.


    WOW!!! Mark Sweeney is really, really BAD… I liked your suggestion enchanted… makes much more sense


    Seriously…. How many teams keep a guy on tier roster who is hitting below.100 and is not a pitcher in the middle of a pennant race!?!?!?!


    Guys… with Nomar down now, we’ve GOT to make a corresponding move… If he’s out for an extended period of time, we’ve got NOONE who can play short…. well, not anyone who can have some sort of an impact anyway…

  146. scurtis1999

    We face Cain, Sanchez and Webb next week. Nasty. Thank god we miss Haren. Thank god those 2 teams can’t hit either.


    i love how vinny was like sweeney must be rusty for sure.. look at his numbers.. does it even matter??


    My guess Brandon is we’ll go hard for Jack Wilson but for the life of me I can’t see how he’s an improvement over Berroa except he costs a lot more.

  149. aeversw

    Hu is hitting .368 in Vegas. We never saw the real Hu this year! If Nomar cant go I’d rather call him up and see what he can do.

  150. enchantedbeaver

    Brandon – we’ve got a PH hitting .092. We’ve got a “clean-up” hitter batting .250 who just left 7 men on base this game. We’ve got a Cow OFer hitting .166 or so. We’ve got Juan Pierre leading off regardless of what he does. We’ve got JoJo as a manager. And we’ve got Ned as a GM. Now tell me, is a shortstop going to make any difference? LOL


    i find it hilarious that they want to say we’re a contender, and then contradict themselves by having guys like sweeney on the team..

    enchanted, i think pierre is either scared of stealing bases now, or his knee isn’t as sturdy.. so he’ll probably take off less and less.. which basically makes him utterly useless.. glad he’s leading off..

  152. jhallwally

    Dam’n, we sure don’t need Ned out there shopping. He’ll get fleeced. Hope Frank’s moneypayroll concerns put the brakes on his silly a**!!!


    The thing I’d be ok with is us calling up Dejesus and giving him a shot… I doubt that will happen due to us being in the middle of a race…. Now, if we need to trade for ****… namely Jack Wilson, we are now even more desperate than we were before… Thus making it even more likely that we’d have to give up someone much better than we’d normaly give up… Crappy situation.

  154. tradejuanpypaperbag

    sara – like you said, if Pierre doesn’t have speed, he is absolutely useless to this team because he can’ t throw either. At least with Andruw (at one time) we could use his defense as a plus, but JP will have nothing without his speed.

  155. enchantedbeaver

    I think you gotta give Hu the job so that Ned doesn’t go and do something stupid. You know though that JoJo is probably drooling at he prospect of getting PVL Wilson, whom I’m sure the price has just gone up on.

  156. dodgereric

    My wife just came into the room when Vin was showing us how Nomar got injured and said he was walking gingerly. She said, “His name should be Ginger. Ginger Garciaparra.”

    EEEEEE – YEAH, BABY!!!!!

  157. scurtis1999

    Dodger tickets $300 behind home plate, hot dogs $5 and $18 million CF defensive replacement PRICELESS!


    jhall– thanks. Been a fan of Neil’s for years. We need an answer for “What does Big John say”?

  159. enchantedbeaver

    I guess that would make Sweeney Mrs. Thurston Howell III – over-the -hill, can’t do anything, and aint too pretty anymore.

  160. tradejuanpypaperbag

    redfox – lol!! The work ethic isn’t working so well, is it? With his work ethic, why can’t he throw the frickin’ ball yet. LOL!!!
    That’s funny !!!!

  161. vl4ecc

    OMG! A sweep! I’m not too exited. After all, it’s just the Nats. Now lets see how they do against the hated Gmen, and Snakes this week. I’m hoping for the best!

  162. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I know we wanted the gnats to win, but I am glad we won, and we can beat the gnats ourselves tomorrow. Knowing the gnats, they would lose on purpose just to screw us over, but then again, Zito did pitch. Jhall – you asked how my son and husband feel about Zito – like every other fan, they hear he is a great guy, but for what he makes, they need more than a great guy. Sounds a lot like JP and Andruw doesn’t it?

  163. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You’re welcome Wally! That took a lot of work for you, Beav and your father. It’s great to see you all working together so nicely. It sure was a swell day today – Kershaw getting his first win, etc. lol!!!

  164. tradejuanpypaperbag

    seesky – no kidding!!! However, they only have to deal with Zito every 5 games, we have JP and Andruw out there everyday taking up spots to players that are far better.


    Exactly, nelly. Familiarity breeds contempt. Sometimes, I think this blog should be called ” Patience of a Saint” cause that’s what we need to put up with Ned and JoJo’s antics.

  166. tradejuanpypaperbag

    seesky – boy, have we been patient, and the funny thing is most of us are willing to be even more patient if they are playing the right players. We are winning and that should be good enough, I suppose, but the reasoning of why some players are playing over others is what is hard to digest and understand.

  167. ajay m

    The dodgers should trade for Chad Bradford from the Orioles
    He has a 2.56 ERA and he has given up 11 earned runs on 40 hits and has appeared in 45 games and pitched 38.2 innings.
    He would help the dodgers in the bullpen till Scott Proctor gets healthy.


    Reading that Torre said the D’s are done dealing could be a good or a bad thing. I liked the Casey Blake pickup but I feel like we could have gotten him for less. I think if Neddy did anything it would be a starter i.e. vicente padilla(although he’s the only one I can think of right you guys no anyone else on the market?). BTW, I wouldnt give much for Padilla but I think he is a definate upgrade over Stults and provides insurance.

  169. gagne85

    -I think Nomar is headed for the DL. Think about it, every time he gets hurt he winds up on the DL.

    -I think we should strongly consider moving Blake DeWitt to shortstop. He was drafted as a shortstop. Surely he can still play there. He was among the leaders, if not the leader, in Range Factor among NL thirdbasemen.

    or if we must do a trade……..which I don’t want to see…….

    -We should trade LaRoche and McDonald to the Pirates for Jack Wilson and Ian Snell. I’ve always liked Ian Snell a lot, and I think he could be had somewhat cheap right now since he’s having an off year. No way Snell would have such a bad ERA if he was pitching in Dodger Stadium.

  170. lagirl27

    Good afternoon everyone. I just got in from the stadium and am showered and smell great. As a plus I got a great tan today 😉
    notes from the game: Yea to Clayton on his first win. My mom and I saw his major league debut, and today she and I saw his first win. Congrats Clayton.
    We are back to being at .500 ball club. Amen to that~ I was thinking about it and I really can’t remember that last time we were .500 or above and that is not a good thing.
    Yea to Mr. Loney for putting on a great performance with another HR- watch out club, his hr numbers are climbing up and up~~
    Nomar nomore?? He didn’t look too good after that play he made. maybe he just needs a day off to rest. He’s been so hot that we need him in our rotation!!!
    Sweeny is back- enough said.
    Yeah for Andre being back. Gotta love the Pierre/Kemp/Ethier outfield. Dnel- I cheered extra hard for him in your honor 🙂
    Russell Martin. He was so pumped up before the game. He was dancing in the dugout, then high fiving them all before the game. He looked like he had soo much positive energy. And he wore his socks up, very cute Russy. A funny moment was when the Dodgers took the field and Russy tried to get to home before the rest of the kids got to the infield. It was so good to see him in good spirits and playful before the game!!
    it was Family day at the stadium for the players. The had their families on the field and were playing and eating bbq. it looked like a very nice event. A lot of the guys were there with their wives and kids, but the security wouldn’t let us stop and look, so i don’t know which guys were there.
    All and all a great Dodger day, now lets go after those stupid giants!!! I loook forward to being at that series 🙂
    how are all of you today??? did i miss anything?

  171. jhallwally

    Bonjour Amy. Sounds like a wonderful day. Glad you had fun. Luckily, today was pretty calm. No major drama. LOL!!! Just happy that Kersh got the win and we’re back at .500. Would have been great had the G’nats whipped the DB’s and we had a share of first place, but, C’est La Vie.

  172. lagirl27

    thanks jhall. it would have been very very nice if the giants could have pulled out a win over the snakes. but i am happy with .500 baseball. it’s about damn time boys.
    I am glad we were drama free today. We need to respect eachother and love the dodgers!!!


    ” we’ve got a PH hitting .092. We’ve got a “clean-up” hitter batting .250 who just left 7 men on base this game. We’ve got a Cow OFer hitting .166 or so. We’ve got Juan Pierre leading off regardless of what he does. We’ve got JoJo as a manager. And we’ve got Ned as a GM. Now tell me, is a shortstop going to make any difference? ”

    i couldn’t have said it better my self. that was some great “veteran leadership” by kent today. i can’t think or remember the last time a 40 yr old fading slugger batting .250 with less than 50 rbi was stlll batting cleanup? remember was piazza, who was a folk hero in nyc was fading and wright was rising? they started moving piazza out of four than five and finally batting him 6th.

    how is loney or even kemp not your cleanup hitter?

  174. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey Amy!! Glad to hear you had a great time at the game. I was very happy Kershaw got his first win, and all the boys played hard. Thanks for cheering on Andre eventhough it wasn’t his best day at the plate. Around here, we were sad to hear Andy went back down to AAA in replace of Sweeney. Like jhall said, a very calm normal day around here, alot more laughing, and of course a Dodger win, a sweep and we are back at .500. That is a good day all in itself. 🙂

  175. obi_wen

    From the online edition of The Los Angeles Times reports:

    “Kershaw’s first victory landed on the same day that Dodgers Manager Joe Torre said Andruw Jones would be the team’s fourth outfielder until further notice. Torre opted for a starting outfield of Juan Pierre in left, Matt Kemp in center and Andre Ethier in right. ”

  176. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Obi – That is some very good news if Torre keeps to what that says. Thank you for that post. 🙂

  177. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly, check out the most recent post on Andre’s blog. I llike the way that guy thinks. Great post.

  178. lagirl27

    obi wen– thank you. THANK YOU JOE. This the the greatest news we could have got today.
    dnel- thanks for your comments. i am glad things were happy today around here. The game today really zapped me. I think I am logging off and will fall asleep watching the Bosox/ NYgame on tv.
    have a good evening. This will be a great week of Dodger baseball!!

  179. jhallwally

    I hope Torre is on the level this time. When Ethier plays everyday he finds his groove and is very productive and consistant. Then JoKo sits him and he has to find it all over again. It’s got to be hard and frustrating for him to get jerked around like that. Geez, JoKo, the young guys are the ones that need the consistancy of playing everyday to develop. The PVL’s with all the experience are the one’s that should be more capable of making adjustments and coming off the bench. You could tell Andre was a bit out of sync today compared to 3 or 4 days ago when he had been starting everyday and not worrying about getting benched.

  180. lagirl27

    oh and check out the picture from today’s gallery. Gotta love that Russell Martin 😉
    Go Dodgers!

  181. bluecrewgirl

    Well said, jhall. Totally agree. He needs to play every day without fear that if he has a few off games, he’s going to be benched. He should have the same amount of room for ups and downs that the other starters have. We all know that some have been given a lot more room than others.

  182. trublu4ever

    Yea, I finally figured out how to get posted on this wonderful blog. Been trying so long cause I enjoy all of your comments, and hope to share with you our love for the Dodgers. Been a fan since Brooklyn, and will be a fan forever.

  183. enchantedbeaver

    Welcome gmail !!

    I’m gonna take Torre’s statement with about a dozen grains of salt. I remember him saying at the start of the season that Andre was the starting LFer.
    That lasted one day.
    Torre’s well past the point where he has to show me.

  184. bluecrewgirl

    Good point, enchanted. I’m going to hope for the best though.

    Welcome gmail, I’ve been a fan a long time, but you’ve got me beat.

  185. trublu4ever

    Still figuring this out enchanted. I hope to have everything ready as we begin the series with the lowly Giants


    glad torre came out and said it.. but then again, we know how quickly he changes his mind.. let us not forget, this is his team, and he can do what he wants.. i won’t truly believe him until i see andre playing everyday.

    amy, that picture of russell giving kershaw the cream, is classic.. he’s such a kid.. he looks so excited.. brings a smile to my face 🙂

  187. enchantedbeaver

    Well then, welcome truBlue!!

    Definitely hoping for the best bluecrew. Let’s just say I’m skeptical given recent history.
    That can’t be doing Ned any good though – $36 mil benched and $47 mil that’ll probably never pitch again. And that doesn’t count all the rest of the squandered millions elsewhere.


    Super Great 2 to 0 Victory By Our Beloveds! The Great Dodger In The Sky and His Stars are Smiling Down as He And Us See Our Los Angeles Dodgers March Toward World Series Victory!

  189. bluecrewgirl

    I know how you feel, enchanted. I just saw that commercial and now that stupid song is running through my head.

  190. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl -great post on Andre’s blog today,and yes, that other post was a brilliant idea.
    Wally/Beav – what are you two boys up to now? You better not do anything to make dad sore at you. You know how he gets.
    Welcome trublue!!! It’s will be great to have you around 🙂
    ndeschenes – It’s great to hear from you after a sweep. Let’s hope we can continue winning and give you a sweep of those gnats.

  191. enchantedbeaver

    I still can believe they optioned LaRoche in favor of Sweeney. If you wanted his bat (and I use that in the loosest of terms), why not keep him on the DL until September when the rosters expand? Of course the question begs to be asked – after “batting” .094, why wasn’t he just DFA’d in the first place?

    And this from JoJo:
    The day after the Dodgers acquired third basemen Casey Blake, manager Joe Torre hinted the team may not be done dealing.
    “It’s certainly possible,” Torre said. “Probable, I can’t tell you that. There is a lot of activity, a lot of talk at this juncture, I think more so than before.”
    Why do I have a feeling that this is going to get ugly?

    Let’s hope Logan White has as much influence as possible so that nothing stupid happens.

  192. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – more dominoes are going to fall I’m afraid. The question will be which ones.

  193. enchantedbeaver

    Typical Dodger management thinking they can save an untenable season by acquiring as many PVL rentals as possible and giving up the talent of the future.

    JoJo’s actually looking forward to Procto coming back. This man is living so far from reality its frightening. This is what happens when you have an owner that thinks everything east coast is the greatest and who also has no baseball sense, and a GM that has no sense period that came from your most hated rival ever.

    Why is it I can see Frank a few years ago sitting around the yacht club with a couple of his crones: I say Charles is that your new 100 foot yacht out there in the harbour? Why yes Binky. I have no idea how it works, but my captain says its the best he’s ever piloted. And didn’t you just buy that Manhattan highrise Binks? Why yes Charles I did. I’ve no idea about any of the leasors, but my accountant tells me I’m making millions. What about you Frank? Well I just bought a baseball team called the Los Angeles Dodgers. I think they’re somewhere out there near San Francisco. I’ve no idea about their history, but they tell me its almost as storried as the Red Sox. AND it comes with a stadium.

  194. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall – this is going to be the wildest week in Dodger baseball. Not only are we playing the gnats and the dbacks, we have a week of panic with the trade deadline approaching.

  195. tradejuanpypaperbag

    How are the Indian fans doing losing another key player for them? I am assuming they are feeling alot like the A’s fans right now.

  196. stizaza

    im soory but wilson would be a horrible trade. yesterday…and i havent checked today wilson batted 9th…yes thats right 9th. and thats who the dodgers want. hahahhahahaha
    thats bad


    ” we’ve got a PH hitting .092. We’ve got a “clean-up” hitter batting .250 who just left 7 men on base this game. We’ve got a Cow OFer hitting .166 or so. We’ve got Juan Pierre leading off regardless of what he does. We’ve got JoJo as a manager. And we’ve got Ned as a GM. Now tell me, is a shortstop going to make any difference? ”


  198. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – I told enchanted that was the best post of the day – it is perfect!!! I think that post needs to be posted everyday. It’s great!! Describes this management team to a tee – LOL


    totally and my mood. I know we just swept and i just got home and read them all and that one was great…i shudder to think what Ned/Torre will do next.

  200. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Andruw Jones finally may be forced out of the Dodgers’ lineup, not by a trade but by Joe Torre’s desire to play Juan Pierre in center while starting Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp on the corners. For the moment, Jeff Pentland, fired in Seattle earlier this year and hired as a minor-league hitting instructor by the Dodgers, continues his efforts to get Jones to remember how he hit when he was a five-time All-Star.
    Continues his efforts to get Jones to remember how he hit…
    Aren’t we a little past just remembering? How much are we paying this guy to remember how to hit the ball. LOL!!!!

  201. obi_wen

    You’re welcome everyone. Of course, I would have really would have loved if the quote had read this way: “Kershaw’s first victory landed on the same day that Dodgers Manager Joe Torre said Andruw Jones would be the team’s FORTY-Fourth outfielder until Halley’s Comet comes back.

  202. tradejuanpypaperbag

    obi – When Halley’s Comet returns may even may be too soon when we are talking about Joe – LOL !!

  203. kpookiemon

    Now that the JV team has left town, let’s see how the Dodgers do against an arch rival and a division leader. Torre is getting his PVL wish…now he’s got to deliver with his “chosen” team.


    Blake and Ethier were both 0-3 yesterday, Does that mean they both are sitting out this evening’s game? Torre said he’s going to play the players that are hot. They might as well cut Andruw now and give him his $$$$$$$$$$. I don’t ever see him coming back. He has an I don’t care attitude.

    Let’s go for 4 in a row tonight.

  205. enchantedbeaver

    IMO these efforts to acquire PVLs to get you to the playoffs is a folly. Either you believe in the young guns that got you this far, or you start selling off older veterans to get younger and prepare for next season (see Oakland.) I’ve never seen a team sell off younger players to get older – that doesn’t even make sense. Its like buying a Ferrari and trading it in for a ’66 Chevy.
    The chances that this team even makes the playoffs are slim. You’re not only fighting the Snakes, but in another couple weeks, the Rox as well. The starting pitching not only has a raw rookie who generally only lasts 5 innings, but also a journeyman, and not even a good one at that. (How Park wouldn’t rate as a starter ahead of Johnson is unquestionably another moronic decision by JoJo, but that’s a story for another post.)
    With a bench that consists of Ozuna, Berroa, Jones, Sweeney and Ardoin, exactly how many games do you expect this team to win in the 7th, 8th and 9th? For godsake two of those guys can’t even make contact with any regularity.
    You’re playing a guy in left that can’t field his position, and just as I suspected, he’ll go about 4 games (of which we’re already 3 into) at a fairly decent leadoff OBP clip before he reverts back his normal form of .297 and drags what little offense this team can muster down with him by getting the most PAs.
    The 40 year old clean-up hitter is batting .252 and only has 43 RBI nearly 2/3 of the way through the season despite batting 4th most of the year. And he still has to come out late in the game for defensive purposes because he has no range.
    The SS is as fragile as porcelain as is evidenced by him hurting himself, not the result of a collision, but during a normal routine day fielding his position. Its like those one-car wrecks you see along a wide open stretch of road. How do they happen? I don’t know.
    You’ve got a manager that thinks that anything under 35 is a waste for a ballplayer. It’s Logan’s Run in reverse. A total stubborn fool of a man that actually thinks 6 for 51 as a PH is a good thing as long as he “knows what he’s doing.” I know what I’m doing as a PH too, but that doesn’t mean I could do it. Stubbornly bats a guy at leadoff although time and time again he’s proved he fails miserably in that capacity just because he like’s his speed, and now that speed factor has probably been eliminated, making it an even worse choice for the most PAs per game.
    And the most ineffectual member of the organization as the GM. Not only doesn’t he know what he’s doing on his own, it appears he’s been effectively castrated by the owner.
    The good? Martin, Loney, Ethier, Kemp, Billz, Kuo, Park and Brox. Half of your starters and a third of your pitching staff.
    I’m not trying to be negative, just realistic. Now tell me, is this season worth ruining the future for just to maybe make a run at the playoffs?

  206. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning ITD writers and readers!!!!!!!
    Giants come to town today!! This series is always so enjoyable in this house you know. The one good thing is that we will not see Linsecum pitch. GO DODGERS!!!

  207. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Boy, enchanted!!! You have a lot to say this morning. Plus, you are making too much sense you know. Joe and Ned don’t do well in dealing with common sense. I love the Logan’s Run in reverse scenario – funny!!! Maybe we should place bets on the age of the next acquisition.
    Boblee – Go Redskins!!!!! lol!!! (jk)

  208. enchantedbeaver

    Been saving this one for the occasion, but I’ll admit, Nomar’s done a lot better than I expected. Exceptionally better actually. Still…

    To Neil Diamond, Cracklin’ Rose:

    Ah, cracklin’ Nomar’s knee is sore
    We’re gonna ride this horse but don’t you know, he’s a step slow
    And blogger’s all know
    We’ll have us a time with a poor man’s Hanley
    Playin’ us a twilight train
    Ain’t nuthin’ here that we care to sign again, someone tell Ned
    Don’t do it again
    Don’t need an old man to play short for that much loot
    Old Nomore is not a child
    Ain’t got the tools to make us happy
    You and me we want some youth
    Cracklin’ Nomar’s a has been vet’ran
    Takin’ up space so the kids can’t get in
    So hang ‘em up now so that we can be movin’ on
    Oh my calf, Oh my hammy, Oh my groin now,
    Cracklin’ Nomar plays with style
    And so if he lasts for an hour, well that’s alright
    ‘Cause we had last night, before his calfy got tight
    Find us a shortstop who won’t need no injections – yeah
    Old Nomore is not a child
    Ain’t got the tools to make us happy
    You and me we want some youth
    Cracklin’ Nomar’s a has been vet’ran
    Takin’ up space so the kids can’t get in
    So hang ‘em up now so that we can be movin’ on
    Oh my calf, Oh my hammy, Oh my groin now,
    Cracklin’ Nomar plays with style
    And so if he lasts for an hour, well that’s alright
    ‘Cause we had last night, before his hammy got tight
    Please Ned don’t give him another extension…
    Ow ow ow ow ow
    Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow…


    Well, well boys and girls … I see you’ve been busy!
    I’ve been in and out of the site for weeks checking on your machinations in regards to Andrew, Dre, JP, Torre, Ned and to tell you the truth – it’s like watching General Hospital and having to miss five weeks, then you come back and nothing has changed except for the day. The same story lines, same stats (albeit – it five more weeks of stats), the same people bickering over the lineup, and lo and behold some new people have also joined to wet the Old Horses appetitite just a little bit more.
    Glad to see nothing has changed on this GREAT BOARD!!!

    I just wanted to chime in on the Blake trade – How in the world can anyone believe we could win the division – because the wild card is history – this year with either DeWitt or LaRoche continuing to not produce into the dog days of summer. Heck, August isn’t even here yet, when everyone goes into a slump.
    Now I agree, I thought **** would have been a better pull, but who’s going to give up a shortstop – especially a contender. Isn’t it safe to say that a has-been team won’t have **** worth a dang! (BTW – this is my plug to sign Raffy to a deal now!) How many good SS are there anyway?
    To bring in a rental 3B for basically nothing (none of our kids) was what you all wanted. You got him and he will provide stability and probably won’t choke when September comes around. Ala Ethier last August, Martin last September (even though he was just tired), and the whole team the last two weeks of the season last year.
    I don’t know what we can do to better this team right now, I have to hope Penny and Proctor are the answer. — But if a Texeria for Loney trade is in the works – I might look at that!

  210. tradejuanpypaperbag

    THAT’S INCREDIBLE ENCHANTED!! I was also very impressed with how Nomar played while he lasted. It’s just too bad he couldn’t hold on until Saturday so Ned won’t do anything stupid, but I guess he can do that with or without Nomar out there, so who knows if that would’ve made a difference anyway.


    Hey Nelly, what’s happening.. How’d you like your Vegas visit? I think from what I read that Nomar is not seriously hurt, they just kept him out for precautions. I’m not sure that there’s a shorstop out there who would greatly benefit us for the stretch run in a playoff race like this. Now, I do still agree that we could benefit greatly from a power bat… But honestly if we don’t, then I think we can still win the division just based on pitching alone. One thing that I don’t see is either us or the D-Backs running away with this thing at this point… We’re too similar, unless one gets hot and the other has a big losing streak. So, Ned, if you’re going to make any deals at all… Just please make sure that they’re for the better of the club, and not to just make a trade. PS… PLAY ANDRE ETHIER…RELEASE SWEENEY…. PUT JONES BACK IN THE CAVE FOR THE EARLY WINTER…. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES… AND GO DODGERS!

  212. leekfink

    Apparently, there was some drama Saturday night after I stopped posting, and I got three e-mails about it from people affiliated with the blog, all of which I appreciated.
    I actually just stopped watching the game Saturday, PO’d at Torre and upset with myself for going off, and I was busy yesterday, but was not going to watch until I knew what happened.
    As I said, I should not have lashed out at Shad, and I apologized to him. Even if you think that the Dodgers should trade Loney for Texiera, lead off Pierre, Play Jones, platoon Kemp and Ethier, make Proctor the closer, and keep Sweeney as the primary pinch-hitter, I disagree, but it shouldn’t get personal, and any Dodger fan should engage here without getting that. Apparently Shad said some stuff too, but I don’t know what it was. I really appreciate the people who defended me, but Shad I think it’s just in the moment, and we can let bygones go. I hope Shad keeps posting, even if we disagree.
    Also, it was pointed out that we should keep the language here clean. And that’s right. I sort of lost myself, and you can tend to in this forum, but we should all be conscious of that. After all, we’re not Giants fans. And Josh has asked us to keep it clean. So I am sorry to everyone. Even when ticked off, Josh and the team does a good job in creating this forum, and that should be respected. In fact, I wish the whole team would listen to us (or even the reporters) as much as Josh.
    I was ticked–the Blake trade was fine, but when you combine the addition of a 34-year old 3B, Ethier sitting, Pierre hitting lead-off, and now Nomar playing first for Loney and Berroa in, it seemed like a fallback to the horrible PVL days of 2007 and Gonzo, Pierre, etc. I still disagree with the need for Loney to sit, but I understand that people legitimately disagree (and should not have gone off on them). My view is this–the old saying goes that every team’s going to win 54 games, every team’s going to lose 54 games, it’s what you do with the other 54 that matter. Well, we’ve won 52 and lost 52, so it’s what we do with the 58 remaining that matters. I don’t think you can let up–unless we had a comfortable lead, you have to just step on the other team’s throats, and always put in your best line-up.
    I know we won anyway, but one game is hard to draw a lesson from. You need to consistently put yourself in a position to win. If, over time, we see a pattern, then you make a change. I thought signing Jones was a good idea at first, but over time, it’s clear that was wrong. I did not think Kemp was properly sutied to the lead-off role. Well, he proved me wrong. But it takes more than one game. Fortunately, it was just a rest day.
    Now we have three with the Giants. Let’s beat them.

  213. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey Brandon – Vegas was great!! We had a view of the Tropicana, but we just never got around to going out in that direction. We mostly stayed around the MGM and the pool unless we were with our friends. They live in the Charleston/Decauter area so that was a drive in itself everyday. We did see “KA” though, and that was incredible. So, all in all a good trip.
    I am not sure what to think about the trades and the send downs for that matter. I am glad to hear Nomar should be okay. I am very impressed with how he came back, and if he can stay healthy, that would help out a lot. As for Andruw, what is there left to say. When I read last night they are trying to help Andruw remember how he used to bat, it reminded me of what the Giants are trying to do with Zito. They are trying to bring in all these extra people to help one person who is making millions of dollars and should be able to remember how to do his job. I can’t go into a classroom in August and say “I don’t remember how to do this” and then 4 months later say “I still don’t remember how to do this” – this is just crazy thinking (IMO)
    enchanted/jhall – I can use it now that I know what it means – lol!!!


    Enchanted, as usual, has put things in the right perspective, and I won’t even try to emulate or add to his fine analysis. I am just totally pissed with the media and pundits who jump all over themselves to give Ned and mainly Torre such credit that we’re at .500 with all the adversity that we’ve suffered. Let’s concentrate on what the young players have contributed in the absence of performance by such veteran stalwarts as Jones, Penny, Sweeney, Kent (way underperforming), Nomar (way absent via DL), Pierre (just being his usual self), Berroa, Proctor, and others I may have missed. The younger players may have had some adjustments along the way, and some were not ready, but pretty much any and all accomplishment this season belongs to them, not Torre and not Ned. In fact, these two VETERANS in the management ranks have been among the worst failures and deserve to be retired as soon as possible. If we do finish in the playoffs, it will be because our younger players took us there in spite of all attempts by Torre to shove most of them aside at one time or another.


    Guys, this is an article in the Las Vegas Revie Journal about John Lindsey…. How does this guy not get a chance with the big club!?!?!? I mean, to at least take Sweeney’s spot if anything!!! It’s just frustrating that you’ve got a guy who can hit like this and he’s not even given a chance!!

    “Big John is the man,” goes the song played each time 51s first baseman John Lindsey steps to the plate at Cashman Field.

    The man, indeed.
    The 6-foot-3-inch, 230-pound slugger delivered his second walk-off hit in four days Sunday when he launched an RBI single to center field over a drawn-in outfield in the ninth inning, giving the 51s an 8-7 victory over the Iowa Cubs.

    Lindsey, who hit a two-run homer in the fifth to give Las Vegas a 6-4 lead, ripped a two-run shot in the 10th inning Thursday to send the 51s to a 4-3 win over Omaha.

    The 31-year-old Lindsey is batting .318, leads Las Vegas with 20 homers and 81 RBIs, and has 169 RBIs in 177 games since joining the 51s midway through last year, his first in Triple A and 13th in pro ball.

    With the 51s pursuing their fifth straight victory Sunday, Lindsey stepped to the plate with the bases loaded and no outs.

    “All I had to do was get something to drive, the same as the other night,” the soft-spoken Lindsey said. “He gave me something to hit, I just stayed on it and it went my way.

    “When the game’s on the line, I want to be the guy with the bat. I’m glad it worked out that way.”

    So are the 51s (58-51). Lindsey’s hit subdued a Cubs team (63-45) that came in tied for the best record in the Pacific Coast League.

    “Baseball has a lot to do with confidence, and right now we’re a confident clubhouse,” said center fielder Xavier Paul, whose RBI triple in the seventh gave Las Vegas a 7-6 lead.

    Iowa catcher Koyie Hill picked Paul off third base, then tied the game at 7 with a majestic leadoff homer in the eighth. The ball cleared the 20-foot-high wall in center field, about 425 feet away.

    Reliever Dwayne Pollok kept the 51s in the game after inheriting a bases-loaded, no-out situation in the sixth with Las Vegas clinging to a 6-4 lead. He got Andres Blanco to ground into a run-scoring double play and then retired Matt Craig on a popup.

    Pollok (8-3), who got the win, allowed one earned run on four hits in four innings.

    “By far he’s our MVP of the season,” 51s manager Lorenzo Bundy said. “He’s done everything — relief, started, spot started. He’s held this pitching staff together and he’s been big for us all year.”

    Mitch Jones gave Las Vegas a 3-0 lead with a three-run shot in the first inning, and Chin-Lung Hu went 3-for-3 with three runs scored, a day after going 4-for-5 with two triples, four runs and four RBIs in a 13-8 win over Iowa. Hu had three infield singles Sunday to give him seven straight hits

  216. tradejuanpypaperbag

    leefink ~ A wonderful post as always, and I, for one, am glad you are back. We were all emotional that day and for very good reasons, too, I believe. I think we all knew Andre wasn’t going to play, but the reality still set in,and then the sending down of DeWitt on top of Loney not playing was just more than a lot of us could handle or thought would happen in one day. You certainly were not alone in the frustration, and I think we have all just had enough with all the things that this management team has done to this very promising young Dodger team. Once again, glad you are back, and I look forward to many, many fabulous posts from you. 🙂

  217. heartruss

    I went to the game yesterday and sat in the Dugout section. I was happy for Clayton and his awesome win. Go James with that huge blast and Russell for his RBI. I think I know why he was so happy but I’m not saying right now. It was a bit too hot for me, I drank 4 diet Cokes and passed around my sunscreen. I saw Nomar’s twins…so cute. I also saw him walking around without any problem. Hopefully he’s okay. It was family day for the players’ families with a barbeque and games with a huge bouncy thing. Security didn’t keep me from watching but I wanted to go home. Too hot. Tonight the evil Giants. Go Dodgers, finally at 50-50. The Dodgers will get ice cream again soon.

  218. obi_wen

    In fearful anticipation of what this week will bring, and with my most sincere apology to Mr. Neil Young


    I caught Ned knockin at the owner’s door
    I love these old vets, can I have some more
    Ooh, ooh, the damage done.

    Amy at game and she got a tan
    I watched the GM trade another man
    Gone, gone, the damage done.

    I sing the song because I hate the man
    How he keeps his job I can’t understand
    Milk-Dodger blood to keep from running out.

    I’ve seen Ned Colletti and the damage done
    A Grady Little part of it in everyone
    But every manager’s like a settin sun.

  219. tradejuanpypaperbag

    xoxrussell – well that was a cliff hanger if I have ever read one. “I know why he is so happy but I’m not saying right now..” That’s going to keep alot of us guessing, I’m sure. I know I am curious now. I am glad you had a great time, minus the heat. It was good to see Kershaw do well, and let’s hope they beat the Giants. We can lose every game in a season, but beat Giants, and I would still be very happy. It’s emotionally painful when the Giants win in this house.

  220. heartruss

    Dnelly, Dodger fans and Giants fans historically do not get along. There usually are a few fights during the game. I am going tonight but had to give away my tickets to the next two nights. I didn’t mean to be so crytic about Russell but I do know what put a smile on his face!! 🙂

  221. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Scott – these comments from the article were great!!!! I had to copy and paste them. Why can’t Torre see what everyone else sees. Incredibly ridiculous that we have to put up with these two,and have Ethier sitting on top of it.
    Moreover, according to’s Jayson Stark, Blake is slotted to take time from Andy LaRoche, who is almost certainly as good Blake, and has upside Blake doesn’t have. The Dodgers could improve their situation by playing Blake in the outfield in lieu of Andruw Jones and/or Juan Pierre, as those two are among the worst players in baseball in 2008, and Blake isn’t. Playing Blake, or if you prefer, the outfielders ahead of LaRoche is actively hurting your team’s chances of winning. This is nothing new for the Dodgers, who have come to value experience over performance, but it is a sight to behold.

  222. tradejuanpypaperbag

    xoxrussell – I am the only one in the house that is a Dodger fan. The rest of my family are Giants fans. This series is never fun for me, win or lose. Whatever the reason, I am always glad to see Russell happy. A happy Russell usually means a happy Dodgers team.

  223. enchantedbeaver

    Good article scott.

    Notice how you never see the word “shrewd” and “Ned Colletti” used in the same sentence?

    Screwed yes, shrewd no.

  224. porklinks

    Good article by Jon Weisman of Dodger Thoughts, 2008-07-28 00:30:
    Here’s an excerpt – how right on is this? Check the rest out via the link above.
    Under the leadership of Ned Colletti and Joe Torre, the Dodgers are both arrogant and self-loathing. They over-compensate to a fault. They belong on a therapist’s couch … because of a maniacal insecurity.
    Yes, the Dodger lineup is infused with youth. Young players are everywhere – in the lineup, in the rotation, in the bullpen. It’s not that Colletti and Torre don’t want the youth to do well. It’s that at the sign of trouble, they don’t believe. They’re on a roller coaster that they want no part of. In their perfect world, there is no youth.
    They’re addicts, and they can’t stay on the wagon. Veteran talent is the drug and it feels so good, even if they wake up emptier than before. The Dodger leadership doesn’t have the backbone to stand on its own two feet.

  225. porklinks

    Oops, meant to include this quote from Jon Weisman too:
    “The Dodgers’ dysfunction … centers on leadership that hides its eyes as the kids grab the car keys, yet doesn’t bat an eye when Grandpa’s shaky hand and squinty eyes take the wheel.”


    Great article by Jon Weisman overall, only saying the same things we’ve been extolling for months. Where are your eyes and ears, Frank? There’s another blog that I read a few days ago that suggested it’s Jamie who’s most aggravated with the millions wasted by Ned. If so, right on, Jamie, and hold Ned’s feet to the fire until the worthless bast*** quits and finds a car saleman’s job up north. Sorry for the car saleman reference to all good and legitimate car salesmen; not at all sure that Ned would even qualify as such.

  227. tradejuanpypaperbag

    westernmost – That was a fabulous read by Weisman. I don’t post there, but I do like reading his comments and what others are saying about the same issues we discuss over here. However, it once again proves, Ned and Joe don’t know what the h*ll they are doing, and it is just shameful to say the least.

  228. scott_in_arcadia

    nelly, you have to love Ethier batting 8th yesterday when he finally gets to play. Unbelievable. Also, everyone notice that LaRoche got sent down and Sweeney called up?


    Yes, Scott, I also noticed that Sweeney struck out on his first AB, which was no surprise. The guy is finished, whereas LaRoche was barely starting his career, but Torre recognize that? Of course not. Just like Weisman’s article suggests – veteran experience is favored instead of performance.

  230. tradejuanpypaperbag

    LOL!! – scott – what’s even funnier is Torre explaining him batting 8th as a good thing because he should feel good that the other 7 batters ahead of him are good too. When was the last time Pierre hit a home run ahead of Andre (NEVER!!). However, if you are going to move anyone in the lineup, I don’t mind seeing him moved around because he will adjust, and ,IF PLAYING, will go back to taking, good, consistent at-bats like he always does. The key is he has to be playing EVERYDAY, right or left-handed pitcher.
    Oh and the Sweeney thing – Okay, If Joe is going to insist on throwing away an at-bat everytime Sweeney comes up, then why not give that job to Andruw. Andruw isn’t doing any worse than Sweeney in batting, and then you can use Andruw in the late innings as a PH and then put him in Centerfield for defense, moving Ethier to left and you have the defense to end the game with because we certainly don’t want Pierre in there with a man on 2nd and a potential run scoring to tie or win the game. Not that I personally want to see that happen, but if Torre is so hell-bent on a PH who doesn’t hit, then give Andruw a try. Isn’t it sad that this is the mentality that we now have to have because of Ned and Joe. All logical thought has now turned to the impossible with this management team right now.

  231. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls,
    Yeah, I know it was against the Nats, but it was great to see our boys in blue to sweep this series! We need to sweep like this against bad teams like this. I know I’m kinda late, but on the Casey Blake trade. I think many of you don’t like the trade but I, for one, actually liked this acquisition. All of you know I can’t stand Ned but I don’t think this was such a bad acquisition.

    As far as who we gave up for him? I think I was reading before that some thought that Santana may be the second coming of Mike Piazza. Mike Piazza? Come on. Santana was playing Class A ball. If he was in AAA and hitting the same way, well then I’d say yeah, maybe, that move wasn’t so good. But I can’t say about a kid in Class A that he’s going to have a HOF career like Piazza! That is a tremendous stretch to say the least! Plus, he’s a catcher; Russ Martin has catcher locked up for the next 10 years (hopefully Ned doesn’t mess that up.) Santana would never get out of the minors.

    I’m more upset about Jonathan Meloan. I like this kid. That is the one that I am more upset about parting with, but again I say Casey Blake will help our team.

  232. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey CP!! How’s it going? Are you finished painting? Great sweep of the Nats. Let’s just hope they can do the same to the Gnats. That would be sweet!!

  233. dodgrdad14

    I read in the LA Times that Dewitt is playing 2nd base at AAA and LaRoche is playing 1st base!!! I really hope they don’t plan on resigning Casey Blake! And why would LaRoche play 1st when Loney is here to stay and John Lindsey is tearing it up???? Can there be some really bad NERD trades coming up??? I cringe to think about it.

  234. scott_in_arcadia

    Casey Blake is an average player at best. It’s just dumb to make a trade like that when the team is hovering around .500 and going nowhere. We are not 1 player away from success, but a different philosophy away from success. Blind loyalty to “veterans” will lead to short and long term failure. You’ll see, you’ll all see!!! LOL

  235. cpompe1

    Hi dnel! I’m done painting the bathrooms. Now I’ve gotta start with the kitchen – yecch!!! I’m supposed to be painting the whole interior. Just to keep me busy here at home. Yes, I hope the Dodgers sweep the Gnats. That would be great!

    BTW, have you been able to come up with a good logo to print on? (Oh, I finally commented on Dre’s new thread.) I’m still thinking but if I can’t come up with anything, well, then I’m going to have to do make up something from scratch!

  236. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted – now that would be funny!!!! All this bitching and complaining and they still win the WS – what would we do with ourselves.
    CP – as the the Blake trade. I enjoyed watching him play for Cleveland, and he will bring the consistent at-bat. I am more upset about the sending down of DeWitt and LaRoche, especially for Sweeney – ick!!! Like I said, if you are going to be that irrational in letting him PH, we might as well let Andruw have that roll. We will get the same result,and Andruw can play centerfield at the end of the game.

  237. cpompe1

    Okay, okay jnv/scott. This is what this forum is all about; expressing opinions!!! But I’m kinda like Amy; I’m an optimist! Yes, I am also a realist but lets wait to see what happens with Casey Blake. You never know! 🙂

  238. scott_in_arcadia

    nelly, be careful using that word “consistent” because Ned and Joe love consistency – except for the lineup. We have “consistent” Juan Pierre who will “consistently” go 1-4 and have an OBP of .320 or so batting lead off. We have the “consistent” Andruw Jones and Mark Sweeney – who’s more consistent than those two? So, great! Casey Blake is consistently average. When do WS tickets go on sale?

  239. scott_in_arcadia

    cpompe, I’m sorry if I’m raining on Amy and your parade, because I only mean to vent about our beloved management team. So keep having fun and expressing your opinions as well! I enjoy everyone’s input.

  240. cpompe1

    oh dnel – As upset as I was (and I know you and everyone else was too) about Andre sitting and running the Cow out there in CF, I was livid when I heard that (1) Sweeney was activated and (2) that LaRoche was sent down because of it!!! I was so upset when I heard that. I was about to log on yesterday afternoon to express that, but the game had already started so I figured I wait to say this after last night’s game. I was kinda upset that Blake DeWitt was sent down when Casey Blake (boy, that’s gonna get confusing) was acquired, but I kinda expected that. I just think Blake DeWitt needs more regular playing time than he had here in the majors. I know he’ll be back for the September call-ups and I fully expect him back as the starting 3B next year. I don’t see this as anything too bad.

  241. cpompe1

    Oh scott, you’re not raining on my parade. Trust me, I KNOW what you mean by needing to vent!!! No worries here!!! 🙂

  242. cpompe1

    Yeah northstateblues, they did that yesterday. I was in the car with my husband when we heard this and I was screaming bloody murder!!!

  243. cpompe1

    well, I know this was short, but I’ve gotta go. I’ll try to make it back this afternoon. I need to check out what tonight’s lineup will be. Correia is a righty, so ya think Andre will be in there tonight??? I hope, I hope, I hope??? Catch up with y’all later…

  244. northstateblues

    I’m all for positive outlook, but Billy Crystal could hit .092. I wouldn’t send the bat boy down for Sweeney at this point.

    I guess the part that hurts the worst is that .092 is going to be coming up to bat at key points of the game. Wow…

    If the Giants or Pads made a move like this, I’d be laughing my expletive off, it’d be funny as hell. be calling up all my friends, and saying, “Yeah, get back into the game, so Sweeney can screw it up for you, heheheheheh.”

    I thought even veteran management would know when the horse’s legs’ broke. Of course, I love eating crow, so feel free to prove us wrong, Sweeney.

  245. dodgereric

    Welcome back lee and scott. We need you now more than ever.

    enchanted, you continue to write straight out of my head. How are you doing that?

  246. tradejuanpypaperbag

    scott – I know, I know – I think of your Pierre list daily, and wonder how consistent he is on hitting ground balls, and that consistency of showing up 10 hours before the game has really helped his throwing arm. I really want Andre to bat 2nd – he was super there, but it’s not going to happen at this point, and I have to be thankful now that he is even in the lineup at all. That is such a shame to think one of our most valueable players on this team has to fight to be out there on a daily basis, and we have to be thankful when it happens.
    CP – words don’t describe how upset I was when Andre didn’t play those two days. As far at DeWitt – yes, I do understand, and yes, I know he will be back. I just have issues with JP in general, so anything that puts him back on the field makes me unhappy, and DeWitt being sent down was done so JP can come back up.

  247. dodgrdad14

    Northstate, good Billy Crystal comment. I was going to say my grandmother could hit .092 (and she passed away 2 years ago)!!!!

  248. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – LOL!!!! Boss must be hanging out today – haven’t seen much of you this morning – LOL!!!
    jnv – you seem more calm today – that’s good!
    CP – I know you are not there, but I haven’t come up with a logo yet, but I am still thinking about what to do. I think the song is a great idea. I’m just not sure how I want it done. Also, I read on another Dodger blog that the line to meet Chad was HUGE and he was there an hour early. So, my thinking is “how early is early?” for Andre. hmmm!!!

  249. dodgrdad14

    Oh I have calmed down, I admit I was extremely peaved on Saturday. It just boils me over when I see someone making decisions that have no idea what they are doing. And I think it has more to do with everyday life, I am constantly surrouded by people at work that have no Idea what they are doing but are making all the decisions. It’s just a frustration level. But nither a couple of bottles of wine and a martini couldn’t fix!! Things are better know!! 🙂 LOL

  250. dodgereric

    He finally left, nelly. I swamped him in so much work that he needed a shovel to get out of here.

    If you ladies around here are any indication, there’s probably already a line for ‘Dre.

  251. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jnv – that’s good to know, and yes, I know what you mean about work issues. If people would just leave me alone and let me teach I would be fine, but the people who don’t have a clue about education, much less have ever stepped foot inside of a classroom are making all the decisions for me.
    eric – I would be in line right now if I could – lol!!!!

  252. northstateblues

    Hey north, I thought you were speechless? 🙂

    By dodgereric on July 28, 2008 12:24 PM

    I was, then I found 7 words I couldn’t say on ITD that expressed my mood perfectly.

  253. northstateblues

    I wouldn’t mind Manny in Blue, just not as a rental, and not for Matt Kemp. looks like more GM’s want in on Neddy’s lunch money.

  254. tradejuanpypaperbag

    eric – they wouldn’t bring Manny here, would they? Please don’t. I don’t want “He’s just being Manny” Manny here. Oh goodness – how many more days to we have to endure -4? Way too much time left for dumb and dumber to strike again.

  255. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Northstateblues – I have had those speechless moments,too. It’s okay, I think at this point we all are at that point. I think someone earlier said, it’s more of a numbness feeling. It’s like nothing is shocking anymore, but you still have to scream about it.

  256. scott_in_arcadia

    Ned would trade Kemp & La Roche for Manny in a heartbeat. As far as Blake goes, we GAVE away 2 very good young players (1 ready to pitch in MLB right now) for a guy who is not going to lead us to anything this year and will either be gone next year or block one of our better young 3B – lose,lose.

  257. porklinks

    Random observations on the personnel moves:
    Ned traded two prospects but at least it wasn’t for mediocre pitchers (e.g., Hendrickson, Baez, Carter).
    Casey Blake will be 35 about four weeks after being acquired.
    Some media members have been point out some RISP stats for C. Blake:
    .393 .495 .702 1.198 – 2008 RISP (106 PAs)
    .318 .492 .477 .969 – 2008 two-out RISP (59 PAs)
    Cynics like me look at his career stats (all but 125 of his career PAs are 2003 to the present):
    .237 .324 .384 .708 – career RISP (975 PAs)
    .208 .315 .321 .635 – career two-out RISP (483 PAs)
    Perhaps that’s just a little bit lucky so far this year and looking to regress to the norm?
    .265 .336 .447 .782 – C. Blake career overall (3490 PAs)
    .274 .339 .448 .787 – Ethier 2008 (382)
    .289 .352 .459 .811 – Ethier career (1328)
    Jon Meloan was looking like a good relief prospect; he wanted to try a return to starting and player-development management let him. If he had stuck to relieving and been in ST as a reliever, he may have been tried before all of Troncoso, Wade, Brazoban, and Falkenborg were. Cleveland is moving him back to relief, reportedly. Carlos Santana, a switchhitter in his second year of conversion to catcher, is very interesting since he’s tearing up the Cal League with a high OPS and great discipline (great BB and K related ratios), at a slightly-oldish-for but not-too-old-for the league age of 22. I’d say Ned overpaid for C. Blake, but when you include the ~$2M, maybe not.
    Based on C. Blake’s career production, this is a pretty blah move, not horrible on its own face, not exciting either.
    For the future: Draft pick compensation for C. Blake is far from a lock. He may qualify as a Type-A FA, and is a near slam-dunk for Type B. In arbitration, he probably would get ~$7M for 2009. The Dodgers would have to offer arbitration to be rewarded draft pick compensation (if Type A, a supplemental pick, plus the other team’s #1 (if 16th overall or lower) or #2 (otherwise); TypeB is a second-round pick) should he decline and sign elsewhere. Other teams may turn up their noses at giving up their pick for a 3B (or corner IF/OF utility guy) that will turn 36 during the ’09 season.

  258. lagirl27

    ok wait, I just got here. What did I miss Cp and Scott? what about my parade?? I’m lost 😦 please find me.

  259. porklinks

    Manny’s giant salary + Manny’s PR headaches = No interest from Frank McCourt, who would have to OK Ned exceeding his budget.

  260. scott_in_arcadia

    Thanks western for the stats!

    Hi Amy, just referring to you gals being positive versus my negative pessimistic cynical rants!

  261. lagirl27

    ahh. Ok, thanks Scott. It’s good that you have us to balance things out. but sometimes is so tiring trying to stand my ground!!

  262. lagirl27

    my dad is hard core into the Bosox. Way more than the Dodgers. He loves Manny 100% and sees no wrong in him. He loves all the annoying antics and such. So when I’m at his house is all Dodger and Boston games and him hyping up Manny so much. I know that Manny is, as my dad puts it, “an rbi machine”. He would do wonders for our team stats wise. But I agree that his personality might be a bit much for this team.

  263. scott_in_arcadia

    Manny Ramirez is one of the greatest players in the history of baseball IMO. Maybe the Dodgers will trade for him when he’s 45.

  264. dodgereric

    Now this one is a lot more likely and therefore scary:

    “Everett a match for Dodgers?

    Monday, July 28, 2008

    Posted by Buster Olney

    At a time when the Los Angeles Dodgers are dealing with the latest injury to Nomar Garciaparra and looking around for help at shortstop, Adam Everett may be reaching a crossroads in his time with the Minnesota Twins. Everett is nearing the end of his 20-day rehab assignment, and more recently, he has hit .333 for Triple-A Rochester. ”

    Doesn’t sound so bad, right? Wait. Second paragraph…..

    “Nick Punto is established with the Twins and has been playing well at shortstop, so it’s unclear whether Minnesota will have a spot for Everett, who hit .189 in 25 games earlier this year, or if they will choose to trade or release him. Everett, 31, is a veteran of eight seasons in the majors.”


    You ought to read the comments. A lot of them hit home.

  265. scott_in_arcadia

    “Everett, 31, is a veteran of eight seasons in the majors.”

    Well, Eric, I think that’s all we need to know!

  266. tradejuanpypaperbag

    westernmost – great stats!! So, pretty much adding Blake was a wash if you are going to sit Ethier and play Pierre and Jones.
    Scott – it’s okay to be cynical at this point. There’s nothing that Ned and Joe have done recently that doesn’t deserve a cynical viewpoint. There is nothing they can say now that we can take at face value as being true. Like many of us have said, we need to wait and see it happen before we believe it is happening,and even then, how long will that truth last (ie. Andre Ethier).

  267. enchantedbeaver

    Dear God, could you imagine an outfield of Pierre, The Cow and Manny?

    Started this an hour ago but got sidetracked…
    I read LaRoche playing first in Vegas as another attempt to bring him more versatility. The only rumor I’ve ever hear is Loney for Teixeira and that would swap 1Bmen, so no need to get LaRoche ready for 1B. Also, no need to get LaRoche ready for 1B when you don’t ever give him a chance anywhere anyway.

  268. scott_in_arcadia

    Wouldn’t it be better for LaRoche to be with the big club and work with Mattingly more? Listen everyone, just because Torre says he wants to get AB’s for DeWitt and LaRoche doesn’t mean that’s the truth. We all know that the truth is a relative term for Joe Torre that changes weekly if not daily. You just can’t take anything he says literally. In plain English, he’s full of it!

  269. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Oh no eric!!! That’s terrible!!! Please Ned, don’t do anything stupider than you have already done. Please no more PVLs! The PVLs we have are plenty and way too many as it is Ned Please!! The fans are begging you, no more stupid moves. Go on a short 4 day vacation and save us the stress. It’s already stressful enough having JP leadoff, wondering if Ethier is sitting so Andruw can take BP, having Sweeney come up to bat, wondering if Nomar and Jeff are going to make it through another day without going on the DL, and watching Joe sit on that rail with no expression what so ever. Please Ned, don’t do it!!!!

  270. dodgereric

    “watching Joe sit on that rail with no expression what so ever……..”

    This is what’s going through Joe’s mind when you see him at the rail………….”concentrate… concentrate… I’ve got to concentrate… concentrate… concentrate… Hello?… hello… hello… Echo… echo… echo… Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon… Manny Mota… Mota… Mota… ”


    Those were some great articles some of you posted above. It’s good to see that more and more baseball people are recognizing what we have been saying for months. Ned and Joe are (and will be) the ruination of the Dodgers, both short and long term. The ill-founded premium that they place on veteran experience is out of control and costing the Dodgers dearly in money, talent, the present standings, and a glorious future. The “Dodger way” used to be a model for success and the envy of other teams. Now it has become a source of ridicule and head-scratching. It’s really hard to have to sit by and watch it play out.

  272. cpompe1

    Dnel – I really wanted something that had the LA logo all around the edges. But I was able to put my song on a page (I had to use 2 columns to fit on one page) and put a thick, blue border around the edge. I’ll see if I can find a way to save the LA logo onto my desktop. If I can do that, I think I can save it as a new clipart and then insert it into the corner. I don’t know. I’ll let you know what how it goes.

    About getting there early, I was even thinking of taking my mom out to breakfast close by and then head on over there. But if an hour wasn’t early enough for Chad, I am not sure how early is early enough. I’ve gotta see if there are any breakfast spots nearby (doesn’t have to be anything expensive, just a nice sit down breakfast). I’ll let you know what I find; if you find anything, let me know. Hey, maybe we can meet for breakfast??? 🙂

  273. dodgereric

    It’s a long way from Culver City, but IMO the best breakfasts ever are at the Original Pancake House in Anaheim on Lincoln about a mile west of the 57 freeway.

  274. tradejuanpypaperbag

    CP -I was thinking the same thing. My mom and I were willing t go as early as possible. Breakfast would be a good idea 🙂 I am thinking of doing a combination with his picture and the song. I am going to Michael’s later to see what I can come up with. I really should have him sign one of the baseball cards where his number is reversed. I have two, and I checked. He’s never been #61.

  275. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey eric! I was just at one of those in Vegas – HA!!! Yes, Anaheim is a little far, don’t you think? However, I don’t really know Culver City that well ethier (either). My mom and I are staying in downtown L.A.


    Good afternoon friends….

    My husband was just reading me an article about the Blue Jays GM and their disinterest in Adam Dunn. Apparently fans have been calling in questioning why they wouldn’t go after him….
    Apparently Adam Dunn doesn’t even like playing baseball all that much and he strikes out way too much…

    What boggles my mind is…FANS CALLING INTO THE GM?!

    Someone get Ned’s number STAT!

  277. cpompe1

    thx eric, but Anaheim is going in the wrong direction. Oh, okay I just did a Mapquest on that address; it’s west of the 405, near the corner of Venice and Overland.

  278. enchantedbeaver

    Nice take-off Eric/Dad!!

    Generally, I get a reaction like the two jive guys when the nun starts singing R-E-S-P-E-C-T whenever I hear Ned’s done anything.

  279. cpompe1

    okay dnel – I don’t think I can do what I originally wanted to do and get the LA logo and save it to my computer so I can insert it. But I just remembered that I have a picture of a swinging Andre. I just inserted that picture in the corner. The only problem with the picture is that it’s a little dark; darker than I really wanted but I’m going to try to print it and I’ll let you know what it looks like!

  280. enchantedbeaver

    Anybody read the tripe Gurnick is spewing on the mail bag? (which BTW has a great picture of Druw’s batting “form.) If Conte couldn’t see a golf ball sized wart on his knee (which I assume doesn’t just develop overnight), what kind of exam did he give? How ya doing Andruw? Fine. OK you, pass. Conte is yet another Gnat ******* who couldn’t find his *** with both hands.

  281. cpompe1

    enchanted – yes, I read that mailbag crap. It just makes no sense to me. I mean, what’s the point of these “physical exams”???


    Anybody wanting to trade Teixeira’s remaining one year or whatever for Loney straight up? Sounds like a ridiculous idea to me. The only hope against that might be the fact that no way is such a trade “salary neutral”, so Frank should nix it right away. Should shoot the messenger who brings such an idea to him as well.

  283. dodgrdad14

    Now there is a writter worth his weight!! I think he is the first sports writer to come out and say it like it is and not to spew the crap Colitus and JOJO want them to say.

  284. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Scott – LOL!! No, I won’t be that bad, I promise. I will represent ITD very well. I am just worried that he will hear/see the name and go “Oh my God, it’s you”. It will be interesting to see if he knows we are doing songs and such about him. We do know he knows about one because jhall posted one to his blog, but does he know the extent to which they are done and alot on his behalf.

  285. cpompe1

    hey dnel – I’ve gotta find some ink for my printer. Do you want me to e-mail it to you? Tell me what you think (here or reply from the e-mail)?

  286. ramslover

    I agree, Gurnicks take on the exams is baffling…If I am the one that is going to payout 36 mil or so to a ballplayer, that SOB is going to get a complete physical….Gurnick has his head in the sand, I would want to know everything that is wearing out, so I could make a rational decision. Obviously it is not what the management team believes in.

    Great for Kershaw to get #1 of many, the Nats were a good team to go against.

  287. tradejuanpypaperbag

    enchanted -from the article I read last night, he can’t remember how he batted back in the day. We are paying Andruw millions for him to remember how he used to bat when he was with the Braves. How sad is that? And to think Andre has to sit through this and watch it happen day after day, hoping he can play instead of Andruw who trying to remember how to bat. How frickin’ pathetic!!! LMAO!! This is so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh anymore.

  288. dodgereric

    dodgereric’s kid: Wait a minute. I know you. You’re Juan Pierre. You play baseball for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

    Pierre: I’m sorry son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I’m the co-pilot.

    dodgereric’s kid: You are Pierre. I’ve seen you play. My dad’s got season tickets.

    Pierre: I think you should go back to your seat now. Right Joe?

    Joe Torre: Nahhhhhh, he’s not bothering anyone, let him stay here.

    Pierre: But just remember, my name is ROGER MURDOCK. I’m an airline pilot.

    dodgereric’s kid: I think you’re the greatest, but my dad says you don’t get on base enough for a leadoff hitter. He says that for a guy who is famous for bunting that you’re the worst bunter he’s ever seen. He says that you couldn’t throw out my grandmother trying to score from second on a one-hopper to you out there in left field. He also says you can’t get a jump off left-handers when it’s time to steal second.

    Pierre: The hell I don’t. LISTEN KID. I’ve been hearing that crap ever since I got here. I’m out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag his fat butt out there for 162 games.


    Good evening, been busy all day.
    dnelly, Cowboys will prevail..
    enchanted, love the song to Cracklin Rose by Neil Diamond. He’s my all time favorite performer followed closely by Supertramp.. Seen both in concerts and they were awesome. Have to do a few things, Catch everyone later.

  290. scott_in_arcadia

    Re: Gurnick

    Does the picture of this guy make you think that he ever put on baseball uniform in his life?


    We need to sharpen the handle end of a piece of maple, stick it up Joe’s backside and ride him back to New York where he belongs.


    I attended yesterday’s game and had a good view from the KABC luxury box (I know someone who got me the tickets). I hope this is the first of many wins for Kershaw in a Dodger uniform. I know this victory came against a bad team but every time he pitches he will learn something. My wife picked up a Clayton Kershaw autographed ball at the Dodger Dream Foundation silent auction the Dodgers hold at the staduim during games. I am willing to take the chance that he will become a star someday.

    I could tell right away that Nomar hurt himself on the tag at third. Sweeny would have hit for Nomar in the bottom of the inning had the inning gone that far. I was in attendance the last time Nomar hurt himself earlier this season. I like Nomar and he was doing a good job in the field and at the plate so I hope this is not serious. Also, I like Jeff Kent too and right now he is hitting the ball hard but right at people. Still, it is clear to me he is missing balls he used to crush and someone already mentioned warning track power without refering to him but he definitely shows signs of this.

  293. obi_wen


    There’s a man I’ve found could bring us hope now!

    There’s a doctor I’ve found could cure the cow!

    There’s a doctor I’ve found could cure the cow!

    There’s a man I’ve found could remove his sorrow,

    He came from the Bay let’s see him tomorrow,

    Let’s see him tomorrow!


    Doctor Conte:

    He seems to be completely unreceptive.

    The tests I gave him show no sense at all.

    His eyes react to light all the K’s reflect it.

    He swings but can’t connect with any balls.


    See me, feed me, krispy, creamy.

    See me, feed me, krispy, creamy

    Doctor Conte:

    There is a chance we’ll try an operation.

    All hope lies with him and none with me.

    Imagine though the shock after starvation.

    When he suddenly can bend and see his feet.


    See me, feed me, krispy, creamy.

    See me, feed me, krispy, creamy.

    Doctor Conte:

    His eyes show fear

    his ears can see his lips speak

    All the time the bats misses and swings.

    No manager can give the kind of stimulation,

    Needed to remove his mental block.

    Go to the minors boy!

    Go to the minors boy!


    I often wonder what he’s feeling.

    Has he ever heard a word I’ve said?

    Look at him now at the plate smiling

    What is happening in his head?

    Andruw :

    Listening to boos, I still get millions.

    Ned sign me for two, he’ll get the heat

    Hitting .162, I should be in an outhouse

    I put excrement at your feet!


    Eric, great takeoff from one of my all time favorite movies and one of my all time favorite movie moments.


    WHOA WHOA!!!
    Go get em’ Joe! LOL!
    That ump was full of fertilizer, as Vinny would say

    So, are they going to express shuttle dewitt over from vegas?

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