Tonight's game

Getting underway in just a few hours with a rather huge homestand. Hope you’ll be out here.

As for the question about Saturday’s game, FOX picked it up so it moved from 7:10 to 12:55 p.m.

Here’s the lineup for tonight:

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF

Loney, 1B

Kent, 2B

Gonzo, LF

Martin, C

Ethier, RF

Nomar, 3B

Loaiza, P



    no kemp and Gonzo, Nomas are in the lineup. great…thank god for night classes. I don’t have to watch Peavy’s domination.


    What a joke. A .338 hitter with HR power on the bench.

    Nomar is a joke as well. Wasn’t the team winning 3 of 4 from the Cubs with LaRoche in there?


    Season’s over.


    thanks Lee for the response on the last thread…yeah let’s win this game. By far the most important game of the year, no matter what Kent says!

    Plus you know Estaban’s beard alone has expierenced more than a lesser man’s entire body.


    I don’t want to be a ‘groundhog’ but someone tell grittle Kemp is our BEST hitter. I think he knows that because you usually bat your best hitter there. Why would you bench him?



    Us fans haven’t even thrown in the towel, and they throw this out there, maybe I should return my tickets for tonight’s game.


    Grittle loves these washed up vets. I hope they can win in spite of them , but the better players are on the bench.


    I will be at the stadium on Thurs. and Sat. If you hear a guy starting the




    that’s me!!!!!


    Here’s something positive: Chris Withrow was said to be throwing 98 MPH during the GCL playoffs. He has gained a few ticks on that fastball, apparently.



    this is a joke…I guess Grady figures we’re done anyway…Why is Nomar playing

    anymore?…and I guess Raffy had enough rest, eh??



    Seriously guys, no Kemp in the lineup?!!!? He’s our best hitter. I understand if this was the lineup against Germano, but this should not be the lineup against Peavy. Peavy is a hard thrower, old men can’t hang with Peavy.


    Read all threads from previous Peavy games. Enough is said in those. You cannot actually think Kemp would start tonight? Come on… I like Loney batting third a lot for this game. Now, Ethier could have been benched for Kemp, because Ethier doesn’t have much success against Peavy. Actually, nobody has any proven success against Peavy except Gonzo, past, present maybe even future. Enjoy the game, I’ll be there to watch the madness.



    I was starting to think I had imagined that Cubs series since Grady abandoned what worked there in SF.


    Anyway whoever I was talking to a minute ago the backend of the Cubs rotation(Hill,Trachsel or Marshall) kill our rotating 5 starters.


    Lilly is better then Lowe and Bills and before Dempster blew that save vs. us he had converted like 15 in a row. Brox has been struggling as of late and his ERA is twice what Marmols is and Beimels ERA is three times Marmols.


    I might be a dumb Aussie but in a series we must win Grady has shown us that this is HIS best team? LaRoche is no good at 3B and is not in contention to take over that position and Kemp is still not ready to play everyday? Let’s hope Grady is right or we can kiss the post-season away.


    Not playing Kemp when he is a VASTLY improved hitter from earlier in the year is stupid.

    He is basically the franchise; we can’t keep “protecting” him against top pitchers.


    Don’t bother arguing about my opinion, read all past threads on the issue.

    This season vs. Peavy:

    Furcal: 2 for 13

    Pierre: 3 for 6

    Loney: 0 for 4

    Kent: 0 for 10

    Gonzo: 2 for 12

    Martin: 1 for 10

    Ethier: 3 for 11

    Nomar: 5 for 9 1 HR

    Needless to say not too many on this team can hit Peavy.


    Peavey is 2-0 with a 1.95 ERA against us this year. So since this is what grady has done in the past against him when is he going to figure out it obviously doesn’t work.


    HUGE 6 game home stand against our biggest NL West rivals, I’m just gonna sit back & enjoy, No matter what happeens it’s gonna be interesting BUT I really want the boys in blue to at least take both series, veremos.


    Oh feh, season’s over anyway.

    Let’s see, what’s to look forward to today …

    Furcal swinging from the heels and failing to do anything but make outs atop the lineup.

    Pierre looking brave and determined but ultimately overmatched. He’ll short-arm a softball-style slap and run to first for an out, pop up ( on a bunt attempt or no ) and perhaps lift a mightly little pop fly that won’t even be far enough to be a potential sac fly.

    Loney coming in looking calm and professional, getting schooled by Peavy in his first couple of at bats before maybe getting hold of him ( even if only for a long out ). Always fun to watch, because of the potential.

    Kent stepping up and having at those first pitches and first strikes, hitting strong line drives right at fielders.

    Gonzalez looking old, taking some pitches way outside and getting himself out off of low and inside offspeed stuff.

    Martin having strong at bats and a good presence behind the plate, maybe throwing one into center field but playing with heart and determination. Fun to watch.

    Ethier, like Gonzalez, being prone to striking out off of the inside stuff. Won’t get a chance to drive to opposite field because they won’t pitch him away, but like the other young guns, always fun to watch because of potential.

    Nomar anxiously winding up and swatting at the first strike, grounding out for the most part, maybe once lining a single into left or right field.

    Loaiza on the mound, looking like a shorter, right-handed Hendrickson with his beard and soft stuff. Because he hasn’t been with the organization long enough to catch Dodger veteran apathy, he will, like Wells did, put in a good, professional effort. It will take another start or two before the stiff clubhouse atmosphere ***** the life juice out of him.

    *tongue out of cheek*

    Play well tonight, Dodger.


















    This was the lineup when we should have beaten Peavy back in June: This lineup scored four runs off Peavy:











    Matt Kemp in 2008:

    .320, 30 HRs

    Calling it right now.

    Might be a chance to do that if Grady is not with the team.


    “Might be a chance to do that if he doesn’t jump into a wall”.

    Lol … More chance of that happening than Grady getting fired I think.


    Alex is gonna defend the blue all the way down to 4th place. Or maybe 2nd place. 3rd even. Good times.

    I respect his loyalty. I almost wish the dodgers would respect it too.


    It got real quiet from all you unrealistic ‘dodgers have the best talent in the MLB’ people after I posted Lilly’s record and ERA…


    There’s a high chance he’ll do it as Gonzo will be gonzo, while Ethier very well might be traded. RF will be all to Kemp.


    swood I noticed you didn’t make a comparison on closers between the Cubs and Dodgers. Saito with his save conversion rate at 93%, and miniscule ERA vs Dempster! ****
    Nooooo comparison. Brox worked 4 days straight. His command was off. My confidence in him is still high. Marmol is the ONLY bright spot in the Cubs bullpen , with Howry a distant 2nd.


    If I were a Dodger hitter I’d be dizzy from being moved around so much in the order. Heck, even in cesspool, over-the-hill slo-pitch softball we try to keep a consistent batting order. Guess that doesn’t apply in the big leagues???!?!?!


    scutris I don’t know if they did or not… I do know(and I think everyone else also knows) we had Pedro for a little bit of time in the bigs… and I think we traded Konerko when he was still in the minors. I don’t know about Lilly though…


    You guys have to admit, Grady has stones. Who knows what will happen but he is benching a guy hitting .419 in September for a guy hitting .259 in September (Ethier).


    I love Brox but I hate to say jjriley he isn’t anywhere near as good as Marmol, just look at the ERA’s. Marmol will be their closer next year I think. I will give you Saito is the better of the two closers… that may be the only spot where we have a distinct advantage over the cubs though…


    Prediction: Ned actually lands a power hitter this off-season (Torii Hunter), making next year’s OF:

    LF Pierre

    CF Hunter

    RF Kemp


    “Matt Kemp in 2008:

    .320, 30 HRs

    Calling it right now.”

    How many stolen bases?

    how will his OBP look?

    How will his OPS look?

    Will his base running blunders subside in ’08?


    Shut up Swood. You are a stupid kid. Go watch the teletubbies or something.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:14 PM

    Who the f*** do you think you are??? I have never seen you post on here before ****.


    Lilly is a soft throwing lefty that stinks!!!

    Bills ERA 3.22

    Lowe ERA 3.80

    both better than Lilly. Lowe is a former Cy Young and Bills is only 23


    swood If I remember right, and my ‘part timers’ isn’t effecting me today, I think Lasorda didn’t want much to do with Pedro, because he thought he was too frail, and small in stature compared to brother Ramon.
    Sad. Ramon never won any Cy Youngs!


    I think I’m a smarter fan than you. You make stupid stuff up all the time thinking you’re going to flatter us with your “rankings” etc. You never have any relevant facts. Its always the same dumb stuff.


    Diehard Lilly is 15-7. Lowe is sub-.500 and Billz isn’t ready yet to be a 15 game winner, even if he had started the season in the rotation. cosmocid don’t ever post on here again.


    Hey cosmo how come I have never seen you on this blog before????? Diehard I know you like to argue with me about the Dodgers but you don’t actually hate me do you…???


    3 CG’s from Lowe that should’ve been wins.

    Bills came out of the bullpen I think ERA is a better indicator. You also think the rockies have better pitching depth laughable.

    You have the Dback as the 11th best talent. go do homework or something I’m not going to argue your ridiculous post anymore.


    swood Honestly! You don’t think Billingsley would chalk up 15 wins, even if he started the season in the rotation? You have little faith….He’s gotten better, and piches much smarter now.


    I don’t hate you swood I just think at sixteen you need to WATCH a lot more baseball you have a TON to learn.


    “Billz isn’t ready yet to be a 15 game winner”














































    If we’re gonna bemoan trading Pedro, what about Clemente? I mean, come on, trades happen. How come no one’s pissed off about trading Joe Ferguson for Reggie Smith?



























    How do you have the team that is 1 game back of the Mets. The 10th best talent? 130 games is a pretty good indicator.


    Cosmo FYI I don’t give a **** if you hate me or not. I was talking to diehard. I have known him for a couple months now and we go back and forth almost every day, and yet I respect him cuz I know he wouldn’t come in here and just tell someone to shut up who hes never talked to before. Cosmo keep my name out of your posts *** hole. You’re not the type of dodger fan I want to be associated with.


    “I was talking to diehard. I have known him for a couple months now and we go back and forth almost every day”

    ah ***.


    Prediction: Ned actually lands a power hitter this off-season (Torii Hunter), making next year’s OF:

    LF Pierre

    CF Hunter

    RF Kemp

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:14 PM

    Where does that leave Ethier? I would hate to waste his up & coming abilities. He’s come a long way this year.


    Back to tonights game …

    My fear is not Peavy .. if we use a combination of brain and bat we can hit him and a few runs will quickly break his confidence. My fear though is Loizia. I realise he was a winner for us at his first start but I thought he was hit too hard too often. Lucky for us he had a solid fielding effort behind him and we killed the ball in the batters box. I thought the score made Loizia look a lot better than he actually pitched.

    I hope I’m dead wrong and that I have to eat crow at games end but don’t be surprised if we have to go to the pen early in game 1 of this very important series.


    How come no one’s pissed off about trading Joe Ferguson for Reggie Smith?
    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:24 PM

    Because Reggie Smith was a STUD for those ’77 and ’78 pennant teams, over 160 OPS+ both years.


    911_01::: As a retired MTA employee, I worked as a messenger before I received my first Social Security check and the WTC was on my route. Lucky I wasn’t scheduled there until after the attacks, but like many others I watched, in horror & sadness, the towers fall. This was the most frightening & worst day of my life. I was too young for WWI & Korea and I was already out of the Army, on reserve, when we entered Viet Nam.****Well before I check to see what everbody else has to say, I just want to note that the lineup contains a total of 80 HRS even without Kemp. Let’s not even think of last weekend and quickly turn the page to Esteban Loaiza as he battles the very tough Jake Peavy. GOOD LUCK DODGERS


    Wow didn’t know Hillebrand owned Peavy in his career. Maybe he could’ve gotten a surprise start here.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:13 PM

    Shea did that back in ’03 and ’04 with the D-Backs, when he was still an average batter. He’s not that guy now. (And in ’03 Peavy wasn’t yet PEAVY.)


    D-Backs beat Peavy last week and Melvin said that was as focused as his team has been all year–mainly because Peavy called them out wanting to pitch on three days rest. We never retaliated for Bond’s homerun pirhouette…maybe we can retaliate for Peavy barking at Martin to get back in the batter’s box. What I’m saying here is…”SHOW SOME LIFE TONIGHT, DODGERS!!!!!”


    If were talking about trades the one that pissed me off most was trading Konerko for Shaw. I sort got the Pedro trade at the time and obviously in hindsight its awful, but until the drop off as a dodger Deshields was a pretty good player. But Konerko for a reliver? oy vey.



    It leaves Ethier traded or as a 4th OF (I’d prefer him over Pierre, but there’s that contract and all).


    I think the Dodgers problem with peavy is just on their minds!!!

    yeah i know peavy is great but it’s just not possible that our team can’t figure out how to score a run with him pitching!!!

    Nomar shouldn’t be in the lineup yet!!!

    i actually think that grady is trying to give Nomar alot of Ab’s coz he believes that Nomar can carry this team down the stretch!!

    i don’t buy it!!! i don’t think he is going to get Hot just like Furcal will do… both of them will struggle!!!

    i like the idea of Abreu!!! Abreu has hit the ball hard… and he makes contact while the Furcal we have right now has hit alot of lazy fly balls and alot of SO!!!

    if LaRoche can’t play i would rather see Martinez in 3rd than having Nomar in there!!!

    im going with the hit rayt now coz martinez has been the clutch hitter!!!

    they need to win all 6 games!!!

    Go DODGERS!!!


    I agree jungar, the Pedro trade was certainly an awful one, also because I believe we got someone back who didn’t do a thing for us… But Pedro is short and skinny for a major league starting pitcher, plus its hard to measure somebody’s intelligence and heart on the mound so that trade was I think more bad luck then anything.


    LF Ethier
    CF Pierre

    RF Kemp

    Learn to love it, it’s here for a while. Coming attractions soon, worldwide April 2008…


    Pierre’s defense alone (mainly his pathetic arm) leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If we somehow get a player like Hunter, I say McCourt should raise peanut and beer prices and release Pierre outright…because who in their right mind will trade for him???


    im going with the hit rayt now coz martinez has been the clutch hitter!!!

    i meant heat!!! coz martinez has been clutch!!!


    I don’t think we can release Pierre. Also in the next couple of years as he ages and he starts to lose some of his speed he will be even worse offensively and defensively.


    Old Fogey I notice that you use OPS+ quiet a bit. Why? If I read OPS+ right it’s basically park/league adjusted OPS and 100 is considered average, correct?

    Let me ask you guys, if you (any of you) had to rank the top 10 dodger batters in 2007 who would they be? (no quoting stats or whatever, just who would they be?)


    Ethier was like finding a $20 bill on the street. Agree, don’t trade him. And don’t forget Repko, either.


    Ethier/Pierre/Kemp WILL NOT be the starting OF next year, especially if we don’t make the playoffs. Ned loves his FAs (hopefully it’ll be a good one this time).


    Jungar I like to use OPS also because personally I think it is just as good an indicator if not better then batting avg is.


    How come no one’s pissed off about trading Joe Ferguson for Reggie Smith?
    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:24 PM

    Because Reggie Smith was a STUD for those ’77 and ’78 pennant teams, over 160 OPS+ both years.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:29 PM

    oldfogey I remember it well. Remember after he went to the Giants all the bad blood that boiled up in him against the dodgers. Whew! He kind of turned into the Milton Bradly of his day. lol


    O yea I forgot about Repko… Hey can anybody give me an update on how Wilson(.194) Betemit is doing with the Yankees. Sorry about the .194 thing I actually like Wilson I just think its funny to put as his middle name. lol.


    Here we go Dodgers and Dodger fans!!

    This is the biggest series since we finished up the regular season in San Francisco last year. And its our last best chance to control our own destiny. To do so we’ll need a sweep (and a at least one Phillie loss). Two out of three keeps us in the thick of it. One out of three put us in dire straits. A three-game losing steak and it’s time to play out the string and start thinking about all those kids ready for ’08.

    GO BLUE!!


    As I’ve posted before, Repko was a #1 pick as a shortstop. The guy’s the closest thing we have to a Gibby-like attitude. He gets hurt because he plays hard. Maybe he’s learned a bit about staying healthy.


    Lilly: 118 ERA+, 1.150 WHIP, right around career bests.
    Billingsley: 140 ERA+, 1.251 WHIP

    Lowe: 118 ERA+, 1.261 WHIP, very similar to each other LA year for him

    They are all good. The real question, in hindsight, do you wish LA had signed Lilly for 4 and 40 instead of Schmidt for 3 and 47? (And soft-tossing lefties can be quite successful – anyone remember Warren Spahn?)


    “Plus you know Estaban’s beard alone has expierenced more than a lesser man’s entire body.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 03:49 PM”


    I don’t think Alex is defending the line-up, I just think he’s predicting it. He seems to have figured out Grady’s outfield rotation pretty well (I don’t know how he does it).

    Pierreseastmeetswest–thanks for the note on what happened 6 years ago today. It’s a nice reminder that we are all in a great place, because even when Matt Kemp sits, we still have baseball.

    Dodgerthoughts had another post about the September 11, 1983 Dodgers v. Braves game. A great read. I was 7 years old for that game, and half way down his post I realized exactly what game he was talking about. I watched the dramatic ninth inning in at some department store where they had a bank of TVs, as my father had dragged me with him to shop for something (he is not a big baseball fan). Hopefully today turns out as good as that one did.


    One thing, I’d like to add, before I go out for a little air, is I really would like Loney to homer tonight to get him in double figures.


    Swood, no big news, since his good start where he went 5 for 10 with 2 HR’s he’s gone 9 for 52 with 3 HR’s and 18 strikeouts.


    A healthy Schmidt is better. At the beginning of the year everyone thought Schmidt was a great value and Lilly was overpriced… hasn’t exactly worked out that way but Schmidt is still very good when completely healthy.


    So, um, Max/Adrian/Exit. Do you think Bills can win 15???

    The real question is can he win 20?

    (The answer is, yes, but even good pitchers these days need a little luck to win 20.)


    oldfogey Remember the old reliable utility man the Dodgers used to have named Derrel Thomas? He had a few good years with the club, and could play anywhere. Wish we had someone like that now.


    2007 OPS+ dodger leaders. It should be pointed out that OPS+ deal with percentages, not totals.

    Delwyn Young 176

    Matt Kemp 129

    Russell Martin 119

    James Loney 118

    Jeff Kent 121

    Wilson Betemit 113

    Andre Ethier 106

    Luis Gonzalez 104

    Tony Abreu 88

    Andy LaRoche 79

    Rafael Furcal 78

    Nomar Garciaparra 76

    Juan Pierre 73

    Shea Hillenbrand 55


    Actually, johndavidhamilton, we still control our own destiny, but only for the division. If we sweep the Padres, we move 1/2 game ahead of them in the division, but still behind the Phils for the wild card (if they sweep). But, so long as we sweep the Diamondbacks this weekend and next in Arizona, and don’t lose on any day that the D-Backs or Padres win, then the worst we would do is finish in a tie for first place, requiring a 3-way, 2-game playoff.

    I’m thinking of going to the game Friday or Saturday.


    I don’t think Konerko would have put up the type of numbers in LA that he is putting up in Chicago.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 04:57 PM

    Hard to say. At that time, the Dodgers had an abundance of talent at 1st base. You sure can’t argue about the numbers Karros put up every year for a number of years. Piazza was the media darling getting all the glory then.


    The point really isn’t what Konerko could do and has done, the point is he was our top prospect. A guy who hit 29 hr at double a at age 20 and 37 in triple A at age 21 while batting over .300 both years and has gone on to hit 280 MLB homeruns and we traded him for a guy who was not very good in the first place, a reliver which are a dime a dozen and a guy who has been golfing now or attending little leauge games with his kids for 4-5 years now.

    Yeah Alex, he was meant to be eliminated, I cut and paste wrong, I also tried to eliminate pinch hitters etc..


    swood Piazza was known for his offensive numbers. His defensive skills at catcher were pathetic. He was a converted 1st baseman.


    At the time of the trade Konerko was actually a 3b guy (not a good one) and Beltre was still 2 years away.

    Piazza was offered a big contract and he turned it down. The trade was a pretty good one for us, although in general you never, ever trade hall of famers. He was by far my favorite dodger and I was so sad when he was traded….That 97 season of his was one for the ages.


    I still remember going to the first game at Dodger Stadium after that Piazza trade. I believe we won the game, but lost a whole lot more.

  87. I, and some other fans, passed Derrel Thomas once in that area around the LF bleachers, bullpen and the stands. He seemed smaller than the 6′ 160 lbs he was listed at. Too bad about the nose candy problem he developed.

    There are few players one is willing to play in all three OF positions and all four IF positions. Dude actually caught a few games too! Saw him hit one of his few HRs at DS.


    I guess it all worked out OK though cuz we have Russell now. If we miss the playoffs and it would still be unlikely but if Grady does happen to get fired who do you guys think his potential replacement could be? Dave Duncan? Joe Girardi? Dusty Baker? Ken Macha?


    momoracci sheffield has been a beast for everyone. lol. I love sheff, he’s one of my all time favorite players. Beltre is my all time favorite. I still follow him with the Mariners. They are my 2nd favorite team just because of Adrian.


    We traded him to the Marlins, they traded him to the Mets, which happened to be the same scenario Lo Duca went through.

    May 14, 1998: Traded by the Los Angeles Dodgers with Todd Zeile to the Florida Marlins for Manuel Barrios, Bobby Bonilla, Jim Eisenreich, Charles Johnson, and Gary Sheffield.


    O thanks Alex. So we got some good people for him. Charles Johnson was a serviceable catcher. I remember him with the Rockies 4 or 5 years ago.


    I couldnt stand Karros….his OPS+ career number is 108.

    To put that in perspective:

    Piazza’s career number was 143 and Piazza’s worse number with the dodgers was 141 way more than Karros best and this was from a catcher.

    As good as martin is (he is) here are Piazza’s ops+ numbers as a dodger. Martin is what, 119?

    Piazza: 150, 141, 172, 167, 186, 152.

    More perspective. A-rod this years OPS+ is 190 (140 last year)


    Yeah, I remember oldfogey. Steve Howe, and Thomas both went down the toilet around the same time from their problems with the Peruvian marching powder, and went all the way back to A ball playing for the San Jose ‘Bad News Bees.’ A VERY sad time in Baseball. I think Thomas eventually cleaned up, but never made it back to the show, and we all know Howe never could (R.I.P.). All that talent went to waste.


    Wow 186. That is amazing for an entire season, especially from a catcher. I miss Beltre =( we could use him right now. lol.


    Charles Johnson got a gold glove while with the Dodgers behind the plate Too bad he couldn’t hit worth squat.


    Other than Sheffield, they all stunk as Dodgers. Eisenrich was 39 and never played again after that season. Bonilla was traded for nothing after that season. Johnson was traded for Todd Hundley (blech) after that season. Barrios was waived in less than three months and never pitched in the majors again.

    Sheffield was a stud fro 3.5 years, but Piazza was a near one-of-a-kind. Sheff was eventually traded for Odalis Perez and Brian Jordan.

    Bad trade, man, bad bleepin’ trade.


    I love Beltre but it is hard to argue against him using ‘roids. Although you could say the same thing about Gonzo. I’m sure his OPS numbers are similar to Beltre’s with the exception that one monster year he had. I know Ned loves the free agents but I don’t see him signing anyone this offseason, there is no position where anyone could be signed unless you want to block the kids from coming up.


    Sheffs OPS+ as a dodger just for the sake of it.

    Career OPS+ is 144.

    As a dodger: 138, 178, 167

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 05:18 PM

    Additionally, the season of the trade, Sheffield’s OPS+ was 156, 165 for the Dodger part.


    Well, I see all the “managers” are back at it.
    Maybe Kemp isn’t in because he’s a klutz on the bases and in the outfield. We need to trade both him and LaRoche for a power hitter. Seems to me that “the old guys” aren’t doing too bad lately-like Kent the other day. The youngsters blew it, not “the old guys”. Enjoy the game!!


    Worst deal the Dodgers ever got was Darryl Strawberry! That’s a no brainer. Anyone think different on that one?


    Gonzo’s OPS+ spike in ’01 was 176, but he did surround it with some 140s and 130s, so it is a little less pronounced.


    I was born in 1991 and I didn’t start following baseball really really closely until around 2003 but I always listen to my dad talk to me about the game before that so I probably would have heard about some of the bigger trades from the late-90’s on.


    californiaautorebuilder–just read the last thread, and I don’t think you can call Mike Marshall a total bust. A role player, and not like most of the kids now, but he was OK for a number of years.

    The Piazza trade was the worst thing that happened to the Dodgers since they moved to LA (I’ll leave it to Pierre, Miketink and others to opine on the move from Brroklyn). It’s taken us 10 years to recover, and we’re finally doing it now with our core of players.

    Piazza asked for a 7-year deal for 105 million. He was a HOFer in his prime, coming off the single best season any catcher has ever had, and a first 5 years that was as good as anyone’s ever had, including 2 years when he should have won the MVP (1996, when the original steroid user Caminiti won, and 1997, when Coors Field, in the person of Larry Walker, got the award). We traded him for Jim Eisenreich, Charles Johnson, Bobby Bonilla, and Gary Sheffield. None of them are as good as Piazza, and only Sheffield was close (though, the difference between a good left fielder and a great catcher is night and day).

    Fox refused to even negotiate a contract with him, and the Mets ended up giving him the 7-year deal he asked for, but for $91 million (in other words, if Fox had bothered to talk to him, there would have been a deal).

    When Piazza returned to Dodger Stadium for the first time as a Met, he took out full page ads in the LA Times thanking Dodger fans for their support. He was (and is) a class act.

    We did, however, sign then-34 year old Kevin Brown to the same 7-year contract that Piazza had asked for, despite being 5 years older than Piazza. Brown was never a HOFer, and never managed to pitch consistently without injury for us. We finally stopped paying him at the age of 41, after the 2005 season when he had long since been forgotten as a failure with the Yankees.

    Piazza led the Mets to a run at the Wild Card in 1998, an appearance in the NLCS in 1999, and a National League Pennant in 2000, and did it pretty much on his own. Meanwhile, Fox led the Dodgers into oblivion, emerging briefly in 2004, but not for real until last year, when the young core of our team for years to come started to emerge.

    Trading Piazza is the second-worst trade in Baseball history–behind only the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees for cash to finance “No, No, Nannette.”

    If you ask me what my worst fear when it comes to Dodger baseball is, it’s not that we’ll lose tonight or lose the division–it’s that someone will make the same kind of stupid trade as they did with Piazza, and Matt Kemp or James Loney or Russel Martin will be wearing a Braves cap on a plaque in Cooperstown in 20 years.


    I show the list of career OPS+ so if someone says well OPS+ is meaningless…anyone with an + is a Hall of Famer…Some will be soon.

    Babe Ruth+ 207

    Ted Williams+ 190

    Barry Bonds 182

    Lou Gehrig+ 179

    Rogers Hornsby+ 175

    Mickey Mantle+ 172

    Dan Brouthers+ 170

    Joe Jackson* 170

    Albert Pujols 169

    Ty Cobb+* 167

    Jimmie Foxx+ 163

    Mark McGwire 163

    Pete Browning 162

    Dave Orr 161

    Stan Musial+ 159

    Hank Greenberg+ 158

    Johnny Mize+ 158

    Tris Speaker+ 158

    Frank Thomas 157

    **** Allen 156

    Willie Mays+ 156

    Hank Aaron+ 155

    Joe DiMaggio+ 155

    Mel Ott+* 155

    Manny Ramirez 155

    The other number I use is Power speed number to account for the Furcal types of the world.


    The first Dodger game I ever watched at Dodger Stadium Beltre hit a walk off homer vs. the Giants. I have loved Beltre ever since then.


    swood you can look it up at online/ It’s a painful story to relive. He was a bust in a Dodger uniform. Did well in NY with the Mets, and Yanks getting championship rings with both clubs. But in between when he was here……..Worse than pathetic with his drug, and personal problems.


    cable30: like the vets Kent and Drew BOTH running into outs at home ON THE SAME PLAY, in the PLAYOFFS? like Sweeney’s blunder? like Shea’s two blunders on the basepaths? How ’bout Kent getting thrown out at third on the last road trip, with two outs? Nomar had a couple beauties earlier this season, trying to go first to third in the wrong situation.

    Kemp IS the power bat.

    .338 /.373 /.530 129 OPS+

    and he’s only TWENTY-TWO years old. TWENTY-TWO!

    (Barry Bonds age 22 season:

    .261/.329/.492 114 OPS+ )


    My dad was always a big Mike Scocia guy and my gramps(he was from Brooklyn) liked Pee Wee Reese. Both of them used to sneak into Dodger games when they were young. LOL hahahaha.


    Jungar–I always thought I was ahead of the curve when I read Rob Neyer regularly (before they put him behind the subscription wall). But I am not sure what OPS+ is. Is that the percentage of the league average over (or under) OPS. Is a guy with an OPS+ of 101 playing at 101% of the league average (or, 1% better than the league average)?


    jriley another bust, maybe even worse was his buddy Eric Davis. At leas that first year Straw was pretty good. If I recall, something like 270 with 28hr and 100rbi. At least he was a free agent.

    With Davis we traded Beltcher who went on to win a number of games while being a pretty average 5th starter/inning eater type and for John Wettland who went on to save 330 games with an era under 3.00

    Oh we also got Kip Gross.


    Man Tulowitzki is really good. I know Braun is the favorite but I like Tulo for rookie of the year because he has been in the bigs all year and he plays GREAT defense(and Braun’s isn’t very good). Holliday just homered. He Helton and Tulo have homered tonight.


    Swood–when he signed his deal with the Mets, Piazza said that was the hat he would wear in the Hall of Fame. Since that time, they have stopped letting players decide by themselves, though they will still consult (I think because Dave Winfield wore a Padres cap, even though he was most closely identified with the Yankees). But even though his best season was with the Dodgers, he had 7.5 years with the Mets, including 5 very good years, and 2 or 3 when he could have won the MVP, and I think that would be his preference, and I assume that is what will happen.


    you didn’t ask me, but:

    OPS+ = 100 * ( OBP/lgOBP + SLG/lgSLG – 1)/BPF

    Where lgOBP and lgSLG are the slugging and on-base percentage of a league-average player, and BPF is the batting park factor.


    Old fogey: Kemp and LaRoche have made more “blunders” than the combined totals of the “oldies” you named. How many errors does “The Roach” have now? They should call him “Mr. K” for all the Ks he has compared to ABs. And Kemp-his baserunning speaks for itself. Enjoy the game!!


    swood – I also guess the Mets for Piazza.

    In this era, it seems silly to identify the player with one team in his bust. What hat will Sheffield wear?


    jungar Eric Davis was definitely a bust also. I agree. But his was due to being so injury prone after leaving the Reds with all his physical problems. It didn’t hurt as bad for me with Davis. Strawberry was given waaay too many chances to get help, and clean himself up while with the club. Then they finally kicked him to the curb. Weren’t they from the same neighborhood, along with that kid Brown that was with the Giants? I think they all grew up and went to the same high school if I remember right.


    I saw the ex great dodger pitcher Ramon Martinez at Shea last night during the Mets game. I believe they were honoring Pedro’s 3000 strikeouts.


    FIRE GRADY. where is kemp he should start with ethier and pierre. again I shout it from the top of my lungs FIRE GRADY!


    La Roche has 3 errors and started 7 (mostly nice) DPs in 18 games.

    Nomar, 37 games, 5 errors, 3 (THREE!?) DPs.

    Hillenbrand, 18 games, 3 errors, 4 DPs. (And that terrible throwing error in SF [the Wells game] when hit the runner at second, instead of going to first.)

    (And if you watch the games, you know LaRoche’s arm is the strongest, with Shea’s by far the weakest. Nomar looks a little strange throwing from third.)


    So if you want to stick with facts cable30

    LaRoche has 11ks and 17 walks and 3 errors in 22 games at 3b

    Nomar has 5 errors in 37 games at 3b. He has 38ks and 30 walks overall.

    Shea in 18 games has 12ks and 2 walks. He has 4 errors.


    Oh, LaRoche has 11 Ks in 70 plate appearances. That’s projects to 94 for a 600 PA season or 102 for 650. Not bad if he also displays the power potential he has.

    Shea is 12/70, about the same.


    In September, when Laroche started, the Dodgers were 4-0, when Hillenbrand started, they were 1-2, and when Nomar started, they were 0-2. Coincidence?


    Id rather a young one blow then a veteran blow though. wooa, that didnt make sense lol Gotta get LaRoche his at bats to prove himself.


    We have many 3B:






    Valdez (desperately)

    Saenz (really desperately)


    Gonzo is 2-12 (both singles) this year against Peavy. His gaudy career numbers are built up from when Gonzo was better and (partly) from when Peavy younger and not as good as he is now.


    Realistically I think we need to sweep this series to have me really excited about the wild card. To have 2 1/2 weeks and no more meetings it would be really hard to gain 2 games in the loss column a really consistant Padres team. Tonight will be our toughest win in my estimation. Peavy and their ‘pen will be tough to score on, our only hope will be a good outing from Loaiza.


    Don’t mean nothing to Grady does it?

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 06:20 PM

    The moment you figure out how Grady thinks, please, please, let the rest of us know! We’re dying to find out.


    Dan Perry over at Fox Sports has this to say of the Dodgers’ chances:

    “What’s working against the Dodgers right now, however, is the schedule: they’re about to play 16 straight against the Padres, Diamondbacks and Rockies. With a stretch like that ahead, it’s going to be difficult to make up the necessary ground.”

    Of course, it depends on perspective – most Dodger fans are hoping that this schedule plays to the Dodgers’ advantage and they can, indeed, make up games by taking on their rivals directly.

    Sadly, though, with Grady’s bumbling and the veterans’ stumbling bad play, Perry is probably right.

    But let’s see.

    And yes, pay attention to what old_fogey_la says RE Gonzo’s career numbers against Peavy. Gonzo is in free fall down, Peavy is raising straight up. They’re on opposite ends of their ability curves. Unless Gonzo can surprise and awaken long enough to hit for extra bases somewhere tonight ( and some others do, too ) it will be a frustrating game.


    Gonzo still shows flashes of brilliance with the bat, although brief short ones. He did get a couple of dingers against the Gnats. It’s his fielding, and arm that are more of a worry for me.


    Peavy has five days rest. He’s made nine starts this year on five days rest. In those 9 starts:

    6-0 60.2 IP 1.48 ERA 33 hits, 1 HR, 18 BB, 69K.


    Anyone notice how much the Pads have cooled off with Bradley on the DL? A better chance for a Dodger win. He seemed to carry the offense there for a while.I just hope Loiza keeps the hits small, and few tonight, and we hammer Peavy.
    Dare to dream!!!!!


    Padres lineup:

    B. Giles rf

    G. Blum 2b

    M. Cameron cf

    A. Gonzalez 1b

    K. Greene ss

    K. Kouzmanoff 3b

    T. Sledge lf

    J. Bard c

    J. Peavy p

    Yes, Bradley, when healthy, helps the Padres, but really, look at this lineup. How do you win with this stuff? (Outside of great pitching, of course.)


    I can’t stand Bradley either. I put him in the same category as Sheffield. More self centered, & worried about their own numbers than being team players.
    If Loiza keeps Spiccolli (Greene) and Cameron down, I like the chances.


    Sheff’s numbers are good no matter where he goes. He’s always had a huge chip on his shoulder, and is one of, if not the biggest sphincters in baseball.


    Isn’t everybody happy that we have Loaiza for another season and at only $8 million. So glad Colletti decided to load up on pitching for this season when he couldn’t get a power bat.


    The Padres showed something the Dodgers hardly ever do, DISCIPLINE, The reason why we’re losing 2-0


    WOW The exact opposite. One team very selective and the other wouldn’t let the ball get past them.


    i dont know if any of you realize this but kent should have had that blooper! that was a terribley timed jump by him and now we are down by 2 instead of 1. just more terribel defense by kent


    Can you really blame Loiza for his rust? he’s made 3 starts total this year and is now 8 days between starts. You really need to question Grittle on his rotation use. Theoretically, Loiza should have started on Sunday in SF, on 6 days rest. Penny would have started tonight, on 7 days rest, but then also be scheduled to pitch on Sunday, ie, twice on the most important homestand of the year. I questioned Grittle’s rotation last week when he announced it. I guess it makes more sense to give extra rest to the pitcher who’s pitched 21 innings this year instead of the pitcher who has pitched of 180 innings.


    October 1rst-the day Grittle will be fired (hopefully)I’ve never seen a mager mismange his pitching staff more than Grittle


    got to win the next 2 with Lowe against Germano and Billingsley against Maddux to stay 1.5 back of the wild card.


    ive never said this before. ive have always been on grady’s side but…..FIRE GRADY!!!! he is so stupid for not having kemp in there and having nomar instead of laroche!!!


    I never posted negative Grady comments until last week after watching him completely be overwhelmed regarding his pitching usage each day. He is hands down the worst manager I’ve ever watched


    Grady must be concerned with overuse of the pen which is why he didn’t go to a pinch hitter. He must have forgot he has 16 pitchers on the team right now.



    Loiza has thorwn over 50 pitches already-what was Grady waiting for? Why not pinch hit Abreau or Young in that situation? How many opportunities versus Peavy will we get? Colletti-fire Little after tonight!


    That’s the second unproductive strikeout for Ethier in a row, he did the same thing on Sunday. And that pitch would have been taken by a more discipline hitter. He helped Peavy out.


    I agree, you don’t many chances with Peavy, should have hit for Loaiza there, Kemp, Sweeney, Young, anybody.


    I’m really not surprised at Loz’a ineffectiveness given his time between starts. he actually commented yesterday he felt like he hadn’t pitched in forever. Grady has done the same thing with Stutls, given him spot starts with no appearances in between then expects miracles. Starting pitchers, especially veterans, need consistent starts to establish rhythm.


    Get Meloan, or one of the other youngsters in there to give them some time. Why did Loiza have so long between starts?


    It’s time to sit Furcal down for the rest of the season. Let’s see if Hu or somebody else can play an adequate SS before the season ends. If so, then trade Furcal in the off-season.


    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S

    My Loney has a second name,

    It’s L-O-N-E-Y

    I love to watch him every day

    And if you ask me why I’ll say

    ‘Cause James Loney has a way

    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!


    I’d agree with trading Furcal-along with Pierre, and Nomar. Go with the kids









    It is tiresome to watch Pierre roll over so many 4-3 groundouts. Ever notice how 2B position him, a step or two INTO the hole. With his skill set, he has to hit the other way more.


    So glad that better judgment prevailed at the beginning of the season when we sent Loney to Vegas – after all he didn’t have the power potential of Nomore. After all, had we let him play the whole season, we might have a 20 plus HR man on the field.


    I don’t believe Grady’s leaving him in to pitch!! His alzheimers must be flaring up tonight. He needs to get a grip on reality here………


    Brilliant managing, Little. Don’t pinch hit for Loaiza, because it’s still early in the game; so, another inning and two runs later Houlton is ready and in the game anyway. Little is such an absolute idiot!!!


    Little is the most overmatched manager in the majors. he should not be managing the team from the 2nd largest metropolitan area in the nation. Little should go back to managing the Durham Bulls or the Great Lake Loons


    Grady’s non-move in letting Loaiza could be the right one in other times in the season, but with expanded rosters in September, and against a dude like Peavy, you gotta go for it.


    Well I think Grittle has finally exceeded himself tonight with the most stupid managerial game of the year. Congrats.


    By Stephen Jackson

    if they aren’t going to use them? By the bottom of the second inning, Esteban Loaiza already had given up four runs, and the Dodgers already trailed 4-0 But after Jeff Kent’s leadoff single and Gonzo’s walk, it looked like the Dodgers might have a crack at Peavy. Well, after Russell Martin grounded out, advancing the runners, and Andre Ethier struck out, the Padres predictably walked Nomar intentionally (he IS hitting .400 w/RISP, after all). So, with Loaiza’s spot due up, what does Grady do with all those arms in his bullpen and all those bats on his bench? Why, let Loaiza hit for himself of course. Loaiza predictably struck out, leaving the bases loaded. He then went back to the mound and gave up back-to-back homers to Khalil Greene and Keven Kouzmanoff with one out in the third. When Brian Giles singled with one out in the fourth, Grady FINALLY came to get Loaiza. What is Grady saving his bench and his pen for? Those last two weeks of the season, when the Dodgers are going to be playing out the string? … Loney went deep in the third, but this one’s over, folks. … Padres 6, Dodgers 1, bottom 4


    Changing the subject with a query about Gagne: After 4 adequate appearances August 19-26, he was not used until tonight in a sort of blow-out. Any information?


    I think you can give the PODS some credit. Some of Loaiza pitchers were close to being strikes but the Padres would not give in to him. They waited for their pitch. I personally think this is a FLOOR with the DODGERS. Too many of them are too anxious at the plate. They have no discipline at the plate. This hurts them.


    The stike zone looks small tonight. That helps Peavy, who has actual stuff.

    Pierre’s play was dumb, even though he made it.


    Maybe the pitch count could get Peavy, he didn’t look that good last inning, but I bet if he does show some ware, he’ll take him out.


    One hopes Peavy is coming out anyway, that SD thinks they need to not wear him out for the rest of the stretch drive / postseason. I’d rather face the Pads pen.


    Yes, Bradley, when healthy, helps the Padres, but really, look at this lineup. How do you win with this stuff? (Outside of great pitching, of course.)

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 06:46 PM

    Who is this imbecile? Obviously, the Padres know the long ball!


    dont worry guys, blowberto is warming. At least Grady knows which games to use him in for once.

    Posted by: | September 11, 2007 09:03 PM

    The heck with Roberto. Give the kids some experience. This is the anniversary date of a huge game in ’83 when Tommy Lasorda had the guts to have a kid, R. J. Reynolds, start in CF and execute the walk-off squeeze. Now that was glorious. KIDS NOW!


    lets stage a walk out on this blog. DON’T POST ANYMORE UNTIL GRADYS GONE!! im doing that. I had tickets to the last game of the season too but im selling them. This is pathetic.

    so basically im done. bye guys. It’s been fun.



    Um, after the first wild pitch, you walk Kouzmanoff intentionally and pitch to the previously DFAed Brady Clark. Hello, Grady – knock, knock!


    LOVELY work from Blowberto. I wouldn’t expect anything less….
    %#@*! Grady! Nice move to completely give the game away!!!!!!!


    i seriously don’t remember a time when hernandez did not give up a run or two in his relief appearances.


    I really thought that Roberto was going to have a good night, I thought it would be one pitch and out.


    Hey lay off Furcal he has had a bad ankle since April. But Grady continues to run him out there day in and day out.


    What the heck? Leave Abreu in to play 3rd and put Hull in Nomar’s spot. No point in letting the old man wear himself out.


    What a PATHETIC display from a team that is supposed to be in the hunt for a playoff spot. Especially at home against LO-CAL. You can hear in in Vin’s voice, the 2007 Dodgers are done!


    Grady is retarded, could have brough in Kemp to face a lefty and now he faces a righty. My GOD hasn’t Seanz proven that he is DONE. And the most ridiculous part of this game is that had Grady not brought in Blowberto, we might be two runs closer.


    Kemp for Gonzo to get the LOOGY who has to stay in.

    After that, LaRoche for Moeller, and if go to a righty, Sweeney for LaRoche.

    This is textbook. Olmedo too big a DP threat for that situation.


    Nice relief work from Hull.
    Do or die here. Golden opportunity with the Phillies, and Snakes loosing. They could gain some ground here.



    The good Lord thought he was doing me a favor. My computer went down while Ethier was batting but I cought the replay on TV(extra innings)


    Okay that was a completely one sided game, tomorrow is another game. These things have a way of turning completely around. Tomorrow this game will be fading from our memory. TOMORROW’S ANOTHER DAY.


    If they don’t win this series, and the next one, the season is over. Getting down to the last few grains in the hourglass…….


    Great managing tonight Grady!!! I love that guy, he is always making the right decisions at the right time.


    Since we never trade any of our prospects during the season, from here on out, this should be Grady’s lineup, our lineup. Will someone, please, pass this along to Grady. What’s the point of keeping the young guns, if they never get to play consistently?!?!? I love Gonzo, Nomar, Kent, but the old guys should be getting phased out at this point. They wouldn’t bat 7th or 8th on other teams.

    Furcal, SS

    Pierre, CF

    Kemp, LF

    Loney, 1B

    Martin, C

    Ethier, RF

    Kent, 2B

    Nomar, 3B

    Pitcher of the Day

    Go Blue!!!!! I beg you! I can’t stand watching the Angels doing better and take little comfort that the Giants are as bad as they are!


    In my close to 40 years as a Dodgers fan, I have never before despised a manager. I disliked Davey Johnson, was lukewarm on a couple others, and have questioned all of them at times, but Grittle is beyond compare.

    If the Dodgers don’t make the playoffs, Grittle’s decision to let Loaiza hit (a mediocre pitcher at best, who had already given up 4 runs, had thrown 49 pitches, and who was backed by a September huge bullpen) with the bases loaded and 2 out against the likely Cy Young winner in a virtual must-win game will stand as the SIGNATURE MOMENT of the year. It would be the signature moment of Grittle’s career, but I guess even he can’t top leaving Pedro in in the 2003 ALCS.



    When you think about the management of the last couple of series especially, you now have to consider the Rockies as favorites to finish third in the divison, because they don’t have to contend with Little as their manager.
    So, FIRE LITTLE as soon as we’re mathematically eliminated.

    And, as for Colletti, he’s brought this team of veteran misfits together, not to mention the ones getting paid and more or less permanently disabled.

    FIRE COLLETTI in time not to lose Logan White.


    Very disappointing. Especially hard to swallow when most of the season your best players are riding the bench to let the broken down over the hill veterans Ned signed to lead the team play. Thanks Ned. Pull the plug on those overrated, overpaid, overcoddled bums. Let them whine.


    I called into Dodger talk last night, like I do alot..and I must say, Bob Harvey was in complete agreement with me about Grady..
    I said I’ve never seen a worse performance by any manager I’ve watched EVER…How many games could we have won without him??..Alot I think…even Kevin Kennedy was dissing him…that was the last straw last night..When they asked Grady after the game about not taking Loaiza out for a pinch hitter..he game some dumb answer like..” well, there was alot of game there left to play”.!…with Peavy pitching and down 4 runs at that point, it WAS THE GAME!

    I told Bob that Grady needs to be fired…and I would love to see Ned go too, but Grady is a MUST….no playoff wins or playoffs until he goes….That was the most frustrating game I have watched this year…oh, and by the way, let’s play Nomar who can’t hit anymore while we’re at it…Thanks Grady..hope not to see you next year…This one is OVER!!!


    Oh…and what are Blowberto and Saenz still doing on this team…???…Bring Roberto into the game means Grady doesn’t care…that’s all there is to that….and Grady and I guess Dodger mgmt..keeps thinking Saenz is the Saenz from the last 2 years…WELL…HE ISN’T AND HASN’T BEEN ALL YEAR…Stop putting him in in crucial situations….End of discussion….Get rid of both of them…We have others to fill their spots…What a joke.!


    Wow!!! What can anybody say this morning? I think the only logical thing to do now is:
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!!

    FIRE GRADY!!!!!!

    Does anybody in the Dodger front office watch these games?

    FIRE GRADY!!!!!!

    FIRE GRADY!!!!!!

    Did i mention that I think the Dodgers should fire Grady?



    I’m furious this morning…That game last night was the last straw!..Even if we win a couple of games this week, we have 4 with Colorado in Colorado next week where no one wins a series…not the Pads, Mets, Yankees, no I suspect we’re done anyway…just don’t see us winning alot there either..but the way Grady is playing it this week, next week won’t matter!!!!!


    Drpdedblnd, What I can’t understand, and nobody else here can either, is you have at least 7 arms available in the bullpen, PINCH HIT!!!! I am amazed at Grady Little’s indifference or ignorance to the obvious. I was watching the DBacks against the Cardinals on Sunday, the DBacks were down 3-1 in the 4th with runners on 2nd and 3rd, 2 outs, and the pitcher coming up… Melvin pinch hit for him. Why can’t Grady… forget it.


    The players do not bother trying to detect a pattern. They each said Little has not offered an explanation.

    “I just check the card every day,” Kemp said.

    No matter how well you did the previous day?

    “It doesn’t matter,” Kemp said. “You can do well one game and not be in there the next game. I’d love to play every day, but I’m always ready to go.”

    The outfield overload reflects the Dodgers’ approach under General Manager Ned Colletti: We won’t trade our best prospects, but we won’t necessarily play them. We’ll import veterans and let the kids play when an opportunity arises. We won’t hand a kid a job at any time, for any length of time.

    This makes for an intriguing clubhouse dynamic. Gonzalez signed here in the belief he would play every day. Kemp and Ethier have played well enough to play every day. None of the three plays every day.

    “We’re not on a team or in a market or an environment where you’re just given a job,” Ethier said. “It’s pretty obvious they like getting proven veterans.”


    fansince53 calls us groundhogs for repeating the same things over and over. But the ultimate groundhog is Grittle ,because he makes the same mistakes over and over. I thought we were still trying to win games and not see how many over the hill vets Grittle could use in one game? Management really are idiots and don’t know which is the right way for this club to go. I’ll give them a clue , it’s not 40 and mid 40 year old players.


    I was at the game last night, and seriously guys, I was about to leave after the 3 rd inning, and believe I’ve never left a game early. And i’ve been going to games for a long time.


    fansince53, coming in the first day and dissing all of us regulars. That’s alright, call us groundhogs but if this is what it takes to FIRE GRADY!!! We’ll do it every day.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    The funniest thing I heard Vinny say last night was 20 Abs later Nomar still cant catch up to the fastball and he is a fastball hitter.

    That was Vin’s version of us snapping wondering why the **** they would throw in a guy who is clearly overmatched at the end of a pennant race, although he is much, much more classy than us groundhogs.


    Its funny, Esteban Loiaza started the game last night and was horrendous. The pitcher that came in after him, D.J. Houlton, was noting short of very good. So who was replaced by who in the rotation? Who did Ned Colletti pay $8 million more dollars to? Who is also gonna be around next year stinking it up while costing us $8 million? Everyone wants to fire Grady Little, and understandably so, he deserves to get fired, but who hired him? Jason Schmidt, Nomar, Hendrickson, Bomko, Pierre, Shea, Proctor, Lugo, Bill Mueller, Gonzo (though he has been useful at time) trading Betimit, joel guzman, edwin jackson, sergio pedroza(look him up), chuck tiffinay. Failing to land a big time power bat even though we really needed it. Fire Ned Colletti!


    Hey, here’s a preview of next season: Grady does not get fired, the Dodgers go out and sign ARod to 7 yr 215 mil contract.. We’re in July and we’re playing against the Pads, ARod is hitting .309 39 HR’s 101 RBI’s, Peavy is pitching so Grady starts Nomar because he has a career .467 against him. Never mind that for the season he’s hitting .248 2 HR’s 26 RBI’s… Ned, do you see this coming??
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    The sad thing is that Grady is making this team not enjoyable to watch..If we had someone who knew what he was doing, I have no doubt we would be better and much more watchable…It just infuriates me..!!!.and his remarks after the game about any moves he makes are ABSURD!!!….McCourt please read this blog and FIRE GRADY NOW!!..if you are concerned with ever winning..!!


    Obviously Grady won’t be fired while we still have any mathematical chance to make the playoffs. The day that we’re eliminated, I too say:

    I have also thought all along that Grady and Colletti are in total agreement over the makeup of this team and how they are played. Colletti has shown his incompetence ever since the close of last season. We’re not going anywhere while he’s the GM of this team – only more money wasted.

    So, by all means, let’s clean house and

    FIRE COLLETTI too as soon as we’re eliminated.


    Those of you that can remember back in the late 70’s and early 80’s this was the line up day in and day out, no questions asked.
    Lopes 2b

    Russel ss

    Smith rf

    Garvey 1b

    Cey 3b

    Baker Lf

    Yeagar C

    Landreaux cf

    These guys knew day in and day out they would be in the line up.


    fansince53 has been calling us groundhogs since June at least. That’s whats so ironic. He/she is repeating the same thing daily about how we are groundhogs who are repeating things daily.


    Those were the good ole’ days, actually those were the best days. Thanks for drive down memory lane caliautorebuilder..
    Oh and by the way:

    FIRE GRADY!!!!



    But that team had a MANAGER..!one with a bit of fire as I….one that had a passion for playing the game right….We have a country bumpkin with no idea of how to handle a team!!!


    How can Grady say everyday that “this is a must win game” if he plays Nomar and Gonzo instead of Kemp and LaRoach.


    Sick and tired of Nomar’s sorry *** in the lineup. His desperate hacks at fastballs is embarrassing to see. But I guess Little only respects and loves veterans enough to squeeze them into the lineup everyday, not enough to keep them from humiliating themselves and him.

    The LA Times article is not quite as damning as a few quotes from it may make it appear, but still, I hope Gonzalez is gone and we just play Ethier and Kemp every day at the corners next year, with a genuine fourth outfielder who’d be happy to ride pine to back them up. I’d say use Repko for that but I’m sure he’s going to injure himself and if he can, another teammate too, in spring training.


    I do not understand what the heck has happened to Grady over the past week. He has never been this bad all season. Trust me, I’ve been watching. He’s had his moments like all managers. But, since the last game of the Chicago series, there hasn’t been one game where he hasn’t made a glaring mistake. Last night was just a debacle of mis-management.

    I normally come on here and give it to you straight. We probably would have lost even if Grady made every move correctly last night. But, his moves certainly were counter productive and downright brutal. I agree completely, Loaiza had nothing last night. You PH for him, not that it really would have mattered, but it would have taken Loaiza out of the game. With a massive bullpen in September, it’s pretty hard to kill your bullpen.

    Not to mention pulling Martin, which I could understand if the game were a few months ago. Then he pulls Gonzo who BTW is only hitting .305 against lefties this season. For of course the rally killer tomato. Which he did. Kemp, batting for Moeller, faced Heath Bell instead of Thatcher and both he and Ethier bit the dust. Now, it’s a stretch to say Grady cost us the game, but he definitely didn’t help to get us back in it.

    I’m not going to sit here and say Fire Grady etc…I’ll leave that to whomever chooses to go down that path. But, Grady is definitely in a rut where he is making crucial decision that are turning out to be duds. If he doesn’t turn it around, I will not be surprised to see him go.


    I figure if the Dodgers get swept by the Pads, Ned and Frank should get fired up enough to fire Grady and light a fire under the team for the last 14 games. There really is nothing to lose, your going nowhere fast why not let somebody come in and post the same line up for 14 straight games and see what happens. Ned Colletti is not going to get fired and I really believe that Grady is hanging himself everyday and if the Dodgers don’t make the playoffs he will get fired, so why wait, do it now while there is still a chance this year. The Dodgers are a stale team they are dull and boring just like Grady, get someone in there for 2 weeks who will make it fun to watch….
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    I think Repko would make a great 4th outfielder. Andre has proven day in day out that he can hit lefty or righty, Kemp is proving his worth, and Pierre will always be pierre.


    Franks worried about improving the stadium. That’s nice Frank. Improve the managerial situation ,and improve the team on the field and people will come even if they play in a parking lot.


    If you had asked me a month ago if I had to pick one of the two that could be fired at the end of the year. It would have been Ned, however, on this day, Ned’s job is safe, I’ll just put it like that.


    Someone promised Gonzo he would play daily. Same promise to Nomar most likely…Do u guys think it was Grady who made those promises?


    Yesterday we were talking about some of the worse dodger trades and free agent signings…let’s flip it around..

    What do u guys think were some of our best trades or FA signings??


    you know things are going bad wen one of your best pitchers cant even play a game of catch without getting hurt.


    jungar, I don’t know if we traded for him or picked him up as a FA but Kirk Gibson has to be at or near the top of that list.


    I think the big trade that sent LoDuca to Florida and brought us Penny, although there were others involved, was and will continue to prove to be a good trade for the Dodgers.


    “Kemp has none against Peavy,” Little said. “It’s my guess he’ll have none after this game too.”

    It’s hard to get hits when your on the bench Grady.


    Josh, can you use this as your header today when you post the line up:
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!

    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    The Groundhogs


    Billingsley may start tonight, if Lowe cannot go, he’d be on four days rest. If Lowe needs another day or so, Wells could pitch Thursday on four days rest as well.


    It would be a shame if Grady was fired but not ned. Not because Grady should stay, but it would send a message that it was his fault and given all the things we have discussed a million times, no matter how you feel about Grady (or Coletti) it’s not on just one of them. The blood of having the highest payroll in the west but being in 4th place is on both of their hands.


    Not Ned’s fault. He does not make out the line ups and he does not decide when to pull a pitcher or when to pinch hit or when to sacrifice..etc. He has made mistakes (Gonzo, Pierre) but he will get another shot at it this off season. Last year he did not get a power bat, but really, who was available? Lee said he did not want to play in L.A. and Soriano also was hesitant about coming west, if they don’t want to be here, we don’t want them. This off season Ned has to make a huge move that will have a major impact, not only on the Dodgers, but on the balance of power in the west. The Dodgers have by far the most money in the west, if not all the NL, and they have to start acting like it. Grady Little, in my opinion is a guy who belongs back on his farm in South or North Carolina and not managing any big league ball club. I really see these next two weeks as his last in LA. The Dodgers will not make the playoffs and that could be a blessing in that it will open the exit for Grady. If they can come back and win the wild card, Grady keeps his job and we continue to go through the same thing next season.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!!



    I agree..I think we have to hope we really go on a descent now so Grady will have to be fired..If we do well, he won’t be…so I hate to say it, let’s hope we lose alot so in the long run we will gain…That is if the management of this team can see that..Who knows if they know what they’re doing..but hopefully there is a big enough outcry to fire Grady..I think I remember they renewed his contract for next year too…more money wasted as usual.


    What can possibably going to Grady’s mind. Has something got him posessed or is he just that dumb. I don’t have a single clue what he has been thinking over the past week. He’s even trying to give everybody in the pen playing time too instead of bringing in your best to keep the game close. Unless he’s tanking the season to show management that the old guys are no good then he needs to be gone asap.


    Was there any particular reason to bring in Roberto last night?…or did he want to make sure that we lost??!!
    Whoever signed him should be fired too!


    nice article by Bill Shaikin, although we have been echoing those sentiments for weeks if not months already.








    Grady has a boss. Sometimes you listen to your boss just because you know if you don’t you will be fired. Even if you think the boss is wrong. That’s my take.


    only a AL manager would bat the #9 hitter with the bases loaded and down by 4 runs ,maybe grady forgot which league he is in . this is 4 or 5 games he has batted the pitcher with 2 or 3 on ??? Giaradi would put some fire in this team ,but maybe we don’t want to win ,and untill the atendance goes down Frank won’t do anything


    jungar I might would agree on what you’re saying when it comes to the starting line-up but other than that i really can’t. Ned doesn’t make him hit his pitchers when they need to be hit for and he doesn’t tell Grady to miss handle his bullpen.


    I agree Joanrich. I don’t want anyone to think I defend Grady…I come off that way a little but really I have never been around a manager that wasn’t second guessed etc..But anyone who give Juan Pierre 45 million bucks is certifiable.


    Cameron you are right. A monkey would have pinch hit for Loaiza last night. Pulling your ace after 81 pitches, pulling Chad in must win games..Yeah you are right.

    But like Alex, I though in general Grady was ok until the last few weeks…



    this team plays uninspired, and I can only guess that alot of that comes from their passive, awful manager..I think they would be alot better with someone GOOD at the helm…


    jungar, you’re right about the JP contract, but no way Coletti is telling Grady to make out lineups on a day to day basis. Coletti has made his share of decent trades and non trades, but I’m starting to hold him accountable for hiring and keeping Little.


    I just want to comment on jungar’s take about following the bosses orders, I seriously doubt that Ned tells Grady who to start. I would be very surprised that there’s any GM who tells his manager, at this level, who to start. The manager is the one with who has the pulse of the team and the one with the gut instincts. Now, if indeed Ned tells Grady who to play, then why not hire a no name manager who is going to be a puppet? I don’t see that being the case here. Ned may suggest to Grady, for monetary reasons, who he’d like to see playing, but ultimately it’s on Grady and besides, one thing is who you start another is how you manage during the game, or is Ned calling the dugout too?
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    I agree completely with that comment, Ned is responsible or to blame, however you want to word it, for Grady. Ned will ultimately be judged this off season by two things: How he handles the manager position and what free agent or agent’s he signs…. my view.


    Does anyone here find it odd that Grady goes day to day on guys like Kemp who hit for avg and power, but JP NEVER comes out? He’s full of it. So, JP has great numbers against every pitcher in the league but Kemp and Ethier struggle against certain guys with such a small sampling to pull from? Complete BS.


    So yeah let me clarify, Ned is not calling Grady daily to tell him who to play but it is IMPLIED. But whatever they are both idiots.


    There’s a great column in the today’s Houston Chronicle by Richard Justice suggesting that the Astros consider Dodger asst. GM Kim Ng, as their next GM. He talks about her time with the Yankees and her reputation as a tough negotiater at the table. It’s amazing that we’re here talking about our manager and GM and all their mistakes and 2 of their top ASSISTANTS,Logan White the other, are considered as candidates for the GM job elsewhere. Wow, I really am beginning to question Frank McCourt’s commitment to winning. I am a staunch supporter of McCourt but that everybody else see’s the talent in the Dodger front office except him or his wife, makes me wonder.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    I really don’t care who is making out the line-ups or calling the shots. All I know is nobody has stepped up and demanded the youngs guys play no matter how the vets feel about it so I think they should both go.


    After the Red Sox, the next-most sensible destination for Rodriguez is with the Los Angeles Dodgers. They’re as rich as any team outside the American League East, they have real money to throw around, and they have a productive farm system that will allow them to replace their free agents from within. Simply letting veterans Randy Wolf, Jeff Kent, and Luis Gonzalez go this fall would free up enough to pay Rodriguez, and after next year, Rafael Furcal, Nomar Garciaparra, and Derek Lowe will be off their books, freeing up another $30 million. Money, glamour, and freedom from the crushing pressure of the East Coast all make the Dodgers a favorite.

    This is from an article written by Tim Marchman in the New York Sun, yesterday. Pretty interesting, he believes that if the Yankees don’t go back on their word to renegotiate with ARod, the Red Sox and Dodgers would be the 2 favorites to land him.

    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    Whats sad is Arizona will be even better next year with the expierence thay are gaining this year. We will then have the worst fielding 2nd baseman in the league and have Nomar at 3b. We will have the worse defensive CF in the league. And that’s if Coletti dosen’t sign any more washed up players. How are we gonna be any better? Our defense will still be awful. We might get Schmidt back which would help…

    I would think that Martin and kids will all get a little better.

    Furcal should be better…but sheesh..

    (PS: we can’t simply let kent go. The choice is his if he gets 29 more plate apperances)


    Question of the day, if Grady goes who would you guys like to see replace him?






    any of the above ….!!!!! and include Kirk Gibson there too..will never get the job , but would be nice…..anyone but GRADY is my motto…


    I’d like to see Baker or Girardi. I don’t think Giraridi will go to the west coast but I could be wrong. My choice is Baker though.


    It’s time to release Ned, Grady and his staff.

    Promote Logan White to GM. Let him pick who he thinks would best manage the kids, or go with Gibson who would give them the fire this team sorely misses. Hire Orel as pitching coach, and definitely get a new third base coach. Not sure what to do about hitting coach– they guy who passed away in the minor system seemed to be the best option with Mueller stepping down at the end of the year.



    I would love to see Logan White as GM…maybe we should all write to McCourt instead of complaining only here..maybe that might help, what do y’all say?…Let’s do it!!


    Anyone but Grady, or Baker. Baker was Dodger once, and won with them. But when he went to the Hatfields (Giants) he never looked back, and bad blood ensued over the years.
    Sorry, but I’m old school. Any one who was a Dodger, then goes on to play for, and manage your arch rival team should not even be considered.



    I say you should start an Internet petition or something, focusing on encouraging McCourt to promote White. I will definitely sign it.


    Anyone notice how the Angels stuck with Mathis at C instead of panicking and trading for Piazza? On the other hand, Ned brings in Shea who got sent packing by nice guys Sciocia and Moreno and lover of ***** players GM Towers in SD.



    See, I just can’t imagine Logan White bringing in someone like Shea. He never would have had to because he would have not traded Betemit for a over-worked middle reliever when there were better solutions pitching within their own system.


    my personal suggestion for manager would be the Angels coach and former Dodger Mickey Hatcher. I think he would be able to drive the enthusiasm into these players and his game was always small ball which is what this team needs to concentrate on.


    lol “lover of ***** players” whats sad scott is that the **** the Padres put together down south seems to stink less than the product we put together this season.


    When you look at the Padres lineup and the “best” lineup the Dodgers could field, it’s an absolute joke. Same with AZ. No way the Dodgers should be trailing in this division, but add to that all the starts that Tomko and Hendy got and the ones Bills didn’t get plus Grady’s crappy in game managing and here we are. Frustrating as ****.


    Scott, you’re absolutely right. I really feel like it would be such a horrible mistake for Frank to let Logan White get away from this organization. If they lost Ned? Big deal–he’s nothing special.



    Agree…Dodgers like to hire OLD USED up terrible players…nice work if you can get it…think Blowberto, Shea, Saenz, and every other old useless player on our team….We need to sit Nomar now…he has lost it and I don’t think he gets better, even next year…can’t stand the way he goes to the plate


    I think we have the most potentional of any team in the NL and we can’t even keep pace with our division. Losing Schmidt and Wolf hurt us but Hendy and Tomko, with out a doubt, killed us. The miss management of our ball club is the reasons we can’t coast into October. I really hope something is done before next year. We have some young fresh faces and I think a fresh GM and manager is what we need now. It absolutely amazes me the way Grady fills out his lineup card. It’s obvious he doesn’t sse the talent we have therefor he needs to be replaced. Ned keeps bringing in old pieces that don’t match so I think he should go too.



    How do I go about getting an internet petition together?..and does anyone have McCourt’s email address, or know how we could get it..?

    We need to do this before Logan is gone, among other things.


    You have to blame Ned just as much if not more than Grady. He has givern Grady too many bad choices to go to but Grady puts them on the field. As far as Pierre starting each and every lovely day, yes it is a joke. One of the reasons they signed him is he does play everyday, which is no reason to give someone a ridiculous contract like that, but whatever. As fars a managers, Id love to see Girardi or Kennedy. Girardi loves our young guys and would probably know how to get the best out of them. Same with Kennedy. Someone with an actual pulse would be a bigtime improvement over Grady.



    I wish I knew–I’d do it myself! If anybody else is willing to step to the plate, maybe just create a simple blog where people can “sign” their name in the comments section or something.

    Or maybe we just email/mail our comments to McCourt.


    I have been advocating that Colletti and Little be FIRED even way back when the team was still in first place. I didn’t see much support on this blog at the time, because people kept pointing to the fact that these guys had a first place ballclub. As far as I was concerned, they were both LOSERS when the season started, and they are now well demonstrated LOSERS in the eyes of pretty much everybody on this blog and many in the media to boot. Surely Mr. McCourt cannot be so oblivious as to be unaware of what has been happening to his money (investment) in the off-season and during this entire fiasco this year. Let’s get real, Mr. McCourt and FIRE THESE WORTHLESS A$SE$.



    Hi All. New to this blog.

    I’ve been reading this a while and I agree with a lot about the managerial decisions of Little. Absolutely atrocious. I started noticing this a few months back.

    My thoughts on all this: play the kids like AZ does. Also, get the guys out there every day to take fielding practice. Every game has at least 1 error in it.


    As far as Ned is concerned, I don’t see the criticism for him. I think he’s done a good job of going out and getting what is needed when crises hit. He hasn’t been like Tommy, who gave away the farm during his short tenure as GM. That’s what decimated the farm a few years ago. Also, Plaschke (surprisingly) is on his side for not trading away the kids.

    Can you imagine the outrage if Ned had pulled off that Texiera deal by giving away 3-4 kids?



    I have been saying the same thing since we were in first place..if you notice, we always seem to start out okay and then fizzle…because the cream always rises to the top, and without someone who knows what he is doing at the helm, we had no chance.!!!..What I love is that the host of Dodger Talk on radio agrees with me and us…If everyone can see this, why can’t the owner of the team??


    What’s the point in keeping the kids if you’re not going to give them the opportunity to play? I mean, isn’t it there job (Ned and Grady) to put the team in the best position to win every game? And to not give these kids a shot when holes open up on the roster (Houlton, Meloan, etc.) and getting washed-up spare parts instead is just reckless. How hard did Loney have to knock before being given the chance to play. How about Kemp and Ethier having to share time w/ Pierre and Gonzo? 3B is back to being a mess again with Shea and Nomar starting over LaRoche– complete mismanagement of our roster spots and our lineup, day-in and day-out.


    James — That’s my point. Play LaRouche (3B), Kemp and Ethier (OF), everyday. That’s not Ned — that’s Grady.

    As for spending $$, I think that when the kids are first eligible, we need to take a different approach than we have in the past. You need to offer all these kids a minimum of a 4-year deal at the average market price at the time contracts are being discusssed. I also don’t know who the kids’ agents are but hopefully, Boras doesn’t have a hold on many of them.


    OK. I regret to admit at the start of the season, I thought all was fine, and well with the management & front office. The club was doing well at the time, and in 1st.
    I realize Ned doesn’t fill out the lineup cards, but the trades, deals, and signings have not delivered what was expected. This team is not the most talented in baseball, but what we have should be at the top of the NL West, no question.

    Up until the all star break, I thought Grady wasn’t doing all that bad. You know the old saying; Hind sight is always 20/20. Over the course of the last road trip, and the start of this homestand, Grady has by far removed ALL doubt with his decisions, and ineptness. Maybe it’s his stubborness, maybe his alheimers is kicking in, or it could be a combination of both, and more. No one on this blog has Grady figured out. Who knows? All I know is, in order for this team to at least win the division, and make the playoffs, a change is needed in management. If anyone figures out the petition thing, I’ll sign it.


    I just saw a blurb in the OC Register where Grady said he may regret having pulled Penny so early. He also went on to say he makes the lineup card himself alone and that he makes the moves during the game.

    So to all you, my bad. I was totally wrong.


    As for next year, it looks like a glut of OF, which we really don’t need. Hunter may be signed, but that would limit Kemp and Ethier.

    Seems like we are in good shape at most positions with kids either here or coming up. My take is to shore up all pitching (let Seanez and Hernandez definitely go, maybe keep Hendrickson or sign Wolf to be another bullpen LH and/or insurance against a SP going down)and get a better backup catcher.


    I still think the one big hole is going to be 3B, i really don’t Andy is ready for big league pitching, but then againg Grady still wants Nomar there. (nothing against Nomar).


    Alright james. I scrolled back, and signed the petition. Not many have signed yet. I don’t know if this will even make a dent, but there is strength in numbers, and if they add up to a significant amount, they would be hard to ignore in my opinion.


    Maybe Xavier Paul is the answer in the CF, he will be playing in the Arizon Fall League this year.


    I think if they let Andy play he’ll surprise alot of people. I think he’s ready he just needs the chance to play everyday.



    The main point I’m making about Ned can be summed up in trading Betemit–who at the time would have been a better option than anyone else at 3B, esp. Nomar–for an overused middle-relief pitcher when there where plenty of other, better options in the minors. It’s not the only example, but one that really symbolizes his approach. He also mismanaged the 5th spot in the rotation–Billz should have been given the opportunity over Hendy or Tomko. Loney not starting the year at 1B was ridiculous, but Nomar had a two-year contract that Ned signed. Who else would have given Nomar two years? I mean, who didn’t see this coming? And if you waive Gonzo (again, a GM move, one I think should have been made) then you clear the path to have Kemp and Ethier starting every day.


    i hope the lineup today would be…

    JP… CF

    Martin… C

    Kemp… RF

    Kent… 2B

    Loney… 1B

    Ethier… LF


    Hu… SS

    isn’t that great?


    I was done with Grady weeks ago. He has been a liability all year long. Even with the injuries we should be several games ahead of the rest.
    I said it a few weeks ago on this BLOG

    We need former Dodger greats managing and coaching this team.

    Davy Lopes is a no nonsense guy ready for this Management job.

    I even think Scoscia would jump at the opportunity to manage the Dodgers.

    Kirk Gibson as a hitting coach.

    Herschieser as a pitching coach.

    This is a club built on tradition. Were we celebrate our great players and achievements.

    We are under achieving, for petes sakes were the Dodgers! We should be as high profile on ESPN as the **** yankees!

    Were the Dodgers and we have forest gump!

    More tears, once again in 2007…theres always next year.

    God Bless the Dodgers, god Bless Vin and Tommy and the Dodgers greats of years past. Lets hope in the years ahead we wont be looking even further into the past to remember when we were great.


    None of you can say whether or not Andy is ready. First of, he’s barely played since his call-up and secondly, he’s faced pitchers like Germano who feature SLOW JUNK. That’s going to be tough for any young player.


    Andy needs to play everyday.

    Again, the GM and manager have one basic job: put the team in the best position to win every game. Maybe they thought Nomar would give them that chance after coming off the DL, but it’s very clear to anybody watching that it’s just not the case.


    James — Good points. The fear I have is if the kids go into a collective funk like Betemit did. You have to have that balance with vets that is hard. In defense of Proctor, he came in overused. If given a shot next year, better management of his innigs should help since he seems to have the stuff.

    Like you, I was shocked Kemp and Loney didn’t play earlier in the year. After what they did in the playoffs, how can you not? Given the nature of the playoffs, they both shined.


    I agree with Cameron and Scott about LaRoche (4-0 in september wih him, why on earth change that?) and messagebear you and I have agreed since April.

    Jriley, welcome to the darkside.

    And James we just met but I really like you.


    californiaautorebuilder all he ever talks about is his performances. I haven’t talked to him lately but I’m sure he’s pissed about the way he’s been playing.


    Anyone who was reading the blog on the day we signed Loaiza knows that I was the only one who said it was a bad move and I was given **** by everyone for saying that(Calauto I know you were there cuz I remember talking to you about dodger stadium) once again I was right and many of you, but most importantly Ned was wrong. Loaiza cost us big time, when you get 4 runs off the Padres when Peavy starts you have to win it was just unfortionate that we had a bad starting pitcher out there who we should never have gotten in the first place. I am going to send an e-mail to Mr. McCourt asking him if he would ever consider a 16 year old GM. lol. FIRE NED


    The outlook for next season is pretty good. Gonzales, Saenz, Martinez, Hendrickson, Hernandez and Wolf, among a few others, will all be gone, Kent has a player option and I have the feeling that he is leaning toward retirement. Nomar will have to accept a part time player role, the rotation is pretty much set, Lowe, Penny, Bills, Loaiza, Schmidt and our bullpen is solid and Saito has said he wants to come back. The two big off season concerns should be a power bat to go with the young guys and a new manager.
    If this team is going to go forward and get back to being a force in the NL it cannot do it with Grady Little. The line up should be:








    Abreu / Hu

    The clean up hitter could be a power 3rd baseman or maybe insert Kemp there and LaRoche at 3rd, either way this team has the talent, we need the guidance.



    But we can say that Shea and Nomar are NOT ready to play everyday. Why not give LaRoche a chance to prove that he’s not either, then?


    Like others have mentioned, it’s tough to sit down a million $ player for the kids. Look at what Gonzo said (and I love the guy) in the LA Times. As soon as his playing time was cut, he started a bit of complaining and contemplation about next year. Well, of course, he’s going to complain — he needs a contract for next year and if he’s not playing, there’s no chance for getting your stats up and the perception that not playing = not good enough.


    Kiper I have said this before, if Grady does happen to get fired(which is very unlikely even when we do miss the playoffs) I would like Dave Duncan to replace him.


    I think the Loaiza deal will be a good pick up if he stays healthy. He’s no better than a number 4 now but he’ll pitch better than .500 baseball and that’s all you ask for out of your 4 and 5 guys. With Penny, Lowe and Bills as our horses that’s all you need him to do.


    Swood — being only 16, you need to know that 1 game does not a trend make for Loaiza. Ned is taking a chance (as he stated) and sometimes you have to take a chance.


    Swood your right, but the Grady should have seen that Loaiza did not have anything last night. But I think what people are arguing here is why did Grady let him hit with bases loaded, knowing he was not pithching well. The big question here is, the decision making of Grady.!!!!!



    Everyone knew that Proctor was overworked when the trade was made. Again, I haven’t blamed Proctor at all, but I blamed Ned for making what I feel was an unnecessary trade.

    As far as keeping a good mix pf vets and kids, I’m fine with Kent, Furcal, Lowe, Penny, Lieberthal(sp?), as vets– they don’t have to be in the twilight of their careers, you know? Even Pierre is a vet with WS experience–though I would never, ever advocate keeping him around if there was a choice.


    how bout this lineup?

    hu ss

    abreu 2b

    loney 1b

    kemp cf (normally a center fielder)

    ethier lf

    martin c

    young rf

    laroche 3b

    bills p (if he pitches tonite)

    we can have all 9 positions filled up with good, young homegrown talent! pretty sweet!


    Well said orth, I agree it is hard for Grady to bench 3/4’s of our payroll, because when we lose it will be harder for him to explain himself to Ned and McCourt. I think secretly Ned is pressuring Grady to play his players and put them in positions where they can produce so it doesn’t look like Ned is wasting McCourts money(which he really is). There is no question Ned’s veteran signings have hurt us more then they have helped us and we would have more talent and a better record if we had gone with a youth movement.


    James guss, you hit it on the button, Those are the kind of vets we need, guys that can still contribute.



    I keep seeing the Pete Carroll In My Own Words ads where he says his job is to compete and win, not keep guys happy. i don’t follow football, but i like his philosophy (even tho it’s college). And if we’re going to bring up comments by player, did you read Ethier’s comments about management liking to bring in seasoned veterans? I’d rather keep Ethier happy that Gonzo (even though I really like Gonzo a lot).


    bill, what do you do with Furcal’s and Pierre’s contracts? They are not the problem. They are in the line up everyday but don’t take playing time away from any of the other guys who should be playing (Kemp, Ethier, Loney…) We need a legit HR threat and a new manager.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    Bottom line we need to win tonight, and tomorrow. Another point, how many think Brian Giles was on the juice?????


    bill, what do you do with Furcal’s and Pierre’s contracts? They are not the problem. They are in the line up everyday but don’t take playing time away from any of the other guys who should be playing (Kemp, Ethier, Loney…) We need a legit HR threat and a new manager.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    Swood — being only 16, you need to know that 1 game does not a trend make for Loaiza.

    Orth, I’m not arguing with you, I read your earlier posts and I think they are very good, but what does me being 16 have anything to do with knowing that one game isn’t a trend???


    James I agree…a healthy Furcal is one of the top SS in the game. Lieberthal, I think, is helping Martin grow as a great catcher because not too long ago Lieberthal was at the top too, Kent is on the downhill but with young protection around him he can still contribute.


    I still blame the guy who put the roster together.

    3 of our top 6 starting pitchers going into the season aren’t even on the active roster right now. 1 is a mop up guy in the pen. The other guys (u know the good ones- were here before Ned. ) The one who was deemed our 7th best starter by management has actually been our best starter in the 2nd half.

    Our projected 3-4-5 hitters are platooning or batting 8th and/or are so bad on defense that their offesnse is not enough to make them valuable any longer.

    The players signed were all below average on defense, so we knew going into the year it would be a problem and it is.

    The rest of this “stuff” is just “stuff” in my opinion.


    Swood — The only vet signing that has been flagrant to me was JP’s. We’re now stuck for the next 4 years with a guy with no defense. I believe Ned signed him for his speed and OBP, but he’s costs us more games than that speed and OBP has won us.



    i totally agree with that! he was def. on the juice wen he was with the pirates!


    ya ino but this is for tonite. furcal is hurt and even tho i like pierre, i like d young soo much more. i think that he can be a big time player someday. but he needs a chance to play. he spent three years in las vegas putting up some pretty good numbers and he is only gonna get stronger.

    but i dont think we need get a power hitter…we have 4 future power hitters in loney kemp young and laroche. throw martin and ethier in the mix and i think we have a pretty strong team. these guys are young, wen they become free agents we have a high enough payroll to keep all of them…unlike the twins and the A’s who build through their farm system. plus these guys like playing together and they win together too! look at the minor league teams of the past couple years…they have been pretty successful


    Orth- what about Nomar, Gonzo, Schmidt, Blowberto, Tomko, Hendy(trade), Lugo. and there are a couple more I can’t think of right now. Are you saying all of those were good?



    I’m with you. I have more beef with the way the team’s been built than anything. Hey, if we succeed and Logan takes over as GM, and he wants to keep Grady, then I’ll trust his judgment. Now, do I think he would? Well…


    Jungar — I can’t think of another team’s SPs who went down with injuries in the number that Dodgers’ SP went down on injuries. No GM has that foresight happening.


    Yeah but he can sign pitchers without previous arm problems instead of older guys with past arm problems.


    Swood — out of those you mentioned, Gonzo surprised many critics with what he still had left and many thought Schmidt was a bargain. The others, especially Tomko, blew.


    orth – what about the cubs losing Prior and Wood? Cardinals losing Mulder and Carpenter? Padres losing Young for a bit? Angles without Colon and parts of others? Injuries are part of the game, it just hurts more when you pay through your *** to get them.



    i think Schmidt was risky from the beginning, but this day and age, seems everyone is. but it’s more about how Ned reacted to the injuries than his foresight to them happening.


    I think the Cards have had worse luck with injuries than we have. By far. Not just starting pitching but overall.


    Others on this board with whom I usually agree have spoken on the topic of the day–and I posted pinch hit for Loaiza as it was happening last night.

    I would like to defend Grady, but I just can’t right now. In fairness to him, I disagreed with a lot of strategy/in game decisions that Tommy made too, but being a manager is about more than that–dealing with players, fundamentals, etc. So putting aside the bizzarre moves the last week or so, what seems strange to me is that I really liked him last year, but the whole philosophy changed. Remember, last year Martin came in and became the full time catcher, Ethier was given the left field job, Kemp got called up from AA and played a bunch of CF. Loney played a bunch of games at 1B when the season started and Nomar was injured in April (I thought Nomar might turn into Wally Pipp, but Loney was not quite ready–though, of course he is now). I went to the game where Joel Guzman made his MLB debut, and Grady hit him third in the lineup. And all of these guys were totally unproven, and had only played at AA, or at most a month or two at AAA. But this year, with a lot of these having proven that they are big league ready, it took forever to get in there. Loney leads all the minor leagues in hitting, hits .343 in the bigs after July, leads the team in hitting over .400 in the spring, and does not get recalled for 2.5 months, and it’s not until he’s hitting what Charley Steiner said was “an improbable .485” that they finally put him in the starting lineup for good. I don’t get it.

    So, I’ll answer Jungar’s questions:

    Best Trade–Milton Bradley for Andre Ethier. Other than that, maybe Jerry Royster for Dusty Baker, but there have not been that many trades that have been great (at least, from a long-term view) for us.

    Free Agent signing in history–Kirk Gibson. Period. End of story. We got one good season out of him. He got only one world series at bat from him. And I wouldn’t give it up for anything.

    And, if the popular sentiment of the day were to take hold in the owner’s box, I would highly suggest that we sign him again this off-season, though for a different job.

    I could actually see the Press Conference. Frank McCourt would make the announcement, and then the Special Advisor to the Chairman would be given a moment to speak, and would say “20 years ago when we signed this guy, I said people would be dancin’ in the streets in Los Angeles in October, and they did. And I’m gonna say it again, people are gonna be dancin’ in the streets in Los Angeles this October!”


    “20 years ago when we signed this guy, I said people would be dancin’ in the streets in Los Angeles in October, and they did. And I’m gonna say it again, people are gonna be dancin’ in the streets in Los Angeles this October!”

    I like it!


    We have only seen the beginning of the stars start coming up Kemp, Loney, Martin, Andre, Broxton and Bills. The next wave of guys should start coming around the corner pretty soon. LaRoche, Meloan, X. Paul, Kershaw get the picture, and you do we thank Logan White. See where I’m going with this James Gusssssss.


    Scott — Woods has been hurt longet than one year.

    Here’s another position for all of us to ponder: Do you think the shoddy play of the Dodgers (seems like an error every game and I think they’re like second or third to last in fielding) trickles down from Little? I mean, I’ve seen this shoddy fielding for months. Grady, get the guys on the field to take some fielding practice. I don’t care if they ***** and moan, but until the fielding defense is shored up, let them whine!


    btw, did anyone see this from the SD papers:

    Young dazzled

    Padres pitcher Chris Young has insights into highly touted pitching prospect Clayton Kershaw, a 19-year-old left-hander who reached Double-A with the Dodgers this summer. Young and Kershaw attended the same high school in Dallas, and this past offseason they played catch regularly with one another.

    “You learn more from playing catch with somebody than you do from watching him pitch from the side,” Young said. “His arm is literally electric.”

    Young has played catch regularly with major leaguer pitchers, but he said of Kershaw: “I have never played catch with anybody whose arm is as fast and flowing as his. That’s amazing. I wish he was in our organization. I think we’ll see him next year.”

    Young said Kershaw’s drive to succeed also impressed him. “He is all questions with me,” Young said. “It was fun. He just wants to learn and cares about getting better.”


    We have only seen the beginning of the stars start coming up Kemp, Loney, Martin, Andre, Broxton and Bills. The next wave of guys should start coming around the corner pretty soon. LaRoche, Meloan, X. Paul, Kershaw get the picture, and you do we thank Logan White. See where I’m going with this James Gusssssss.

    Posted by: | September 12, 2007 02:27 PM


    In the off season, I thought the Schmidt signing would be a good move. But when I saw him in action on the mound, and the HUGE drop in his velocity, I realized it was a mistake. He’ll be lucky to be a starter with this club again.



    i do indeed. let’s hope our owner sees it as well. i’d bet logan white knows who could fill his shoes in scouting and player dev if he were promoted.


    Another thought: One thing I noticed about the players we want gone are the ones without the fire in their belly. That’s what I like about guys like Scoscia, Martin, Jake Peavy and Dave Roberts. Play, get dirty and don’t be afraid to challenge guys. Guys like Tomko pussed out and pitched scared. If you’re gonna lose, pitch you *** off.

    Look at how the Angels play. Do you really think they would play the way they play without Scoscia at the helm.? No way. Those guys are a scrappy bunch.


    Also, forgot to add guys like Kemp (who will go into walls) and Ethier (who will slide headfirst into first base, although that’s been shown not to save any time getting to first).

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