Tonight's lineup

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF

Martin, C

Kent, 2B

Gonzo, LF

Nomar, 3B

Loney, 1B

Ethier, RF

Penny, P




    With the Padres losing, let’s know hudson around and gain a game!


    Looks like a solid lineup to me. 3 out of 4 against the braves would be sweet.

    Good to see Ethier in RF tonight. Kemp would look silly against Huddy and his sliders.


    ok this is brad’s chance to secure an all Dodgers starting battery in San Fran! Going to the game tonight, so hopefully I won’t be a bad luck charm like I usually am.


    I hope we can cah in JP when he gets a double, steals third with less than 2 outs tonight because I have a feeling it will be another close game. And I hope we can get Penny his 11th win before the break.



    im kinda sad cus my boss is offering free tickets to the game tonight and I wont be off in time. Anyways, this is looking like the normal line up. I wonder if Kemp sitting has anything to do with swinging at a first pitch with bases loaded and grounding into a double play. Little did mention that he hoped it was one of the last times it happened, maybe he’s just using Kemp as a little reminder. Let’s hope Penny can give the pen a rest tonight and get his first CG of the year, he’s got a long rest comin up.


    In that situation last night, if Kemp is going to swing at the first pitch, it has to be a pitch he can drive. It was like a 2 strike swing he had. Basically a rally killer!


    i love matt kemp, and he’s our big bat of the future, but what did ethier ever do to lose his starting job in right field? he’s our right fielder. he’s earned it.


    Ethier and Kemp are splitting time.

    As to why, it’s because Ethier has limited power, doesn’t hit for high average and has no speed.


    Yes he will!

    Ethier will be the starting LF next year with Kemp in right, but if either one is tradeable, I would think Ethier would be the more logical choice.

    Im still trying to figure out where in the **** a power hitter would fit in this lineup. Im thinking 3rd base!


    I would rather trade Ethier and sign Eric Byrnes to a reasonable contract to play LF.


    Let’s score some runs and win it. That’s my only concern. GO BLUE CREW YOU GOT ALL THE TOOLS _______DO IT.


    my comment about Kemp was somewhat sarcastic. I figured it had something to do with the matchup. I was thinking about Byrnes when I saw him playing last week about the d-backs, that would be one **** of an acquisition.


    Byrnes hates the Dodgers and their fans (he’s a gnat fan) but I agree I’d like to have him on our side. I wouldn’t be suprised if Arizona falls out of the race if he is traded. Arizona only seems to tolerate the 25 and under crowd on their team, lol.


    If you score runs you can win games. I hope the lineup will not have another of its “Oh noes! Runners in scoring position … must … resist … urge … to … get … a … hit” nights. We can do with a few driven in ( can’t we always? )

    Hope Penny can turn in another good one. He’s great.


    why don’t they suspend pitchers for 10 days or something?? it makes a lot more sense, Chris Young is only getting suspended for 4 games!! that’s nothing he ain’t even gonna miss a start, anyways hopefully we beat Hudson he can be tough @ times.


    I just checked back I had read it but I forgot. He’ll be out at least until Thursday.


    Dodgers are reaching the half way point of the season and they are in the same position as last year. Dodgers are thin on starting pitching. Dodgers lost to the Mets in the playoffs last year because we did not have solid pitching to compete. We may make the playoffs as the wild card team, but will be done in the first round. We do not have a third good pitcher. Billingsley may be that pitcher, but he is still an unproven consistent starter.

    In spring training we had eight pitchers that could start and now we are down to three. The two valid rotation starters are Penny and Lowe. Billingsley has had one good start since moving from the bullpen and might be considered the third starter. The other five pitchers, Wolf, Kuo, Schmidt, Tomko and Hendrickson are finished for the year with injuries or are just plain unreliable. Yes, Hendrickson pitched well on Wednesday, but in two years with the Dodgers he has not been reliable. He was wobbly last year, started good this year, went sour, sent to the bullpen and now is back starting. If you are going to be a starter, you need to pitch 6-7 innings every time you start and you need to give up no more then three runs. Hendrickson is not there and I believe Billingsley can do this.

    So where do the Dodgers go from here. They lack power in the offense and they are short in the pitching area. I think if we trade for starting pitching, we might sacrifice the future in power hitting (Ethier, Kemp, and Loney). And I believe the same can be said for trading for power bat, we might sacrifice the future in power hitting (Ethier, Kemp, and Loney). Unfortunately, this might be a building year. Let Billingsley, Houlton and Stults develop their pitching skills. Abreu, Ethier, Kemp, and Loney need to develop their hitting and fielding skills. González may need to sit more for Ethier and Kemp to play or give Pierre more days off. But I do not want to see another Paul Konerko scenario again.


    pierresestmeetswest hopefully his heart palpitations weren’t Anxiety driven cause those can be extremely scary, I really hope he’s doing o.k.


    i loike seeing ethier as well…though it will be great to see them both next year assuming gonzo goes to AL to be put to the DH pasture


    Ethier in there today sounds fair but Betemit instead of Nomar would have also bin fair.


    With two lefites in the Florida series coming up. Kemp will certainly start at least two of the final three games before the break.

    So, it is Ethier time tonight.

    I would like to see Pierre get a game off every six or seven games in favor of Kemp in CF, Gonzo in LF and Ethier in RF.


    The Dodgers have at least 3m starting pitchers that are excellent–Penny, Lowe, and Billingsley. Sltaufer, you seem to discount the fact that Billingsley was a starter for about half the season last year, and was very good. If Wolf turns out to be OK, then we have Hendrickson, Stults, Houlton (and, if he is OK, Kuo) as possible fifth starters. San Diego probably has a better rotation right now (though it is still unclear if this is Young’s breakthrough year, or if he’s due to get pounded). But Maddux and Wells are old guys, and hitters are batting .302 against Wells, and Germano is still far less tested than Bills. Other than that, the Padres, the Dodgers have the best rotation in the league. The Mets are good 1-3 (and 4, if Pedro comes back), the D-Backs are questionable after the third starter, and it’s not really worth talking about anyone else. Admittedly, the Padres pose a special and obvious problem, and I would love for us to pick up a Mark Buehrle, but our pitching is envied by at least 25 major league teams. And Buehrle is not worth, Kemp, Loney, or Broxton (or maybe even all of them (and Martin is not even negotiable, and Billingsley won’t even come up since we need pitching). We might lose Ethier, though I hope not to, since he will be the starting left fielder.

    As to Kemp not being out there tonight, let’s face it, Ethier is still a good ballplayer and Kemp is still raw, so Ethier will keep getting time until Kemp just absolutely runs away with it. That GIDP does not help, but there is little doubt that he is the superstar of the future. But he’s not quite there yet (he might be by October).


    Nomar has a star name and a big contract, which means Grady Small will continue to play him regardless of how terrible Nomar is…


    people bashing Kemp for last night are really making me laugh.

    as for Sanez batting over Pierre i can see where Grady was going. He wanted the home run and to be honest Pierre was 3-4 so you know he was due for an out. I just wish we had Marlon Anderson still.


    Dude, his 6th inning at bat was a joke. Does grounding into a DP on the first pitch make u laugh? I wasn’t laughing. It was a horse SH1T swing for a first pitch.


    you bat for someone that is 3-4 because they’re due for an out? You have your best hitter on deck you should be trying to rally, when was the last time Saenz hit a bomb?


    scurtis1999 you are really a class act. with all your pornographic and sexual referances, you are becoming somewhat pointless on this blog. first jose limas wife then a stupid comment about chuck james sounding like a **** stars name. once and for all younger folks might be reading this blog, so save that for your friends alright. on top of that all the kemp bashing from last nights game is just typical. nomar garciaparra can do that half the year in the three hole and now its a problem for a guy with kemps ability and approach who has yielded results ever since he put on this uniform? that kind of blind faith outlook really makes me loathe grady little. his stupid comments after last nights game are just really hard to defend. had kent or gonzo or pierre done that it he would have said something about being aggressive at the plate or some bs.


    If you know anything about baseball, you know that your first swing is your best swing and you are looking for a pitch to drive. Yeah Nomar, Kent or anyone can do that too, but Kemp did it last night and he knows he made a mistake. You just got to learn you lesson and next time adjust.


    graff, i dont give a **** what you think. so just ignore me. i get along with everyone else here and have a good chat. if you don’t like what i say, then don’t respond. i don’t have a problem with you.


    Its because Nomar, Kent and Gonzo are veterans and they can adjust to mistakes and move on. Any young hitter gets to thinking to much and tries to do too much. Grady just had to let him hear it a little!


    A little food for thought….
    1.) So Kemp had a bad at bat, yes, it came at a bad time but we are talking about a game where success at the plate 30% of the time is good. He’s a kid and he’s going to do things like that. Breath deep and enjoy the game tonight, he’ll be back tomorrow.

    2.) Rotation depth is not as important during the post-season because of the travel days. If you have three studs you are in good shape, as long as you have a bullpen. The Braves would have six rings if they had bullpen depth back in the day. We got in to trouble last year because we had lots of righties and our one lefty out of the pen messed up his hand. Our staff is in MUCH better shape this year and let’s all pray that Wolf will be OK.

    3.) In 2004 we took over 1st place July 8th and never lost it, we may be on pace to do the same this year. Lots of ball left, think positive.

    4.) If you live in LA and get to see the Dodgers on a regular basis, never take it for granted. Lots of us live in the east and have very few chances to see games in person. Have a Dodger Dog for me once and a while.

    5.) Be cool on the blog, don’t use profanity because you can’t come up with anything more clever. The Dodgers are classy, try to reflect that on this blog.

    Let’s beat the Braves. GO BLUE!!!


    put all that into one post scurtis. for kemp to have to apologize for that last night is absurd. i dont care how you get along with other bloggers here, whom didnt call it out, so maybe its no biggie, just not my thing. i read it disagreed with it and posted my sentiments. this is a los angeles dodgers baseball blog. not scurtis1999’s favorite place to make tasteless unfunny sexual jokes. just my two cents…


    I need Bonds to hurry up and get within one of tying or breaking the record so I can sell these Cubs tickets I have for the 17th.


    Good win by the Marlins today over Peavy. That was huge!

    Hitting Huddy will be tough tonight but I have a good feeling about this one. Penny will be tough. I can’t believe he’s been this dominant with his fastball, curve and splitter this season. Hope he doesn’t have his 2nd half swoon!


    leamans i was not aware that word was banned , maybe that says something to the view of that topic i suggested. i dont use profane language for the lack of a clever thought as you suggest, i actually thought i proved my point quite well. way to elaborate on your last point because i dont believe you read my post.


    Thanks old fogey, I was, indeed, talking about the post by scurtis at 6:19. Let’s all cool off and enjoy the game. Yes graffiti, I did read your post, wasn’t referring to you.

    GO BLUE!!!


    he didnt use any profanity i saw. i thought he was referring to my post where the word was censored. and scurtis im not a dude, and i actually am kind of close to being an angel as well. your throwing rocks tonight!! for all the big lebowski fans here.


    graffitigenius, apparently you’re enough of a lady not to see the profanity in that post of his! Good for you.


    Good start by the big Oklahoma boy! BOOMER SOONER!

    Posted by: | July 5, 2007 07:15 PM

    Yup, I didn’t see any either!

    Come on Brad, sit Chipper down! I love Chipper though, I wish he was on the dodgers.


    Loney pretty much as bad as Kemp there, eh?

    Patience, fellows! Patience. You don’t have to be the grand slam hero. You can be the walk hero or the single hero or the sac fly hero, too.

    Le sigh.


    Way to help your own cause there, Penny 😛

    ( Whoops, meant Ethier, there )


    This is just terrible play by everybody. I hope this does not the sign that Penny is going to blow up in the second half ofd the season.


    We hit so many **** balls at people its unreal. Also, Kent’s defense is awful. He has had a chance at 4 or 5 balls, and has missed them all. It seems as if he is never in the right place to field the grounders either. Im not sure if that is his problem or the coaches though.


    Where are we Coors field 2002? or are we watching a commedy of errors? PENNY now has 6 RBI this year. Who cares we’re winning that’s all that counts.


    yeah Penny donesn’t have his best stuff tonight. But he’s keeping us in the game. Thats what Aces do.


    I’d like to know what the meeting at the mound was all about in the 1st inning, it’s gotta be related to this pitching performance tonight. We’re so spoiled by Penny this season.


    But, that’s enough from Penny, I want to know what’s wrong with Penny’s finger…


    What a see-saw game this is. Ayi-yi-yi-yi.

    Penny’s kept us in the game with his bat, not his pitching. And now it is all even. I guess the Braves’ offense is more likely to keep this pace than ours are but hey! Let’s go, Dodgers!


    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….so they play Pierre the other way and throw him offspeed stuff…brilliant.


    The fear of Andruw’s arm held PIERRE at 3rd. Com’on MARTIN don’t let us down just put some wood on the ball.


    Nice job, Stults. Now we need some more runs.
    This game is exhausting!!!


    This is why I wanted Furcal to bat 2nd because he probably would squeeze Pierre in. This is why Pierre should’ve had 10 to 15 more runs scored because of our 3rd 4nd and 5th place hitters.


    That was a good inning for STULTS mainly for the fact that he stopped the Braves scoring. He may bat this inning if we don’t have a scoring opportunity. Still trying to rest the Pen.


    Furcal would have more runs too if he got on base more. So would the rest of our lineup lol

    HA STULTS with a HIT!


    This is some of the worst defense I have seen in a long time. Let’s hope it all happens when we are batting!!!
    Come on JP!!!


    Yes if he lead off stop talking about it. Can Pierre get another triple or a double?


    He does get on base probably not as much but we can drive in him when he does get on base.


    Poor Pierre is probably going to get it from the Pierre non-preferrers, though other hitters ( Martin, Kent, Gonzo with Pierre on third and no outs ) certainly did worse in the clutch today!


    Can any of the stats guys tell me how we rank with the bases loaded? Is every team as futile as we have been?


    PIERRE should drag bunt or something in that situation what do you think?


    As we all know — It is way past time to start batting Pierre 1st in the order….

    Very frustrating that management can’t see it also…


    Yeah and the fact Pierre is 13 for his last 35 and has been pretty **** solid defensively. So, some of you are still looking at the Pierre of April, May and June. He’s greatly improved despite that fly out which we could have used from Martin or Kent in the 4th…


    well Pierre’s OBP is sub .320 still so…Like i;ve said before He’ll get his hits but he doesn’t walk enough to make him a great top of the order guy. Is that not understood?


    Interesting, we’re awful with the bases loaded, but we’re the best team in the National League with runners in scoring position.


    The good news is that we still have 3 more innings against a suspect Braves bullpen. Looks like the call up of Stults was a good move, you win with your 45 man roster.

    This game is excruciating.


    The Jones’ boys are killing us. Chipper’s HR and the reputation of Andruw’s arm. Showing how a good arm saves a lotta runs.


    This team is going no further then the NLDS. This is so frustrating.

    SD will beat the Braves 2 out of 3 too!


    The Dodgers just seem overmatched because of the Braves Power…
    The Dodgers need 3-4 hits to get a run – the Braves need one swing to get a run…


    I do have to say if somebody had said we’d score 6 runs tonight off of Hudson with Penny on the mound. About 95% of us would say we won.


    Yup, that’s pretty much where we’re overmatched. And with our B-plan pitchers filling the rotation in place of the injured plan A arms, we may end up being overmatched there, too.

    All that said, you have your ups and downs each season and you just gotta roll with them as best as you can.

    ( but please, better clutch hitting? Pretty please? )


    Wouldn’t it have been nice if KENT got the hit when PIERRE was on 3rd? It could have changed the complection of the game. Again hitting out. of synk.


    Ned has his work cut out for him in the off season. We need a power bat. Kent is not it. He is nothing more then a 6 or 7 hitter now. I wonder as a Dodger fan what it would be like to have somebody it 40-50 homers in a seeson. It has been awhile sind Beltre.


    Kent’s hard hit balls only reach to the track, at best, nowadays. He needs to make his current contract his last and get out before it gets too embarrassing. Spend time with his family, too – he has earned all the money he should need.

    I also wonder what it would feel like to be a fan of a team where somebody hits around 40 homers. Why, even 30 seems almost unthinkable.

    Well, win some and lose some, I guess. On days the Dodgers win and Vinny is on, I keep the game on exactly until he says “Good night, everybody!” and then I say “Good night, Vinny!” and turn the TV off. Guess I am not doing that tonight, eh?


    Oh well scored enough to win, must find out what was up with Penny’s hand. Bizarre game, had the chances again and blew them. But, it wasn’t like we didn’t score enough to win. Bad last two games indeed, despite the good first two.


    Dodgers love to swing never check to see what the pitchers got. 4 pitches ends it when you’re 2 runs behind. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS WE’RE STILL O_N_L_Y ONE GAME OUT. They’ll forget tonight and GO FISHING TOMORROW. GO GET ‘EM DODGERS.


    No Alex, you are wrong —-

    Good hitting teams with power can overcome average or bad pitching… It’s what they do…

    Didn’t you watch the game tonite??? The Braves did exactly what I am talking about….


    So what happened Tuesday night? When we overcame bad pitching, it’s what they do you know…

    I’m not doing this I’m tired…


    we need to call up some bullpen guys. Whats the use of 12 pitchers when one of them is Bomkbo. He’s just a waste of space.


    just got back from the game…no one looked particulary bad at the plate…except for furcal. and we still scored six runs and left tons more on base. pitching was at the heart of this loss, although a clutch hit or two would have been nice. hopefully penny will heal and be ready to go for the second half.


    jspelk2: “pitching was at the heart of this loss”

    I respectfully disagree. Our pitchers pretty much matched their pitchers very closely. It was the 11 guys left on base (including Juan Pierre after a lead-off triple) and double plays by Ethier and Saenz, and leaving the bases loaded twice that was at the heart of this loss.

    I have to say that Russell Martin’s at bats looked horrible last night.

    On the bright side, Juan Pierre looked great last night (and actually has for the past several nights), both offensively and defensively.

    I hate to lose games that we should have won, especially when San Diego also loses.

    I am looking forward to Billingsley and the Dodgers derailing the D-Train tonight.



    I am getting tired of potential rallies being killed by pinch hitting Saenz in critical situations. Look at the batting average, and you can easily predict that another opportunity is being wasted. He has pretty much ballooned in the wrong respect – meaning his body rather than his batting prowess. I would much rather depend on Abreu or even Betemit in preference to Saenz. I think he is now “over the hill” and should no longer appear at the plate in critical potential rally situations.
    On another subject, it is high time for Furcal to be DL’d even if he doesn’t want that option. Everybody thinks that his ankle will get healed by August or September, but in the meantime he just is not batting or running like his old self. Ultimately what is the sense in having a 3 year $13 million per contract, if he’s going to be underperforming due to some injury for half of that time. It’s certainly not his fault that he got injured, but management needs to put its foot down and make him take the time off and then go through a couple of rehab games in order to get him back and performing at 100% – otherwise, he’s killing this team also.


    You are right on MESSAGEBEAR on both points….

    I don’t think Saenz should even be on this team… He is still there because of past heroics… But the past is the past – we need someone who can do it now… That is why I couldn’t understand losing Anderson…

    About Furcal, I’m hoping that the All-Star break might give him a chance to heal… Or at least get better…. If not, DLing him should be the option for all the reasons you mentioned…

    Now, About last nite….

    I hated the fact that Betemit didn’t start… Because of how well he has done against Atlanta this year he should have been in there.

    I hated the fact that Penny was left in the game to allow 2 more runs to be scored…. Atlanta pulled their pitcher when Pierre tripled…..

    I really hated the fact that we left a bunch of runners on base once again….It’s getting OLD already!!!

    I know this is all after-the-fact, but I felt the need to VENT…


    ok i still think pitching was the problem. when you score 6 runs and penny is pitching you expect to win. and the bullpen wasn’t shutdown either last night. but i also mentioned that a couple more clutch hits would have won the game and i believe that was a problme too. i agree about saenz…how many more times will grady send him out there before he realizes what we do?


    Saenz vs. LHP, THIS YEAR:
    .250 .483 .600

    He should never see a righthander again. The question is: how long will the Dodgers carry 12 pitchers and can they afford such a specialized player (PH against lefties, emergency 1B) ?


    The pen yesterday went 5 innings and gave up 2 runs, the two Chipper solo shots. That’s not bad and you can’t expect perfection every time.

    The good news is 14 hits – that will pay off far more often than not. The bad news was Penny only going 4 innings; lots of short starts lately – guess we need that 12-man pen.


    BTW – they changed the error last night, giving Furcal a throwing error instead of Loney a fielding error – seems right to me.


    btw, hate to scare anyone, but i was discussing wolf with a big Cards fan this morning, and he says ‘impingement’ is exactly what Mark Mulder had, and he was shortly under the knife and out for a year and counting. again, im not trying to scare anyone, but i don’t trust Conte to know how significant this injury is after the Schmidt mess. it could be minor or it could not be.


    I dont think we should blame our play last night on anythig really. We played a great game and came up out of it with the loss but all in all we battled all night and which gave us a chance to win it. Eric looked pretty good out there, except for the over the heart of the plate fastball that Jones just ripped (if he wants to stay in the Bigs he needs to learn who not to throw mistakes at!) and the tsao was pretty solid except again for the homer from Jones, but like i said all in all we played good enough to win but its baseball and sometimes that just doesn’t cut it…. I was glad to hear that Biemel and Wolf are semi-ok! Biemel should be able to pitch for us tonight if needed (hopefuly Chad comes and out shines the Train!) and Wolf should only be out for the mandatory 15 days…… The Furcal issue for me is simple, the guy needs to **** it up and go on the DL he is not helping this club much with is sub 60% ankle, If he breaks down during the home stretch of the season because his ankle just plain falls off then i will have to file my complaints straight to mangement (which i dont find myself doing by the way everytime something on this team goes wrong) only because to have a guy with his talent out there and not performing to his full potential is a waste of time and money for this club….. BOMBKO i have never seen someone just plain loose concentration like this, i would have Hendy suggest to him to go see his sports doctor!….. Let’s get out there and get a win against the d-train, he is not the same when he comes to LA so hopefully he continues his struggles as of late!

    Go DOGERS!


    jspelk2: A radiologist and a doctor would interpret the MRI and make a diagnosis, not Stan Conte. Gurnick quotes Wolf talking about it:

    “It went well,” Wolf said. “The first MRI on your shoulder is nerve-racking. This is definitely good news. The radiologist and Dr. Neal ElAttrache were surprised at how good the shoulder looked after nine years of pitching in the Major Leagues. You prepare yourself for the worst. It would have been naïve to think everything’s perfect.”

    Shoulder impingement results from the front edge of the shoulder blade rubbing against the rotator cuff, usually occurring after repeated overhead activities with the arm, causing swelling and tenderness.


    How about Furcal taking the last two against Florida off? That plus a four-day All-Star break for the Dodgers gives his ankle six straight days of rest, or 40% of a 15-day DL stay, going into the Giants series next weekend. I think the Dodgers can manage two games with Abreu at SS.


    Dodger management is not very smart, otherwise they would not have Tomko taking up a valuable roster spot. That and would put Furcal on the DL.


    Can you picture Ozzie Guillen as our manager. He is the kind of manager that doesn’t matter who you are, he would do whatever it takes to win.


    old_fogey_la: “BTW – they changed the error last night, giving Furcal a throwing error instead of Loney a fielding error – seems right to me.”

    You are absolute correct. I was furious that they game Loney that error when it was clearly a throwing error by Furcal. I did not realize that they had changed it, but doing so was absolutely the right call. Thanks for the update.



    Sorry – I should have proof-read before posting:

    absolutely not absolute (I must have Vodka on my mind)

    gave not game (I must have tonight’s game on my mind!).


    Watching this team leave men on base makes me think of vodka also. Game over takes on a whole new meaning when Tomko comes in to throw. Notice I didn’t say pitch. 🙂

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