Sleepover…sort of

So last year I posted a blog from the sleepover here at Dodger Stadium and I’m doing the same again this year, only I’m heading home. It’s 11 p.m. and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves downstairs, but they’ll still be able to enjoy themselves without me.

The fans are in good hands with Jane Biondi, Signe Hilton and the rest of the Dodger staff that is here. ESPN 710 is broadcasting live starting right now until 1 a.m. with Steve Mason and John Ireland. John also just did a live hit on KCAL, which obviously didn’t get to show the game tonight.

Tomorrow is just one game, with the makeup scheduled for sometime in September. If I can get a lineup in time, I’ll post it or you can always check game day.

Good night…



    Padres have signed Shea Hillenbrand to a minor league contract, that’s got to be some locker room, eh? Bradley, Barrett, Hillenbrand, Wells…

    Also, Saenz will start at first tomorrow and Gonzo will get the game off. Ethier in left, Kemp in right. Loney will start the game on the bench. This assuming there will be a game tomorrow night. The reason for a heavily right handed lineup sans Pierre and Ethier, Francis in his career has given up 68 HR’s, 59 of them to righties. Also, lefties are only batting .222 while righties are hitting a robust .303 this season against Francis. Pierre is 7 for 12 against Francis, while Gonzo is 4 for 22.


    As always Alex a great post with great perspective on the technical side of line up reasoning. that said I’m really glad I decided to go surf fishing tonight rather then sit at my computer and watch baseball on TV.Baseball was a no show and tradetalks get on my nerves.Fishing wasn’t great but wasn’t bad either and anytime with toes in the sand a corona in your hand and fish on the beach is a good time.

    I was thinking about this earlier but forgot to ask…Where are we with Penny and his contract?How much longer do we have him signed for as I have info to the current salaries I don’t have any sites for contract details.Info would be great a link to such site would be greatly appriciated.


    I’ll let you guys know a few hours before game time what the weather looks like here. I live about 20 mins from Coors. I’m hoping to go to the game…I COULDN’T MISS a start by Tomko at Coors. Should be entertaining.

    That said, I hope he pitches well!



    this is the easier to read version

    this is the one to go to for one player at a time

    But as far as Penny goes, his deal is basically he’s signed through 2008 and has a club option for 2009 at less than $10 million ($2 million buyout). Whether or not you liked the trade that brought him over, the contract extention that Depo gave to him (2006-2008 plus the option) was great.


    So yes, we’re paying less for Brad Penny than Milwaukee is paying for Jeff Suppan.


    patriotacts425 you gotta handed to HomeDepo on that one it truly was a great signing, I remember ******** & crying over it but i’m pretty happy about it now. We have to remember that we have Martin now so Pauly Lo Duca isn’t missed at all these days.


    It does NOT bother me, that the Madres, are picking up, selected players ?? What bothers me is that, Said players, are paying off. They already have picked up (Won)
    three games, due directly to these players. Yes, there is a

    concern. Padre Mgmt. seems hungrier, to take a chance and

    it’s working,,….


    I would not call it working considering they’ve lost 9 of 15 since the break. Their pitching has come back to earth and what they’re left with is a pretty bad offense. They’ll find a way to still be there in the end, they always do. The D’Backs look really good right now, they’ve won seven in a row, however these things always find a way of balancing out. It helps they played the Marlins and Jo-Jo Reyes. The Padres and D’Backs will battle it out next week while we host the media circus of Bonds, I have the privilege of dealing with that Tuesday and Thursday in person.


    The news on Lowe is very scary to me. He has been the most consistent pitcher in all of baseball over the last 3 or 4 years. The main reason it scares me even more is because he normally has such awesome second halves. I hope that its something that he could just miss a start or two but when you say its the same thing that has caused pitchers to retire you cant take it lightly. I think yesterday raining out was a grea tthing for the dodgers that means hendy does not have to start and can be used outa the bullpen where he has been much better. I would still consider giving Martin Sunday off because the kid needs some rest, and that would give him a lot of time off. You can see in the difference in the way he has been playing lately that he is tired, and we are going to need him in September.

    I agree with whoever said Bonds should be walked every time he comes up but the Dodger fan in me would rather see him go 0-15 with about 7 K’s.

    And all of you who are saying dont trade La Roche I think the Dodgers need to look at a few different things. They need to decide 1) If Betemit or La Roche is their third basemen of the future and 2) how seriously they will go after a 3rd basemen in this offseason or the next. The dodgers should package EITHER Betemit or La Roche because they are both young third basemen. The Dodgers need a starting pitcher and I think you can package meat/La Roche, D Young, and one of their good prospect pitchers (Kershaw/Meloan) for a # 2,3 starter and a 7th inning type reliever.


    1. Laroche is the future.
    2. they will not and should not go after a 3b. Laroche is as good as Martin or Kemp or Loney

    3. you don’t trade kershaw or meloan

    4. who is out there worth trading for

    be patient. we have enough to make the playoffs this year. trading off good long term talent that will grow together for the sake of rentals for this year is foolish.


    Thankz Patriot and yes I have to agree that in the long run Penny was a good trade and ext. is the thing that made it so.


    If traded, Hunter said he would be willing to work out a long-term deal with that team if he likes the situation. “It depends on what team it is,” Hunter said. “Who they are. Where they are right now and where they are going to be in the future. If we’re not talking here, I’ll talk to someone else, I guess.”

    This kills me. Him and Andrew Jones in the last year of Free agency. Both are power hitting awesome defense playing cf and we wouldnt dream of going after either one of them.


    Because it’s not true, believe me once a trade comes through, one person won’t be the only one to post it. That’s two fake trades in two days, people need to find something else to kill their day.


    Well if La Roche is the future then you need to trade Betemit. You have to get a starting pitcher with the likelihood of Lowe being gone for the season. I believe the dodgers have a great farm system but it seems they might have surplus witht he names such as D Young who will be stuck behind Ethier, Kemp, and Pierre for too long, or LaRoche or Betemit being stuck behind eahc other. Nomar has started heating up lately so im not worried about 3rd base anymore, Nomar is too good of a ball player to not pull thru his slump. Its not like he just forgot how to play all of a sudden this yr. But def if a pitcher was necessary before Lowe went down, a pitcher seems that much more necessary to me. I think you need to go after a pitcher that is a decent size name as well. Someone like Dontrelle Willis who needs a change of scenery seems to me like a good fit. Trade a couple mid line prospects for D Willis. But obviously Loney, Kemp, Ethier, Martin, Bills, Broxton, are all untouchable, stop being scared guys Ned isnt a retard.


    Is the Bradford trade made up?

    Where did you get the idea that Lowe is out for the year?


    The injury he has is the same injury that has sidelined Isringhausen and the pitcher from the A’s. Its not declared yet, but it seems to be coming. Maybe i’m over reacting, but when you tell me its the same diagnosis that usually requires surgery i get a little uneasy, especially with Lowe who is one of the most consistent starters in baseball. But i think we both can agree he will miss a few stores, which I think we need a pitcher anyways even if he isnt out the whoel year.

    And yes I believe the bradford trade is made up, as soon as a trade is made it will be all over the internet. Stay tuned to the website more then the blog for trades.


    Because spanky read the article on comparing the injury to others who have had similar issues and need surgery. We can’t rule that out, but Lowe seems to be fine. The Bradford trade is fake, if it were real we’d already be talking about it.


    i hope he is fine but it also said he couldnt throw off a mound yesterday w/o a lot of pain.


    Spanky, thanks for the insight!

    I hope you are wrong about Lowe!

    I would prefer to get a better RP than Bradford, but than again I would prefer giving up Young instead of some of the other rumored players.


    Im sorry I made a mistake, it said he threw off flat ground yesterday and was sore after. They are hoping they can test it off a mound today. Hopefully that goes well and he wont be out, I hope I’m wrong about Lowe more than anyone else.


    don’t take anybodies word for it, it’s always best to look up that stuff your self.


    from buster onley’s blog…

    “Dodgers executives met late Friday to discuss their trade options. They’re looking for pitching, pitching and more pitching.”


    From Tony Jackson:

    Russell Martin is NOT starting tonight. “Lieberthal was ready to go,” Grady said. “I think two days for Russ and another one on Monday might get him right back to where he needs to be (with his stiff lower back). I see a different look on his face today (after not playing Friday).” … Also, D-Lowe’s bullpen session was pushed back a day because the off-day made it less urgent that he start as scheduled on Tuesday, even though Grady hasn’t officially ruled him out of that game. Lowe did throw in a pitching motion off flat ground and said he felt “100 times better than yesterday.” … Still no news on Randy Wolf, but you can take it to the bank he’ll do at least one more rehab start.

    SS Furcal

    CF Pierre

    1B Saenz

    2B Kent

    3B Nomar

    RF Kemp

    LF Ethier

    C Lieberthal

    RH Tomko


    From the, “huh” department:

    Astros acquired infielder Ty Wigginton from the Devil Rays for RHP Dan Wheeler.


    i know everyone’s focusing on trades, but im also really really dreading the impending bonds circus at DS. I wish he would sit out all those games. Its going to be so so painful if “it” happens.


    3 straight walk off wins. 8 straight wins. team is younger than ours. I think the D-backs are more to worry about for the future and now possibly even the present than the padres. I agree we need pitching, but not much out there and who dosen’t want pitching…


    I had some exitement today, went to Shea to see the Mets beat the Nats 3-1, but that wasn’t it before the game my daughter( a die-heart Mets fan) & I met & spoke face to face with ALYSSA MILANO. That of course made my day. She was at the Mets team store with her line of TOUCH Clothing & talking & giving all her customers an autograph photo. It really was EAST MEETS WEST. She’s sure a sweet kid. It was great NOW LET’S GO DODGERS!!!!


    Bombko threw that right down the middle. I wouldn’t call it cheap. I’d call it easy.


    Looks like the real Brett Tomko showed up. We gotta get a starter. I’d hate to do this but I’d send Betemit, Ethier and Meloan to the White Sox for Jon Garland.


    Better not leave the room for anything when the Dodgers are up. They don’t waste much time batting. Swing at anything over the plate.


    What a terrible signing Tomko turned out to be. Can you believe this guy is making $4.1 mil this year!?



    Tomko has always been terrible. The Ds would be better of starting Holton or Stoults. Grady must be waiting for Tomko to make it 8 – 0 before he takes him out.


    Found Garland’s contract…he’s signed through 08 and making 10 mil this year and 12 mil next year.

    He would certainly be an expensive pick-up; both in terms of cash and players


    Garland would be a bargin compared to what some pitchers will be getting next year and the year after.

    If we pick up Garland he would give us another legit number 2 or 3 starter. Wolf comes back with a healthy Lowe and Penny plus Billingsley we’d be more then solid.






    not to mention out “ace”. Schmidty boy.


    The problem with bringing in a pitcher is that the reason we need to bring in a pitcher is that the person in charge of bringing in pitchers is retarded.


    of course I am another fan who can’t wait for Tuesday to come and go. I know we need pitching, but anyone worth having will cost way to much in money and in prospects. we have the talent to go with our kids, they will do as much as any cheap vet we can pick yp. We already have Tomko, and Hendrickson, we do not need any more jokes. wish elbert was healthy, but Meloan seems to be for real.
    give Stults another chance,

    if someone in the outfield goes, trade ethier and give young a chance, he seems to have more power , but honestly

    would like to see vets traded away, maybe betemit openening a spot for La roche, go dodgers, come on aug. 1 st


    Max, I’m totally with you on going after Garland.

    As we’ve learned the past few weeks, there is absolutely no such thing as too much pitching.

    I wouldn’t mind including Ethier and Meloan in a trade for Garland, its Meat I’d have trouble giving up. But if thats what it took I think I’d do it.


    Bad as we need a starting pitcher, can we not at the same time deal Tomko to somebody/ anybody/ for anything. It may not get us much in the standings, but it would at least make me feel better – and maybe some of you out there as well. He just doesn’t belong in Dodger Blue, and never really did.


    The offense is like aww screw it. Let’s just hurry this thing up. Tomko is throwing and it’s Saturday night in The Mile High City. Party time.


    Plus, I think we’d have a reasonable shot at signing Garland to an extension. He’s a SoCal kid and more importantly does not employ Satan as his agent.


    I really think Betemit as no future with the Dodgers beyond this year. Managment thinks Abreu is our next second basemen and LaRoche is our third basemen of the future. You gotta trade Wilson now.


    We might as well leave Tomko in there now until his arm falls off. It would be interesting to see how many runs he can really give up. On the other hand, if there are big rain clouds in sight, maybe he can stall the game along with his pitching until the rains come and the game gets called.


    i’d trade ethier and wilson for garland in a heartbeat..not sure if i would include meloan. he can be broxton when broxton is saito

    thats so funny bear. i agree leave him in there unless we get within a run or two


    Alex, I hope you’re not referring to the talk about trading for a pitcher. I think trading for Garland makes quite a bit of sense. I mean, are you watching this game? Do you really think we can survive with Bomko and Hendy trotting out there every 4th and 5th day?

    It’ll cost us, but if we’re gonna make any moves at all, I think trading for a proven, reliable starting pitcher makes the most sense.


    Yeah, leave him in there. No use killing the bullpen tonight. Keep it fresh for the next 2 games. Bombulak for 5 and Hernandez for 3. The Rocks won’t need to bat in the 9th.


    Honestly, Tomko should’ve been gone since June. You put together whatever trades you guys want…


    I’m asking nicely. Please makes some moves Dodgers. I’m tired of seeing Bomko and Henderison on the mound.


    Saenz is slowly becoming absolutely worthless, he can’t even hit the one pitch he can hit against a lefty…


    the dodgers better make some moves,because thier no way this current team can make the playoffs as is.


    I tend to agree, we’ll see move since everyone is on “Moving Day” with most teams not playing Monday


    I don’t get why Grady always bats Olmedo third when he starts. Especially with Ethier batting 8th.


    Alex I agree about Olmedo. He isnt hitting, can’t play defense and even if he gets a hit he cant run


    grady is a very uncreative manager. if you are playing 1st and martin is sitting, you WILL bat third. i don’t even like using him for pinch hitting duties, let alone letting him hit third. grady is living in the past, as usual.


    Juan Pierre barely misses an infield single (3 times a night, everynight) He is so exciting.


    i cant decide which is worse…batting seanz third or when grady used to bat lugo third. you make the call.


    Tomko’s outing went from awful to a little under decent, 6 innings 5 ER, if he had spread it out over 6 innings, we probably would not have been so harsh. Our problem is actually our offense tonight. Though, Tomko didn’t help by putting us in a hole. But, this was far from an awful outing.


    By far Saenz, Lugo had hit 15 HR’s before the trade and before he turned into a lemon. Still, boggled my mind why he put Lugo there. Kemp better darn well put this ball in play!


    Pierre’s obp is still .316. He must have liked stone cold steve austin back in the day.


    And I repeat, for the 3rd time
    I love him, but we don’t have the TIME, to send KEMP, to school, Uh..UH..Not Now Baby.

    He should have been fed, curve balls @ AAA. This is NOT the place or the time….


    Yeah, Kemp has 5 bad games straight.

    Nomar was putrid for the entire months of May and June.


    Give it to him when he’s good and let him have it when he’s bad. Right now Kemp is bad. That’s the way it is.

    And Seanez has given up another HR…


    wow..i thought KEMP was immune? he only makes $330k, not $9 million, so go easy on him 😦

    lol 🙂


    What does that have to do with anything? Actually he hasn’t been on base since he cost us that game Sunday afternoon. Coincidence?


    the “constructive criticism” on dodger players should work both ways….some of you are getting all riled up now that the tables are turned on some of the “beloved kids”….well, that’s too bad 🙂

    i’m not a KEMP hater, or a JP lover, just putting it the way I see it…it shouldn’t matter how much you get paid, or the name on the back of the jersey for a DODGER to get criticized for his current play.


    Pierre’s not safe from criticism considering he hasn’t hit a ball out of the infield tonight.

  66. one is safe…and it should be that way, not the crying and whining about certain players, then look the other way with your personal favorites


    jspelk…i agree with you about Kemp. He just needs to settle back into being himself again and he’ll produce.


    Juan Pierre was a waste of money. Alex i don’t care if you think my comments are a “mistake” they are my opinion and if you don’t them so be it.


    I wasn’t even thinking of anybody on this blog when I wrote that…stop being defensive, if I’m talking about you personally I’ll let you know it


    First pitch swinging is all about the result, when it works you’re a genius and when it doesn’t you look foolish. Loney did hit that good just at somebody.


    Looking for a series victory tomorrow from Bills and the boys. Tough game…Francis was on top of his game tonight.


    Martin already pinch hit, you have no choice in that situation. Now, had they double-switched Martin earlier, that’s a different story. But, he got lots of rest, so we’ll just see what that does.


    This game was all Jeff Francis he had a great night. Conrats to him. For us tomorrow is another day Let’s hope it’s a better one.


    are you guys really getting on Kemp that bad? He’s only been playing ball for so long, 6 years i think. He’s not a finished product yet, but he still has great talent and can certainly help the dodgers now! Sure, he’ll have slumps and his learning curve is still pretty big, but he’s still already a very productive player. Even after today his OBP is over .900. Sending him down to AAA is just not a good idea at all. He has as much or more ability than anyone else on the team. It’s an 0-13 slump, don’t overreact about that. He could just as easily hit homers in his next 2 at bats.


    i doubt he’d be sent to AAA…he’s way too good to be sent down…he’s having the usual ups and downs that every rookie or young player gets..just like martin..

    nothing too serious, and he’ll regain his swing soon just like anyone else….

    i think it’s the fact that people are pointing out the fact that he’s slumping a bit now, and those who hold KEMP on some kind of holy pedestal are taking offense to that thinking he can do no wrong…

    tough loss tonight, but francis was pitching well, and we’ll get them tommorow 🙂


    TO DD: slight correction Kemp Ked in his last AB against the Mets when he went 2 for 4 so he is 0 for 14 with 8 Ks.


    The problem for me will always be Juan Pierre. he has come up with RISP 6 less times this season than Jeff Kent. His numbers

    in 94 ABS

    .234 avg and 2 extra base hits..for the year.

    we pay 8 million for this

    Poster boy of hate now right Kemp has 2 HR, and 4 extra base hits in 35 ABs and is hitting .371

    In the last 110 ABs Kemp is hitting .340.

    Pierre has never hit .340 for 100abs ever as a dodger.


    All his lack of power wouldn’t bother me if he wasn’t also leading baseball in OUT’s made.


    when we have guys in the their first or second years in the majors there are GOING to be ups and downs. People doubting kemp are doing the same thing we *hope* our FO isn’t doing right now…jumping to conclusions based on a small sample size. We have been so lucky to have these young guys come up and do well, because most don’t. They are not finished products. They will improve. Management hopefully has put their faith in them and we should to. That being said, I DO think Kemp swings for the fences too much, but I assume that will improve.


    It’s the usual suspects for today’s game:











    The positive: Tompko had 4 scoreless innings (3-6)

    Just heard A. Marinez say that Penny will start on Tuesday.



    This is insane:

    11-0 Padres off of Jason Jennings still the Top of the 1st inning, he only got two Padres out


    rotation for the upcoming week according to tony jackson: penny on tues, hendy on wed, tomko on thurs, bills on fri and lowe on sat.


    I think the most important thing is starting pitching. We are hurting here at the moment. Colletti should concentrate right here and do what ever he has to do. I feel everything else will fall into place.


    Colletti, Like any other GM has to make a good deal, we just have to hope he doesn’t distroy the team while trying to fix it.


    The D’s Plate disciplent *****
    This guy has known control problems. We are helping him. We’re swinging, even when we’re ahead on the count. Where is our coaching staff.This cannot fall on Grady’s shoulders, The coaches have to do their jobs.Even the Pro’s(?) have to be reminded. Work the count and have that pitcher come in to the plate, We’re swing Happy ??????


    If the Dodgers have to give up anybody from the active roster I’d rather it be for a starting pitcher than for a hitter.


    Come on guys, play like you can instead of this easy-out hitting. Really, it is frustrating to watch the lack of discipline.

    Pitching’s carried the year, now that the pitching is down, how about you position players come to the party too? Thanks.


    I can’t understand da GONZ, taking,taking,taking then can’t hold up on a low bad pitch, other than that it was a good AB.


    BILLS seems to be pitching just like he did in the start before his last start.


    It looks they’re doing the best they can and I guess that’s the best they can against Jimenez.


    If you didn’t know better, could you tell from this series which team was in first and which was fourth in the standings? The play on this road trip has been totally lackadaisical, error-prone and, of course, pitching poor. Outside of our pitching staff, I think the Rockies have advantage over us in each of the outfield positions, a more productive third base and shortstop, and probably first base as well. If we don’t get back to playing like we can, we’ll be looking up at the Rockies in the standings and will be down along with the Giants. Then we can, of course, compare Sabean and Colletti, tutor and pupil on an equal basis – both of them really worthless when it comes to building a championship team. Actually I’m fearful of letting Colletti make any further moves for this club. I’d just like to see him gone at the end of this season, and Grady along with him. Then maybe we can put together a ballclub that will perform next year.


    BILLS pitched pretty good against an experience hitting team that just happens to be hot at this time and very confident at the plate. He did all he could. It’s just disappointing that we don’t look like a 1st place team at the moment.


    I’m just wishing very hard that Jimenez either tires or loses his stuff or makes a couple of bad pitches.


    I’m tired of these 2-0, 3-1 count outs. It’s a re-trend of April and May…show some freaking discipline and take a strike!


    We hit him better in that inning but he didn’t make enough “mistake” pitchers and we hit into bad luck. I hope he comes back next inning he may be losing it.


    this padre astro game is much better then the Dodger game. I’ve been watching that instead.

    Who was it that wanted to trade for jason jennings?


    Oh, so close…well when the trade deadline passes we’ll be tied for first with Arizona and the Padres will be a half game back. It’s literally going to be a two month season from this point forward.


    You can see the diffence where it was obvious Jimemnez was about to melt and Clint Hurtle ended it for him. I seen the same thing from Willie Randolph last week. But “Hookless” Little seems to be afraid to use his bullpen.


    The Dodgers, Padres, D-backs & Rockies have almost the identical records since May 1st. (The Rockie tele-cast)


    Amazing, if Martin doesn’t swing at ball four, Gonzo’s fly ball is a sac fly and it’s 7-6 right now. Crazy how one batter changes everything…then again if Bills doesn’t throw 114 pitches in 4 1/3 innings the Rockies don’t have 7 runs.


    It’s disapointing to see BEIMAL so wild an unable to through strikes. He was practically aiming the ball over the plate. Obviously the rest didn’t help.


    When pitchers get rest … sometimes too much rest … they become too strong and can’t control it(ball)


    THE DIAMOND BACKS ARE LOSING 10-0 IN THE BOTTOM OF THE FIFTH. Just to make you all feel good, including me.


    We need to trade for Jon Garland now. Call up Meloan and tell Pierre to go back to the bayou.


    BROXTON was himself, big & bad. Funny but he don’t look like a bad guy to us, RIGHT.


    I don’t know what kind of decision Colletti can make – his earlier deals are already choking this team for the year. Start with Pierre, who is having an off year even by his standards. Couple that with the fact that Grady will insist on playing him in every game, just because he has a continuous game streak on the line. Presumably that will continue for another four years, unless Grady and Colletti are gone before then. The Wolf signing was O.K. up to a point – he was a known health risk, but a reasonable risk for a one year commitment. The Schmidt deal blew the whole salary wad for three years, and I place the blame on Colletti for not being diligent to examine the health aspects or why his velocity had appreciably declined throughout last season. Colletti was supposed to know his product, expecially due to his familiarity with the Giants. Don’t even have to include Conte’s culpability in that. It’s not my money, but with $47 million essentially wasted, would you give this man a carte blanche to make another big trade now? This is a sick management team, and the sooner the ownership realizes that, the sooner we can get a team together that will amount to championship quality. I wouldn’t trust Colletti to trade for anybody.


    It would take your boy Bills to get Garland…so considering he’s your poster child, I highly doubt such a trade will take place, nor would you actually want such a trade to take place. Garland isn’t coming here…nor is he probably going anywhere. Even Tony Jackson said the Garland idea died three weeks ago…


    Martin hitting out of sync, nice HR just at the wrong moment. Dodger Stadium is going to be the center of the sports universe, it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere. I personally can’t wait it’s going to be great.


    it tooks bills half a season to finally get his first loss of the season.

    Pierre still has never had his obp over .320 ands its june. Pierre is pathetic.


    It’s not my idea it’s your horrible idea to trade for somebody not even available, do you even think before you post? Nor do you even put into account who would have to be traded for such a player, you pest…


    yeah from the man who brought us tomko, lurch, seo, baez, blowberto, and schmidt… i don’t trust him and starting pitching. Lets hope he can do better.


    you obviosuly didn’t read what i wrote eariler. I said i’d trade Betemit, Ethier and Meloan for Garland but since you don’t read anything i wouldn’t put it past you to forget that.

    hows your boy pierre doing? im not watching the game.


    KENT proves one thing play hard, be the best, get hurt. That’s seems the way it is these days.


    Oh yeah because Kenny Williams would take that deal for Garland, delusional pest you are…


    hahah alex you make me giggle like a school girl. Heres the deal. Im going to compelely not acknowlege your exsists in the blog and i hope you do the same to me. As much as you call me delusional you have this sick idea that the team can do no wrong and that is sickening. If you do me this favor it would make this a better place for both of us to be.


    Wow, that was quite the ending…

    Now onto the pest…you’re full of contradictions first you write you want Hunter from Minnesota with Ethier and Kemp at the corners. Also, you want to trade Meloan and Ethier for Garland. I read everything you write btw…even on Jackson’s blog and you’re negative, delusional and play your favorites. You don’t cheer for the team, you cheer for players on the team. You wait for certain players to screw up so you can immediately jump on here to tell us what we’ve known for months. I’m not the only one sick of it, we’ve had to deal with over 4 months of your same old tired material. Change it up a little bit for goodness sakes (and believe me I wanted to write something else), write whatever you want that’s your right and it’s my right to call you negative, delusional and above all else a pest.


    In the last 2 games we were outpitched_____outscored____and outmanaged, but the last time I checked the snakes were losing and wasn’t that some finish. Tomorrow’s a day off for the team but not for COLLETTI. All they can do now is BRING ON THE GNATS and Barry. I hope KENT’S OK.


    That’s terrible about Butler btw, puts everything in perspective.

    “you have this sick idea that the team can do no wrong and that is sickening.”

    Now I’m laughing like a schoolgirl…you obviously have the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader.


    Sorry to hear about Brett Butler___He was undoubterbly the best bunter there ever was, he was called a magician with the bat. I remember when he got troat cancer. I wish him well. FURCAL & PIERRE could of took lessons from him. He was like Pierre a light hitting CF. The kind the Dodgers always seem to like. The only thing I had against him was he did not like Piazza, he always said that Mike was not a team player. I think that lead to them getting rid of Piazza.


    alex, well said to your post above….I used to visit this blog on a daily basis and read every comment and tried to post more often in recent weeks…but then i got tired of the same ol’ negative comments and the same old cry baby antics after a lost, and the never-ending blame game that certain members like the post….(i.e. fire grady, DFA pierre, NED is the worst GM ever, dodgers are playing like their in COMA KEMP is the next hank aaron, bring up the las vegas 51’s and have them play all positions etc. etc)

    Unfortunately, now i find myself just coming here randomly, and scrolling through the post trying to find the “meat” of the discussion and find it lacking most of the time. I instinctly scroll over the “usual type rant posts” in this thread as usual, and find it funny how certain people get offended when their “favorites” are called out for having a bad game/week/series and they get called out on it, yet they have no problem calling out other dodger’s they’re going through a struggle…

    O wells, I can always move onto other site to get Dodgers info i’m looking for…it just goes to show you how certain people drive others away, and its unfortunate…

    thankfully when I go to dodger games I dont have to experience what i feel on here….i dont have to listen to the guy next to me or in the row front of me ranting about grady in the dugout the entire game and micro-managing his every move, booing if pierre, tomko or saenz or one of the “vets” come up to bat,or getting so excited like they just won the lotto if KEMP gets a hit, and that is the difference between people who post on the INTERNET and fans in real life in the stands.


    “Sorry to hear about Brett Butler___He was undoubterbly the best bunter there ever was, he was called a magician with the bat.”
    I have always liked BB … andI wish him the best!

    He was a GREAT bunter, but do any of you remember Vic Davillio, now that dude could drag bunt forever, with that leg kick he had too!


    More sad news, from Tony Jackson:

    Bill Robinson, the Dodgers’ roving minor league hitting coordinator for the past two seasons, passed away on Sunday at the age of 64. No details are known at this time, but I’m working on it. He was a really, really nice guy and a credit to the organization. He also had a major hand in the development of guys like James Loney and Matt Kemp, and he will be missed. It was only a few weeks ago that we were all speculating on whether he would be the guy to replace Eddie Murray as the big-league hitting coach when Murray inevitably got fired, which he did on June 14. The club went with Bill Mueller instead, and it turned out to be the right move as the offense instantly turned things around, but Robinson was the big-league hitting coach for two World Series-winning teams, the 1986 Mets and the 2003 Marlins. A sad day in the organization.


    Saw the the game last night at Coors (good stadium, good crowd) and saw a flat Dodger team go down. Except for Kent and Ethier, it was kinda…well.
    I agree with an earlier post. That was not a play off team I saw last night. The Blue one, anyway. Giving up those lead off walks followed by dingers before people had much of a chance to sit down was no help.

    The pitching, obviously, is a big problem right now. Can Colletti fix it with a trade? No, he cannot. He can help, by acquiring an arm or two, but it’s time for some of the more marginal pitchers to step up and earn their paycheck. It’s time for some professional pride to kick in and pitch the way that got them to the big leagues. That would fix a lot of problems. Giving up any of the Kids for pitching at this point would not be enough. Sure, some sort of deal could help, but the majority of the effort will have to come from the players we have now.

    KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    great kent is out now with a sprained hammy. the injury bug has bit the dodger quite hard this year. thanks stan conte.


    come on aug. 1st we are playing badly right now, but
    no time to panic. trust in the kids

    we can not trade

    c) martin 1b) loney 2b)abreu

    3b) la roche of) kemp.

    pitchers bills, broxton, kershaw, elbert,meloan, brent leach

    need to think about the future.

    ss ,is it hu, or dejesus, some say delesus will be a better hitter, almost as good a fielder as hu.

    should we trade ethier, and go with d. young or trade d. young(max trade power now, with his numbers

    pitchers lots of them, but you can never have enough

    what is the future for, greg miller, lhp,justin orenduff ,rhp

    kyle wilson, rhp james mcdonald, rhp,ramon troncosco

    rhp, wes wright, lhp.

    of the following, who has the brighter future blake de witt (l) or josh bell (b) at 3b

    preston mattingly (r) or travis denker at 2b. outfielders who will become major players? ryan rogowski ( have to root for) jamie hoffman, anthoney raglani, scott van slyke, xavier paul.

    many many more, not all will play in L.A.but what do we risk for a short term fix.

    come on aug, 1st


    Jeff Kent suffered a strained left hamstring for those who do not know, he’ll be examined tomorrow in L.A. So, we have no idea how severe the strain is, nor if it will force him to miss any time. It’s a very tough stretch of injuries to key contributors of this team. We cannot survive with Ramon Martinez as our second baseman, nor Betemit. Here’s a random idea that would never happen, but if Kent went down. Could we move Nomar to second and bring up LaRoche to play third?


    its not stan conte’s fault that kent decided to slide head first into first base. other things however, he appears to have a hand in.


    Thoughts and Prayers to Brett Butler. He was not only a good ballplayer, but a class act all around. I had the fortune to see him at Vero Beach and he was a gentleman to the fans. Made time to sign autographs and actually talked to you while he signed. Truly a class individual. We could use more like him, not only in sports but in the world.


    The problems I see with the Dodgers are that they look as laid back and sleepy as their manager. This team has no fire in it and it comes from the too laid back style of Little. Also Pierre is just terrible, he’s nothing more than a pinch runner at best. Everyone goes from first to third on base hits to him. He doesn’t charge the ball and couldn’t throw anyone out even if he did. He’s just a player who can’t even make up for his weak defense with his bat, and that constantly hurts this team. I almost wish we got Lofton back, I know he wasn’t the best defensively , but at least he could hit on occasion.


    You can thank Princess Drew for being stuck with Pierre. Ned panicked when Drew split and signed Pierre for too long and too much. He is mediocre at best. Lofton or Dave Roberts for one year would have been much better choices. Hope we go after Tori Hunter. Move Pierre to left or trade him if you can.


    Butler was a good, if not great player no matter what city he played in, but I remember him for his stints with the Dodgers.
    Hope he pulls thru with no complications.

    Remember how he got traded to Cleveland after the Dodgers acquired Honeycutt? That trade helped the Dodgers too.


    Ned would be smart to pay somebody to take Pierre off of our hands. Kemp and Eithier should play everyday and having JP screws that up. Also Tori Hunter would be a great signing.


    Here are Colletti’s major deals and quality rating as to whether the deal was worth the money expended/ committed:

    Furcal – NO

    Pierre – ****, NO

    Nomar – Possibly

    Wolf – Possibly

    Tomko – ****, NO, NO, NO

    Schmidt – NO

    Gonzo – Possibly

    I’m certainly open to hearing arguments or additions to the list where I may have overlooked something. To my thinking that’s a pretty terrible record. Wouldn’t want to give this man the responsibility for any more major trades.

    LOGAN WHITE IN ‘2008!!!


    Thus far I am not impressed with Ned and his player evaluation and moves. The one positive is that he has not traded away our young core talent. Loney, Martin, Kemp, Brox, Billz, Ethier, LaRoche, Abreu, and possibly Betemit will form a solid core for this team to build around.


    well folks the teixera sweepstakes is over. atlanta got him for salty, andrus and two double a pitchers i know nothing about…looks like atlanta is goin hard after the wild card….looks like our offseason plan b is still in effect, which is horrible because the man has had ample time to make a good deal, it just looks as if he is not capable of doing so. let me see first coletti wants nothing to do with the youngsters, now they are all untouchable? letting tomko bomb in the rotation out of spring training set us farther back then people realize. this man has made mediocre move after mediocre move and frankly think we are done if we stand pat. we have some in house solutions but we cant solve everything in house.


    your are correct messagebear. colleti has had no success whatsoever outside of signing saito and trading away horrible players that he never should have aquired in the first place. im really not a fan of this man. the way he interviews and just talks down to people is just so annoying. i for one cant wait to see coletti the giant go. im tired of all these ex giants coming here to be quite honest. i dont like it one bit.


    I don’t believe there is really anything out there for a reasonable price that will help the Dodgers right now. Loney is fine at 1st so the Texiera acquisition is a moot point. The team needs a top tier starter but there are none available. The next best thing would be help for the bullpen so we can lose Hernandez or Hull. Dotel is the best option available for a reasonable price. Its time for some of the guys we already have to step it up and earn their paychecks.


    I agree Graffiti,
    We need to lose all the Giant connections. Start with Ned and Conte. Bombko will be gone next year. I can’t believe with all the Dodger tradition and success, we could not come up with someone from the organization instead of all the Giant castoffs.


    i know jhall when you add it all up and with the way scoscia was treated it really is sad. so much tradition being carried along by minions from our rival. amazing.

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