Next Year

The 2008 Dodger schedule is here. Please note it is subject to change.

There’s also a page dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Los Angeles Dodgers, which can be found here at

As for tonight, here’s the lineup against the Giants:

Pierre, CF

Valdez, 2B

Kemp, RF

Loney, 1B

LaRoche, 3B

Ethier, LF

Moeller, C

Hu, SS

Wells, P



    Josh, Dodgers need to start a PR campaign to get James Loney ROY. He has some of the best numbers of all rookies. It would be a good move for the Dodgers to help put a shine on this season.


    I dont know if I am right but there are rumors that Kent might not be coming back? How true is this? If this was true, I would like to see the Dodgers push for a good third baseman (A-Rod or Miguel Cabrera) and move over Garciaparra to second. Garciaparra is by far a better fielder than Kent and his numbers should be getting better once he is 100% healthy. I would like to see Nomar at second. Get rid of Kent! Adios Kent!!


    1st Loney

    2nd Nomar

    3rd Cabrera or A-Rod

    SS Furcal

    I would love this infield!

    Too bad its wishful thinking


    Thanks for posting the schedule, Josh. I was curious why we don’t ever seem to matchup against the Yankees in Interleague play. Out of at least three years we’ve been scheduled against the AL East, we’ve only played them for two games (at Dodger Stadium).

    I know we’d have to go to Yankee Stadium before they’d come back here, but I’d like a chance to see the Yanks and the Dodgers at Dodger Stadium (and Yankee Stadium) at some point. Seems like the biggest no-brainer to me money-wise, at least on this side of the country.

    Maybe Steinbrenner’s still nursing his wounds after getting kicked around by those two Dodger fans in the elevator in ’81. It just feels like, with 30 teams in the Bigs right now, Dodger-Yankee World Series’ will be harder to come by.


    I can’t help it. I am already excited for 08.
    We have a real opening day on march 31st. Everything will be fresh and new with no injuries. What else can you do but wait for next year?


    Can’t wait to watch James Loney and Matt Kemp tattoo Zito, Cain and Linescum in that opening series.

    Oh, wait.


    What about the Spring Training schedule? When is that coming out? I can’t wait to get back to Vero Beach. I expect that more people will be making the trip, I know a good number of my friends are making the trip. I highly recomended for anyone that has never been there and more so since this is the last year. *sigh** I will probably need my kleenex there. -Emma


    I will be very sad on Sunday. From October until March I don’t have the same life as I do during baseball season. I will miss the Dodgers, even when they are losing like they are now. Whether or not we win big in ’08 I will still love following baseball daily. GO 08 DODGERS!!!!!


    Wow get this- Ned Yost was the leading canidate for NL manager of the year a couple months ago, now I hear he may be out of a job if the Brewers don’t make a great comeback to make the playoffs.


    adevandry I seriously doubt Grady will be fired on Monday. Although I would also be kinda happy if it did happen, we need a new face who the players would respect more.


    Hmmm, looked at the tentative schedule and unless I miscounted, 23 of the last 35 games are on the road. This makes me automaticlaly discount the team’s chances next season.


    f the Rockies sweep AZ this weekend, the Rockies would likely win the division. How crazy would that be.

    Posted by: | September 28, 2007 02:57 PM

    What’s more amazing is that not only can the Rox win the division, but if the Phils and Mets win out over the weekend and the Pads drop 2 out of the next 3, both the Dbacks and Pads would miss the playoffs, that’s crazier!!!


    For a few years now, my friend Linda has organized a road trip in San Diego for a Saturday game. Besides April 4 & 5, The Dodgers do not play San Diego at San Diego this year! hmm, I wonder if she will be able to plan the road trip. This year we had a group of about 60 people at Petco Park.


    We can only hope this rumor about Grittle getting fired is true. This man has no spark in him and he can’t motivate anybody. Now I know how the Red Sox fans felt with Grittle.


    Swood, I too will be a bit sad to see the season end as well. I will miss Vinny’s magic voice and all the discussion about the day’s lineup.


    Would anybody really be shocked if the Dodgers do an about face and fire Grady on Monday? I wouldn’t.
    I just read an article where they say the Marlins may move both Dontrell and Miguel Cabrera. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dontrell going to SF, he is from Oakland and Miguel to the Yankees if ARod leaves or here!! Of course that would mean moving Kemp, Kershaw or other prospects. Something to think about.


    Kiper — With the Marlins payroll, it might be easier to get Kemp or Kershaw back after a couple of years. By that time, Pierre could be moved to make way for Kemp’s return.


    orth, ****, right after the trade is done, they can turn around and offer Pierre for Kemp and Kershaw, and the Dodgers pay for all of his contract, minus the league minimum, and then they get everybody back.


    With the recent absence of leekfink from this board, it needs to be said:

    My Loney has a first name

    It’s J-A-M-E-S

    My Loney has a second name

    It’s L-O-N-E-Y

    I love to watch him every day

    And if you ask me “Why?” I’ll say

    ‘Cause James Loney has a way

    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G


    There is something to be said for veteran experience, for guys having been there,” general manager Ned Colletti said. “That’s going to be one of the challenges of the winter, to get the kids enough support.

    “We’re better prepared now to give the younger kids more of an opportunity than we were in ’06, and a little bit better than ’07. But that said, you can’t do it necessarily without some people that have walked the walk a little.”

    The one time referenced for this massive influx of youth is the mid-1970s, when the infield of Steve Garvey, Davey Lopes, Ron Cey and Bill Russell became a fixture, along with Steve Yeager and Joe Ferguson.

    But that team was actually put together over a three-year span, and they were later supported by adding key players from outside still in their prime – Reggie Smith, Rick Monday and Dusty Baker.

    Garvey said that initial `70s group of young players had few veterans to actually lead the way, and thinks this year’s Dodger team compares better to the Padres team he, Graig Nettles and Rich Gossage joined as free agents and led to the World Series in 1984.

    “It was a nice mix,” Garvey said. “This year is frustrating simply because it looked like it had that kind of mix and that kind of chemistry. And it didn’t work out.

    “Whether it wasn’t the right mix at the right time, you can only speculate. But the frustration is, it probably should have worked. Before the season, I thought it was a team that would go deep into the playoffs and probably the World Series. It had that kind of potential.”

    Like most, Garvey looks at this current Dodgers team and sees an obvious and serious void.

    “We need more power,” said Garvey, now in the team’s community relations department. “And you still need a balance of veteran ballplayers. You still need a Garciaparra and another guy who can hit the ball out of the ballpark who’s got experienced and professional maturity.”

    Colletti is hardly oblivious to the Dodgers being second-to-last in NL home runs, or being 14th in runners left on base. Nor has he become so enamored by the organization’s prospects he is ready to simply turn over the keys to the kids.

    But poor drafts in the late `90s have left a gap in organizational talent. There are no players 27 or 28, in the prime of their careers. There are the very young, and with the exception of free agent additions Furcal and Pierre, the not-so-young.

    With a very limited free-agent pool awaiting this offseason, Colletti’s best move would appear to move one or two of those highly regarded prospects for someone with power still in his 20s.

    “Yeah, if we can pull it off,” Colletti said. “That would be the optimum.”


    I’ll admit…I got caught up in the excitement of Johan. But now that I think about it…it’s definitely better to wait until he’s a free agent…I would hate to see Kemp and Kershaw become All-Stars on a different team. How about we get back to the playoffs next year…and then ’09 we grab Santana and win the whole frickin’ thing!


    Email Frank McCourt if you’re worried about Ned’s potential “Appease the Veterans” approach:

    He does read it or at least his secretary does. I emailed him a couple years ago and he gave me a phone call a few days later.


    Jungar: Somehow, I’m guessing the local media weren’t shouting about the poor drafts in the 90’s when analyzing Depodesta’s tenure here.


    You got that right. I know we would be a better team if he was in charge but you and are in the minority on that.

    Depo did a great job of getting rid of huge contracts just in time for us to sign Juan Pierre, Jason Schmidt, Luiz Gonzales, Nomar and all the other **** on our roster. Our best players in 2007 were all here before Weekend at Bernies took over. Every one of them besides Saito..


    I’ll have to mark the calendar for May 29-June 1, when the Dodgers visit me. I’ll make early plans this year for the new park in D.C. on Aug 26-28. Thank You, Let’s get to work on 2008. GO DODGERS


    James Looney reminds me of Tony Gwyn. He looks so comfortable hittin, it is fun to watch this guy hit.
    Matt Kemp is another guy that i love to watch. He will soon be a 30/30 club.

    Andy Laroche is not ready to hit at a major league level yet, he wants to kill everything. I hate his batting technique.

    Delwyn Youn looks to be a good hitter, i have seen him these last couple of days hitting. He looks good, and has alot of pop.

    Hope he stays to be the #4 outfielder.

    I heard Saito might not come back with the Dodgers, he plans to go back to his country and play out there. Not sure how true this is my co-worker who is a dodger fan told me this. so i no he did not say it as a joke. Any one have input on this?


    Carcyn — As he did last year, I think Saito will consult with his family first. I thought I recently heard him say that his wife gave him the go ahead to do what he wants (and he wants to return)


    Thanks Martinloneykemp–I’m glad it’s not forgotten. I’ve been crazy at work, but Loney deserves it. My brother and I have probably done our last performance of it at the stadium this year, but we’ll be back in 185 days.

    I agree with Swood–things will be much worse Sunday, as there will be 6 months without Dodger Baseball, six months without Dodger Dogs, six months without Vin Scully.

    Jungar–glad that you are not leaving after seeing some of the nonsense, and a great article. I have sveral thoughts about the article; First, if Kent comes back, what makes people think he will have “reduced playing time.” I like Abreu, and he may turn out to be what we are all looking for. And if Kent comes back, I see Abreu playing frequently, but not as a regular–he would spell Nomar at third, and then give Kent a break every now and then. But Kent’s still one of the best offensive second basemen in the game, and Abreu has not performed like Loney or Kemp (he’s good, just not absurdly so). It’s possible that Kent could break down (like Gonzo and Nomar), but if he puts up the same type of numbers at 40 as he has at 39, he will play (virtually) every day).

    Second, a team can be too old, to be sure. Great players who no longer put up the numbers that made them great. But can a team really be too young??? I expect a lot of agreement from this board, but why do James Loney or Russell Martin need a veteran around them? It’s one thing to go into a season stocking up on veterans the way we did in 2007 because we really were not sure if our young players were ready (it was a defensible decision, even if in some ways it did not work out). But the article, and a number of people, seem to be saying that a team really needs a 27-31 year-old player who will hit 30+ home runs. Poppycock. A team needs a guy who will hit 30+ home runs, period. Did the 2002 Giants need a 27-year-old sluger, or was 38-year old Barry Bonds OK with his 46 home runs? In 2002, did the Cardinals need a 31-year old hitter, or was the 34 HR that 22-year-old Albert Pujols enough? It’s true that the young players who you have high hopes for may not produce at that level, but it’s not like you need 27-31-year olds no matter what. And th 2008 Dodgers are a great example. Going into ’07, there were question marks about Loney and Kemp. Do those still exist??? We have 4 young guys Martin, Loney, Kemp, and Ethier) who, while we don’t know their ceiling, we know the basics of what we will get. Add Pierre, Furcal, and Kent (who are all likely to be back), and only third base is a question mark (will Nomar resurrect himself, will LaRoche prove why he was actually a more highly touted prospect than Martin and Loney, will we sign A-Rod?). But that’s not bad.

    Finally, what’s the point of an off-season trade? Sure, sometimes these things make sense–Jerry Royster was an extra infielder for the Dodgers, while we needed a left-fielder, so we flipped him for Dusty Baker. But none of the trade situations that anyone talks about these days are your typical filling a hole in each team trade. Sure, it can happen, but the trade rumors that abound usually have to do with guys who are coming up on their free agent years (Santana, Cabrerra, etc.). So take Santana for a moment–his trade value to the Twins will be much higher in July than it will be in November. In November, there will be 20 teams that think they can win, and of course all will want pitching. But at too high a price, they’ll take their chances on a rookie, or a free agent. But in July, there will be 10-12 teams still in it, and they’ll need a missing piece. Either way, they are renting a player, with the hope of convincing him to stay. But by then, they will be desperate. So the idea of trading our prospects for a “27-31 year-old slugger” makes no sense to me. Who is on one of those 10 teams that will believe it has no chance in 2008?


    This is not the NBA or the NFL. We don’t want to lose just to get a high draft pick. Guys don’t immediately make an impact at the major league level, and a lot of development goes into them. Sure, Loney adn Bills are first-rounders, but Loney was taken 19th overall, and most people said that he was taken much too early (should have been a 2d or 3d rounder) and at the wrong position (that he should have been a pitcher). Kemp, on the other hand, was taken in the 6th round in 2003. While Loney was our first round pick, it was our 17th round pick that made it to the majors sooner–Russel Martin. Our top picks have sometimes been bombs–Dreifort and Chris Gwynn had fabulous potential, and they were our first round picks–either 1 or 2 overall in their respective drafts. But they went nowhere. And, if you take a look at the 1988 draft, and know that we drafted Mike Piazza, Eric Karros, and Billy Ashley, would you know that it was Karros who went in the 6th round, Ashley in the 7th, and Piazza in the 62d round? The key to a draft is to take good picks at every round and then develop them into big leaguers.


    The tentative schedule lists 9 games against the Padres in September ’08. The Dodgers do not play any interdivision teams ten times as in previous years (Pirates in ’06, Mets this year), but the Dodgers play 8 games against the Reds and Phillies.


    Why is Wells pitching tonight? Isn’t he owed a big bonus if he makes this start? He certainly hasn’t pitched well enough to earn a bonus.


    I don’t like that schedule for next year at all. Why aren’t we playing at Yankee Stadium? We haven’t played there yet since interleague play started. The only other team/site we haven’t played is Tampa Bay at Dodger Stadium. Both of those should be on the schedule for next year!

    Also I’m sick of the unbalanced schedule. We need to go back to playing classic NL teams like the Cubs, Reds, Phillies, and Mets at least 9 times per year. I hate having to play at Coors Field nine games a year! It doesn’t feel like real baseball there.


    I have mixed fear and joy in looking forward to the off season and next year. I would be happy with a line up of pierre cf, abreu 2b, kemp lf, a rod ss, loney 1b, martin c, ethier rf, la roche 3b. let kent retire, his 9 million helps pay a rod,trade furcal and his 13 million towards a pitcher, let gonzo, hendy,ph saenz, pitchers seanez, and hernandez go say goodby to martinez, and sweensy. let nomar be the backup infielder, young the 4th outfielder. give stults and hull a chance why not houlton and brazabon.If grady goes do the kids have to prove themselves again? Plus we stillhave the likes of kershaw, elbert,morris and mc donald to come up in 08
    also meloan wes wright, even m. alexander might help.

    for hitters we still have hu and De Jesus at ss, De Witt and bell at 3b, the list goes on and on. our future is ever so bright, please ned,be careful with our future


    Interleague rotates every year and this season we faced the A.L East and the schedule makers did not put the Yankees or Red Sox on the schedule due to ‘travel reasons’. I would’ve loved to see the Dodgers play in Yankee Stadium which should of happened, but it didn’t. Now it may be a very long time, unless we face them in the World Series. Therefore next season we face the A.L Central, in 2009 we’ll face the A.L West and then in 2010 we’ll face the A.L East again, maybe then we’ll face the Yanks and Sox.


    I cannot imagine being a Mets fan right now, totally absolute choke job. Also the Cubs are one inning from clinching the Central as the Brewers are down by three in the ninth.


    Boston has won the A.L East, Yankees will be the A.L Wild Card, Milwaukee is eliminated and the Chicago Cubs are the champions of the N.L central.


    The Giants are hitting .555 against Wells after 2 innings in this game thanks to the pitcher striking out. We are also batting .555 (with Loney striking out).


    Whats this new rumor I read about that Jeff Kent is talking to Colletti’s wife about trading Kemp…?? Has anyone else heard of this??
    Kent is a hall of famer and a great ballplayer – but he is NOT the future of this team. If its a choice between Kemp and Kent I’ll take the rookie. We need another big bat in the line-up (preferably A-ROD!!), and whoever said get rid of Furcal – quit smokin!!


    Would you guys want a guy consider one of the best at his position EVER on our team?

    Would you want a guy who is 31 and had hit 25 homeruns in 10 of 11 pro seasons?

    He has hit 35 or more 5 times.

    Would you want a guy who has driven in 100 run 9 times? Scored 90 7 times?

    Of course you can make the argument against Andruw Jones but really isn’t some pop and a great glove to solify that OF (pierre in left, KempRF) what the doctor ordered? He is a Vet but not to old. It will not cost prospects or MLB talent, he has 5 good years left in him easily. He has Ned Man-love stats. Hey guys I am a stat guy and A Jones had a lower OPS than freaking GONZO this year. But he will rebound. His all around play puts me on board. He will cost Frank, but he can say he fixed the pierre problem (he would nevere say it) by getting the best CF ever yada yada bora bora….a good PR move as a FA signing (baring A-rod of course). You put him in there with Kent and Kids one year older, shore up 3b and the pitching staff and we are good…


    Folks, I don’t think there’s any way the Braves will make Andruw an offer even close to what Boras wants. Not when they plan to try to sign another Boras client, Mark Teixeira, who’s going to cost at least as much if not plenty more a year from now.

    I had been moving more toward the middle on the possibility of Andruw returning, thinking there might actually be a decent shot of it happening because of his poor offensive performance this season.

    After that conversation with Boras. I can say I’m at least 95-percent certain Andruw is gone.


    We can’t get Andruw Jones because Coletti gave Pierre a five year deal worth 45 million. No team is going to take Juan Pierre in a trade at that cost. And we can’t move Pierre to left field because that would weaken the team. Ethier and Kemp need to be our corners next year, and hopefully for years to come!

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Andruw wound up in Milwaukee. They’re hungry to win now and they look like they will fork over some bucks(considering they gave Suppan 40 mil!). Of course convincing Andruw to go play in that cold weather might be tough.


    Signing Andruw Jones is not a good idea. The guy is a lifetime .260 hitter who is coming off of a .220 year and who’s to say that he’ll get it back..? After all the guy is a bit older and slower than he was 5 years ago and he strikes out more than he drives in runs. Leave Pierre in CF – he might not have the arm but he can cover the ground and his offense will be needed. Why don’t we look for a decent 3rd baseman? (hhemm…A-ROD!!!) Nomar? In my opinion he has to prove himself once more (as if he was a rookie) to get a starting spot next year.


    I doubt we will sign an outfielder. I think if we make any signings it will be at either third base, a starting pitcher, or a relief pitcher.


    I just watched the Met Game, A great pitching performance, a 1 hitter by John Maine. I ‘m rooting for them. I’ll be at the game, with my daughter, tomorrow. It’s gonna be quite a day. The Nat’s are leading 1-0, the last I heard. Will try to catch the end of our game, tomorrow.


    a rod should go to dodgers.dodgers need a good power hitter plz a rod go to dodger iwill be sad if you dont go i will wear your jearsey number

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